#include <windows.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include "faxsvc.h"
#include "faxutil.h"
#define QUEUE_SEARCH L"*.fqe"
#define QUEUE_DIR L"Microsoft\\Windows NT\\MSFax\\queue"
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
WCHAR * JobTypeStrings[] = { L"Unknown", L"Send", L"Receive", L"Routing" };
WCHAR * JobScheduleStrings[] = { L"Now", L"Specific Time", L"Discount Period" };
int _cdecl wmain( INT Argc, WCHAR *Argv[] ) { HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; PJOB_QUEUE_FILE JobQueue = (PJOB_QUEUE_FILE) &Buffer[0]; HANDLE FileHandle; WCHAR QueueDir[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA,QueueDir)) { return FALSE; }
ConcatenatePaths(QueueDir,QUEUE_DIR); SetCurrentDirectory( QueueDir );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( QUEUE_SEARCH, &FindData );
if (FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { wprintf( L"Queue FileName %s\n", FindData.cFileName );
FileHandle = CreateFile( FindData.cFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );
if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD BytesRead; ReadFile( FileHandle, &Buffer[0], BUFFER_SIZE, &BytesRead, NULL );
if (BytesRead > 0) { wprintf (L"Unique Id %d\n", JobQueue->UniqueId ); wprintf (L"Job Type - %s\n", JobTypeStrings[JobQueue->JobType] ); wprintf (L"Tiff FileName %s\n", Buffer + (DWORD) JobQueue->FileName ); wprintf (L"Retries %d\n", JobQueue->SendRetries ); wprintf (L"Schedule Action - %s\n", JobScheduleStrings[JobQueue->ScheduleAction] );
if (JobQueue->ScheduleAction == JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME LocalFileTime;
WCHAR TimeBuffer[128];
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( (LPFILETIME) &JobQueue->ScheduleTime, &LocalFileTime );
FileTimeToSystemTime( &LocalFileTime, &SystemTime );
GetDateFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, TimeBuffer, sizeof(TimeBuffer) ); wprintf( L"Schedule Date - %s ", TimeBuffer ); GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, TimeBuffer, sizeof(TimeBuffer) ); wprintf( L"Schedule Time - %s\n", TimeBuffer ); wprintf( L"Schedule Quadword %I64x\n", JobQueue->ScheduleTime ); } } CloseHandle( FileHandle ); wprintf( L"\n\n" ); } } while ( FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindData ));
} return 1; }
#if 0
#define JSA_NOW 0
// job type defines
#define JT_UNKNOWN 0
#define JT_SEND 1
#define JT_RECEIVE 2
#define JT_ROUTING 3
// job status defines
#define JS_PENDING 0x00000000
#define JS_INPROGRESS 0x00000001
#define JS_DELETING 0x00000002
#define JS_FAILED 0x00000004
#define JS_PAUSED 0x00000008
#define JS_NOLINE 0x00000010
typedef struct _JOB_QUEUE_FILE { DWORD SizeOfStruct; // size of this structure
DWORDLONG UniqueId; //
DWORD JobType; // job type, see JT defines
LPTSTR FileName; //
LPTSTR QueueFileName; //
LPTSTR UserName; //
LPTSTR RecipientNumber; // recipient fax number
LPTSTR RecipientName; // recipient name
LPTSTR Tsid; // transmitter's id
LPTSTR SenderName; // sender name
LPTSTR SenderCompany; // sender company
LPTSTR SenderDept; // sender department
LPTSTR BillingCode; // billing code
LPTSTR DeliveryReportAddress; //
LPTSTR DocumentName; //
DWORD DeliveryReportType; //
DWORD ScheduleAction; // when to schedule the fax, see JSA defines
DWORDLONG ScheduleTime; // schedule time in 64bit version
BOOL BroadcastJob; // is this a broadcast fax job?
DWORDLONG BroadcastOwner; // unique id of the broadcast owner
DWORD SendRetries; // number of times send attempt has been made
DWORD FaxRouteSize; PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute; DWORD CountFaxRouteFiles; // count of files to be routed
DWORD FaxRouteFileGuid; // offset array of GUID's
DWORD FaxRouteFiles; // offset to a multi-sz of filenames
DWORD CountFailureInfo; // number of ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO structs that follow
ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO RouteFailureInfo[1]; // array of ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO structs