PURPOSE: System utility routines
#include "SECEDIT.h"
#include <string.h>
PURPOSE: Allocates memory to hold the specified number of bytes
RETURNS : Pointer to allocated memory or NULL on failure
PVOID Alloc( SIZE_T Bytes ) { HANDLE hMem; PVOID Buffer;
hMem = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, Bytes + sizeof(hMem));
if (hMem == NULL) { return(NULL); }
// Lock down the memory
Buffer = LocalLock(hMem); if (Buffer == NULL) { LocalFree(hMem); return(NULL); }
// Store the handle at the start of the memory block and return
// a pointer to just beyond it.
*((PHANDLE)Buffer) = hMem;
return (PVOID)(((PHANDLE)Buffer)+1); }
FUNCTION: GetAllocSize
PURPOSE: Returns the allocated size of the specified memory block. The block must have been previously allocated using Alloc
RETURNS : Size of memory block in bytes or 0 on error
SIZE_T GetAllocSize( PVOID Buffer) { HANDLE hMem;
hMem = *(((PHANDLE)Buffer) - 1);
return(LocalSize(hMem) - sizeof(hMem)); }
PURPOSE: Frees the memory previously allocated with Alloc
RETURNS : TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE
BOOL Free( PVOID Buffer ) { HANDLE hMem;
hMem = *(((PHANDLE)Buffer) - 1);
return(LocalFree(hMem) == NULL); }
PURPOSE: Converts a LUID into a readable string.
RETURNS : TRUE on success otherwise FALSE.
****************************************************************************/ BOOL LUID2String( LUID Luid, LPSTR String, UINT MaxStringBytes ) {
if (Luid.HighPart == 0) { wsprintf(String, "0x%lx", Luid.LowPart); } else { wsprintf(String, "0x%lx%08lx", Luid.HighPart, Luid.LowPart); }
return(TRUE); }
FUNCTION: Time2String
PURPOSE: Converts a time into a readable string.
RETURNS : TRUE on success otherwise FALSE.
****************************************************************************/ BOOL Time2String( TIME Time, LPSTR String, UINT MaxStringBytes ) { TIME_FIELDS TimeFields;
RtlTimeToTimeFields(&Time, &TimeFields);
if (TimeFields.Year > 2900) { strcpy(String, "Never"); } else { wsprintf(String, "%d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", TimeFields.Year, TimeFields.Month, TimeFields.Day, TimeFields.Hour, TimeFields.Minute, TimeFields.Second); }
return(TRUE); }
FUNCTION: TokenType2String
PURPOSE: Converts a tokentype into a readable string.
RETURNS : TRUE on success otherwise FALSE.
****************************************************************************/ BOOL TokenType2String( TOKEN_TYPE TokenType, LPSTR String, UINT MaxStringBytes ) {
switch (TokenType) {
case TokenPrimary: strcpy(String, "Primary"); break;
case TokenImpersonation: strcpy(String, "Impersonation"); break;
default: DbgPrint("SECEDIT: TokenType2String fed unrecognised token type : 0x%x\n", TokenType); return(FALSE); break; }
return(TRUE); }
FUNCTION: ImpersonationLevel2String
PURPOSE: Converts an impersonation level into a readable string.
RETURNS : TRUE on success otherwise FALSE.
****************************************************************************/ BOOL ImpersonationLevel2String( SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, LPSTR String, UINT MaxStringBytes ) {
switch (ImpersonationLevel) {
case SecurityAnonymous: strcpy(String, "Anonymous"); break;
case SecurityIdentification: strcpy(String, "Identification"); break;
case SecurityImpersonation: strcpy(String, "Impersonation"); break;
case SecurityDelegation: strcpy(String, "Delegation"); break;
default: DbgPrint("SECEDIT: ImpersonationLevel2String fed unrecognised impersonation level : 0x%x\n", ImpersonationLevel); return(FALSE); break; }
return(TRUE); }
FUNCTION: Dynamic2String
PURPOSE: Converts an dynamic quota level into a readable string.
