| Windows 2000 Process Control //
| //
|Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved //
| //
|File Name: ProcConAPI.h //
| //
|Description: This is the ProcCon header file used by both clients and servers //
| //
|Created: Jarl McDonald 07-98 //
| //
|Rev History: //
| //
|=======================================================================================*/ #ifndef _PROCCONAPI_H_
#define _PROCCONAPI_H_
#include "ProcConLibMsg.h" // ProcCon error codes
#define PCERROR_SUCCESS ERROR_SUCCESS // ProcCon non-error error code
// Consts, typedefs, enums, etc. //
#define PC_MIN_BUF_SIZE 2048
#define PC_MAX_BUF_SIZE 65536
#define PC_MAX_RETRIES 5 // max retries on communications error
#define PC_MIN_POLL_DELAY 2 // seconds
#define PC_MAX_POLL_DELAY 900 // seconds
#define PC_MIN_TIMEOUT 100 // milliseconds: 100 = one-tenth second
#define PC_MAX_TIMEOUT 120000 // milliseconds: 120000 = 120 seconds == 2 minutes
#define PC_MIN_TIME_LIMIT 10000000 // CNS - hundred nano-seconds: 10,000,000 = 1 second
// These are the types of name rule matches allowed. //
// These values appear in the match type field of a name rule and may be either case. //
// These strings are patterns that may appear in the process name field of a name rule. //
// Example: match type is 'D', match string is 'system32', proc name is 'S32:<p>'... //
// For program mmc.exe, which has \system32\ in its exe path, will be listed //
// in ProcCon with a process name of S32:mmc //
// Example: match type is 'A', match string is '%systemroot%', proc name is '<H>'... //
// Any program which has the system root directory as part of its path name //
// will not appear (is hidden) in ProcCon process lists. //
#define COPY_PGM_NAME TEXT("<P>") // replace this pattern with the exe name (all match types)
#define COPY_DIR_NAME TEXT("<D>") // replace this patter with the node name (DIR match only)
#define HIDE_THIS_PROC TEXT("<H>") // hide this process -- useful to hide std Win2000 procs.
const int PROC_NAME_LEN = 63; // does not include terminating NULL
const int PROFILE_NAME_LEN = 15; // does not include terminating NULL
const int JOB_NAME_LEN = 63; // does not include terminating NULL
const int MATCH_STRING_LEN = 63; // does not include terminating NULL
const int NAME_DESCRIPTION_LEN = 63; // does not include terminating NULL
const int RULE_DESCRIPTION_LEN = 63; // does not include terminating NULL
const int IMAGE_NAME_LEN = 63; // does not include terminating NULL
const int VERSION_STRING_LEN = 23; // does not include terminating NULL
typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned __int16 PCUSHORT16; typedef unsigned __int32 PCUINT32; typedef unsigned long PCULONG32; typedef unsigned __int64 PCUINT64; typedef __int16 PCINT16; typedef __int32 PCINT32; typedef __int64 PCINT64; typedef unsigned __int32 PC_MGMT_FLAGS; typedef unsigned __int32 PC_LIST_FLAGS; typedef unsigned __int64 AFFINITY; // Rightmost (least significant) bit = proc 0
typedef unsigned __int32 PRIORITY; // Valid values are shown in PCPriorities enum below
typedef unsigned __int32 SCHEDULING_CLASS; // Valid values are 0-9
typedef unsigned __int32 PROC_COUNT; typedef unsigned __int64 MEMORY_VALUE; typedef unsigned __int64 PID_VALUE; typedef unsigned __int16 MATCH_TYPE; typedef __int64 TIME_VALUE; typedef __int32 PCid; typedef WCHAR MATCH_STRING[MATCH_STRING_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR PROC_NAME[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR PROFILE_NAME[PROFILE_NAME_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR JOB_NAME[JOB_NAME_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR IMAGE_NAME[IMAGE_NAME_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR NAME_DESCRIPTION[NAME_DESCRIPTION_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR RULE_DESCRIPTION[RULE_DESCRIPTION_LEN + 1]; typedef WCHAR VERSION_STRING[VERSION_STRING_LEN + 1];
typedef struct _PCSystemParms { PCINT32 manageIntervalSeconds; // ProcCon process scan interval in seconds (Read and Write)
PCINT32 numberOfProcessors; // System number of processors (Read only)
PCINT32 memoryPageSize; // System memory page size (Read only)
PCINT32 timeoutValueMs; // Connect and request time out in milliseconds (Read and Write)
AFFINITY processorMask; // System processor mask (Read only)
PCINT32 future[16]; } PCSystemParms; typedef struct _PCSystemInfo { PCINT32 fixedSignature; PCINT32 fixedFileVersionMS; PCINT32 fixedFileVersionLS; PCINT32 fixedProductVersionMS; PCINT32 fixedProductVersionLS; PCINT32 fixedFileFlags; PCINT32 fixedFileOS; PCINT32 fixedFileType; PCINT32 fixedFileSubtype; PCINT32 fixedFileDateMS; PCINT32 fixedFileDateLS; VERSION_STRING productVersion; // Service product version
VERSION_STRING fileVersion; // Service file version
VERSION_STRING fileFlags; // Service file flags
VERSION_STRING medProductVersion; // Mediator product version
VERSION_STRING medFileVersion; // Mediator file version
VERSION_STRING medFileFlags; // Mediator file flags
PCINT32 future[32]; PCSystemParms sysParms; } PCSystemInfo;
// A name table entry that defines a process name.
