// paramvw.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FaxApi.h"
#include "paramvw.h"
#include "fcnselvw.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern CFaxApiApp * pFaxApiBrowserApp;
// CParameterInfoFormView
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CParameterInfoFormView, CFormView)
CParameterInfoFormView::CParameterInfoFormView() : CFormView(CParameterInfoFormView::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CParameterInfoFormView)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
CParameterInfoFormView::~CParameterInfoFormView() { }
void CParameterInfoFormView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CParameterInfoFormView)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CParameterInfoFormView, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CParameterInfoFormView)
// CParameterInfoFormView diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CParameterInfoFormView::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid(); }
void CParameterInfoFormView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CParameterInfoFormView message handlers
BOOL CParameterInfoFormView::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext) { BOOL fReturnValue; fReturnValue = CFormView::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext);
if ( fReturnValue != (BOOL) FALSE ) { // Save the handle to this view in the CFaxApiApp object.
pFaxApiBrowserApp->StoreParameterInfoFormViewHWND( m_hWnd ); }
return ( fReturnValue ); }
* OnSelchangeListboxParameters * * Purpose: * This function handles the LBN_SELCHANGE messages from the * Parameter listbox. * * Arguments: * None * * Returns: * None * */
void CParameterInfoFormView::OnSelchangeListboxParameters() { // Get a pointer to the Parameter listbox.
CListBox * pclbParameterList;
pclbParameterList = (CListBox *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_LISTBOX_PARAMETERS );
if ( pclbParameterList != (CListBox *) NULL ) { // What item is selected ?
int xParameterIndex;
xParameterIndex = pclbParameterList->GetCurSel();
/* Is the item index valid */
if ( xParameterIndex != (int) LB_ERR ) { // xParameterIndex tells us which parameter is selected, but at this
// point we don't know which Fax API function is selected.
// Get a pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormViewObject.
CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView * pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView;
pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView = (CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp->GetFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormViewPointer();
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView != (CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView *) NULL ) { // Get a pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object for the selected
// Fax API function.
CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo;
pcfafiFunctionInfo = pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView-> GetSelectedFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer();
// Is the pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object valid ?
if ( pcfafiFunctionInfo != (CFaxApiFunctionInfo *) NULL ) { /* Format the parameter value for output. */
CString csParameterValue;
pcfafiFunctionInfo->FormatParameterValueForOutput( xParameterIndex, (CString &) csParameterValue );
/* Update the Parameter Value edit control. */ CEdit * pceEditControl; pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAMETER_VALUE ); if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { pceEditControl->SetWindowText( csParameterValue ); }
/* Limit the amount of text the user may enter. */
SetLimitTextParameterValueEditControl( pcfafiFunctionInfo, xParameterIndex );
// Update the static text control that displays the parameter name.
CString csParameterName;
pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetParameterName( xParameterIndex, (CString &) csParameterName );
// Get a pointer to the static text control.
CWnd * pcwndStaticText;
pcwndStaticText = ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_PARAMETER_NAME );
if ( pcwndStaticText != (CWnd *) NULL ) { CString csParameterType;
csParameterType = pcfafiFunctionInfo-> GetParameterTypeString( xParameterIndex );
CString csText;
csText.Format( TEXT("%s %s"),csParameterType, csParameterName );
pcwndStaticText->SetWindowText( csText ); }
// Update the parameter upper limit edit control.
CString csEditControlString; // temporary junk
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAM_HI_LIMIT ); if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { csEditControlString.Format( TEXT("Upper limit for %s"), csParameterName ); pceEditControl->SetWindowText( csEditControlString ); } // Update the parameter lower limit edit control
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAM_LOW_LIMIT ); if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { csEditControlString.Format( TEXT("Lower limit for %s"), csParameterName ); pceEditControl->SetWindowText( csEditControlString ); } // Update the parameter description edit control.
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION ); if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { csEditControlString = pcfafiFunctionInfo-> GetParameterDescription( xParameterIndex ); pceEditControl->SetWindowText( csEditControlString ); } } } } } }
* ClearParameterEditControlFamily * * Purpose: * This function clears the family of edit controls that is * associated with the Fax API Function parameter list. * * Arguments: * None * * Returns: * TRUE - indicates success * FALSE - indicates failure * */
BOOL CParameterInfoFormView::ClearParameterEditControlFamily() { BOOL fReturnValue = (BOOL) TRUE;
/* Reset the parameter value edit control. */
CEdit * pceEditControl;
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAMETER_VALUE );
if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { /* Clear the parameter value edit control. */
pceEditControl->SetSel( 0, -1, (BOOL) TRUE ); pceEditControl->Clear(); } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
/* Clear the parameter range edit controls. */
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAM_HI_LIMIT );
if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { pceEditControl->SetReadOnly( (BOOL) FALSE );
pceEditControl->SetSel( 0, -1, (BOOL) TRUE ); pceEditControl->Clear();
pceEditControl->SetReadOnly( (BOOL) TRUE ); } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAM_LOW_LIMIT );
if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { pceEditControl->SetReadOnly( (BOOL) FALSE );
pceEditControl->SetSel( 0, -1, (BOOL) TRUE ); pceEditControl->Clear();
pceEditControl->SetReadOnly( (BOOL) TRUE ); } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
/* Clear the parameter meaning edit control. */
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION );
if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { pceEditControl->SetReadOnly( (BOOL) FALSE );
pceEditControl->SetSel( 0, -1, (BOOL) TRUE ); pceEditControl->Clear();
pceEditControl->SetReadOnly( (BOOL) TRUE ); } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
/* Clear the static text control. */
// Get a pointer to the static text control.
