// Assembe Alpha machine implementation.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
#include "alpha_dis.h"
#include "alpha_optable.h"
#include "alpha_strings.h"
#define OPSIZE 16
BOOL TestCharacter (PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, CHAR ch); ULONG GetIntReg(PSTR, PSTR *); ULONG GetFltReg(PSTR, PSTR *);
LONG GetValue ( PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, BOOL fSigned, ULONG bitsize );
/*** assem - assemble instruction
* * Purpose: * To assemble the instruction pointed by *poffset. * * Input: * pchInput - pointer to string to assemble * * Output: * *poffset - pointer to ADDR at which to assemble * * Exceptions: * error exit: * BADOPCODE - unknown or bad opcode * OPERAND - bad operand * ALIGNMENT - bad byte alignment in operand * DISPLACEMENT - overflow in displacement computation * BADREG - bad register name * EXTRACHARS - extra characters after legal instruction * MEMORY - write failure on assembled instruction * * Notes: * errors are handled by the calling program by outputting * the error string and reprompting the user for the same * instruction. * *************************************************************************/
void AlphaMachineInfo::Assemble (PADDR poffset, PSTR pchInput) { CHAR szOpcode[OPSIZE]; ULONG instruction;
// Using the mnemonic token, find the entry in the assembler's
// table for the associated instruction.
if (GetToken(pchInput, &pchInput, szOpcode, OPSIZE) == 0) error(BADOPCODE);
if ((pEntry = findStringEntry(szOpcode)) == (POPTBLENTRY) -1) error(BADOPCODE);
if (pEntry->eType == INVALID_ETYPE) { error(BADOPCODE); } //
// Use the instruction format specific parser to encode the
// instruction plus its operands.
instruction = (*pEntry->parsFunc) (pchInput, &pchInput, pEntry, &(Flat(*poffset)));
// Store the instruction into the target memory location and
// increment the instruction pointer.
if (SetMemString(poffset, &instruction, 4) != 4) { error(MEMORY); }
Flat(*poffset) += sizeof(ULONG); Off(*poffset) += sizeof(ULONG); }
BOOL TestCharacter (PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, CHAR ch) {
inString = SkipWhite(&inString); if (ch == *inString) { *outString = inString+1; return TRUE; } else { *outString = inString; return FALSE; } }
/*** GetIntReg - get integer register number
*** GetFltReg - get floating register number * * Purpose: * From reading the input stream, return the register number. * * Input: * inString - pointer to input string * * Output: * *outString - pointer to character after register token in input stream * * Returns: * register number * * Exceptions: * error(BADREG) - bad register name * *************************************************************************/
PCHAR regNums[] = { "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$5", "$6", "$7", "$8", "$9", "$10", "$11", "$12", "$13", "$14", "$15", "$16", "$17", "$18", "$19", "$20", "$21", "$22", "$23", "$24", "$25", "$26", "$27", "$28", "$29", "$30", "$31" };
PCHAR intRegNames[] = { g_R0, g_R1, g_R2, g_R3, g_R4, g_R5, g_R6, g_R7, g_R8, g_R9, g_R10, g_R11, g_R12, g_R13, g_R14, g_R15, g_R16, g_R17, g_R18, g_R19, g_R20, g_R21, g_R22, g_R23, g_R24, g_R25, g_R26, g_R27, g_R28, g_R29, g_R30, g_R31 };
PCHAR fltRegNames[] = { g_F0, g_F1, g_F2, g_F3, g_F4, g_F5, g_F6, g_F7, g_F8, g_F9, g_F10, g_F11, g_F12, g_F13, g_F14, g_F15, g_F16, g_F17, g_F18, g_F19, g_F20, g_F21, g_F22, g_F23, g_F24, g_F25, g_F26, g_F27, g_F28, g_F29, g_F30, g_F31 };
ULONG GetIntReg (PSTR inString, PSTR *outString) { CHAR szRegOp[5]; ULONG index;
if (!GetToken(inString, outString, szRegOp, sizeof(szRegOp))) error(BADREG);
if (szRegOp[0] == '$') { //
// use numbers
for (index = 0; index < 32; index++) { if (!strcmp(szRegOp, regNums[index])) return index; } } else { //
// use names
for (index = 0; index < 32; index++) { if (!strcmp(szRegOp, intRegNames[index])) return index; } } error(BADREG); return 0; }
ULONG GetFltReg (PSTR inString, PSTR *outString) { CHAR szRegOp[5]; ULONG index;
if (!GetToken(inString, outString, szRegOp, sizeof(szRegOp))) error(BADREG);
if (szRegOp[0] == '$') { //
// use numbers
for (index = 0; index < 32; index++) { if (!strcmp(szRegOp, regNums[index])) return index; } } else { //
// use names
for (index = 0; index < 32; index++) { if (!strcmp(szRegOp, fltRegNames[index])) return index; } }
error(BADREG); return 0; }
/*** GetValue - get value from command line
