// PropEdit.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WIATest.h"
#include "PropEdit.h"
#include "wtdb.h" // WIATEST Database of flags and constants
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CPropEdit dialog
* CPropEdit::CPropEdit() * * Constructor for Property Edit dialog - Default type * * * Arguments: * * pParent - Parent Window * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CPropEdit::CPropEdit(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CPropEdit::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CPropEdit)
m_EditString = _T(""); m_strPropName = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
* CPropEdit::DoDataExchange() * * Handles control message maps to the correct member variables * * * Arguments: * * pDX - DataExchange object * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEdit::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CPropEdit)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_ButtonOk); DDX_Control(pDX, IDCANCEL, m_ButtonCancel); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITPROP, m_EditString); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PROP_NAME, m_strPropName); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropEdit, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropEdit)
// CPropEdit message handlers
* CPropEdit::SetPropertyName() * * Sets the property name string * * * Arguments: * * PropName - Property Name * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEdit::SetPropertyName(CString PropName) { m_strPropName = PropName; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEdit::SetPropertyValue() * * Sets the property value string * * * Arguments: * * PropValue - Property Value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEdit::SetPropertyValue(CString PropValue) { m_EditString = PropValue; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEdit::SetPropertyType() * * Sets the property Type * * * Arguments: * * PropType - Property type * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEdit::SetPropertyType(USHORT PropType) { m_VT = PropType; }
// CPropEditRange dialog
* CPropEditRange::CPropEditRange() * * Constructor for Property Edit dialog - RANGE type * * * Arguments: * * pParent - Parent Window * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CPropEditRange::CPropEditRange(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CPropEditRange::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CPropEditRange)
m_EditString = _T(""); m_strPropName = _T(""); m_Increment = _T("none"); m_Maximum = _T("none"); m_Minimum = _T("none"); m_Nominal = _T("none"); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
} /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditRange::DoDataExchange() * * Handles control message maps to the correct member variables * * * Arguments: * * pDX - DataExchange object * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditRange::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CPropEditRange)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_ButtonOk); DDX_Control(pDX, IDCANCEL, m_ButtonCancel); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITPROP, m_EditString); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PROP_NAME, m_strPropName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_INC, m_Increment); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_MAX, m_Maximum); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_MIN, m_Minimum); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NOM, m_Nominal); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropEditRange, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropEditRange)
// CPropEditRange message handlers
* CPropEdit::SetRangeValues() * * Sets the property Range Values * * * Arguments: * * Min - Minimum value * Max - Maximum value * Nom - Nominal value * Inc - Increment Value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditRange::SetRangeValues(int Min, int Max, int Nom, int Inc) { m_Minimum.Format("%d",Min); m_Maximum.Format("%d",Max); m_Nominal.Format("%d",Nom); m_Increment.Format("%d",Inc);
return TRUE; }
* CPropEdit::SetRangeValues() * * Sets the property Range Values * * * Arguments: * * Min - Minimum value * Max - Maximum value * Nom - Nominal value * Inc - Increment Value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditRange::SetRangeValues(float Min, float Max, float Nom, float Inc) { m_Minimum.Format("%3.5f",Min); m_Maximum.Format("%3.5f",Max); m_Nominal.Format("%3.5f",Nom); m_Increment.Format("%3.5f",Inc);
return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditRange::SetPropertyName() * * Sets the property name string * * * Arguments: * * PropName - Property Name * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditRange::SetPropertyName(CString PropName) { m_strPropName = PropName; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditRange::SetPropertyValue() * * Sets the property value string * * * Arguments: * * PropValue - Property Value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditRange::SetPropertyValue(CString PropValue) { m_EditString = PropValue; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditRange::SetPropertyType() * * Sets the property Type * * * Arguments: * * PropType - Property type * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditRange::SetPropertyType(USHORT PropType) { m_VT = PropType; }
// CPropEditList dialog
* CPropEditList::CPropEditList() * * Constructor for Property Edit dialog - LIST type * * * Arguments: * * pParent - Parent Window * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CPropEditList::CPropEditList(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CPropEditList::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CPropEditList)
m_EditString = _T(""); m_strPropName = _T(""); m_CurrentElementNum = 0; m_nElements = 0; m_pArray = NULL; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
