#include "ctlspriv.h"
#include "treeview.h"
#include "listview.h"
// penwin.h is messed up; define local stuff for now
#define HN_BEGINDIALOG 40 // Lens/EditText/garbage detection dialog is about
// to come up on this hedit/bedit
#define HN_ENDDIALOG 41 // Lens/EditText/garbage detection dialog has
// just been destroyed
// ToolTip stuff...
// in tooltips.c
BOOL ChildOfActiveWindow(HWND hwnd); void TV_HandleStateIconClick(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem);
HWND TV_EditLabel(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem, LPTSTR pszInitial); void TV_CancelEditTimer(PTREE pTree); BOOL TV_SetItem(PTREE pTree, LPCTVITEMEX ptvi); void TV_DeleteHotFonts(PTREE pTree); BOOL TV_IsShowing(HTREEITEM hItem);
#define TVBD_FROMWHEEL 0x0001
#define TVBD_WHEELFORWARD 0x0002
#define TVBD_WHEELBACK 0x0004
BOOL ValidateTreeItem(TREEITEM * hItem, UINT flags) { BOOL fValid = TRUE;
* Check the values to make sure the new Win64-compatible values * are consistent with the old Win32 values. */ COMPILETIME_ASSERT( (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)TVI_ROOT == 0xFFFF0000 && (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)TVI_FIRST == 0xFFFF0001 && (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)TVI_LAST == 0xFFFF0002 && (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)TVI_SORT == 0xFFFF0003);
if (hItem) { if (HIWORD64(hItem) == HIWORD64(TVI_ROOT)) { switch (LOWORD(hItem)) { case LOWORD(TVI_ROOT): case LOWORD(TVI_FIRST): case LOWORD(TVI_LAST): case LOWORD(TVI_SORT): break;
default: AssertMsg(FALSE, TEXT("ValidateTreeItem() Invalid special item")); fValid = FALSE; break; } } else { __try { // Use "volatile" to force memory access at start of struct
*(volatile void **)hItem; fValid = hItem->wSignature == TV_SIG; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { fValid = FALSE; } __endexcept }
} else if (!flags) { // The only flag is VTI_NULLOK
RIPMSG(FALSE, "ValidateTreeItem(): NULL HTREEITEM"); fValid = FALSE; }
return fValid; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize TreeView on library entry -- register SysTreeView class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wc.lpfnWndProc = TV_WndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.hInstance = hinst; wc.lpszClassName = c_szTreeViewClass; wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_GLOBALCLASS; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(PTREE); wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
if (RegisterClass(&wc) && !GetClassInfo(hinst, c_szTreeViewClass, &wc)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the tooltip bubble is up, then pop it.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TV_PopBubble(PTREE pTree) { if (pTree->hwndToolTips && pTree->hToolTip) { pTree->hToolTip = NULL; SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, TTM_POP, 0L, 0L); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sends a TVN_BEGINDRAG or TVN_BEGINRDRAG notification with information in the ptDrag and
// itemNew fields of an NM_TREEVIEW structure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_SendBeginDrag(PTREE pTree, int code, TREEITEM * hItem, int x, int y) { NM_TREEVIEW nm; TV_PopBubble(pTree); // dismiss the infotip if we start to drag
nm.itemNew.hItem = hItem; nm.itemNew.state = hItem->state; nm.itemNew.lParam = hItem->lParam; nm.itemNew.mask = (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM); nm.itemOld.mask = 0; nm.ptDrag.x = x; nm.ptDrag.y = y;
return (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, code, &nm.hdr); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sends a TVN_ITEMEXPANDING or TVN_ITEMEXPANDED notification with information
// in the action and itemNew fields of an NM_TREEVIEW structure
// Returns FALSE to allow processing to continue, or TRUE to stop.
// If the hItem is destroyed by the callback, then we always return TRUE.
// Note that the application cannot stop a TVN_ITEMEXPANDED, so the only
// way a TVN_ITEMEXPANDED can return "Stop" is if the item got destroyed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_SendItemExpand(PTREE pTree, int code, TREEITEM * hItem, WPARAM action) { NM_TREEVIEW nm; TVWATCHEDITEM wi; BOOL fResult; BOOL fWatched;
nm.itemNew.mask = 0; nm.itemNew.hItem = hItem; if (hItem == TVI_ROOT) hItem = pTree->hRoot; nm.itemNew.state = hItem->state; nm.itemNew.lParam = hItem->lParam; nm.itemNew.iImage = hItem->iImage; nm.itemNew.iSelectedImage = hItem->iSelectedImage; switch(hItem->fKids) { case KIDS_CALLBACK: case KIDS_FORCE_YES: nm.itemNew.cChildren = 1; nm.itemNew.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; break; case KIDS_FORCE_NO: nm.itemNew.cChildren = 0; nm.itemNew.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; break; } nm.itemNew.mask |= (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE); nm.itemOld.mask = 0;
nm.action = (UINT)(action & TVE_ACTIONMASK);
// Some apps will delete the item while it is being expanded, since
// during expansion, they will realize, "Hey, the thing represented
// by this item no longer exists, I'd better delete it." (E.g,.
// Explorer.) So keep an eye on the item so we don't fault when
// this happens.
// If we can't start a watch, then tough, just send the notification
// the unsafe way.
fWatched = TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wi, hItem);
fResult = (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, code, &nm.hdr);
// The app return code from TVN_ITEMEXPANDED is ignored.
// You can't stop a TVN_ITEMEXPANDED; it's already happened.
if (code == TVN_ITEMEXPANDED) fResult = FALSE; // Continue processing
if (fWatched) { if (!TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wi)) fResult = TRUE; // Oh no! Stop!
TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wi); }
return fResult; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sends a TVN_SELCHANGING or TVN_SELCHANGED notification with information in
// the itemOld and itemNew fields of an NM_TREEVIEW structure
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_SendSelChange(PTREE pTree, int code, TREEITEM * hOldItem, TREEITEM * hNewItem, UINT action) { NM_TREEVIEW nm;
nm.action = action;
nm.itemNew.hItem = hNewItem; nm.itemNew.state = hNewItem ? hNewItem->state : 0; nm.itemNew.lParam = hNewItem ? hNewItem->lParam : 0; nm.itemNew.mask = (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM);
nm.itemOld.hItem = hOldItem; nm.itemOld.state = hOldItem ? hOldItem->state : 0; nm.itemOld.lParam = hOldItem ? hOldItem->lParam : 0; nm.itemOld.mask = (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM);
return (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, code, &nm.hdr); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the first visible item above the given item in the tree.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TREEITEM * TV_GetPrevVisItem(TREEITEM * hItem) { TREEITEM * hParent = hItem->hParent; TREEITEM * hWalk;
DBG_ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0);
if (hParent->hKids == hItem) return VISIBLE_PARENT(hItem);
for (hWalk = hParent->hKids; hWalk->hNext != hItem; hWalk = hWalk->hNext);
checkKids: if (hWalk->hKids && (hWalk->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) { for (hWalk = hWalk->hKids; hWalk->hNext; hWalk = hWalk->hNext);
goto checkKids; } return(hWalk); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the first visible item below the given item in the tree.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TREEITEM * TV_GetNextVisItem(TREEITEM * hItem) { DBG_ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0);
if (hItem->hKids && (hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) return hItem->hKids;
checkNext: if (hItem->hNext) return(hItem->hNext);
hItem = hItem->hParent; if (hItem) goto checkNext;
return NULL; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine what part of what item is at the given (x,y) location in the
// tree's client area. If the location is outside the client area, NULL is
// flags set in the wHitCode as appropriate. If the location is below the
// last item, NULL is returned with wHitCode set to TVHT_NOWHERE. Otherwise,
// the item is returned with wHitCode set to either TVHT_ONITEMINDENT,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TREEITEM * TV_CheckHit(PTREE pTree, int x, int y, UINT *wHitCode) { TREEITEM * hItem = pTree->hTop; int cxState;
*wHitCode = 0;
if (x < 0) *wHitCode |= TVHT_TOLEFT; else if (x > (int) pTree->cxWnd) *wHitCode |= TVHT_TORIGHT;
if (y < 0) *wHitCode |= TVHT_ABOVE; else if (y > (int) pTree->cyWnd) *wHitCode |= TVHT_BELOW;
if (*wHitCode) return NULL;
{ int index = y / pTree->cyItem;
while (hItem && index >= hItem->iIntegral) { index -= hItem->iIntegral; hItem = TV_GetNextVisItem(hItem); } }
if (!hItem) { *wHitCode = TVHT_NOWHERE; return NULL; }
x -= (pTree->cxBorder + (hItem->iLevel * pTree->cxIndent)); x += pTree->xPos;
if ((pTree->ci.style & (TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS)) && (pTree->ci.style &TVS_LINESATROOT)) { // Subtract some more to make up for the pluses at the root
x -= pTree->cxIndent; }
TV_GetItem(pTree, hItem, TVIF_CHILDREN, &sItem); cxState = TV_StateIndex(&sItem) ? pTree->cxState : 0; if (x <= (int) (hItem->iWidth + pTree->cxImage + cxState)) {
if (x >= 0) { if (pTree->himlState && (x < cxState)) { *wHitCode = TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON; } else if (pTree->hImageList && (x < (int) pTree->cxImage + cxState)) { *wHitCode = TVHT_ONITEMICON; } else { *wHitCode = TVHT_ONITEMLABEL; } } else if ((x >= -pTree->cxIndent) && sItem.cChildren && (pTree->ci.style & TVS_HASBUTTONS)) *wHitCode = TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON; else *wHitCode = TVHT_ONITEMINDENT; } else *wHitCode = TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT;
return hItem; }
// This is tricky because CheckForDragBegin yields and the app may have
// destroyed the item we are thinking about dragging
// To give the app some feedback, we give the hItem the drop highlight
// if it isn't already the caret. This also allows us to check if the
// item got deleted behind our back - TV_DeleteItemRecurse makes sure
// that deleted items are never the hCaret or hDropTarget.
// After TV_CheckForDragBegin, the caller must call TV_FinishCheckDrag
// to clean up the UI changes that TV_CheckForDragBegin temporarily
// performed.
BOOL TV_CheckForDragBegin(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem, int x, int y) { BOOL fDrag;
// If the item is not the caret, then make it the (temporary)
// drop target so the user gets some feedback.
// Bug#94368 raymondc - If hItem == pTree->hCaret, it still might not
// be visible if the control doesn't yet have focus and the treeview
// is not marked showselalways. Maybe we should just always set
// hItem to DROPHILITE.
if (hItem == pTree->hCaret) { pTree->hOldDrop = NULL; pTree->fRestoreOldDrop = FALSE; } else { pTree->hOldDrop = pTree->hDropTarget; pTree->fRestoreOldDrop = TRUE; TV_SelectItem(pTree, TVGN_DROPHILITE, hItem, 0, TVC_BYMOUSE); ASSERT(hItem == pTree->hDropTarget); }
// We are dragging the hItem if CheckForDragBegin says okay,
// and TV_DeleteItemRecurse didn't wipe us out.
fDrag = CheckForDragBegin(pTree->ci.hwnd, x, y) && (hItem == pTree->hDropTarget || hItem == pTree->hCaret);
return fDrag; }
void TV_FinishCheckDrag(PTREE pTree) { //
// Clean up our temporary UI changes that happened when we started
// dragging.
if (pTree->fRestoreOldDrop) { HTREEITEM hOldDrop = pTree->hOldDrop; pTree->fRestoreOldDrop = FALSE; pTree->hOldDrop = NULL; TV_SelectItem(pTree, TVGN_DROPHILITE, hOldDrop, 0, TVC_BYMOUSE); } }
void TV_SendRButtonDown(PTREE pTree, int x, int y) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; UINT wHitCode; TREEITEM * hItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, x, y, &wHitCode); HWND hwnd = pTree->ci.hwnd;
if (!TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE)) // end any previous editing (accept it)
return; // Something happened such that we should not process button down
// Need to see if the user is going to start a drag operation
GetMessagePosClient(pTree->ci.hwnd, &pTree->ptCapture);
if (TV_CheckForDragBegin(pTree, hItem, x, y)) { // let them start dragging
if (hItem) { pTree->htiDrag = hItem; TV_SendBeginDrag(pTree, TVN_BEGINRDRAG, hItem, x, y); } } else if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) { return; // bail!
} else { SetFocus(pTree->ci.hwnd); // Activate this window like listview...
fRet = !CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_RCLICK, NULL); }
// Don't finish the CheckForDragBegin until after the NM_RCLICK
// because apps want to display the context menu while the
// temporary drag UI is still active.
if (fRet) SendMessage(pTree->ci.hwndParent, WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM)pTree->ci.hwnd, GetMessagePos()); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the given item is visible in the client area, the rectangle that
// surrounds that item is invalidated
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TV_InvalidateItem(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM * hItem, UINT fRedraw) { RECT rc;
if (hItem && pTree->fRedraw && TV_GetItemRect(pTree, hItem, &rc, FALSE)) { RedrawWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd, &rc, NULL, fRedraw); } }
// Given an item, compute where the text of this item ends up being painted.
// Basically, stare at TV_DrawItem and dutifully reproduce all the code that
// messes with the x-coordinate.
int ITEM_OFFSET(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem) { int x = pTree->cxBorder + (hItem->iLevel * pTree->cxIndent);
// state image
if (pTree->himlState && TV_StateIndex(hItem)) x += pTree->cxState;
// image
if (pTree->hImageList) { // even if not drawing image, draw text in right place
x += pTree->cxImage; } // "plus" at the front of the tree
if ((pTree->ci.style & TVS_LINESATROOT) && (pTree->ci.style & (TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS))) x += pTree->cxIndent;
return x; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the given item is visible in the client area, the rectangle that
// surrounds that item is filled into lprc
// Returns TRUE if the item is shown, FALSE otherwise
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_GetItemRect(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM * hItem, LPRECT lprc, BOOL bItemRect) { UINT iOffset;
if (!hItem) return FALSE;
DBG_ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0);
if (!ITEM_VISIBLE(hItem)) return FALSE;
iOffset = hItem->iShownIndex - pTree->hTop->iShownIndex;
if (bItemRect) { // Calculate where X position should start...
lprc->left = -pTree->xPos + ITEM_OFFSET(pTree, hItem); lprc->right = lprc->left + hItem->iWidth; } else { lprc->left = 0; lprc->right = pTree->cxWnd; }
lprc->top = iOffset * pTree->cyItem; lprc->bottom = lprc->top + (pTree->cyItem * hItem->iIntegral) ;
return TRUE; }
void TV_OnSetRedraw(PTREE pTree, BOOL fRedraw) { pTree->fRedraw = TRUE && fRedraw; if (pTree->fRedraw) { // This use to only refresh the items from hTop down, this is bad as if items are inserted
// before the visible point within the tree then we would fail!
if ( pTree->hRoot ) pTree->cShowing = TV_UpdateShownIndexes(pTree,pTree->hRoot);
// Must force recalculation of all tree items to get the right cxMax.
