// Remoting support.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2001.
#include "pch.hpp"
#include <lmcons.h>
struct DbgRpcHandshake { ULONG Signature; ULONG ProtocolVersion; GUID DesiredObject; DbgRpcObjectId RemoteObject; ULONG IdentityLength; ULONG PasswordLength; ULONG Flags; ULONG Reserved1; ULONG64 Reserved2[10]; };
ULONG g_DbgRpcCallSequence;
#define CreateUserThread(Start, Param, Tid) \
CreateThread(NULL, 0, Start, Param, 0, Tid) #ifdef NT_NATIVE
#define ExitUserThread(Code) RtlExitUserThread(Code)
#define ExitUserThread(Code) return Code
// DbgRpcReceiveCalls.
HRESULT DbgRpcReceiveCalls(DbgRpcConnection* Conn, DbgRpcCall* Call, PUCHAR* InOutData) { HRESULT Status; ULONG RetSeq = Call->Sequence;
DBG_ASSERT((Call->Flags & DBGRPC_RETURN) == 0 && *InOutData == NULL);
// If this thread isn't the owner of the connection we
// cannot read the socket as that could create a
// race condition with the owner thread reading
// the socket.
// If this is a locked call, where a higher-level lock
// prevents socket contention, we can allow it.
if ((Call->Flags & DBGRPC_LOCKED) == 0 && Conn->m_ThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { return RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD; }
for (;;) { DbgRpcCall ReadCall;
if (Conn->m_Trans->Read(SEQ_CALL_HEADER, &ReadCall, sizeof(ReadCall)) != sizeof(ReadCall)) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to receive call header\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); return RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED; }
if (ReadCall.Flags & DBGRPC_RETURN) { Size = ReadCall.OutSize; } else { Size = ReadCall.InSize; ReadCall.Status = S_OK; }
if (Size > 0) { Data = (PUCHAR)Conn->Alloc(Size); if (Data == NULL) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to allocate call body\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (Conn->m_Trans->Read(ReadCall.Sequence, Data, Size) != Size) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to receive call body\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); Conn->Free(Data); return RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED; } } else { Data = NULL; }
#ifdef DBG_RPC
if (ReadCall.Flags & DBGRPC_RETURN) { DRPC(("%X: %X: Return %s (%X), ret 0x%X, out %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ReadCall.Sequence, DbgRpcGetStubName(ReadCall.StubIndex), ReadCall.StubIndex, ReadCall.Status, ReadCall.OutSize)); } else { DRPC(("%X: %X: Request %s (%X), fl %X, in %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ReadCall.Sequence, DbgRpcGetStubName(ReadCall.StubIndex), ReadCall.StubIndex, ReadCall.Flags, ReadCall.InSize)); } #endif
if (ReadCall.Flags & DBGRPC_RETURN) { if (ReadCall.Sequence != RetSeq) { #if DBG
DRPC_ERR(("%X: %X: Non-seq ret 0x%X for %s (%X)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ReadCall.Sequence, ReadCall.Status, DbgRpcGetStubName(ReadCall.StubIndex), ReadCall.StubIndex)); #else
DRPC_ERR(("%X: %X: Non-seq ret 0x%X for (%X)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ReadCall.Sequence, ReadCall.Status, ReadCall.StubIndex)); #endif
// This return is for some call other than the current
// call, which means that RPC is messed up.
// Discard the return and hope for the best.
