| //
|Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. //
| //
|Description: //
| //
| This file contains utility functions: error reporting, etc. //
| //
|Created: //
| //
| Jarl McDonald 04-99 (from earlier code in ProcCon service //
| //
|Revision History: //
| //
| Jarl McDonald 03-00 Look up Administrators Name rather than use hard-coded //
| Paul Skoglund 04-01 Add formatting functions to support logging of rule edits //
| //
|=======================================================================================*/ #include "..\SERVICE\ProcConSvc.h"
#include <aclapi.h>
// Globals //
TCHAR PROCCON_SVC_DISP_NAME[128] = { TEXT("Process Control") }; // Service display name
TCHAR PROCCON_MEDIATOR_DISP_NAME[128] = { TEXT("Process Control Mediator") }; // Mediator display name
TCHAR PROCCON_UNKNOWN_PROCESS[32] = { TEXT("unknown") }; // Name used for the already terminated process
TCHAR PROCCON_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION[256] = { TEXT("Provides control and grouping of running processes.") }; TCHAR PROCCON_DEFAULT_NAMERULE_DESC[NAME_DESCRIPTION_LEN + 1] = { TEXT("---Default Alias Rule---") }; // Default alias rule desc
TCHAR PROCCON_FLAG_ON[32] = { TEXT("on") }; // Name used to indicate rule option is on
TCHAR PROCCON_FLAG_OFF[32] = { TEXT("off") }; // Name used to indicate rule option is off
TCHAR PROCCON_SYSTEM_PROCESS[32] = { TEXT("System") }; // Name used for the 'System' process
TCHAR PROCCON_SYSTEM_IDLE[64] = { TEXT("System Idle Process") }; // Name used for the 'System Idle Process'
= { TEXT("Usage: proccsvc [-install user_password] [-reinstall user_password] [-remove] [-noService]\n") } // Debug usage message
= { TEXT("Usage: proccsvc [-install user_password] [-reinstall user_password] [-remove]\n") } // Regular usage message
// Function to load our strings.
// Input: none
// Returns: nothing -- if loads fail default values are set
void PCLoadStrings( void ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < ENTRY_COUNT(ourStrings); ++i ) { LoadString( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), ourStrings[i].stringId, ourStrings[i].stringLoc, ourStrings[i].stringLen ); } }
// Function to test if we are running on Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.
// Input: none
// Returns: TRUE if we are on Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, else FALSE
BOOL PCTestOSVersion( void ) {
OSVERSIONINFOEX version; memset( &version, 0, sizeof( version ) ); // needed due to bug in Beta 3
version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( version );
version.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; version.dwMajorVersion = 5; version.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_DATACENTER;
return VerifyVersionInfo( &version, VER_PLATFORMID + VER_MAJORVERSION + VER_SUITENAME, condition ); }
// Function to test if an instance of the passed name is running (exists)
// Input: name of exclusion object, display name of requestor or NULL
// Returns: TRUE if an instance of the object exists
// FALSE if the object was newly created
BOOL PCTestIsRunning( const TCHAR *who, const TCHAR *dispName ) {
HANDLE hEvent = OpenEvent( EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, who ); DWORD rc = GetLastError();
if ( hEvent ) CloseHandle( hEvent );
if ( !hEvent && rc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && dispName ) { SetLastError( rc ) ; PCLogUnExError( who, TEXT("OpenExclEvent") ); }
return hEvent != NULL; }
// Function to set exclusive access to the name (via an event)
// Input: name of exclusion object, display name of requestor or NULL
// Returns: TRUE if an instance of an exclusive instance of the object was created
// FALSE if the object already existed
BOOL PCSetIsRunning( const TCHAR *who, const TCHAR *dispName ) {
if ( !PCBuildNullSecAttr( secAttr ) ) { // Everybody can access -- we want universal exclusion
PCLogUnExError( who, TEXT("BuildNullSecAttr") ); rc = FALSE; } else { hEvent = CreateEvent( &secAttr, TRUE, FALSE, who ); if ( !hEvent ) { PCLogUnExError( who, TEXT("CreateExclEvent") ); rc = FALSE; } else if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { if ( dispName ) PCLogMessage( PC_PROCESS_ALREADY_RUNNING, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 1, dispName ); CloseHandle( hEvent ); rc = FALSE; } }
PCFreeSecAttr( secAttr ); return rc; }
// Functions to build our registry keys.
