// SettingsPage.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pdlcnfig.h"
#include "SetPage.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CSettingsPropPage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSettingsPropPage, CPropertyPage)
CSettingsPropPage::CSettingsPropPage() : CPropertyPage(CSettingsPropPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSettingsPropPage)
m_IntervalTime = 0; m_SettingsFile = _T(""); m_IntervalUnitsIndex = -1; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault = NULL; m_hKeyLogService = NULL; // counter buffer
m_szCounterListBuffer = NULL; m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0; // list box information
m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = 0; m_lCounterListHasStars = PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_DONT_KNOW; // prototype use only
bServiceStopped = TRUE; bServicePaused = FALSE; m_bInitialized = FALSE; }
CSettingsPropPage::~CSettingsPropPage() { if (m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault != NULL) RegCloseKey(m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault); if (m_hKeyLogService != NULL) RegCloseKey(m_hKeyLogService); }
void CSettingsPropPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSettingsPropPage)
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_INTERVAL_TIME, m_IntervalTime); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_INTERVAL_UNITS, m_IntervalUnitsIndex); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSettingsPropPage, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSettingsPropPage)
// CSettingsPropPage Helper Functions
void CSettingsPropPage::InitDialogData (void) { LONG lStatus = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; DWORD dwRegValType; DWORD dwRegValue; DWORD dwRegValueSize; DWORD dwIndex;
if (m_bInitialized) return;
if (m_hKeyLogService == NULL) { // open registry key to service
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PerfDataLog"), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &m_hKeyLogService); }
if ((m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault == NULL) && (m_hKeyLogService != NULL)) { // open registry to default log query
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( m_hKeyLogService, TEXT("Log Queries\\Default"), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault); }
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; // display error, close dialog and exit
} // continue
// set sample time
if (m_IntervalTime == 0) { dwRegValType = 0; dwRegValue = 0; dwRegValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault, TEXT("Sample Interval"), NULL, &dwRegValType, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, &dwRegValueSize);
if ((lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwRegValType == REG_DWORD)) { if ((dwRegValue % SECONDS_IN_DAY) == 0) { // then this is in days so scale
dwRegValue /= SECONDS_IN_DAY; dwIndex = SIU_DAYS; } else if ((dwRegValue % SECONDS_IN_HOUR) == 0) { // scale to hours
dwRegValue /= SECONDS_IN_HOUR; dwIndex = SIU_HOURS; } else if ((dwRegValue % SECONDS_IN_MINUTE) == 0) { // scale to minutes
dwRegValue /= SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; dwIndex = SIU_MINUTES; } else { // use as seconds
dwIndex = SIU_SECONDS; } // check for zero values & apply default if found
if (dwRegValue == 0) { dwRegValue = 15; // default is 15 sec.
dwIndex = SIU_SECONDS; } } else { // load default values
dwRegValue = 15; dwIndex = SIU_SECONDS; } m_IntervalTime = dwRegValue; m_IntervalUnitsIndex = dwIndex; }
return; }
afx_msg LRESULT CSettingsPropPage::OnQuerySiblings (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (wParam) { case PDLCNFIG_PSM_QS_LISTBOX_STARS: return m_lCounterListHasStars;
case PDLCNFIG_PSM_QS_ARE_YOU_READY: if (!m_bInitialized) { InitDialogData(); } return 0;
default: return 0; // to pass to the next property page
} }
LONG CSettingsPropPage::GetCounterListStarInfo (void) { return m_lCounterListHasStars; }
LONG CSettingsPropPage::SetCurrentServiceState (DWORD dwNewState) { SC_HANDLE hSC = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ssData; DWORD dwTimeout = 20; BOOL bStopped, bPaused; LONG lStatus; HCURSOR hOrigCursor;
hOrigCursor = ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// open SC database