// Names are derived by matching against a processes path name or exe name.
// Match type denotes the method used to test for a match:
// MATCH_PGM matches against the program (or exe) name excluding the suffix.
// Program name matches always start at the first character of the program name and
// are equvalent to 'matches full program name' matching.
// MATCH_DIR matches against the directory (path) node names.
// A 'path node name' is any name before a backslash ('\') in the full path name.
// Directory name matches always start at the first character of a path node name and
// are equvalent to 'matches a full path node name' matching.
// MATCH_ANY matches against any part of the full name including the path and exe name.
// This form of matching is a string match against any position in the name and is
// equivalent to 'path name contains' matching.
// A matchString may contain wildcard characters as follows:
// ? to match any single character,
// * to match any number of trailing characters.
// ProcCon does NOT support embedded * wildcards -- they will be treated literally.
// A procName may contain one of the patterns shown above such as <P> or <h>.
typedef struct _PCNameRule { #pragma pack(1)
MATCH_STRING matchString; // match string may include * and ? wildcard characters.
PROC_NAME procName; // process name to use when match succeeds.
NAME_DESCRIPTION description; // short description with NULL terminator
MATCH_TYPE matchType; // value is MATCH_PGM, MATCH_DIR, or MATCH_ANY.
BYTE fill[2]; // Improve alignment of entire structure
#pragma pack()
} PCNameRule;
// The parameters that defined process group or process behavior and that can be changed by ProcCon.
// Profile refers to a profile defined in ProcCon as a time of day/week/month/etc.
typedef struct _MGMT_PARMS { #pragma pack(1)
PROFILE_NAME profileName; // Definition is for this profile or, if null, default profile
RULE_DESCRIPTION description; // Description text for this rule
PC_MGMT_FLAGS mFlags; // Flags indicating which mgmt data to actually apply, etc.
AFFINITY affinity; // processor affinity to apply (0 => not changed)
PRIORITY priority; // Windows 2000 priority to apply (0 => not changed)
MEMORY_VALUE minWS; // Minimum working set to apply (0 => not changed)
MEMORY_VALUE maxWS; // Maximum working set to apply (0 => not changed)
SCHEDULING_CLASS schedClass; // Scheduling class to apply (groups only, not procs)
PROC_COUNT procCountLimit; // Number of processes in the process group (groups only).
TIME_VALUE procTimeLimitCNS; // Per process time limit in 100ns (CNS) units or 0.
TIME_VALUE jobTimeLimitCNS; // Per process group time limit in 100ns (CNS) units or 0.
MEMORY_VALUE procMemoryLimit; // Hard memory commit limit per process (groups only).
MEMORY_VALUE jobMemoryLimit; // Hard memory commit limit per process group (groups only).
BYTE future[64]; #pragma pack()
// The statistics associated with a process group. These are read-only values.