* CPropEditList::DoDataExchange() * * Handles control message maps to the correct member variables * * * Arguments: * * pDX - DataExchange object * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CPropEditList)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_LISTCTRL, m_ListValueListBox); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMLISTVALUES, m_NumListValueDisplay); DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_ButtonOk); DDX_Control(pDX, IDCANCEL, m_ButtonCancel); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITPROP, m_EditString); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PROP_NAME, m_strPropName); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropEditList, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropEditList)
// CPropEditList message handlers
* CPropEditList::SetListValue() * * Sets the current list value in UINT array * * * Arguments: * * ListValue - List value to enter into UINT array * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditList::SetListValue(int ListValue) { //m_pUINTArray[m_CurrentElementNum] = ListValue;
return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::SetArray() * * Sets the array bounds for the list data * * * Arguments: * * pArray - pointer to Array * nElements - Number of elements in the array * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditList::SetArray(BYTE *pArray, int nElements) { m_nElements = nElements; m_pArray = pArray; return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::DisplayListValues() * * Displays list values to dialog listbox * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditList::DisplayListValues() { CString Value = ""; Value.Format("Total List Values = %d",m_nElements); m_NumListValueDisplay.SetWindowText(Value);
int NumEntries = WiatestDatabase[0].nItems; BOOL bFoundName = FALSE;
// Search for known property in data base
for (int CurrentEntry = 1;CurrentEntry <= NumEntries;CurrentEntry++) { if (m_strPropName == (CString)(WiatestDatabase[CurrentEntry].pName)) { bFoundName = TRUE; int Index = 0; CString outStr = ""; m_CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry; } } if (!bFoundName) {
// Name was not found..so display the actual values in the list
// AfxMessageBox(m_strPropName + " was not found in wtdb.h data base file...");
for (UINT nElem = 0;nElem < (UINT)m_nElements; nElem++) { Value = "";
switch (m_VT) { case VT_I1: case VT_I2: case VT_I4: case VT_I8: case VT_UI1: case VT_UI2: case VT_UI4: case VT_UI8: case VT_INT: Value.Format("%d",((INT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); break; case VT_R4: case VT_R8: Value.Format("%3.3f",((float*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); break; case VT_BSTR: Value.Format("%ws",((BSTR*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); break; case VT_CLSID: { /*UCHAR *pwszUUID = NULL;
UuidToStringA(&((GUID*)(m_pArray))[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem],&pwszUUID); Value.Format(ConvertGUIDListValueToCString(((GUID*)(m_pArray))[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem])+" %s",pwszUUID); RpcStringFree(&pwszUUID);*/ //_asm int 3;
//Value = ConvertGUIDListValueToCString((GUID*)(m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]);
Value = ConvertGUIDListValueToCString(((GUID*)(m_pArray))[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); } break; case VT_UINT: default: Value.Format("%d",((UINT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); break; }
LV_ITEM lvitem;
lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvitem.iItem = nElem; lvitem.iSubItem = 0; lvitem.pszText = Value.GetBuffer(Value.GetLength()); lvitem.iImage = NULL; lvitem.lParam = 0;
m_ListValueListBox.InsertItem(&lvitem); } } else { Value = ""; for (UINT nElem = 0;nElem < (UINT)m_nElements; nElem++) { Value = ""; Value.Format("%d",((UINT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); LV_ITEM lvitem; CString InValue = ConvertListValueToCString(((UINT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + nElem]); lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvitem.iItem = nElem; lvitem.iSubItem = 0; lvitem.pszText = InValue.GetBuffer(InValue.GetLength()); lvitem.iImage = NULL; lvitem.lParam = 0;
lvitem.iSubItem = 1; lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvitem.pszText = Value.GetBuffer(Value.GetLength()); m_ListValueListBox.SetItem(&lvitem); } } m_ListValueListBox.SetColumnWidth(0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::OnInitDialog() * * Initializes the Command dialog's controls/display * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditList::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); LVCOLUMN lv; int i = 0; // initialize item property list control column headers
// Property name
lv.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lv.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT ; lv.cx = 100; lv.pszText = "Constant"; lv.cchTextMax = 0; lv.iSubItem = 0; lv.iImage = 0; lv.iOrder = 0; i = m_ListValueListBox.InsertColumn(0,&lv);
// Property Value (current)
lv.cx = 125; lv.iOrder = 1; lv.iSubItem = 1; lv.pszText = "Value"; i = m_ListValueListBox.InsertColumn(1,&lv);
HFONT hFixedFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT); if (hFixedFont != NULL) m_ListValueListBox.SendMessage(WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)hFixedFont,0);
if (m_nElements > 0) DisplayListValues(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
} /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::OnClose() * * Handles closing of the Property LIST edit dialog * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::OnClose() { CDialog::OnClose(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::OnDestroy() * * Handles the destruction of the dialog data arrays * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::OnDestroy() { CDialog::OnDestroy(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::OnDblclkListListctrl() * * Handles Double click message from List control * * * Arguments: * * pNMHDR - Header info * pResult - Operation result * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::OnDblclkListListctrl(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { int SelIndex = m_ListValueListBox.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED); if ( SelIndex != -1 ) {