Conn->FreeData(Data); continue; }
*Call = ReadCall; *InOutData = Data; return Call->Status; }
PUCHAR OutData; if (ReadCall.OutSize > 0) { DBG_ASSERT((ReadCall.Flags & DBGRPC_NO_RETURN) == 0);
OutData = (PUCHAR)Conn->Alloc(ReadCall.OutSize); if (OutData == NULL) { if (Data) { Conn->Free(Data); } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { OutData = NULL; }
if (ReadCall.Flags & DBGRPC_NO_RETURN) { Conn->m_Flags |= DBGRPC_IN_ASYNC_CALL; }
DbgRpcStubFunction StubFn = DbgRpcGetStub(ReadCall.StubIndex); if (StubFn != NULL) { ReadCall.Status = StubFn((IUnknown*)ReadCall.ObjectId, Conn, &ReadCall, Data, OutData); } else { ReadCall.Status = RPC_E_INVALIDMETHOD; }
Conn->m_Flags &= ~DBGRPC_IN_ASYNC_CALL;
DRPC(("%X: %X: Called %s (%X), ret 0x%X, out %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ReadCall.Sequence, DbgRpcGetStubName(ReadCall.StubIndex), ReadCall.StubIndex, ReadCall.Status, ReadCall.OutSize));
Status = S_OK; if ((ReadCall.Flags & DBGRPC_NO_RETURN) == 0) { ReadCall.Flags |= DBGRPC_RETURN;
// Take a lock here to make sure that the header
// and body are sequential in the stream.
if (Conn->m_Trans->Write(ReadCall.Sequence, &ReadCall, sizeof(ReadCall)) != sizeof(ReadCall) || (ReadCall.OutSize > 0 && Conn->m_Trans->Write(ReadCall.Sequence, OutData, ReadCall.OutSize) != ReadCall.OutSize)) { Status = RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); }
if (OutData) { Conn->FreeData(OutData); }
if (Data) { Conn->FreeData(Data); }
if (Status != S_OK) { return Status; } } }
// DbgRpcConnection.
DbgRpcConnection* g_DbgRpcConns;
DbgRpcConnection::DbgRpcConnection(DbgRpcTransport* Trans) { m_Trans = Trans; m_Next = NULL; m_ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); m_Buffer = PTR_ALIGN2(PUCHAR, m_UnalignedBuffer, DBGRPC_CONN_BUFFER_ALIGN); m_BufferUsed = 0; m_Flags = 0; m_Objects = 0; }
DbgRpcConnection::~DbgRpcConnection(void) { Disconnect(); }
PUCHAR DbgRpcConnection::StartCall(DbgRpcCall* Call, DbgRpcObjectId ObjectId, ULONG StubIndex, ULONG InSize, ULONG OutSize) { PUCHAR Data;
if (InSize > 0) { Data = (PUCHAR)Alloc(InSize); if (Data == NULL) { return NULL; } } else { // Have to return a non-zero pointer but
// it doesn't need to be valid since it should
// never be used.
Call->ObjectId = ObjectId; DBG_ASSERT(StubIndex < 0x10000); Call->StubIndex = (USHORT)StubIndex; Call->Flags = 0; Call->InSize = InSize; Call->OutSize = OutSize; Call->Status = S_OK; Call->Sequence = InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&g_DbgRpcCallSequence); Call->Reserved1 = 0;
return Data; }
HRESULT DbgRpcConnection::SendReceive(DbgRpcCall* Call, PUCHAR* InOutData) { //
// Send call and in-parameter data.
DRPC(("%X: %X: Calling %s (%X), in %d, out %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Call->Sequence, DbgRpcGetStubName(Call->StubIndex), Call->StubIndex, Call->InSize, Call->OutSize));
// Take a lock here to make sure that the header
// and body are sequential in the stream.
if (m_Trans->Write(SEQ_CALL_HEADER, Call, sizeof(*Call)) != sizeof(*Call)) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); return RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL; } if (Call->InSize > 0) { if (m_Trans->Write(Call->Sequence, *InOutData, Call->InSize) != Call->InSize) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); return RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL; }
// In data is no longer necessary.
Free(*InOutData); }
// Clear out data pointer in case of later failures.
*InOutData = NULL;
if (Call->Flags & DBGRPC_NO_RETURN) { Status = S_OK; } else { USHORT StubIndex = Call->StubIndex;
Status = DbgRpcReceiveCalls(this, Call, InOutData);
if (Call->StubIndex != StubIndex) { #if DBG
DRPC_ERR(("%X: %X: Call to %s (%X) returned from %s (%d)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Call->Sequence, DbgRpcGetStubName(StubIndex), StubIndex, DbgRpcGetStubName(Call->StubIndex), Call->StubIndex)); #else
DRPC_ERR(("%X: %X: Mismatched call return\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Call->Sequence)); #endif
return Status; }
PVOID DbgRpcConnection::MallocAligned(ULONG Size) { PVOID Data, Align;
// Not enough buffer space left so allocate. malloc
// only gives out 8-byte-aligned memory so tweak things
// to get it aligned.
