// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// SystemInfo.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module displays the system information of local / remote system.
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 27-Dec-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 27-Dec-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "wmi.h"
#include "SystemInfo.h"
// private function prototype(s)
LCID GetSupportedUserLocale( BOOL& bLocaleChanged ); BOOL TranslateLocaleCode( CHString& strLocale ); BOOL FormatNumber( LPCWSTR strValue, CHString& strFmtValue ); BOOL FormatNumberEx( LPCWSTR pwszValue, CHString& strFmtValue ); VOID PrintProgressMsg( HANDLE hOutput, LPCWSTR pwszMsg, const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO& csbi );
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This the entry point to this utility.
// Arguments:
// [ in ] argc : argument(s) count specified at the command prompt
// [ in ] argv : argument(s) specified at the command prompt
// Return Value:
// The below are actually not return values but are the exit values
// returned to the OS by this application
// 0 : utility is successfull
// 1 : utility failed
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD __cdecl _tmain( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
CSystemInfo sysinfo; BOOL bResult = FALSE; DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
// initialize the taskkill utility
if ( sysinfo.Initialize() == FALSE ) { CHString strBuffer; strBuffer.Format( L"%s %s", TAG_ERROR, GetReason() ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, strBuffer ); EXIT_PROCESS( 1 ); }
// now do parse the command line options
if ( sysinfo.ProcessOptions( argc, argv ) == FALSE ) { CHString strBuffer; strBuffer.Format( L"%s %s", TAG_ERROR, GetReason() ); ShowMessage( stderr, strBuffer ); EXIT_PROCESS( 1 ); }
// check whether usage has to be displayed or not
if ( sysinfo.m_bUsage == TRUE ) { // show the usage of the utility
// quit from the utility
// connect to the WMI
bResult = sysinfo.Connect(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // show the error message
CHString strBuffer; strBuffer.Format( L"%s %s", TAG_ERROR, GetReason() ); ShowMessage( stderr, strBuffer ); EXIT_PROCESS( 1 ); }
// load the data
if ( sysinfo.LoadData() == FALSE ) { // show the error message
CHString strBuffer; strBuffer.Format( L"\n%s %s", TAG_ERROR, GetReason() ); ShowMessage( stderr, strBuffer ); EXIT_PROCESS( 1 ); }
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// NOTE: for list for output will be shown while loading itself.
// so show the output incase of table and csv formats only
if ( (sysinfo.m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) != SR_FORMAT_LIST ) #endif
// show the system configuration information
// exit from the program
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::Connect() { // local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bLocalSystem = FALSE;
// connect to WMI
bResult = ConnectWmiEx( m_pWbemLocator, &m_pWbemServices, m_strServer, m_strUserName, m_strPassword, &m_pAuthIdentity, m_bNeedPassword, WMI_NAMESPACE_CIMV2, &bLocalSystem );
// check the result of connection
if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// check the local credentials and if need display warning
if ( GetLastError() == WBEM_E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS ) { CHString str; WMISaveError( WBEM_E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS ); str.Format( L"%s %s", TAG_WARNING, GetReason() ); ShowMessage( stdout, str );
// get the new screen co-ordinates
if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); }
// check the remote system version and its compatiblity
if ( bLocalSystem == FALSE ) { DWORD dwVersion = 0; dwVersion = GetTargetVersionEx( m_pWbemServices, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( IsCompatibleOperatingSystem( dwVersion ) == FALSE ) { SetReason( ERROR_OS_INCOMPATIBLE ); return FALSE; } }
// return the result
return bResult; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadData() { // local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE; HANDLE hStdErr = NULL;
// load os information
bResult = LoadOSInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// Host Name, OS Name, OS Version, OS Manufacturer
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_HOSTNAME, CI_OS_MANUFACTURER ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// load computer information
bResult = LoadComputerInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// OS Configuration, OS Build Type, Registered Owner,
