// xstring internal header (from <string>) #ifndef _XSTRING_ #define _XSTRING_ #include <xmemory>
#ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(push,8) #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #include <xutility> _STD_BEGIN _CRTIMP void __cdecl _Xlen(); _CRTIMP void __cdecl _Xran(); // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_string template<class _E, class _Tr = char_traits<_E>, class _A = allocator<_E> > class basic_string { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Myt; typedef _A::size_type size_type; typedef _A::difference_type difference_type; typedef _A::pointer pointer; typedef _A::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef _A::reference reference; typedef _A::const_reference const_reference; typedef _A::value_type value_type; typedef _A::pointer iterator; typedef _A::const_pointer const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator, value_type, const_reference, const_pointer, difference_type> const_reverse_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference, pointer, difference_type> reverse_iterator; explicit basic_string(const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al) {_Tidy(); } basic_string(const _Myt& _X) : allocator(_X.allocator) {_Tidy(), assign(_X, 0, npos); } basic_string(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P, size_type _M, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al) {_Tidy(), assign(_X, _P, _M); } basic_string(const _E *_S, size_type _N, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al) {_Tidy(), assign(_S, _N); } basic_string(const _E *_S, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al) {_Tidy(), assign(_S); } basic_string(size_type _N, _E _C, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al) {_Tidy(), assign(_N, _C); } typedef const_iterator _It; basic_string(_It _F, _It _L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al) {_Tidy(); assign(_F, _L); } ~basic_string() {_Tidy(true); } typedef _Tr traits_type; typedef _A allocator_type; enum _Mref {_FROZEN = 255}; static const size_type npos; _Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _X) {return (assign(_X)); } _Myt& operator=(const _E *_S) {return (assign(_S)); } _Myt& operator=(_E _C) {return (assign(1, _C)); } _Myt& operator+=(const _Myt& _X) {return (append(_X)); } _Myt& operator+=(const _E *_S) {return (append(_S)); } _Myt& operator+=(_E _C) {return (append(1, _C)); } _Myt& append(const _Myt& _X) {return (append(_X, 0, npos)); } _Myt& append(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P, size_type _M) {if (_X.size() < _P) _Xran(); size_type _N = _X.size() - _P; if (_N < _M) _M = _N; if (npos - _Len <= _M) _Xlen(); if (0 < _M && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M)) {_Tr::copy(_Ptr + _Len, &_X.c_str()[_P], _M); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& append(const _E *_S, size_type _M) {if (npos - _Len <= _M) _Xlen(); size_type _N; if (0 < _M && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M)) {_Tr::copy(_Ptr + _Len, _S, _M); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& append(const _E *_S) {return (append(_S, _Tr::length(_S))); } _Myt& append(size_type _M, _E _C) {if (npos - _Len <= _M) _Xlen(); size_type _N; if (0 < _M && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M)) {_Tr::assign(_Ptr + _Len, _M, _C); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& append(_It _F, _It _L) {return (replace(end(), end(), _F, _L)); } _Myt& assign(const _Myt& _X) {return (assign(_X, 0, npos)); } _Myt& assign(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P, size_type _M) {if (_X.size() < _P) _Xran(); size_type _N = _X.size() - _P; if (_M < _N) _N = _M; if (this == &_X) erase((size_type)(_P + _N)), erase(0, _P); else if (0 < _N && _N == _X.size() && _Refcnt(_X.c_str()) < _FROZEN - 1 && allocator == _X.allocator) {_Tidy(true); _Ptr = (_E *)_X.c_str(); _Len = _X.size(); _Res = _X.capacity(); ++_Refcnt(_Ptr); } else if (_Grow(_N, true)) {_Tr::copy(_Ptr, &_X.c_str()[_P], _N); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& assign(const _E *_S, size_type _N) {if (_Grow(_N, true)) {_Tr::copy(_Ptr, _S, _N); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& assign(const _E *_S) {return (assign(_S, _Tr::length(_S))); } _Myt& assign(size_type _N, _E _C) {if (_N == npos) _Xlen(); if (_Grow(_N, true)) {_Tr::assign(_Ptr, _N, _C); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& assign(_It _F, _It _L) {return (replace(begin(), end(), _F, _L)); } _Myt& insert(size_type _P0, const _Myt& _X) {return (insert(_P0, _X, 0, npos)); } _Myt& insert(size_type _P0, const _Myt& _X, size_type _P, size_type _M) {if (_Len < _P0 || _X.size() < _P) _Xran(); size_type _N = _X.size() - _P; if (_N < _M) _M = _N; if (npos - _Len <= _M) _Xlen(); if (0 < _M && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M)) {_Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0, _Len - _P0); _Tr::copy(_Ptr + _P0, &_X.c_str()[_P], _M); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& insert(size_type _P0, const _E *_S, size_type _M) {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); if (npos - _Len <= _M) _Xlen(); size_type _N; if (0 < _M && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M)) {_Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0, _Len - _P0); _Tr::copy(_Ptr + _P0, _S, _M); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& insert(size_type _P0, const _E *_S) {return (insert(_P0, _S, _Tr::length(_S))); } _Myt& insert(size_type _P0, size_type _M, _E _C) {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); if (npos - _Len <= _M) _Xlen(); size_type _N; if (0 < _M && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M)) {_Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0, _Len - _P0); _Tr::assign(_Ptr + _P0, _M, _C); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } iterator insert(iterator _P, _E _C) {size_type _P0 = _Pdif(_P, begin()); insert(_P0, 1, _C); return (begin() + _P0); } void insert(iterator _P, size_type _M, _E _C) {size_type _P0 = _Pdif(_P, begin()); insert(_P0, _M, _C); } void insert(iterator _P, _It _F, _It _L) {replace(_P, _P, _F, _L); } _Myt& erase(size_type _P0 = 0, size_type _M = npos) {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); _Split(); if (_Len - _P0 < _M) _M = _Len - _P0; if (0 < _M) {_Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0, _Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Len - _P0 - _M); size_type _N = _Len - _M; if (_Grow(_N)) _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } iterator erase(iterator _P) {size_t _M = _Pdif(_P, begin()); erase(_M, 1); return (_Psum(_Ptr, _M)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) {size_t _M = _Pdif(_F, begin()); erase(_M, _Pdif(_L, _F)); return (_Psum(_Ptr, _M)); } _Myt& replace(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _Myt& _X) {return (replace(_P0, _N0, _X, 0, npos)); } _Myt& replace(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _Myt& _X, size_type _P, size_type _M) {if (_Len < _P0 || _X.size() < _P) _Xran(); if (_Len - _P0 < _N0) _N0 = _Len - _P0; size_type _N = _X.size() - _P; if (_N < _M) _M = _N; if (npos - _M <= _Len - _N0) _Xlen(); _Split(); size_type _Nm = _Len - _N0 - _P0; if (_M < _N0) _Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0 + _N0, _Nm); if ((0 < _M || 0 < _N0) && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M - _N0)) {if (_N0 < _M) _Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0 + _N0, _Nm); _Tr::copy(_Ptr + _P0, &_X.c_str()[_P], _M); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& replace(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _E *_S, size_type _M) {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); if (_Len - _P0 < _N0) _N0 = _Len - _P0; if (npos - _M <= _Len - _N0) _Xlen(); _Split(); size_type _Nm = _Len - _N0 - _P0; if (_M < _N0) _Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0 + _N0, _Nm); size_type _N; if ((0 < _M || 0 < _N0) && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M - _N0)) {if (_N0 < _M) _Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0 + _N0, _Nm); _Tr::copy(_Ptr + _P0, _S, _M); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& replace(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _E *_S) {return (replace(_P0, _N0, _S, _Tr::length(_S))); } _Myt& replace(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, size_type _M, _E _C) {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); if (_Len - _P0 < _N0) _N0 = _Len - _P0; if (npos - _M <= _Len - _N0) _Xlen(); _Split(); size_type _Nm = _Len - _N0 - _P0; if (_M < _N0) _Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0 + _N0, _Nm); size_type _N; if ((0 < _M || 0 < _N0) && _Grow(_N = _Len + _M - _N0)) {if (_N0 < _M) _Tr::move(_Ptr + _P0 + _M, _Ptr + _P0 + _N0, _Nm); _Tr::assign(_Ptr + _P0, _M, _C); _Eos(_N); } return (*this); } _Myt& replace(iterator _F, iterator _L, const _Myt& _X) {return (replace( _Pdif(_F, begin()), _Pdif(_L, _F), _X)); } _Myt& replace(iterator _F, iterator _L, const _E *_S, size_type _M) {return (replace( _Pdif(_F, begin()), _Pdif(_L, _F), _S, _M)); } _Myt& replace(iterator _F, iterator _L, const _E *_S) {return (replace( _Pdif(_F, begin()), _Pdif(_L, _F), _S)); } _Myt& replace(iterator _F, iterator _L, size_type _M, _E _C) {return (replace( _Pdif(_F, begin()), _Pdif(_L, _F), _M, _C)); } _Myt& replace(iterator _F1, iterator _L1, _It _F2, _It _L2) {size_type _P0 = _Pdif(_F1, begin()); size_type _M = 0; _Distance(_F2, _L2, _M); replace(_P0, _Pdif(_L1, _F1), _M, _E(0)); for (_F1 = begin() + _P0; 0 < _M; ++_F1, ++_F2, --_M) *_F1 = *_F2; return (*this); } iterator begin() {_Freeze(); return (_Ptr); } const_iterator begin() const {return (_Ptr); } iterator end() {_Freeze(); return ((iterator)_Psum(_Ptr, _Len)); } const_iterator end() const {return ((const_iterator)_Psum(_Ptr, _Len)); } reverse_iterator rbegin() {return (reverse_iterator(end())); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {return (const_reverse_iterator(end())); } reverse_iterator rend() {return (reverse_iterator(begin())); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const {return (const_reverse_iterator(begin())); } reference at(size_type _P0) {if (_Len <= _P0) _Xran(); _Freeze(); return (_Ptr[_P0]); } const_reference at(size_type _P0) const {if (_Len <= _P0) _Xran(); return (_Ptr[_P0]); } reference operator[](size_type _P0) {if (_Len < _P0 || _Ptr == 0) return ((reference)*_Nullstr()); _Freeze(); return (_Ptr[_P0]); } const_reference operator[](size_type _P0) const {if (_Ptr == 0) return (*_Nullstr()); else return (_Ptr[_P0]); } const _E *c_str() const {return (_Ptr == 0 ? _Nullstr() : _Ptr); } const _E *data() const {return (c_str()); } size_type length() const {return (_Len); } size_type size() const {return (_Len); } size_type max_size() const {size_type _N = allocator.max_size(); return (_N <= 2 ? 1 : _N - 2); } void resize(size_type _N, _E _C) {_N <= _Len ? erase(_N) : append(_N - _Len, _C); } void resize(size_type _N) {_N <= _Len ? erase(_N) : append(_N - _Len, _E(0)); } size_type capacity() const {return (_Res); } void reserve(size_type _N = 0) {if (_Res < _N) _Grow(_N); } bool empty() const {return (_Len == 0); } size_type copy(_E *_S, size_type _N, size_type _P0 = 0) const {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); if (_Len - _P0 < _N) _N = _Len - _P0; if (0 < _N) _Tr::copy(_S, _Ptr + _P0, _N); return (_N); } void swap(_Myt& _X) {if (allocator == _X.allocator) {std::swap(_Ptr, _X._Ptr); std::swap(_Len, _X._Len); std::swap(_Res, _X._Res); } else {_Myt _Ts = *this; *this = _X, _X = _Ts; }} friend void swap(_Myt& _X, _Myt& _Y) {_X.swap(_Y); } size_type