*((PVOID*)Align - 1) = Data; } else { Align = NULL; }
return Align; }
void DbgRpcConnection::FreeAligned(PVOID Ptr) { free(*((PVOID*)Ptr - 1)); }
PVOID DbgRpcConnection::Alloc(ULONG Size) { PVOID Data = NULL;
// Keep every allocated chunk aligned.
// Don't burn up large parts of the buffer on big chunks
// as that may force many smaller chunks into dynamic
// allocations because the buffer is full.
if (Size <= DBGRPC_CONN_BUFFER_DYNAMIC_LIMIT) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock);
if (m_BufferUsed + Size <= DBGRPC_CONN_BUFFER_SIZE) { // Data is allocated in strict LIFO order so
// we just need to mark the end of the buffer as used.
Data = &m_Buffer[m_BufferUsed]; m_BufferUsed += Size; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); }
if (Data == NULL) { Data = MallocAligned(Size); }
return Data; }
void DbgRpcConnection::Free(PVOID Ptr) { if (Ptr >= m_Buffer && Ptr < m_Buffer + DBGRPC_CONN_BUFFER_SIZE) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock);
// Data was allocated in the connection buffer.
// Data is allocated in strict LIFO order so
// we just need to back up prior to the data.
m_BufferUsed = (ULONG)((PUCHAR)Ptr - m_Buffer);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); } else { // Data was dynamically allocated.
FreeAligned(Ptr); } }
void DbgRpcConnection::Disconnect(void) { delete m_Trans; m_Trans = NULL; }
DbgRpcConnection* DbgRpcGetConnection(ULONG Tid) { DbgRpcConnection* Conn;
for (Conn = g_DbgRpcConns; Conn != NULL; Conn = Conn->m_Next) { if (Conn->m_ThreadId == Tid) { break; } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); return Conn; }
void DbgRpcAddConnection(DbgRpcConnection* Conn) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock);
Conn->m_Next = g_DbgRpcConns; g_DbgRpcConns = Conn;
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); }
void DbgRpcRemoveConnection(DbgRpcConnection* Conn) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock);
DbgRpcConnection* Prev = NULL; DbgRpcConnection* Cur; for (Cur = g_DbgRpcConns; Cur != NULL; Cur = Cur->m_Next) { if (Cur == Conn) { break; }
Prev = Cur; }
if (Prev == NULL) { g_DbgRpcConns = Conn->m_Next; } else { Prev->m_Next = Conn->m_Next; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); }
void DbgRpcDeleteConnection(DbgRpcConnection* Conn) { DbgRpcRemoveConnection(Conn);
// It's possible that another thread is in the middle
// of using the connection for an async send. Disconnect
// the connection to force any pending calls to fail.
// The connection is already removed from the list
// so there shouldn't be any further usage.
// Give up some time to let things fail. This
// could be made more deterministic by tracking
// connection usage but it doesn't seem necessary.
delete Conn; }
// DbgRpcProxy.
DbgRpcProxy::DbgRpcProxy(ULONG InterfaceIndex) { m_InterfaceIndex = InterfaceIndex; m_OwningThread = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); m_LocalRefs = 0; m_RemoteRefs = 1; m_ObjectId = 0; }
DbgRpcProxy::~DbgRpcProxy(void) { // If this proxy was attached to a connection detach it.
if (m_ObjectId) { DbgRpcConnection* Conn = DbgRpcGetConnection(m_OwningThread); if (Conn != NULL) { DRPC_REF(("Conn %p obj %2d proxy %p\n", Conn, Conn->m_Objects - 1, this)); if (InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&Conn->m_Objects) == 0) { DbgRpcDeleteConnection(Conn); } } } }
IUnknown* DbgRpcProxy::InitializeProxy(DbgRpcObjectId ObjectId, IUnknown* ExistingProxy) { //
// The current debugger remoting does not preserve
// object identity as this simplifies proxy
// management. Nobody currently needs it, so
// we're not bothering with it. If object identity
// becomes important this routine is the place
// to implement proxy lookup and sharing.