switch (m_VT) { case VT_I1: case VT_I2: case VT_I4: case VT_I8: case VT_UI1: case VT_UI2: case VT_UI4: case VT_UI8: case VT_INT: m_EditString.Format("%d",((INT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; case VT_R4: case VT_R8: m_EditString.Format("%3.3f",((float*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; case VT_BSTR: m_EditString.Format("%ws",((BSTR*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; case VT_CLSID: { UCHAR *pwszUUID = NULL; UuidToStringA(&((GUID*)(m_pArray))[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex],&pwszUUID); m_EditString.Format("%s",pwszUUID); RpcStringFree(&pwszUUID); } break; case VT_UINT: default: m_EditString.Format("%d",((UINT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; }
UpdateData(FALSE); } OnOK(); *pResult = 0; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::OnClickListListctrl() * * Handles Double click message from List control * * * Arguments: * * pNMHDR - Header info * pResult - Operation result * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::OnClickListListctrl(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { int SelIndex = m_ListValueListBox.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED); if ( SelIndex != -1 ) { switch (m_VT) { case VT_I1: case VT_I2: case VT_I4: case VT_I8: case VT_UI1: case VT_UI2: case VT_UI4: case VT_UI8: case VT_INT: m_EditString.Format("%d",((INT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; case VT_R4: case VT_R8: m_EditString.Format("%3.3f",((float*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; case VT_BSTR: m_EditString.Format("%ws",((BSTR*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; case VT_CLSID: { UCHAR *pwszUUID = NULL; UuidToStringA(&((GUID*)(m_pArray))[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex],&pwszUUID); m_EditString.Format("%s",pwszUUID); RpcStringFree(&pwszUUID); } break; case VT_UINT: default: m_EditString.Format("%d",((UINT*)m_pArray)[WIA_LIST_VALUES + SelIndex]); break; } //m_EditString.Format("%d",m_pUINTArray[SelIndex]);
UpdateData(FALSE); } *pResult = 0; }
* CPropEditList::SetPropertyName() * * Sets the property name string * * * Arguments: * * PropName - Property Name * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::SetPropertyName(CString PropName) { m_strPropName = PropName; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::SetPropertyValue() * * Sets the property value string * * * Arguments: * * PropValue - Property Value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::SetPropertyValue(CString PropValue) { m_EditString = PropValue; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::SetPropertyType() * * Sets the property Type * * * Arguments: * * PropType - Property type * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditList::SetPropertyType(USHORT PropType) { m_VT = PropType; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditList::ConvertListValueToCString() * * Converts a list value to a CString for display * * * Arguments: * * Value - List Value to convert * * Return Value: * * CString - converted List value in CString format * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CString CPropEditList::ConvertListValueToCString(UINT Value) { CString sFlag = ""; for (int i = 0;i<WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].nItems;i++) { if (Value == WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pData[i]) sFlag = (CString)WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pDataNames[i]; } return sFlag; }
* CPropEditList::ConvertGUIDListValueToCString() * * Converts a list value to a CString for display * * * Arguments: * * Value - List Value to convert * * Return Value: * * CString - converted List value in CString format * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CString CPropEditList::ConvertGUIDListValueToCString(GUID guidValue) { if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED) return "WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP) return "WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_BMP) return "WiaImgFmt_BMP"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_EMF) return "WiaImgFmt_EMF"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_WMF) return "WiaImgFmt_WMF"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_JPEG) return "WiaImgFmt_JPEG"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_PNG) return "WiaImgFmt_PNG"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_GIF) return "WiaImgFmt_GIF"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_TIFF) return "WiaImgFmt_TIFF"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_EXIF) return "WiaImgFmt_EXIF"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD) return "WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD"; else if (guidValue == WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX) return "WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX"; else return "** UNKNOWN **"; }
// CPropEditFlags dialog
* CPropEditFlags::CPropEditFlags() * * Constructor for Property Edit dialog - FLAGS type * * * Arguments: * * pParent - Parent Window * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CPropEditFlags::CPropEditFlags(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CPropEditFlags::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CPropEditFlags)
m_EditString = _T(""); m_strPropName = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
} /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::DoDataExchange() * * Handles control message maps to the correct member variables * * * Arguments: * * pDX - DataExchange object * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CPropEditFlags)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FLAGS_LISTCTRL, m_FlagValueListBox); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CURRENTFLAGSTR, m_CurrentFlagValue); DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_ButtonOk); DDX_Control(pDX, IDCANCEL, m_ButtonCancel); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITPROP, m_EditString); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PROP_NAME, m_strPropName); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropEditFlags, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropEditFlags)
