Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Hakki T. Bostanci (hakkib) 06-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WiaStress.h"
#define DEFAULT_WIASTRESS_TIMEOUT (1i64 * 3 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10)
// bugbug: hardcoded globals
TCHAR g_szGetResultsPipeName[] = _T("\\\\hakkib\\pipe\\WIAStress_GetResults"); TCHAR g_szSetResultsPipeName[] = _T("\\\\hakkib\\pipe\\WIAStress_SetResults"); TCHAR g_szCollectLogsDirName[] = _T("\\\\hakkib\\WIAStressLogs");
CBvtLog::COwners g_Owners = { /*PCTSTR pTestName = */ _T("WiaStress"), /*PCTSTR pContactName = */ _T("hakkib"), /*PCTSTR pMgrName = */ _T("hakkib"), /*PCTSTR pDevPrimeName = */ _T("hakkib"), /*PCTSTR pDevAltName = */ _T("hakkib"), /*PCTSTR pTestPrimeName = */ _T("hakkib"), /*PCTSTR pTestAltName = */ _T("hakkib") };
// Usage string
TCHAR g_szUsage[] = _T("Optional command line arguments:\n") _T("\n") _T("/s\t\tRun in stress test mode\n") _T("/bvt\t\tRun in BVT mode\n") _T("/threads <#>\tNumber of threads (default = 1)\n") _T("/wait <#>\t\tMilliseconds to wait between tests (default = 0)\n") _T("/case <#>\tRun only specified test case\n") _T("/good\t\tRun only good parameter tests\n") _T("/repeat\t\tRepeat the tests in a loop\n") _T("/noui\t\tDo no display the UI, output to console only\n") _T("/frames\t\tSave stack frame on memory allocations\n") _T("/alloc <#>\tMemory allocation scheme\n") _T("\t\t(0=no guard, 1=guard tail, 2=guard head)\n") _T("/ntlog <file>\tLog using ntlog.dll\n") _T("/lorlog <file>\tLog using lorlog32.dll\n") _T("/bvtlog <file>\tLog in Windows 2000 BVT format\n") _T("");
BOOL WINAPI ControlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { g_LogWindow.Close();
return TRUE; }
int RunWiaStress() { // parse the command line arguments (if any)
BOOL bStressMode = FALSE; BOOL bBVTMode = FALSE; BOOL bRunBadParamTests = TRUE; BOOL bRepeatTest = FALSE; int nThreads = 1; int nSleepAmount = 0; int nRunSingle = 0; int nGuardFlags = CGuardAllocator::GUARD_TAIL; BOOL bDisplayUI = TRUE; PCTSTR pLogFileName = 0;
INT argc; CGlobalMem<PTSTR> argv = CommandLineToArgv(GetCommandLine(), &argc);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/s")) == 0) { bStressMode = TRUE; bRepeatTest = TRUE; } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/bvt")) == 0) { bBVTMode = TRUE; bRunBadParamTests = FALSE; } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/threads")) == 0) { nThreads = Min(_ttoi(argv[++i]), (MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1) / 2); } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/wait")) == 0) { nSleepAmount = _ttoi(argv[++i]); } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/case")) == 0) { nRunSingle = _ttoi(argv[++i]); } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/good")) == 0) { bRunBadParamTests = FALSE; } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/repeat")) == 0) { bRepeatTest = TRUE; } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/noui")) == 0) { bDisplayUI = FALSE; } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/frames")) == 0) { nGuardFlags |= CGuardAllocator::SAVE_STACK_FRAMES; } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/alloc")) == 0) { nGuardFlags &= ~CGuardAllocator::GUARD_FLAGS; nGuardFlags |= _ttoi(argv[++i]); } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/ntlog")) == 0) { pLogFileName = argv[++i]; g_pLog = (CLog *) new CNtLog(pLogFileName, TLS_LOGALL); } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/lorlog")) == 0) { USES_CONVERSION;