hSC = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSC == NULL) { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS); } // open service
if (hService != NULL) { switch (dwNewState) { case LOG_SERV_START: StartService (hService, 0, NULL); // wait for the service to start before returning
while (--dwTimeout) { GetCurrentServiceState (&bStopped, &bPaused); if (bStopped) { Sleep(500); } else { break; } } break;
case LOG_SERV_STOP: ControlService (hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ssData); // wait for the service to stop before returning
while (--dwTimeout) { GetCurrentServiceState (&bStopped, &bPaused); if (!bStopped) { Sleep(500); } else { break; } } break;
case LOG_SERV_PAUSE: ControlService (hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE, &ssData); // wait for the service to start pause returning
while (--dwTimeout) { GetCurrentServiceState (&bStopped, &bPaused); if (!bPaused) { Sleep(500); } else { break; } } break;
case LOG_SERV_RESUME: ControlService (hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE, &ssData); // wait for the service to start before returning
while (--dwTimeout) { GetCurrentServiceState (&bStopped, &bPaused); if (bPaused) { Sleep(500); } else { break; } } break;
default: // no change if not recognized
break; } CloseServiceHandle (hService); } else { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != 0); } // close handles
if (hSC != NULL) CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
::SetCursor (hOrigCursor);
LONG CSettingsPropPage::GetCurrentServiceState (BOOL * bStopped, BOOL * bPaused) { SC_HANDLE hSC = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ssData; LONG lStatus; HCURSOR hOrigCursor;
BOOL bServiceStopped, bServicePaused;
hOrigCursor = ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
bServiceStopped = TRUE; bServicePaused = TRUE;
// open SC database
hSC = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSC == NULL) { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS); } // open service
hService = OpenService (hSC, TEXT("PerfDataLog"), SERVICE_INTERROGATE); // get service status
if (hService != NULL) { if (ControlService ( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, &ssData)) { switch (ssData.dwCurrentState) { case SERVICE_STOPPED: bServiceStopped = TRUE; bServicePaused = FALSE; break;
case SERVICE_START_PENDING: bServiceStopped = TRUE; bServicePaused = FALSE; break;
case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: bServiceStopped = FALSE; bServicePaused = FALSE; break;
case SERVICE_RUNNING: bServiceStopped = FALSE; bServicePaused = FALSE; break;
case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: bServiceStopped = FALSE; bServicePaused = FALSE; break;
case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: bServiceStopped = FALSE; bServicePaused = FALSE; break;
case SERVICE_PAUSED: bServiceStopped = FALSE; bServicePaused = TRUE; break;
default: bServiceStopped = TRUE; bServicePaused = TRUE; ;// no op
} } else { bServiceStopped = TRUE; bServicePaused = TRUE; } CloseServiceHandle (hService); } else { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != 0); }
*bStopped = bServiceStopped; *bPaused = bServicePaused;
// close handles
if (hSC != NULL) CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
::SetCursor (hOrigCursor);
UINT ConnectMachineThreadProc (LPVOID lpArg) { return PdhConnectMachine (NULL); }
LONG CSettingsPropPage::SyncServiceStartWithButtons(void) { SC_HANDLE hSC = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; DWORD dwMoreBytes = 0; BOOL bManualEnabled = FALSE; BOOL bUpdate = FALSE; LONG lStatus;
hOrigCursor = ::SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// get button state
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_SERVICE_MAN)) { bManualEnabled = TRUE; }
// open SC database
hSC = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSC == NULL) { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS); } // open service
if (hService != NULL) { // get current config
memset (&qsConfig, 0, sizeof(qsConfig)); if (QueryServiceConfig (hService, &qsConfig, sizeof(qsConfig), &dwMoreBytes)) { // see if the current status is different
// from the selection. if it is, then change
// the current mode.