// Input: location to build key
// Returns: nothing
void PCBuildBaseKey( TCHAR *key ) { _tcscpy( key, PROCCON_REG_SERVICE_BASE ); _tcscat( key, PROCCON_SVC_NAME ); }
void PCBuildMsgKey( TCHAR *key ) { _tcscpy( key, PROCCON_REG_SERVICE_BASE ); _tcscat( key, PROCCON_REG_EVENTLOG_SUBKEY ); _tcscat( key, PROCCON_SVC_NAME ); }
void PCBuildParmKey( TCHAR *key ) { PCBuildBaseKey( key ); _tcscat( key, TEXT("\\") ); _tcscat( key, PROCCON_REG_PARMS_SUBKEY ); }
// Functions to verify a name, type, etc.
#define TBLANK L' '
BOOL PCValidName( const TCHAR *name, const PCULONG32 len, const BOOL nullOK ) { for ( PCULONG32 i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { // hit terminator -- verify whole name: no leading or trailing blanks, not NULL unless OKed
if ( !name[i] ) { if ( i ) { if ( name[0] == TBLANK || name[i - 1] == TBLANK ) return FALSE; // leading/trailing blnk
else return TRUE; } else return nullOK; // name is null
} if ( _tcschr( TEXT("\\,\""), name[i] ) ) return FALSE; // hit invalid character
} return FALSE; // no terminator
BOOL PCValidMatchType( const TCHAR type ) { return type == MATCH_PGM || type == MATCH_DIR || type == MATCH_ANY; }
// Function to locate first occurrence of one string in another without regard to case.
// Input: location of string to search (here), location of string to find (it)
// Returns: location of first match or NULL
const TCHAR *PCiStrStr( const TCHAR *here, const TCHAR *it ) { const TCHAR firstchar = _totupper( *it ); PCULONG32 len = _tcslen( it );
for ( const TCHAR *at = here; ; ++at ) { while ( *at && firstchar != _totupper( *at ) ) ++at; if ( !*at ) return firstchar? NULL : at; if ( !_tcsnicmp( at, it, len ) ) return at; }
// Functions to convert a hex or decimal number to a PCULONG32 or __int64.
// Input: location of data, location to set to end of data
// Returns: converted number
__int64 PCGetParmValue64( TCHAR *loc, TCHAR **end ) { PCULONG32 base = 10; if ( *(loc + 1) == TEXT('x') || *(loc + 1) == TEXT('X') ) { base = 16; loc += 2; } for ( __int64 result = 0; ; ++loc ) { TCHAR c = _totupper(*loc); if ( c >= TEXT('0') && c <= TEXT('9') ) result = result * base + c - TEXT('0'); else if ( base == 16 && c >= TEXT('A') && c <= TEXT('F') ) result = result * base + 10 + c - TEXT('A'); else { *end = loc; break; } } return result; }
PCULONG32 PCGetParmValue( TCHAR *loc, TCHAR **end ) { return (PCULONG32) PCGetParmValue64( loc, end ); }
// Function to test sign of __int64.
// Input: integer to test
// Returns: +1, -1, or 0 depending on if integer is greater, less, or equal zero
int PCSignof64(__int64 x ) { return (x > 0)? 1 : (x < 0)? -1 : 0; }
// Functions to report one of our errors in the Win2K event log.