// All these statistics are maintained by Windows 2000 and are part of process group object accounting.
typedef struct _JOB_STATISTICS { #pragma pack(1)
TIME_VALUE TotalUserTime; // User time for all procs ever run in the process group
TIME_VALUE TotalKernelTime; // Kernel time for all procs ever run in the process group
TIME_VALUE ThisPeriodTotalUserTime; // User time for all procs ever run in the process group since limit last set
TIME_VALUE ThisPeriodTotalKernelTime; // Kernel time for all procs ever run in the process group since limit last set
PCUINT32 TotalPageFaultCount; // Page fault count for all procs ever run in the process group
PROC_COUNT TotalProcesses; // Number of processes ever run or attempted in this process group
PROC_COUNT ActiveProcesses; // Number of processes currently running in this process group (may be 0)
PROC_COUNT TotalTerminatedProcesses; // Number of processes terminated for a limit violation
PCUINT64 ReadOperationCount; // Read count for all procs ever in the process group
PCUINT64 WriteOperationCount; // Write count for all procs ever in the process group
PCUINT64 OtherOperationCount; // Other I/O count for all procs ever in the process group
PCUINT64 ReadTransferCount; // Read byte count for all procs ever in the process group
PCUINT64 WriteTransferCount; // Write byte count for all procs ever in the process group
PCUINT64 OtherTransferCount; // Other I/O byte count for all procs ever in the process group
MEMORY_VALUE PeakProcessMemoryUsed; // Largest process memory used by any process ever in the process group
MEMORY_VALUE PeakJobMemoryUsed; // Largest process group memory ever used
#pragma pack()
// The statistics associated with a process. These are read-only values.
// Additional stats could be obtained via the PerfMon interface but that is
// currently beyond the scope of ProcCon.
// Identifying a particular process within ProcCon is done via both the pid and create time.
typedef struct _PROC_STATISTICS { #pragma pack(1)
PID_VALUE pid; // process PID (or 0 if not running)
TIME_VALUE createTime; // to uniquely identify with pid (if running)
TIME_VALUE TotalUserTime; // Total user time assigned to the proc
TIME_VALUE TotalKernelTime; // Total kernel time assigned to the proc
#pragma pack()
// Summary data about a process definition.
// Summary data includes the name, process group membership, and process management rules.
typedef struct _PCProcSummary { #pragma pack(1)
PROC_NAME procName; JOB_NAME memberOfJobName; // member of this process group or null
MGMT_PARMS mgmtParms; BYTE future[16]; #pragma pack()
} PCProcSummary;
// Summary data about a process group definition.
// Summary data includes the name and process group management rules.
typedef struct _PCJobSummary { #pragma pack(1)
JOB_NAME jobName; MGMT_PARMS mgmtParms; BYTE future[16]; #pragma pack()
} PCJobSummary;
// Detail data about a process definition.
// Detail data consists of the summary data and a block of variable length character data.
typedef struct _PCProcDetail { #pragma pack(1)
PCProcSummary base; WCHAR future[64]; PCINT16 vLength; // length of the variable portion which follows, in bytes
WCHAR vData[2]; // variable length portion
#pragma pack()
} PCProcDetail;
// Detail data about a process group definition.
// Detail data consists of the summary data and a block of variable length character data.
typedef struct _PCJobDetail { #pragma pack(1)
PCJobSummary base; WCHAR future[64]; PCINT16 vLength; // length of the variable portion which follows, in bytes
WCHAR vData[2]; // variable length portion
#pragma pack()
} PCJobDetail;
// A process group list entry.
// The process group list consists of all groups that are currently defined, named in a
// process definition, or are running. (Any process group that has or may need a definition).
typedef struct _PCJobListItem { #pragma pack(1)
JOB_NAME jobName; PC_LIST_FLAGS lFlags; // shows where found, running or not, etc.
PRIORITY actualPriority; // actual base priority (if running)
AFFINITY actualAffinity; // actual affinity mask (if running)
SCHEDULING_CLASS actualSchedClass; // actual scheduling class (if running)
JOB_STATISTICS jobStats; // process group statistics (if running)
#pragma pack()
} PCJobListItem;
// A process list entry.
// The process list consists of all processes that are currently defined, named in a
// name rule, or are running. (Any process that has or may need a definition).
typedef struct _PCProcListItem { #pragma pack(1)
PROC_NAME procName; // PC assigned process name
PC_LIST_FLAGS lFlags; // shows where found, running or not, etc.