if (bManualEnabled) { if (qsConfig.dwStartType == SERVICE_AUTO_START) { bUpdate = TRUE; } } else { // auto start selected
if (qsConfig.dwStartType == SERVICE_DEMAND_START) { bUpdate = TRUE; } } } else { // else unable to read the current status so update anyway
bUpdate = TRUE; }
if (bUpdate) { ChangeServiceConfig ( hService, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, (bManualEnabled ? SERVICE_DEMAND_START : SERVICE_AUTO_START), SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } CloseServiceHandle (hService); } else { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != 0); }
// close handles
if (hSC != NULL) CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
::SetCursor (hOrigCursor);
void CSettingsPropPage::UpdateManualButtonsState() { BOOL bServiceIsStopped; BOOL bServiceIsPaused;
LONG lStatus; BOOL bManualEnabled; if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_SERVICE_AUTO)) { bManualEnabled = FALSE; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_SERVICE_MAN)) { bManualEnabled = TRUE; } else { // if no button is checked, then check the auto
// button and continue
GetDlgItem(IDC_MAN_START)->EnableWindow(bManualEnabled); GetDlgItem(IDC_MAN_STOP)->EnableWindow(bManualEnabled);
if (bManualEnabled) { // check with service controller to get the current state of the service
lStatus = GetCurrentServiceState (&bServiceIsStopped, &bServiceIsPaused); GetDlgItem(IDC_MAN_START)->EnableWindow(bServiceIsStopped); GetDlgItem(IDC_MAN_STOP)->EnableWindow(!bServiceIsStopped); } }
static void DialogCallBack(CSettingsPropPage *pDlg) { // add strings in buffer to list box
LPTSTR NewCounterName; LRESULT lIndex; PDH_STATUS pdhStatus; CListBox *cCounterList; DWORD dwItemExtent;
cCounterList = (CListBox *)pDlg->GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST);
for (NewCounterName = pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer; *NewCounterName != 0; NewCounterName += (lstrlen(NewCounterName) + 1)) { pdhStatus = PdhValidatePath(NewCounterName); if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // this is a valid counter so add it to the list
lIndex = cCounterList->AddString(NewCounterName); // select the current entry in the list box
if (lIndex != LB_ERR) { if (pDlg->m_lCounterListHasStars != PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_YES) { // save a string compare if this value is already set
if (_tcsstr (NewCounterName, TEXT("*")) == NULL) { pDlg->m_lCounterListHasStars = PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_YES; } } // update list box extent
dwItemExtent = (DWORD)((cCounterList->GetDC())->GetTextExtent (NewCounterName)).cx; if (dwItemExtent > pDlg->m_dwMaxHorizListExtent) {\ pDlg->m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = dwItemExtent; cCounterList->SetHorizontalExtent(dwItemExtent); } cCounterList->SetSel (-1, FALSE); // cancel existing selections
cCounterList->SetSel ((int)lIndex); cCounterList->SetCaretIndex ((int)lIndex); } } else { MessageBeep (MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } // clear buffer
memset (pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer, 0, pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize); }
// CSettingsPropPage message handlers
BOOL CSettingsPropPage::OnInitDialog() { LONG lStatus; DWORD dwRegValType; DWORD dwRegValue; DWORD dwRegValueSize; DWORD dwIndex; LPTSTR mszCounterPathList; LPTSTR szThisCounterPath; CListBox *cCounterList; DWORD dwItemExtent;
// now init other pages
// start machine connection thread to make initial "ADD" dialog
// "snappier"
// AfxBeginThread ((AFX_THREADPROC)ConnectMachineThreadProc, NULL);
// initialize the service state
dwRegValType = 0; dwRegValue = 0; dwRegValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( m_hKeyLogService, TEXT("Start"), NULL, &dwRegValType, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, &dwRegValueSize);
if ((lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwRegValType == REG_DWORD) && (dwRegValue == SERVICE_DEMAND_START)) { // then set manual control
CheckRadioButton (IDC_SERVICE_AUTO, IDC_SERVICE_MAN, IDC_SERVICE_MAN); } else { // set automatic control (default)
// set manual buttons to reflect current state of control
// load counter list box
GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST)->SendMessage(LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); // read path string from registry
// find out buffer size required
dwRegValType = 0; dwRegValue = 0; dwRegValueSize = 0; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault, TEXT("Counter List"), NULL, &dwRegValType, NULL, &dwRegValueSize);
cCounterList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST); if (dwRegValueSize > 0) { // allocate buffer
mszCounterPathList = new TCHAR[dwRegValueSize/sizeof(TCHAR)]; ASSERT (mszCounterPathList != NULL);
*mszCounterPathList = 0; dwRegValType = 0; dwRegValue = 0; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault, TEXT("Counter List"), NULL, &dwRegValType, (LPBYTE)mszCounterPathList, &dwRegValueSize);
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // assign a MSZ termination
mszCounterPathList[0] = 0; mszCounterPathList[1] = 0; }
// load list box.