// Input: log message parameters: code, type, string count, string ptr, data len, data ptr
// Returns: nothing
void PCLogMessage( const PCULONG32 msgCode, const WORD msgType, WORD numStrings, const void *msgStrings, ULONG lenData, void *msgData ) {
// If no message data, use NT error as data
PCULONG32 NTError; if ( !lenData && msgType != EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE ) { NTError = GetLastError(); lenData = sizeof( NTError ); msgData = &NTError; }
// Make sure we successfully register...
HANDLE hErrLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, PROCCON_SVC_NAME ); if ( !hErrLog ) return;
// Prepare insertion argument list...
const TCHAR *strings[64]; // Make a local copy of string args to allow us to extend it.
// For a single string just set up single entry table,
// For a multi-entry table use the passed array.
if ( numStrings == 1 ) strings[0] = (TCHAR *) msgStrings; else memcpy( strings, msgStrings, sizeof(TCHAR *) * numStrings );
// For error meassages add the NT error description to the argument list...
TCHAR err[1024]; if ( msgType == EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ) { PCNTErrorText( *(PCULONG32 *)msgData, err, ENTRY_COUNT(err) ); strings[numStrings++] = err; }
// Report the desired event...
ReportEvent( hErrLog, msgType, 0, msgCode, NULL, numStrings, lenData, strings, msgData );
// de-register...
DeregisterEventSource( hErrLog ); }
// Handle unexpected NT error by:
// 1. Setting up two strings -- an operand and an operation.
// 2. Getting the NT error.
// 3. Calling standard error fcn with strings and NT error.
void PCLogUnExError( const TCHAR *who, const TCHAR *what ) { const TCHAR *strings[2] = { who, what }; DWORD err = GetLastError();
PCLogMessage( PC_UNEXPECTED_NT_ERROR, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, ENTRY_COUNT(strings), strings, sizeof(err), &err ); }
// Handle PID-based unexpected NT error by:
// 1. Setting up two strings -- an operand as "PID nnn" and an operation.
// 2. Getting the NT error.
// 3. Calling standard error fcn with strings and NT error.
void PCLogUnExError( const __int64 pid, const TCHAR *what ) { TCHAR pidString[16]; const TCHAR *strings[2] = { pidString, what }; DWORD err = GetLastError();
_tcscpy( pidString, TEXT("PID ") ); _i64tot( pid, pidString + _tcslen(pidString), 10 );
PCLogMessage( PC_UNEXPECTED_NT_ERROR, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, ENTRY_COUNT(strings), strings, sizeof(err), &err ); }
// Handle insufficient memory by:
// 1. Setting up two strings -- a size string and the passed identifying string.
// 2. Setting an NT error of ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (no error set by new).
// 3. Calling standard error fcn with strings and NT error.
PCULONG32 PCLogNoMemory( const TCHAR *string, const PCULONG32 len ) { TCHAR size[1024]; const TCHAR *strings[2] = { size, string }; DWORD err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
_stprintf( size, TEXT("0x%lx"), len );
PCLogMessage( PC_CANT_GET_MEMORY, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, ENTRY_COUNT(strings), strings, sizeof(err), &err );
// Function to get text for a Win2K error
// Input: error, buffer pointer, buffer length
// Returns: pointer to buffer
// Note: trailing returns are stripped from the message.
