Copyright 1996 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contians a set of common routines which are used in doing symbol conversions from one type of symbols to CodeView symbols.
Wesley A. Witt (wesw) 19-April-1993 Jim Schaad (jimsch) 22 May 1993
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cv.h"
#include "symcvt.h"
#include "cvcommon.h"
typedef struct tagSYMHASH { DWORD dwHashVal; // hash value for the symbol
DWORD dwHashBucket; // hash bucket number
DATASYM32 * dataSym; // pointer to the symbol info
typedef struct tagOFFSETSORT { DWORD dwOffset; // offset for the symbol
DWORD dwSection; // section number of the symbol
DATASYM32 * dataSym; // pointer to the symbol info
int __cdecl SymHashCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ); int __cdecl OffsetSortCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 );
DWORD CreateSignature( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
Creates the CODEVIEW signature record. Currently this converter only generates NB09 data (MS C/C++ 8.0).
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
number of records generates, this is always 1.
{ OMFSignature *omfSig;
omfSig = (OMFSignature *) p->pCvCurr; strcpy( omfSig->Signature, "NB09" ); omfSig->filepos = 0; p->pCvStart.size += sizeof(OMFSignature); p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) p->pCvCurr + sizeof(OMFSignature); return 1; } /* CreateSignature() */
DWORD CreateDirectories( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
This is the control function for the generation of the CV directories. It calls individual functions for the generation of specific types of debug directories.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
the number of directories created.
{ OMFDirHeader *omfDir = (OMFDirHeader *)p->pCvCurr; OMFSignature *omfSig = (OMFSignature *)p->pCvStart.ptr; OMFDirEntry *omfDirEntry = NULL;
omfSig->filepos = (DWORD)p->pCvCurr - (DWORD)p->pCvStart.ptr;
omfDir->cbDirHeader = sizeof(OMFDirHeader); omfDir->cbDirEntry = sizeof(OMFDirEntry); omfDir->cDir = 0; omfDir->lfoNextDir = 0; omfDir->flags = 0;
p->pCvStart.size += sizeof(OMFDirHeader); p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) p->pCvCurr + sizeof(OMFDirHeader);
omfDir->cDir += CreateModuleDirectoryEntries( p ); omfDir->cDir += CreatePublicDirectoryEntries( p ); omfDir->cDir += CreateSegMapDirectoryEntries( p ); omfDir->cDir += CreateSrcModulesDirectoryEntries( p );
strcpy(p->pCvCurr, "NB090000"); p->pCvStart.size += 8; p->pCvCurr += 8; *((DWORD *) (p->pCvCurr-4)) = p->pCvStart.size;
return omfDir->cDir; } /* CreateDirectories() */
DWORD CreateModuleDirectoryEntries( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
Creates directory entries for each module in the image.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
the number of directory entries created.
{ OMFDirEntry *omfDirEntry = NULL; OMFModule *m = NULL; OMFModule *mNext = NULL; DWORD i = 0; DWORD mSize = 0; DWORD lfo = (DWORD)p->pCvModules.ptr - (DWORD)p->pCvStart.ptr;
m = (OMFModule *) p->pCvModules.ptr; for (i=0; i<p->pCvModules.count; i++) { mNext = NextMod(m);
omfDirEntry = (OMFDirEntry *) p->pCvCurr;
mSize = (DWORD)mNext - (DWORD)m; omfDirEntry->SubSection = sstModule; omfDirEntry->iMod = (USHORT) i + 1; omfDirEntry->lfo = lfo; omfDirEntry->cb = mSize;
lfo += mSize;
p->pCvStart.size += sizeof(OMFDirEntry); p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) p->pCvCurr + sizeof(OMFDirEntry);
m = mNext; }
return p->pCvModules.count; } /* CreateModuleDirectoryEntries() */
DWORD CreatePublicDirectoryEntries( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
Creates the directory entry for the global publics.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
the number of directory entries created, always 1.
{ OMFDirEntry *omfDirEntry = (OMFDirEntry *) p->pCvCurr;
omfDirEntry->SubSection = sstGlobalPub; omfDirEntry->iMod = 0xffff; omfDirEntry->lfo = (DWORD)p->pCvPublics.ptr - (DWORD)p->pCvStart.ptr; omfDirEntry->cb = p->pCvPublics.size;
p->pCvStart.size += sizeof(OMFDirEntry); p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) p->pCvCurr + sizeof(OMFDirEntry);
return 1; } /* CreatePublicDirectoryEntries() */
DWORD CreateSegMapDirectoryEntries( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
Creates the directory entry for the segment map.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
the number of directory entries created, always 1.
