// TaskMan - NT TaskManager
// Copyright (C) Microsoft
// File: taskpage.cpp
// History: Nov-29-95 DavePl Created
#include "precomp.h"
// Project-scope globals
DWORD g_cTasks = 0;
// Local file prototypes
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowStationsFunc(LPTSTR lpstr, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK EnumDesktopsFunc(LPTSTR lpstr, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam);
// Column ID enumeration
#define IDS_FIRSTTASKCOL 21000 // 21000 is first column name ID in rc file
// Column ID on which to sort in the listview, and for
// compares in general
TASKCOLUMNID g_iTaskSortColumnID = COL_TASKNAME; INT g_iTaskSortDirection = 1; // 1 = asc, -1 = desc
// Column Default Info
struct { INT Format; INT Width; } TaskColumnDefaults[NUM_TASK_COLUMN] = { { LVCFMT_LEFT, 250}, // COL_TASKNAME
// Active Columns
/*++ class CTaskInfo
Class Description:
Represents the last known information about a running task
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
class CTaskInfo { public:
HWND m_hwnd; LPTSTR m_pszWindowTitle; LPTSTR m_lpWinsta; LPTSTR m_lpDesktop; BOOL m_fHung; LARGE_INTEGER m_uPassCount; INT m_iSmallIcon; HICON m_hSmallIcon; INT m_iLargeIcon; HICON m_hLargeIcon;
// This is a union of which attribute is dirty. You can look at
// or set any particular column's bit, or just inspect m_fDirty
// to see if anyone at all is dirty. Used to optimize listview
// painting
union { DWORD m_fDirty; struct { DWORD m_fDirty_COL_HWND :1; DWORD m_fDirty_COL_TITLE :1; DWORD m_fDirty_COL_STATUS :1; DWORD m_fDirty_COL_WINSTA :1; DWORD m_fDirty_COL_DESKTOP :1; }; };
HRESULT SetData(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpTitle, LPTSTR lpWinsta, LPTSTR lpDesktop, LARGE_INTEGER uPassCount, BOOL fUpdateOnly);
CTaskInfo() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this)); }
~CTaskInfo() { if (m_pszWindowTitle) { LocalFree(m_pszWindowTitle); }
if (m_lpWinsta) { LocalFree(m_lpWinsta); }
if (m_lpDesktop) { LocalFree(m_lpDesktop); } }
INT Compare(CTaskInfo * pOther);
/*++ class CTaskInfo::Compare
Class Description:
Compares this CTaskInfo object to another, and returns its ranking based on the g_iTaskSortColumnID field.
Note that if the objects are equal based on the current sort column, the HWND is used as a secondary sort key to prevent items from jumping around in the listview
pOther - the CTaskInfo object to compare this to
Return Value:
< 0 - This CTaskInfo is "less" than the other 0 - Equal (Can't happen, since HWND is secondary sort) > 0 - This CTaskInfo is "greater" than the other
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
INT CTaskInfo::Compare(CTaskInfo * pOther) { INT iRet;
switch (g_iTaskSortColumnID) { case COL_TASKNAME: iRet = lstrcmpi(this->m_pszWindowTitle, pOther->m_pszWindowTitle); break;
case COL_TASKWINSTATION: iRet = lstrcmpi(this->m_lpWinsta, pOther->m_lpWinsta); break;
case COL_TASKDESKTOP: iRet = lstrcmpi(this->m_lpDesktop, pOther->m_lpDesktop); break;
case COL_TASKSTATUS: iRet = Compare64(this->m_fHung, pOther->m_fHung); break;
default: Assert(0 && "Invalid task sort column"); iRet = 0; }
// If objects look equal, compare on HWND as secondary sort column
// so that items don't jump around in the listview
if (0 == iRet) { iRet = Compare64((LPARAM)this->m_hwnd, (LPARAM)pOther->m_hwnd); }
return (iRet * g_iTaskSortDirection); }
// REVIEW (Davepl) The next three functions have very close parallels
// in the process page code. Consider generalizing them to eliminate
// duplication
/*++ InsertIntoSortedArray
Class Description:
Sticks a CTaskInfo ptr into the ptrarray supplied at the appropriate location based on the current sort column (which is used by the Compare member function)
pArray - The CPtrArray to add to pProc - The CTaskInfo object to add to the array
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if fails
Revision History:
Nov-20-95 Davepl Created
// REVIEW (davepl) Use binary insert here, not linear
BOOL InsertIntoSortedArray(CPtrArray * pArray, CTaskInfo * pTask) { INT cItems = pArray->GetSize(); for (INT iIndex = 0; iIndex < cItems; iIndex++) { CTaskInfo * pTmp = (CTaskInfo *) pArray->GetAt(iIndex); if (pTask->Compare(pTmp) < 0) { return pArray->InsertAt(iIndex, pTask); } }
return pArray->Add(pTask); }
/*++ ResortTaskArray
Function Description:
Creates a new ptr array sorted in the current sort order based on the old array, and then replaces the old with the new
ppArray - The CPtrArray to resort
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if fails
Revision History:
Nov-21-95 Davepl Created
BOOL ResortTaskArray(CPtrArray ** ppArray) { // Create a new array which will be sorted in the new
// order and used to replace the existing array
CPtrArray * pNew = new CPtrArray(GetProcessHeap()); if (NULL == pNew) { return FALSE; }
// Insert each of the existing items in the old array into
// the new array in the correct spot
INT cItems = (*ppArray)->GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { CTaskInfo * pItem = (CTaskInfo *) (*ppArray)->GetAt(i); if (FALSE == InsertIntoSortedArray(pNew, pItem)) { delete pNew; return FALSE; } }
// Kill off the old array, replace it with the new
delete (*ppArray); (*ppArray) = pNew; return TRUE; }
/*++ CTaskPage::~CTaskPage()
CTaskPage::~CTaskPage() { FreeOpenFailures(); RemoveAllTasks(); delete m_pTaskArray; }
void CTaskPage::RemoveAllTasks() { if (m_pTaskArray) { INT c = m_pTaskArray->GetSize();
while (c) { delete (CTaskInfo *) (m_pTaskArray->GetAt(c - 1)); c--; } } }
/*++ CTaskPage::UpdateTaskListview
Class Description:
Walks the listview and checks to see if each line in the listview matches the corresponding entry in our process array. Those which differe by HWND are replaced, and those that need updating are updated.
