Copyright (c) 1990 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module provides all functions that the Local Print Providor uses to write to the Event Log.
InitializeEventLogging DisableEventLogging LogEvent GetUserSid
Dave Snipp (DaveSn) 15-Mar-1991
Revision History:
Matthew Felton ( MattFe ) 15-Mar-1995 Change defaults on Workstation to not log information messages Also add regsitry key to allow user to filter some types of call
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "clusspl.h"
HANDLE hEventSource = NULL;
#if DBG
BOOL EventLogFull = FALSE; #endif
BOOL GetUserSid( PTOKEN_USER *ppTokenUser, PDWORD pcbTokenUser );
DWORD InitializeEventLogging( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD Status; HKEY hkey; DWORD dwData;
// Initialize defaults.
// Default is no NetPopup. 0 - Disable NetPopup, 1 - Enable
pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopups = 0;
// Caching Providers Might not require Event Logging
if ( ( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_LOG_EVENTS ) == FALSE ) return TRUE;
// Turn on logging if we are a server.
if (RtlGetNtProductType(&NtProductType)) {
if (NtProductType != NtProductWinNt) {
pIniSpooler->dwEventLogging = LOG_ALL_EVENTS;
} }
// If we aren't event logging or we are a cluster reg, then
// don't initialize per-machine resources.
if( pIniSpooler != pLocalIniSpooler ){ return NO_ERROR; }
Status = RegCreateKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEventLog, &hkey );
if( Status == NO_ERROR ) { // Add the Event-ID message-file name to the subkey.
Status = RegSetValueEx( hkey, L"EventMessageFile", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)pIniSpooler->pszEventLogMsgFile, wcslen( pIniSpooler->pszEventLogMsgFile ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) + sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if( Status != NO_ERROR ) { DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "Could not set event message file: Error %d\n", Status ) ); }
if( Status == NO_ERROR ) { Status = RegSetValueEx( hkey, L"TypesSupported", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwData, sizeof dwData );
if( Status != NO_ERROR ) { DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "Could not set supported types: Error %d\n", Status ) ); } }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
else { DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "Could not create registry key for event logging: Error %d\n", Status ) ); }
if( Status == NO_ERROR ) { if( !( hEventSource = RegisterEventSource( NULL, L"Print" ) ) ) Status = GetLastError( ); }
return Status; }
VOID SplLogEventWorker( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN WORD EventType, IN NTSTATUS EventID, IN BOOL bInSplSem, IN LPWSTR pFirstString, IN va_list vargs ) /*++
Function Description:
This provides a common entry point to support event logging. This is now called by the print processor and Win32spl.
EventType - E.g. LOG_ERROR (defined in local.h)
EventID - Constant as defined in messages.h. This refers to a string resource located in the event-log message DLL specified in InitializeEventLogging (which currently is localspl.dll itself).
bInSplSem - flag to indicate if the call was made from inside SplSem
pFirstString- The first of up to MAX_MERGE_STRINGS. This may be NULL, if no strings are to be inserted. If strings are passed to this routine, the last one must be followed by NULL. Don't rely on the fact that the argument copying stops when it reaches MAX_MERGE_STRINGS, because this could change if future messages are found to need more replaceable parameters. vargs - The remaining strings to be passed in.
Return Values: NONE
--*/ { PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser = NULL; DWORD cbTokenUser; PSID pSid = NULL; LPWSTR pMergeStrings[MAX_MERGE_STRINGS]; WORD cMergeStrings = 0, index; DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
if (!hEventSource) return;
// If the Inispooler is NULL, don't check whether to log an event, just log one,
// This allows us to log events when failing to start up spooler.
if ( pIniSpooler ) { if (( pIniSpooler->dwEventLogging & EventType ) == FALSE ) return;
if ( ( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_LOG_EVENTS ) == FALSE ) return; }
if( GetUserSid( &pTokenUser, &cbTokenUser ) ) pSid = pTokenUser->User.Sid;
// Put the strings into a format accepted by ReportEvent,
// by picking off each non-null argument, and storing it in the array
// of merge strings. Continue till we hit a NULL, or MAX_MERGE_STRINGS.