TV_ScrollBarsAfterSetWidth(pTree, NULL); InvalidateRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, NULL, TRUE); //REVIEW: could be smarter
} }
// Treeview item watching implementation
// You need to "watch" an item any time you hold onto its HTREEITEM
// and then yield control to the application. If you didn't watch
// the item, then if the app deletes the item, you end up with a
// stale HTREEITEM pointer and fault.
// To begin watching an item, call TV_StartWatch with the item you
// want to start watching. When finished watching, call TV_EndWatch.
// In between, you can call TV_IsWatchStale() which tells you if the
// item has been deleted behind your back and you shouldn't use it.
// Alternatively, use TV_IsWatchValid() which says if it's okay.
// Additional bonus behavior for enumeration: If the watched item
// is deleted, we cache the hNext item so that you can step to the
// item after the one that got deleted. Note that this works even
// if the hNext item gets deleted before you get a chance to look,
// because we just move the cached item to the hNext's hNext.
// Sample usage for watching:
// if (TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wi, htiStartHere)) {
// FunctionThatYields();
// if (TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wi)) {
// KeepUsing(htiStartHere);
// } else {
// // item was deleted while we yielded; stop using it
// }
// TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wi);
// }
// Sample usage for enumerating:
// if (TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wi, htiFirst)) {
// while (TV_GetWatchItem(pTree, &wi)) {
// FunctionThatYields(TV_GetWatchItem(pTree, &wi));
// if (TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wi)) {
// KeepUsing(htiStartHere);
// } else {
// // item was deleted while we yielded; stop using it
// }
// TV_NextWatchItem(pTree, &wi);
// }
// TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wi);
// }
// TV_StartWatch - Begin watching an item.
// Returns FALSE if out of memory.
BOOL TV_StartWatch(PTREE pTree, PTVWATCHEDITEM pwi, HTREEITEM htiStart) { pwi->hti = htiStart; pwi->fStale = FALSE; return DPA_AppendPtr(pTree->hdpaWatch, pwi) != -1; }
// TV_EndWatch - Remove the item from the watch list.
BOOL TV_EndWatch(PTREE pTree, PTVWATCHEDITEM pwi) { int i = DPA_GetPtrCount(pTree->hdpaWatch); while (--i >= 0) { PTVWATCHEDITEM pwiT = DPA_FastGetPtr(pTree->hdpaWatch, i); ASSERT(pwiT); if (pwi == pwiT) { DPA_DeletePtr(pTree->hdpaWatch, i); return TRUE; } } ASSERT(!"TV_EndWatch: Item not in list"); return FALSE; }
// End of treeview item watching implementation
void TV_SetItemRecurse(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM *hItem, LPTVITEMEX ptvi) { // Note: This code assumes nobody will try to delete an item
// during a SetItem notification.
while (hItem) { ptvi->hItem = hItem; TV_SetItem(pTree, ptvi); if (hItem->hKids) { TV_SetItemRecurse(pTree, hItem->hKids, ptvi); }
hItem = hItem->hNext; } }
BOOL TV_DoExpandRecurse(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM *hItem, BOOL fNotify) { TVWATCHEDITEM wi; BOOL fRc = FALSE;
if (TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wi, hItem)) { while ((hItem = TV_GetWatchItem(pTree, &wi))) {
// was the escape key pressed at any point since the last check?
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) & 0x1) goto failed;
TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_EXPAND, hItem, fNotify); // yields
if (TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wi)) { if (hItem->hKids) { if (!TV_DoExpandRecurse(pTree, hItem->hKids, fNotify)) goto failed; } } TV_NextWatchItem(pTree, &wi); } fRc = TRUE; failed: TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wi); } return fRc; }
void TV_ExpandRecurse(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM *hItem, BOOL fNotify) { BOOL fRedraw = pTree->fRedraw;
TV_OnSetRedraw(pTree, FALSE); // we're going to check this after each expand so clear it first
GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE); TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_EXPAND, hItem, fNotify); // Bug#94345 hItem may have gone bad during that TV_Expand
TV_DoExpandRecurse(pTree, hItem->hKids, fNotify); TV_OnSetRedraw(pTree, fRedraw); }
void TV_ExpandParents(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM *hItem, BOOL fNotify) { if (hItem == TVI_ROOT || hItem == NULL) // Root has no parents
{ return; }
hItem = hItem->hParent; if (hItem) { TVWATCHEDITEM wi; if (TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wi, hItem)) { TV_ExpandParents(pTree, hItem, fNotify);
// Item may have gone invalid during expansion
if (TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wi) &&
// make sure this item is not in a collapsed branch
!(hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) {
TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_EXPAND, hItem, fNotify); } TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wi); } } }
// makes sure an item is expanded and scrolled into view
BOOL TV_EnsureVisible(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM * hItem) { TV_ExpandParents(pTree, hItem, TRUE); return TV_ScrollIntoView(pTree, hItem); }
// Walk up the tree towards the root until we find the item at level iLevel.
// Note the cast to (char) because iLevel is a BYTE, so the root's level is
// 0xFF. Casting to (char) turns 0xFF it into -1.
HTREEITEM TV_WalkToLevel(HTREEITEM hWalk, int iLevel) { int i; for (i = (char)hWalk->iLevel - iLevel; i > 0; i--) hWalk = hWalk->hParent; return hWalk; }
// this is to handle single expand mode.
// The new selection is toggled, and the old selection is collapsed
// assume that parents of hNewSel are already fully expanded
// to do this, we build a parent dpa for the old and new
// then go through find the first parent node of the old selection that's not in
// the new sel tree. and expand that.
void TV_ExpandOnSelChange(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM *hNewSel, TREEITEM *hOldSel) { LRESULT dwAbort; NM_TREEVIEW nm; BOOL fCollapsing; TVWATCHEDITEM wiOld, wiNew;
// Revalidate hNewSel and hOldSel since they may have been deleted
// during all the notifications that occurred in the meantime.
if (!ValidateTreeItem(hOldSel, VTI_NULLOK) || !ValidateTreeItem(hNewSel, VTI_NULLOK)) return;
if (TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wiOld, hOldSel)) { if (TV_StartWatch(pTree, &wiNew, hNewSel)) { // Let the app clean up after itself
nm.itemOld.hItem = hOldSel; if (hOldSel) nm.itemOld.lParam = hOldSel->lParam; nm.itemOld.mask = (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM);
nm.itemNew.hItem = hNewSel; if (hNewSel) nm.itemNew.lParam = hNewSel->lParam; nm.itemNew.mask = (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM);
dwAbort = CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, TVN_SINGLEEXPAND, &nm.hdr);
// Revalidate hNewSel and hOldSel since they may have been deleted
// by that notification.
if (!TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wiOld) || !TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wiNew)) goto cleanup;
// Collapse if the NewSel currently expanded.
fCollapsing = hNewSel && (hNewSel->state & TVIS_EXPANDED);
// Note that Ctrl+select allows the user to suppress the collapse
// of the old selection.
if (!(dwAbort & TVNRET_SKIPOLD) && hOldSel && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) { if (!(pTree->dwExStyle & TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE) ) { //
// Collapse parents until we reach the common ancestor between
// hOldSel and hNewSel. Note carefully that we don't cache
// any HTREEITEMs to avoid revalidation problems.
// Find the common ancestor, which might be the tree root.
int iLevelCommon;
if (!hNewSel) iLevelCommon = -1; // common ancestor is root
else { HTREEITEM hItemO, hItemN; iLevelCommon = min((char)hOldSel->iLevel, (char)hNewSel->iLevel); hItemO = TV_WalkToLevel(hOldSel, iLevelCommon); hItemN = TV_WalkToLevel(hNewSel, iLevelCommon); while (iLevelCommon >= 0 && hItemO != hItemN) { iLevelCommon--; hItemO = hItemO->hParent; hItemN = hItemN->hParent; } }
// Now walk up the tree from hOldSel, collapsing everything
// until we reach the common ancestor. Do not collapse the
// common ancestor.
while ((char)hOldSel->iLevel > iLevelCommon) { TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_COLLAPSE, hOldSel, TRUE); if (!TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wiOld)) break; hOldSel = hOldSel->hParent; TV_RestartWatch(pTree, &wiOld, hOldSel); } } else if (hNewSel && hOldSel->hParent == hNewSel->hParent) // Only if are direct siblings
{ TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_COLLAPSE, hOldSel, TRUE); } }
if ((!(dwAbort & TVNRET_SKIPNEW)) && hNewSel && TV_IsWatchValid(pTree, &wiNew) && (!(pTree->dwExStyle & TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE) || !(hNewSel->state & TVIS_EXPANDED))) { WPARAM wParam = pTree->dwExStyle & TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE ? TVE_EXPAND : TVE_TOGGLE; TV_Expand(pTree, wParam, hNewSel, TRUE); UpdateWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd); }
cleanup: TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wiNew); } TV_EndWatch(pTree, &wiOld); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notify the parent that the selection is about to change. If the change is
// accepted, de-select the current selected item and select the given item
// sets hCaret
// in:
// hItem item to become selected
// wType TVGN_ values (TVGN_CARET, TVGN_DROPHILIGHT are only valid values)
// flags combination of flags
// TVSIFI_NOTIFY - send notify to parent window
// TVSIFI_UPDATENOW - do UpdateWindow() to force sync painting
// TVSIFI_NOSINGLEEXPAND- don't do single-expand stuff
// action action code to send identifying how selection is being made
// NOTE: Multiple Selection still needs to be added -- this multiplesel code
// is garbage
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_SelectItem(PTREE pTree, WPARAM wType, TREEITEM * hItem, UINT flags, UINT action) { UINT uRDWFlags = RDW_INVALIDATE;
if (pTree->hImageList && (ImageList_GetBkColor(pTree->hImageList) == (COLORREF)-1)) uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE;
if (!ValidateTreeItem(hItem, VTI_NULLOK)) return FALSE; // Invalid parameter
switch (wType) {
case TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE: if (!hItem) return FALSE;
TV_EnsureVisible(pTree, hItem); if (pTree->fVert) TV_SetTopItem(pTree, hItem->iShownIndex); break;
if (hItem != pTree->hDropTarget) { if (pTree->hDropTarget) { pTree->hDropTarget->state &= ~TVIS_DROPHILITED; TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hDropTarget, uRDWFlags); }
if (hItem) { hItem->state |= TVIS_DROPHILITED; TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hItem, uRDWFlags); } pTree->hDropTarget = hItem;
if (pTree->hCaret) { TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hCaret, uRDWFlags); }
if (flags & TVSIFI_UPDATENOW) UpdateWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd); } break;
// REVIEW: we may want to scroll into view in this case
// it's already the selected item, just return
if (pTree->hCaret != hItem) { TREEITEM * hOldSel;
if ((flags & TVSIFI_NOTIFY) && TV_SendSelChange(pTree, TVN_SELCHANGING, pTree->hCaret, hItem, action)) return FALSE;
if (pTree->hCaret) { pTree->hCaret->state &= ~TVIS_SELECTED; TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hCaret, uRDWFlags); }
hOldSel = pTree->hCaret; pTree->hCaret = hItem;
if (hItem) { hItem->state |= TVIS_SELECTED;
// make sure this item is not in a collapsed branch
TV_ExpandParents(pTree, hItem, (flags & TVSIFI_NOTIFY));
TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hItem, uRDWFlags );
if (action == TVC_BYMOUSE) { // if selected by mouse, let's wait a doubleclick sec before scrolling
SetTimer(pTree->ci.hwnd, IDT_SCROLLWAIT, GetDoubleClickTime(), NULL); pTree->fScrollWait = TRUE; } else if (pTree->fRedraw) TV_ScrollVertIntoView(pTree, hItem); } if (pTree->hwndToolTips) TV_Timer(pTree, IDT_TOOLTIPWAIT);
if (flags & TVSIFI_NOTIFY) TV_SendSelChange(pTree, TVN_SELCHANGED, hOldSel, hItem, action);
if ((pTree->ci.style & TVS_SINGLEEXPAND) && !(flags & TVSIFI_NOSINGLEEXPAND) && action != TVC_BYKEYBOARD && hOldSel) { TV_ExpandOnSelChange(pTree, pTree->hCaret, hOldSel); }
if (flags & TVSIFI_UPDATENOW) UpdateWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd);
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem)); NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION, pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem)); } break;
default: DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("Invalid type passed to TV_SelectItem")); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; // success
// remove all the children, but pretend they are still there
BOOL TV_ResetItem(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem) { TV_DeleteItem(pTree, hItem, TVDI_CHILDRENONLY);
hItem->state &= ~TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE; hItem->fKids = KIDS_FORCE_YES; // force children
return TRUE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expand or collapse an item's children
// Returns TRUE if any change took place and FALSE if unchanged
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_Expand(PTREE pTree, WPARAM wCode, TREEITEM * hItem, BOOL fNotify) { WORD fOldState; UINT cntVisDescendants; TVITEMEX sItem; TREEITEM * hItemExpanding;
// deal with the evil invisible root for multiple root trees.