Items are also added and removed to/from the tail of the listview as required. Arguments:
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CTaskPage::UpdateTaskListview() { HWND hListView = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST);
// Stop repaints while we party on the listview
SendMessage(hListView, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
// If the view mode has changed, update it now
if (m_vmViewMode != g_Options.m_vmViewMode) { m_vmViewMode = g_Options.m_vmViewMode;
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hListView, GWL_STYLE); dwStyle &= ~(LVS_TYPEMASK); if (g_Options.m_vmViewMode == VM_SMALLICON) { ListView_SetImageList(hListView, m_himlSmall, LVSIL_SMALL); dwStyle |= LVS_SMALLICON | LVS_AUTOARRANGE; } else if (g_Options.m_vmViewMode == VM_DETAILS) { ListView_SetImageList(hListView, m_himlSmall, LVSIL_SMALL); dwStyle |= LVS_REPORT; } else { Assert(g_Options.m_vmViewMode == VM_LARGEICON); ListView_SetImageList(hListView, m_himlLarge, LVSIL_NORMAL); dwStyle |= LVS_ICON | LVS_AUTOARRANGE; }
ListView_DeleteAllItems(hListView); SetWindowLong(hListView, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle); }
INT cListViewItems = ListView_GetItemCount(hListView); INT CTaskArrayItems = m_pTaskArray->GetSize(); //
// Walk the existing lines in the listview and replace/update
// them as needed
for (INT iCurrent = 0; iCurrent < cListViewItems && iCurrent < CTaskArrayItems; iCurrent++) { LV_ITEM lvitem = { 0 }; lvitem.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; lvitem.iItem = iCurrent;
if (FALSE == ListView_GetItem(hListView, &lvitem)) { SendMessage(hListView, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); return E_FAIL; }
CTaskInfo * pTmp = (CTaskInfo *) lvitem.lParam; CTaskInfo * pTask = (CTaskInfo *) m_pTaskArray->GetAt(iCurrent); if (pTmp != pTask || pTask->m_fDirty) { // If the objects aren't the same, we need to replace this line
lvitem.pszText = pTask->m_pszWindowTitle; lvitem.lParam = (LPARAM) pTask; if (g_Options.m_vmViewMode == VM_LARGEICON) { lvitem.iImage = pTask->m_iLargeIcon; } else { lvitem.iImage = pTask->m_iSmallIcon; } ListView_SetItem(hListView, &lvitem); ListView_RedrawItems(hListView, iCurrent, iCurrent); pTask->m_fDirty = 0; } }
// We've either run out of listview items or run out of Task array
// entries, so remove/add to the listview as appropriate
while (iCurrent < cListViewItems) { // Extra items in the listview (processes gone away), so remove them
ListView_DeleteItem(hListView, iCurrent); cListViewItems--; }
while (iCurrent < CTaskArrayItems) { // Need to add new items to the listview (new tasks appeared)
CTaskInfo * pTask = (CTaskInfo *)m_pTaskArray->GetAt(iCurrent); LV_ITEM lvitem = { 0 }; lvitem.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; lvitem.iItem = iCurrent; lvitem.pszText = pTask->m_pszWindowTitle; lvitem.lParam = (LPARAM) pTask; lvitem.iImage = pTask->m_iLargeIcon;
// The first item added (actually, every 0 to 1 count transition) gets
// selected and focused
if (iCurrent == 0) { lvitem.state = LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; lvitem.stateMask = lvitem.state; lvitem.mask |= LVIF_STATE; } ListView_InsertItem(hListView, &lvitem); pTask->m_fDirty = 0; iCurrent++; }
// Let the listview paint again
SendMessage(hListView, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); return S_OK; }
/*++ CTasKPage::EnsureWindowsNotMinimized
Routine Description:
Walks an array of HWNDS and ensure the windows are not minimized, which would prevent them from being cascaded to tiles properly Arguments:
aHwnds - Array of window handles dwCount- Number of HWNDS in table
Return Value:
Revision History:
Dec-06-95 Davepl Created
void CTaskPage::EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(HWND aHwnds[], DWORD dwCount) { for (UINT i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { if (IsIconic(aHwnds[i])) { ShowWindow(aHwnds[i], SW_RESTORE); } } }
/*++ CTaslPage::GetSelectedHWNDS
Routine Description:
Returns a dynamically allocated array of HWNDS based on the ones selected in the task list Arguments:
pdwCount- Number of HWNDS in t`able
Return Value:
HWND[], or NULL on failure
Revision History:
Dec-05-95 Davepl Created
HWND * CTaskPage::GetHWNDS(BOOL fSelectedOnly, DWORD * pdwCount) { CPtrArray * pArray = NULL;
if (fSelectedOnly) { // If we only want selected tasks, go and get the array
// of selected listview tasks
pArray = GetSelectedTasks(); if (NULL == pArray) { return NULL; } } else { // If we want everything, just make a copy of the TaskArray
pArray = new CPtrArray(GetProcessHeap());
if (pArray) { if (FALSE == pArray->Copy(*m_pTaskArray)) { delete pArray; *pdwCount = 0; return NULL; } } else { *pdwCount = 0; return NULL; } }
// No windows to speak of, so bail
*pdwCount = pArray->GetSize(); if (*pdwCount == 0) { delete pArray; return NULL; }
HWND * pHwnds = (HWND *) LocalAlloc(0, *pdwCount * sizeof(HWND));
if (NULL == pHwnds) { *pdwCount = 0; } else { for (UINT i = 0; i < *pdwCount; i++) { pHwnds[i] = (((CTaskInfo *) (pArray->GetAt(i)) )->m_hwnd); } }
delete pArray;
return pHwnds; }
/*++ CTaskPage::GetSelectedTasks
Routine Description:
Returns a CPtrArray of the selected tasks Arguments:
Return Value:
CPtrArray on success, NULL on failure
Revision History:
Dec-01-95 Davepl Created
CPtrArray * CTaskPage::GetSelectedTasks() { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// Get the count of selected items
HWND hTaskList = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST); INT cItems = ListView_GetSelectedCount(hTaskList); if (0 == cItems) { return NULL; }
// Create a CPtrArray to hold the task items
CPtrArray * pArray = new CPtrArray(GetProcessHeap()); if (NULL == pArray) { return NULL; }
INT iLast = -1; for (INT i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { //
// Get the Nth selected item
INT iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(hTaskList, iLast, LVNI_SELECTED);
if (-1 == iItem) { fSuccess = FALSE; break; }
iLast = iItem;
// Pull the item from the listview and add it to the selected array
LV_ITEM lvitem = { LVIF_PARAM }; lvitem.iItem = iItem; if (ListView_GetItem(hTaskList, &lvitem)) { LPVOID pTask = (LPVOID) (lvitem.lParam); if (FALSE == pArray->Add(pTask)) { fSuccess = FALSE; break; } } else { fSuccess = FALSE; break; } }
// Any errors, clean up the array and bail. We don't release the
// tasks in the array, since they are owned by the listview.