* * Purpose: * Use GetExpression to evaluate the next expression in the input * stream. * * Input: * inString - pointer to input stream * fSigned - TRUE if signed value * FALSE if unsigned value * bitsize - size of value allowed * * Output: * outString - character after the last character of the expression * * Returns: * value computed from input stream * * Exceptions: * error exit: OVERFLOW - value too large for bitsize * *************************************************************************/
LONG GetValue ( PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, BOOL fSigned, ULONG bitsize ) { ULONGLONG value;
inString = SkipWhite(&inString); g_CurCmd = inString; value = GetExpression(); *outString = g_CurCmd;
if ((value > (ULONG)(1L << bitsize) - 1) && (!fSigned || (value < (ULONG)(-1L << (bitsize - 1))))) { error(OVERFLOW); }
return (LONG)value; }
/*** SkipWhite - skip white-space
* * Purpose: * To advance g_CurCmd over any spaces or tabs. * * Input: * *g_CurCmd - present command line position * *************************************************************************/
PSTR SkipWhite (PSTR * string) { while (**string == ' ' || **string == '\t') (*string)++;
return(*string); }
/*** GetToken - get token from command line
* * Purpose: * Build a lower-case mapped token of maximum size maxcnt * at the string pointed by *psz. Token consist of the * set of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, $, and underscore. * * Input: * *inString - present command line position * maxcnt - maximum size of token allowed * * Output: * *outToken - token in lower case * *outString - pointer to first character beyond token in input * * Returns: * size of token if under maximum else 0 * * Notes: * if string exceeds maximum size, the extra characters * are still processed, but ignored. * *************************************************************************/
ULONG GetToken (PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, PSTR outToken, ULONG maxcnt) { CHAR ch; ULONG count = 0;
inString = SkipWhite(&inString);
while (count < maxcnt) { ch = (CHAR)tolower(*inString);
if (!((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch == '$') || (ch == '_') || (ch == '#'))) break;
count++; *outToken++ = ch; inString++; }
*outToken = '\0'; *outString = inString;
return (count >= maxcnt ? 0 : count); }
/*** ParseIntMemory - parse integer memory instruction
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op Ra, disp(Rb) * *************************************************************************/
ULONG ParseIntMemory( PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset ) { ULONG instruction; ULONG Ra; ULONG Rb; ULONG disp;
Ra = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
disp = GetValue(inString, &inString, TRUE, WIDTH_MEM_DISP);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '(')) error(OPERAND);
Rb = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ')')) error(OPERAND);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
instruction = OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + REG_A(Ra) + REG_B(Rb) + MEM_DISP(disp);
return(instruction); }
/*** ParseFltMemory - parse floating point memory instruction
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op Fa, disp(Rb) * *************************************************************************/
ULONG ParseFltMemory(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { ULONG instruction; ULONG Fa; ULONG Rb; ULONG disp;
Fa = GetFltReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
disp = (ULONG)GetValue(inString, &inString, TRUE, WIDTH_MEM_DISP);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '(')) error(OPERAND);
Rb = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ')')) error(OPERAND);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
instruction = OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + REG_A(Fa) + REG_B(Rb) + MEM_DISP(disp);
return(instruction); }
/*** ParseMemSpec - parse special memory instruction
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op * *************************************************************************/ ULONG ParseMemSpec(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { return(OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + MEM_FUNC(pEntry->funcCode)); }
/*** ParseJump - parse jump instruction
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op Ra,(Rb),hint * op Ra,(Rb) - not really - we just support it in ntsd * *************************************************************************/