pLogFileName = argv[++i]; g_pLog = (CLog *) new CLorLog(T2A(pLogFileName), ".", LOG_NEW, 0, 0); } else if (_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/bvtlog")) == 0) { pLogFileName = argv[++i]; g_pLog = (CLog *) new CBvtLog(&g_Owners, pLogFileName); } else { return MessageBox(0, g_szUsage, _T("WiaStress"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); } }
// initialize memory allocation scheme
// set up the output window / logging system
if (bDisplayUI) { g_LogWindow.Create( _T("WIA Stress"), GetConsoleHwnd(), LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION), 3000 );
g_pLog->SetLogWindow(&g_LogWindow); } else { g_LogWindow.Close(false);
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ControlHandler, TRUE); }
// set up the who-run-when logging
if (bStressMode && pLogFileName) { static CLogCollector RunInBackground(pLogFileName, g_szCollectLogsDirName); }
// launch the threads
CCppMem<CWiaStressThread> Threads(nThreads); CMultipleWait Handles(1 + nThreads + nThreads);
Handles[0] = g_LogWindow.GetWaitHandle();
for (int nThread = 0; nThread < nThreads; ++nThread) { Threads[nThread] = CWiaStressThread( bStressMode, bBVTMode, bRunBadParamTests, bRepeatTest, nSleepAmount, nRunSingle, nThread );
Handles[1 + nThread] = Threads[nThread].m_ThreadObject;
Handles[1 + nThreads + nThread] = Threads[nThread].m_TimeoutTimer; }
// wait until all threads have terminated and the user has closed the window
Event NotSignalled(TRUE, FALSE);
int nRunningThreads = nThreads;
while (nRunningThreads > 0 || bDisplayUI == TRUE) { DWORD dwWaitResult = Handles.WaitFor(FALSE);
if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // user has closed the window or pressed ctrl+c
Handles[dwWaitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0] = NotSignalled;
bDisplayUI = FALSE; } else if (dwWaitResult < 1 + nThreads + WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // one of the test threads has exited
Handles[dwWaitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0] = NotSignalled;
nRunningThreads -= 1; } else if (dwWaitResult < 1 + 2 * nThreads + WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // one of the test threads has timed out
int nHungThread = dwWaitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0 - nThreads - 1;
//***bugbug:TerminateThread(Threads[nHungThread].m_ThreadObject, 0);
g_pLog->Log( TLS_ABORT | TLS_DEBUG | TLS_VARIATION, 0, nHungThread, _T("Thread was not responding, terminated") );
// forget about this thread
Handles[1 + nHungThread] = NotSignalled;
nRunningThreads -= 1; } }
// write the modified comments (if any) to the central database
return 0; }
CWiaStressThread::CWiaStressThread( BOOL bStressMode, BOOL bBVTMode, BOOL bRunBadParamTests, BOOL bRepeatTest, DWORD nSleepAmount, int nRunSingle, LONG nThread ) : m_bStressMode(bStressMode), m_bBVTMode(bBVTMode), m_bRunBadParamTests(bRunBadParamTests), m_bRepeatTest(bRepeatTest), m_nSleepAmount(nSleepAmount), m_nRunSingle(nRunSingle), m_nThread(nThread), m_pszContext(0), m_TimeoutTimer(FALSE), m_ThreadObject(ThreadProc, this) { }
unsigned WINAPI CWiaStressThread::ThreadProc(PVOID pVoid) { CWiaStressThread *that = (CWiaStressThread *) pVoid;
// init
that->LOG_INFO(_T("Starting thread"));
if (hr != S_OK) { return FALSE; }
// run
do { try { CHECK_HR(that->m_pWiaDevMgr.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WiaDevMgr));
that->RunAllTests(); } catch (const CError &Error) { if (Error.Num() == WIA_ERROR_BUSY) { that->LOG_INFO(_T("Device busy, test aborted")); } else { Error.Print(CLogHelper<TLS_SEV1 | TLS_DEBUG | TLS_VARIATION>()); }