if (FALSE == fSuccess && NULL != pArray) { delete pArray; return NULL; }
return pArray; }
/*++ CProcPage::HandleTaskListContextMenu
Routine Description:
Handles right-clicks (context menu) in the task list Arguments:
xPos, yPos - coords of where the click occurred
Return Value:
Revision History:
Dec-01-95 Davepl Created
void CTaskPage::HandleTaskListContextMenu(INT xPos, INT yPos) { HWND hTaskList = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST);
CPtrArray * pArray = GetSelectedTasks();
if (pArray) { // If non-mouse-based context menu, use the currently selected
// item as the coords
if (0xFFFF == LOWORD(xPos) && 0xFFFF == LOWORD(yPos)) { int iSel = ListView_GetNextItem(hTaskList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); RECT rcItem; ListView_GetItemRect(hTaskList, iSel, &rcItem, LVIR_ICON); MapWindowRect(hTaskList, NULL, &rcItem); xPos = rcItem.right; yPos = rcItem.bottom; }
HMENU hPopup = LoadPopupMenu(g_hInstance, IDR_TASK_CONTEXT);
if (hPopup) { SetMenuDefaultItem(hPopup, IDM_TASK_SWITCHTO, FALSE);
// If single-selection, disable the items that require multiple
// selections to make sense
EnableMenuItem(hPopup, IDM_TASK_BRINGTOFRONT, MF_BYCOMMAND | ((pArray->GetSize() == 1) ? MF_ENABLED : (MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED)));
Pause(); g_fInPopup = TRUE; TrackPopupMenuEx(hPopup, 0, xPos, yPos, m_hPage, NULL); g_fInPopup = FALSE;
// Note that we don't "unpause" until one of the menu commands (incl CANCEL) is
// selected or the menu is dismissed
DestroyMenu(hPopup); }
delete pArray; } else { HMENU hPopup = LoadPopupMenu(g_hInstance, IDR_TASKVIEW);
if (hPopup && SHRestricted(REST_NORUN)) { DeleteMenu(hPopup, IDM_RUN, MF_BYCOMMAND); }
UINT id; if (m_vmViewMode == VM_LARGEICON) { id = IDM_LARGEICONS; } else if (m_vmViewMode == VM_SMALLICON) { id = IDM_SMALLICONS; } else { Assert(m_vmViewMode == VM_DETAILS); id = IDM_DETAILS; }
if (hPopup) { CheckMenuRadioItem(hPopup, IDM_LARGEICONS, IDM_DETAILS, id, MF_BYCOMMAND); g_fInPopup = TRUE; TrackPopupMenuEx(hPopup, 0, xPos, yPos, m_hPage, NULL); g_fInPopup = FALSE; DestroyMenu(hPopup); } } }
/*++ CTaskPage::UpdateUIState
Routine Description:
Updates the enabled/disabled states, etc., of the task UI Arguments:
Return Value:
Revision History:
Dec-04-95 Davepl Created
// Controls which are enabled only for any selection
static const UINT g_aSingleIDs[] = { IDC_ENDTASK, IDC_SWITCHTO,
void CTaskPage::UpdateUIState() { INT i; // Set the state for controls which require a selection (1 or more items)
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g_aSingleIDs); i++) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, g_aSingleIDs[i]), m_cSelected > 0); }
if (g_Options.m_iCurrentPage == 0) { CPtrArray * pArray = GetSelectedTasks();
if (pArray) { UINT state; if (pArray->GetSize() == 1) { state = MF_GRAYED | MF_DISABLED; } else { state = MF_ENABLED; }
HMENU hMain = GetMenu(g_hMainWnd);
EnableMenuItem(hMain , IDM_TASK_CASCADE, state | MF_BYCOMMAND); EnableMenuItem(hMain , IDM_TASK_TILEHORZ, state | MF_BYCOMMAND); EnableMenuItem(hMain , IDM_TASK_TILEVERT, state | MF_BYCOMMAND);
EnableMenuItem(hMain, IDM_TASK_BRINGTOFRONT, MF_BYCOMMAND | ((pArray->GetSize() == 1) ? MF_ENABLED : (MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED))); delete pArray; } } }
/*++ CTaskPage::HandleTaskPageNotify
Routine Description:
Processes WM_NOTIFY messages received by the taskpage dialog Arguments:
hWnd - Control that generated the WM_NOTIFY pnmhdr - Ptr to the NMHDR notification stucture
Return Value:
BOOL "did we handle it" code
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
INT CTaskPage::HandleTaskPageNotify(HWND hWnd, LPNMHDR pnmhdr) { switch(pnmhdr->code) { case NM_DBLCLK: { SendMessage(m_hPage, WM_COMMAND, IDC_SWITCHTO, 0); break; }
// If the (selection) state of an item is changing, see if
// the count has changed, and if so, update the UI
case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { const NM_LISTVIEW * pnmv = (const NM_LISTVIEW *) pnmhdr; if (pnmv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE) { UINT cSelected = ListView_GetSelectedCount(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST)); if (cSelected != m_cSelected) { m_cSelected = cSelected; UpdateUIState(); } } break; }
case LVN_COLUMNCLICK: { // User clicked a header control, so set the sort column. If its the
// same as the current sort column, just invert the sort direction in
// the column. Then resort the task array
const NM_LISTVIEW * pnmv = (const NM_LISTVIEW *) pnmhdr; if (g_iTaskSortColumnID == g_ActiveTaskCol[pnmv->iSubItem]) { g_iTaskSortDirection *= -1; } else { g_iTaskSortColumnID = g_ActiveTaskCol[pnmv->iSubItem]; g_iTaskSortDirection = -1; } ResortTaskArray(&m_pTaskArray); TimerEvent(); break; }
case LVN_GETDISPINFO: { LV_ITEM * plvitem = &(((LV_DISPINFO *) pnmhdr)->item); // Listview needs a text string
if (plvitem->mask & LVIF_TEXT) { TASKCOLUMNID columnid = (TASKCOLUMNID) g_ActiveTaskCol[plvitem->iSubItem]; const CTaskInfo * pTaskInfo = (const CTaskInfo *) plvitem->lParam;
switch(columnid) { case COL_TASKNAME: lstrcpyn(plvitem->pszText, pTaskInfo->m_pszWindowTitle, plvitem->cchTextMax); plvitem->mask |= LVIF_DI_SETITEM; break;
case COL_TASKSTATUS: { if (pTaskInfo->m_fHung) { lstrcpyn(plvitem->pszText, g_szHung, plvitem->cchTextMax); } else { lstrcpyn(plvitem->pszText, g_szRunning, plvitem->cchTextMax); } break; }
case COL_TASKWINSTATION: lstrcpyn(plvitem->pszText, pTaskInfo->m_lpWinsta, plvitem->cchTextMax); plvitem->mask |= LVIF_DI_SETITEM; break;
case COL_TASKDESKTOP: lstrcpyn(plvitem->pszText, pTaskInfo->m_lpDesktop, plvitem->cchTextMax); plvitem->mask |= LVIF_DI_SETITEM; break;
default: Assert( 0 && "Unknown listview subitem" ); break;
} // end switch(columnid)
} // end LVIF_TEXT case
} // end LVN_GETDISPINFO case
} // end switch(pnmhdr->code)
return 1; }
/*++ CTaskPage::HasAlreadyOpenFailed
Routine Description:
Checks to see whether a particular open has already failed. Arguments:
pszWindowStationName - Name of window station to check pszDesktopName - Name of desktop to check, or NULL to check window station only
Return Value:
BOOL "did it fail already"
Revision History:
Mar-01-01 BobDay Created
BOOL CTaskPage::HasAlreadyOpenFailed(TCHAR *pszWindowStationName, TCHAR *pszDesktopName) { OPEN_FAILURE *pofFailure;
pofFailure = m_pofFailures; while (NULL != pofFailure) { if (NULL == pszDesktopName) { if (NULL == pofFailure->_pszDesktopName) { if (lstrcmp(pofFailure->_pszWindowStationName,pszWindowStationName) == 0) { return TRUE; } } } else { if (NULL != pofFailure->_pszDesktopName) { if (lstrcmp(pofFailure->_pszWindowStationName,pszWindowStationName) == 0 && lstrcmp(pofFailure->_pszDesktopName,pszDesktopName) == 0) { return TRUE; } }
} pofFailure = pofFailure->_pofNext; } return FALSE; }
/*++ CTaskPage::SetOpenFailed
Routine Description:
Remebers the fact that an open failed, so that we don't reattempt it Arguments:
pszWindowStationName - Name of window station that open failed in pszDesktopName - Name of desktop that failed, or NULL if window station failed
Return Value:
Revision History:
Mar-01-01 BobDay Created
void CTaskPage::SetOpenFailed(TCHAR *pszWindowStationName, TCHAR *pszDesktopName) { TCHAR *pszWindowStationNameFailure = NULL; TCHAR *pszDesktopNameFailure = NULL; OPEN_FAILURE *pofFailure; BOOL fValid = TRUE;