if( pFirstString ) { LPWSTR pszInsert;
if (pMergeStrings[cMergeStrings] = AllocSplStr(pFirstString)) { cMergeStrings++; } else { goto CleanUp; } while ((cMergeStrings < MAX_MERGE_STRINGS) && (pszInsert = va_arg(vargs, LPWSTR))) {
if (pMergeStrings[cMergeStrings] = AllocSplStr(pszInsert)) { cMergeStrings++; } else { goto CleanUp; } } }
// Leave the semaphore before calling into the event logging service
if (bInSplSem) { LeaveSplSem(); SplOutSem(); }
if ( !ReportEvent( hEventSource, // handle returned by RegisterEventSource
EventType, // event type to log
0, // event category
EventID, // event identifier
pSid, // user security identifier (optional)
cMergeStrings, // number of strings to merge with message
0, // size of raw data (in bytes)
pMergeStrings, // array of strings to merge with message
NULL ) ) { // address of raw data
#if DBG
if( GetLastError() == ERROR_LOG_FILE_FULL ) {
// Put out a warning message only the first time this happens:
if( !EventLogFull ) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "The Event Log is full\n" ) ); EventLogFull = TRUE; }
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "ReportEvent failed: Error %d\n", GetLastError( ) )); } #endif // DBG
// Reenter the semaphore after logging the event
if (bInSplSem) { EnterSplSem(); }
// Free the strings
for (index = 0; index < cMergeStrings ; index++) {
FreeSplStr(pMergeStrings[index]); }
if( pTokenUser ) {
FreeSplMem( pTokenUser ); } // GetUserSid() wipes out the Last Error, so restore it before returning
SetLastError(LastError); }
VOID SplLogEvent( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, WORD EventType, NTSTATUS EventID, BOOL bInSplSem, LPWSTR pFirstString, ... ) /*++
Function Description: Writes to the event log with up to MAX_MERGE_STRINGS parameter strings.
Parameters: EventType - E.g. LOG_ERROR (defined in local.h)
EventID - Constant as defined in messages.h. This refers to a string resource located in the event-log message DLL specified in InitializeEventLogging (which currently is localspl.dll itself).
bInSplSem - flag to indicate if the call was made from inside SplSem
pFirstString - The first of up to MAX_MERGE_STRINGS. This may be NULL, if no strings are to be inserted. If strings are passed to this routine, the last one must be followed by NULL. Don't rely on the fact that the argument copying stops when it reaches MAX_MERGE_STRINGS, because this could change if future messages are found to need more replaceable parameters.
Return Values: NONE
--*/ { va_list vargs; va_start(vargs, pFirstString);
SplLogEventWorker(pIniSpooler, EventType, EventID, bInSplSem, pFirstString, vargs);
va_end(vargs); }
VOID PrintProcLogEvent( WORD EventType, NTSTATUS EventID, LPWSTR pLog )
Function Description: This is an export for the print processor to log errors.
Parameters: EventType - E.g. LOG_ERROR (defined in local.h) EventID - Constant as defined in messages.h pLog - string containg the log message
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ // Ensure that the last parameter is NULL
if (pLog == NULL) { SplLogEvent(pLocalIniSpooler, EventType, EventID, FALSE, NULL); } else { SplLogEvent(pLocalIniSpooler, EventType, EventID, FALSE, pLog, NULL); }
return; }
VOID SplLogEventExternal( IN WORD EventType, IN DWORD EventID, IN LPWSTR pFirstString, ... ) /*++
Function Description:
This is an export for external components to log an event. (It is currently used for Win32spl). It supports variable arguments, unlike PrintProcLogEvent.
Parameters: EventType - E.g. LOG_ERROR (defined in local.h) EventID - Constant as defined in messages.h pFirstString - The first string supplied by the system in the log message. ... - The remaining strings, must be NULL terminated.
Return Values: NONE
--*/ { va_list vargs; va_start(vargs, pFirstString);
// It might not seem logical to use the local inispooler. However, win32spl's
// inispooler's explicitely turn off event logging. So, this is necessary.
// Passing in NULL seems worse since this would mean you could not tone down
// event logging for those events.
SplLogEventWorker(pLocalIniSpooler, EventType, (NTSTATUS)EventID, FALSE, pFirstString, vargs);
va_end(vargs); }
// GetUserSid
// Well, actually it gets a pointer to a newly allocated TOKEN_USER,
// which contains a SID, somewhere.
// Caller must remember to free it when it's been used.
BOOL GetUserSid( PTOKEN_USER *ppTokenUser, PDWORD pcbTokenUser ) { HANDLE TokenHandle; HANDLE ImpersonationToken; PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser = NULL; DWORD cbTokenUser = 0; DWORD cbNeeded; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( !GetTokenHandle( &TokenHandle) ) { return FALSE; }
ImpersonationToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
bRet = GetTokenInformation( TokenHandle, TokenUser, pTokenUser, cbTokenUser, &cbNeeded);
// We've passed a NULL pointer and 0 for the amount of memory
// allocated. We expect to fail with bRet = FALSE and
// GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. If we do not
// have these conditions we will return FALSE
if ( !bRet && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) ) {
pTokenUser = AllocSplMem( cbNeeded );
if ( pTokenUser == NULL ) {
goto GetUserSidDone; }
cbTokenUser = cbNeeded;
bRet = GetTokenInformation( TokenHandle, TokenUser, pTokenUser, cbTokenUser, &cbNeeded );
} else {
// Any other case -- return FALSE
bRet = FALSE; }
GetUserSidDone: if ( bRet == TRUE ) {
*ppTokenUser = pTokenUser; *pcbTokenUser = cbTokenUser;
} else if ( pTokenUser ) {
FreeSplMem( pTokenUser ); }
ImpersonatePrinterClient( ImpersonationToken ); CloseHandle( TokenHandle );
return bRet; }