hItemExpanding = hItem; if ((hItem == NULL) || (hItem == TVI_ROOT)) hItem = pTree->hRoot;
DBG_ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0);
TV_GetItem(pTree, hItem, TVIF_CHILDREN, &sItem);
if (!(wCode & TVE_ACTIONMASK) || sItem.cChildren == 0) return FALSE; // no children to expand or collapse
if ((wCode & TVE_ACTIONMASK) == TVE_TOGGLE) { wCode = (wCode & ~TVE_ACTIONMASK);
// if it's not expaned, or not fully expanded, expand now
wCode |= (((!(hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) || hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL) ? TVE_EXPAND : TVE_COLLAPSE); }
if (((wCode & TVE_ACTIONMASK) == TVE_EXPAND) && !(hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE)) { // if its the first expand, ALWAYS notify the parent
fNotify = TRUE; }
// at this point the children may be added if they aren't already there (callback)
if (fNotify && TV_SendItemExpand(pTree, TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, hItemExpanding, wCode)) return FALSE;
// if (!hItem->hKids && (hItem->fKids == KIDS_FORCE_NO)) // this may be right, but I don't
// have proof now.
if (!hItem->hKids) { // kids we removed, or never there
TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hItem, RDW_INVALIDATE); return FALSE; }
fOldState = hItem->state;
if (hItem->hParent) // never turn off TVIS_EXPANED for the invisible root
{ if ((wCode & TVE_ACTIONMASK) == TVE_EXPAND) hItem->state |= TVIS_EXPANDED; else hItem->state &= ~(TVIS_EXPANDED | TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL);
if (wCode & TVE_EXPANDPARTIAL) { hItem->state |= TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL; } else { hItem->state &= ~(TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL); } }
// if we're not changing the expanded state
// check to see if we're supposed to collapse reset
if (!(fOldState & TVIS_EXPANDED) && !(hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) { if ((wCode & (TVE_ACTIONMASK | TVE_COLLAPSERESET)) == (TVE_COLLAPSE | TVE_COLLAPSERESET)) { TV_ResetItem(pTree, hItem); }
return FALSE; }
// if we changed expaneded states, recalc the scrolling
if ((fOldState ^ hItem->state) & TVIS_EXPANDED) {
cntVisDescendants = TV_ScrollBelow(pTree, hItem, TRUE, hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED);
if (hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED) { UINT wNewTop, wTopOffset, wLastKid;
TV_ScrollBarsAfterExpand(pTree, hItem);
wNewTop = pTree->hTop->iShownIndex; wTopOffset = hItem->iShownIndex - wNewTop;
wLastKid = wTopOffset + cntVisDescendants + 1;
if (wLastKid > pTree->cFullVisible) { wNewTop += min(wLastKid - pTree->cFullVisible, wTopOffset); TV_SetTopItem(pTree, wNewTop); } } else { TV_ScrollBarsAfterCollapse(pTree, hItem); TV_ScrollVertIntoView(pTree, hItem);
// If we collapsed the subtree that contains the caret, then
// pop the caret back to the last visible ancestor
// Pass TVIS_NOSINGLEEXPAND so we won't expand an item right
// after we collapsed it (d'oh!)
if (pTree->hCaret) { TREEITEM * hWalk = TV_WalkToLevel(pTree->hCaret, hItem->iLevel);
if (hWalk == hItem) { TV_SelectItem(pTree, TVGN_CARET, hItem, (fNotify ? TVSIFI_NOTIFY : 0) | TVSIFI_UPDATENOW | TVSIFI_NOSINGLEEXPAND, TVC_UNKNOWN); } } } } else if ((fOldState ^ hItem->state) & TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL) { // we didn't change the expanded state, only the expand partial
TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hItem, RDW_INVALIDATE); }
if (fNotify && TV_SendItemExpand(pTree, TVN_ITEMEXPANDED, hItem, wCode)) return FALSE;
hItem->state |= TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE;
// Bug#94368 raymondc v6 we generate a notification even if nothing happened,
// which confuses accessibility. E.g., app tried to expand something
// that was already expanded. Explorer Band does this when you navigate.
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem));
return TRUE; }
BOOL BetweenItems(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem, HTREEITEM hItemStart, HTREEITEM hItemEnd) { if (hItemStart) { while ((hItemStart = TV_GetNextVisItem(hItemStart)) && (hItemEnd != hItemStart)) { if (hItem == hItemStart) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
// Now only Korean version is interested in incremental search with composition string.
#define FREE_COMP_STRING(pszCompStr) LocalFree((HLOCAL)(pszCompStr))
BOOL TV_OnImeComposition(PTREE pTree, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPTSTR lpsz; int iCycle = 0; HTREEITEM hItem; TCHAR szTemp[MAXLABELTEXT]; TVITEMEX ti; LPTSTR lpszAlt = NULL; // use only if SameChar
int iLen; HIMC hImc; TCHAR *pszCompStr; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
if (hImc = ImmGetContext(pTree->ci.hwnd)) { if (lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) { fRet = FALSE; pszCompStr = GET_COMP_STRING(hImc, GCS_RESULTSTR); if (pszCompStr) { IncrementSearchImeCompStr(&pTree->is, FALSE, pszCompStr, &lpsz); FREE_COMP_STRING(pszCompStr); } }
if (lParam & GCS_COMPSTR) { fRet = TRUE; pszCompStr = GET_COMP_STRING(hImc, GCS_COMPSTR); if (pszCompStr) { if (IncrementSearchImeCompStr(&pTree->is, TRUE, pszCompStr, &lpsz)) { if (pTree->hCaret) { pTree->htiSearch = pTree->hCaret; } else if (pTree->hRoot && pTree->hRoot->hKids) { pTree->htiSearch = pTree->hRoot->hKids; } else return fRet; }
if (!lpsz || !*lpsz || !pTree->hRoot || !pTree->hRoot->hKids) return fRet;
hItem = pTree->htiSearch; ti.cchTextMax = sizeof(szTemp); iLen = lstrlen(lpsz); if (iLen > 1 && SameChars(lpsz, lpsz[0])) lpszAlt = lpsz + iLen - 1;
do { ti.pszText = szTemp; hItem = TV_GetNextVisItem(hItem); if (!hItem) { iCycle++; hItem = pTree->hRoot->hKids; }
TV_GetItem(pTree, hItem, TVIF_TEXT, &ti); if ((ti.pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK) && HIWORD64(ti.pszText)) { // DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "treesearch %d %s %s", (LPSTR)lpsz, (LPSTR)lpsz, (LPSTR)ti.pszText);
if (IntlStrEqNI(lpsz, ti.pszText, iLen) || (lpszAlt && IntlStrEqNI(lpszAlt, ti.pszText, 1) && BetweenItems(pTree, hItem, pTree->hCaret, pTree->htiSearch))) { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("Selecting")); TV_SelectItem(pTree, TVGN_CARET, hItem, TVSIFI_NOTIFY | TVSIFI_UPDATENOW, TVC_BYKEYBOARD); //notify of navigation key usage
CCNotifyNavigationKeyUsage(&(pTree->ci), UISF_HIDEFOCUS); return fRet; } } } while(iCycle < 2);
// if they hit the same key twice in a row at the beginning of
// the search, and there was no item found, they likely meant to
// retstart the search
if (lpszAlt) {
// first clear out the string so that we won't recurse again
IncrementSearchString(&pTree->is, 0, NULL); TV_OnImeComposition(pTree, wParam, lParam); } else { IncrementSearchBeep(&pTree->is); } //notify of navigation key usage
CCNotifyNavigationKeyUsage(&(pTree->ci), UISF_HIDEFOCUS); FREE_COMP_STRING(pszCompStr); } } ImmReleaseContext(pTree->ci.hwnd, hImc); } return fRet; }
void TV_OnChar(PTREE pTree, UINT ch, int cRepeat) { LPTSTR lpsz = NULL; int iCycle = 0; HTREEITEM hItem; TCHAR szTemp[MAXLABELTEXT]; TVITEMEX ti; LPTSTR lpszAlt = NULL; // use only if SameChar
int iLen;
if (IncrementSearchString(&pTree->is, ch, &lpsz) || !pTree->htiSearch) { if (pTree->hCaret) { pTree->htiSearch = pTree->hCaret; } else if (pTree->hRoot && pTree->hRoot->hKids) { pTree->htiSearch = pTree->hRoot->hKids; } else return; }
if (!lpsz || !*lpsz || !pTree->hRoot || !pTree->hRoot->hKids) return;
hItem = pTree->htiSearch; ti.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szTemp); iLen = lstrlen(lpsz); if (iLen > 1 && SameChars(lpsz, lpsz[0])) lpszAlt = lpsz + iLen - 1;
do { ti.pszText = szTemp; hItem = TV_GetNextVisItem(hItem); if (!hItem) { iCycle++; hItem = pTree->hRoot->hKids; }
TV_GetItem(pTree, hItem, TVIF_TEXT, &ti); if ((ti.pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK) && HIWORD64(ti.pszText)) { // DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("treesearch %d %s %s"), (LPTSTR)lpsz, (LPTSTR)lpsz, (LPTSTR)ti.pszText);
if (IntlStrEqNI(lpsz, ti.pszText, iLen) || (lpszAlt && IntlStrEqNI(lpszAlt, ti.pszText, 1) && BetweenItems(pTree, hItem, pTree->hCaret, pTree->htiSearch))) { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("Selecting")); TV_SelectItem(pTree, TVGN_CARET, hItem, TVSIFI_NOTIFY | TVSIFI_UPDATENOW, TVC_BYKEYBOARD);
//notify of navigation key usage
CCNotifyNavigationKeyUsage(&(pTree->ci), UISF_HIDEFOCUS); return; } } } while(iCycle < 2);
// if they hit the same key twice in a row at the beginning of
// the search, and there was no item found, they likely meant to
// retstart the search
if (lpszAlt) {
// first clear out the string so that we won't recurse again
IncrementSearchString(&pTree->is, 0, NULL); TV_OnChar(pTree, ch, cRepeat); } else { IncrementSearchBeep(&pTree->is); }
//notify of navigation key usage
CCNotifyNavigationKeyUsage(&(pTree->ci), UISF_HIDEFOCUS); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle WM_KEYDOWN messages
// If control key is down, treat keys as scroll codes; otherwise, treat keys
// as caret position changes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_KeyDown(PTREE pTree, WPARAM wKey, LPARAM dwKeyData) { TREEITEM * hItem; UINT wShownIndex; TV_KEYDOWN nm; BOOL fPuntChar; BOOL ret = TRUE;
// Notify
nm.wVKey = (WORD)wKey; fPuntChar = (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, TVN_KEYDOWN, &nm.hdr);
wKey = RTLSwapLeftRightArrows(&pTree->ci, wKey);
if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) { // control key is down
UINT wScrollCode;
switch (wKey) { case VK_LEFT: TV_HorzScroll(pTree, SB_LINEUP, 0); break;
case VK_RIGHT: TV_HorzScroll(pTree, SB_LINEDOWN, 0); break;
case VK_PRIOR: wScrollCode = SB_PAGEUP; goto kdVertScroll;
case VK_HOME: wScrollCode = SB_TOP; goto kdVertScroll;
case VK_NEXT: wScrollCode = SB_PAGEDOWN; goto kdVertScroll;
case VK_END: wScrollCode = SB_BOTTOM; goto kdVertScroll;
case VK_UP: wScrollCode = SB_LINEUP; goto kdVertScroll;
case VK_DOWN: wScrollCode = SB_LINEDOWN; kdVertScroll: TV_VertScroll(pTree, wScrollCode, 0); break;
default: ret = FALSE; }
} else {
switch (wKey) { case VK_RETURN: fPuntChar = (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_RETURN, NULL); break;
case VK_PRIOR: if (pTree->hCaret && (pTree->hCaret->iShownIndex > (pTree->cFullVisible - 1))) { wShownIndex = pTree->hCaret->iShownIndex - (pTree->cFullVisible - 1); goto selectIndex; } // fall thru
case VK_HOME: wShownIndex = 0; goto selectIndex;
case VK_NEXT: if (!pTree->hCaret) { wShownIndex = 0; goto selectIndex; } wShownIndex = pTree->hCaret->iShownIndex + (pTree->cFullVisible - 1); if (wShownIndex < pTree->cShowing) goto selectIndex; // fall thru
case VK_END: wShownIndex = pTree->cShowing - 1; selectIndex: hItem = TV_GetShownIndexItem(pTree->hRoot->hKids, wShownIndex); goto kdSetCaret; break;
case VK_SUBTRACT: if (pTree->hCaret) { fPuntChar = TRUE; TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_COLLAPSE, pTree->hCaret, TRUE); } break;
case VK_ADD: if (pTree->hCaret) { fPuntChar = TRUE; TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_EXPAND, pTree->hCaret, TRUE); } break;
case VK_MULTIPLY: if (pTree->hCaret) { fPuntChar = TRUE; TV_ExpandRecurse(pTree, pTree->hCaret, TRUE); } break;
case VK_LEFT: if (pTree->hCaret && (pTree->hCaret->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) { TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_COLLAPSE, pTree->hCaret, TRUE); break; } else if (pTree->hCaret) { hItem = VISIBLE_PARENT(pTree->hCaret); goto kdSetCaret; } break;
case VK_BACK: // get the parent, avoiding the root item
fPuntChar = TRUE; if (pTree->hCaret) { hItem = VISIBLE_PARENT(pTree->hCaret); goto kdSetCaret; } break;
case VK_UP: if (pTree->hCaret) hItem = TV_GetPrevVisItem(pTree->hCaret); else hItem = pTree->hRoot->hKids;
goto kdSetCaret; break;
case VK_RIGHT: if (pTree->hCaret && !(pTree->hCaret->state & TVIS_EXPANDED)) { TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_EXPAND, pTree->hCaret, TRUE); break; } // else fall through
case VK_DOWN: if (pTree->hCaret) hItem = TV_GetNextVisItem(pTree->hCaret); else hItem = pTree->hRoot->hKids;
case VK_SPACE: if ((pTree->ci.style & TVS_CHECKBOXES) && pTree->hCaret) { TV_HandleStateIconClick(pTree, pTree->hCaret); fPuntChar = TRUE; // don't beep
} break;
default: ret = FALSE; } }
if (fPuntChar) { pTree->iPuntChar++; } else if (pTree->iPuntChar){ // this is tricky... if we want to punt the char, just increment the
// count. if we do NOT, then we must clear the queue of WM_CHAR's
// this is to preserve the iPuntChar to mean "punt the next n WM_CHAR messages
MSG msg; while((pTree->iPuntChar > 0) && PeekMessage(&msg, pTree->ci.hwnd, WM_CHAR, WM_CHAR, PM_REMOVE)) { pTree->iPuntChar--; } //ASSERT(!pTree->iPuntChar);
if ( VK_MENU!=wKey ) { //notify of navigation key usage
CCNotifyNavigationKeyUsage(&(pTree->ci), UISF_HIDEFOCUS); }
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the tree's indent width per hierarchy level and recompute widths.
