Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Extensions for spllib
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 20-Feb-1995
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
Helper routines
#if !DBG
#error "Only the debug version should be built."
BOOL TDebugExt:: bDumpThreadM( PVOID pThreadM_, ULONG_PTR dwAddr ) { TThreadM* pThreadM = (TThreadM*)pThreadM_;
static DEBUG_FLAGS DebugFlags[] = { { "DESTROYED_REQ" , 1 }, { "DESTROYED" , 2 }, { "PRIVATE_CRIT_SEC", 4 } };
if( !pThreadM->bSigCheck( )){ return FALSE; }
Print( "TThreadM*\n" );
Print( " uMaxThreads <%d>\n", pThreadM->_uMaxThreads ); Print( " uIdleLife <%d>\n", pThreadM->_uIdleLife ); Print( "uActiveThreads <%d>\n", pThreadM->_uActiveThreads ); Print( " iIdleThreads <%d>\n", pThreadM->_iIdleThreads );
Print( " hTrigger %x\n", pThreadM->_hTrigger ); Print( " State %x %x\n", (ULONG_PTR)pThreadM->_State, &pThreadM->_State ); Print( " pCritSec %x\n", pThreadM->_pCritSec );
return TRUE; }
BOOL TDebugExt:: bDumpCritSec( PVOID pCritSec_, ULONG_PTR dwAddr ) { MCritSec* pCritSec = (MCritSec*)pCritSec_;
if( !pCritSec->bSigCheck( )){ return FALSE; }
Print( "MCritSec*\n" );
Print( " CriticalSection @ %x\n", dwAddr + OFFSETOF( MCritSec, _CritSec )); Print( " dwThreadOwner %x\n", pCritSec->_dwThreadOwner ); Print( " dwEntryCount <%d> ", pCritSec->_dwEntryCount );
if( pCritSec->_dwEntryCount ){ Print( "Owned\n" ); } else { Print( "Not Owned\n" ); } Print( "dwTickCountEntered <%d>\n", pCritSec->_dwTickCountEntered );
Print( "==== Statistics\n" );
Print( " dwTickCountBlockedTotal <%d>\n", pCritSec->_dwTickCountBlockedTotal ); Print( " dwTickCountInsideTotal <%d>\n", pCritSec->_dwTickCountInsideTotal ); Print( " dwEntryCountTotal <%d>\n", pCritSec->_dwEntryCountTotal );
Print( " CritSecHardLock_base " ); vDumpPDL( pCritSec->CritSecHardLock_pdlBase( ));
ULONG_PTR dwAddrBt = dwAddr + OFFSETOF( MCritSec, _BackTrace ) - OFFSETOF_BASE( TBackTraceMem, VBackTrace );
Print( " VBackTrace @ %x !splx.ddt -x %x\n", dwAddrBt, dwAddrBt );
return TRUE; }
BOOL TDebugExt:: bDumpBackTrace( ULONG_PTR dwAddr, COUNT Count, PDWORD pdwSkip, DWORD DebugTrace, DWORD DebugLevel, DWORD dwThreadId, ULONG_PTR dwMem ) { #ifdef TRACE_ENABLED
BYTE abyBackTraceBuffer[sizeof(TBackTraceMem)]; TBackTraceMem* pBackTraceMem = (TBackTraceMem*)abyBackTraceBuffer;
move2( pBackTraceMem, dwAddr, sizeof( TBackTraceMem ));
if( !pBackTraceMem->bSigCheck( )){ return FALSE; }
INT iLineStart = pBackTraceMem->_uNextFree; INT iLine;
if( iLineStart < 0 ){ iLineStart = TBackTraceMem::kMaxCall - 1; }
for( iLine = iLineStart - 1; Count; --iLine, --Count ){
if( CheckControlCRtn()){ return TRUE; }
// Handle wrap around case.
if( iLine < 0 ){ iLine = TBackTraceMem::kMaxCall - 1; }
if( iLine == iLineStart || !TDebugExt::bDumpDebugTrace( (ULONG_PTR)&pBackTraceMem->_pLines[iLine], 1, pdwSkip, DebugTrace, DebugLevel, dwThreadId, dwMem )){ //
// Wrapped around yet didn't find enough.