// Registered Organization, Product ID, Original Install Date
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_OS_CONFIG, CI_INSTALL_DATE ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// load systemuptime information from perf data
bResult = LoadPerformanceInfo(); // if ( bResult == FALSE )
// return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// System Up Time, System Manufacturer, System Model, System type
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_SYSTEM_UPTIME, CI_SYSTEM_TYPE ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// load processor information
bResult = LoadProcessorInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// Processor(s)
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_PROCESSOR, CI_PROCESSOR ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// load bios information
bResult = LoadBiosInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// BIOS Version, Windows Directory, System Directory, Boot Device, System Locale
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_BIOS_VERSION, CI_SYSTEM_LOCALE ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// load input locale information from keyboard class
bResult = LoadKeyboardInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// load timezone information
bResult = LoadTimeZoneInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// Input Locale, Time Zone, Total Physical Memory, Available Physical Memory,
// Virtual Memory: Max Size, Virtual Memory: Available, Virtual Memory: In Use
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_INPUT_LOCALE, CI_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INUSE ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// load the logon server information
bResult = LoadProfileInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// load pagefile information
bResult = LoadPageFileInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// load hotfix information from quick fix engineering class
bResult = LoadHotfixInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// load n/w card information from network adapter class
bResult = LoadNetworkCardInfo(); if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
#ifdef _FAST_LIST
// ***********************************************
// show the paritial output .. only in list format
// ***********************************************
// Columns Shown here:
// Page File Location(s), Domain, Logon Server, Hotfix(s), NetWork Card(s)
// ***********************************************
if ( (m_dwFormat & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
ShowOutput( CI_PAGEFILE_LOCATION, CI_NETWORK_CARD ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi ); } #endif
// erase the last status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, NULL, m_csbi );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadOSInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulReturned = 0; CHString strInstallDate; CHString strVirtualMemoryInUse; // totalvirtualmemorysize - freevirtualmemory
IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strHostName; // csname
CHString strName; // caption
CHString strVersion; // version
CHString strServicePack; // csdversion
CHString strBuildNumber; // buildnumber
CHString strManufacturer; // manufacturer
CHString strBuildType; // buildtype
CHString strOwner; // registereduser
CHString strOrganization; // organization
CHString strSerialNumber; // serialnumber
CHString strWindowsDir; // windowsdirectory
CHString strSystemDir; // systemdirectory
CHString strBootDevice; // bootdevice
CHString strFreePhysicalMemory; // freephysicalmemory
CHString strTotalVirtualMemory; // totalvirtualmemorysize
CHString strFreeVirtualMemory; // freevirtualmemory
CHString strLocale; // locale
SYSTEMTIME systimeInstallDate; // installdate
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_OSINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_OperatingSystem class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_CAPTION, strName ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_CSNAME, strHostName ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_VERSION, strVersion ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_CSDVERSION, strServicePack ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_BUILDNUMBER, strBuildNumber ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_MANUFACTURER, strManufacturer ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_BUILDTYPE, strBuildType ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_REGUSER, strOwner ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_ORGANIZATION, strOrganization ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_SERIALNUMBER, strSerialNumber ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_WINDOWSDIR, strWindowsDir ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_SYSTEMDIR, strSystemDir ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_BOOTDEVICE, strBootDevice ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_LOCALE, strLocale ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_FREEPHYSICALMEMORY, strFreePhysicalMemory ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_TOTALVIRTUALMEMORY, strTotalVirtualMemory ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_FREEVIRTUALMEMORY, strFreeVirtualMemory ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM_P_INSTALLDATE, systimeInstallDate );
// relase the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// do the needed formatting the information obtained
// convert the system locale into appropriate code
TranslateLocaleCode( strLocale );
// format the version info
try { // sub-local variable
CHString str;
// attach the service pack info
str = strVersion; if ( strServicePack.IsEmpty() == FALSE ) str.Format( L"%s %s", strVersion, strServicePack );
// attach the build number
strVersion.Format( FMT_OSVERSION, str, strBuildNumber ); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// get the formatted date and time
{ // sub-local variables
LCID lcid; CHString strTime; CHString strDate; BOOL bLocaleChanged = FALSE;
// verify whether console supports the current locale 100% or not
lcid = GetSupportedUserLocale( bLocaleChanged );
// get the formatted date
try { // get the size of buffer that is needed
DWORD dwCount = 0;
dwCount = GetDateFormat( lcid, 0, &systimeInstallDate, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"MM/dd/yyyy" : NULL), NULL, 0 );
// get the required buffer
LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL; pwszTemp = strDate.GetBufferSetLength( dwCount + 1 );
// now format the date
GetDateFormat( lcid, 0, &systimeInstallDate, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"MM/dd/yyyy" : NULL), pwszTemp, dwCount );
// release the buffer
strDate.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// get the formatted time
try { // get the size of buffer that is needed
DWORD dwCount = 0; dwCount = GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systimeInstallDate, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), NULL, 0 );
// get the required buffer
LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL; pwszTemp = strTime.GetBufferSetLength( dwCount + 1 );
// now format the date
GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systimeInstallDate, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), pwszTemp, dwCount );
// release the buffer
strTime.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// prepare the
try { // prepare the datetime
strInstallDate.Format( L"%s, %s", strDate, strTime ); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } }
// format the numeric data
try { // sub-local variables
CHString str; WCHAR wszBuffer[ 33 ] = L"\0";
// first determine the virtual memory in use
ULONGLONG ullAvailablePhysicalMemory = 0, ullTotal = 0, ullFree = 0, ullInUse = 0; ullFree = (ULONGLONG) ( ((( float ) _wtoi64( strFreeVirtualMemory )) / 1024.0f) + 0.5f ); ullTotal = (ULONGLONG) ( ((( float ) _wtoi64( strTotalVirtualMemory )) / 1024.0f) + 0.5f ); ullAvailablePhysicalMemory = (ULONGLONG) ( ((( float ) _wtoi64( strFreePhysicalMemory )) / 1024.0f) + 0.5f ); ullInUse = ullTotal - ullFree; //
// format the virtual memory in use
_ui64tow( ullInUse, wszBuffer, 10 ); // convert the ulonglong value into string
if ( FormatNumberEx( wszBuffer, str ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// ...
strVirtualMemoryInUse.Format( FMT_MEGABYTES, str );
// format the available physical memory
_ui64tow( ullAvailablePhysicalMemory, wszBuffer, 10 ); // convert the ulonglong value into string
if ( FormatNumberEx( wszBuffer, str ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// ...
strFreePhysicalMemory.Format( FMT_MEGABYTES, str );
// format the virtual memory max.
_ui64tow( ullTotal, wszBuffer, 10 ); // convert the ulonglong value into string
if ( FormatNumberEx( wszBuffer, str ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// ...
strTotalVirtualMemory.Format( FMT_MEGABYTES, str );
// format the virtual memory free
_ui64tow( ullFree, wszBuffer, 10 ); // convert the ulonglong value into string
if ( FormatNumberEx( wszBuffer, str ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// ...