dwIndex = 0; cCounterList->ResetContent(); for (szThisCounterPath = mszCounterPathList; *szThisCounterPath != 0; szThisCounterPath += lstrlen(szThisCounterPath)+1) { lStatus = cCounterList->AddString (szThisCounterPath); if (lStatus != LB_ERR) { if (m_lCounterListHasStars != PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_YES) { // save a string compare if this value is already set
if (_tcsstr (szThisCounterPath, TEXT("*")) == NULL) { m_lCounterListHasStars = PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_YES; } } dwItemExtent = (DWORD)((cCounterList->GetDC())->GetTextExtent (szThisCounterPath)).cx; if (dwItemExtent > m_dwMaxHorizListExtent) { m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = dwItemExtent; cCounterList->SetHorizontalExtent(dwItemExtent); } dwIndex++; } } cCounterList->SetSel(dwIndex-1); cCounterList->SetCaretIndex(dwIndex-1);
delete mszCounterPathList; } else { // no counters presently in the list so just initialize everything
cCounterList->ResetContent(); }
// select first counter in list (if present)
if (GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST)->SendMessage(LB_GETCOUNT) > 0) { GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST)->SendMessage(LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); // highlight remove button if an item is selected
GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOVE)->EnableWindow (TRUE); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOVE)->EnableWindow (FALSE); }
if (m_lCounterListHasStars == PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_DONT_KNOW) { // if here and the value hasn't been changed, then that means
// there are no wild card entries in the list box
m_lCounterListHasStars = PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_NO; }
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CSettingsPropPage::OnBrowseCounters() { PDH_BROWSE_DLG_CONFIG dlgConfig; CListBox *cCounterList; LONG lBeforeCount; LONG lAfterCount; LRESULT lWildCardOk;
DWORD dwRegValType; DWORD dwRegValue; DWORD dwRegValueSize; LONG lStatus;
if (m_szCounterListBuffer == NULL) { m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 16384; m_szCounterListBuffer = new TCHAR[m_dwCounterListBufferSize]; }
dlgConfig.bIncludeInstanceIndex = 0; dlgConfig.bSingleCounterPerAdd = 0; dlgConfig.bSingleCounterPerDialog = 0; dlgConfig.bLocalCountersOnly = 0;
lWildCardOk = QuerySiblings (PDLCNFIG_PSM_QS_WILDCARD_LOG, 0);
if ( lWildCardOk == PDLCNFIG_WILDCARD_LOG_YES) { dlgConfig.bWildCardInstances = 1; } else if (lWildCardOk == PDLCNFIG_WILDCARD_LOG_DONT_KNOW ){ // the property page doesn't know so ask the registry
// read log file format
dwRegValType = 0; dwRegValue = 0; dwRegValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault, TEXT("Log File Type"), NULL, &dwRegValType, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, &dwRegValueSize); if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // then apply default value
dwRegValue = OPD_CSV_FILE; } switch (dwRegValue) { case OPD_BIN_FILE: // the current log file does support wildcards
dlgConfig.bWildCardInstances = 1; break;
case OPD_CSV_FILE: case OPD_TSV_FILE: default: // the current log file doesn't support wildcards
dlgConfig.bWildCardInstances = 0; break; } } else { // the current log file doesn't support wildcards
dlgConfig.bWildCardInstances = 0; }
dlgConfig.bHideDetailBox = 0; dlgConfig.bInitializePath = 0; dlgConfig.bDisableMachineSelection = 0; dlgConfig.bIncludeCostlyObjects = 0; dlgConfig.bReserved = 0;
dlgConfig.hWndOwner = this->m_hWnd; dlgConfig.szDataSource = NULL;
dlgConfig.szReturnPathBuffer = m_szCounterListBuffer; dlgConfig.cchReturnPathLength = m_dwCounterListBufferSize; dlgConfig.pCallBack = (CounterPathCallBack)DialogCallBack; dlgConfig.dwDefaultDetailLevel = PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD; dlgConfig.dwCallBackArg = (DWORD_PTR)this; dlgConfig.szDialogBoxCaption = TEXT("Select Counters To Log");
cCounterList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST); // get count of items in the list box before calling the browser
lBeforeCount = cCounterList->GetCount();
