Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Debug new private file
Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 23-June-1998
Revision History:
--*/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dbgtag.hxx"
#include "dbgnewp.hxx"
TDebugNewAllocator:: TDebugNewAllocator( VOID ) : m_bValid( FALSE ), m_hDataHeap( NULL ), m_pTag( NULL ) { }
TDebugNewAllocator:: ~TDebugNewAllocator( VOID ) { Destroy(); }
BOOL TDebugNewAllocator:: bValid( VOID ) const { return m_bValid; }
VOID TDebugNewAllocator:: Initialize( IN UINT uSizeHint ) { m_pTag = INTERNAL_NEW TDebugNewTag();
m_hDataHeap = HeapCreate( 0, kDataHeapSize, 0 );
if (m_hDataHeap && m_pTag->bInit() ) { m_bValid = TRUE; } }
VOID TDebugNewAllocator:: Destroy( VOID ) { if (m_hDataHeap) { HeapDestroy( m_hDataHeap ); }
// Allocate a new memory block, tracking the allocation for
// leak detection.
PVOID TDebugNewAllocator:: Allocate( IN SIZE_T Size, IN PVOID pVoid, IN LPCTSTR pszFile, IN UINT uLine ) { //
// Allocate the memory block.
Header *pHeader = reinterpret_cast<Header *>( HeapAlloc( m_hDataHeap, 0, sizeof( Header ) + Size + sizeof( Tail ) ) ); //
// If the block was allocated successfully.
if (pHeader) { //
// Track this memory allocation.
if( m_pTag->Tag( &pHeader->pTag, pHeader, Size, pszFile, uLine ) ) { //
// Set the header data and tail pattern. The tag back pointer is
// is set for efficent release, the data area is filled with a known pattern
// and tail is filled with a known pattern for overwrite detection.
FillHeaderDataTailPattern( pHeader, Size );
// Adjust returned pointer to client data area.
pHeader++; } else { //
// Tag entry was not available, something horrible happened.
// If this happens then clean up the allocation and
// return failure for this allocation.
HeapFree( m_hDataHeap, 0, pHeader ); pHeader = NULL; } }
return pHeader; }
// Release the memory block, checking for duplicate frees and
// tail overwrites.
VOID TDebugNewAllocator:: Release( IN PVOID pVoid ) { //
// Convert the client data area pointer to header pointer.
Header *pHeader = reinterpret_cast<Header *>( pVoid ) - 1;
// Validate the header and tail signatures.
ValidationErrorCode ValidationError = ValidateHeaderDataTailPattern( pVoid, pHeader );
switch (ValidationError) { case kValidationErrorSuccess:
// Release allocation from tag list.
m_pTag->Release( pHeader->pTag );
// Release this block back to the heap.
HeapFree( m_hDataHeap, 0, pHeader ); break;
case kValidationErrorNullPointer: //
// It is ok to attempt to free the null pointer.
// We leak memory allocations that fail header, tail or tag validation.
case kValidationErrorInvalidHeader: ErrorText( _T("Buffer failed header validation\n") ); break;
case kValidationErrorInvalidTail: ErrorText( _T("Buffer failed tail validation\n") ); break;
case kValidationErrorUnknown: default: ErrorText( _T("Buffer failed validation\n") ); break; } }
VOID TDebugNewAllocator:: Report( IN UINT uDevice, IN LPCTSTR pszConfiguration ) const { m_pTag->DisplayInuseTagEntries( uDevice, pszConfiguration ); }
Private member functions.
VOID TDebugNewAllocator:: FillHeaderDataTailPattern( IN Header *pHeader, IN SIZE_T Size ) { //
// Fill the header pattern.
memset( &pHeader->pSignature, kHeaderPattern, sizeof( PVOID ) );
// Fill the Data pattern.
memset( ++pHeader, kDataAllocPattern, Size );
// Calculate the tail pointer.
Tail *pTail = reinterpret_cast<Tail *>( reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>( pHeader ) + Size );
// Write the tail pattern.
memset( &pTail->pSignature, kTailPattern, sizeof( PVOID ) ); }
TDebugNewAllocator::ValidationErrorCode TDebugNewAllocator:: ValidateHeaderDataTailPattern( IN PVOID pVoid, IN Header *pHeader ) { if (!pVoid) { return kValidationErrorNullPointer; }
// Validate the header pointer.
if (!pHeader) { return kValidationErrorInvalidHeaderPtr; }
// Validate the header structure.
if (IsBadReadPtr( pHeader, sizeof( Header ))) { return kValidationErrorInvalidHeader; }
// Validate the header signature.
PVOID pTemp;
memset( &pTemp, kHeaderPattern, sizeof( PVOID ) );
if (pHeader->pSignature != pTemp) { return kValidationErrorInvalidHeaderSignature; }
// Validate the tag entry.
switch (m_pTag->ValidateEntry( pHeader->pTag )) { case TDebugNewTag::kValidationErrorInvalidPointer: break;
case TDebugNewTag::kValidationErrorInvalidHeader: break;
case TDebugNewTag::kValidationErrorTagNotLinked: break;
case TDebugNewTag::kValidationErrorUnknown: default: break; }
// Get the tail pointer.
Tail *pTail = reinterpret_cast<Tail *>( reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>(pHeader+1)+m_pTag->GetSize( pHeader->pTag ) );
// Validate the tail structure.
if (IsBadReadPtr( pTail, sizeof( Tail ))) { return kValidationErrorInvalidTailPointer; }
// Validate the tail signature.
memset( &pTemp, kTailPattern, sizeof( PVOID ) );
if( pTail->pSignature != pTemp ) { return kValidationErrorInvalidTailSignature; }
return kValidationErrorSuccess; }