strFreeVirtualMemory.Format( FMT_MEGABYTES, str ); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// save the info in dynamic array
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_HOSTNAME, strHostName, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_OS_NAME, strName, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_OS_VERSION, strVersion, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_OS_MANUFACTURER, strManufacturer, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_OS_BUILDTYPE, strBuildType, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_REG_OWNER, strOwner, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_REG_ORG, strOrganization, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_PRODUCT_ID, strSerialNumber, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_INSTALL_DATE, strInstallDate, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY, strWindowsDir, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY, strSystemDir, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_BOOT_DEVICE, strBootDevice, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_SYSTEM_LOCALE, strLocale, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_AVAILABLE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, strFreePhysicalMemory, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_MAX, strTotalVirtualMemory, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_AVAILABLE, strFreeVirtualMemory, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INUSE, strVirtualMemoryInUse, 0 );
// return success
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadComputerInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulReturned = 0; CHString strDomainRole; CHString strTotalPhysicalMemory; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strModel; DWORD dwDomainRole; CHString strDomain; CHString strSystemType; CHString strManufacturer; ULONGLONG ullTotalPhysicalMemory;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_COMPINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_ComputerSystem class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_MODEL, strModel ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_DOMAIN, strDomain ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_USERNAME, m_strLogonUser ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_DOMAINROLE, dwDomainRole ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_SYSTEMTYPE, strSystemType ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_MANUFACTURER, strManufacturer ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM_P_TOTALPHYSICALMEMORY, ullTotalPhysicalMemory );
// relase the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// do the needed formatting the information obtained
// convert the total physical memory from KB into MB
try { // NOTE:
// ----
// The max. value of
// (2 ^ 64) - 1 = "18,446,744,073,709,600,000 K" (29 chars).
// = "18,014,398,509,482,031 M" (22 chars).
// so, the buffer size to store the number is fixed as 32 characters
// which is more than the 29 characters in actuals
// sub-local variables
CHString str; WCHAR wszBuffer[ 33 ] = L"\0";
// convert the value first ( take care of rounding )
ullTotalPhysicalMemory = (ULONGLONG) (( ((float) ullTotalPhysicalMemory) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)) + 0.5f);
// now ULONGLONG to string
_ui64tow( ullTotalPhysicalMemory, wszBuffer, 10 );
// get the formatted number
if ( FormatNumberEx( wszBuffer, str ) == FALSE ) return FALSE; // ...
strTotalPhysicalMemory.Format( FMT_MEGABYTES, str ); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// map the domain role from numeric value to appropriate text value
try { //
// Mapping information of Win32_ComputerSystem's DomainRole property
// NOTE: Refer to the _DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE enumeration values in DsRole.h header file
switch( dwDomainRole ) { case DsRole_RoleStandaloneWorkstation: strDomainRole = VALUE_STANDALONEWORKSTATION; break;
case DsRole_RoleMemberWorkstation: strDomainRole = VALUE_MEMBERWORKSTATION; break; case DsRole_RoleStandaloneServer: strDomainRole = VALUE_STANDALONESERVER; break; case DsRole_RoleMemberServer: strDomainRole = VALUE_MEMBERSERVER; break; case DsRole_RoleBackupDomainController: strDomainRole = VALUE_BACKUPDOMAINCONTROLLER; break; case DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController: strDomainRole = VALUE_PRIMARYDOMAINCONTROLLER; break; } } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// save the info in dynamic array
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_DOMAIN, strDomain, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_SYSTEM_MODEL, strModel, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_OS_CONFIG, strDomainRole, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_SYSTEM_TYPE, strSystemType, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER, strManufacturer, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, strTotalPhysicalMemory, 0 );
// return success
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadBiosInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strVersion;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_BIOSINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_BIOS class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_BIOS ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_BIOS_P_VERSION, strVersion );
// relase the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// save the info in dynamic array
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_BIOS_VERSION, strVersion, 0 );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadTimeZoneInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strCaption;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_TZINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_TimeZone class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_TIMEZONE ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_TIMEZONE_P_CAPTION, strCaption );
// relase the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// save the info in dynamic array
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_TIME_ZONE, strCaption, 0 );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadPageFileInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulReturned = 0; TARRAY arrValues = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strCaption;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_PAGEFILEINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_PageFile class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_PAGEFILE ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
do { hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( hr == WBEM_S_FALSE ) { // we've reached the end of enumeration .. go out of the loop
break; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PAGEFILE_P_NAME, strCaption );
// release the current object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// add the values to the data
if ( arrValues == NULL ) { arrValues = DynArrayItem2( m_arrData, 0, CI_PAGEFILE_LOCATION ); if ( arrValues == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// remove all the existing entries
DynArrayRemoveAll( arrValues ); }
// add the data
DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, strCaption, 0 ); } while ( 1 );
// release the enumerated object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadProcessorInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; CHString str; DWORD dwCount = 0; ULONG ulReturned = 0; TARRAY arrValues = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
DWORD dwClockSpeed; CHString strCaption; CHString strManufacturer;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_PROCESSORINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_Processor class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_PROCESSOR ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
try { do { hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( hr == WBEM_S_FALSE ) { // we've reached the end of enumeration .. go out of the loop
break; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// update the counter
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PROCESSOR_P_CAPTION, strCaption ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PROCESSOR_P_MANUFACTURER, strManufacturer ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PROCESSOR_P_CURRENTCLOCKSPEED, dwClockSpeed );
// check whether we got the clock speed correctly or not
// if not, get the max. clock speed
if ( dwClockSpeed == 0 ) PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PROCESSOR_P_MAXCLOCKSPEED, dwClockSpeed );
// release the current object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// add the values to the data
if ( arrValues == NULL ) { arrValues = DynArrayItem2( m_arrData, 0, CI_PROCESSOR ); if ( arrValues == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// remove all the existing entries
DynArrayRemoveAll( arrValues ); }
// prepare the processor info
str.Format( FMT_PROCESSOR_INFO, dwCount, strCaption, strManufacturer, dwClockSpeed );
// add the data
DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 ); } while ( 1 );
// release the enumerated object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum );
// update the total no. of processors info
if ( arrValues != NULL ) { // NOTE: this should appear at the first line
str.Format( FMT_PROCESSOR_TOTAL, dwCount ); DynArrayInsertString( arrValues, 0, str, 0 ); } } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadKeyboardInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strLayout;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_INPUTLOCALEINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_Keyboard class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_KEYBOARD ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_KEYBOARD_P_LAYOUT, strLayout );
// relase the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// convert the code page into appropriate text
TranslateLocaleCode( strLayout );
// save the info in dynamic array
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_INPUT_LOCALE, strLayout, 0 );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadHotfixInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; CHString str; DWORD dwCount = 0; ULONG ulReturned = 0; TARRAY arrValues = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
CHString strHotFix; CHString strComments;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_HOTFIXINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_QuickFixEngineering class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_QUICKFIXENGINEERING ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
try { do { hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( hr == WBEM_S_FALSE ) { // we've reached the end of enumeration .. go out of the loop
break; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// update the counter
// get the propert information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_QUICKFIXENGINEERING_P_HOTFIXID, strHotFix ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_QUICKFIXENGINEERING_P_FIXCOMMENTS, strComments );
// release the current object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// add the values to the data
if ( arrValues == NULL ) { arrValues = DynArrayItem2( m_arrData, 0, CI_HOTFIX ); if ( arrValues == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// remove all the existing entries
DynArrayRemoveAll( arrValues ); }
// check if fix comments were available or not
// if available, append that to the the hot fix number
if ( strComments.GetLength() != 0 ) strHotFix += L" - " + strComments;
// prepare the hot fix info
str.Format( FMT_HOTFIX_INFO, dwCount, strHotFix );
// add the data
DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 ); } while ( 1 );
// release the enumerated object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum );
// update the total no. of hotfix's info
if ( arrValues != NULL ) { // NOTE: this should appear at the first line
str.Format( FMT_HOTFIX_TOTAL, dwCount ); DynArrayInsertString( arrValues, 0, str, 0 ); } } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadPerformanceInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; CHString strUpTime; ULONG ulReturned = 0; ULONGLONG ullSysUpTime = 0; ULONGLONG ullElapsedTime = 0; ULONGLONG ullFrequencyObject = 0; ULONGLONG ullTimestampObject = 0; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL; DWORD dwDays = 0, dwHours = 0, dwMinutes = 0, dwSeconds = 0;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_PERFINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_System class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_PERFRAWDATA_PERFOS_SYSTEM ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the performance information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PERFRAWDATA_PERFOS_SYSTEM_P_SYSUPTIME, ullSysUpTime ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PERFRAWDATA_PERFOS_SYSTEM_P_TIMESTAMP, ullTimestampObject ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_PERFRAWDATA_PERFOS_SYSTEM_P_FREQUENCY, ullFrequencyObject );
// ( performance_time_object - system_up_time ) / frequency_object = elapsed_time
// NOTE: take care of divide by zero errors.
