Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// fcnvw.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FaxApi.h"
#include "fcnselvw.h"
#include "fcninfvw.h"
#include "exelogvw.h"
#include "rvoutvw.h"
#include "paramvw.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern CFaxApiApp * pFaxApiBrowserApp;
// CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView, CFormView)
CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView() : CFormView(CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::~CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView() { }
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView)
// CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid(); }
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView message handlers
BOOL CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext) { BOOL fReturnValue;
fReturnValue = CFormView::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext);
if ( fReturnValue != (BOOL) FALSE ) { // Save the handle to this view in the CFaxApiApp object.
pFaxApiBrowserApp->StoreFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormViewHWND( m_hWnd );
int xItemIndex; int xNumApiFunctions;
// Get a pointer to the Fax Api Function list.
CString csFunctionName;
CListBox * pclbFaxApiFunctionList;
pclbFaxApiFunctionList = (CListBox *) ( (CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_LISTBOX_FAX_API_FUNCTIONS );
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pclbFaxApiFunctionList != (CListBox *) NULL ) { /* Empty the listbox. */
int xRV;
xNumApiFunctions = pFaxApiBrowserApp->GetNumberOfFaxApiFunctions();
if ( xNumApiFunctions > 0 ) { CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo;
for ( xItemIndex = 0; xItemIndex < xNumApiFunctions; xItemIndex++ ) { pcfafiFunctionInfo = pFaxApiBrowserApp->GetFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer( xItemIndex );
csFunctionName = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetFunctionName();
xRV = pclbFaxApiFunctionList->InsertString( xItemIndex, (LPCTSTR) csFunctionName );
if ( (xRV == LB_ERR) || (xRV == LB_ERRSPACE) ) { fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
break; // terminate the loop on error !
} } // end of for loop
/* Disable the "Execute API Function" button. A selection must be made */ /* before the Execute Fax API function button gets enabled. */
fReturnValue = (BOOL) TRUE; } else { fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE; } }
return ( fReturnValue ); }
* OnSelchangeListboxFaxApiFunctions * * Purpose: * This function handles the LBN_SELCHANGE messages from the * Fax API function listbox. * * Arguments: * None * * Returns: * None * */
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::OnSelchangeListboxFaxApiFunctions() { // Get a pointer to the Fax API Function Information object.
CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo;
pcfafiFunctionInfo = GetSelectedFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer();
// Is the pointer to the Fax API Function Info object valid ?
if ( pcfafiFunctionInfo != (CFaxApiFunctionInfo *) NULL ) { /*************************************/ /* Update the controls on this view. */ /*************************************/
// Get the name of the selected Fax API function.
CString csFaxApiFunctionName;
csFaxApiFunctionName = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetFunctionName();
// Update the text of the "execute" button. Start by getting a
// pointer to the button.
CWnd * pcwndExecuteButton;
pcwndExecuteButton = ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_EXECUTE_API_FUNCTION );
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcwndExecuteButton != (CWnd *) NULL ) { /* Enable the "Execute API Function" button. */
pcwndExecuteButton->EnableWindow( (BOOL) TRUE );
/* Update the text on the button face. */
CString csButtonFace;
// Note: this needs to be smart enough to determine whether the
// string created by the following statement will fit on
// the button face. Call GetTextMetrics
csButtonFace.Format( TEXT("Execute %s"), csFaxApiFunctionName );
pcwndExecuteButton->SetWindowText( csButtonFace ); }
// Update the Remarks edit control. Start by getting a pointer to
// the Remarks edit control.
CEdit * pceRemarksEditCtrl;
pceRemarksEditCtrl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)->GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_REMARKS );
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pceRemarksEditCtrl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { // Update the Remarks edit control.
CString csRemarks;
csRemarks = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetRemarks();
pceRemarksEditCtrl->SetWindowText( csRemarks ); }
/***************************/ /* Update the other views. */ /***************************/
// Update the CFunctionInfoFormView.
CFunctionInfoFormView * pcFunctionInfoFormView;
// Get a pointer to the CFunctionInfoFormView object.
pcFunctionInfoFormView = (CFunctionInfoFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp-> GetFunctionInfoFormViewPointer();
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcFunctionInfoFormView != (CFunctionInfoFormView *) NULL ) { // Update the Function Prototype edit control.
CString csFaxApiFunctionPrototype;
csFaxApiFunctionPrototype = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetFunctionPrototype();
pcFunctionInfoFormView-> UpdateFunctionPrototypeEditCtrl( (CString &) csFaxApiFunctionPrototype );
// Update the Return Value Description edit control.
CString csReturnValueDescription;
csReturnValueDescription = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetReturnValueDescription();
pcFunctionInfoFormView-> UpdateReturnValueDescriptionEditCtrl( (CString &) csReturnValueDescription ); }
// Update the CParameterInfoFormView.
CParameterInfoFormView * pcParameterInfoFormView;
// Get a pointer to the CParameterInfoFormView object.
pcParameterInfoFormView = (CParameterInfoFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp-> GetParameterInfoFormViewPointer();
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcParameterInfoFormView != (CParameterInfoFormView *) NULL ) { // Update the Parameter List.
pcParameterInfoFormView->UpdateParameterListbox( pcfafiFunctionInfo );
// Clear the remainder of the CParameterInfoFormView because
// unless the same Fax Api function has been reselected in the list,
// no parameter can be selected.