int cchLengthWindowStation = lstrlen(pszWindowStationName); pszWindowStationNameFailure = (TCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cchLengthWindowStation+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszWindowStationNameFailure) { fValid = FALSE; }
if (NULL != pszDesktopName) { int cchLengthDesktop = lstrlen(pszDesktopName); pszDesktopNameFailure = (TCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cchLengthDesktop+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszDesktopNameFailure) { fValid = FALSE; } }
if (fValid) { pofFailure = (OPEN_FAILURE *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(OPEN_FAILURE));
if (NULL != pofFailure) { pofFailure->_pszWindowStationName = pszWindowStationNameFailure; pofFailure->_pszDesktopName = pszDesktopNameFailure;
lstrcpy(pszWindowStationNameFailure, pszWindowStationName); if (NULL != pszDesktopNameFailure) { lstrcpy(pszDesktopNameFailure, pszDesktopName); } pofFailure->_pofNext = m_pofFailures; m_pofFailures = pofFailure; pofFailure = NULL; pszWindowStationNameFailure = NULL; pszDesktopNameFailure = NULL; } }
if (NULL != pszWindowStationNameFailure) { LocalFree(pszWindowStationNameFailure); pszWindowStationNameFailure = NULL; } if (NULL != pszDesktopNameFailure) { LocalFree(pszDesktopNameFailure); pszDesktopNameFailure = NULL; } }
/*++ CTaskPage::FreeOpenFailures
Routine Description:
Frees up all of the open failure structures Arguments:
Return Value:
Revision History:
Mar-01-01 BobDay Created
void CTaskPage::FreeOpenFailures(void) { OPEN_FAILURE *pofFailure; OPEN_FAILURE *pofNext;
pofNext = m_pofFailures; while (pofNext != NULL) { pofFailure = pofNext; pofNext = pofFailure->_pofNext;
if (NULL != pofFailure->_pszWindowStationName) { LocalFree(pofFailure->_pszWindowStationName); pofFailure->_pszWindowStationName = NULL; } if (NULL != pofFailure->_pszDesktopName) { LocalFree(pofFailure->_pszDesktopName); pofFailure->_pszDesktopName = NULL; } LocalFree(pofFailure); } }
/*++ DoEnumWindowStations
Routine Description:
Does an EnumWindowStations on a new thread, since the thread needs to bop around to various window stations, which isn't allow for the main thread since it owns windows.
This app is really single-threaded, and written with assumptions based on that, so the calling thread blocks until the new thread has completed the job. Arguments:
Same as EnumWindowStations
Return Value:
Same as EnumWindowStations
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
DWORD WorkerThread(LPVOID pv) { THREADPARAM * ptp = (THREADPARAM *) pv;
while(1) { // Wait for a signal from the main thread before proceeding
WaitForSingleObject(ptp->m_hEventChild, INFINITE);
// If we are flagged for shutdown, exit now. Main thread will
// be waiting on the event for us to signal that we are done with
// the THREADPARAM block
if (ptp->m_fThreadExit) { SetEvent(ptp->m_hEventParent); return 0; }
ptp->m_fSuccess = EnumWindowStations(ptp->m_lpEnumFunc, ptp->m_lParam); SetEvent(ptp->m_hEventParent); } return 0; }
BOOL CTaskPage::DoEnumWindowStations(WINSTAENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwThreadId; if (NULL == m_hEventChild) { m_hEventChild = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == m_hEventChild) { return FALSE; } }
if (NULL == m_hEventParent) { m_hEventParent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == m_hEventParent) { return FALSE; } }
// Save the args away for the worker thread to pick up when it starts
m_tp.m_lpEnumFunc = lpEnumFunc; m_tp.m_lParam = lParam; m_tp.m_hEventChild = m_hEventChild; m_tp.m_hEventParent = m_hEventParent; m_tp.m_fThreadExit = FALSE;
if (NULL == m_hThread) { // Run the function call on this new thread, and wait for completion
m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WorkerThread, (LPVOID) &m_tp, 0, &dwThreadId); if (NULL == m_hThread) { return FALSE; } }
SetEvent(m_hEventChild); WaitForSingleObject(m_hEventParent, INFINITE);
// Return the result from the worker thread
return (BOOL) m_tp.m_fSuccess; } /*++ CTaskPage::TimerEvent
Routine Description:
Called by main app when the update time fires. Walks every window in the system (on every desktop, in every windowstation) and adds or updates it in the task array, then removes any stale processes, and filters the results into the listview Arguments:
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
VOID CTaskPage::TimerEvent() { //
// If this page is paused (ie: it has a context menu up, etc), we do
// nothing
if (m_fPaused) { return; }
static LARGE_INTEGER uPassCount = {0, 0};
TASK_LIST_ENUM te; te.m_pTasks = m_pTaskArray; te.m_pPage = this; te.lpWinsta = NULL; te.lpDesk = NULL; te.uPassCount.QuadPart = uPassCount.QuadPart;
// enumerate all windows and try to get the window
// titles for each task
if ( DoEnumWindowStations( EnumWindowStationsFunc, (LPARAM) &te )) { INT i = 0; while (i < m_pTaskArray->GetSize()) { CTaskInfo * pTaskInfo = (CTaskInfo *)(m_pTaskArray->GetAt(i)); ASSERT(pTaskInfo);
// If passcount doesn't match, delete the CTaskInfo instance and remove
// its pointer from the array. Note that we _don't_ increment the index
// if we remove an element, since the next element would now live at
// the current index after the deletion
if (pTaskInfo->m_uPassCount.QuadPart != uPassCount.QuadPart) { // Find out what icons this task was using
INT iLargeIcon = pTaskInfo->m_iLargeIcon; INT iSmallIcon = pTaskInfo->m_iSmallIcon;
// Remove the task from the task array
delete pTaskInfo; m_pTaskArray->RemoveAt(i, 1);
// Remove its images from the imagelist
if (iSmallIcon > 0) { ImageList_Remove(m_himlSmall, iSmallIcon); } if (iLargeIcon > 0) { ImageList_Remove(m_himlLarge, iLargeIcon); }
// Fix up the icon indexes for any other tasks (whose icons were
// at a higher index than the deleted process, and hence now shifted)
for (int iTmp = 0; iTmp < m_pTaskArray->GetSize(); iTmp++) { CTaskInfo * pTaskTmp = (CTaskInfo *)(m_pTaskArray->GetAt(iTmp)); if (iLargeIcon && pTaskTmp->m_iLargeIcon > iLargeIcon) { pTaskTmp->m_iLargeIcon--; }
if (iSmallIcon && pTaskTmp->m_iSmallIcon > iSmallIcon) { pTaskTmp->m_iSmallIcon--; } } } else { i++; } }
// Selectively filter the new array into the task listview
UpdateTaskListview(); }
if (te.lpWinsta) { LocalFree(te.lpWinsta); }
if (te.lpDesk) { LocalFree(te.lpDesk); }
g_cTasks = m_pTaskArray->GetSize();
uPassCount.QuadPart++; }
/*++ class CTaskInfo::SetData
Class Description:
Updates (or initializes) the info about a running task
hwnd - taks's hwnd lpTitle - Window title uPassCount- Current passcount, used to timestamp the last update of this object lpDesktop - task's current desktop lpWinsta - task's current windowstation fUpdate - only worry about information that can change during a task's lifetime
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-16-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CTaskInfo::SetData(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpTitle, LPTSTR lpWinsta, LPTSTR lpDesktop, LARGE_INTEGER uPassCount, BOOL fUpdateOnly) {
// Touch this CTaskInfo to indicate that it's still alive
m_uPassCount.QuadPart = uPassCount.QuadPart;
// For each of the fields, we check to see if anything has changed, and if
// so, we mark that particular column as having changed, and update the value.