if ( ullFrequencyObject == 0 ) { SetLastError( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// ...
ullElapsedTime = ( ullTimestampObject - ullSysUpTime ) / ullFrequencyObject;
// in calculations currently assuming as differences will not cross 2 ^ 32 value
// no. of days = elapsed_time / 86400
// update with elapsed_time %= 86400
dwDays = (DWORD) (ullElapsedTime / 86400); ullElapsedTime %= 86400;
// no. of hours = elapsed_time / 3600
// update with elapsed_time %= 3600
dwHours = (DWORD) (ullElapsedTime / 3600); ullElapsedTime %= 3600;
// no. of minutes = elapsed_time / 60
// no. of seconds = elapsed_time % 60
dwMinutes = (DWORD) (ullElapsedTime / 60); dwSeconds = (DWORD) (ullElapsedTime % 60);
try { // now prepare the system up time information
strUpTime.Format( FMT_UPTIME, dwDays, dwHours, dwMinutes, dwSeconds ); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// save the info
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_SYSTEM_UPTIME, strUpTime, 0 );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadNetworkCardInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; CHString str; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dwStatus = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; TARRAY arrValues = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemEnum = NULL;
// property values
DWORD dwIndex = 0; CHString strConnection; CHString strDescription;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_NICINFO, m_csbi );
try { // enumerate the instances of Win32_NetworkAdapter class
hr = m_pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnum ); // check the result of enumeration
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; } } catch( _com_error& e ) { WMISaveError( e ); return FALSE; }
// set the security on the obtained interface
hr = SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemEnum, m_pAuthIdentity ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the enumerated objects information
try { do { hr = pWbemEnum->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ); if ( hr == WBEM_S_FALSE ) { // we've reached the end of enumeration .. go out of the loop
break; } else if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // some error has occured ... oooppps
WMISaveError( hr ); return FALSE; }
// get the property information
// NOTE: get the result of getting status property information
PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER_P_INDEX, dwIndex ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER_P_DESCRIPTION, strDescription ); PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER_P_NETCONNECTIONID, strConnection ); bResult = PropertyGet( pWbemObject, WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER_P_STATUS, dwStatus, -1 );
// release the current object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// add the values to the data
// NOTE: do this only if either we couldn't find the property or status is not -1
if ( bResult == FALSE || dwStatus != -1 ) { // update the counter
if ( arrValues == NULL ) { arrValues = DynArrayItem2( m_arrData, 0, CI_NETWORK_CARD ); if ( arrValues == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// remove all the existing entries
DynArrayRemoveAll( arrValues ); }
// prepare the n/w card info
str.Format( FMT_NIC_INFO, dwCount, strDescription );
// add the data
DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 );
// now check the status in detail ... only if the property exists
if ( bResult == TRUE ) { //
// property do exists ... so determine the status
// display the status of the NIC except it is connected
// if the NIC is connected, display the ipaddress and its other information
// add the connection name
str.Format( FMT_CONNECTION, strConnection ); DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 );
// ...
if ( dwStatus != 2 ) { // sub-local variables
// prepare the status info
if ( dwStatus > 0 && dwStatus < SIZE_OF_ARRAY( strValues ) ) { // ...
