; ;Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated ; ;Description: ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
; This file contains the message resource definitions. //
; Compiling it with the message compiler generates related .RC, .BIN, and .H files. //
;; ;Created: ; ; Jarl McDonald 06-98 ; ;Revision History: ; ;--*/
;// The header section defines names and language identifiers for use
;// by the message definitions later in this file. The MessageIdTypedef,
;// SeverityNames, FacilityNames, and LanguageNames keywords are
;// optional and not required.
MessageIdTypedef=DWORD ;//
;// The MessageIdTypedef keyword gives a typedef name that is used in a
;// type cast for each message code in the generated include file. Each
;// message code appears in the include file with the format: #define
;// name ((type) 0xnnnnnnnn) The default value for type is empty, and no
;// type cast is generated. It is the programmer's responsibility to
;// specify a typedef statement in the application source code to define
;// the type. The type used in the typedef must be large enough to
;// accomodate the entire 32-bit message code.
;// The SeverityNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed
;// as the value of the Severity keyword in the message definition. The
;// set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each
;// severity name is a number that, when shifted left by 30, gives the
;// bit pattern to logical-OR with the Facility value and MessageId
;// value to form the full 32-bit message code. The default value of
;// this keyword is:
;// SeverityNames=(
;// Success=0x0
;// Informational=0x1
;// Warning=0x2
;// Error=0x3
;// )
;// Severity values occupy the high two bits of a 32-bit message code.
;// Any severity value that does not fit in two bits is an error. The
;// severity codes can be given symbolic names by following each value
;// with :name
;// The FacilityNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed
;// as the value of the Facility keyword in the message definition. The
;// set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each
;// facility name is a number that, when shift it left by 16 bits, gives
;// the bit pattern to logical-OR with the Severity value and MessageId
;// value to form the full 32-bit message code.
;// Facility codes occupy the low order 12 bits of the high order
;// 16-bits of a 32-bit message code. Any facility code that does not
;// fit in 12 bits is an error. This allows for 4,096 facility codes.
;// The first 256 codes are reserved for use by the system software. The
;// facility codes can be given symbolic names by following each value
;// with :name
;// The LanguageNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed
;// as the value of the Language keyword in the message definition. The
;// set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each
;// language name is a number and a file name that are used to name the
;// generated resource file that contains the messages for that
;// language. The number corresponds to the language identifier to use
;// in the resource table. The number is separated from the file name
;// with a colon.
LanguageNames=(English=0x409:MSG00409) ;//
;// Any new names in the source file which don't override the built-in
;// names are added to the list of valid languages. This allows an
;// application to support private languages with descriptive names.
;// Following the header section is the body of the Message Compiler
;// source file. The body consists of zero or more message definitions.
;// Each message definition begins with one or more of the following
;// statements:
;// MessageId = [number|+number]
;// Severity = severity_name
;// Facility = facility_name
;// SymbolicName = name
;// The MessageId statement marks the beginning of the message
;// definition. A MessageID statement is required for each message,
;// although the value is optional. If no value is specified, the value
;// used is the previous value for the facility plus one. If the value
;// is specified as +number then the value used is the previous value
;// for the facility, plus the number after the plus sign. Otherwise, if
;// a numeric value is given, that value is used. Any MessageId value
;// that does not fit in 16 bits is an error.
;// The Severity and Facility statements are optional. These statements
;// specify additional bits to OR into the final 32-bit message code. If
;// not specified they default to the value last specified for a message
;// definition. The initial values prior to processing the first message
;// definition are:
;// Severity=Success
;// Facility=Application
;// The value associated with Severity and Facility must match one of
;// the names given in the FacilityNames and SeverityNames statements in
;// the header section. The SymbolicName statement allows you to
;// associate a C/C++ symbolic constant with the final 32-bit message
;// code.
MessageId=150 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_STARTED Language=English %1 has started. .
MessageId=151 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_STOPPED Language=English %1 has stopped. .
MessageId=152 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_PROC_PRIORITY Language=English %1 has changed the priority for process "%2" (PID %3, image "%4") from %5 to %6. .
MessageId=153 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_PROC_AFFINITY Language=English %1 has changed the affinity for process "%2" (PID %3, image "%4") from %5 to %6. .
MessageId=154 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_PROC_WORKING_SET Language=English %1 has changed the working set for process "%2" (PID %3, image "%4") from %5,%6 to %7,%8. .
MessageId=160 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CREATE_JOB Language=English %1 has created the process group (job object) named "%2". .
MessageId=161 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ADD_PROC_TO_JOB Language=English %1 has added process "%2" (PID %3, image "%4") to process group "%5". .