// This allows me to opimize which fields of the listview to repaint, since
// repainting an entire listview column causes flicker and looks bad in
// general
// Window Station
if (!fUpdateOnly || lstrcmp(m_lpWinsta, lpWinsta)) { if (m_lpWinsta) LocalFree(m_lpWinsta);
m_lpWinsta = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( 0, (lstrlen(lpWinsta) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == m_lpWinsta) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { lstrcpy(m_lpWinsta, lpWinsta); } m_fDirty_COL_WINSTA = TRUE; // dprintf(TEXT("Winsta changed: %s from %s to %s\n"), m_pszWindowTitle, m_lpWinsta, lpWinsta);
// Desktop
if (!fUpdateOnly || lstrcmp(m_lpDesktop, lpDesktop)) { if (m_lpDesktop) LocalFree(m_lpDesktop);
m_lpDesktop = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( 0, (lstrlen(lpDesktop) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == m_lpDesktop) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { lstrcpy(m_lpDesktop, lpDesktop); } m_fDirty_COL_DESKTOP = TRUE; // dprintf(TEXT("Desktop changed: %s from %s to %s\n"), m_pszWindowTitle, m_lpDesktop, lpDesktop);
// Title
if (!fUpdateOnly || lstrcmp(m_pszWindowTitle, lpTitle)) { if (m_pszWindowTitle) LocalFree(m_pszWindowTitle);
m_pszWindowTitle = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( 0, (lstrlen(lpTitle) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == m_pszWindowTitle) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { lstrcpy(m_pszWindowTitle, lpTitle); } m_fDirty_COL_TITLE = TRUE; // dprintf(TEXT("Title changed: %s from %s to %s\n"), m_pszWindowTitle, m_pszWindowTitle, lpTitle);
// App status (hung / not hung)
BOOL fHung = IsHungAppWindow(hwnd); if (fHung != m_fHung) { m_fHung = fHung; m_fDirty_COL_STATUS = TRUE; // dprintf(TEXT("Status changed: %s\n"), m_pszWindowTitle);
// Window handle
if (m_hwnd != hwnd) { m_hwnd = hwnd; m_fDirty_COL_HWND = TRUE; // dprintf(TEXT("Handle changed: %s\n"), m_pszWindowTitle);
// Icons
if (!fUpdateOnly) { m_hSmallIcon = NULL; m_hLargeIcon = NULL;
if (!SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, WM_GETICON, 0, 0, SMTO_BLOCK | SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, ICON_FETCH_TIMEOUT, (PULONG_PTR) &m_hSmallIcon) || NULL == m_hSmallIcon) { m_hSmallIcon = (HICON) GetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCLP_HICONSM); } if (!SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, WM_GETICON, 1, 0, SMTO_BLOCK | SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, ICON_FETCH_TIMEOUT, (PULONG_PTR) &m_hLargeIcon) || NULL == m_hLargeIcon) { m_hLargeIcon = (HICON) GetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCLP_HICON); } } return S_OK; }
Routine Description:
Callback function for windowstation enumeration.
lpstr - windowstation name lParam - ** not used **
Return Value:
TRUE - continues the enumeration
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowStationsFunc(LPTSTR lpstr, LPARAM lParam) { PTASK_LIST_ENUM te = (PTASK_LIST_ENUM)lParam; HWINSTA hwinsta; HWINSTA hwinstaSave; DWORD ec;
// Don't fiddle with things which we already failed to open before
if (te->m_pPage->HasAlreadyOpenFailed(lpstr, NULL)) { return TRUE; }
// open the windowstation
hwinsta = OpenWindowStation( lpstr, FALSE, WINSTA_ENUMDESKTOPS ); if (!hwinsta) { te->m_pPage->SetOpenFailed(lpstr, NULL);
// If we fail because we don't have sufficient access to this
// window station, we should continue the enumeration anyway.
return TRUE; }
// save the current windowstation
hwinstaSave = GetProcessWindowStation();
// change the context to the new windowstation
if (!SetProcessWindowStation( hwinsta )) { ec = GetLastError(); SetProcessWindowStation( hwinstaSave ); CloseWindowStation( hwinsta ); if (hwinsta != hwinstaSave) CloseWindowStation( hwinstaSave ); return TRUE; }
// Update the windowstation in the enumerator
if (te->lpWinsta) { LocalFree(te->lpWinsta); }
te->lpWinsta = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( 0, (lstrlen(lpstr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == te->lpWinsta) { if (hwinsta != hwinstaSave) { SetProcessWindowStation( hwinstaSave ); CloseWindowStation( hwinsta ); } CloseWindowStation( hwinstaSave );
// We technically could continue, but if we're this strapped for
// memory, there's not much point. Let's bail on the winsta enumeration.
return FALSE; } else { lstrcpy(te->lpWinsta, lpstr); }
// enumerate all the desktops for this windowstation
EnumDesktops( hwinsta, EnumDesktopsFunc, lParam );
// restore the context to the previous windowstation
if (hwinsta != hwinstaSave) { SetProcessWindowStation( hwinstaSave ); CloseWindowStation( hwinsta ); }
// continue the enumeration
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Callback function for desktop enumeration.