LPTSTR PCNTErrorText( PCULONG32 error, LPTSTR buf, PCULONG32 size ) { PCULONG32 dwRet = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, error, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, size, NULL ); if (!dwRet) { if (size) buf[size - 1] = 0; _sntprintf( buf, size - 1, TEXT("0x%lx"), error ); } else { while ( --dwRet && (buf[dwRet] == TEXT('\n') || buf[dwRet] == TEXT('\r')) ) buf[dwRet] = TEXT('\0'); }
return buf; }
// Functions to determine if management behavior is requested in a process/job definition
// Input: ref to management definition
// Returns: TRUE if any management behavior would be applied, else FALSE
BOOL PCIsProcManaged( MGMT_PARMS &def, JOB_NAME *job ) { if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_MEMBERSHIP && job[0] ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_AFFINITY && def.affinity ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_PRIORITY && def.priority ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_WS_MINMAX && def.minWS && def.maxWS ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL PCIsJobManaged( MGMT_PARMS &def ) { if ( def.mFlags & (PCMFLAG_SET_PROC_BREAKAWAY_OK | PCMFLAG_SET_SILENT_BREAKAWAY | PCMFLAG_SET_DIE_ON_UH_EXCEPTION) ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_AFFINITY && def.affinity ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_PRIORITY && def.priority ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_WS_MINMAX && def.minWS && def.maxWS ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_SCHEDULING_CLASS && def.schedClass < 10 ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_MEMORY_LIMIT && def.procMemoryLimit ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_MEMORY_LIMIT && def.jobMemoryLimit ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_TIME_LIMIT && def.jobTimeLimitCNS ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_TIME_LIMIT && def.procTimeLimitCNS ) return TRUE; else if ( def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_COUNT_LIMIT && def.procCountLimit ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// Function to return a string representing if a flag is set:
// Input: field and flag value for the field in question
// Returns: string representation of if a flag is set
LPCTSTR PCIsSetToStr(PC_MGMT_FLAGS field, PCMgmtFlags flag) { if (field & flag) return TEXT("+"); else return TEXT("-"); }
// Functions to determine if one flag setting is opposite another flag setting:
// Input: flag field and flag value for the two fields in question
// Returns: 1 if first flag is set and second flag is unset
// -1 if first flag is unset and second flag is set
// 0 if both flags are set or unset
int PCTestSetUnset( DWORD field1, DWORD flag1, DWORD field2, DWORD flag2 ) { if ( field1 & flag1 && !(field2 & flag2) ) return 1; if ( !(field1 & flag1) && field2 & flag2 ) return -1; return 0; }
// Functions to map PC priority (same as toolhelp priority) to NT priority and back
// Input: priority to map
// Returns: mapped priority
PCULONG32 PCMapPriorityToNT( PRIORITY prio ) { if ( prio > 15 ) return REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; // 16 and above
else if ( prio > 11 ) return HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; // 12-15
else if ( prio > 9 ) return ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; // 10-11
else if ( prio > 7 ) return NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; // 8-9
else if ( prio > 5 ) return BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; // 6-7
else if ( prio > 0 ) return IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; // 1-5
return 0; }
PRIORITY PCMapPriorityToPC( PCULONG32 prio ) { if ( prio & REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ) return PCPrioRealTime; else if ( prio & HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) return PCPrioHigh; else if ( prio & ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) return PCPrioAboveNormal; else if ( prio & NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) return PCPrioNormal; else if ( prio & BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) return PCPrioBelowNormal; else if ( prio & IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ) return PCPrioIdle;
return 0; }
PRIORITY PCMapPriorityForAPI( PRIORITY prio ) { if ( prio > 15 ) return PCPrioRealTime; else if ( prio > 11 ) return PCPrioHigh; else if ( prio > 9 ) return PCPrioAboveNormal; else if ( prio > 7 ) return PCPrioNormal; else if ( prio > 5 ) return PCPrioBelowNormal; else if ( prio > 0 ) return PCPrioIdle;
return 0; }
// Functions to map NT defined long numbers to int 64's
// Input: numeric field format to convert
// Returns: int64 version of data
__int64 PCLargeIntToInt64( LARGE_INTEGER &in ) { return in.QuadPart; } __int64 PCFileTimeToInt64( FILETIME &in ) { return ((__int64) in.dwHighDateTime << 32) + (__int64) in.dwLowDateTime; }
// Function to delete a registry key by deleting all subkeys first
// Input: handle to open key, name of subkey tree to delete
// Returns: NT return code
PCULONG32 PCDeleteKeyTree( HKEY hKey, const TCHAR *keyName ) { PCULONG32 rc, ourCount; HKEY ourKey;
// Open the key at top of tree...