// Handle NULL object case where proxy is unnecessary.
if (ObjectId == 0) { // Proxies all have the same basic layout so this
// cast works for any interface-specific proxy.
DbgRpcDeleteProxy(this); return NULL; } DbgRpcConnection* Conn = DbgRpcGetConnection(m_OwningThread); if (Conn != NULL) { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&Conn->m_Objects); DRPC_REF(("Conn %p obj %2d proxy %p\n", Conn, Conn->m_Objects, this)); } m_ObjectId = ObjectId; return ExistingProxy; }
// DbgRpcClientObject.
void DbgRpcClientObject::Finalize(void) { // Do-nothing convenience implementation.
// Registration functions.
void DbgRpcRegisterServer(DbgRpcTransport* Trans, DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory) { #ifndef NT_NATIVE
char Desc[2 * MAX_PARAM_VALUE]; PSTR Tail;
Factory->GetServerTypeName(Desc); Tail = Desc + strlen(Desc); DBG_ASSERT(Tail < Desc + 32);
*Tail++ = ' '; *Tail++ = '-'; *Tail++ = ' '; Trans->GetParameters(Tail, sizeof(Desc) - (ULONG)(Tail - Desc));
HKEY Key; LONG Status; char ValName[32]; ULONG Index;
// No servers will survive a reboot so create a volatile
// key to ensure that even if the key isn't cleaned up
// at process exit it'll go away at the next reboot.
if ((Status = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DEBUG_SERVER_KEY, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &Key, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to register server '%s'\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Desc)); return; }
// Prefix the value name with the thread ID to ensure that
// every thread currently running has its own namespace. This
// makes it impossible for two threads to attempt to write
// the same value at the same time.
sprintf(ValName, "%08X.", GetCurrentThreadId());
// Find an unused value and store the server information.
Index = 0; for (;;) { DWORD Len; sprintf(ValName + 9, "%08X", Index); if (RegQueryValueEx(Key, ValName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Len) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Index++; }
if ((Status = RegSetValueEx(Key, ValName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Desc, strlen(Desc) + 1)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to register server '%s'\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Desc)); } else { ULONG i;
// Remember the value name used so that it can be
// removed later. This is done with a simple
// static array since there shouldn't be that many
// servers in a process and they don't die until
// the process exits.
for (i = 0; i < DBGRPC_MAX_REG_SERVERS; i++) { if (g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][0] == 0) { g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][0] = GetCurrentThreadId(); g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][1] = Index; break; } } } RegCloseKey(Key); #endif // #ifndef NT_NATIVE
void DbgRpcDeregisterServers(void) { #ifndef NT_NATIVE
HKEY Key; LONG Status;
for (i = 0; i < DBGRPC_MAX_REG_SERVERS; i++) { if (g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][0] == 0) { continue; }
char ValName[32]; sprintf(ValName, "%08X.%08X", g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][0], g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][1]); RegDeleteValue(Key, ValName); g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][0] = 0; g_DbgRpcRegServers[i][1] = 0; }
RegCloseKey(Key); #endif // #ifndef NT_NATIVE
// Initialization functions.
BOOL DbgRpcOneTimeInitialization(void) { static BOOL s_Initialized = FALSE;
if (s_Initialized) { return TRUE; }
#ifndef NT_NATIVE
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WsData) != 0) { return FALSE; } #endif
if (InitializeAllAccessSecObj() != S_OK) { return FALSE; }
__try { InitializeCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return FALSE; } DbgRpcInitializeClient();
return TRUE; }
DbgRpcConnection* DbgRpcCreateClientObject(DbgRpcTransport* Trans, DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory, PSTR TransIdentity, DbgRpcClientObject** ClientObject) { if (strlen(TransIdentity) >= DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - 16) { // This check is really just to placate PREfix,
// as transport identities are always much shorter
// than this.