{ OMFDirEntry *omfDirEntry = (OMFDirEntry *) p->pCvCurr;
omfDirEntry->SubSection = sstSegMap; omfDirEntry->iMod = 0xffff; omfDirEntry->lfo = (DWORD)p->pCvSegMap.ptr - (DWORD)p->pCvStart.ptr; omfDirEntry->cb = p->pCvSegMap.size;
p->pCvStart.size += sizeof(OMFDirEntry); p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) p->pCvCurr + sizeof(OMFDirEntry);
return 1; } /* CreateSegMapDirectoryEntries() */
DWORD CreateSrcModulesDirectoryEntries( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
Creates directory entries for each source module in the image.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
the number of directory entries created.
{ OMFDirEntry *omfDirEntry = NULL; DWORD i; DWORD lfo = (DWORD)p->pCvSrcModules.ptr - (DWORD)p->pCvStart.ptr; DWORD j = lfo; OMFSourceModule *m;
// if there were no linenumber conversions then bail out
if (!p->pCvSrcModules.count) { return 0; }
for (i=0; i<p->pCvSrcModules.count; i++) {
if (!p->pMi[i].SrcModule) { continue; }
omfDirEntry = (OMFDirEntry *) p->pCvCurr;
omfDirEntry->SubSection = sstSrcModule; omfDirEntry->iMod = (USHORT) p->pMi[i].iMod; omfDirEntry->lfo = lfo; omfDirEntry->cb = p->pMi[i].cb;
m = (OMFSourceModule*) p->pMi[i].SrcModule;
lfo += omfDirEntry->cb;
p->pCvStart.size += sizeof(OMFDirEntry); p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) p->pCvCurr + sizeof(OMFDirEntry); }
free( p->pMi );
return p->pCvSrcModules.count; } /* CreateSrcModulesDirectoryEntries() */
#define byt_toupper(b) (b & 0xDF)
#define dwrd_toupper(dw) (dw & 0xDFDFDFDF)
DWORD DWordXorLrl( char *szSym )
Routine Description:
This function will take an ascii character string and generate a hash for that string. The hash algorithm is the CV NB09 hash algorithm.
szSym - a character pointer, the first char is the string length
Return Value:
The generated hash value.
{ char *pName = szSym+1; int cb = (int)(*szSym & 0x000000FF); // byte to int conversion.
char *pch; char c; DWORD hash = 0, ulEnd = 0; DWORD UNALIGNED *pul;
// Replace all "::" with "__" for hashing purposes
c = *(pName+cb); *(pName+cb) = '\0'; pch = strstr( pName, "::" ); if ( pch ) { *pch++ = '_'; *pch = '_'; } *(pName+cb) = c;
// If we're standard call, skip the trailing @999
pch = pName + cb - 1; while (isdigit(*pch)) { pch--; }
if (*pch == '@') { cb = pch - pName; }
// If we're fastcall, skip the leading '@'
if (*pName == '@') { pName++; cb--; }
// Calculate the odd byte hash.
while (cb & 3) { ulEnd |= byt_toupper (pName[cb-1]); ulEnd <<=8; cb--; }
pul = (DWORD UNALIGNED *)pName;
// calculate the dword hash for the remaining
while (cb) { hash ^= dwrd_toupper(*pul); hash = _lrotl (hash, 4); pul++; cb -=4; }
// or in the remainder
hash ^= ulEnd;
return hash; } /* DWordXorLrl() */
OMFModule * NextMod( OMFModule * pMod ) /*++
Routine Description:
argument-name - Supplies | Returns description of argument. . .
Return Value:
return-value - Description of conditions needed to return value. - or - None.
{ char * pb;
pb = (char *) &(pMod->SegInfo[pMod->cSeg]); pb += *pb + 1; pb = (char *) (((unsigned long) pb + 3) & ~3);
return (OMFModule *) pb; } /* NextMod() */
int __cdecl SymHashCompare( const void * arg1, const void * arg2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sort compare function for sorting SYMHASH records by hashed bucket number.
arg1 - record #1 arg2 - record #2
Return Value:
-1 - record #1 is < record #2 0 - records are equal 1 - record #1 is > record #2
{ if (((SYMHASH*)arg1)->dwHashBucket < ((SYMHASH*)arg2)->dwHashBucket) { return -1; } if (((SYMHASH*)arg1)->dwHashBucket > ((SYMHASH*)arg2)->dwHashBucket) { return 1; }
// BUGBUG: Should we second sort on the hash value?
return 0; } /* SymHashCompare() */
// Symbol Offset/Hash structure
typedef struct _SOH { DWORD uoff; DWORD ulHash; } SOH;
#define MINHASH 6 // Don't create a hash with fewer than 6 slots
DWORD CreateSymbolHashTable( PPOINTERS p ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates the CV symbol hash table. This hash table is used primarily by debuggers to access symbols in a quick manner.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
The number of buckets is the hash table.