PRIORITY actualPriority; // actual base priority (if running)
AFFINITY actualAffinity; // actual affinity mask (if running)
PROC_STATISTICS procStats; // process statistics (if running)
IMAGE_NAME imageName; // Windows 2000 'image' (exe) name (if running)
JOB_NAME jobName; // If 'in a process group' flagged, name of group
#pragma pack()
} PCProcListItem;
typedef enum _PCPriorities { PCPrioRealTime = 24, PCPrioHigh = 13, PCPrioAboveNormal = 10, PCPrioNormal = 8, PCPrioBelowNormal = 6, PCPrioIdle = 4, } PCPriorities;
// List response flags -- present in lists only -- not stored as part of any data.
typedef enum _PCListRspFlags { PCLFLAG_IS_RUNNING = 0x00800000, // Name (process group or process) is currently running.
PCLFLAG_IS_DEFINED = 0x00400000, // Name has a definition in ProcCon (but may not request mgmt).
PCLFLAG_IS_MANAGED = 0x00200000, // Name has at least one management behavior requested.
PCLFLAG_IS_IN_A_JOB = 0x00100000, // Process is assigned to a process group.
PCLFLAG_HAS_NAME_RULE = 0x00080000, // Name appears in a name rule as process name.
PCLFLAG_HAS_MEMBER_OF_JOB = 0x00040000, // Name appears in a process def as "member of process group".
} PCListRspFlags;
// List request flags -- used with flags argument to PCGetProcList and PCGetJobList.
typedef enum _PCListReqFlags { PC_LIST_ONLY_RUNNING = 0x00000001, // restrict list to only procs or groups that are running
PC_LIST_STARTING_WITH = 0x00000002, // ON = start list with supplied entry or higher (grpname or procname+pid),
// OFF = start with following entry (used for list continuation)
PC_LIST_MEMBERS_OF = 0x00000004, // ON = list only processes that are members of named group,
// (other flags still apply).
// OFF = list all items (subject to other flags).
PC_LIST_MATCH_ONLY = 0x00000008, // ON = list matching entries only (grp name or proc name+pid).
} PCListReqFlags;
// Management flags -- part of MGMT_PARMS, stored with process/profile data.
// The 'no rules' and 'bad rules' bits will only be set if there are database errors (missing
// or invalid data). Not stored with data but set if data cannot be read or decoded.
// The 'apply' bits are set or cleared by clients to control the use of the related management
// setting. This way the management setting can be left intact even when not being used.
// Note that the process group name is not part of the MGMT_PARMS structure while the 'apply' flag for it
// DOES appears in MGMT_PARMS. This is a reflection of the fact that while process group name IS part of
// the management data, it cannot be varied by profile since Windows 2000 does not support changes to
// process group membership on the fly at present. So the process group name is moved out of the
// management parms to show that it is not part of the profile-dependent data.
typedef enum _PCMgmtFlags { PCMFLAG_NORULES = 0x80000000, // No profile or default rules found (not managed)
PCMFLAG_BADRULES = 0x40000000, // Rules found but could not be used (bad data)
PCMFLAG_PROC_HAS_JOB_REFERENCE = 0x08000000, // Process definition includes a process group name
PCMFLAG_SET_PROC_BREAKAWAY_OK = 0x00080000, // Procs can be created outside process group if requested (groups only).
