Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
sample routing extension. Sets an event when a fax is received, writes routing data into a log file. --*/
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <faxroute.h>
#include <winfax.h>
// macros
#define ValidString( String ) ((String) ? (String) : L"" )
#ifdef DBG
#define MYDEBUG( parm ) DebugPrint parm
#define MYDEBUG( parm )
// constants
#define ROUTEITGUID L"{5797dee0-e738-11d0-83c0-00c04fb6e984}"
#define FAXSIREN L"FaxSirenEvent"
#define LOGNAME L"%temp%\\ReceiveLog.txt"
#define ININAME L"%temp%\\FaxRoute.ini"
#define SIRENDIR L"FaxSirenFolder"
#define EXTENSIONNAME L"FaxSiren Routing Extension"
#define EXTENSIONPATH L"%systemroot%\\system32\\faxsiren.dll"
// forward declarations
BOOL WriteRoutingInfoIntoIniFile( LPWSTR TiffFileName, PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute );
BOOL AppendFileNametoLogFile( LPWSTR TiffFileName, PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute );
void DebugPrint( LPWSTR, ... );
BOOL WINAPI ExtensionCallback( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN LPVOID Context, IN OUT LPWSTR MethodName, IN OUT LPWSTR FriendlyName, IN OUT LPWSTR FunctionName, IN OUT LPWSTR Guid );
// globals
extern "C" DWORD DllEntry( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD Reason, LPVOID Context )
Routine Description:
dll entrypoint
hInstance - Module handle Reason - Reason for being called Context - Register context
Return Value:
TRUE for success, otherwise FALSE.
{ switch (Reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: MyhInstance = hInstance; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
// cleanup
if (hReceiveEvent) CloseHandle(hReceiveEvent); break; }
return TRUE; }
STDAPI DllRegisterServer( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Function for the in-process server to create its registry entries
Return Value:
S_OK on success Notes: We leverage the DllRegisterServer entrypoint as an easy way to configure our routing extension for use on the system. Note that the extension doesn't have any COM code in it per se, but this makes installation much simpler since the setup code doesn't have to use custom code to setup the routing extension.
--*/ { HRESULT RetCode; HMODULE hWinFax; PFAXREGISTERROUTINGEXTENSION pFaxRegisterRoutingExtension; PFAXCONNECTFAXSERVER pFaxConnectFaxServer; PFAXCLOSE pFaxClose; HANDLE hFax; DWORD ExtensionCount = 0; //
// we assume that the routing extension has already been installed into the
// proper location by the setup code.
hWinFax = LoadLibrary( L"winfax.dll" ); if (!hWinFax) { MYDEBUG(( L"LoadLibrary failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); RetCode = E_UNEXPECTED; goto e0; }
pFaxRegisterRoutingExtension = (PFAXREGISTERROUTINGEXTENSION) GetProcAddress( hWinFax, "FaxRegisterRoutingExtensionW" ); pFaxConnectFaxServer = (PFAXCONNECTFAXSERVER) GetProcAddress( hWinFax, "FaxConnectFaxServerW" ); pFaxClose = (PFAXCLOSE) GetProcAddress( hWinFax, "FaxClose" );
if (!pFaxRegisterRoutingExtension || !pFaxConnectFaxServer || !pFaxClose) { MYDEBUG(( L"GetProcAddress failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); RetCode = E_UNEXPECTED; goto e1; }
if (!pFaxConnectFaxServer( NULL, &hFax )) { MYDEBUG(( L"FaxConnectFaxServer failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); RetCode = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto e1; }
if (!pFaxRegisterRoutingExtension( hFax, EXTENSIONNAME, EXTENSIONFRIENDLYNAME, EXTENSIONPATH, ExtensionCallback, (LPVOID) &ExtensionCount )) { MYDEBUG(( L"FaxRegisterRoutingExtension failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); RetCode = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto e2; }
RetCode = S_OK;
e2: pFaxClose( hFax ); e1: FreeLibrary( hWinFax ); e0: return RetCode; }
BOOL WINAPI ExtensionCallback( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN LPVOID Context, IN OUT LPWSTR MethodName, IN OUT LPWSTR FriendlyName, IN OUT LPWSTR FunctionName, IN OUT LPWSTR Guid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback function for adding our routing extensions
Return Value:
TRUE if we added another extension, FALSE if we're done adding extensions --*/ { PDWORD ExtensionCount = (PDWORD) Context;
// since we only have one extension, this is a really simple function
// --we don't really need the context data above, it's just here to
// illustrate what you might use the context data for.