that->m_pszContext = 0; }
that->m_pWiaDevMgr.Release(); } while ( that->m_bRepeatTest && g_LogWindow.WaitForSingleObject(that->m_nSleepAmount) == WAIT_TIMEOUT );
// uninit
that->LOG_INFO(_T("Exiting thread"));
return TRUE; }
void CWiaStressThread::RunAllTests() { CheckWiaDeviceAvailibility();
// TestIWiaDevMgr
IF_SELECTED RunTest(TestEnumDeviceInfo); IF_SELECTED RunTest(TestCreateDevice); IF_SELECTED RunTest(TestSelectDeviceDlg); //IF_SELECTED RunTest(TestRegisterEventCallbackInterface);
// TestIWiaDataTransfer
IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestGetData, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestQueryData, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO, TRUE);
// TestIWiaItem
IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestGetItemType, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestEnumChildItems, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestCreateChildItem, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestEnumRegisterEventInfo, FALSE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestFindItemByName, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestDeviceDlg, FALSE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestGetRootItem, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestEnumDeviceCapabilities, FALSE);
// TestIWiaPropertyStorage
IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestPropStorage, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestPropGetCount, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestReadPropertyNames, TRUE); IF_SELECTED RunTestForEachDevice(TestEnumSTATPROPSTG, TRUE); }
BOOL CWiaStressThread::CheckWiaDeviceAvailibility() { CComPtr<IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO> pEnumWIA_DEV_INFO;
CHECK_HR(m_pWiaDevMgr->EnumDeviceInfo(0, &pEnumWIA_DEV_INFO));
ULONG nDevices = -1;
if (nDevices == 0) { if ( m_bStressMode || MessageBox( 0, _T("No WIA devices available.\n") _T("Do you want to install a test device?"), 0, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) { LOG_INFO(_T("No WIA devices available, installing test device"));
CModuleFileName strPathName(0);
PTSTR pszExeName = FindFileNamePortion(strPathName);
_tcscpy(pszExeName, _T("scanner\\testscan.inf"));
CHECK_HR(InstallTestDevice(m_pWiaDevMgr, strPathName, 0)); } else { g_pLog->Log( TLS_BLOCK | TLS_VARIATION, 0, 0, _T("No WIA devices available, test results will not be meaningful") ); } }
return TRUE; }
void CWiaStressThread::RunTest(PFNWIACALLBACK Callback) { if (g_LogWindow.IsClosed()) { return; }
g_pLog->StartBlock(_T("TEST CASE"));
if (m_bStressMode) { m_TimeoutTimer.Set(-DEFAULT_WIASTRESS_TIMEOUT); }
try { (this->*Callback)(); } catch (const CError &Error) { if (Error.Num() == WIA_ERROR_BUSY) { LOG_INFO(_T("Device busy, test aborted")); } else { Error.Print(CLogHelper<TLS_SEV1 | TLS_DEBUG | TLS_VARIATION>()); }
m_pszContext = 0; }
g_pLog->Log( TLS_NOCONSOLE | TLS_VARIATION | g_pLog->EndVariation(), m_pszContext, m_nThread, _T("Test complete") );
g_pLog->EndBlock(_T("TEST CASE"));
m_TimeoutTimer.Cancel(); }
void CWiaStressThread::RunTestForEachDevice( PFNWIAITEMCALLBACK Callback, BOOL bEnumChildItems ) { if (g_LogWindow.IsClosed()) { return; }
g_pLog->StartBlock(_T("TEST CASE"));
g_pLog->StartVariation(); try { // enumerate all devices
CHECK_HR(m_pWiaDevMgr->EnumDeviceInfo(StiDeviceTypeDefault, &pEnumWIA_DEV_INFO));
ULONG nDevices;
// for the stress tests, use a random device. Otherwise, try all devices