// sets cxIndent
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TV_SetIndent(PTREE pTree, WPARAM cxIndent) { if (pTree->hImageList) { if ((SHORT)cxIndent < pTree->cxImage) cxIndent = pTree->cxImage; }
if ((SHORT)cxIndent < pTree->cyText) cxIndent = pTree->cyText;
pTree->cxIndent = (SHORT)cxIndent;
TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); TV_ScrollBarsAfterSetWidth(pTree, NULL); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the tree's item height to be the maximum of the image height and text
// height. Then recompute the tree's full visible count.
// sets cyItem, cFullVisible
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TV_SetItemHeight(PTREE pTree) { // height MUST be even with TVS_HASLINES -- go ahead and make it always even
if (!pTree->fCyItemSet) pTree->cyItem = (max(pTree->cyImage, pTree->cyText) + 1); // height not always even not, only on haslines style.
if (pTree->cyItem <= 1) { pTree->cyItem = 1; // Don't let it go zero or negative!
} else if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT)) pTree->cyItem &= ~1;
pTree->cFullVisible = pTree->cyWnd / pTree->cyItem;
TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); TV_CalcScrollBars(pTree); }
HIMAGELIST TV_SetImageList(PTREE pTree, HIMAGELIST hImage, int iImageIndex) { HIMAGELIST hImageOld = NULL; int cx; int cy;
switch (iImageIndex) {
hImageOld = pTree->himlState; pTree->himlState = hImage; if (hImage) { CCGetIconSize(&pTree->ci, hImage, &pTree->cxState , &pTree->cyState); } else { pTree->cxState = 0; } break;
case TVSIL_NORMAL: hImageOld = pTree->hImageList; if (hImage && CCGetIconSize(&pTree->ci, hImage, &cx, &cy)) { pTree->cxNativeImage = (SHORT)cx; pTree->cyNativeImage = (SHORT)cy;
pTree->cxImage = (SHORT)((pTree->cxNativeImage) + MAGIC_INDENT); pTree->cyImage = (SHORT)(pTree->cyNativeImage);
if (pTree->cxIndent < pTree->cxImage) TV_SetIndent(pTree, pTree->cxImage); pTree->hImageList = hImage;
if (!hImageOld && pTree->ci.style & TVS_CHECKBOXES) { TV_InitCheckBoxes(pTree); } } else { pTree->cxImage = 0; pTree->cyImage = 0; pTree->cxNativeImage = 0; pTree->cyNativeImage = 0; pTree->hImageList = NULL; } break;
default: DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("sh TR - TVM_SETIMAGELIST: unrecognized iImageList")); break;
TV_ScrollBarsAfterSetWidth(pTree, NULL); TV_SetItemHeight(pTree);
return hImageOld; }
// Bug#94345: does not deal with hfont == NULL
void TV_OnSetFont(PTREE pTree, HFONT hNewFont, BOOL fRedraw) { HDC hdc; HFONT hfontSel; TCHAR c = TEXT('J'); // for bog
SIZE size;
if (pTree->fCreatedFont && pTree->hFont) { DeleteObject(pTree->hFont); pTree->fCreatedFont = FALSE; }
if (hNewFont == NULL) { LOGFONT lf; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Create identical theme font. Although theme manager APIs will be used for drawing text,
// create a copy of the normal state font. The control will be sized based on this font's dimensions
if (pTree->hTheme) { ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(LOGFONT)); hr = GetThemeFont(pTree->hTheme, NULL, TVP_TREEITEM, TREIS_NORMAL, TMT_FONT, &lf); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lf), &lf, FALSE); }
hNewFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); pTree->fCreatedFont = TRUE; // make sure we delete it
hdc = GetDC(pTree->ci.hwnd);
hfontSel = hNewFont ? SelectObject(hdc, hNewFont) : NULL;
// Office9 Setup had a bug where they installed a bogus font,
// which created okay but all APIs against it (e.g., GetTextExtentPoint)
// failed! Protect against failure by pre-setting the value to something
// non-garbage.
size.cy = 0; GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, &c, 1, &size);
pTree->cyText = (SHORT)(size.cy + (g_cyBorder * 2));
if (hfontSel) SelectObject(hdc, hfontSel);
ReleaseDC(pTree->ci.hwnd, hdc);
pTree->hFont = hNewFont; if (pTree->hFontBold) TV_CreateBoldFont(pTree);
pTree->ci.uiCodePage = GetCodePageForFont(hNewFont);
TV_SetIndent(pTree, 16 /*g_cxSmIcon*/ + MAGIC_INDENT); TV_SetImageList(pTree, pTree->hImageList, TVSIL_NORMAL);
TV_ScrollBarsAfterSetWidth(pTree, NULL); TV_SetItemHeight(pTree);
if (pTree->hwndToolTips) SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)pTree->hFont, (LPARAM)TRUE);
// REVIEW: does this happen as a result of the above?
// if (fRedraw)
// RedrawWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE);
void TV_CreateBoldFont(PTREE pTree) { LOGFONT lf;
if (pTree->hFontBold) DeleteObject (pTree->hFontBold);
GetObject(pTree->hFont, sizeof (lf), &lf); CCAdjustForBold(&lf); pTree->hFontBold = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the item with the described relationship to the given item, NULL if
// no item can be found with that relationship.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TREEITEM * TV_GetNextItem(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM * hItem, WPARAM wGetCode) { switch (wGetCode) { case TVGN_ROOT: return pTree->hRoot->hKids;
case TVGN_DROPHILITE: return pTree->hDropTarget;
case TVGN_CARET: return pTree->hCaret;
case TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE: return pTree->hTop;
case TVGN_LASTVISIBLE: return TV_GetShownIndexItem(pTree->hRoot->hKids, pTree->cShowing-1);
case TVGN_CHILD: if (!hItem || (hItem == TVI_ROOT)) return pTree->hRoot->hKids; break; }
// all of these require a valid hItem
if (!ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0)) return NULL;
switch (wGetCode) { case TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE: return TV_GetNextVisItem(hItem);
case TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE: return TV_GetPrevVisItem(hItem);
case TVGN_NEXT: return hItem->hNext;
case TVGN_PREVIOUS: if (hItem->hParent->hKids == hItem) return NULL; else { TREEITEM * hWalk; for (hWalk = hItem->hParent->hKids; hWalk->hNext != hItem; hWalk = hWalk->hNext); return hWalk; }
case TVGN_CHILD: return hItem->hKids; }
return NULL; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the number of items (including the partially visible item at the
// bottom based on the given flag) that fit in the tree's client window.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LRESULT TV_GetVisCount(PTREE pTree, BOOL fIncludePartial) { int i;
if (!fIncludePartial) return(MAKELRESULTFROMUINT(pTree->cFullVisible));
i = pTree->cFullVisible;
if (pTree->cyWnd - (i * pTree->cyItem)) i++;
return i; }
void TV_InvalidateInsertMarkRect(PTREE pTree, BOOL fErase) { RECT rc; if (TV_GetInsertMarkRect(pTree, &rc)) InvalidateRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, &rc, fErase); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// recomputes tree's fields that rely on the tree's client window size
// sets cxWnd, cyWnd, cFullVisible
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_SizeWnd(PTREE pTree, UINT cxWnd, UINT cyWnd) { RECT rc; UINT cxOld = pTree->cxWnd; if (!cxWnd || !cyWnd) { GetClientRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, &rc); cxWnd = rc.right; cyWnd = rc.bottom; } pTree->cxWnd = (SHORT)cxWnd; pTree->cyWnd = (SHORT)cyWnd; pTree->cFullVisible = cyWnd / pTree->cyItem; if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_NOSCROLL) pTree->cxMax = (WORD) cxWnd; TV_CalcScrollBars(pTree); if (pTree->cxBorder) { rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = cyWnd; rc.right = cxOld; rc.left = cxOld - pTree->cxBorder; if (rc.left < (int)cxWnd) { // invalidate so clipping happens on right on size.
InvalidateRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, &rc, TRUE); } }
TV_InvalidateInsertMarkRect(pTree, TRUE);
return TRUE; }
void TV_HandleStateIconClick(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem) { TVITEMEX tvi; int iState;
tvi.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; TV_GetItem(pTree, hItem, TVIF_STATE, &tvi);
iState = STATEIMAGEMASKTOINDEX(tvi.state & tvi.stateMask); iState %= (ImageList_GetImageCount(pTree->himlState) - 1); iState++;
tvi.mask = TVIF_STATE; tvi.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(iState); tvi.hItem = hItem; TV_SetItem(pTree, &tvi);
// Eudora is a piece of work.
// When they get a NM_DBLCLK notification from a treeview, they say,
// "Oh, I know that treeview allocates its NMHDR from the stack, and
// there's this local variable on Treeview's stack I'm really interested
// in, so I'm going to hard-code an offset from the pnmhdr and read the
// DWORD at that location so I can get at the local variable. I will then
// stop working if this value is zero."
// The conversion to UNICODE changed our stack layout enough that they
// end up always getting zero -- it's the NULL parameter which is the
// final argument to CCSendNotify. Since all this stack layout stuff is
// sensitive to how the compiler's optimizer feels today, we create a
// special notify structure Just For Eudora which mimics the stack layout
// they expected to see in Win95.
typedef struct NMEUDORA { NMHDR nmhdr; BYTE Padding[48]; DWORD MustBeNonzero; // Eudora fails to install if this is zero
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message -- toggle expand/collapse state of item's children
// WM_LBUTTONDOWN message -- on item's button, do same as WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK,
// otherwise select item and ensure that item is fully visible
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TV_ButtonDown(PTREE pTree, UINT wMsg, UINT wFlags, int x, int y, UINT TVBD_flags) { UINT wHitCode; TREEITEM * hItem; HWND hwndTree; LRESULT lResult; #ifdef _X86_
NMEUDORA nmeu; nmeu.MustBeNonzero = 1; COMPILETIME_ASSERT(FIELD_OFFSET(NMEUDORA, MustBeNonzero) == 0x3C); #endif
GetMessagePosClient(pTree->ci.hwnd, &pTree->ptCapture);
if (!TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE)) // end any previous editing (accept it)
return; // Something happened such that we should not process button down
hItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, x, y, &wHitCode);
// Excel likes to destroy the entire tree when it gets a double-click
// so we need to watch the item in case it vanishes behind our back.
hwndTree = pTree->ci.hwnd;
if (wMsg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) { //
// Cancel any name editing that might happen.
if (wHitCode & (TVHT_ONITEM | TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON)) { goto ExpandItem; }
// Collapses node above the line double clicked on
else if ((pTree->ci.style & TVS_HASLINES) && (wHitCode & TVHT_ONITEMINDENT) && (abs(x % pTree->cxIndent - pTree->cxIndent/2) <= g_cxDoubleClk)) {
int i;
for (i = hItem->iLevel - x/pTree->cxIndent + ((pTree->ci.style & TVS_LINESATROOT)?1:0); i > 1; i--) hItem = hItem->hParent;
ExpandItem: #ifdef _X86_
lResult = CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, wFlags & MK_RBUTTON ? NM_RDBLCLK : NM_DBLCLK, &nmeu.nmhdr); #else
lResult = CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, wFlags & MK_RBUTTON ? NM_RDBLCLK : NM_DBLCLK, NULL); #endif
if (!IsWindow(hwndTree)) goto bail; if (!lResult) { // don't auto expand this if we're in single expand mode because the first click did it already
if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_SINGLEEXPAND)) TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_TOGGLE, hItem, TRUE); }
pTree->fScrollWait = FALSE;
} else { // WM_LBUTTONDOWN
if (wHitCode == TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON) { if (!CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_CLICK, NULL)) { if (TVBD_flags & TVBD_FROMWHEEL) TV_Expand(pTree, (TVBD_flags & TVBD_WHEELFORWARD) ? TVE_EXPAND : TVE_COLLAPSE, hItem, TRUE); else TV_Expand(pTree, TVE_TOGGLE, hItem, TRUE); } } else if (wHitCode & TVHT_ONITEM || ((pTree->ci.style & TVS_FULLROWSELECT) && (wHitCode & (TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT | TVHT_ONITEMINDENT)))) { BOOL fSameItem, bDragging;
fSameItem = (hItem == pTree->hCaret);
if (TVBD_flags & TVBD_FROMWHEEL) bDragging = FALSE; else if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP) bDragging = FALSE; else { bDragging = TV_CheckForDragBegin(pTree, hItem, x, y); TV_FinishCheckDrag(pTree); }
if (bDragging) { pTree->htiDrag = hItem; TV_SendBeginDrag(pTree, TVN_BEGINDRAG, hItem, x, y); return; }
if (!CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_CLICK, NULL)) {
if (wHitCode == TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON && (pTree->ci.style & TVS_CHECKBOXES)) { TV_HandleStateIconClick(pTree, hItem); } else {
// Only set the caret (selection) if not dragging
if (fSameItem && (wHitCode & TVHT_ONITEMLABEL) && pTree->fFocus && !(pTree->ci.style & TVS_SINGLEEXPAND)) { //
// The item and window are currently selected and user clicked
// on label. Try to enter into name editing mode.