if (ExtensionCount) { MYDEBUG(( L"ExtensionCallback called for extension %d\n", *ExtensionCount )); } else { MYDEBUG(( L"context data is NULL, can't continue\n", *ExtensionCount )); return FALSE; }
if (*ExtensionCount != 0) { //
// we've added all of our methods, return FALSE to signify that we're done
return FALSE; } wcscpy(MethodName, FAXSIRENMETHOD ); wcscpy(FriendlyName, FAXSIRENFRIENDLYNAME ); wcscpy(FunctionName, FAXSIRENFUNCTION ); wcscpy(Guid, ROUTEITGUID );
*ExtensionCount += 1;
return TRUE;
// required exports
BOOL WINAPI FaxRouteInitialize( IN HANDLE HeapHandle, IN PFAX_ROUTE_CALLBACKROUTINES FaxRouteCallbackRoutines ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions is called by the fax service to initialize the routing extension. This function should only be called once per instantiation of the fax service
HeapHandle - Heap handle for memory all allocations FaxRouteCallbackRoutines - structure containing callback functions
Return Value:
TRUE for success, otherwise FALSE.
// make sure we can understand the structure
if ( FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->SizeOfStruct < sizeof(FAX_ROUTE_CALLBACKROUTINES) ) { MYDEBUG ((L"The passed in SizeOfStruct (%d) is smaller than expected (%d) ", FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->SizeOfStruct, sizeof(FAX_ROUTE_CALLBACKROUTINES) )); return FALSE; }
hHeap = HeapHandle; FaxRouteAddFile = FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->FaxRouteAddFile; FaxRouteDeleteFile = FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->FaxRouteDeleteFile; FaxRouteGetFile = FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->FaxRouteGetFile; FaxRouteEnumFiles = FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->FaxRouteEnumFiles; FaxRouteModifyRoutingData = FaxRouteCallbackRoutines->FaxRouteModifyRoutingData; InitializeCriticalSection( &csRoute );
// create a named event
// note that we need to create a security descriptor with a NULL DACL (all access) because we want the named
// event to be opened by programs that might not be running in same context as the fax service
if ( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) ) { MYDEBUG(( L"InitializeSecurityDecriptor failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE) ) { MYDEBUG(( L"SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; hReceiveEvent = CreateEvent(&sa,FALSE,FALSE,FAXSIREN);
if (!hReceiveEvent) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MYDEBUG (( L"CreateEvent failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; } }
// get path to files for logging, etc.
dwNeeded = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ININAME,IniFile,0); IniFile = (LPWSTR) HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,(dwNeeded)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!IniFile) { MYDEBUG((L"HeapAlloc failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; } DWORD dwSuccess = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ININAME,IniFile,dwNeeded);
if (dwSuccess == 0) { return FALSE; }
dwNeeded = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(LOGNAME,LogFile,0); LogFile = (LPWSTR) HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(WCHAR)*(dwNeeded)); if (!LogFile) { MYDEBUG(( L"HeapAlloc failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; } dwSuccess = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(LOGNAME,LogFile,dwNeeded);
if (dwSuccess == 0) { return FALSE; }
MYDEBUG (( L"Logfile : %s\n", LogFile )); MYDEBUG (( L"Inifile : %s\n", IniFile )); return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FaxRouteGetRoutingInfo( IN LPWSTR RoutingGuid, IN DWORD DeviceId, IN LPBYTE RoutingInfo, OUT LPDWORD RoutingInfoSize )
Routine Description:
This functions is called by the fax service to get routing configuration data.
RoutingGuid - Unique identifier for the requested routing method DeviceId - Device that is being configured RoutingInfo - Routing info buffer RoutingInfoSize - Size of the buffer (in bytes)
Return Value:
TRUE for success, otherwise FALSE.