str.Format( FMT_NIC_STATUS, strValues[ dwStatus ] );
// save the info
DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 ); } } else { //
// get the adapter configuration
// sub-local variables
DWORD dwCount = 0; CHString strTemp; CHString strDhcpServer; DWORD dwDhcpEnabled = 0; TARRAY arrIPAddress = NULL;
// create the ipaddress array
arrIPAddress = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( arrIPAddress == NULL ) { WMISaveError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return FALSE; }
// prepare the object path
// get the nic config info object
hr = m_pWbemServices->GetObject( _bstr_t( str ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE, NULL, &pWbemObject, NULL );
// check the result .. proceed furthur only if successfull
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // get the needed property values
// check and add the dhcp information
strTemp = FMT_DHCP_STATUS; str.Format( strTemp, ( ( dwDhcpEnabled == -1 ) ? VALUE_YES : VALUE_NO ) ); DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 );
// add the dhcp server info ( if needed )
if ( dwDhcpEnabled == -1 ) { str.Format( FMT_DHCP_SERVER, strDhcpServer ); DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 ); }
// add the IP Address information
DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, FMT_IPADDRESS_TOTAL, 0 );
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( arrIPAddress ); for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < dwCount; dw++ ) { // get the info
LPCWSTR pwsz = NULL; pwsz = DynArrayItemAsString( arrIPAddress, dw ); if ( pwsz == NULL ) continue;
// prepare and add the info
str.Format( FMT_IPADDRESS_INFO, dw + 1, pwsz ); DynArrayAppendString( arrValues, str, 0 ); } }
// release the object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
// destroy the dynamic array created for storing ip address info
DestroyDynamicArray( &arrIPAddress ); } } } } while ( 1 );
// release the enumerated object
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemEnum );
// update the total no. of hotfix's info
if ( arrValues != NULL ) { // NOTE: this should appear at the first line
str.Format( FMT_NIC_TOTAL, dwCount ); DynArrayInsertString( arrValues, 0, str, 0 ); } } catch( ... ) { WMISaveError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return FALSE; }
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CSystemInfo::LoadProfileInfo() { // local variables
HRESULT hr; CHString strLogonServer; LPCWSTR pwszPassword = NULL; IWbemServices* pDefaultNamespace = NULL;
// display the status message
PrintProgressMsg( m_hOutput, MSG_PROFILEINFO, m_csbi );
// determine the password with which connection to default name has to be made
pwszPassword = NULL; if ( m_pAuthIdentity != NULL ) pwszPassword = m_pAuthIdentity->Password;
// we need to establish connection to the remote system's registry
// for this connect to the default namespace of the WMI using the credentials available with us
hr = ConnectWmi( m_pWbemLocator, &pDefaultNamespace, m_strServer, m_strUserName, pwszPassword, &m_pAuthIdentity, FALSE, WMI_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return FALSE;
// get the value of the LOGONSERVER
// save the info
DynArraySetString2( m_arrData, 0, CI_LOGON_SERVER, strLogonServer, 0 );
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
VOID PrintProgressMsg( HANDLE hOutput, LPCWSTR pwszMsg, const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO& csbi ) { // local variables
COORD coord; DWORD dwSize = 0; WCHAR wszSpaces[ 80 ] = L"";
// check the handle. if it is null, it means that output is being redirected. so return
if ( hOutput == NULL ) return;
// set the cursor position
coord.X = 0; coord.Y = csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
// first erase contents on the current line
ZeroMemory( wszSpaces, 80 ); SetConsoleCursorPosition( hOutput, coord ); WriteConsoleW( hOutput, Replicate( wszSpaces, L"", 79 ), 79, &dwSize, NULL );
// now display the message ( if exists )
SetConsoleCursorPosition( hOutput, coord ); if ( pwszMsg != NULL ) WriteConsoleW( hOutput, pwszMsg, lstrlen( pwszMsg ), &dwSize, NULL ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL TranslateLocaleCode( CHString& strLocale ) { // local variables
CHString str; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; LONG lRegReturn = 0; HKEY hMainKey = NULL; WCHAR wszValue[ 64 ] = L"\0";
try { // get the reference to the promary hive
lRegReturn = RegConnectRegistry( NULL, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, &hMainKey ); if ( lRegReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } else if ( hMainKey == NULL ) { // THIS IS MEANING LESS IN DOING