PCMFLAG_SET_SILENT_BREAKAWAY = 0x00040000, // All procs are created outside process group (groups only)
PCMFLAG_SET_DIE_ON_UH_EXCEPTION = 0x00020000, // Die on unhandled exception flag = no GPF msg box (groups only)
PCMFLAG_MSG_ON_JOB_TIME_LIMIT_HIT = 0x00008000, // Hitting process group time limit = logmsg, else fail group (groups only)
PCMFLAG_END_JOB_WHEN_EMPTY = 0x00004000, // Process group is terminated (closed) when empty (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_MEMBERSHIP = 0x00000800, // Apply 'member of process group' attribute if supplied
PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_MEMORY_LIMIT = 0x00000200, // Apply hard per-proc memory limit (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_MEMORY_LIMIT = 0x00000100, // Apply hard per-group memory limit (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_AFFINITY = 0x00000080, // Apply affinity settings if supplied
PCMFLAG_APPLY_PRIORITY = 0x00000040, // Apply priority settings if supplied
PCMFLAG_APPLY_WS_MINMAX = 0x00000020, // Apply working set min & max if supplied
PCMFLAG_APPLY_SCHEDULING_CLASS = 0x00000010, // Apply scheduling class if supplied (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_TIME_LIMIT = 0x00000008, // Apply process group time limit if supplied (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_TIME_LIMIT = 0x00000004, // Apply proc time limit if supplied (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_COUNT_LIMIT = 0x00000002, // Apply proc count limit if supplied (groups only)
PCMFLAG_APPLY_ANY_RULE = 0x00000bfe, // Apply at least one management rule
PCMFLAG_SAVEABLE_BITS = 0x000ecbfe, // Bits that can be stored in the database (avoid undefined bits)
} PCMgmtFlags;
// Control flags -- use with caution! Input to PCControlFunction.
// These flags are for high-level (non user oriented) control operations.
typedef enum _PCCtlFlags { PCCFLAG_START_MEDIATOR = 0x40000000, // Attempt to start the mediator process
PCCFLAG_STOP_MEDIATOR = 0x20000000, // Attempt to stop the mediator process
PCCFLAG_DELALL_NAME_RULES = 0x00400000, // Delete all name rules from DB
PCCFLAG_DELALL_PROC_DEFS = 0x00200000, // Delete all process definitions from DB
PCCFLAG_DELALL_JOB_DEFS = 0x00100000, // Delete all process group definitions from DB
PCCFLAG_SIGNATURE = 0x80070002, // These bits must be on in all valid flags
PCCFLAG_ANTI_SIGNATURE = 0x0c0000c0, // These bits must be off in all valid flags
} PCCtlFlags;
// API function prototypes //
// Infrastructure and Utility Functions...
// PCOpen -- establish connection to PC on named machine.
// Returns: PCid to use with future PC calls or 0 on error (use PCGetLastError).
// Arguments: 0) pointer to target computer name,
// 1) buffer to be used in server communication or NULL (library allocates).
// 2) size of buffer supplied or to be allocated in bytes.
PCid PCOpen( const WCHAR *targetComputer, char *buffer, PCUINT32 bufSize );
// PCClose -- break connection to PC on previously connected machine.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
BOOL PCClose( PCid target );
// PCGetLastError -- return last error reported for a target
// Returns: last PC API error for this client.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
PCULONG32 PCGetLastError( PCid target );
// PCGetServiceInfo -- get ProcCon Service indentification and parameters.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to area to receive system information,
// 2) size of this area in bytes,
BOOL PCGetServiceInfo( PCid target, PCSystemInfo *sysInfo, PCINT32 nByteCount );
// PCSetServiceParms -- set ProcCon Service parameters.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to area containing new system parameters,
// 2) size of this area in bytes,
BOOL PCSetServiceParms( PCid target, PCSystemParms *sysParms, PCINT32 nByteCount );
// PCControlFunction -- various ProcCon control functions to support restore, etc.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) control flags to describe desired control functions,
// 2) [optional] data that modifies control function.
BOOL PCControlFunction( PCid target, PCINT32 ctlFlags, PCINT32 ctlData = 0 );
// PCKillProcess -- kill the specified process
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) Pid of the process to kill from PCGetProcList statistics,
// 2) Create time of the process to kill from PCGetProcList statistics.
BOOL PCKillProcess( PCid target, PID_VALUE processPid, TIME_VALUE createTime );
// PCKillJob -- kill the specified process group (job)
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) Name of the process group to kill.
BOOL PCKillJob( PCid target, JOB_NAME jobName );
// General Retrieval Functions...
// PCGetNameRules -- get fixed-format table containing name rules, one entry per rule.
// Returns: 1 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to table to receive name rule list,
// 2) size of this table in bytes,
// 3) [optional, default is 0] index of first entry to return (0-relative),
// 4) [optional] location to store update counter to be supplied on update.
// Notes: If PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA, there is more data to retrieve.
// Name rule order is significant: rules are executed from top to bottom.