{ //
// the sample doesn't have any per device routing data, so this function is
// just stubbed out -- if you have per device routing data, it would be
// retrieved here.
if (RoutingInfoSize) { *RoutingInfoSize = 0; } return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxRouteSetRoutingInfo( IN LPWSTR RoutingGuid, IN DWORD DeviceId, IN LPBYTE RoutingInfo, IN DWORD RoutingInfoSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions is called by the fax service to set routing configuration data.
RoutingGuid - Unique identifier for the requested routing method DeviceId - Device that is being configured RoutingInfo - Routing info buffer RoutingInfoSize - Size of the buffer (in bytes)
Return Value:
TRUE for success, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { //
// the sample doesn't have any per device routing data, so this function is
// just stubbed out -- if you have per device routing data, it would be
// commited to storage here.
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxRouteDeviceEnable( IN LPWSTR RoutingGuid, IN DWORD DeviceId, IN LONG Enabled ) /*++
Routine Description:
This functions is called by the fax service to determine if a routing extension is enabled or to enable a routing extension
RoutingGuid - Unique identifier for the requested routing method DeviceId - Device that is being configured Enabled - meaning differs based on context (see FAXROUTE_ENABLE enumerated type)
Return Value:
depends on context.
--*/ { //
// -note that we make the assumption that there are never more than 4 devices in this sample
// -also note that this isn't thread safe
// -a real routing extension wouldn't make these assumptions, and would probably have some
// persistent store which kept track of the enabled state of an extension per-routing method
static long MyEnabled[4] = {STATUS_ENABLE,STATUS_ENABLE,STATUS_ENABLE,STATUS_ENABLE}; static DWORD DeviceIdIndex[4] = {0,0,0,0}; DWORD count;
// make sure that we're dealing with our routing method
if (wcscmp(RoutingGuid,ROUTEITGUID) != 0) { MYDEBUG (( L"Passed a GUID (%s) for a method not in this extension!\n", RoutingGuid )); return FALSE; } for (count = 0 ; count <4; count ++) { if (DeviceIdIndex[count] == DeviceId) { break; } else if (DeviceIdIndex[count] == 0) { DeviceIdIndex[count] = DeviceId; } }
if (Enabled == QUERY_STATUS) { return MyEnabled[count]; }
MYDEBUG (( L"Setting enabled state to %s\n", (Enabled == STATUS_DISABLE) ? L"STATUS_DISABLE" : L"STATUS_ENABLE" ));
MyEnabled[count] = Enabled;
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxRouteDeviceChangeNotification( IN DWORD DeviceId, IN BOOL NewDevice )
Routine Description:
This functions is called by the fax service to alert the routing extension that a device has changed
DeviceId - Device that has changed NewDevice - TRUE means device was added, FALSE means a device was removed
Return Value:
TRUE for success
--*/ { //
// We don't have any per device routing data, so this is just stubbed out
return TRUE; }
// routing method(s)
BOOL WINAPI RouteIt( PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute, PVOID *FailureData, LPDWORD FailureDataSize )
Routine Description:
This functions is called by the fax service to route a received fax.
FaxRoute - Routing information FailureData - Failure data buffer FailureDataSize - Size of failure data buffer
Return Value:
TRUE for success, otherwise FALSE.
