Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module implements the Win32 fileopen dialogs.
Revision History:
// precompiled headers
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "fileopen.h"
#include "util.h"
// Constant Declarations.
#define WNTYPE_DRIVE 1
#define MIN_DEFEXT_LEN 4
// hbmpDirs array index values.
// Note: Two copies: for standard background, and hilite.
// Relative order is important.
#define OPENDIRBMP 0
#define CURDIRBMP 1
#define STDDIRBMP 2
#define FLOPPYBMP 3
#define HARDDRVBMP 4
#define CDDRVBMP 5
#define NETDRVBMP 6
#define RAMDRVBMP 7
#define REMDRVBMP 8
// If the following disktype is passed to AddDisk, then bTmp will be
// set to true in the DISKINFO structure (if the disk is new).
#define TMPNETDRV 9
#define MAXDOSFILENAMELEN (12 + 1) // 8.3 filename + 1 for NULL
// Maximum number of filters on one filter line.
#define MAXFILTERS 36
// File exclusion bits (don't show files of these types).
// Global Variables.
// Caching drive list.
extern DWORD dwNumDisks; extern OFN_DISKINFO gaDiskInfo[MAX_DISKS]; extern TCHAR g_szInitialCurDir[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwNumDlgs = 0;
// Used to update the dialogs after coming back from the net dlg button.
BOOL bGetNetDrivesSync = FALSE; LPTSTR lpNetDriveSync = NULL; BOOL bNetworkInstalled = TRUE;
// Following array is used to send messages to all dialog box threads
// that have requested enumeration updating from the worker
// thread. The worker thread sends off a message to each slot
// in the array that is non-NULL.
// Strings for Filter Parsing.
const static TCHAR szSemiColonSpaceTab[] = TEXT("; \t"); const static TCHAR szSemiColonTab[] = TEXT(";\t");
// For WNet apis.
// Drive/Dir bitmap dimensions.
LONG dxDirDrive = 0; LONG dyDirDrive = 0;
// REARCHITECT: This needs to be on a per dialog basis for multi-threaded apps.
WORD wNoRedraw = 0;
BOOL bInChildDlg; BOOL bFirstTime; BOOL bInitializing;
// Used by the worker thread to enumerate network disk resources.
extern DWORD cbNetEnumBuf; extern LPTSTR gpcNetEnumBuf;
// List Net Drives global variables.
extern HANDLE hLNDEvent; BOOL bLNDExit = FALSE;
extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_csLocal; extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_csNetThread;
extern DWORD g_tlsiCurDlg;
extern HDC hdcMemory; extern HBITMAP hbmpOrigMemBmp;
HBITMAP hbmpDirDrive = HNULL;
// Static Declarations.
static WORD cLock = 0;
// Not valid RGB color.
static DWORD rgbWindowColor = 0xFF000000; static DWORD rgbHiliteColor = 0xFF000000; static DWORD rgbWindowText = 0xFF000000; static DWORD rgbHiliteText = 0xFF000000; static DWORD rgbGrayText = 0xFF000000; static DWORD rgbDDWindow = 0xFF000000; static DWORD rgbDDHilite = 0xFF000000;
LPOFNHOOKPROC glpfnFileHook = 0;
// Of course, in the case where there is a multi-threaded process
// that has > 1 threads simultaneously calling GetFileOpen, the
// following globals may cause problems.
static LONG dyItem = 0; static LONG dyText; static BOOL bChangeDir = FALSE; static BOOL bCasePreserved;
// Used for formatting long unc names (ex. banyan).
static DWORD dwAveCharPerLine = 10;
// Context Help IDs.
0, 0 };
0, 0 };
// Function Prototypes.