PCINT32 PCGetNameRules( PCid target, PCNameRule *pRuleList, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCINT32 nFirst = 0, PCINT32 *nUpdateCtr = NULL );
// PCGetProcSummary -- get fixed-format table summarizing all defined processes.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to table to receive rule summary list, first entry indicates start point,
// 2) size of this table in bytes.
// 3) a set of flags used to further specify or limit list operation.
// Notes: If PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA, there is more data to retrieve.
// List entries are in alphabetic order by process name.
PCINT32 PCGetProcSummary( PCid target, PCProcSummary *pProcList, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCUINT32 listFlags = 0 ); // PCGetJobSummary -- get fixed-format table summarizing all defined process groups.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to table to receive rule summary list, first entry indicates start point,
// 2) size of this table in bytes.
// 3) a set of flags used to further specify or limit list operation.
// Notes: If PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA, there is more data to retrieve.
// List entries are in alphabetic order by process group name.
PCINT32 PCGetJobSummary( PCid target, PCJobSummary *pJobList, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCUINT32 listFlags = 0 ); // PCGetJobList -- get list of all defined process groups, both running and not.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to structure to receive process group list,
// 2) size of this structure in bytes.
// 3) a set of flags used to further specify or limit list operation.
// Notes: If PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA, there is more data to retrieve.
// List entries are in alphabetic order by process group name.
PCINT32 PCGetJobList( PCid target, PCJobListItem *pJobList, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCUINT32 listFlags = 0 );
// PCGetProcList -- get list of all defined process names, both running and not.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to structure to receive process list,
// 2) size of this structure in bytes.
// 3) a set of flags used to further specify or limit list operation.
// Notes: If PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA, there is more data to retrieve.
// List entries are in alphabetic order by process name.
PCINT32 PCGetProcList( PCid target, PCProcListItem *pProcList, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCUINT32 listFlags = 0 );
// PCGetProcDetail -- get full management and descriptive data associated with a process name.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to structure to receive process data,
// 2) size of this structure in bytes,
// 3) [optional] location to store update counter to be supplied on update.
// Note: If the process is a member of a process group, the group's management rules will be
// used instead of the process rules unless the process group definition is missing.
BOOL PCGetProcDetail( PCid target, PCProcDetail *pProcDetail, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCINT32 *nUpdateCtr = NULL );
// PCGetJobDetail -- get full management and descriptive data associated with a process group name.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to structure to receive process group data,
// 2) size of this structure in bytes,
// 3) [optional] location to store update counter to be supplied on update.
BOOL PCGetJobDetail( PCid target, PCJobDetail *pJobDetail, PCINT32 nByteCount, PCINT32 *nUpdateCtr = NULL );
// Name Rule Update Functions...
// PCAddNameRule -- add a name rule to the name rule table.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to name rule to add,
// 2) index of name rule line BEFORE which this addition is to occur (0-based),
// 3) update counter returned from PCGetNameRules,
// 4-7) [optional] same args as PCGetNameRules to return updated name rule table.
// Note: If also retrieving list, PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA if there is
// more data to retrieve. List entries are in alphabetic order by process name.
PCINT32 PCAddNameRule( PCid target, PCNameRule *pRule, PCINT32 nIndex, PCINT32 nUpdateCtr, PCNameRule *pRuleList = NULL, PCINT32 nByteCount = 0, PCINT32 nFirst = 0, PCINT32 *nNewUpdateCtr = NULL );
// PCReplNameRule -- Replace a name rule in the name rule table.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to name rule replacement data,
// 2) index of name rule line to replace (0-based),
// 3) update counter returned from PCGetNameRules,
// 4-7) [optional] same args as PCGetNameRules to return updated name rule table.
// Note: If also retrieving list, PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA if there is
// more data to retrieve. List entries are in alphabetic order by process name.
PCINT32 PCReplNameRule( PCid target, PCNameRule *pRule, PCINT32 nIndex, PCINT32 nUpdateCtr, PCNameRule *pRuleList = NULL, PCINT32 nByteCount = 0, PCINT32 nFirst = 0, PCINT32 *nNewUpdateCtr = NULL );
// PCDeleteNameRule -- Delete a name rule from the name rule table.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) index of name rule line to delete (0-based),
// 2) update counter returned from PCGetNameRules,
// 3-6) [optional] same args as PCGetNameRules to return updated name rule table.