Print( "Out of lines\n" ); return TRUE; } } return TRUE;
#else // #ifdef TRACE_ENABLED
return FALSE;
#endif // #ifdef TRACE_ENABLED
BOOL TDebugExt:: bDumpDebugTrace( ULONG_PTR dwLineAddr, COUNT Count, PDWORD pdwSkip, DWORD DebugTrace, DWORD DebugLevel, DWORD dwThreadId, ULONG_PTR dwMem ) { //
// TLine is a simple class, and can be treated as a "C" struct.
COUNTB cbTotalLine = sizeof( TBackTraceMem::TLine ) * Count; TBackTraceMem::TLine* pLineBase = (TBackTraceMem::TLine*) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbTotalLine ); BOOL bValidLines = TRUE;
TBackTraceMem::TLine* pLine;
if( !pLineBase ){
Print( "Cannot alloc 0x%x bytes.\n", cbTotalLine ); return FALSE; }
move2( pLineBase, dwLineAddr, cbTotalLine );
// Dump out the lines.
for( pLine = pLineBase ; Count; Count--, pLine++ ){
if( CheckControlCRtn()){ goto Done; }
// If we are out of lines, quit.
if( !pLine->_TickCount ){ bValidLines = FALSE; goto Done; }
// If we are processing DBGMSG, skip levels we don't want.
if( DebugTrace & DEBUG_TRACE_DBGMSG ){ if( !( DebugLevel & ( pLine->_Info2 >> DBG_BREAK_SHIFT ))){ continue; } }
// Skip thread Ids we don't want.
if( dwThreadId && dwThreadId != pLine->_ThreadId ){ continue; }
// Skip mem we don't want.
// This is used when we are dumping the memory functions in
// spllib (gpbtAlloc and gpbtFree).
if( dwMem && ( dwMem < pLine->_Info1 || dwMem > pLine->_Info1 + pLine->_Info2 )){
continue; }
if( *pdwSkip ){ --*pdwSkip; continue; }
if( DebugTrace & DEBUG_TRACE_DBGMSG ){
CHAR szMsg[kStringDefaultMax];
szMsg[0] = 0;
if( pLine->_Info1 ){
move( szMsg, pLine->_Info1 );
// PageHeap forces all allocated blocks to be placed
// at the end of a page, with the next page marked
// as unreadable. If we don't get a string here,
// then read up chunk.
if( !szMsg[0] ){
move2( szMsg, pLine->_Info1, kStringChunk - ( (DWORD)pLine->_Info1 & ( kStringChunk - 1 ))); }
Print( "* %s", szMsg );
UINT cchLen = lstrlenA( szMsg );
if( !cchLen || szMsg[cchLen-1] != '\n' ){
Print( "\n" ); } } else { Print( "\n" ); } }
if( DebugTrace & DEBUG_TRACE_HEX ){ Print( "%08x %08x %08x bt=%x threadid=%x tc=%x [%x]\n", pLine->_Info1, pLine->_Info2, pLine->_Info3, pLine->_hTrace, pLine->_ThreadId, pLine->_TickCount, pLine->_Info1 + pLine->_Info2 ); }
if( DebugTrace & DEBUG_TRACE_BT ){ vDumpTrace( (ULONG_PTR)pLine->_hTrace ); } }
LocalFree( pLineBase ); return bValidLines; }
BOOL TDebugExt:: bDumpDbgPointers( PVOID pDbgPointers_, ULONG_PTR dwAddress ) { PDBG_POINTERS pDbgPointers = (PDBG_POINTERS)pDbgPointers_;
Print( "DBG_POINTERS*\n" );
Print( "hMemHeap !heap -a %x\n", pDbgPointers->hMemHeap ); Print( "hDbgMemHeap !heap -a %x\n", pDbgPointers->hDbgMemHeap ); Print( "pbtAlloc !splx.ddt -x %x\n", pDbgPointers->pbtAlloc ); Print( "pbtFree !splx.ddt -x %x\n", pDbgPointers->pbtFree ); Print( "pbtErrLog !splx.ddt %x\n", pDbgPointers->pbtErrLog ); Print( "pbtTraceLog !splx.ddt %x\n", pDbgPointers->pbtTraceLog );
return TRUE; }
Extension entrypoints.