MessageId=162 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_PRIORITY Language=English %1 has changed the priority limit for process group "%2" from %3 to %4. .
MessageId=163 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_AFFINITY Language=English %1 has changed the affinity limit for process group "%2" from %3 to %4. .
MessageId=164 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_WORKING_SET Language=English %1 has changed the working set limit for process group "%2" from %3,%4 to %5,%6. .
MessageId=165 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_SCHEDULING_CLASS Language=English %1 has changed the scheduling class limit for process group "%2" from %3 to %4. .
MessageId=166 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_PROCESS_TIME Language=English %1 has changed the process time limit for process group "%2" from %3 ms to %4 ms. .
MessageId=167 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_JOB_TIME Language=English %1 has changed the group time limit for process group "%2" from %3 ms to %4 ms. .
MessageId=168 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_PROCESS_COUNT Language=English %1 has changed the process count limit for process group "%2" from %3 to %4. .
MessageId=169 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_PROCESS_MEMORY Language=English %1 has changed the process memory limit for process group "%2" from %3 to %4. .
MessageId=170 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CHANGE_JOB_JOB_MEMORY Language=English %1 has changed the group memory limit for process group "%2" from %3 to %4. .
MessageId=171 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_SET_BREAKAWAY_ALLOWED Language=English %1 has set the BREAKAWAY_OK flag for process group "%2". .
MessageId=172 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_SET_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_ENABLED Language=English %1 has set the SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK flag for process group "%2". .
MessageId=173 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_SET_LIMIT_DIE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION Language=English %1 has set the DIE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION flag for process group "%2". .
MessageId=181 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DISPATCH_ERROR Language=English Service dispatch failed for "%1". ("%2"). .
MessageId=182 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_STATUS_ERROR Language=English Set or report status failed for "%1". ("%2"). .
MessageId=183 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_UNSUPPORTED_WINDOWS_VERSION Language=English For the "%1", the only supported OS is Windows Datacenter Server. .
MessageId=184 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_UNEXPECTED_REGISTRY_ERROR Language=English Unexpected Windows registry error during "%1" for "%2". ("%3"). .
MessageId=185 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_UNEXPECTED_NT_ERROR Language=English Unexpected Windows error: operand "%1", operation "%2", error "%3". .
MessageId=188 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_STARTUP_FAILED Language=English Service internal initialization failed, "%1". ("%2"). .
MessageId=189 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_CANT_GET_MEMORY Language=English Cannot get requested memory, size is %1. ("%2"). .
MessageId=190 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_INVALID_DATA_ERROR Language=English A database entry has invalid data or format. ("%1"). .
MessageId=191 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_DB_OPEN_FAILED Language=English Initialization of Process Control database failed in "%1". ("%2"). .
MessageId=192 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_AFFINITY_ERROR Language=English %1 could not apply desired affinity to process %2 (PID %3, image "%4"). ("%5"). .
MessageId=193 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_PRIORITY_ERROR Language=English %1 could not apply desired priority to process %2 (PID %3, image "%4"). ("%5"). .
MessageId=194 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_WORKINGSET_ERROR Language=English %1 could not apply desired working set limits to process %2 (PID %3, image "%4"). ("%5"). .
MessageId=195 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_MEDIATE_SVC_NEVER_STARTED Language=English %1 could not start because the %2 has never been started. .
MessageId=196 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_PROCESS_ALREADY_RUNNING Language=English %1 not started because it is already running. .
MessageId=197 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ALREADY_IN_JOB Language=English %1 could not put process %2 (PID %3, image "%4") in job %5, already in job %6. .
MessageId=200 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_KILLED_PROCESS Language=English %1 has killed process with PID %2 due to kill request. .
MessageId=201 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_KILLED_JOB Language=English %1 has killed the processes in group named "%2" due to kill request. .
MessageId=202 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_JOB_HIT_TIME_LIMIT_NOTERM Language=English %1: process group named "%2" hit the group time limit of %3ms; process group continues with time limit cleared. .
MessageId=203 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_JOB_HIT_TIME_LIMIT_TERMINATED Language=English %1: process group named "%2" hit the group time limit of %3ms; all processes in the process group were terminated. .
MessageId=204 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_PROC_HIT_TIME_LIMIT Language=English %1: process in process group named "%2" hit the process time limit of %3ms; process has been terminated (PID was %4). .
MessageId=205 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_JOB_HIT_COUNT_LIMIT Language=English %1: process group named "%2" attempted to exceed the process count limit of %3; the offending process was terminated. .
