Copyright(c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Private header for minidump user-mode crashdump support. Author:
Matthew D Hendel (math) 20-Aug-1999
#pragma once
#include "platform.h"
#define IsFlagSet(_var, _flag) ( ((_var) & (_flag)) != 0 )
#define IsFlagClear(_var, _flag) ( !IsFlagSet(_var, _flag) )
// StartOfStack gives the lowest address of the stack. SizeOfStack gives
// the size of the stack. Used together, they will give the memory region
// used by the stack.
#define StartOfStack(_thread) ((_thread)->StackEnd)
#define SizeOfStack(_thread) ((ULONG)((_thread)->StackBase - (_thread)->StackEnd)))
// Types of memory regions.
// A VA_RANGE is a range of addresses that represents Size bytes beginning
// at Start.
typedef struct _VA_RANGE { ULONG64 Start; ULONG Size; MEMBLOCK_TYPE Type; LIST_ENTRY NextLink; } VA_RANGE, *PVA_RANGE;
// INTERNAL_MODULE is the structure minidump uses internally to manage modules.
// A linked list of INTERNAL_MODULE structures are built up when
// GenGetProcessInfo is called.
typedef struct _INTERNAL_MODULE {
// File handle to the image.
HANDLE FileHandle;
// Base address, size, CheckSum, and TimeDateStamp for the image.
ULONG64 BaseOfImage; ULONG SizeOfImage; ULONG CheckSum; ULONG TimeDateStamp;
// Version information for the image.
// Buffer and size containing NB10 record for given module.
PVOID CvRecord; ULONG SizeOfCvRecord;
// Buffer and size of MISC debug record. We only get this with
// images that have been split.
PVOID MiscRecord; ULONG SizeOfMiscRecord;
// Full path to the image.
WCHAR FullPath [ MAX_PATH + 1]; // Portion of full path to write in the module list. This
// allows paths to be filtered out for privacy reasons.
PWSTR SavePath;
// What sections of the module does the client want written.
ULONG WriteFlags; //
// Next image pointer.
LIST_ENTRY ModulesLink;
// INTERNAL_UNLOADED_MODULE is the structure minidump uses
// internally to manage unloaded modules.
// A linked list of INTERNAL_UNLOADED_MODULE structures are built up when
// GenGetProcessInfo is called.
ULONG64 BaseOfImage; ULONG SizeOfImage; ULONG CheckSum; ULONG TimeDateStamp;
// As much of the path to the image as can be recovered.
// Next image pointer.
LIST_ENTRY ModulesLink;
// INTERNAL_THREAD is the structure the minidump uses internally to
// manage threads. A list of INTERNAL_THREAD structures is built when
// GenGetProcessInfo is called.
typedef struct _INTERNAL_THREAD {
// The Win32 thread id of the thread an an open handle for the
// thread.
ULONG ThreadId; HANDLE ThreadHandle;
// Suspend count, priority, priority class for the thread.
ULONG SuspendCount; ULONG PriorityClass; ULONG Priority;
// Thread TEB, Context and Size of Context.
ULONG64 Teb; ULONG SizeOfTeb; CONTEXT Context; ULONG SizeOfContext;
// Stack variables. Remember, the stack grows down, so StackBase is
// the highest stack address and StackEnd is the lowest.
ULONG64 StackBase; ULONG64 StackEnd;
// Backing store variables.
ULONG64 BackingStoreBase; ULONG BackingStoreSize;
// What sections of the module we should actually write to the file.
ULONG WriteFlags; //
// Link to next thread.
LIST_ENTRY ThreadsLink;
// INTERNAL_FUNCTION_TABLE is the structure minidump uses
// internally to manage function tables.
// A linked list of INTERNAL_FUNCTION_TABLE structures is built up when
// GenGetProcessInfo is called.
ULONG64 MinimumAddress; ULONG64 MaximumAddress; ULONG64 BaseAddress; ULONG EntryCount; DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE RawTable; PVOID RawEntries;
typedef struct _INTERNAL_PROCESS {
// The process id for the process.
ULONG ProcessId;
// Process data.
ULONG64 Peb; ULONG SizeOfPeb;
// Process run time information.
BOOL TimesValid; ULONG CreateTime; ULONG UserTime; ULONG KernelTime;
// An open handle to the process with read permissions.
HANDLE ProcessHandle;
// Number of threads for the process.
ULONG NumberOfThreads; ULONG NumberOfThreadsToWrite; ULONG MaxStackOrStoreSize;
// Number of modules for the process.
ULONG NumberOfModules; ULONG NumberOfModulesToWrite;
// Number of unloaded modules for the process.
ULONG NumberOfUnloadedModules;
// Number of function tables for the process.
ULONG NumberOfFunctionTables;
// Thread, module and function table lists for the process.
LIST_ENTRY ThreadList; LIST_ENTRY ModuleList; LIST_ENTRY UnloadedModuleList; LIST_ENTRY FunctionTableList;
// List of memory blocks to include for the process.
LIST_ENTRY MemoryBlocks; ULONG NumberOfMemoryBlocks; ULONG SizeOfMemoryBlocks;
// The visible streams are: (1) machine info, (2) exception, (3) thread list,
// (4) module list (5) memory list (6) misc info.
// We also add two extra for post-processing tools that want to add data later.
// MINIDUMP_STREAM_INFO is the structure used by the minidump to manage
// it's internal data streams.
typedef struct _MINIDUMP_STREAM_INFO {
// How many streams we have.
ULONG NumberOfStreams; //
// Reserved space for header.
ULONG RvaOfHeader; ULONG SizeOfHeader;
// Reserved space for directory.
ULONG RvaOfDirectory; ULONG SizeOfDirectory;
// Reserved space for system info.
ULONG RvaOfSystemInfo; ULONG SizeOfSystemInfo; ULONG VersionStringLength;
// Reserved space for misc info.
ULONG RvaOfMiscInfo;
// Reserved space for exception list.
ULONG RvaOfException; ULONG SizeOfException;
// Reserved space for thread list.
ULONG RvaOfThreadList; ULONG SizeOfThreadList; ULONG RvaForCurThread; ULONG ThreadStructSize;
// Reserved space for module list.
ULONG RvaOfModuleList; ULONG SizeOfModuleList; ULONG RvaForCurModule;
// Reserved space for unloaded module list.
ULONG RvaOfUnloadedModuleList; ULONG SizeOfUnloadedModuleList; ULONG RvaForCurUnloadedModule;
// Reserved space for function table list.
ULONG RvaOfFunctionTableList; ULONG SizeOfFunctionTableList;
// Reserved space for memory descriptors.
ULONG RvaOfMemoryDescriptors; ULONG SizeOfMemoryDescriptors; ULONG RvaForCurMemoryDescriptor;
// Reserved space for actual memory data.
ULONG RvaOfMemoryData; ULONG SizeOfMemoryData; ULONG RvaForCurMemoryData;
// Reserved space for strings.
ULONG RvaOfStringPool; ULONG SizeOfStringPool; ULONG RvaForCurString;
// Reserved space for other data like contexts, debug info records,
// etc.
ULONG RvaOfOther; ULONG SizeOfOther; ULONG RvaForCurOther;
// Reserved space for user streams.
ULONG RvaOfUserStreams; ULONG SizeOfUserStreams;
// Reserved space for handle data.
ULONG RvaOfHandleData; ULONG SizeOfHandleData;
typedef struct _EXCEPTION_INFO { DWORD ThreadId; EXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers; BOOL FreeExceptionPointers; } EXCEPTION_INFO, *PEXCEPTION_INFO;