find(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find(_X.c_str(), _P, _X.size())); } size_type find(const _E *_S, size_type _P, size_type _N) const {if (_N == 0 && _P <= _Len) return (_P); size_type _Nm; if (_P < _Len && _N <= (_Nm = _Len - _P)) {const _E *_U, *_V; for (_Nm -= _N - 1, _V = _Ptr + _P; (_U = _Tr::find(_V, _Nm, *_S)) != 0; _Nm -= (size_type) (_U - _V + 1), _V = _U + 1) if (_Tr::compare(_U, _S, _N) == 0) return (_U - _Ptr); } return (npos); } size_type find(const _E *_S, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find(_S, _P, _Tr::length(_S))); } size_type find(_E _C, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find((const _E *)&_C, _P, 1)); } size_type rfind(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P = npos) const {return (rfind(_X.c_str(), _P, _X.size())); } size_type rfind(const _E *_S, size_type _P, size_type _N) const {if (_N == 0) return (_P < _Len ? _P : _Len); if (_N <= _Len) for (const _E *_U = _Ptr + + (_P < _Len - _N ? _P : _Len - _N); ; --_U) if (_Tr::eq(*_U, *_S) && _Tr::compare(_U, _S, _N) == 0) return (_U - _Ptr); else if (_U == _Ptr) break; return (npos); } size_type rfind(const _E *_S, size_type _P = npos) const {return (rfind(_S, _P, _Tr::length(_S))); } size_type rfind(_E _C, size_type _P = npos) const {return (rfind((const _E *)&_C, _P, 1)); } size_type find_first_of(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find_first_of(_X.c_str(), _P, _X.size())); } size_type find_first_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P, size_type _N) const {if (0 < _N && _P < _Len) {const _E *const _V = _Ptr + _Len; for (const _E *_U = _Ptr + _P; _U < _V; ++_U) if (_Tr::find(_S, _N, *_U) != 0) return (_U - _Ptr); } return (npos); } size_type find_first_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find_first_of(_S, _P, _Tr::length(_S))); } size_type find_first_of(_E _C, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find((const _E *)&_C, _P, 1)); } size_type find_last_of(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P = npos) const {return (find_last_of(_X.c_str(), _P, _X.size())); } size_type find_last_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P, size_type _N) const {if (0 < _N && 0 < _Len) for (const _E *_U = _Ptr + (_P < _Len ? _P : _Len - 1); ; --_U) if (_Tr::find(_S, _N, *_U) != 0) return (_U - _Ptr); else if (_U == _Ptr) break; return (npos); } size_type find_last_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P = npos) const {return (find_last_of(_S, _P, _Tr::length(_S))); } size_type find_last_of(_E _C, size_type _P = npos) const {return (rfind((const _E *)&_C, _P, 1)); } size_type find_first_not_of(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find_first_not_of(_X.c_str(), _P, _X.size())); } size_type find_first_not_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P, size_type _N) const {if (_P < _Len) {const _E *const _V = _Ptr + _Len; for (const _E *_U = _Ptr + _P; _U < _V; ++_U) if (_Tr::find(_S, _N, *_U) == 0) return (_U - _Ptr); } return (npos); } size_type find_first_not_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find_first_not_of(_S, _P, _Tr::length(_S))); } size_type find_first_not_of(_E _C, size_type _P = 0) const {return (find_first_not_of((const _E *)&_C, _P, 1)); } size_type find_last_not_of(const _Myt& _X, size_type _P = npos) const {return (find_last_not_of(_X.c_str(), _P, _X.size())); } size_type find_last_not_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P, size_type _N) const {if (0 < _Len) for (const _E *_U = _Ptr + (_P < _Len ? _P : _Len - 1); ; --_U) if (_Tr::find(_S, _N, *_U) == 0) return (_U - _Ptr); else if (_U == _Ptr) break; return (npos); } size_type find_last_not_of(const _E *_S, size_type _P = npos) const {return (find_last_not_of(_S, _P, _Tr::length(_S))); } size_type find_last_not_of(_E _C, size_type _P = npos) const {return (find_last_not_of((const _E *)&_C, _P, 1)); } _Myt substr(size_type _P = 0, size_type _M = npos) const {return (_Myt(*this, _P, _M)); } int compare(const _Myt& _X) const {return (compare(0, _Len, _X.c_str(), _X.size())); } int compare(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _Myt& _X) const {return (compare(_P0, _N0, _X, 0, npos)); } int compare(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _Myt& _X, size_type _P, size_type _M) const {if (_X.size() < _P) _Xran(); if (_X._Len - _P < _M) _M = _X._Len - _P; return (compare(_P0, _N0, _X.c_str() + _P, _M)); } int compare(const _E *_S) const {return (compare(0, _Len, _S, _Tr::length(_S))); } int compare(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _E *_S) const {return (compare(_P0, _N0, _S, _Tr::length(_S))); } int compare(size_type _P0, size_type _N0, const _E *_S, size_type _M) const {if (_Len < _P0) _Xran(); if (_Len - _P0 < _N0) _N0 = _Len - _P0; size_type _Ans = _Tr::compare(_Psum(_Ptr, _P0), _S, _N0 < _M ? _N0 : _M); return (_Ans != 0 ? _Ans : _N0 < _M ? -1 : _N0 == _M ? 0 : +1); } _A get_allocator() const {return (allocator); } protected: _A allocator; private: enum {_MIN_SIZE = sizeof (_E) <= 32 ? 31 : 7}; void _Copy(size_type _N) {size_type _Ns = _N | _MIN_SIZE; if (max_size() < _Ns) _Ns = _N; _E *_S; _TRY_BEGIN _S = allocator.allocate(_Ns + 2, (void *)0); _CATCH_ALL _Ns = _N; _S = allocator.allocate(_Ns + 2, (void *)0); _CATCH_END if (0 < _Len) _Tr::copy(_S + 1, _Ptr,_Len>_Ns?_Ns:_Len); size_type _Olen = _Len; _Tidy(true); _Ptr = _S + 1; _Refcnt(_Ptr) = 0; _Res = _Ns; _Eos(_Olen>_Ns?_Ns:_Olen); } void _Eos(size_type _N) {_Tr::assign(_Ptr[_Len = _N], _E(0)); } void _Freeze() {if (_Ptr != 0 && _Refcnt(_Ptr) != 0 && _Refcnt(_Ptr) != _FROZEN) _Grow(_Len); if (_Ptr != 0) _Refcnt(_Ptr) = _FROZEN; } bool _Grow(size_type _N, bool _Trim = false) {if (max_size() < _N) _Xlen(); if (_Ptr != 0 && _Refcnt(_Ptr) != 0 && _Refcnt(_Ptr) != _FROZEN) if (_N == 0) {--_Refcnt(_Ptr), _Tidy(); return (false); } else {_Copy(_N); return (true); } if (_N == 0) {if (_Trim) _Tidy(true); else if (_Ptr != 0) _Eos(0); return (false); } else {if (_Trim && (_MIN_SIZE < _Res || _Res < _N)) {_Tidy(true); _Copy(_N); } else if (!_Trim && _Res < _N) _Copy(_N); return (true); }} static const _E * __cdecl _Nullstr() {static const _E _C = _E(0); return (&_C); } static size_type __cdecl _Pdif(const_pointer _P2, const_pointer _P1) {return (_P2 == 0 ? 0 : _P2 - _P1); } static const_pointer __cdecl _Psum(const_pointer _P, size_type _N) {return (_P == 0 ? 0 : _P + _N); } static pointer __cdecl _Psum(pointer _P, size_type _N) {return (_P == 0 ? 0 : _P + _N); } unsigned char& _Refcnt(const _E *_U) {return (((unsigned char *)_U)[-1]); } void _Split() {if (_Ptr != 0 && _Refcnt(_Ptr) != 0 && _Refcnt(_Ptr) != _FROZEN) {_E *_Temp = _Ptr; _Tidy(true); assign(_Temp); }} void _Tidy(bool _Built = false) {if (!_Built || _Ptr == 0) ; else if (_Refcnt(_Ptr) == 0 || _Refcnt(_Ptr) == _FROZEN) allocator.deallocate(_Ptr - 1, _Res + 2); else --_Refcnt(_Ptr); _Ptr = 0, _Len = 0, _Res = 0; } _E *_Ptr; size_type _Len, _Res; }; template<class _E, class _Tr, class _A> const basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A>::size_type basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A>::npos = (size_type)-1;
#ifdef _DLL #pragma warning(disable:4231) /* the extern before template is a non-standard extension */
extern template class _CRTIMP basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> >; extern template class _CRTIMP basic_string<wchar_t, char_traits<wchar_t>, allocator<wchar_t> >;
#pragma warning(default:4231) /* restore previous warning */ #endif // _DLL
typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> > string;
typedef basic_string<wchar_t, char_traits<wchar_t>, allocator<wchar_t> > wstring;
_STD_END #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(pop) #endif /* _MSC_VER */
#endif /* _XSTRING */
/* * Copyright (c) 1995 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. */