MessageId=206 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_JOB_HIT_MEMORY_LIMIT Language=English %1: process group named "%2" hit the group memory limit of %3; process responsible was PID %4. .
MessageId=207 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_PROC_HIT_MEMORY_LIMIT Language=English %1: process group named "%2" hit the process memory limit of %3; process responsible was PID %4. .
MessageId=208 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ADD_NONPC_PROC_TO_JOB Language=English %1: new process created in process group "%2", process "%3" (PID %4, image "%5"). .
MessageId=262 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_PRIORITY Language=English %1 has removed the priority limit from process group "%2"; it was %3. .
MessageId=263 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_AFFINITY Language=English %1 has removed the affinity limit from process group "%2"; it was %3. .
MessageId=264 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_WORKING_SET Language=English %1 has removed the working set limit from process group "%2"; it was %3,%4. .
MessageId=265 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_SCHEDULING_CLASS Language=English %1 has removed the scheduling class limit from process group "%2"; it was %3. .
MessageId=266 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_PROCESS_TIME Language=English %1 has removed the process time limit from process group "%2"; it was %3 ms. .
MessageId=267 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_JOB_TIME Language=English %1 has removed the group time limit from process group "%2"; it was %3 ms. .
MessageId=268 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_PROCESS_COUNT Language=English %1 has removed the process count limit from process group "%2"; it was %3. .
MessageId=269 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_PROCESS_MEMORY Language=English %1 has removed the process memory limit from process group "%2"; it was %3. .
MessageId=270 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REMOVE_JOB_JOB_MEMORY Language=English %1 has removed the process group memory limit from "%2"; it was %3. .
MessageId=271 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_UNSET_BREAKAWAY_ALLOWED Language=English %1 has cleared the BREAKAWAY_OK flag for process group "%2". .
MessageId=272 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_UNSET_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_ENABLED Language=English %1 has cleared the SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK flag for process group "%2". .
MessageId=273 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_UNSET_LIMIT_DIE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION Language=English %1 has cleared the DIE_ON_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION flag for process group "%2". .
MessageId=300 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_JOB_AFFINITY_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply group affinity limit for %2: no active processors requested. .
MessageId=301 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_JOB_PRIORITY_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply group priority limit for %2: invalid priority supplied. .
MessageId=302 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_JOB_SCHEDULING_CLASS_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply group scheduling class limit for %2: invalid class value supplied. .
MessageId=303 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_JOB_WORKING_SET_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply group working set limits for %2: invalid minimum and/or maximum supplied. .
MessageId=304 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_JOB_MEMORY_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply group memory limit for %2: invalid value supplied. .
MessageId=305 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_MEMORY_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply per-process memory limit for group %2: invalid value supplied. .
MessageId=306 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_AFFINITY_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply process affinity limit for %2: no active processors requested. .
MessageId=307 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_PRIORITY_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply process priority limit for %2: invalid priority supplied. .
MessageId=308 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_WORKING_SET_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply process working set limits for %2: invalid minimum and/or maximum supplied. .
MessageId=309 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_JOB_TIME_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply group time limit for %2: invalid value supplied. .
MessageId=310 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APPLY_PROC_TIME_REJECT Language=English %1 did not apply per-process time limit for group %2: invalid value supplied. .
MessageId=311 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_UNABLE_TO_INSTALL Language=English Unable to install %2 - %1 .
MessageId=312 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REGISTRY_OPEN_FAILED Language=English %2 Registry Key open failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=313 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ADD_VALUE_SERVICE_DESC_FAILED Language=English %2 add value failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=314 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APP_KEY_OPEN_FAILED Language=English %2 Server Application Control Key open failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=315 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APP_KEY_ADD_FAILED Language=English %2 add value failed for server application control registry entry '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=316 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REG_KEY_CREATE_FAILED Language=English %2 Registry Key Create failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=317 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_EVENTLOG_REG_SETUP_FAILED Language=English %2 EventLog registry entries set-up failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=318 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_PARAM_KEY_CREATE_FAILED Language=English %2 Parameter Key Create failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=319 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_PARAM_DATA_UPDATE_FAILED Language=English %2 Parameter Data Update failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=320 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_CREATESERVICE_FAILED Language=English %2 CreateService failed - %1 .
MessageId=321 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_OPENSCMGR_FAILED Language=English OpenSCManager failed - %1 .
MessageId=322 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_STOP Language=English
%2 failed to stop. .
MessageId=323 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DELETE_SVC_FAILED Language=English DeleteService failed - %1 .