// Note: this does NOT clear the parameter list !
pcParameterInfoFormView->ClearParameterEditControlFamily(); }
// Clear the Return Value Output view because selection of a Fax API
// function in this view means that whatever is in the Return Value Output
// Form View is invalid.
CReturnValueOutputFormView * pcReturnValueOutputFormView;
// Get a pointer to the CReturnValueOutputFormView object.
pcReturnValueOutputFormView = (CReturnValueOutputFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp-> GetReturnValueOutputFormViewPointer();
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcReturnValueOutputFormView != (CReturnValueOutputFormView *) NULL ) { pcReturnValueOutputFormView->ClearReturnValueOutputEditCtrl(); } } else { /* Disable the "Execute API Function" button. */
DisableExecuteButton(); } }
* DisableExecuteButton * * Purpose: * This function disables the Execute Fax API function button. * * Arguments: * None * * Returns: * TRUE - indicates that the button was disabled succesfully. * FALSE - indicates that some error occured. * */
BOOL CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::DisableExecuteButton( void ) { BOOL fReturnValue;
// Get a pointer to the Execute Fax API function button.
CWnd * pcwndExecuteButton;
pcwndExecuteButton = ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_EXECUTE_API_FUNCTION );
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcwndExecuteButton != (CWnd *) NULL ) { /* Update the text on the button face. */
CString csButtonFace;
csButtonFace = (CString) TEXT("Execute Fax API Function");
pcwndExecuteButton->SetWindowText( csButtonFace );
/* Disable the "Execute API Function" button. */
pcwndExecuteButton->EnableWindow( (BOOL) FALSE );
fReturnValue = (BOOL) TRUE; } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
return ( fReturnValue ); }
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::OnDblclkListboxFaxApiFunctions() { ExecuteFaxApiFunction(); }
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::OnButtonExecuteApiFunction() { ExecuteFaxApiFunction(); }
BOOL CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::ExecuteFaxApiFunction( void ) { BOOL fReturnValue;
// Get a pointer to the seleted CFaxApiFunctionInfo object.
CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo;
pcfafiFunctionInfo = GetSelectedFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer();
// Is the pointer to the Fax API Function Info object valid ?
if ( pcfafiFunctionInfo != (CFaxApiFunctionInfo *) NULL ) { /* Update the Output Log view prior to executing the API function. */
// Get a pointer to the CExecutionLogFormView object.
CExecutionLogFormView * pcExecutionLogFormView;
pcExecutionLogFormView = (CExecutionLogFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp-> GetExecutionLogFormViewPointer();
// Is the pointer to the CExecutionLogFormView object valid ?
if ( pcExecutionLogFormView != (CExecutionLogFormView *) NULL ) { pcExecutionLogFormView->UpdateExecutionLogBeforeApiCall( pcfafiFunctionInfo );
/*******************************************/ /* EXECUTE THE SELECTED FAX API FUNCTION ! */ /*******************************************/
//#ifdef TEST
pcfafiFunctionInfo->Execute(); //#endif // TEST
/* Update the Return Value Output view. */
// Get a pointer to the CReturnValueOutputFormView object.
CReturnValueOutputFormView * pcReturnValueOutputFormView;
pcReturnValueOutputFormView = (CReturnValueOutputFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp-> GetReturnValueOutputFormViewPointer();
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcReturnValueOutputFormView != (CReturnValueOutputFormView *) NULL ) { CString csReturnValue; CString csText;
pcfafiFunctionInfo->FormatReturnValueForOutput( (CString &) csReturnValue );
csText.Format( TEXT("%s"), csReturnValue );
pcReturnValueOutputFormView-> UpdateReturnValueOutputEditCtrl( (CString &) csText );
/* Update the Output Log view with the results of having */ /* called the Fax API function. */
pcExecutionLogFormView-> UpdateExecutionLogAfterApiReturn( pcfafiFunctionInfo ); } else { // Couldn't get a pointer to the CReturnValueOutputFormView object.
fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE; } } else { // Couldn't get a pointer to the CExecutionLogFormView object.
fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE; } } else { // Couldn't get a pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object for the
// selected Fax API function.
fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE; }
return ( fReturnValue ); }
void CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate(); // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
* GetSelectedFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer * * Purpose: * This function returns a pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object * that corresponds to the Fax API function that is selected in the * Fax API function listbox. * * Arguments: * None * * Returns: * A pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object that corresponds to * the current selection in the Fax API function listbox. * * If no function is selected in the listbox or any other error * occurs, this function returns (CFaxApiFunctionInfo) NULL. * */
CFaxApiFunctionInfo * CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView::GetSelectedFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer() { CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo;
// Get a pointer to the Fax API function listbox.
CListBox * pclbFaxApiFunctionList;
pclbFaxApiFunctionList = (CListBox *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_LISTBOX_FAX_API_FUNCTIONS );
// Is the pointer to the listbox valid ?
if ( pclbFaxApiFunctionList != (CListBox *) NULL ) { int xItemIndex;
xItemIndex = pclbFaxApiFunctionList->GetCurSel();
/* Is the item index valid */
if ( xItemIndex != (int) LB_ERR ) { // Get a pointer to the Fax API Function Information object.
pcfafiFunctionInfo = pFaxApiBrowserApp->GetFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer( xItemIndex ); } else { pcfafiFunctionInfo = (CFaxApiFunctionInfo *) NULL; } } else { pcfafiFunctionInfo = (CFaxApiFunctionInfo *) NULL; }
return ( pcfafiFunctionInfo ); }