SHORT GetFileTitleX( LPTSTR lpszFile, LPTSTR lpszTitle, WORD wBufSize);
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK FileOpenDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK FileSaveDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
int InitTlsValues( POPENFILEINFO pOFI);
DWORD InitFilterBox( HANDLE hDlg, LPCTSTR lpszFilter);
VOID vDeleteDirDriveBitmap();
BOOL LoadDirDriveBitmap();
void SetRGBValues();
BOOL FSetUpFile();
BOOL UpdateListBoxes( HWND hDlg, POPENFILEINFO pOFI, LPTSTR lpszFilter, WORD wMask);
int InvalidFileWarning( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szFile, DWORD wErrCode, UINT mbType);
int Signum( int nTest);
BOOL SpacesExist( LPTSTR szFileName);
void StripFileName( HANDLE hDlg, BOOL bWowApp);
LPTSTR lstrtok( LPTSTR lpStr, LPCTSTR lpDelim);
LPTSTR ChopText( HWND hwndDlg, int idStatic, LPTSTR lpch);
BOOL ShortenThePath( LPTSTR pPath);
int ChangeDir( HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR lpszDir, BOOL bForce, BOOL bError);
BOOL IsFileSystemCasePreserving( LPTSTR lpszDisk);
BOOL IsLFNDriveX( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szPath);
int DiskAddedPreviously( TCHAR wcDrive, LPTSTR lpszName);
int AddDisk( TCHAR wcDrive, LPTSTR lpName, LPTSTR lpProvider, DWORD dwType);
VOID EnableDiskInfo( BOOL bValid, BOOL bDoUnc);
VOID FlushDiskInfoToCmb2();
BOOL CallNetDlg( HWND hWnd);
UINT GetDiskType( LPTSTR lpszDisk);
VOID SelDisk( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR lpszDisk);
VOID LNDSetEvent( HWND hDlg);
VOID UpdateLocalDrive( LPTSTR szDrive, BOOL bGetVolName);
VOID GetNetDrives( DWORD dwScope);
VOID ListNetDrivesHandler();
VOID LoadDrives( HWND hDlg);
DWORD GetDiskIndex( DWORD dwDriveType);
VOID CleanUpFile();
VOID FileOpenAbort();
VOID TermFile();
#ifdef UNICODE
//VOID // prototype in fileopen.h
//BOOL // prototype in fileopen.h
//BOOL // prototype in fileopen.h
LPWSTR ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( LPWSTR pDestW, LPSTR pSrcA, int cChars);
LPWSTR ThunkMultiANSIStrToWIDE( LPWSTR pDestW, LPSTR pSrcA, int cChars);
BOOL Multi_strcpyAtoW( LPWSTR pDestW, LPCSTR pSrcA, int cChars);
INT Multi_strlenA( LPCSTR str);
// The Win9x code relies on calling SetCurrentDirectory wherever SheChangeDirEx is
// called. (Ideally SheChangeDirExA should be implemented).
// Ref: NT5 bug 161292 and Millenium bug 95478
#ifndef UNICODE
#undef SheChangeDirEx
#define SheChangeDirEx SetCurrentDirectory
#ifdef UNICODE
// GetFileTitleA
// ANSI entry point for GetFileTitle when this code is built UNICODE.
SHORT WINAPI GetFileTitleA( LPCSTR lpszFileA, LPSTR lpszTitleA, WORD cbBuf) { LPWSTR lpszFileW; LPWSTR lpszTitleW; BOOL fResult; DWORD cbLen;
// Init File string.
if (lpszFileA) { cbLen = lstrlenA(lpszFileA) + 1; if (!(lpszFileW = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); return (FALSE); } else { SHAnsiToUnicode((LPSTR)lpszFileA,lpszFileW,cbLen ); } } else { lpszFileW = NULL; }
if (!(lpszTitleW = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbBuf * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); if (lpszFileW) { LocalFree(lpszFileW); } return (FALSE); }
if (!(fResult = GetFileTitleW(lpszFileW, lpszTitleW, cbBuf))) { SHUnicodeToAnsi(lpszTitleW,lpszTitleA,cbBuf); } else if (fResult > 0) { //
// Buffer is too small - Ansi size needed (including null terminator).
// Get the offset to the filename.
SHORT nNeeded = (SHORT)(INT)LOWORD(ParseFile(lpszFileW, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)); LPSTR lpA = (LPSTR)lpszFileA;
lpA += WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpszFileW, nNeeded, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
fResult = lstrlenA(lpA) + 1; if (fResult <= cbBuf) { lstrcpyA(lpszTitleA, lpA); fResult = 0; } }
// Clean up memory.
if (lpszFileW) { LocalFree(lpszFileW); }
return ((SHORT)fResult); }
// GetFileTitleW
// Stub UNICODE function for GetFileTitle when this code is built ANSI.