ULONG __nSelected = m_bStressMode && nDevices ? rand() % nDevices : 0; ULONG __nFrom = m_bStressMode ? __nSelected : 0; ULONG __nTo = m_bStressMode ? Min(__nSelected + 1, nDevices) : nDevices; for (ULONG i = __nFrom; i < __nTo; ++i) { // get the next device
CComPtr<CMyWiaPropertyStorage> pProp;
CHECK_HR(pEnumWIA_DEV_INFO->Next(1, (IWiaPropertyStorage **) &pProp, 0));
// read the device id
CPropVariant varDeviceID;
CHECK_HR(pProp->ReadSingle(WIA_DIP_DEV_ID, &varDeviceID, VT_BSTR));
// create the wiaitem
CComPtr<IWiaItem> pWiaRootItem;
CHECK_HR(m_pWiaDevMgr->CreateDevice(varDeviceID.bstrVal, &pWiaRootItem));
// invoke the callback function
CParentsList ParentsList;
CWiaItemData ItemData(pWiaRootItem, ParentsList);
RunTest(&ItemData, Callback);
// continue enumeration with child items
if (bEnumChildItems) { RunTestForEachChildItem(pWiaRootItem, Callback, ParentsList); } } } catch (const CError &Error) { if (Error.Num() == WIA_ERROR_BUSY) { LOG_INFO(_T("Device busy, test aborted")); } else { Error.Print(CLogHelper<TLS_SEV1 | TLS_DEBUG | TLS_VARIATION>()); } }
g_pLog->Log( TLS_NOCONSOLE | TLS_VARIATION | g_pLog->EndVariation(), m_pszContext, m_nThread, _T("Test complete") );
g_pLog->EndBlock(_T("TEST CASE")); }
void CWiaStressThread::RunTestForEachChildItem( IWiaItem *pWiaItem, PFNWIAITEMCALLBACK Callback, CParentsList ParentsList ) { ParentsList.push_back(pWiaItem);
// enumerate all child items
CComPtr<IEnumWiaItem> pEnumWiaItem;
ULONG nChildItems;
FOR_SELECTED(i, nChildItems) { // get next item
CComPtr<IWiaItem> pWiaItem;
CHECK_HR(pEnumWiaItem->Next(1, &pWiaItem, 0));
// invoke the callback function
CWiaItemData ItemData(pWiaItem, ParentsList);
RunTest(&ItemData, Callback);
// continue enumeration if this is a folder
if (ItemData.lItemType & WiaItemTypeFolder) { RunTestForEachChildItem(pWiaItem, Callback, ParentsList); } } }
void CWiaStressThread::RunTest( CWiaItemData *pItemData, PFNWIAITEMCALLBACK Callback ) { if (m_bStressMode) { m_TimeoutTimer.Set(-DEFAULT_WIASTRESS_TIMEOUT); }
try { (this->*Callback)(pItemData); } catch (const CError &Error) { if (Error.Num() == WIA_ERROR_BUSY) { LOG_INFO(_T("Device busy, test aborted")); } else { Error.Print(CLogHelper<TLS_SEV1 | TLS_DEBUG | TLS_VARIATION>()); }
m_pszContext = 0; }
m_TimeoutTimer.Cancel(); }
CWiaStressThread::CWiaItemData::CWiaItemData( IWiaItem *_pWiaItem, const CParentsList &_ParentsList ) : pWiaItem(_pWiaItem), ParentsList(_ParentsList) { // get item type
// get the full item name
CPropVariant varFullItemName;
CHECK_HR(ReadWiaItemProperty( pWiaItem, WIA_IPA_FULL_ITEM_NAME, &varFullItemName, VT_BSTR ));
bstrFullName = varFullItemName.bstrVal; }
int RunProgram() { try { return RunWiaStress(); } catch (const CError &Error) { return Error.Print(CLogHelper<TLS_SEV1 | TLS_DEBUG | TLS_VARIATION>()); } }
VOID DumpStack(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers) { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
const int nBufferSize = 4096; CHAR Buffer[nBufferSize];
CStackFrame StackFrame(pExceptionPointers->ContextRecord);
for (int i = 0; i < 30 && StackFrame.Walk(); ++i) { StackFrame.Dump(hProcess, Buffer, nBufferSize);
OutputDebugStringA(Buffer); }
SymCleanup(hProcess); }
int RunProgramSEH() { __try { RunProgram(); } __except(DumpStack(GetExceptionInformation()), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { }
return 0; }
extern "C" int WINAPI _tWinMain( HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, PSTR /*pCmdLine*/, int /*nCmdShow*/ ) { return RunProgram(); }
extern "C" int __cdecl _tmain() { return RunProgram(); }