RETURNS : TRUE on success otherwise FALSE.
****************************************************************************/ BOOL Dynamic2String( ULONG Dynamic, LPSTR String, UINT MaxStringBytes ) { wsprintf(String, "%ld", Dynamic);
return(TRUE); }
PURPOSE: Adds the item string and data to the specified control The control is assumed to be a list-box unless fCBox == TRUE in which case the control is assumed to be a ComboBox
RETURNS: Index at which the item was added or < 0 on error
****************************************************************************/ INT AddItem( HWND hDlg, INT ControlID, LPSTR String, LONG_PTR Data, BOOL fCBox ) { HWND hwnd; INT_PTR iItem; USHORT AddStringMsg = LB_ADDSTRING; USHORT SetDataMsg = LB_SETITEMDATA;
if (fCBox) { AddStringMsg = CB_ADDSTRING; SetDataMsg = CB_SETITEMDATA; }
hwnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ControlID);
iItem = SendMessage(hwnd, AddStringMsg, 0, (LONG_PTR)String);
if (iItem >= 0) { SendMessage(hwnd, SetDataMsg, iItem, Data); }
return((INT)iItem); }
PURPOSE: Searches for the specified Sid in a control.
RETURNS: Index of matching item or < 0 on error
****************************************************************************/ INT FindSid( HWND hDlg, INT ControlID, PSID Sid, BOOL fCBox ) { HWND hwnd; INT cItems; USHORT GetCountMsg = LB_GETCOUNT; USHORT GetDataMsg = LB_GETITEMDATA;
if (fCBox) { GetCountMsg = CB_GETCOUNT; GetDataMsg = CB_GETITEMDATA; }
hwnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ControlID);
cItems = (INT)SendMessage(hwnd, GetCountMsg, 0, 0);
if (cItems >= 0) {
INT iItem; PSID ItemSid;
for (iItem =0; iItem < cItems; iItem ++) {
ItemSid = (PSID)SendMessage(hwnd, GetDataMsg, iItem, 0); if (RtlEqualSid(ItemSid, Sid)) { return(iItem); } } }
return(-1); }
static HHOOK hHookKeyboard = NULL;
PURPOSE: Installs input hooks
RETURNS: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
BOOL SetHooks( HWND hwnd ) { HANDLE hModHookDll; HOOKPROC lpfnKeyboardHookProc;
if (hwnd == NULL) { // No-one to notify !
return(FALSE); }
if (hHookKeyboard != NULL) { // Hooks already installed
return(FALSE); }
hModHookDll = LoadLibrary("SECEDIT.DLL"); if (hModHookDll == NULL) { DbgPrint("Failed to load secedit.dll\n"); MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to find secedit.dll.\nActive window context editting disabled.", NULL, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_OK); return(FALSE); }
lpfnKeyboardHookProc = (HOOKPROC)GetProcAddress(hModHookDll, "KeyboardHookProc"); if (lpfnKeyboardHookProc == NULL) { DbgPrint("Failed to find keyboard hook entry point in secedit.dll\n"); return(FALSE); }
// Install sytem-wide keyboard hook
hHookKeyboard = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, lpfnKeyboardHookProc, hModHookDll, 0); if (hHookKeyboard == NULL) { DbgPrint("SECEDIT: failed to install system keyboard hook\n"); return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
FUNCTION: ReleaseHooks
PURPOSE: Uninstalls input hooks
RETURNS: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
BOOL ReleaseHooks( HWND hwnd ) { BOOL Success;
if (hHookKeyboard == NULL) { // Hooks not installed
return(FALSE); }
Success = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHookKeyboard); if (!Success) { DbgPrint("SECEDIT: Failed to release keyboard hook\n"); }
// Reset global
hHookKeyboard = NULL;
return(Success); }