SetTimer(pTree->ci.hwnd, IDT_NAMEEDIT, GetDoubleClickTime(), NULL); pTree->fNameEditPending = TRUE; }
if (fSameItem && (pTree->ci.style & TVS_SINGLEEXPAND) && (!(pTree->dwExStyle & TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE) || !(hItem->state & TVIS_EXPANDED))) { WPARAM wParam = pTree->dwExStyle & TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE ? TVE_EXPAND : TVE_TOGGLE; TV_Expand(pTree, wParam, pTree->hCaret, TRUE); } } } } else { CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_CLICK, NULL); } }
if (!pTree->fFocus) SetFocus(pTree->ci.hwnd);
bail:; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the item's text, data, and/or image.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TV_OnGetItem(PTREE pTree, LPTVITEMEX ptvi) { if (!ptvi) return FALSE;
if (!ValidateTreeItem(ptvi->hItem, 0)) return FALSE; // Invalid parameter
TV_GetItem(pTree, ptvi->hItem, ptvi->mask, ptvi);
return TRUE; // success
//HACK Alert! This code assumes that TVITEMA is exactly the same
// as TVITEMW except for the text pointer in the TVITEM
ASSERT(sizeof(TVITEMA) == sizeof(TVITEMW));
if (!IsFlagPtr(ptvi) && (ptvi->mask & TVIF_TEXT) && !IsFlagPtr(ptvi->pszText)) { pszA = ptvi->pszText; pszW = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, ptvi->cchTextMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pszW == NULL) { return FALSE; } ptvi->pszText = (LPSTR)pszW; } bRet = TV_OnGetItem(pTree, (LPTVITEMEXW)ptvi); if (pszA) { if (bRet && ptvi->cchTextMax) ConvertWToAN(pTree->ci.uiCodePage, pszA, ptvi->cchTextMax, (LPWSTR)(ptvi->pszText), -1); LocalFree(pszW); ptvi->pszText = pszA; } return bRet; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the item's text, data, and/or image.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//HACK Alert! This code assumes that TVITEMA is exactly the same
// as TVITEMW except for the text pointer in the TVITEM
ASSERT(sizeof(TVITEMA) == sizeof(TVITEMW));
if (!IsFlagPtr(ptvi) && (ptvi->mask & TVIF_TEXT) && !IsFlagPtr(ptvi->pszText)) { pszA = ptvi->pszText; ptvi->pszText = (LPSTR)ProduceWFromA(pTree->ci.uiCodePage, pszA);
if (ptvi->pszText == NULL) { ptvi->pszText = pszA; return -1; } }
lRet = TV_SetItem(pTree, (LPCTVITEMEX)ptvi);
if (pszA) { FreeProducedString(ptvi->pszText); ptvi->pszText = pszA; }
return lRet; }
BOOL TV_SetItem(PTREE pTree, LPCTVITEMEX ptvi) { UINT uRDWFlags = RDW_INVALIDATE; BOOL fEraseIfTransparent = FALSE; HTREEITEM hItem; BOOL bActualChange = FALSE; // HACK: We want to keep track of which
// attributes were changed from CALLBACK to
// "real", and don't invalidate if those were
// the only changes
int iIntegralPrev; BOOL fName = FALSE; BOOL fFocusSel = FALSE; BOOL fRecalcWidth = FALSE; BOOL fStateImageChange = FALSE;
if (!ptvi) return FALSE;
hItem = ptvi->hItem;
// deal with the evil invisible root for multiple root trees.
if (hItem == TVI_ROOT) { hItem = pTree->hRoot; }
if (!ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0)) return FALSE;
iIntegralPrev = hItem->iIntegral;
// Bug#94368: send ITEMCHANING and ITEMCHANGED msgs
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_TEXT) { uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE; bActualChange = TRUE;
if (!ptvi->pszText) { Str_Set(&hItem->lpstr, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK); } else { #ifdef DEBUG
ASSERTMSG(!pTree->fInTextCallback, "set item (text) getting called while we are in text callback!"); #endif
if (!Str_Set(&hItem->lpstr, ptvi->pszText)) { //
// Memory allocation failed - The best we can do now
// is to set the item back to callback, and hope that
// the top level program can handle it.
DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("TreeView: Out of memory")); hItem->lpstr = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; } }
fRecalcWidth = TRUE; fName = TRUE; }
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_PARAM) { bActualChange = TRUE; hItem->lParam = ptvi->lParam; }
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_IMAGE) { if (hItem->iImage != (WORD)I_IMAGECALLBACK) { bActualChange = TRUE; fEraseIfTransparent = TRUE; if (pTree->hImageList && (ImageList_GetBkColor(pTree->hImageList) == (COLORREF)-1)) uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE;
} hItem->iImage = (SHORT)ptvi->iImage; }
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE) { if (hItem->iSelectedImage != (WORD)I_IMAGECALLBACK) bActualChange = TRUE; hItem->iSelectedImage = (SHORT)ptvi->iSelectedImage; }
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_CHILDREN) { uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE; if (hItem->fKids != KIDS_CALLBACK) bActualChange = TRUE;
switch (ptvi->cChildren) { case I_CHILDRENAUTO: hItem->fKids = KIDS_COMPUTE; break; case I_CHILDRENCALLBACK: hItem->fKids = KIDS_CALLBACK; break; case 0: hItem->fKids = KIDS_FORCE_NO; break;
default: hItem->fKids = KIDS_FORCE_YES; break; }
// If this item currently has no kid, reset the item.
if ((ptvi->cChildren == I_CHILDRENCALLBACK) && (hItem->hKids == NULL)) { hItem->state &= ~TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE; if (hItem->hParent) hItem->state &= ~TVIS_EXPANDED; } }
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_INTEGRAL) { if (LOWORD(ptvi->iIntegral) > 0) hItem->iIntegral = LOWORD(ptvi->iIntegral); }
if (ptvi->mask & TVIF_STATE) { // don't & ptvi->state with TVIS_ALL because win95 didn't
// and setting TVIS_FOCUS was retrievable even though we don't use it
UINT change = (hItem->state ^ ptvi->state) & ptvi->stateMask;
if (change) { // Bug#94368: (TVIS_SELECTED | TVIS_DROPHILITED) changes
// should effect tree state
hItem->state ^= change; bActualChange = TRUE; fEraseIfTransparent = TRUE;
if (hItem->state & TVIS_BOLD) { if (!pTree->hFontBold) TV_CreateBoldFont(pTree); }
if (change & TVIS_BOLD){ // do this because changing the boldness
uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE; fRecalcWidth = TRUE; }
fStateImageChange = change & TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; if (fStateImageChange) { uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE; // Adding/removing a state image changes the ITEM_OFFSET
// If old image was 0, then we are adding.
// If new image is 0, then we are removing.
// (If old=new, then we don't get into this code path, so we
// don't have to worry about that case.)
if (!(hItem->state & TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) || // new
!((hItem->state ^ change) & TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK)) { // old
fRecalcWidth = TRUE; } }
fFocusSel = ((change & TVIS_SELECTED) != 0); } }
if (fRecalcWidth) { hItem->iWidth = 0; // Invalidate old width
if (TV_IsShowing(hItem)) { TV_ScrollBarsAfterSetWidth(pTree, hItem); } }
// force a redraw if something changed AND if we are not
// inside of a paint of this guy (callbacks will set the
// item on the paint callback to implement lazy data schemes)
if (bActualChange && (pTree->hItemPainting != hItem)) { if (fEraseIfTransparent) { if (pTree->hImageList) { if (ImageList_GetBkColor(pTree->hImageList) == CLR_NONE) { uRDWFlags |= RDW_ERASE; } }
// If item height changed, then we've got a lot of cleaning up
// to do.
if (hItem->iIntegral != iIntegralPrev) { TV_ScrollBarsAfterResize(pTree, hItem, iIntegralPrev, uRDWFlags); } else { TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hItem, uRDWFlags); }
// REVIEW: we might need to update the scroll bars if the
// text length changed!
if (bActualChange) { if (fName) NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE, pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem));
if (fFocusSel) { NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem)); NotifyWinEvent(((hItem->state & TVIS_SELECTED) ? EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD : EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE), pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem)); }
if (fStateImageChange) NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, pTree->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(hItem)); } return TRUE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calls TV_CheckHit to get the hit test results and then package it in a
// structure back to the app.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTREEITEM TV_OnHitTest(PTREE pTree, LPTV_HITTESTINFO lptvh) { if (!lptvh) return 0; //Bug#94345: Validate LPTVHITTEST
lptvh->hItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, lptvh->pt.x, lptvh->pt.y, &lptvh->flags);
return lptvh->hItem; }
BOOL TV_IsItemTruncated(PTREE pTree, TREEITEM *hItem, LPRECT lprc) { if (TV_GetItemRect(pTree,hItem,lprc,TRUE)) { lprc->left -= g_cxEdge; lprc->top -= g_cyBorder; if ((lprc->left + hItem->iWidth) > pTree->cxWnd) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL TV_HandleTTNShow(PTREE pTree, LPNMHDR lpnm) { if (pTree->hToolTip && pTree->fPlaceTooltip) { LPNMTTSHOWINFO psi = (LPNMTTSHOWINFO)lpnm; RECT rc; TVITEMEX item;
// Now get the text associated with that item
item.stateMask = TVIS_BOLD; TV_GetItem(pTree, pTree->hToolTip, TVIF_STATE, &item); SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)((item.state & TVIS_BOLD) ? pTree->hFontBold : pTree->hFont), 0);
TV_GetItemRect(pTree, pTree->hToolTip, &rc, TRUE);
MapWindowRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &rc); // We draw the text with margins, so take those into account too.
// These values come from TV_DrawItem...
rc.top += g_cyBorder; rc.left += g_cxLabelMargin;
// At this point, (rc.left, rc.top) are the coordinates we pass
// to DrawText. Ask the tooltip how we should position it so the
// tooltip text shows up in precisely the same location.
// Bug#94368 raymondc v6: wrong coordinates if app has used TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT
SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, TTM_ADJUSTRECT, TRUE, (LPARAM)&rc); SetWindowPos(pTree->hwndToolTips, NULL, rc.left, rc.top,0,0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER); // This is an inplace tooltip, so disable animation.
psi->dwStyle |= TTS_NOANIMATE; // handled!
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Copy the font from the treeview item into the tooltip so the tooltip
// shows up in the correct font.
BOOL TV_HandleTTCustomDraw(PTREE pTree, LPNMTTCUSTOMDRAW pnm) { if (pTree->hToolTip && pTree->fPlaceTooltip && (pnm->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT || pnm->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT)) { //
// Set up the customdraw DC to match the font of the TV item.
TVFAKEDRAW tvfd; DWORD dwCustom = 0; TreeView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(pTree, &tvfd); dwCustom = TreeView_BeginFakeItemDraw(&tvfd, pTree->hToolTip);
// If client changed the font, then transfer the font
// from our private hdc into the tooltip's HDC. We use
// a private HDC because we only want to let the app change
// the font, not the colors or anything else.
if (dwCustom & CDRF_NEWFONT) { SelectObject(pnm->nmcd.hdc, GetCurrentObject(tvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, OBJ_FONT)); } TreeView_EndFakeItemDraw(&tvfd); TreeView_EndFakeCustomDraw(&tvfd);
// Don't return other wacky flags to TT, since all we
// did was change the font (if even that)
return dwCustom & CDRF_NEWFONT;
BOOL TV_SetToolTipTarget(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem) { // update the item we're showing the bubble for...
if (pTree->hToolTip != hItem) { // the hide will keep us from flashing
ShowWindow(pTree->hwndToolTips, SW_HIDE); UpdateWindow(pTree->hwndToolTips); pTree->hToolTip = hItem; SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, TTM_UPDATE, 0, 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
TREEITEM* TV_ItemAtCursor(PTREE pTree, LPRECT prc) { RECT rc; UINT wHitCode; TREEITEM* hItem;
GetCursorPos((LPPOINT)&rc); ScreenToClient(pTree->ci.hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rc); hItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree,rc.left,rc.top,&wHitCode);
if (prc) *prc = rc; if (!(wHitCode & TVHT_ONITEM)) hItem = NULL;
return hItem; }
BOOL TV_UpdateToolTipTarget(PTREE pTree) { RECT rc; TREEITEM *hItem = TV_ItemAtCursor(pTree, &rc);
if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_NOTOOLTIPS) && !TV_IsItemTruncated(pTree, hItem, &rc) && !(pTree->ci.style & TVS_INFOTIP)) hItem = NULL; // else if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_NOTOOLTIPS)
// || (pTree->ci.style & TVS_INFOTIP))
return TV_SetToolTipTarget(pTree, hItem); }
BOOL TV_UpdateToolTip(PTREE pTree) { if (pTree->hwndToolTips && pTree->fRedraw) return (TV_UpdateToolTipTarget(pTree)); return TRUE; }
BOOL TV_SetInsertMark(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL fAfter) { if (!ValidateTreeItem(hItem, VTI_NULLOK)) // NULL means remove insert mark
return FALSE;
TV_InvalidateInsertMarkRect(pTree, TRUE); // Make sure the old one gets erased
pTree->fInsertAfter = BOOLIFY(fAfter); pTree->htiInsert = hItem;
TV_InvalidateInsertMarkRect(pTree, FALSE); // Make sure the new one gets drawn
return TRUE; }
szBuf[0] = 0; git.pszText = szBuf; git.cchTextMax = cch; git.hItem = hti; git.lParam = hti->lParam;
// for folded items pszText is prepopulated with the
// item text, clients should append to this
CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, TVN_GETINFOTIP, &git.hdr);
CCSetInfoTipWidth(pTree->ci.hwnd, pTree->hwndToolTips); Str_Set(&pTree->pszTip, git.pszText); lpttt->lpszText = pTree->pszTip; if(pTree->ci.style & TVS_RTLREADING) { lpttt->uFlags |= TTF_RTLREADING; }
return lpttt->lpszText && lpttt->lpszText[0]; }
// No distracting tooltips while in-place editing, please
if (pTree->htiEdit) { return; }
// If the cursor isn't over anything, then stop
hItem = TV_ItemAtCursor(pTree, &rc); if (!hItem) return;
// If the item has an infotip, then use it
if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_INFOTIP) { if (hItem && TV_GetInfoTip(pTree, lpttt, hItem, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf))) { pTree->fPlaceTooltip = FALSE; pTree->hToolTip = hItem; return; } }
// Else it isn't an infotip
CCResetInfoTipWidth(pTree->ci.hwnd, pTree->hwndToolTips);
// If the item is not truncated, then no need for a tooltip
if (!TV_IsItemTruncated(pTree, hItem, &rc)) { tvItem.hItem = NULL; return; }
// Display an in-place tooltip for the item
pTree->fPlaceTooltip = TRUE; pTree->hToolTip = hItem; tvItem.hItem = hItem; tvItem.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE; tvItem.pszText = szBuf; tvItem.stateMask = TVIS_DROPHILITED | TVIS_SELECTED; COMPILETIME_ASSERT(MAXLABELTEXT <= ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); tvItem.cchTextMax = MAXLABELTEXT; TV_OnGetItem(pTree,&tvItem);
Str_Set(&pTree->pszTip, tvItem.pszText); lpttt->lpszText = pTree->pszTip; DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("TV_HandleNeedText for %d returns %s"), tvItem.hItem, lpttt->szText); }
// Visual Studio 5.0 Books Online (part of VB 5.0) subclasses
// us and responds NFR_ANSI, so we end up getting TTN_NEEDTEXTA
// instead of TTN_NEEDTEXTW. We can't risk forcing the tooltip
// to UNICODE because some other apps may have done this on purpose
// (because they intend to intercept TTN_NEEDTEXTA and do custom tooltips).