DRPC_ERR(("%X: Invalid transport identity\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); delete Trans; return NULL; } DbgRpcConnection* Conn = new DbgRpcConnection(Trans); if (Conn == NULL) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to allocate client connection\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); delete Trans; return NULL; }
DRPC(("%X: Read handshake\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); DbgRpcHandshake Shake; if (Trans->Read(SEQ_HANDSHAKE, &Shake, sizeof(Shake)) != sizeof(Shake)) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to read handshake from remote client\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; }
DRPC(("%X: Read handshake, sig %X, ver %X, obj %I64X, id %d, pwd %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Shake.Signature, Shake.ProtocolVersion, Shake.RemoteObject, Shake.IdentityLength, Shake.PasswordLength)); if (Shake.Signature != DBGRPC_SIGNATURE || Shake.ProtocolVersion != DBGRPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION || Shake.RemoteObject != 0 || Shake.IdentityLength > DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY || (Shake.PasswordLength != 0 && Shake.PasswordLength != MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER)) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Invalid handshake from remote client\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; }
char Identity[DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY]; if (Shake.IdentityLength > 0) { if (Trans->Read(SEQ_IDENTITY, Identity, Shake.IdentityLength) != Shake.IdentityLength) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to read identity from remote client\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; }
Identity[Shake.IdentityLength - 1] = 0; } else { strcpy(Identity, "OldRpc\\NoIdentity"); }
// Format the raw transport identity into something
// that'll look better appended to the reported identity.
char TransIdentityFmt[DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY]; sprintf(TransIdentityFmt, " (%s)", TransIdentity);
strncat(Identity, TransIdentityFmt, DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - strlen(Identity) - 1); if (Shake.PasswordLength > 0) { if (!Trans->m_PasswordGiven) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Password not given but client sent one\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; }
if (Trans->Read(SEQ_PASSWORD, Pwd, Shake.PasswordLength) != Shake.PasswordLength) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to read password from remote client\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; }
if (memcmp(Pwd, Trans->m_HashedPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER) != 0) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Client sent incorrect password\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; } } else if (Trans->m_PasswordGiven) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Password given but client didn't send one\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; }
if (Shake.Flags & DBGRPC_SHAKE_FULL_REMOTE_UNKNOWN) { Conn->m_Flags |= DBGRPC_FULL_REMOTE_UNKNOWN; } DbgRpcClientObject* Object; PVOID ObjInterface;
if (Factory->CreateInstance(&Shake.DesiredObject, &Object) != S_OK) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to create client object instance\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Conn; } if (Object->Initialize(Identity, &ObjInterface) != S_OK) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to initialize client object\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Object; } ZeroMemory(&Shake, sizeof(Shake)); Shake.Signature = DBGRPC_SIGNATURE; Shake.ProtocolVersion = DBGRPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION; Shake.RemoteObject = (DbgRpcObjectId)ObjInterface; Shake.Flags = DBGRPC_SHAKE_FULL_REMOTE_UNKNOWN; if (Trans->Write(SEQ_HANDSHAKE, &Shake, sizeof(Shake)) != sizeof(Shake)) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to write handshake to remote client\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); goto EH_Object; }
DRPC(("%X: Object %p created\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Object));
Object->Finalize(); *ClientObject = Object; DbgRpcAddConnection(Conn); return Conn;
EH_Object: Object->Uninitialize(); EH_Conn: delete Conn; return NULL; }
struct ClientThreadData { DbgRpcTransport* Trans; DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory; char Identity[DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY]; };
DWORD WINAPI DbgRpcClientThread(PVOID ThreadParam) { DbgRpcClientObject* Object; ClientThreadData* ThreadData = (ClientThreadData*)ThreadParam; DbgRpcTransport* Trans = ThreadData->Trans; DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory = ThreadData->Factory; DbgRpcConnection* Conn = DbgRpcCreateClientObject(Trans, Factory, ThreadData->Identity, &Object); // Don't need this information any more.
delete ThreadParam; if (Conn == NULL) { ExitUserThread(0); }
if (DbgRpcServerThreadInitialize() != S_OK) { ExitUserThread(0); } DRPC(("%X: Created connection %p\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Conn));
DbgRpcCall Call; PUCHAR Data; HRESULT Status;
// Take a reference on the connection to ensure that
// it stays alive as long as this thread does.
