// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Instance.h
// Purpose: Definition of CInstance class
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef _INSTANCE_H_
#define _INSTANCE_H_
#define WBEMINT64 CHString
#define WBEMINT16 short
// CLASS CInstance
// base instance class
// encapsulation of IWbemClassObject
class __declspec(uuid("3402945E-D19A-11d2-B35E-00104BC97924")) POLARITY CInstance { public: CInstance(IWbemClassObject *piClassObject, MethodContext *pMethodContext); virtual ~CInstance();
// AddRef/Release
LONG AddRef( void ); LONG Release( void );
// Get and Set for various data types
bool SetNull(LPCWSTR name ); bool SetStringArray(LPCWSTR name, const SAFEARRAY &strArray); bool SetWORD(LPCWSTR name, WORD w); bool SetDWORD(LPCWSTR name, DWORD d); bool Setbool(LPCWSTR name, bool b); bool SetVariant(LPCWSTR name, const VARIANT& variant ); #ifdef FRAMEWORK_ALLOW_DEPRECATED
bool SetCharSplat(LPCWSTR name, DWORD dwResID); #endif
bool SetCharSplat(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR pStr); bool SetCharSplat( LPCWSTR name, LPCSTR pStr); bool SetWCHARSplat(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR pStr); bool SetDateTime(LPCWSTR name, const WBEMTime& wbemtime ); bool SetTimeSpan(LPCWSTR name, const WBEMTimeSpan& wbemtimespan ); bool SetWBEMINT64(LPCWSTR name, const WBEMINT64& wbemint64 ); bool SetWBEMINT64(LPCWSTR name, const LONGLONG i64Value ); bool SetWBEMINT64( LPCWSTR name, const ULONGLONG i64Value ); bool SetWBEMINT16(LPCWSTR name, const WBEMINT16& wbemint16 ); bool SetByte(LPCWSTR name, BYTE b ); bool SetEmbeddedObject (LPCWSTR name, CInstance& cInstance ) ; bool SetDOUBLE(LPCWSTR name, DOUBLE dub ); bool SetCHString(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR str); bool SetCHString(LPCWSTR name, const CHString& str); bool SetCHString(LPCWSTR name, LPCSTR str);
bool GetStringArray(LPCWSTR name, SAFEARRAY *& strArray) const; bool GetCHString(LPCWSTR name, CHString& str) const; bool GetWCHAR(LPCWSTR name, WCHAR **pW) const; bool GetWORD(LPCWSTR name, WORD& w) const; bool GetDWORD(LPCWSTR name, DWORD& d) const; bool Getbool(LPCWSTR name, bool& b) const; bool GetVariant(LPCWSTR name, VARIANT& variant ) const; bool GetDateTime(LPCWSTR name, WBEMTime& wbemtime ) const; bool GetTimeSpan(LPCWSTR name, WBEMTimeSpan& wbemtimespan ) const; bool GetWBEMINT64(LPCWSTR name, WBEMINT64& wbemint64 ) const; bool GetWBEMINT64(LPCWSTR name, LONGLONG& i64Value ) const; bool GetWBEMINT64( LPCWSTR name, ULONGLONG& i64Value) const; bool GetWBEMINT16(LPCWSTR name, WBEMINT16& wbemint16 ) const; bool GetByte(LPCWSTR name, BYTE& b ) const; bool GetEmbeddedObject(LPCWSTR name, CInstance** pInstance, MethodContext *pMethodContext) const; bool GetDOUBLE(LPCWSTR name, DOUBLE& dub) const; bool IsNull(LPCWSTR name) const; bool GetStatus(LPCWSTR name, bool &a_Exists , VARTYPE &a_VarType ) const ;
HRESULT Commit(void); IWbemClassObject *GetClassObjectInterface(); MethodContext *GetMethodContext() const;
protected: // All items in this section intended for Microsoft internal use only
// use by third parties is unsupported and unrecommended
void LogError(LPCWSTR errorStr, LPCWSTR pFunctionName, LPCWSTR pArgs = NULL, HRESULT hError = -1) const;
IWbemClassObject *m_piClassObject; MethodContext* m_pMethodContext; LONG m_nRefCount;
friend class CWbemProviderGlue; };