SHORT WINAPI GetFileTitleW( LPCWSTR lpszFileW, LPWSTR lpszTitleW, WORD cbBuf) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return (FALSE); }
// GetFileTitle
// The GetFileTitle function returns the name of the file identified
// by the lpCFile parameter. This is useful if the file name was
// received via some method other than GetOpenFileName
// (e.g. command line, drag drop).
// Returns: 0 on success
// < 0, Parsing failure (invalid file name)
// > 0, buffer too small, size needed (including NULL terminator)
SHORT WINAPI GetFileTitle( LPCTSTR lpCFile, LPTSTR lpTitle, WORD cbBuf) { LPTSTR lpFile; DWORD cbLen; SHORT fResult;
// Init File string.
if (lpCFile) { cbLen = lstrlen(lpCFile) + 1; if (!(lpFile = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(TCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); return (FALSE); } else { lstrcpy(lpFile, lpCFile); } } else { lpFile = NULL; }
fResult = GetFileTitleX(lpFile, lpTitle, cbBuf);
// Clean up memory.
if (lpFile) { LocalFree(lpFile); }
return (fResult); }
// GetFileTitleX
// Worker routine for the GetFileTitle api.
// Assumes: lpszFile points to NULL terminated DOS filename (may have path)
// lpszTitle points to buffer to receive NULL terminated file title
// wBufSize is the size of buffer pointed to by lpszTitle
// Returns: 0 on success
// < 0, Parsing failure (invalid file name)
// > 0, buffer too small, size needed (including NULL terminator)
SHORT GetFileTitleX( LPTSTR lpszFile, LPTSTR lpszTitle, WORD wBufSize) { SHORT nNeeded; LPTSTR lpszPtr;
// New 32 bit apps will get a title based on the user's preferences.
if ((GetProcessVersion(0) >= 0x040000) && !(CDGetAppCompatFlags() & CDACF_FILETITLE)) { SHFILEINFO info; DWORD_PTR result;
if (!lpszFile || !*lpszFile) { return (PARSE_EMPTYSTRING); }
// If we have a root directory name (eg. c:\), then we need to go
// to the old implementation so that it will return -1.
// SHGetFileInfo will return the display name for the directory
// (which is the volume name). This is incompatible with Win95
// and previous versions of NT.
if ((lstrlen(lpszFile) != 3) || (lpszFile[1] != CHAR_COLON) || (!ISBACKSLASH(lpszFile, 2))) { result = SHGetFileInfo( lpszFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &info, sizeof(info), SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES );
if (result && (*info.szDisplayName)) { UINT uDisplayLen = lstrlen(info.szDisplayName);
// If no buffer or insufficient size, return the required chars.
// Original GetFileTitle API did not copy on failure.
if (!lpszTitle || (uDisplayLen >= (UINT)wBufSize)) { return ( (SHORT)(uDisplayLen + 1) ); }
// We already know it fits, so we don't need lstrcpyn.
lstrcpy(lpszTitle, info.szDisplayName); return (0); } } }
// Use the old implementation.
nNeeded = (SHORT)(int)LOWORD(ParseFile(lpszFile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)); if (nNeeded >= 0) { //
// Is the filename valid?
lpszPtr = lpszFile + nNeeded; if ((nNeeded = (SHORT)lstrlen(lpszPtr) + 1) <= (int)wBufSize) { //
// ParseFile() fails if wildcards in directory, but OK if in name.
// Since they arent OK here, the check is needed here.
if (StrChr(lpszPtr, CHAR_STAR) || StrChr(lpszPtr, CHAR_QMARK)) { nNeeded = PARSE_WILDCARDINFILE; } else { lstrcpy(lpszTitle, lpszPtr);
// Remove trailing spaces.
lpszPtr = lpszTitle + lstrlen(lpszTitle) - 1; while (*lpszPtr && *lpszPtr == CHAR_SPACE) { *lpszPtr-- = CHAR_NULL; }
nNeeded = 0; } } }
return (nNeeded); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// GetOpenFileNameA
// ANSI entry point for GetOpenFileName when this code is built UNICODE.
return ( GenericGetFileNameA(pOFNA, FileOpenDlgProc) ); }
// GetOpenFileNameW
// Stub UNICODE function for GetOpenFileName when this code is built ANSI.
// GetOpenFileName
// The GetOpenFileName function creates a system-defined dialog box
// that enables the user to select a file to open.