lpstr - desktop name lParam - ** not used **
Return Value:
TRUE - continues the enumeration
BOOL CALLBACK EnumDesktopsFunc(LPTSTR lpstr, LPARAM lParam) { PTASK_LIST_ENUM te = (PTASK_LIST_ENUM)lParam; HDESK hdeskSave; HDESK hdesk; DWORD ec;
// Don't fiddle with things which we already failed to open before
if (te->m_pPage->HasAlreadyOpenFailed(te->lpWinsta, lpstr)) { return TRUE; }
// open the desktop
hdesk = OpenDesktop( lpstr, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_READOBJECTS ); if (!hdesk) { te->m_pPage->SetOpenFailed(te->lpWinsta, lpstr);
// If we fail because we don't have sufficient access to this
// desktop, we should continue the enumeration anyway.
return TRUE; }
// save the current desktop
hdeskSave = GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() );
// change the context to the new desktop
if (!SetThreadDesktop( hdesk )) { ec = GetLastError(); SetThreadDesktop( hdeskSave ); if (g_hMainDesktop != hdesk) { CloseDesktop( hdesk ); } if (g_hMainDesktop != hdeskSave) { CloseDesktop( hdeskSave ); } return TRUE; }
// Update the desktop in the enumerator
if (te->lpDesk) { LocalFree(te->lpDesk); }
te->lpDesk = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( 0, (lstrlen(lpstr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == te->lpDesk) { if (hdesk != hdeskSave) { SetThreadDesktop( hdeskSave ); } if (g_hMainDesktop != hdesk) { CloseDesktop( hdesk ); } if (g_hMainDesktop != hdeskSave) { CloseDesktop( hdeskSave ); } return FALSE; } else { lstrcpy(te->lpDesk, lpstr); }
// enumerate all windows in the new desktop
EnumWindows( EnumWindowsProc, lParam );
// restore the previous desktop
if (hdesk != hdeskSave) { SetThreadDesktop( hdeskSave ); } if (g_hMainDesktop != hdesk) { CloseDesktop( hdesk ); } if (g_hMainDesktop != hdeskSave) { CloseDesktop( hdeskSave ); }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Callback function for window enumeration.
hwnd - window handle lParam - ** not used **
Return Value:
TRUE - continues the enumeration
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD i; PTASK_LIST_ENUM te = (PTASK_LIST_ENUM)lParam; DWORD numTasks = te->m_pTasks->GetSize(); TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH];
if ((GetWindow( hwnd, GW_OWNER )) || (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd))) { //
// not a top level window, or not visible
return TRUE; }
if (FALSE == InternalGetWindowText(hwnd, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle))) { // Can't get the title - something weird going on.. but continue anyway
return TRUE; }
if (TEXT('\0') == szTitle[0]) { // Empty title - of little value in the task list
return TRUE; }
if (hwnd == g_hMainWnd) { // Don't show the Task Manager in the list
return TRUE; }
if (0 == lstrcmpi(szTitle, TEXT("Program Manager"))) { // Don't show the Program Manager (explorer) in the list
return TRUE; }
// look for the task in the task list for this window
for (i=0; i < numTasks; i++) { CTaskInfo * pTask = (CTaskInfo *) te->m_pTasks->GetAt(i);
if (pTask->m_hwnd == hwnd) { //
// Update the task info
if (FAILED(pTask->SetData(hwnd, szTitle, te->lpWinsta, te->lpDesk, te->uPassCount, TRUE))) { return FALSE; } pTask->m_uPassCount.QuadPart = te->uPassCount.QuadPart;
break; } }
if (i >= numTasks) { // Didn't find the task, it must be a new one
CTaskInfo * pTask = new CTaskInfo; if (NULL == pTask) { return FALSE; }
// Init the task data. If fails, delete and bail
if (FAILED(pTask->SetData(hwnd, szTitle, te->lpWinsta, te->lpDesk, te->uPassCount, FALSE))) { delete pTask; return FALSE; } else { // Add the icons to the page's imagelist
if (!pTask->m_hLargeIcon && !pTask->m_hSmallIcon) { pTask->m_iLargeIcon = 0; pTask->m_iSmallIcon = 0; } else { // The indices to the small and large icons for a task must
// always be the same; so, if one size is missing, use the icon
// of the other size (stretched). All the resizing is taken
// care of for us by ImageList_AddIcon(), since it's already
// had a fixed size set on it and will force any added icon
// into that size.
pTask->m_iLargeIcon = ImageList_AddIcon(te->m_pPage->m_himlLarge, pTask->m_hLargeIcon ? pTask->m_hLargeIcon : pTask->m_hSmallIcon); if (-1 == pTask->m_iLargeIcon) { delete pTask; return FALSE; }
pTask->m_iSmallIcon = ImageList_AddIcon(te->m_pPage->m_himlSmall, pTask->m_hSmallIcon ? pTask->m_hSmallIcon : pTask->m_hLargeIcon); if (-1 == pTask->m_iSmallIcon) { ImageList_Remove(te->m_pPage->m_himlLarge, pTask->m_iLargeIcon); delete pTask; return FALSE; } }
// All went well, so add it to the array
if (!(te->m_pTasks->Add( (LPVOID) pTask))) { delete pTask; return FALSE; } } }
// continue the enumeration
return TRUE; }
/*++ CTaskPage::SizeTaskPage
Routine Description:
Sizes its children based on the size of the tab control on which it appears.
