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// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// RefPtrCo.h
// Purpose: definition of TRefPointerCollection template
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#include <chptrarr.h>
// Enumeration helpers
template <class TYPED_PTR> class TRefPointerCollection : public CThreadBase { public:
// Construction/Destruction
TRefPointerCollection(); ~TRefPointerCollection(); TRefPointerCollection(const TRefPointerCollection& trpc);
// Allows addition and enumeration of collection
BOOL Add( TYPED_PTR* ptr );
void Empty( void ); int GetSize( void ) const;
// Allows easy and quick transference of data (it was =, but
// because we'll inherit classes off the template, we won't
// inherit that particular overload (some C++ thingie)
const TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>& Copy( const TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>& );
CHPtrArray m_ptrArray;
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::TRefPointerCollection
// Class Constructor.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
template <class TYPED_PTR> TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::TRefPointerCollection( void ) : CThreadBase(), m_ptrArray() { }
// Function: CRefPointerCollection::~CRefPointerCollection
// Class Destructor.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
template <class TYPED_PTR> TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::~TRefPointerCollection( void ) { Empty(); }
// Function: CRefPointerCollection::CRefPointerCollection
// Copy constructor
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
template <class TYPED_PTR> TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::TRefPointerCollection( const TRefPointerCollection& trpc) { Copy(trpc); }
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::Add
// Adds a new referenced pointer to the collection.
// Inputs: T* ptr - Pointer to add.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: TRUE/FALSE Success/Failure of Add.
// Comments: AddRefs the pointer, then adds it to the array. We
// will need Write Access to do this.
template <class TYPED_PTR> BOOL TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::Add( TYPED_PTR* ptr ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
if ( NULL != ptr ) { // Get write access
if ( BeginWrite() ) { try { // If Add succeeds, the pointer will be released when it
// is removed.
if ( m_ptrArray.Add( (void*) ptr ) >= 0 ) { fReturn = TRUE; } else { ptr->Release(); // Add failed, so Release the AddRef
} } catch ( ... ) { EndWrite() ; throw; }
EndWrite(); // Release the BeginWrite()
} }
return fReturn; }
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::BeginEnum
// Gains Read Access to the collection, then returns an appropriate
// REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION to get the first index in the array.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION& pos - Position we retrieved.
// Return: BOOL TRUE/FALSE - Access was granted
// Comments: We need Read Access to do this. This can effectively
// lock out other threads.
template <class TYPED_PTR> BOOL TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::BeginEnum( REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION& pos ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
if ( BeginRead() ) { pos = REFPTRCOLLECTION_START; fReturn = TRUE; }
return fReturn;
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::EndEnum
// Signals the end of an enumeration.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: BOOL TRUE/FALSE - Access was granted
// Comments: Ends Read Access granted by calling BeginEnum().
template <class TYPED_PTR> void TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::EndEnum( void ) { EndRead(); }
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::GetNext
// Uses the REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION to get the next index in the
// collection.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION& pos - Position we retrieved.
// Return: T* NULL if failure.
// Comments: We need Read Access to do this. The pointer is AddRef'd
// on the way out. User must Release the pointer himself.
template <class TYPED_PTR> TYPED_PTR* TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::GetNext( REFPTRCOLLECTION_POSITION& pos ) { TYPED_PTR* ptr = NULL;
if ( BeginRead() ) { if ( ++pos < (DWORD) m_ptrArray.GetSize() ) { ptr = (TYPED_PTR*) m_ptrArray.GetAt( pos );
if ( NULL != ptr ) { ptr->AddRef(); } }
EndRead(); }
return ptr; }
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::Empty
// Empties out the collection, Releasing Pointers as it does do.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Return: None.
// Comments: We need Write Access to do this.
template <class TYPED_PTR> void TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::Empty( void ) { // By default this is an infinite wait, so it best come back
try {
int nSize = m_ptrArray.GetSize();
// Only empty it if it is not empty
if ( nSize > 0 ) { TYPED_PTR* ptr = NULL;
for ( int nCtr = 0; nCtr < nSize; nCtr++ ) { ptr = (TYPED_PTR*) m_ptrArray[nCtr];
if ( NULL != ptr ) { ptr->Release(); // AddRef we did when we added it
} }
// Now dump the array
} // IF nSize > 0
} catch ( ... ) { EndWrite() ; throw; }
EndWrite(); }
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::Copy
// Empties out the collection, copies in another one, addrefing
// pointers as we go.
// Inputs: const T& collection
// Outputs: None.
// Return: const T& this
// Comments: We need Write Access to do this.
template <class TYPED_PTR> const TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>& TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::Copy( const TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>& collection ) { // By default this is an infinite wait, so it best come back
try {
// Dump out the array
int nSize = collection.m_ptrArray.GetSize();
for ( int nCount = 0; nCount < nSize; nCount++ ) { TYPED_PTR* ptr = (TYPED_PTR*) collection.m_ptrArray[nCount];
// Add will automatically AddRef the pointer again.
Add( ptr ); } } catch ( ... ) { EndWrite() ; throw; }
return *this; }
// Function: TRefPointerCollection::GetSize
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: Number of elements in the collection
// Return: None.
// Comments: None.
template <class TYPED_PTR> int TRefPointerCollection<TYPED_PTR>::GetSize(void) const { return m_ptrArray.GetSize(); }