rc = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, keyName, NULL, KEY_READ + KEY_WRITE, &ourKey ); if ( rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_KEY_DELETED ) // nothing to do
return ERROR_SUCCESS; else if ( rc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( rc ); PCLogUnExError( keyName, TEXT("RegOpenKeyEx") ); return rc; }
// Determine how many subkeys we have...
rc = RegQueryInfoKey( ourKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ourCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( rc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Should never happen
SetLastError( rc ); PCLogUnExError( keyName, TEXT("RegQueryInfoKey") ); return rc; }
// For each sub-key delete its sub-tree...
for ( PCULONG32 i = 0; rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && i < ourCount; ++i ) {
// Get next subkey...
TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; FILETIME keyLastWrite; PCULONG32 nameLen = ENTRY_COUNT(name); rc = RegEnumKeyEx( ourKey, ourCount - 1 - i, name, &nameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &keyLastWrite ); if ( rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } if ( rc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Should never happen
SetLastError( rc ); PCLogUnExError( keyName, TEXT("RegEnumKeyEx") ); return rc; } rc = PCDeleteKeyTree( ourKey, name ); }
// Close the key at top of tree and delete it...
RegCloseKey( ourKey ); if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) rc = RegDeleteKey( hKey, keyName );
// Function to enable/disable an NT user privilege
// Input: ptr to name of privilege, enable/disable flag
// Returns: TRUE if successful, else FALSE
BOOL PCSetPrivilege( TCHAR *privilege, BOOL enable ) {
// Build token to enable or disable the privilege...
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES priv; priv.PrivilegeCount = 1; priv.Privileges[0].Attributes = enable? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;
// Get access token handle...
if ( !OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hTok ) ) { PCLogUnExError( privilege, TEXT("OpenProcessToken") ); ok = FALSE; }
// Look up privilege to set local ID...
else if ( !LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, privilege, &priv.Privileges[0].Luid ) ) { PCLogUnExError( privilege, TEXT("LookupPrivilegeValue") ); ok = FALSE; } // Update privilege...
else if ( !AdjustTokenPrivileges( hTok, FALSE, &priv, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, NULL ) ) { PCLogUnExError( privilege, TEXT("Adjustprivileges") ); ok = FALSE; } if ( hTok ) CloseHandle( hTok ); return ok; }
// Function to create a security attributes with NULL security descriptor
// Input: reference to security attribue structure to build
// Returns: TRUE if successful, else FALSE
// Init passed attributes struct...
secAttr.nLength = sizeof(secAttr); secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = new char[SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH]; secAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
if ( !secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { PCLogNoMemory( TEXT("AllocSecurityDesc"), SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH ); ok = FALSE; } else if ( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor(secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("NullAttr"), TEXT("InitializeSecurityDescriptor") ); ok = FALSE; } // add a NULL discretionary ACL...
else if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor, TRUE, NULL, FALSE) ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("NullAttr"), TEXT("SetSecurityDescriptorDacl") ); ok = FALSE; } if ( !ok && secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { delete [] secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor; secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; } return ok; } //=======================================================================================//
// Function to create a security attributes with ADMINISTRATORS security descriptor
// Input: reference to security attribue structure to build
// Returns: TRUE if successful, else FALSE
#define ADMIN_NAME_LEN 256
// Init passed attributes struct...