PdhBrowseCounters (&dlgConfig);
// get count of items in the list box After calling the browser
// to see if the Apply button should enabled
lAfterCount = cCounterList->GetCount();
if (lAfterCount > lBeforeCount) SetModified(TRUE);
// see if the remove button should be enabled
GetDlgItem (IDC_REMOVE)->EnableWindow( lAfterCount > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
delete m_szCounterListBuffer; m_szCounterListBuffer = NULL; m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0; }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnManStart() { SetCurrentServiceState (LOG_SERV_START); UpdateManualButtonsState(); // set focus to stop button
GetDlgItem(IDC_MAN_STOP)->SetFocus(); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnManStop() { SetCurrentServiceState (LOG_SERV_STOP); UpdateManualButtonsState(); // set focus to start button
GetDlgItem(IDC_MAN_START)->SetFocus(); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnRemove() { CListBox *cCounterList; LONG lThisItem; BOOL bDone; LONG lOrigCaret; LONG lItemStatus; LONG lItemCount; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; DWORD dwItemExtent; CString csItemText;
cCounterList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST); // delete all selected items in the list box and
// set the cursor to the item above the original caret position
// or the first or last if that is out of the new range
lOrigCaret = cCounterList->GetCaretIndex(); lThisItem = 0; bDone = FALSE; // clear the max extent
m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = 0; // clear the value and see if any non deleted items have a star, if so
// then set the flag back
do { lItemStatus = cCounterList->GetSel(lThisItem); if (lItemStatus > 0) { // then it's selected so delete it
cCounterList->DeleteString(lThisItem); bChanged = TRUE; } else if (lItemStatus == 0) { // get the text length of this item since it will stay
cCounterList->GetText(lThisItem, csItemText); if (m_lCounterListHasStars != PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_YES) { // save a string compare if this value is already set
if (_tcsstr (csItemText, TEXT("*")) == NULL) { m_lCounterListHasStars = PDLCNFIG_LISTBOX_STARS_YES; } } dwItemExtent = (DWORD)((cCounterList->GetDC())->GetTextExtent(csItemText)).cx; if (dwItemExtent > m_dwMaxHorizListExtent) { m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = dwItemExtent; } // then it's not selected so go to the next one
lThisItem++; } else { // we've run out so exit
bDone = TRUE; } } while (!bDone);
// update the text extent of the list box
// see how many entries are left and update the
// caret position and the remove button state
lItemCount = cCounterList->GetCount(); if (lItemCount > 0) { // the update the caret
if (lOrigCaret >= lItemCount) { lOrigCaret = lItemCount-1; } else { // caret should be within the list
} cCounterList->SetSel(lOrigCaret); cCounterList->SetCaretIndex(lOrigCaret); } else { // the list is empty so remove caret, selection
// disable the remove button and activate the
// add button
cCounterList->SetSel(-1); GetDlgItem(IDC_BROWSE_COUNTERS)->SetFocus(); GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOVE)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } SetModified(bChanged); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnServiceAuto() { // set service to AutoStart
UpdateManualButtonsState(); SetModified(TRUE); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnServiceMan() { // set service to manual Start
UpdateManualButtonsState(); SetModified(TRUE); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnDeltaposIntervalSpin(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { TCHAR szStringValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwNumValue; int nChange;
// get current value from edit window
GetDlgItemText (IDC_INTERVAL_TIME, szStringValue, MAX_PATH);
// convert to integer
dwNumValue = _tcstoul (szStringValue, NULL, 10); // delta is opposite of arrow direction
nChange = -pNMUpDown->iDelta;
// apply value from spin control
if (nChange < 0) { // make sure we haven't hit bottom already
// we can't allow a 0 to be "spin-ed" in