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
static const INT aTaskControls[] = { IDC_SWITCHTO, IDC_ENDTASK, IDM_RUN };
void CTaskPage::SizeTaskPage() { // Get the coords of the outer dialog
RECT rcParent; GetClientRect(m_hPage, &rcParent);
HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(10); if (!hdwp) return;
// Calc the deltas in the x and y positions that we need to
// move each of the child controls
RECT rcMaster; HWND hwndMaster = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDM_RUN); GetWindowRect(hwndMaster, &rcMaster); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcMaster, 2);
INT dx = ((rcParent.right - g_DefSpacing * 2) - rcMaster.right); INT dy = ((rcParent.bottom - g_DefSpacing * 2) - rcMaster.bottom);
// Size the listbox
HWND hwndListbox = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST); RECT rcListbox; GetWindowRect(hwndListbox, &rcListbox); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcListbox, 2);
INT lbX = rcMaster.right - rcListbox.left + dx; INT lbY = rcMaster.top - rcListbox.top + dy - g_DefSpacing;
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndListbox, NULL, 0, 0, lbX, lbY, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Adjust the first column width to be the width of the listbox
// less the size of the status column
INT cxStatus = ListView_GetColumnWidth(hwndListbox, 1);
if (lbX - cxStatus > 0) { ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwndListbox, 0, lbX - cxStatus); }
// Move each of the child controls by the above delta
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(aTaskControls); i++) { HWND hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, aTaskControls[i]); RECT rcCtrl; GetWindowRect(hwndCtrl, &rcCtrl); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hPage, (LPPOINT) &rcCtrl, 2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, hwndCtrl, NULL, rcCtrl.left + dx, rcCtrl.top + dy, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp); }
/*++ CTaskPage::HandleWMCOMMAND
Routine Description:
Handles WM_COMMANDS received at the main page dialog Arguments:
id - Command id of command received
Return Value:
Revision History:
Dec-01-95 Davepl Created
void CTaskPage::HandleWMCOMMAND(INT id) { switch(id) { case IDM_TASK_FINDPROCESS: { DWORD dwCount; HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(TRUE, &dwCount);
// Send a message to the main window telling it to
// switch pages and select the process in question in
// the process view
if (pHwnds) { DWORD pid = 0; DWORD tid;
tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(pHwnds[0], &pid); if (pid) { PostMessage(g_hMainWnd, WM_FINDPROC, tid, pid); } LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
// These menu items (from the popup) have matching ones in the main menu,
// so just pass them along to the main menu
case IDM_LARGEICONS: case IDM_SMALLICONS: case IDM_DETAILS: case IDM_RUN: { SendMessage(g_hMainWnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKELPARAM(id, 0), 0); break; }
case IDM_TASK_SWITCHTO: case IDC_SWITCHTO: { DWORD dwCount; HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(m_cSelected, &dwCount);
if (pHwnds) { // If target is minimized, restore it
if (IsIconic(pHwnds[0])) { ShowWindow(pHwnds[0], SW_RESTORE); }
// Switch to the target window, and if the options dictate,
// minimize the taskmanager
HWND hwndLastActive = GetLastActivePopup(pHwnds[0]); if (!IsWindow(hwndLastActive)) { MessageBeep(0); LocalFree(pHwnds); break; }
// Can really only switch if the window is not disabled
LONG lTemp = GetWindowLong(hwndLastActive, GWL_STYLE); if (0 == (lTemp & WS_DISABLED)) { // Use SwitchToThisWindow() to bring dialog parents as well.
SwitchToThisWindow(hwndLastActive, TRUE); if (g_Options.m_fMinimizeOnUse) { ShowWindow(g_hMainWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); } } else { MessageBeep(0); } LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
case IDC_TILEHORZ: case IDM_TASK_TILEHORZ: { DWORD dwCount; HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(m_cSelected, &dwCount);
if (pHwnds) { EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(pHwnds, dwCount); }
TileWindows(GetDesktopWindow(), MDITILE_HORIZONTAL, NULL, dwCount, pHwnds); if (pHwnds) { LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
case IDM_TASK_TILEVERT: { DWORD dwCount; HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(m_cSelected, &dwCount);
if (pHwnds) { EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(pHwnds, dwCount); }
TileWindows(GetDesktopWindow(), MDITILE_VERTICAL, NULL, dwCount, pHwnds); if (pHwnds) { LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(m_cSelected, &dwCount);
if (pHwnds) { EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(pHwnds, dwCount); }
CascadeWindows(GetDesktopWindow(), 0, NULL, dwCount, pHwnds); if (pHwnds) { LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
case IDM_TASK_MINIMIZE: case IDM_TASK_MAXIMIZE: { DWORD dwCount; // If some selected, just get them, else get all
HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(m_cSelected, &dwCount);
if (pHwnds) { for (UINT i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { ShowWindowAsync(pHwnds[i], (id == IDC_MINIMIZE || id == IDM_TASK_MINIMIZE) ? SW_MINIMIZE : SW_MAXIMIZE); } LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
case IDC_BRINGTOFRONT: case IDM_TASK_BRINGTOFRONT: { DWORD dwCount; HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(TRUE, &dwCount); if (pHwnds) { EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(pHwnds, dwCount); // Walk backwards through the list so that the first window selected
// in on top
for (INT i = (INT) dwCount - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { SetWindowPos(pHwnds[i], HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } DWORD dwProc; if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(pHwnds[0], &dwProc)) AllowSetForegroundWindow(dwProc); SetForegroundWindow(pHwnds[0]); LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
case IDC_ENDTASK: case IDM_TASK_ENDTASK: { DWORD dwCount; HWND * pHwnds = GetHWNDS(TRUE, &dwCount); if (pHwnds) { BOOL fForce = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & ( 1 << 16) ? TRUE : FALSE; for(UINT i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { // SetActiveWindow(aHwnds[i]);
EndTask(pHwnds[i], FALSE, fForce); }
LocalFree(pHwnds); } break; }
default: break; }
Unpause(); }
/*++ TaskPageProc
Routine Description:
Dialogproc for the task manager page. Arguments:
hwnd - handle to dialog box uMsg - message wParam - first message parameter lParam - second message parameter
Return Value: For WM_INITDIALOG, TRUE == user32 sets focus, FALSE == we set focus For others, TRUE == this proc handles the message
Revision History:
Nov-28-95 Davepl Created
INT_PTR CALLBACK TaskPageProc( HWND hwnd, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
) { CTaskPage * thispage = (CTaskPage *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
// See if the parent wants this message
if (TRUE == CheckParentDeferrals(uMsg, wParam, lParam)) { return TRUE; }
switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam); CTaskPage * thispage = (CTaskPage *) lParam;
thispage->m_hPage = hwnd;
HWND hTaskList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TASKLIST); ListView_SetImageList(hTaskList, thispage->m_himlSmall, LVSIL_SMALL);
// Turn on SHOWSELALWAYS so that the selection is still highlighted even
// when focus is lost to one of the buttons (for example)
SetWindowLong(hTaskList, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hTaskList, GWL_STYLE) | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS);
if (SHRestricted(REST_NORUN)) { EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDM_RUN), FALSE); } SubclassListView(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PROCLIST)); // We handle focus during Activate(). Return FALSE here so the
// dialog manager doesn't try to set focus.
return FALSE; }
// We need to fake client mouse clicks in this child to appear as nonclient
// (caption) clicks in the parent so that the user can drag the entire app
// when the title bar is hidden by dragging the client area of this child
case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { if (g_Options.m_fNoTitle) { SendMessage(g_hMainWnd, uMsg == WM_LBUTTONUP ? WM_NCLBUTTONUP : WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, lParam); } break; } case WM_COMMAND: { thispage->HandleWMCOMMAND(LOWORD(wParam)); break; }
case WM_NOTIFY: { return thispage->HandleTaskPageNotify((HWND) wParam, (LPNMHDR) lParam); }
case WM_MENUSELECT: { if ((UINT) HIWORD(wParam) == 0xFFFF) { // Menu dismissed, resume display
thispage->Unpause(); } break; } case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { if ((HWND) wParam == GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TASKLIST)) { thispage->HandleTaskListContextMenu(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); return TRUE; } break; }
// Size our kids
case WM_SIZE: { thispage->SizeTaskPage(); return TRUE; }
case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: thispage->OnSettingsChange(); // fall through
case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TASKLIST), uMsg, wParam, lParam); return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
void CTaskPage::OnSettingsChange() { // in going between large-font settings and normal settings, the size of small
// icons changes; so throw away all our icons and change the size of images in
// our lists
BOOL fPaused = m_fPaused; // pause the page so we can get through
m_fPaused = TRUE; // the below without being updated
RemoveAllTasks(); m_pTaskArray->RemoveAll(); m_vmViewMode = VM_INVALID; // cause an update to the list view
// you'd think that since SetIconSize does a RemoveAll anyway, the
// explicit RemoveAll calls are redundant; however, if SetIconSize
// gets size parameters which aren't different from what it has,
// it fails without doing a RemoveAll!