secAttr.nLength = sizeof(secAttr); secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = new char[SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH]; secAttr.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
if ( !secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { PCLogNoMemory( TEXT("AllocSecurityDesc"), SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH ); ok = FALSE; } else if ( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor(secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("AdminAttr"), TEXT("InitializeSecurityDescriptor") ); ok = FALSE; } else if( !PCGetAdminGroupName( AdminName, &AdminNameLen) ) ok = FALSE; else { EXPLICIT_ACCESS adminAccess[2]; ACL *adminACL = NULL;
BuildExplicitAccessWithName( &adminAccess[0], TEXT("SYSTEM"), // access is for system
STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL, // access is for all rights
GRANT_ACCESS, // ace grants access
OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE ); // objects inherit access
BuildExplicitAccessWithName( &adminAccess[1], AdminName, // access is for admins
STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL, // access is for all rights
GRANT_ACCESS, // ace grants access
OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE ); // objects inherit access
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != SetEntriesInAcl( 2, adminAccess, NULL, &adminACL ) ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("AdminAttr"), TEXT("SetEntriesInAcl") ); ok = FALSE; } else if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor, TRUE, adminACL, FALSE ) ) { PCLogUnExError( TEXT("AdminAttr"), TEXT("SetSecurityDescriptorDacl") ); ok = FALSE; } } if ( !ok && secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { delete [] secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor; secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; } return ok; } void PCFreeSecAttr( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES &secAttr ) { if ( secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { if ( ((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)(secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor))->Dacl ) LocalFree( ((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)(secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor))->Dacl ); delete [] secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor; secAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; } } //=======================================================================================//
// Function to look up local name of ADMINISTRATORS group
// Input: Pointers to name and name length
// Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure with error message logged
BOOL PCGetAdminGroupName( TCHAR *Name, PCULONG32 *NameLen ) {
#define DOMAIN_NAME_LEN 256
if ( !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &SidIdAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSid) ) PCLogUnExError( TEXT("AdminAttr"), TEXT("AllocateAdminSid") ); else { if ( !LookupAccountSid( NULL, pSid, Name, NameLen, DomainName, &DomainNameLen, &SidNameUse ) ) PCLogUnExError( TEXT("AdminAttr"), TEXT("LookupAdminSid") ); else ok = TRUE; FreeSid(pSid); }
return ok; }
// Functions to help format management attributes for use in log, these functions
// format the values as limits with
// '+' => on, enabled, or applied
// '-' => off, disabed, or not applied
// the value follows the on/off indicator in square brackets "[]"
// Input: buffer, buffer length in CHARACTERS, management parmaters
// Returns: buffer with string form of attribute
void PCFormatAffinityLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1, TEXT("%s[0x%I64X]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_AFFINITY), def.affinity ); }
void PCFormatPriorityLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1, TEXT("%s[%lu]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_PRIORITY), def.priority ); }
void PCFormatWorkingSetLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1, TEXT("%s[%I64u,%I64u]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_WS_MINMAX), def.minWS, def.maxWS ); }
void PCFormatSchedClassLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1, TEXT("%s[%lu]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_SCHEDULING_CLASS), def.schedClass ); }
void PCFormatProcessCountLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s[%lu]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_COUNT_LIMIT), def.procCountLimit ); }
void PCFormatProcTimeLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s[%I64d]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_TIME_LIMIT), def.procTimeLimitCNS / 10000 ); }
void PCFormatJobTimeLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s[%I64d]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_TIME_LIMIT), def.jobTimeLimitCNS / 10000 ); }
void PCFormatProcMemLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s[%I64u]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_PROC_MEMORY_LIMIT), def.procMemoryLimit ); }
void PCFormatJobMemLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s[%I64u]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_MEMORY_LIMIT), def.jobMemoryLimit ); }
void PCFormatEndofJobAction(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s[%s]"), PCIsSetToStr(def.mFlags, PCMFLAG_APPLY_JOB_TIME_LIMIT), (def.mFlags & PCMFLAG_MSG_ON_JOB_TIME_LIMIT_HIT) ? PROCCON_FLAG_ON : PROCCON_FLAG_OFF); }
void PCFormatOnOrOffLimit(TCHAR *Buffer, UINT BufferLength, const MGMT_PARMS &def, PCMgmtFlags flag) { Buffer[BufferLength - 1] = 0; _sntprintf(Buffer, BufferLength - 1 , TEXT("%s"), (def.mFlags & flag) ? PROCCON_FLAG_ON : PROCCON_FLAG_OFF); }
// End of PCUtility.cpp
//============================================================================J McDonald fecit====//