// CPropEditFlags message handlers
* CPropEditFlags::OnInitDialog() * * Initializes the Command dialog's controls/display * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CPropEditFlags::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); LVCOLUMN lv; int i = 0; // initialize item property list control column headers
// Property name
lv.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lv.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT ; lv.cx = 100; lv.pszText = "Constant"; lv.cchTextMax = 0; lv.iSubItem = 0; lv.iImage = 0; lv.iOrder = 0; i = m_FlagValueListBox.InsertColumn(0,&lv);
// Property Value (current)
lv.cx = 125; lv.iOrder = 1; lv.iSubItem = 1; lv.pszText = "Value"; i = m_FlagValueListBox.InsertColumn(1,&lv);
HFONT hFixedFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT); if (hFixedFont != NULL) m_FlagValueListBox.SendMessage(WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)hFixedFont,0);
InitPossibleFlagValues(); m_CurrentFlagValue.SetWindowText(ConvertFlagToCString(m_CurrentValue)); m_EditString.Format("0x%08X",m_CurrentValue); UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
} /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::OnClose() * * Handles closing of the Property FLAGS edit dialog * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::OnClose() { CDialog::OnClose(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::OnDestroy() * * Handles the destruction of the dialog data arrays * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::OnDestroy() { CDialog::OnDestroy(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::SetPropertyName() * * Sets the property name string * * * Arguments: * * PropName - Property Name * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::SetPropertyName(CString PropName) { m_strPropName = PropName; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::SetPropertyValue() * * Sets the property value string * * * Arguments: * * PropValue - Property Value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::SetPropertyValue(CString PropValue) { m_EditString = PropValue; sscanf(m_EditString.GetBuffer(20),"%li",&m_CurrentValue); } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::SetPropertyType() * * Sets the property Type * * * Arguments: * * PropType - Property type * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::SetPropertyType(USHORT PropType) { m_VT = PropType; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::SetPropID() * * Sets the property ID * * * Arguments: * * iProp - Property ID * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::SetPropID(USHORT iProp) { m_PropID = iProp; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::InitPossibleFlagsValues() * * Displays the Possible flag values to be used for setting * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::InitPossibleFlagValues() { int NumEntries = WiatestDatabase[0].nItems; BOOL bFoundName = FALSE; for (int CurrentEntry = 1;CurrentEntry <= NumEntries;CurrentEntry++) { if (m_strPropName == (CString)(WiatestDatabase[CurrentEntry].pName)) { bFoundName = TRUE; int Index = 0; CString InValue = ""; CString Value = ""; m_CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry; while (Index <= WiatestDatabase[CurrentEntry].nItems-1) { InValue = ConvertFlagToCString(WiatestDatabase[CurrentEntry].pData[Index]); Value = ""; Value.Format("0x%08X",WiatestDatabase[CurrentEntry].pData[Index]); LV_ITEM lvitem;
lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvitem.iItem = Index; lvitem.iSubItem = 0; lvitem.pszText = InValue.GetBuffer(InValue.GetLength()); lvitem.iImage = NULL; lvitem.lParam = 0;
lvitem.iSubItem = 1; lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvitem.pszText = Value.GetBuffer(Value.GetLength()); m_FlagValueListBox.SetItem(&lvitem);
Index++; } } } if (!bFoundName) AfxMessageBox(m_strPropName + " was not found in wtdb.h data base file..."); m_FlagValueListBox.SetColumnWidth(0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::ConvertFlagToCString() * * Converts a Flag value to a CString for display * * * Arguments: * * flag - Flag Value to convert * * Return Value: * * CString - converted Flag value in CString format * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CString CPropEditFlags::ConvertFlagToCString(DWORD flag) { CString sFlag = ""; for (int i = 0;i<WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].nItems;i++) { if (flag & WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pData[i]) sFlag += (CString)WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pDataNames[i] + " | "; } //
// check for unknown flags
if (sFlag.GetLength() == 0) { //
// last check...since 0 can be counted as FALSE causing the
// if() to fail, this is a check for the first entry (just in case
// the flag's value is 0)
if (flag == WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pData[0]) sFlag = (CString)WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pDataNames[0] + " | "; else sFlag.Format("UNKNOWN Flag = %d ",flag); }
sFlag = sFlag.Left(sFlag.GetLength()-3); return sFlag; } /**************************************************************************\
* CPropEditFlags::OnClickFlagsListctrl() * * Handles click message to list control, selecting a flag to be used * * * Arguments: * * pNMHDR - Header information * pResult - Result value * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CPropEditFlags::OnClickFlagsListctrl(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { m_CurrentValue = 0; int i = m_FlagValueListBox.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED); while ( i != -1 ) { m_CurrentValue = m_CurrentValue | WiatestDatabase[m_CurrentEntry].pData[i]; i = m_FlagValueListBox.GetNextItem( i, LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED); } m_CurrentFlagValue.SetWindowText(ConvertFlagToCString(m_CurrentValue)); m_EditString.Format("0x%08X",m_CurrentValue); UpdateData(FALSE); *pResult = 0; }