ImageList_RemoveAll(m_himlLarge); ImageList_RemoveAll(m_himlSmall); ImageList_SetIconSize(m_himlLarge, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)); ImageList_SetIconSize(m_himlSmall, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON));
LoadDefaultIcons(); // this could return an error, but if it does,
// we just have to press on
m_fPaused = fPaused; // restore the paused state
TimerEvent(); // even if we're paused, we'll want to redraw
/*++ CTaskPage::GetTitle
Routine Description:
Copies the title of this page to the caller-supplied buffer Arguments:
pszText - the buffer to copy to bufsize - size of buffer, in characters
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-28-95 Davepl Created
void CTaskPage::GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_TASKPAGETITLE, pszText, static_cast<int>(bufsize)); }
/*++ CTaskPage::Activate
Routine Description:
Brings this page to the front, sets its initial position, and shows it Arguments:
Return Value:
HRESULT (S_OK on success)
Revision History:
Nov-28-95 Davepl Created
--*/ HRESULT CTaskPage::Activate() { // Make this page visible
ShowWindow(m_hPage, SW_SHOW);
SetWindowPos(m_hPage, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
// Change the menu bar to be the menu for this page
HMENU hMenuOld = GetMenu(g_hMainWnd); HMENU hMenuNew = LoadMenu(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINMENU_TASK));
if (hMenuNew && SHRestricted(REST_NORUN)) { DeleteMenu(hMenuNew, IDM_RUN, MF_BYCOMMAND); }
g_hMenu = hMenuNew; if (g_Options.m_fNoTitle == FALSE) { SetMenu(g_hMainWnd, hMenuNew); }
if (hMenuOld) { DestroyMenu(hMenuOld); }
// If the tab control has focus, leave it there. Otherwise, set focus
// to the listview. If we don't set focus, it may stay on the previous
// page, now hidden, which can confuse the dialog manager and may cause
// us to hang.
if (GetFocus() != m_hwndTabs) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST)); }
return S_OK; }
/*++ class CTaskPage::SetupColumns
Class Description:
Removes any existing columns from the taskmanager listview and adds all of the columns listed in the g_ActiveTaskCol array.
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-29-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CTaskPage::SetupColumns() { HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(m_hPage, IDC_TASKLIST); if (NULL == hwndList) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Remove all existing columns
LV_COLUMN lvcolumn; while(ListView_DeleteColumn(hwndList, 0)) { NULL; }
// Add all of the new columns
INT iColumn = 0; while (g_ActiveTaskCol[iColumn] >= 0) { INT idColumn = g_ActiveTaskCol[iColumn];
TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FIRSTTASKCOL + idColumn, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle));
lvcolumn.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvcolumn.fmt = TaskColumnDefaults[ idColumn ].Format; lvcolumn.cx = TaskColumnDefaults[ idColumn ].Width; lvcolumn.pszText = szTitle; lvcolumn.iSubItem = iColumn;
if (-1 == ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, iColumn, &lvcolumn)) { return E_FAIL; } iColumn++; }
return S_OK; }
/*++ CTaskPage::Initialize
Routine Description:
Initializes the task manager page
hwndParent - Parent on which to base sizing on: not used for creation, since the main app window is always used as the parent in order to keep tab order correct Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-28-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CTaskPage::Initialize(HWND hwndParent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT flags = ILC_MASK | ILC_COLOR32;
// Create the ptr array used to hold the info on running tasks
m_pTaskArray = new CPtrArray(GetProcessHeap()); if (NULL == m_pTaskArray) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { // Our pseudo-parent is the tab contrl, and is what we base our
// sizing on. However, in order to keep tab order right among
// the controls, we actually create ourselves with the main
// window as the parent
m_hwndTabs = hwndParent;
// Create the image lists
if(IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(hwndParent)) { flags |= ILC_MIRROR; } m_himlSmall = ImageList_Create( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), flags, 1, 1 ); if (NULL == m_himlSmall) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_himlLarge = ImageList_Create( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), flags, 1, 1 ); if (NULL == m_himlLarge) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Load the default icons
hr = LoadDefaultIcons();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Create the dialog which represents the body of this page
m_hPage = CreateDialogParam( g_hInstance, // handle to application instance
MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TASKPAGE), // identifies dialog box template name
g_hMainWnd, // handle to owner window
TaskPageProc, // pointer to dialog box procedure
(LPARAM) this ); // User data (our this pointer)
if (NULL == m_hPage) { hr = GetLastHRESULT(); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set up the columns in the listview
hr = SetupColumns(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TimerEvent(); }
// If any failure along the way, clean up what got allocated
// up to that point
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (m_hPage) { DestroyWindow(m_hPage); }
m_hwndTabs = NULL; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CTaskPage::LoadDefaultIcons() { HICON hDefLarge; HICON hDefSmall; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hDefSmall = (HICON) LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DEFAULT), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), 0); if (!hDefSmall) { return GetLastHRESULT(); } if (-1 == ImageList_AddIcon(m_himlSmall, hDefSmall)) { hr = E_FAIL; } DestroyIcon(hDefSmall);
hDefLarge = (HICON) LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DEFAULT), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), 0); if (!hDefLarge) { return GetLastHRESULT(); } if (-1 == ImageList_AddIcon(m_himlLarge, hDefLarge)) { hr = E_FAIL; } DestroyIcon(hDefLarge); return hr; }
/*++ CTaskPage::Destroy
Routine Description:
Frees whatever has been allocated by the Initialize call Arguments:
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-28-95 Davepl Created
HRESULT CTaskPage::Destroy() { if (m_hPage) { DestroyWindow(m_hPage); m_hPage = NULL; }
if (m_hThread) { // Signal the child thead to exit, and wait for it to do so
m_tp.m_fThreadExit = TRUE; SetEvent(m_hEventChild); WaitForSingleObject(m_hEventParent, INFINITE); CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = NULL; }
if (m_hEventChild) { CloseHandle(m_hEventChild); m_hEventChild = NULL; }
if (m_hEventParent) { CloseHandle(m_hEventParent); m_hEventParent = NULL; }
// These are freed automatically by listview
m_himlSmall = NULL; m_himlLarge = NULL;
return S_OK; }
/*++ CTaskPage::Deactivate
Routine Description:
Called when this page is losing its place up front Arguments:
Return Value:
Revision History:
Nov-28-95 Davepl Created
void CTaskPage::Deactivate() { if (m_hPage) { ShowWindow(m_hPage, SW_HIDE); } }