// So support the ANSI tooltip notification so VB stays happy.
// Note: This doesn't have to be efficient, as it's an error case anyway.
void TV_HandleNeedTextA(PTREE pTree, LPTOOLTIPTEXTA lptttA) { TOOLTIPTEXT ttt; ttt.szText[0] = TEXT('\0'); ttt.hdr = lptttA->hdr; ttt.lpszText = ttt.szText; ttt.hinst = lptttA->hinst; ttt.uFlags = lptttA->uFlags; ttt.lParam = lptttA->lParam;
TV_HandleNeedText(pTree, &ttt); if (pTree->pszTipA) LocalFree(pTree->pszTipA); pTree->pszTipA = ProduceAFromW(pTree->ci.uiCodePage, ttt.lpszText); lptttA->lpszText = pTree->pszTipA; lptttA->uFlags = ttt.uFlags; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TV_Timer
// Checks to see if it is our name editing timer. If so it calls of to
// do name editing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LRESULT TV_Timer(PTREE pTree, UINT uTimerId) { switch (uTimerId) { case IDT_NAMEEDIT: // Kill the timer as we wont need any more messages from it.
KillTimer(pTree->ci.hwnd, IDT_NAMEEDIT);
if (pTree->fNameEditPending) { // And start name editing mode.
if (!TV_EditLabel(pTree, pTree->hCaret, NULL)) { TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE); }
// remove the flag...
pTree->fNameEditPending = FALSE; } break; case IDT_SCROLLWAIT: KillTimer(pTree->ci.hwnd, IDT_SCROLLWAIT); if (pTree->fScrollWait) { if (pTree->hCaret) { TV_ScrollVertIntoView(pTree, pTree->hCaret); } pTree->fScrollWait = FALSE; } break;
} return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TV_Command
// Process the WM_COMMAND. See if it is an input from our edit windows.
// if so we may want to dismiss it, and or set it is being dirty...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TV_Command(PTREE pTree, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { if ((pTree != NULL) && (hwndCtl == pTree->hwndEdit)) { switch (codeNotify) { case EN_UPDATE: // We will use the ID of the window as a Dirty flag...
SetWindowID(pTree->hwndEdit, 1); TV_SetEditSize(pTree); break;
case EN_KILLFOCUS: // We lost focus, so dismiss edit and save changes
// (Note that the owner might reject the change and restart
// edit mode, which traps the user. Owners need to give the
// user a way to get out.)
// Fix horrible undocumented hanging problem: LVN_ENDLABELEDIT
// is sent in response to EN_KILLFOCUS, which is send in response
// to WM_KILLFOCUS, and it is undocumented that you cannot display
// UI during WM_KILLFOCUS when a journal record hook is active,
// because the presence of a hook forces serialization of activation,
// and so when you put up UI, you generate activation changes, which
// get stuck because you haven't finished responding to the previous
// WM_KILLFOCUS message yet.
// See NT bug 414634.
if (InSendMessage()) ReplyMessage(0);
if (!TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE)) return; break;
case HN_BEGINDIALOG: // penwin is bringing up a dialog
ASSERT(GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS)); // only on a pen system
pTree->fNoDismissEdit = TRUE; break;
case HN_ENDDIALOG: // penwin has destroyed dialog
ASSERT(GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS)); // only on a pen system
pTree->fNoDismissEdit = FALSE; break; }
// Forward edit control notifications up to parent
if (IsWindow(hwndCtl)) FORWARD_WM_COMMAND(pTree->ci.hwndParent, id, hwndCtl, codeNotify, SendMessage); } }
HIMAGELIST CreateCheckBoxImagelist(HIMAGELIST himl, BOOL fTree, BOOL fUseColorKey, BOOL fMirror); void TV_CreateToolTips(PTREE pTree);
void TV_InitCheckBoxes(PTREE pTree) { HIMAGELIST himl; TVITEMEX ti;
himl = CreateCheckBoxImagelist(pTree->hImageList, TRUE, TRUE, IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(pTree->ci.hwnd)); if (pTree->hImageList) { COLORREF cr = ImageList_GetBkColor(pTree->hImageList); ImageList_SetBkColor(himl, IsUsingCleartype()? (CLR_NONE) : (cr)); }
TV_SetImageList(pTree, himl, TVSIL_STATE);
ti.mask = TVIF_STATE; ti.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(1); ti.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; TV_SetItemRecurse(pTree, pTree->hRoot, &ti); }
void TV_OnStyleChanged(PTREE pTree, WPARAM gwl, LPSTYLESTRUCT pinfo) { // Style changed: redraw everything...
// try to do this smartly, avoiding unnecessary redraws
if (gwl == GWL_STYLE) { DWORD changeFlags; DWORD styleNew;
TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE);
// You cannot combine TVS_HASLINES and TVS_FULLROWSELECT
// because it doesn't work
styleNew = pinfo->styleNew; if (styleNew & TVS_HASLINES) { if (styleNew & TVS_FULLROWSELECT) { RIPMSG(FALSE, "TV_OnStyleChanged(): Cannot combine TVS_HASLINES and TVS_FULLROWSELECT"); } styleNew &= ~TVS_FULLROWSELECT; }
changeFlags = pTree->ci.style ^ styleNew; // those that changed
pTree->ci.style = styleNew; // change our version
pTree->ci.style &= ~TVS_RTLREADING; pTree->ci.style |= (pinfo->styleNew & TVS_RTLREADING);
if (changeFlags & (TVS_HASBUTTONS | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_LINESATROOT)) TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree);
if (changeFlags & TVS_CHECKBOXES) { if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_CHECKBOXES) { TV_InitCheckBoxes(pTree); } }
if (changeFlags & TVS_NOTOOLTIPS) { if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_NOTOOLTIPS) { DestroyWindow(pTree->hwndToolTips); pTree->hwndToolTips = NULL; } else { TV_CreateToolTips(pTree); } }
if (changeFlags & TVS_TRACKSELECT) { if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_TRACKSELECT)) { if (pTree->hHot) { TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hHot, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); pTree->hHot = NULL; } } } // Checkboxes and stuff may have changed width - go recompute
TV_ScrollBarsAfterSetWidth(pTree, NULL); } else if (gwl == GWL_EXSTYLE) { DWORD changeFlags; changeFlags = (pinfo->styleNew & WS_EX_RTLREADING) ?TVS_RTLREADING :0;
if (changeFlags ^ (pTree->ci.style & TVS_RTLREADING)) { pTree->ci.style ^= TVS_RTLREADING; TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE); // Cancels edits
DestroyWindow(pTree->hwndToolTips); pTree->hwndToolTips = NULL; TV_CreateToolTips(pTree); } }
void TV_OnMouseMove(PTREE pTree, DWORD dwPos, WPARAM wParam) { if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_TRACKSELECT) { POINT pt; HTREEITEM hHot; UINT wHitCode;
pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(dwPos); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(dwPos);
hHot = TV_CheckHit(pTree,pt.x,pt.y,&wHitCode);
if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_FULLROWSELECT) && !(wHitCode & TVHT_ONITEM)) { hHot = NULL; }
if (hHot != pTree->hHot) { TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hHot, RDW_INVALIDATE); TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hHot, RDW_INVALIDATE); pTree->hHot = hHot; // update now so that we won't have an invalid area
// under the tooltips
UpdateWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd); } }
if (pTree->hwndToolTips) {
if (!TV_UpdateToolTip(pTree)) { RelayToToolTips(pTree->hwndToolTips, pTree->ci.hwnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, wParam, dwPos); } } }
void TV_OnWinIniChange(PTREE pTree, WPARAM wParam) { if (!wParam || (wParam == SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS) || (wParam == SPI_SETICONTITLELOGFONT)) {
if (pTree->fCreatedFont) TV_OnSetFont(pTree, NULL, TRUE);
if (!pTree->fIndentSet) { // this will validate against the minimum
TV_SetIndent(pTree, 0); } } }
void TV_OnSetBkColor(PTREE pTree, COLORREF clr) { if (pTree->clrBk != (COLORREF)-1) { DeleteObject(pTree->hbrBk); }
pTree->clrBk = clr; if (clr != (COLORREF)-1) { pTree->hbrBk = CreateSolidBrush(clr); } TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); // This also invalidates
pTree->clrBkNonTheme = clr; }
DWORD TV_SetExtendedStyle(PTREE pTree, DWORD dwNewStyle, DWORD dwExMask) { DWORD dwOldStyle = pTree->dwExStyle;
if (dwExMask) dwNewStyle = (pTree->dwExStyle & ~ dwExMask) | (dwNewStyle & dwExMask);
// do validation of the new flags here...
pTree->dwExStyle = dwNewStyle;
// if ((dwOldStyle ^ dwNewStyle) & TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE) ... do whatever (no need to invalidate rect, this is behavior style)
return dwOldStyle; }
BOOL TV_TranslateAccelerator(HWND hwnd, LPMSG lpmsg) { if (!lpmsg) return FALSE;
if (GetFocus() != hwnd) return FALSE;
switch (lpmsg->message) {
if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) { switch (lpmsg->wParam) { case VK_LEFT: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_HOME: case VK_NEXT: case VK_END: case VK_UP: case VK_DOWN: TranslateMessage(lpmsg); DispatchMessage(lpmsg); return TRUE; } } else {
switch (lpmsg->wParam) {
case VK_RETURN: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_HOME: case VK_NEXT: case VK_END: case VK_SUBTRACT: case VK_ADD: case VK_MULTIPLY: case VK_LEFT: case VK_BACK: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN: case VK_SPACE: TranslateMessage(lpmsg); DispatchMessage(lpmsg); return TRUE; } } break; }
return FALSE; }
if (hItem->dwAccId == dwAccId) return hItem;
for (hKid = hItem->hKids; hKid; hKid = hNext) { HTREEITEM hItemFound; hNext = hKid->hNext;
// recurse on each child
hItemFound = TV_FindAccId(hKid, dwAccId);
if (hItemFound) return hItemFound; }
return NULL; }
LRESULT TV_MapAccIDToHTREEITEM(PTREE pTree, DWORD dwAccId) { return (LRESULT)TV_FindAccId(pTree->hRoot, dwAccId); }
LRESULT TV_MapHTREEITEMToAccID(PTREE pTree, HTREEITEM hItem) { DBG_ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0);
return (LRESULT)(hItem->dwAccId); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TV_WndProc
// Take a guess.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LRESULT CALLBACK TV_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PTREE pTree = (PTREE)GetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0);
if (pTree) { if ((uMsg >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (uMsg <= WM_MOUSELAST) && (pTree->ci.style & TVS_TRACKSELECT) && !pTree->fTrackSet) {
pTree->fTrackSet = TRUE; tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme); tme.hwndTrack = pTree->ci.hwnd; tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
TrackMouseEvent(&tme); } else if (uMsg == g_uDragImages) { return TV_GenerateDragImage(pTree, (SHDRAGIMAGE*)lParam); } else if (uMsg == WM_THEMECHANGED) // Check for theme changes
{ HTHEME hTheme; if (pTree->hTheme) CloseThemeData(pTree->hTheme);
pTree->hTheme = NULL;
hTheme = OpenThemeData(pTree->ci.hwnd, L"TreeView");
// Reset cached brushes
if (hTheme) { TV_InitThemeMetrics(pTree, hTheme); } else { // Background color (system)
SendMessage(pTree->ci.hwnd, TVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, pTree->clrBkNonTheme);
// Line color (system)
SendMessage(pTree->ci.hwnd, TVM_SETLINECOLOR, 0, pTree->clrLineNonTheme); }
pTree->hTheme = hTheme;
InvalidateRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } } else { if (uMsg == WM_CREATE) return TV_OnCreate(hwnd, (LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam);
goto DoDefault; }
switch (uMsg) { case WM_MOUSELEAVE: pTree->fTrackSet = FALSE; TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hHot, RDW_INVALIDATE); pTree->hHot = NULL; TV_PopBubble(pTree); break; case TVMP_CALCSCROLLBARS: TV_CalcScrollBars(pTree); break;
tvi.mask = TVIF_STATE; tvi.stateMask = (UINT) lParam; tvi.hItem = (HTREEITEM)wParam; if (!TV_OnGetItem(pTree, &tvi)) return 0;
return tvi.state; } case TVM_SETBKCOLOR: { LRESULT lres = (LRESULT)pTree->clrBk; TV_OnSetBkColor(pTree, (COLORREF)lParam); return lres; }
case TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR: { LRESULT lres = (LRESULT)pTree->clrText; pTree->clrText = (COLORREF)lParam; if (pTree->hbrText && pTree->hbrText != g_hbrWindowText) { DeleteObject(pTree->hbrText); }
if (pTree->clrText == (COLORREF)-1) { pTree->hbrText = NULL; } else { pTree->hbrText = CreateSolidBrush(pTree->clrText); }
if (!pTree->hbrText) pTree->hbrText = g_hbrWindowText; TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); // This also invalidates
return lres; }
case TVM_GETBKCOLOR: return (LRESULT)pTree->clrBk;
case TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR: return (LRESULT)pTree->clrText;
case TVM_GETSCROLLTIME: return (LRESULT)pTree->uMaxScrollTime;
case TVM_SETSCROLLTIME: { UINT u = pTree->uMaxScrollTime; pTree->uMaxScrollTime = (UINT)wParam; return (LRESULT)u; }
case TVM_INSERTITEMA: if (!lParam) return 0;
return (LRESULT)TV_InsertItemA(pTree, (LPTV_INSERTSTRUCTA)lParam);
case TVM_GETITEMA: if (!lParam) return 0;
return (LRESULT)TV_OnGetItemA(pTree, (LPTVITEMEXA)lParam);
case TVM_SETITEMA: if (!lParam) return 0;
return (LRESULT)TV_SetItemA(pTree, (LPTVITEMEXA)lParam);
case TVM_INSERTITEM: return (LRESULT)TV_InsertItem(pTree, (LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT)lParam);
case TVM_DELETEITEM: // Assume if items are being deleted that name editing is invalid.