--*/ { DWORD i; DWORD j; int k; DWORD numsyms; DWORD numbuckets; OMFSymHash *omfSymHash; DATASYM32 *dataSymStart; DATASYM32 *dataSym; LPVOID pHashData; USHORT *pCHash; DWORD *pHashTable; DWORD *pBucketCounts; DWORD *pChainTable; SYMHASH *symHashStart; SYMHASH *symHash; // DWORD dwHashVal;
char * sz;
numsyms = p->pCvPublics.count; numbuckets = (numsyms+9) / 10; numbuckets = (1 + numbuckets) & ~1; numbuckets = __max(numbuckets, MINHASH);
symHashStart = symHash = (SYMHASH *) malloc( numsyms * sizeof(SYMHASH) ); if (symHashStart == NULL) { return 0; }
memset( symHashStart, 0, numsyms * sizeof(SYMHASH) );
pHashData = (LPVOID) p->pCvCurr; pCHash = (USHORT *) pHashData; pHashTable = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pHashData + sizeof(DWORD)); pBucketCounts = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pHashTable + (sizeof(DWORD) * numbuckets)); memset(pBucketCounts, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * numbuckets);
pChainTable = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pBucketCounts + ((sizeof(ULONG) * numbuckets)));
omfSymHash = (OMFSymHash *) p->pCvPublics.ptr; dataSymStart = dataSym = (DATASYM32 *) ((DWORD)omfSymHash + sizeof(OMFSymHash));
*pCHash = (USHORT)numbuckets;
* cruise thru the symbols and calculate the hash values * and the hash bucket numbers; save the info away for later use */ for (i=0; i<numsyms; i++, symHash++) { switch( dataSym->rectyp ) { case S_PUB16: sz = dataSym->name; break;
case S_PUB32: sz = ((DATASYM32 *) dataSym)->name; break;
default: continue; }
symHash->dwHashVal = DWordXorLrl( sz ); symHash->dwHashBucket = symHash->dwHashVal % numbuckets; pBucketCounts[symHash->dwHashBucket] += 1; symHash->dataSym = dataSym; dataSym = ((DATASYM32 *) ((char *) dataSym + dataSym->reclen + 2)); }
qsort( (void*)symHashStart, numsyms, sizeof(SYMHASH), SymHashCompare );
j = (char *)pChainTable - (char *)pHashData; for (i=0, k = 0; i < numbuckets; k += pBucketCounts[i], i += 1, pHashTable++ ) { *pHashTable = (DWORD) j + (k * sizeof(DWORD) * 2); }
dataSymStart = (DATASYM32 *) (PUCHAR)((DWORD)omfSymHash); for (i=0,symHash=symHashStart; i<numsyms; i++,symHash++,pChainTable++) { *pChainTable = (DWORD) (DWORD)symHash->dataSym - (DWORD)dataSymStart; ++pChainTable; *pChainTable = symHash->dwHashVal; }
UpdatePtrs( p, &p->pCvSymHash, (LPVOID)pChainTable, numsyms );
omfSymHash->symhash = 10; omfSymHash->cbHSym = p->pCvSymHash.size;
free( symHashStart );
return numbuckets; } /* CreateSymbolHashTable() */
VOID UpdatePtrs( PPOINTERS p, PPTRINFO pi, LPVOID lpv, DWORD count )
Routine Description:
This function is called by ALL functions that put data into the CV data area. After putting the data into the CV memory this function must be called. It will adjust all of the necessary pointers so the the next guy doesn't get hosed.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h) pi - the CV pointer that is to be updated lpv - current pointer into the CV data count - the number of items that were placed into the CV data
Return Value:
{ if (!count) { return; }
pi->ptr = p->pCvCurr; pi->size = (DWORD) ((DWORD)lpv - (DWORD)p->pCvCurr); pi->count = count;
p->pCvStart.size += pi->size; p->pCvCurr = (PUCHAR) lpv;
return; } /* UpdatePtrs() */
int __cdecl OffsetSortCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
Routine Description:
Sort compare function for sorting OFFETSORT records by section number.