Conn->m_Objects++; for (;;) { Data = NULL; ZeroMemory(&Call, sizeof(Call)); Status = DbgRpcReceiveCalls(Conn, &Call, &Data); Conn->FreeData(Data); if (Status != S_OK) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Client thread call receive failed, 0x%X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Status)); if (Status == RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED) { break; } } }
DRPC(("%X: Removing connection %p\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Conn));
DbgRpcDeleteConnection(Conn); Object->Uninitialize(); DbgRpcServerThreadUninitialize(); ExitUserThread(0); }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
struct ServerThreadData { DbgRpcTransport* Trans; DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory; };
DWORD WINAPI DbgRpcServerThread(PVOID ThreadParam) { ServerThreadData* ServerData = (ServerThreadData*)ThreadParam; DbgRpcTransport* ServerTrans = ServerData->Trans; DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory = ServerData->Factory;
// Values are now cached locally so free passed-in data.
delete ServerData; HRESULT Status; ClientThreadData* ClientData = NULL;
// Register this server for people browsing for servers.
DbgRpcRegisterServer(ServerTrans, Factory); for (;;) { if (ClientData == NULL) { ClientData = new ClientThreadData; if (ClientData == NULL) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Unable to allocate ClientThreadData\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); Sleep(100); continue; } } Status = ServerTrans->AcceptConnection(&ClientData->Trans, ClientData->Identity); if (Status == S_OK) { DWORD Tid;
ClientData->Factory = Factory; HANDLE Thread = CreateUserThread(DbgRpcClientThread, ClientData, &Tid); if (Thread == NULL) { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Client thread create failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); Sleep(100); } else { CloseHandle(Thread); ClientData = NULL; } } else { DRPC_ERR(("%X: Accept failed, %X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Status)); Sleep(100); } }
ExitUserThread(0); }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
HRESULT DbgRpcCreateServer(PCSTR Options, DbgRpcClientObjectFactory* Factory) { DbgRpcTransport* Trans; HRESULT Status;
if (!DbgRpcOneTimeInitialization()) { return E_FAIL; }
Trans = DbgRpcInitializeTransport(Options); if (Trans == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
Status = Trans->CreateServer(); if (Status != S_OK) { goto EH_Trans; }
ServerThreadData* ThreadData;
ThreadData = new ServerThreadData; if (ThreadData == NULL) { Status = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EH_Trans; }
ThreadData->Trans = Trans; ThreadData->Factory = Factory; DWORD Tid; HANDLE Thread; Thread = CreateUserThread(DbgRpcServerThread, ThreadData, &Tid); if (Thread == NULL) { Status = WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); delete ThreadData; goto EH_Trans; }
CloseHandle(Thread); return S_OK;
EH_Trans: delete Trans; return Status; }
void GetClientIdentity(PSTR Identity) { #ifndef NT_NATIVE
char CompName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; ULONG CompSize; char UserName[UNLEN + 1]; ULONG UserSize;
CompSize = sizeof(CompName); if (!GetComputerName(CompName, &CompSize)) { sprintf(CompName, "CErr%d", GetLastError()); CompSize = strlen(CompName); } else if (CompSize == 0) { strcpy(CompName, "NoComp"); CompSize = 6; } if (CompSize > DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - MIN_CLIENT_IDENTITY - 1) { CompSize = DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - MIN_CLIENT_IDENTITY - 1; } CompName[CompSize] = 0;