MessageId=324 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_OPEN_SVC_FAILED Language=English OpenService failed - %1 .
MessageId=325 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APP_REG_ENTRY_DELETED Language=English %2 server application control registry entry deleted. .
MessageId=326 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APP_REG_ENTRY_DEL_FAILED Language=English %2 server application control registry entry delete failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=327 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_EVTLOG_REG_DEL_FAILED Language=English %2 EventLog registry entries delete failed for '%3' - %1 .
MessageId=328 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REG_TREE_DEL_FAILED Language=English %2 data registry tree delete failed for '%2' - %1 .
MessageId=400 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DEL_ALL_NAME_RULES Language=English All process alias rules have been deleted. .
MessageId=401 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ADD_ALIAS_RULE Language=English New process alias rule %1 (alias name = "%2") has been inserted before rule %3 ("%4").%n Description: "%5"%n Match string: "%6"%n Match type: '%7' .
MessageId=402 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REPL_ALIAS_RULE Language=English Process alias rule %1 has been updated.%n Alias name: "%2" was "%3"%n Description: "%4" was "%5"%n Match string: "%6" was "%7"%n Match type: '%8' was '%9' .
MessageId=403 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DEL_ALIAS_RULE Language=English Process alias rule "%1" has been deleted. .
MessageId=404 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_SWAP_ALIAS_RULE Language=English Process alias rule %1 ("%2") has been swapped with rule %3 ("%4"). .
MessageId=410 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DEL_ALL_PROC_RULES Language=English All process execution rules have been deleted. .
MessageId=411 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ADD_PROC_EXECUTION_RULE Language=English Process execution rule "%1" has been added.%n Description: "%2"%n Member of job: %3[%4]%n Affinity: %5%n Priority: %6%n Working set: %7 .
MessageId=412 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REPL_PROC_EXECUTION_RULE Language=English Process execution rule "%1" has been changed.%n Description: "%2" was "%3"%n Member of job: %4[%5] was %6[%7]%n Affinity: %8 was %9%n Priority: %10 was %11%n Working set: %12 was %13 .
MessageId=413 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DEL_PROC_EXECUTION_RULE Language=English Process execution rule "%1" has been deleted. .
MessageId=420 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DEL_ALL_JOB_RULES Language=English All process group execution rules have been deleted. .
MessageId=421 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_ADD_JOB_EXECUTION_RULE Language=English Process group execution rule "%1" has been added.%n Description: "%2"%n Affinity: %3%n Priority: %4%n Working set: %5%n Scheduling class: %6%n Process count limit: %7%n Process committed memory limit: %8%n Group committed memory limit: %9%n Per process user time limit: %10%n Group user time limit: %11%n Report on group user time limit(no termination): %12%n End process group when no processes in group: %13%n Die on unhandled exception: %14%n Silent breakaway: %15%n Breakaway OK: %16 .
MessageId=422 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REPL_JOB_EXECUTION_RULE Language=English Process group execution rule "%1" has been changed.%n Description: "%2" was "%3"%n Affinity: %4 was %5%n Priority: %6 was %7%n Working set: %8 was %9%n Scheduling class: %10 was %11%n Process count limit: %12 was %13%n Process committed memory limit: %14 was %15%n Group committed memory limit: %16 was %17%n Per process user time limit: %18 was %19%n Group user time limit: %20 was %21%n Report on group user time limit(no termination): %22 was %23%n End process group when no processes in group: %24 was %25%n Die on unhandled exception: %26 was %27%n Silent breakaway: %28 was %29%n Breakaway OK: %30 was %31 .
MessageId=423 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DEL_JOB_EXECUTION_RULE Language=English Process group execution rule "%1" has been deleted. .
MessageId=424 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_SERVICE_INSTALLED Language=English %1 service installed. .
MessageId=425 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_APP_KEY_CREATED Language=English %1 server application control registry entry created. .
MessageId=426 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_EVENTLOG_REG_SETUP Language=English %1 EventLog registry entries created. .
MessageId=427 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_PARAM_DATA_CREATED Language=English %1 registry parameter data created. .
MessageId=428 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_STOPPING Language=English Stopping %1.%0 .
MessageId=429 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_DOT Language=English .%0 .
MessageId=430 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_STOPPING_STOPPED Language=English
%1 stopped. .
MessageId=431 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_REG_ENTRIES_REMOVED Language=English %1 service registry entries removed. .
MessageId=432 Severity=Error SymbolicName=PC_SERVICE_EVTLOG_REG_DELETED Language=English %1 EventLog registry entries deleted. .