// Note: If also retrieving list, PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA if there is
// more data to retrieve. List entries are in alphabetic order by process name.
PCINT32 PCDeleteNameRule( PCid target, PCINT32 nIndex, PCINT32 nUpdateCtr, PCNameRule *pRuleList = NULL, PCINT32 nByteCount = 0, PCINT32 nFirst = 0, PCINT32 *nNewUpdateCtr = NULL );
// PCSwapNameRules -- Swap the order of two adjacent entries in the name rule table.
// Note: This API is needed because the order of entires in the table is significant.
// Returns: 0 or greater to indicate the number of items in the response (may be incomplete).
// -1 on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) index of name rule line to swap with line index+1 (0-based),
// 2) update counter returned from PCGetNameRules,
// 3-5) [optional] same args as PCGetNameRules to return updated name rule table.
// Note: If also retrieving list, PCGetLastError returns PCERROR_MORE_DATA if there is
// more data to retrieve. List entries are in alphabetic order by process name.
PCINT32 PCSwapNameRules( PCid target, PCINT32 nIndex, PCINT32 nUpdateCtr, PCNameRule *pRuleList = NULL, PCINT32 nByteCount = 0, PCINT32 nFirst = 0, PCINT32 *nNewUpdateCtr = NULL );
// Process data Update Functions...
// PCAddProcDetail -- add a new process definition to the process management database.
// Returns: 1 on success (treat as TRUE or as a count if summary item requested).
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to process detail to add, name must not exist.
// 2) [optional] pointer to buffer to retrieve updated proc summary for this entry.
// Note: No update counter is needed for adding since add fails if the name
// exists.
BOOL PCAddProcDetail( PCid target, PCProcDetail *pProcDetail, PCProcSummary *pProcList = NULL );
// PCDeleteProcDetail -- Delete a process definition from the process management database.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to process detail to Delete, name must exist,
// Notes: 1) No update counter is needed for deleting since delete fails if the name
// doesn't exist.
// 2) Since this is a delete operation, a complete PCProcDetail is not necessary.
// The pointer may also point to a PCProcSummary item.
BOOL PCDeleteProcDetail( PCid target, PCProcDetail *pProcDetail );
// PCReplProcDetail -- Replace a process definition in the process management database.
// Returns: 1 on success (treat as TRUE or as a count if summary item requested).
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to process detail to replace, name must exist,
// 2) update counter from PCGetProcDetail.
// 3) [optional] pointer to buffer to retrieve updated proc summary for this entry.
BOOL PCReplProcDetail( PCid target, PCProcDetail *pProcDetail, PCINT32 nUpdateCtr, PCProcSummary *pProcList = NULL );
// Process Group (Job) data Update Functions...
// PCAddJobDetail -- add a new process group definition to the process group management database.
// Returns: 1 on success (treat as TRUE or as a count if summary item requested).
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to process group detail to add, name must not exist,
// 2) [optional] pointer to buffer to retrieve updated process group summary for this entry.
// Note: No update counter is needed for adding since add fails if the name
// exists.
BOOL PCAddJobDetail( PCid target, PCJobDetail *pJobDetail, PCJobSummary *pJobList = NULL );
// PCDeleteJobDetail -- Delete a process group definition from the process group management database.
// Returns: TRUE on success.
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to process group detail to Delete, name must exist,
// Notes: 1) No update counter is needed for deleting since delete fails if the name
// doesn't exist.
// 2) Since this is a delete operation, a complete PCJobDetail is not necessary.
// The pointer may also point to a PCJobSummary item.
BOOL PCDeleteJobDetail( PCid target, PCJobDetail *pJobDetail );
// PCReplJobDetail -- Replace a process group definition in the process group management database.
// Returns: 1 on success (treat as TRUE or as a count if summary item requested).
// FALSE on failure, use PCGetLastError.
// Arguments: 0) PCid from PCOpen,
// 1) pointer to process group detail to replace, name must exist,
// 2) update counter from PCGetJobDetail.
// 3) [optional] pointer to buffer to retrieve updated process group summary for this entry.
BOOL PCReplJobDetail( PCid target, PCJobDetail *pJobDetail, PCINT32 nUpdateCtr, PCJobSummary *pJobList = NULL );
#endif // _PROCCONAPI_H_