CWnd * pcwndStaticText;
pcwndStaticText = ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_PARAMETER_NAME );
if ( pcwndStaticText != (CWnd *) NULL ) { pcwndStaticText->SetWindowText( TEXT("") ); } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
return ( fReturnValue ); }
* UpdateParameterListbox * * Purpose: * This function fills the parameter listbox with the names of the * parameters for the selected Fax Api function. * * Arguments: * pcfafiFunctionInfo - points to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object for * the selected Fax API function. * * Returns: * TRUE - indicates that the listbox was updated successfully. * FALSE - indicates that some error occured. * */
BOOL CParameterInfoFormView::UpdateParameterListbox( CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo ) { BOOL fReturnValue;
CListBox * pclbParameterList;
/* Get a pointer to the Parameter listbox. */
pclbParameterList = (CListBox *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_LISTBOX_PARAMETERS );
/* Is the pointer valid ? */
if ( pclbParameterList != (CListBox *) NULL ) { /* Empty the listbox. */
/* Add entries to the parameter listbox. */
int xNumberOfParameters;
xNumberOfParameters = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetNumberOfParameters();
CString csEntry;
int xParameterIndex;
for ( xParameterIndex = 0; xParameterIndex < xNumberOfParameters; xParameterIndex++) { pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetParameterName( xParameterIndex, (CString &) csEntry );
if ( csEntry.IsEmpty() == (BOOL) FALSE ) { pclbParameterList->InsertString( xParameterIndex, (LPCTSTR) csEntry ); } }
fReturnValue = (BOOL) TRUE; } else fReturnValue = (BOOL) FALSE;
return ( fReturnValue ); }
* SetLimitTextParameterValueEditControl * * Purpose: * This function limits the amount of text that can be entered * into the parameter value edit control. * * Arguments: * pcfafiFunctionInfo - points to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object for * function selected in the function list. * xParameterIndex = the index into the CFaxApiFunctionParameterInfo * object array member of the CFaxApiFunction object for * the function selected in the function list to the * CFaxApiFunctionParameterInfo object for the parameter * selected in the parameter list. * * Returns: * None * */
void CParameterInfoFormView::SetLimitTextParameterValueEditControl( CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo, int xParameterIndex ) { int xParameterValueEditControlTextLimit;
xParameterValueEditControlTextLimit = pcfafiFunctionInfo->GetMaxParamValueStringLength( xParameterIndex );
CEdit * pceEditControl;
/* Set the text limit. */
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)->GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAMETER_VALUE );
if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { pceEditControl->SetLimitText( xParameterValueEditControlTextLimit ); } }
* OnKillfocusEditParameterValue * * Purpose: * This function processes the EN_KILLFOCUS messages from the * parameter value edit control. It reads the content of the * edit control and stores it in the memory allocated by the * CFaxApiFunctionInfo object for parameter values. * * Arguments: * None * * Returns: * None * */
void CParameterInfoFormView::OnKillfocusEditParameterValue() { CEdit * pceEditControl;
// Get a pointer to the Parameter Value edit control.
pceEditControl = (CEdit *) ((CDialog *) this)-> GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_PARAMETER_VALUE );
// Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pceEditControl != (CEdit *) NULL ) { /* Read the parameter value edit control. */
CString csParameterValue;
pceEditControl->GetWindowText( (CString &) csParameterValue );
/* Get the index into the parameter list. */
CListBox * pclbParameterList;
pclbParameterList = (CListBox *) GetDlgItem( IDC_LISTBOX_PARAMETERS );
/* Is the pointer valid ? */
if ( pclbParameterList != (CListBox *) NULL ) { int xParameterIndex;
xParameterIndex = pclbParameterList->GetCurSel();
/* Is the index valid ? */
if ( xParameterIndex != (int) LB_ERR ) { // xParameterIndex tells us which parameter is selected, but at this
// point we don't know which Fax API function is selected.
// Get a pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormViewObject.
CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView * pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView; pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView = (CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView *) pFaxApiBrowserApp->GetFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormViewPointer(); // Is the pointer valid ?
if ( pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView != (CFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView *) NULL ) { // Get a pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object for the selected
// Fax API function.
CFaxApiFunctionInfo * pcfafiFunctionInfo; pcfafiFunctionInfo = pcFaxApiFunctionSelectionFormView-> GetSelectedFaxApiFunctionInfoPointer(); // Is the pointer to the CFaxApiFunctionInfo object valid ?
if ( pcfafiFunctionInfo != (CFaxApiFunctionInfo *) NULL ) { /* Store the new parameter value. */
pcfafiFunctionInfo->StoreParameterValue( xParameterIndex, (const CString &) csParameterValue ); } } } } } }