if (dwNumValue > 1) { dwNumValue += nChange; } } else { dwNumValue += nChange; }
// update edit window
_ultot (dwNumValue, szStringValue, 10);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_INTERVAL_TIME, szStringValue);
*pResult = 0; }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnCancel() {
CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnOK() { CListBox *cCounterList; CString cIntervalString; CString cCounterListString; CString cThisCounterName; DWORD dwSampleInterval; LONG lIntervalUnits; DWORD dwNumCounters; DWORD dwThisCounter; DWORD dwBufferLength; LONG lStatus; LPTSTR mszCounterPathList = NULL; LPTSTR szNextItemInList;
BOOL bStopped, bPaused;
cCounterList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COUNTER_LIST); // get service state
GetCurrentServiceState (&bStopped, &bPaused);
if (!bStopped) { AfxMessageBox (IDS_STOP_AND_START); }
// write changes to registry
// update service start mode if necessary
// sample interval
// read value
GetDlgItemText (IDC_INTERVAL_TIME, cIntervalString); dwSampleInterval = _tcstoul((LPCTSTR)cIntervalString, NULL, 10);
// read units
lIntervalUnits = ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_INTERVAL_UNITS))->GetCurSel();
// convert value to seconds based on units
switch (lIntervalUnits) { case SIU_MINUTES: dwSampleInterval *= SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; break;
case SIU_HOURS: dwSampleInterval *= SECONDS_IN_HOUR; break;
case SIU_DAYS: dwSampleInterval *= SECONDS_IN_DAY; break;
case SIU_SECONDS: default: // already in second so leave it
break; }
// write value to registry
lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault, TEXT("Sample Interval"), 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwSampleInterval, sizeof(DWORD));
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to update value
// counter list
// retrieve items from list box
dwNumCounters = cCounterList->GetCount(); dwBufferLength = 0; // determine required buffer size
for (dwThisCounter = 0; dwThisCounter < dwNumCounters; dwThisCounter++) { dwBufferLength += cCounterList->GetTextLen (dwThisCounter) + 1; } // add terminating NULL char
dwBufferLength++; // allocate string buffer and copy list box entries to MSZ
mszCounterPathList = new TCHAR[dwBufferLength]; ASSERT (mszCounterPathList != NULL);
// load listbox entries into MSZ
szNextItemInList = mszCounterPathList; *szNextItemInList = 0; for (dwThisCounter = 0; dwThisCounter < dwNumCounters; dwThisCounter++) { lStatus = cCounterList->GetText(dwThisCounter, szNextItemInList); lStatus /= sizeof(TCHAR); szNextItemInList += lStatus; *szNextItemInList++ = 0; } *szNextItemInList++ = 0; dwBufferLength = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)szNextItemInList - (LPBYTE)mszCounterPathList);
// write MSZ to registry
lStatus = RegSetValueEx ( m_hKeyLogSettingsDefault, TEXT("Counter List"), 0L, REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE)mszCounterPathList, dwBufferLength);
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to update value
delete mszCounterPathList;
CancelToClose(); }
BOOL CSettingsPropPage::OnQueryCancel() { return CPropertyPage::OnQueryCancel(); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnSelchangeIntervalUnits() { SetModified(TRUE); }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnRemoveService() { SC_HANDLE hSC = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; DWORD dwMoreBytes = 0; LONG lStatus;
// open SC database
hSC = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (hSC == NULL) { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS); } // open service
hService = OpenService (hSC, TEXT("PerfDataLog"), SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG | DELETE);
if (hService != NULL) { // Delete the service
if (DeleteService (hService)) { EndDialog (IDCANCEL); } CloseServiceHandle (hService); } else { lStatus = GetLastError(); ASSERT (lStatus != 0); }
// close handles
if (hSC != NULL) CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
return; }
void CSettingsPropPage::OnChangeIntervalTime() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
SetModified(TRUE); }