UserSize = sizeof(UserName); if (!GetUserName(UserName, &UserSize)) { sprintf(UserName, "UErr%d", GetLastError()); UserSize = strlen(UserName); } else if (UserSize == 0) { strcpy(UserName, "NoUser"); UserSize = 6; } if (UserSize > DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - MIN_CLIENT_IDENTITY - 1) { UserSize = DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - MIN_CLIENT_IDENTITY - 1; } UserName[UserSize] = 0;
memcpy(Identity, CompName, CompSize); Identity[CompSize] = '\\'; Identity[CompSize + 1] = 0; strncat(Identity + CompSize + 1, UserName, DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY - CompSize - 2); #else // #ifndef NT_NATIVE
strcpy(Identity, "NtNative"); #endif // #ifndef NT_NATIVE
HRESULT DbgRpcCreateServerConnection(DbgRpcTransport* Trans, const GUID* DesiredObject, IUnknown** ClientObject) { HRESULT Status;
DbgRpcConnection* Conn = new DbgRpcConnection(Trans); if (Conn == NULL) { delete Trans; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
IUnknown* Object; DbgRpcProxy* Proxy; ULONG IfUnique;
Status = DbgRpcPreallocProxy(*DesiredObject, (void **)&Object, &Proxy, &IfUnique); if (Status != S_OK) { goto EH_Conn; }
Status = Trans->ConnectServer(); if (Status != S_OK) { goto EH_Proxy; }
char Identity[DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY]; GetClientIdentity(Identity); DbgRpcHandshake Shake; ZeroMemory(&Shake, sizeof(Shake)); Shake.Signature = DBGRPC_SIGNATURE; Shake.ProtocolVersion = DBGRPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION; Shake.DesiredObject = *DesiredObject; Shake.IdentityLength = sizeof(Identity); Shake.PasswordLength = Trans->m_PasswordGiven ? MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER : 0; Shake.Flags = DBGRPC_SHAKE_FULL_REMOTE_UNKNOWN; if (Trans->Write(SEQ_HANDSHAKE, &Shake, sizeof(Shake)) != sizeof(Shake)) { Status = E_FAIL; goto EH_Proxy; } if (Trans->Write(SEQ_IDENTITY, Identity, Shake.IdentityLength) != Shake.IdentityLength) { Status = E_FAIL; goto EH_Proxy; } if (Trans->m_PasswordGiven && Trans->Write(SEQ_PASSWORD, Trans->m_HashedPassword, Shake.PasswordLength) != Shake.PasswordLength) { Status = E_FAIL; goto EH_Proxy; }
if (Trans->Read(SEQ_HANDSHAKE, &Shake, sizeof(Shake)) != sizeof(Shake)) { Status = E_FAIL; goto EH_Proxy; }
DRPC(("%X: Read handshake, sig %X, ver %X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Shake.Signature, Shake.ProtocolVersion)); if (Shake.Signature != DBGRPC_SIGNATURE || Shake.ProtocolVersion != DBGRPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION || Shake.RemoteObject == 0) { Status = RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH; goto EH_Proxy; }
if (Shake.Flags & DBGRPC_SHAKE_FULL_REMOTE_UNKNOWN) { Conn->m_Flags |= DBGRPC_FULL_REMOTE_UNKNOWN; } // Connection must be added first so it's looked up
// by InitializeProxy.
DbgRpcAddConnection(Conn); *ClientObject = Proxy->InitializeProxy(Shake.RemoteObject, Object);
DRPC(("%X: Object %I64X proxied by %p\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Shake.RemoteObject, *ClientObject)); return S_OK;
EH_Proxy: DbgRpcDeleteProxy(Proxy); EH_Conn: delete Conn; return Status; }
HRESULT DbgRpcConnectServer(PCSTR Options, const GUID* DesiredObject, IUnknown** ClientObject) { DbgRpcTransport* Trans; HRESULT Status;
if (!DbgRpcOneTimeInitialization()) { return E_FAIL; }
Trans = DbgRpcInitializeTransport(Options); if (Trans == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
return DbgRpcCreateServerConnection(Trans, DesiredObject, ClientObject); }