ULONG ParseJump(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { ULONG instruction; ULONG Ra; ULONG Rb; ULONG hint;
Ra = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '(')) error(OPERAND);
Rb = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ')')) error(OPERAND);
if (TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) { //
// User is giving us a hint
hint = GetValue(inString, &inString, TRUE, WIDTH_HINT); } else { hint = 0; }
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
instruction = OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + JMP_FNC(pEntry->funcCode) + REG_A(Ra) + REG_B(Rb) + HINT(hint);
return(instruction); }
/*** ParseIntBranch - parse integer branch instruction
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op Ra,disp * *************************************************************************/
ULONG ParseIntBranch(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { ULONG instruction; ULONG Ra; LONG disp;
Ra = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
// the user gives an absolute address; we convert
// that to a displacement, which is computed as a
// difference off of (pc+1)
// GetValue handles both numerics and symbolics
disp = GetValue(inString, &inString, TRUE, 32);
// get the relative displacement from the updated pc
disp = disp - (LONG)((*poffset)+4);
// divide by four
disp = disp >> 2;
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
instruction = OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + REG_A(Ra) + BR_DISP(disp);
return(instruction); }
/*** ParseFltBranch - parse floating point branch instruction
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op Fa,disp * *************************************************************************/ ULONG ParseFltBranch(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { ULONG instruction; ULONG Ra; LONG disp;
Ra = GetFltReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
// the user gives an absolute address; we convert
// that to a displacement, which is computed as a
// difference off of (pc+1)
// GetValue handles both numerics and symbolics
disp = GetValue(inString, &inString, TRUE, 32);
// get the relative displacement from the updated pc
disp = disp - (LONG)((*poffset)+4);
// divide by four
disp = disp >> 2;
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
instruction = OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + REG_A(Ra) + BR_DISP(disp);
return(instruction); }
/*** ParseIntOp - parse integer operation
* * Purpose: * Given the users input, create the memory instruction. * * Input: * *inString - present input position * pEntry - pointer into the asmTable for this instr type * * Output: * *outstring - update input position * * Returns: * the instruction. * * Format: * op Ra, Rb, Rc * op Ra, #lit, Rc * *************************************************************************/
ULONG ParseIntOp(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { ULONG instruction; ULONG Ra, Rb, Rc; ULONG lit; ULONG Format; // Whether there is a literal or 3rd reg
instruction = OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + OP_FNC(pEntry->funcCode);
if (pEntry->opCode != SEXT_OP) { Ra = GetIntReg(inString, &inString); if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
} else { Ra = 31; }
if (TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '#')) {
// User is giving us a literal value
lit = GetValue(inString, &inString, TRUE, WIDTH_LIT); Format = RBV_LITERAL_FORMAT;
} else {
// using a third register value
Rb = GetIntReg(inString, &inString); Format = RBV_REGISTER_FORMAT; }
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, ',')) error(OPERAND);
Rc = GetIntReg(inString, &inString);
if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
instruction = instruction + REG_A(Ra) + RBV_TYPE(Format) + REG_C(Rc);
if (Format == RBV_REGISTER_FORMAT) { instruction = instruction + REG_B(Rb); } else { instruction = instruction + LIT(lit); }
return(instruction); }
ULONG ParsePal(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { if (!TestCharacter(inString, &inString, '\0')) error(EXTRACHARS);
return(OPCODE(pEntry->opCode) + PAL_FNC(pEntry->funcCode)); }
ULONG ParseUnknown(PSTR inString, PSTR *outString, POPTBLENTRY pEntry, PULONG64 poffset) { dprintf("Unable to assemble %s\n", inString); error(BADOPCODE); return(0); }