DEBUG_EXT_ENTRY( dthdm, TThreadM, bDumpThreadM, NULL, FALSE ) DEBUG_EXT_ENTRY( dcs, MCritSec, bDumpCritSec, NULL, FALSE )
DEBUG_EXT_ENTRY( ddp, DBG_POINTERS, bDumpDbgPointers, "&gpDbgPointers", FALSE )
DEBUG_EXT_HEAD(dbt) { DEBUG_EXT_SETUP_VARS(); TDebugExt::vDumpTrace( TDebugExt::dwEval( lpArgumentString, FALSE )); }
vDumpTraceWithFlags( lpArgumentString, 0 ); }
DEBUG_EXT_HEAD(dmem) { DEBUG_EXT_SETUP_VARS(); TDebugExt::vDumpMem( lpArgumentString ); }
Helper funcs.
VOID vDumpTraceWithFlags( LPSTR lpArgumentString, ULONG_PTR dwAddress ) { COUNT Count = 10; BOOL bRaw = FALSE; DWORD DebugTrace = DEBUG_TRACE_NONE; DWORD DebugLevel = (DWORD)-1; DWORD dwThreadId = 0; DWORD dwSkip = 0; ULONG_PTR dwMem = 0;
for( ; *lpArgumentString; ++lpArgumentString ){
while( *lpArgumentString == ' ' ){ ++lpArgumentString; }
if (*lpArgumentString != '-') { break; }
switch( *lpArgumentString++ ){ case 'T': case 't':
dwThreadId = (DWORD)TDebugExt::dwEvalParam( lpArgumentString ); break;
case 'L': case 'l':
DebugLevel = (DWORD)TDebugExt::dwEvalParam( lpArgumentString ); break;
case 'C': case 'c':
Count = (COUNT)TDebugExt::dwEvalParam( lpArgumentString ); break;
case 'M': case 'm':
dwMem = TDebugExt::dwEvalParam( lpArgumentString ); break;
case 'R': case 'r':
bRaw = TRUE; break;
case 'b': case 'B':
DebugTrace |= DEBUG_TRACE_BT; break;
case 'X': case 'x':
DebugTrace |= DEBUG_TRACE_HEX; break;
case 'd': case 'D':
DebugTrace |= DEBUG_TRACE_DBGMSG; break;
case 's': case 'S':
dwSkip = (DWORD)TDebugExt::dwEvalParam( lpArgumentString ); break;
default: Print( "Unknown option %c.\n", lpArgumentString[-1] ); return; } }
if( !dwAddress ){ dwAddress = TDebugExt::dwEval( lpArgumentString ); }
if( bRaw ){ TDebugExt::bDumpDebugTrace( dwAddress, Count, &dwSkip, DebugTrace, DebugLevel, dwThreadId, dwMem ); return; }
// If nothing is set, default to dbg msgs.
if( !DebugTrace ){ DebugTrace |= DEBUG_TRACE_DBGMSG; }
if( !TDebugExt::bDumpBackTrace( dwAddress, Count, &dwSkip, DebugTrace, DebugLevel, dwThreadId, dwMem )){ Print( "Unknown Signature\n" ); } }