TV_DismissEdit(pTree, TRUE); return TV_DeleteItem(pTree, (TREEITEM *)lParam, TVDI_NORMAL);
case TVM_GETNEXTITEM: return (LRESULT)TV_GetNextItem(pTree, (TREEITEM *)lParam, wParam);
case TVM_GETITEMRECT: // lParam points to hItem to get rect from on input
if (!lParam) return 0; if (!ValidateTreeItem(*(HTREEITEM *)lParam, 0)) return 0; // Invalid parameter
return (LRESULT)TV_GetItemRect(pTree, *(HTREEITEM *)lParam, (LPRECT)lParam, (BOOL)wParam);
case TVM_GETITEM: return (LRESULT)TV_OnGetItem(pTree, (LPTVITEMEX)lParam);
case TVM_SETITEM: return (LRESULT)TV_SetItem(pTree, (LPCTVITEMEX)lParam);
case TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE: if (!ValidateTreeItem((HTREEITEM)lParam, 0)) return 0; return TV_EnsureVisible(pTree, (TREEITEM *)lParam);
case TVM_SETIMAGELIST: return (LRESULT)(ULONG_PTR)TV_SetImageList(pTree, (HIMAGELIST)lParam, (int)wParam);
case TVM_EXPAND: if (!ValidateTreeItem((HTREEITEM)lParam, 0)) return FALSE; // invalid parameter
return TV_Expand(pTree, wParam, (TREEITEM *)lParam, FALSE);
case TVM_HITTEST: return (LRESULT)TV_OnHitTest(pTree, (LPTV_HITTESTINFO)lParam);
case TVM_GETIMAGELIST: switch (wParam) { case TVSIL_NORMAL: return MAKELRESULTFROMUINT(pTree->hImageList); case TVSIL_STATE: return MAKELRESULTFROMUINT(pTree->himlState); default: return 0; }
case TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA: if (GetFocus() == pTree->ci.hwnd) return (LRESULT)GetIncrementSearchStringA(&pTree->is, pTree->ci.uiCodePage, (LPSTR)lParam); else return 0;
case TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING: if (GetFocus() == pTree->ci.hwnd) return (LRESULT)GetIncrementSearchString(&pTree->is, (LPTSTR)lParam); else return 0;
case TVM_EDITLABELA: { LPWSTR lpEditString = NULL; HWND hRet;
if (wParam) { lpEditString = ProduceWFromA(pTree->ci.uiCodePage, (LPSTR)wParam); }
hRet = TV_EditLabel(pTree, (HTREEITEM)lParam, lpEditString);
if (lpEditString) { FreeProducedString(lpEditString); }
case TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT: return TV_GetVisCount(pTree, (BOOL) wParam);
case TVM_SETINDENT: TV_SetIndent(pTree, wParam); pTree->fIndentSet = TRUE; break;
case TVM_GETEDITCONTROL: return (LRESULT)(ULONG_PTR)pTree->hwndEdit;
case TVM_SORTCHILDREN: return TV_SortChildren(pTree, (TREEITEM *)lParam, (BOOL)wParam);
case TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB: return TV_SortChildrenCB(pTree, (TV_SORTCB *)lParam, (BOOL)wParam);
case TVM_SELECTITEM: // wParam: separate action flags (TVGN) and select item flags (TVSIF)
case TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW: return TV_DismissEdit(pTree, (BOOL)wParam);
case TVM_GETTOOLTIPS: return (LRESULT)(ULONG_PTR)pTree->hwndToolTips;
case TVM_SETTOOLTIPS:{ HWND hwndOld = pTree->hwndToolTips;
pTree->hwndToolTips = (HWND)wParam; return (LRESULT)(ULONG_PTR)hwndOld; }
case TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT: return pTree->cyItem;
case TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT: { int iOld = pTree->cyItem; pTree->fCyItemSet = (wParam != (WPARAM)-1); pTree->cyItem = (SHORT)wParam; // must be even
TV_SetItemHeight(pTree); return iOld; } case TVM_SETBORDER: { int cyOld = pTree->cyBorder , cxOld = pTree->cxBorder;
if (wParam & TVSBF_YBORDER) pTree->cyBorder = HIWORD(lParam); if (wParam & TVSBF_XBORDER) pTree->cxBorder = LOWORD(lParam);
TV_CalcScrollBars(pTree); return MAKELONG(cxOld, cyOld); } case TVM_GETBORDER: return MAKELONG(pTree->cxBorder, pTree->cyBorder); case TVM_SETINSERTMARK: return TV_SetInsertMark(pTree, (TREEITEM *)lParam, (BOOL) wParam); case TVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR: { LRESULT lres = (LRESULT)pTree->clrim; pTree->clrim = (COLORREF) lParam; TV_InvalidateInsertMarkRect(pTree, FALSE); // Repaint in new color
return lres; } case TVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR: return pTree->clrim;
case TVM_TRANSLATEACCELERATOR: return TV_TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, (LPMSG)lParam);
case TVM_SETLINECOLOR: { LRESULT lres = (LRESULT)pTree->clrLine; pTree->clrLineNonTheme = (COLORREF)lParam;
pTree->clrLine = (COLORREF)lParam; if (pTree->hbrLine && pTree->hbrLine != g_hbrGrayText) { DeleteObject(pTree->hbrLine); }
if (pTree->clrLine == CLR_DEFAULT) { pTree->hbrLine = NULL; } else { pTree->hbrLine = CreateSolidBrush(pTree->clrLine); }
if (!pTree->hbrLine) pTree->hbrLine = g_hbrGrayText;
TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); // This also invalidates
return lres; }
case TVM_GETLINECOLOR: return (LRESULT)pTree->clrLine;
case TVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE: return TV_SetExtendedStyle(pTree, (DWORD)lParam, (DWORD)wParam);
case TVM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE: return pTree->dwExStyle;
case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: // Now only Korean version is interested in incremental search with composition string.
if (g_fDBCSInputEnabled) { if (((ULONG_PTR)GetKeyboardLayout(0L) & 0xF000FFFFL) == 0xE0000412L) { if (TV_OnImeComposition(pTree, wParam, lParam)) { lParam &= ~GCS_RESULTSTR; goto DoDefault; } else break; } } goto DoDefault;
case WM_CHAR: if (pTree->iPuntChar) { pTree->iPuntChar--; return TRUE; } else { return HANDLE_WM_CHAR(pTree, wParam, lParam, TV_OnChar); }
case WM_DESTROY: TV_DestroyTree(pTree); break;
case WM_SETCURSOR: { NMMOUSE nm; HTREEITEM hItem; nm.dwHitInfo = lParam; hItem = TV_ItemAtCursor(pTree, NULL); if(hItem) { nm.dwItemSpec = (ULONG_PTR)hItem; nm.dwItemData = (ULONG_PTR)(hItem->lParam); } else { nm.dwItemSpec = 0; nm.dwItemData = 0; } #ifdef UNIX
if (pTree->hwndEdit != (HWND)wParam) #endif
if (CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_SETCURSOR, &nm.hdr)) { return 0; } } if (pTree->ci.style & TVS_TRACKSELECT) { if (pTree->hHot) { if (!pTree->hCurHot) { pTree->hCurHot = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); } SetCursor(pTree->hCurHot); return TRUE; } } goto DoDefault; break;
case WM_WININICHANGE: TV_OnWinIniChange(pTree, wParam); break;
case WM_STYLECHANGED: TV_OnStyleChanged(pTree, wParam, (LPSTYLESTRUCT)lParam); break;
case WM_SETREDRAW: TV_OnSetRedraw(pTree, (BOOL)wParam); break;
case WM_PRINTCLIENT: case WM_PAINT: TV_Paint(pTree, (HDC)wParam); break;
case WM_NCPAINT: if (pTree->hTheme && pTree->ci.dwExStyle & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) { HRGN hrgn = (wParam != 1) ? (HRGN)wParam : NULL;
if (CCDrawNonClientTheme(pTree->hTheme, hwnd, hrgn, pTree->hbrBk, 0, 0)) { return TRUE; } } goto DoDefault;
TV_GetBackgroundBrush(pTree, (HDC) wParam); GetClipBox((HDC) wParam, &rc); FillRect((HDC)wParam, &rc, pTree->hbrBk); } return TRUE;
case WM_HSCROLL: TV_HorzScroll(pTree, GET_WM_HSCROLL_CODE(wParam, lParam), GET_WM_HSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam)); break;
case WM_VSCROLL: TV_VertScroll(pTree, GET_WM_VSCROLL_CODE(wParam, lParam), GET_WM_VSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam)); break;
case WM_KEYDOWN: if (TV_KeyDown(pTree, wParam, lParam)) IncrementSearchString(&pTree->is, 0, NULL); goto DoDefault;
case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: TV_ButtonDown(pTree, uMsg, (UINT) wParam, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam), 0); break;
case WM_KILLFOCUS: // Reset wheel scroll amount
gcWheelDelta = 0;
pTree->fFocus = FALSE; if (pTree->hCaret) { TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hCaret, RDW_INVALIDATE); UpdateWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd); } CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_KILLFOCUS, NULL); IncrementSearchString(&pTree->is, 0, NULL); break;
case WM_SETFOCUS: ASSERT(gcWheelDelta == 0);
pTree->fFocus = TRUE; if (pTree->hCaret) { TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hCaret, RDW_INVALIDATE); NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, TV_GetAccId(pTree->hCaret)); } else TV_SelectItem(pTree, TVGN_CARET, pTree->hTop, TVSIFI_NOTIFY | TVSIFI_UPDATENOW, TVC_INTERNAL);
CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, NM_SETFOCUS, NULL); break;
case WM_SETFONT: TV_OnSetFont(pTree, (HFONT) wParam, (BOOL) lParam); break;
case WM_SIZE: TV_SizeWnd(pTree, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); break;
case WM_ENABLE: // HACK: we don't get WM_STYLECHANGE on EnableWindow()
if (wParam) pTree->ci.style &= ~WS_DISABLED; // enabled
else pTree->ci.style |= WS_DISABLED; // disabled
TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); // This invalidates the whole window!
case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: InitGlobalColors(); #if 0
if(pTree->hwndToolTips) { SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR, (WPARAM)GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW), 0); SendMessage(pTree->hwndToolTips, TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR, (WPARAM)GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT), 0); } #endif
TV_CreateIndentBmps(pTree); // This invalidates the whole window!
case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: TV_SendRButtonDown(pTree, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); break;
case WM_TIMER: TV_Timer(pTree, (UINT) wParam); break;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: TV_OnMouseMove(pTree, (DWORD) lParam, wParam); break;
case WM_COMMAND: TV_Command(pTree, (int)GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam), GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), (UINT)GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { LPNMHDR lpnm = (LPNMHDR)lParam;
if ((lpnm->code <= PGN_FIRST) && (PGN_LAST <= lpnm->code)) { LRESULT TV_OnPagerControlNotify(PTREE pTree, LPNMHDR pnm);
return TV_OnPagerControlNotify(pTree, lpnm); } if (lpnm->hwndFrom == pTree->hwndToolTips) { switch (lpnm->code) { case TTN_NEEDTEXT: TV_HandleNeedText(pTree, (LPTOOLTIPTEXT)lpnm); break;
case TTN_NEEDTEXTA: TV_HandleNeedTextA(pTree, (LPTOOLTIPTEXTA)lpnm); break;
case TTN_SHOW: return TV_HandleTTNShow(pTree, lpnm);
case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: return TV_HandleTTCustomDraw(pTree, (LPNMTTCUSTOMDRAW)lpnm); } } break; }
case WM_NOTIFYFORMAT: return CIHandleNotifyFormat(&pTree->ci, lParam);
case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: SetFocus(hwnd); goto DoDefault;
if (CCOnUIState(&(pTree->ci), WM_UPDATEUISTATE, wParam & dwUIStateMask, lParam)) if (pTree->hCaret) TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, pTree->hCaret, TRUE);
goto DoDefault; }
case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: TV_KeyDown(pTree, wParam, lParam); //fall through
default: // Special handling of magellan mouse message
if (uMsg == g_msgMSWheel) { DWORD dwStyle; int cScrollLines; int cPage; int pos; int cDetants; int iWheelDelta = (int)(short)HIWORD(wParam); BOOL fScroll = !(wParam & (MK_SHIFT | MK_CONTROL)); BOOL fDataZoom = (BOOL) (wParam & MK_SHIFT);
// Update count of scroll amount
gcWheelDelta -= iWheelDelta; cDetants = gcWheelDelta / WHEEL_DELTA; if (cDetants != 0) { gcWheelDelta %= WHEEL_DELTA; }
if (fScroll) { if ( g_ucScrollLines > 0 && cDetants != 0 && (WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL) & (dwStyle = GetWindowStyle(hwnd))) {
if (dwStyle & WS_VSCROLL) { cPage = max(1, (pTree->cFullVisible - 1)); cScrollLines = cDetants * min(g_ucScrollLines, (UINT) cPage);
pos = max(0, pTree->hTop->iShownIndex + cScrollLines); TV_VertScroll(pTree, SB_THUMBPOSITION, pos); } else { cPage = max(MAGIC_HORZLINE, (pTree->cxWnd - MAGIC_HORZLINE)) / MAGIC_HORZLINE;
cScrollLines = cDetants * (int) min((ULONG) cPage, g_ucScrollLines) * MAGIC_HORZLINE;
pos = max(0, pTree->xPos + cScrollLines); TV_HorzScroll(pTree, SB_THUMBPOSITION, pos); } } return 1; } else if (fDataZoom) { UINT wHitCode; POINT pt;
pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt);
// If we are rolling forward and hit an item then navigate into that
// item or expand tree (simulate lbuttondown which will do it). We
// also need to handle rolling backwards over the ITEMBUTTON so
// that we can collapse the tree in that case. Otherwise
// just fall through so it isn't handled. In that case if we
// are being hosted in explorer it will do a backwards
// history navigation.