{ WCHAR TiffFileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR Dir[MAX_PATH],Drive[10],File[MAX_PATH],Ext[10]; WCHAR CopyOfTiff[MAX_PATH]; DWORD Size = sizeof(TiffFileName);
// serialize access to this function so that data is written into the logfile accurately
EnterCriticalSection( &csRoute ); if (!FaxRouteGetFile( FaxRoute->JobId, 0, TiffFileName, &Size)) { MYDEBUG(( L"Couldn't FaxRouteGetFile, ec = %d", GetLastError() )); LeaveCriticalSection( &csRoute ); return FALSE; }
MYDEBUG ((L"Received fax %s\n\tCSID :%s\n\t Name : %s\n\t #: %s\n\tDevice: %s\n", TiffFileName, ValidString ( FaxRoute->Csid ), ValidString ( FaxRoute->ReceiverName), ValidString ( FaxRoute->ReceiverNumber), ValidString ( FaxRoute->DeviceName ) )); _wsplitpath(TiffFileName, Drive, Dir, File, Ext ); wsprintf(CopyOfTiff,L"%s\\%s\\%s%s",Drive,SIRENDIR,File,Ext);
// copy the tiff so it persists after this routine exits
// write some logging data
WriteRoutingInfoIntoIniFile(CopyOfTiff,FaxRoute); AppendFileNametoLogFile(TiffFileName, FaxRoute);
// signal event -- another application could use this named event to do something
// with the file that was just copied into this directory
// (note that the INI file isn't thread-safe accross applications, we could have the routing data overwritten by
// another fax being received)
// service needs to be able to interact with the current desktop for this to work
LeaveCriticalSection( &csRoute );
return TRUE; }
// utility fcn's
BOOL WriteRoutingInfoIntoIniFile(LPWSTR TiffFileName,PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute) { WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH*2];
// write each routing info member into ini file
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (TiffFileName) ); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"FileName",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%u",FaxRoute->JobId); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"JobId",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%u",FaxRoute->ElapsedTime); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"ElapsedTime",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%u",FaxRoute->ReceiveTime); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"ReceiveTime",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
); //pagecount
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%u",FaxRoute->PageCount); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"PageCount",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (FaxRoute->Csid )); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"Csid",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (FaxRoute->CallerId )); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"CallerId",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (FaxRoute->RoutingInfo )); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (FaxRoute->ReceiverName )); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"ReceiverName",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (FaxRoute->ReceiverNumber )); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"ReceiverNumber",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s",ValidString (FaxRoute->DeviceName )); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"DeviceName",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
ZeroMemory(Buffer,MAX_PATH*2); wsprintf(Buffer, L"%u",FaxRoute->DeviceId ); WritePrivateProfileString( L"RoutingInfo",// pointer to section name
L"DeviceId",// pointer to key name
Buffer, // pointer to string to add
IniFile // pointer to initialization filename
return TRUE; }
BOOL AppendFileNametoLogFile (LPWSTR TiffFileName,PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDateTime[104]; WCHAR lpDate[50]; WCHAR lpTime[50];
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MYDEBUG (( L"CreateFile failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
if ( !GetDateFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, // use system date
NULL, // use locale format
lpDate, sizeof(lpDate) ) ) { MYDEBUG(( L"GetDateFormat failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
if ( !GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, TIME_NOSECONDS, NULL, // use system time
NULL, // use locale format
lpTime, sizeof(lpTime) ) ) { MYDEBUG(( L"GetTimeFormat failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
wsprintf( szDateTime, TEXT("%-8s %-8s"), lpDate, lpTime);
wsprintf(Buffer, L"%s :Received %s\r\n",ValidString(szDateTime),ValidString(TiffFileName));
if (!WriteFile(hFile,Buffer,lstrlen(Buffer)*sizeof(WCHAR),&dwWrote,NULL)) { MYDEBUG (( L"WriteFile() failed, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() )); CloseHandle(hFile); return FALSE; }
CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; }
void DebugPrint( LPTSTR Format, ... )
Routine Description:
Prints a debug string
format - wsprintf() format string ... - Variable data
Return Value:
{ TCHAR Buffer[1024]; TCHAR AppName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR ShortName[MAX_PATH]; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; int len=0;
va_list marker;
ZeroMemory(AppName,MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(ShortName,MAX_PATH);
if ( GetModuleFileName(NULL, // handle to module to find filename for
AppName, MAX_PATH) ) { _tsplitpath(AppName,NULL,NULL,ShortName,NULL); }
wsprintf(Buffer, TEXT ("%02d.%02d.%02d.%03d %s: "),CurrentTime.wHour, CurrentTime.wMinute, CurrentTime.wSecond, CurrentTime.wMilliseconds, ShortName );
// init arg list
// point to rest of blank buffer
len = lstrlen(Buffer);
_vsntprintf(&Buffer[len], // don't want to overwrite the start of the string!
sizeof(Buffer)-len, //size of the rest of the buffer
Format, marker); len = lstrlen(Buffer);
if (Buffer[len-1] == L'\n' ) { Buffer[len-1] = L'\r'; Buffer[len] = L'\n'; Buffer[len+1] = 0; } else { Buffer[len] = L'\r'; Buffer[len+1] = L'\n'; Buffer[len+2] = 0; }
OutputDebugString(Buffer); va_end(marker);