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// now get the reference to the database path
lRegReturn = RegOpenKeyEx( hMainKey, LOCALE_PATH, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if ( lRegReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { switch( lRegReturn ) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: SetLastError( ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT ); break;
default: // save the error information and return FAILURE
SetLastError( lRegReturn ); break; }
// close the key and return
SaveLastError(); RegCloseKey( hMainKey ); return FALSE; } else if ( hKey == NULL ) { // THIS IS MEANING LESS IN DOING
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// we are interested in the last 4 characters of the code page info
str = strLocale.Right( 4 );
//copy the last four charecters in to the string to get the locale
dwSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszValue ); lRegReturn = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, str, NULL, NULL, ( LPBYTE ) wszValue, &dwSize);
// first close the registry handles
RegCloseKey( hKey ); RegCloseKey( hMainKey );
// now check the return value
if( lRegReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return FALSE;
// save the value
strLocale = wszValue; } catch( ... ) { WMISaveError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); return FALSE; } // return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL FormatNumber( LPCWSTR pwszValue, CHString& strFmtValue ) { try { // get the size of buffer that is needed
DWORD dwCount = 0; dwCount = GetNumberFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, pwszValue, NULL, NULL, 0 );
// get the required buffer
LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL; pwszTemp = strFmtValue.GetBufferSetLength( dwCount + 1 );
// now format the date
GetNumberFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, pwszValue, NULL, pwszTemp, dwCount );
// release the buffer
strFmtValue.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL FormatNumberEx( LPCWSTR pwszValue, CHString& strFmtValue ) { // local variables
CHString str; LONG lTemp = 0; NUMBERFMTW nfmtw; DWORD dwGroupSep = 0; LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL; CHString strGroupThousSep; try { //
// get the group seperator character
lTemp = GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, NULL, 0 ); if ( lTemp == 0 ) { // we don't know how to resolve this
return FALSE; } else { // get the group seperation character
pwszTemp = str.GetBufferSetLength( lTemp + 2 ); ZeroMemory( pwszTemp, ( lTemp + 2 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, pwszTemp, lTemp );
// change the group info into appropriate number
lTemp = 0; dwGroupSep = 0; while ( lTemp < str.GetLength() ) { if ( AsLong( str.Mid( lTemp, 1 ), 10 ) != 0 ) dwGroupSep = dwGroupSep * 10 + AsLong( str.Mid( lTemp, 1 ), 10 );
// increment by 2
lTemp += 2; } }
// get the thousand seperator character
lTemp = GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, NULL, 0 ); if ( lTemp == 0 ) { // we don't know how to resolve this
return FALSE; } else { // get the thousand sepeartion charactor
pwszTemp = strGroupThousSep.GetBufferSetLength( lTemp + 2 ); ZeroMemory( pwszTemp, ( lTemp + 2 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, pwszTemp, lTemp ); }
// release the CHStrig buffers
str.ReleaseBuffer(); strGroupThousSep.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// format the number
try { nfmtw.NumDigits = 0; nfmtw.LeadingZero = 0; nfmtw.NegativeOrder = 0; nfmtw.Grouping = dwGroupSep; nfmtw.lpDecimalSep = NULL_STRING; nfmtw.lpThousandSep = strGroupThousSep.GetBuffer( strGroupThousSep.GetLength() );
// get the size of buffer that is needed
lTemp = GetNumberFormatW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, pwszValue, &nfmtw, NULL, 0 );
// get/allocate the required buffer
pwszTemp = strFmtValue.GetBufferSetLength( lTemp + 1 );
// now format the date
GetNumberFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, pwszValue, &nfmtw, pwszTemp, lTemp );
// release the buffer
strFmtValue.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// return
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
LCID GetSupportedUserLocale( BOOL& bLocaleChanged ) { // local variables
LCID lcid;
// get the current locale
lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// check whether the current locale is supported by our tool or not
// if not change the locale to the english which is our default locale
// return the locale
return lcid; }