if (TV_CheckHit(pTree, pt.x, pt.y, &wHitCode) && (wHitCode & (TVHT_ONITEM | TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON))) { UINT uFlags = TVBD_FROMWHEEL; uFlags |= (iWheelDelta > 0) ? TVBD_WHEELFORWARD : TVBD_WHEELBACK;
if ((uFlags & TVBD_WHEELFORWARD) || (wHitCode == TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON)) { TV_ButtonDown(pTree, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, pt.x, pt.y, uFlags); return 1; } } // else fall through
} } else { LRESULT lres; if (CCWndProc(&pTree->ci, uMsg, wParam, lParam, &lres)) return lres; }
DoDefault: return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); }
return(0L); }
// NOTE: there is very similar code in the listview
// Totally disgusting hack in order to catch VK_RETURN
// before edit control gets it.
LRESULT CALLBACK TV_EditWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PTREE pTree = (PTREE)GetWindowInt(GetParent(hwnd), 0); ASSERT(pTree);
if (!pTree) return 0L; // wierd cases can get here...
switch (msg) { case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE); return 0L;
case VK_ESCAPE: TV_DismissEdit(pTree, TRUE); return 0L; } break;
case WM_CHAR: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: // Eat the character, so edit control wont beep!
return 0L; }
// 97903: Localization says we need this for DBCS chars
case WM_IME_CHAR: msg = WM_CHAR; break;
return CallWindowProc(pTree->pfnEditWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
void TV_SetEditSize(PTREE pTree) { RECT rcLabel; UINT seips;
if (pTree->htiEdit == NULL) return;
TV_GetItemRect(pTree, pTree->htiEdit, &rcLabel, TRUE);
// get exact the text bounds (acount for borders used when drawing)
InflateRect(&rcLabel, -g_cxLabelMargin, -g_cyBorder);
seips = 0; #ifdef DEBUG
// If we are in one of the no-scroll modes then it's possible for the
// resulting rectangle not to be visible. Similarly, if the item itself
// isn't visible, then the resulting rectangle is definitely not visible.
// Tell SetEditInPlaceSize not to get upset in those cases.
if ((pTree->ci.style & (TVS_NOSCROLL | TVS_NOHSCROLL)) || !ITEM_VISIBLE(pTree->htiEdit)) seips |= SEIPS_NOSCROLL; #endif
SetEditInPlaceSize(pTree->hwndEdit, &rcLabel, (HFONT)SendMessage(pTree->hwndEdit, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0), seips); }
void TV_CancelEditTimer(PTREE pTree) { if (pTree->fNameEditPending) { KillTimer(pTree->ci.hwnd, IDT_NAMEEDIT); pTree->fNameEditPending = FALSE; } }
if (!(pTree->ci.style & TVS_EDITLABELS)) return NULL;
if (!ValidateTreeItem(hItem, 0)) return NULL;
TV_DismissEdit(pTree, FALSE);
// Now get the text associated with that item
nm.item.pszText = szLabel; nm.item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); nm.item.stateMask = TVIS_BOLD; // this cast is ok as long as TVIF_INTEGRAL or anything past it isn't asked for
TV_GetItem(pTree, hItem, TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE, (LPTVITEMEX)&nm.item);
// Must subtract one from ARRAYSIZE(szLabel) because Edit_LimitText
// doesn't include the terminating NULL
pTree->hwndEdit = CreateEditInPlaceWindow(pTree->ci.hwnd, pszInitial? pszInitial : nm.item.pszText, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel) - 1, WS_BORDER | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CHILD | ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, (nm.item.state & TVIS_BOLD) ? pTree->hFontBold : pTree->hFont);
if (pTree->hwndEdit) { if (pszInitial) // if initialized, it's dirty.
SetWindowID(pTree->hwndEdit, 1); //
// Now notify the parent of this window and see if they want it.
// We do it after we cretae the window, but before we show it
// such that our parent can query for it and do things like limit
// the number of characters that are input
nm.item.hItem = hItem; nm.item.state = hItem->state; nm.item.lParam = hItem->lParam; nm.item.mask = (TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT);
if ((BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT, &nm.hdr)) { DestroyWindow(pTree->hwndEdit); pTree->hwndEdit = NULL; return NULL; }
TV_ScrollIntoView(pTree, hItem);
pTree->pfnEditWndProc = SubclassWindow(pTree->hwndEdit, TV_EditWndProc);
pTree->htiEdit = hItem;
// Show the window and set focus to it. Do this after setting the
// size so we don't get flicker.
SetFocus(pTree->hwndEdit); ShowWindow(pTree->hwndEdit, SW_SHOW); TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, hItem, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE);
RescrollEditWindow(pTree->hwndEdit); }
return pTree->hwndEdit; }
BOOL TV_DismissEdit(PTREE pTree, BOOL fCancel) { HWND hwndEdit; BOOL fOkToContinue = TRUE; HTREEITEM htiEdit;
if (pTree->fNoDismissEdit) return FALSE;
hwndEdit = pTree->hwndEdit;
if (!hwndEdit) { // Also make sure there are no pending edits...
TV_CancelEditTimer(pTree); return TRUE; }
// Assume that if we are not visible that the window is in the
// process of being destroyed and we should not process the
// editing of the window...
if (!IsWindowVisible(pTree->ci.hwnd)) fCancel = TRUE;
// We are using the Window ID of the control as a BOOL to
// state if it is dirty or not.
switch (GetWindowID(hwndEdit)) { case 0: // The edit control is not dirty so act like cancel.
case 1: // The edit control is dirty so continue.
SetWindowID(hwndEdit, 2); // Don't recurse
break; case 2: // We are in the process of processing an update now, bail out
return TRUE; }
// TV_DeleteItemRecurse will set htiEdit to NULL if the program
// deleted the items out from underneath us (while we are waiting
// for the edit timer).
htiEdit = pTree->htiEdit;
if (htiEdit != NULL) { TV_DISPINFO nm; TCHAR szLabel[MAXLABELTEXT];
DBG_ValidateTreeItem(htiEdit, 0);
// Initialize notification message.
nm.item.hItem = htiEdit; nm.item.lParam = htiEdit->lParam; nm.item.mask = 0;
if (fCancel) nm.item.pszText = NULL; else { Edit_GetText(hwndEdit, szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel)); nm.item.pszText = szLabel; nm.item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); nm.item.mask |= TVIF_TEXT; }
// Make sure the text redraws properly
TV_InvalidateItem(pTree, htiEdit, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); pTree->fNoDismissEdit = TRUE; // this is so that we don't recurse due to killfocus
ShowWindow(hwndEdit, SW_HIDE); pTree->fNoDismissEdit = FALSE;
// Notify the parent that we the label editing has completed.
// We will use the LV_DISPINFO structure to return the new
// label in. The parent still has the old text available by
// calling the GetItemText function.
fOkToContinue = (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, TVN_ENDLABELEDIT, &nm.hdr); if (fOkToContinue && !fCancel) { // Bug#94368 raymondc: The caller might have deleted the item in
// response to the edit. We should revalidate here (or make
// delete item invalidate our edit item). Treat a deletion
// as if it were a rejected edit.
// If the item has the text set as CALLBACK, we will let the
// ower know that they are supposed to set the item text in
// their own data structures. Else we will simply update the
// text in the actual view.
// Note: The callee may have set the handle to null to tell
// us that the handle to item is no longer valid.
if (nm.item.hItem != NULL) { if (htiEdit->lpstr != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK) { // Set the item text (everything's set up in nm.item)
nm.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT; TV_SetItem(pTree, (LPTVITEMEX)&nm.item); } else { CCSendNotify(&pTree->ci, TVN_SETDISPINFO, &nm.hdr); } } } }
// If we did not reenter edit mode before now reset the edit state
// variables to NULL
if (hwndEdit == pTree->hwndEdit) { pTree->htiEdit = NULL; pTree->hwndEdit = NULL; // so we don't get reentered on the kill focus
// done with the edit control
return fOkToContinue; }
switch(pcalcsize->dwFlag) { case PGF_CALCHEIGHT: pcalcsize->iHeight = pTree->cShowing * pTree->cyItem; TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "tv.PGF_CALCHEIGHT: cShow=%d cShow*cyItem=%d AWR()=%d", pTree->cShowing, pTree->cShowing * pTree->cyItem, pcalcsize->iHeight); break;
case PGF_CALCWIDTH: break; } return 0L; }
LRESULT TV_OnPagerControlNotify(PTREE pTree, LPNMHDR pnm) { switch(pnm->code) { case PGN_SCROLL: return TV_OnScroll(pTree, pnm); break; case PGN_CALCSIZE: return TV_OnCalcSize(pTree, pnm); break; } return 0L; }
LRESULT TV_OnScroll(PTREE pTree, LPNMHDR pnm) { LPNMPGSCROLL pscroll = (LPNMPGSCROLL)pnm; RECT rc = pscroll->rcParent; RECT rcTemp; int iDir = pscroll->iDir; int dyScroll = pscroll->iScroll; TREEITEM * hItem; UINT uCode; int parentsize; TREEITEM * hPrevItem; TREEITEM * hNextItem; int y; #ifndef UNIX
POINT pt = {pscroll->iXpos, pscroll->iYpos}; POINT ptTemp = pt; TREEITEM * hCurrentItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, pt.x + 1, pt.y + 1 , &uCode); #else
POINT pt; POINT ptTemp; TREEITEM * hCurrentItem;
pt.x = pscroll->iXpos; pt.y = pscroll->iYpos;
ptTemp = pt; hCurrentItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, pt.x + 1, pt.y + 1 , &uCode); #endif
switch(iDir) { case PGF_SCROLLUP: //Check if any Item is partially visible at the left/top. if so then set the bottom
// of that Item to be our current offset and then scroll. This avoids skipping over
// certain Items when partial Items are displayed at the left or top
y = pt.y; TV_GetItemRect(pTree,hCurrentItem,&rcTemp, TRUE); if (rcTemp.top < y-1) { hCurrentItem =TV_GetNextItem(pTree,hCurrentItem,TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE); }
// Now do the calculation
parentsize = RECTHEIGHT(rc);
//if the control key is down and we have more than parentsize size of child window
// then scroll by that amount
if ((pscroll->fwKeys & PGK_CONTROL) && ((pt.y - parentsize) > 0)) { dyScroll = parentsize; } else if ((pt.y - pTree->cyItem) > 0) { // we dont have control key down so scroll by one buttonsize
dyScroll = pTree->cyItem; } else { pscroll->iScroll = pt.y; return 0L; } ptTemp.y -= dyScroll; hItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, ptTemp.x, ptTemp.y, &uCode);
if (hItem) { // if the hit test gives us the same Item as our CurrentItem then set the Item
// to one Item to the top/left of the CurrentItem
hPrevItem = TV_GetNextItem(pTree,hCurrentItem, TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE); if ((hItem == hCurrentItem) && ( hPrevItem != NULL)) { hItem = hPrevItem; }
//When scrolling left if we end up in the middle of some Item then we align it to the
//right of that Item this is to avoid scrolling more than the pager window width but if the
// Item happens to be the left Item of our current Item then we end up in not scrolling
//if thats the case then move one more Item to the left.
if (hItem == hPrevItem) { hItem = TV_GetNextItem(pTree, hItem, TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE); if(!hItem) { dyScroll = pt.y; break; } }
TV_GetItemRect(pTree,hItem,&rcTemp, TRUE); dyScroll = pt.y - rcTemp.bottom; } break; case PGF_SCROLLDOWN: { RECT rcChild; int childsize;
GetWindowRect(pTree->ci.hwnd, &rcChild); childsize = RECTHEIGHT(rcChild); parentsize = RECTHEIGHT(rc);
//if the control key is down and we have more than parentsize size of child window
// then scroll by that amount
if ((pscroll->fwKeys & PGK_CONTROL) && ((childsize - pt.y - parentsize) > parentsize)) { dyScroll = parentsize; } else if ( (childsize - pt.y - parentsize) > (pTree->cyItem * hCurrentItem->iIntegral) ) { // we dont have control key down so scroll by one buttonsize
dyScroll = pTree->cyItem * hCurrentItem->iIntegral; } else { pscroll->iScroll = childsize - pt.y - parentsize; return 0L; } ptTemp.y += dyScroll;
hItem = TV_CheckHit(pTree, ptTemp.x, ptTemp.y, &uCode);
if (hItem) { if ((hItem == hCurrentItem) && ((hNextItem = TV_GetNextItem(pTree,hItem,TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE)) != NULL)) { hItem = hNextItem; } TV_GetItemRect(pTree, hItem, &rcTemp, TRUE); dyScroll = rcTemp.top - pt.y ; }
break; } } //Set the scroll value
pscroll->iScroll = dyScroll; return 0L; }