arg1 - record #1 arg2 - record #2
Return Value:
-1 - record #1 is < record #2 0 - records are equal 1 - record #1 is > record #2
{ if (((OFFSETSORT*)arg1)->dwSection < ((OFFSETSORT*)arg2)->dwSection) { return -1; } if (((OFFSETSORT*)arg1)->dwSection > ((OFFSETSORT*)arg2)->dwSection) { return 1; } if (((OFFSETSORT*)arg1)->dwOffset < ((OFFSETSORT*)arg2)->dwOffset) { return -1; } if (((OFFSETSORT*)arg1)->dwOffset > ((OFFSETSORT*)arg2)->dwOffset) { return 1; } return 0; } /* OffsetSortCompare() */
DWORD CreateAddressSortTable( PPOINTERS p )
Routine Description:
Creates the CV address sort table. This hash table is used primarily by debuggers to access symbols in a quick manner when all you have is an address.
p - pointer to a POINTERS structure (see symcvt.h)
Return Value:
The number of sections in the table.
{ DWORD i; DWORD j; int k; DWORD numsyms = p->pCvPublics.count; DWORD numsections; OMFSymHash *omfSymHash; DATASYM32 *dataSymStart; DATASYM32 *dataSym; LPVOID pAddressData; USHORT *pCSeg; DWORD *pSegTable; DWORD *pOffsetCounts; DWORD *pOffsetTable; OFFSETSORT *pOffsetSortStart; OFFSETSORT *pOffsetSort;
extern int CSymSegs;
if (p->iptrs.fileHdr) { numsections = p->iptrs.fileHdr->NumberOfSections; } else if (p->iptrs.sepHdr) { numsections = p->iptrs.sepHdr->NumberOfSections; } else { numsections = CSymSegs; }
pOffsetSortStart = pOffsetSort = (OFFSETSORT *) malloc( numsyms * sizeof(OFFSETSORT) );
if (pOffsetSort == NULL) { return 0; }
memset( pOffsetSortStart, 0, numsyms * sizeof(OFFSETSORT) );
pAddressData = (LPVOID) p->pCvCurr; pCSeg = (USHORT *) pAddressData; pSegTable = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pAddressData + sizeof(DWORD)); pOffsetCounts = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pSegTable + (sizeof(DWORD) * numsections)); pOffsetTable = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pOffsetCounts + ((sizeof(DWORD) * numsections))); // if (numsections & 1) {
// pOffsetTable = (DWORD *) ((DWORD)pOffsetTable + 2);
// }
omfSymHash = (OMFSymHash *) p->pCvPublics.ptr; dataSymStart = dataSym = (DATASYM32 *) ((DWORD)omfSymHash + sizeof(OMFSymHash));
*pCSeg = (USHORT)numsections;
for (i=0; i<numsyms; i++, pOffsetSort++) { switch(dataSym->rectyp) { case S_PUB16: pOffsetSort->dwOffset = dataSym->off; pOffsetSort->dwSection = dataSym->seg; break;
case S_PUB32: pOffsetSort->dwOffset = ((DATASYM32 *) dataSym)->off; pOffsetSort->dwSection = ((DATASYM32 *) dataSym)->seg; }
pOffsetSort->dataSym = dataSym; pOffsetCounts[pOffsetSort->dwSection - 1] += 1; dataSym = ((DATASYM32 *) ((char *) dataSym + dataSym->reclen + 2)); }
//#if 0
qsort((void*)pOffsetSortStart, numsyms, sizeof(OFFSETSORT), OffsetSortCompare ); //#endif
j = (DWORD) (DWORD)pOffsetTable - (DWORD)pAddressData; for (i=0, k=0; i < numsections; k += pOffsetCounts[i], i += 1, pSegTable++) { *pSegTable = (DWORD) j + (k * sizeof(DWORD) * 2); }
dataSymStart = (DATASYM32 *) (PUCHAR)((DWORD)omfSymHash); for (i=0, pOffsetSort=pOffsetSortStart; i < numsyms; i++, pOffsetSort++, pOffsetTable++) { *pOffsetTable = (DWORD)pOffsetSort->dataSym - (DWORD)dataSymStart; pOffsetTable++; *pOffsetTable = pOffsetSort->dwOffset; }
UpdatePtrs( p, &p->pCvAddrSort, (LPVOID)pOffsetTable, numsyms );
omfSymHash->addrhash = 12; omfSymHash->cbHAddr = p->pCvAddrSort.size;
free( pOffsetSortStart );
return numsections; } /* CreateAddressSort() */