// Returns: TRUE if user specified name
// FALSE if not
ZeroMemory(&OFI, sizeof(OPENFILEINFO));
if (!pOFN) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); return (FALSE); }
return (GetFileName(&OFI, FileOpenDlgProc)); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// GetSaveFileNameA
// ANSI entry point for GetSaveFileName when this code is built UNICODE.
BOOL WINAPI GetSaveFileNameA( LPOPENFILENAMEA pOFNA) { return (GenericGetFileNameA(pOFNA, FileSaveDlgProc)); }
// GetSaveFileNameW
// Stub UNICODE function for GetSaveFileName when this code is built ANSI.
// GetSaveFileName
// The GetSaveFileName function creates a system-defined dialog box
// that enables the user to select a file to save.
// Returns: TRUE if user desires to save file and gave a proper name
// FALSE if not
ZeroMemory(&OFI, sizeof(OPENFILEINFO));
return ( GetFileName(&OFI, FileSaveDlgProc) ); }
// GetFileName
// This is the meat of both GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName.
// Returns: TRUE if user specified name
// FALSE if not
BOOL GetFileName( POPENFILEINFO pOFI, DLGPROC qfnDlgProc) { LPOPENFILENAME pOFN = pOFI->pOFN; INT_PTR iRet = 0; LPTSTR lpDlg; HANDLE hRes, hDlgTemplate; WORD wErrorMode; HDC hdcScreen; HBITMAP hbmpTemp; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg; static fFirstTime = TRUE; #ifdef UNICODE
UINT uiWOWFlag = 0; #endif
if (!pOFN) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); return (FALSE); }
if (pOFN->lStructSize == OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400) { // Note: We do not want to make a copy of the OFN structure passed in.
// This confuses all MFC based apps since they query
// MFC and end up getting stale data if we make a copy and endup updating only the
// copy until Comdlg api returns.
if ((pOFN->lStructSize != sizeof(OPENFILENAME)) && (pOFN->lStructSize != OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400) ) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_STRUCTSIZE); return (FALSE); }
if (pOFN->nMaxFile == 0) { //Bail out for NULL lpstrFile Only for NT5 and above applications
if (!IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN) && (pOFI->iVersion >= OPENFILEVERSION_NT5)) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); return (FALSE); } }
// See if the application should get the new look.
// Do not allow the new look if they have hooks, templates, or
// multi select without the OFN_EXPLORER bit.
// Also don't allow the new look if we are in the context of
// a 16 bit process.
// To be used by the thunking routines for multi selection.
pOFI->bUseNewDialog = TRUE; #endif
// Show the new explorer look.
StoreExtendedError(0); g_bUserPressedCancel = FALSE;
if (qfnDlgProc == FileOpenDlgProc) { fRet = (NewGetOpenFileName(pOFI)); } else { fRet = (NewGetSaveFileName(pOFI)); }
return fRet; }
if (fFirstTime) { //
// Create a DC that is compatible with the screen and find the
// handle of the null bitmap.
hdcScreen = GetDC(HNULL); if (!hdcScreen) { goto CantInit; } hdcMemory = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen); if (!hdcMemory) { goto ReleaseScreenDC; }
hbmpTemp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcMemory, 1, 1); if (!hbmpTemp) { goto ReleaseMemDC; } hbmpOrigMemBmp = SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpTemp); if (!hbmpOrigMemBmp) { goto ReleaseMemDC; } SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpOrigMemBmp); DeleteObject(hbmpTemp); ReleaseDC(HNULL, hdcScreen);
fFirstTime = FALSE; }
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK) { if (!pOFN->lpfnHook) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_NOHOOK); return (FALSE); } } else { pOFN->lpfnHook = NULL; }
HourGlass(TRUE); StoreExtendedError(0);
// Force re-compute for font changes between calls.
dyItem = dyText = 0;
g_bUserPressedCancel = FALSE;
if (!FSetUpFile()) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); goto TERMINATE; }
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE) { if (!(hRes = FindResource( pOFN->hInstance, pOFN->lpTemplateName, RT_DIALOG ))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE); goto TERMINATE; } if (!(hDlgTemplate = LoadResource(pOFN->hInstance, hRes))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE); goto TERMINATE; } LangID = GetDialogLanguage(pOFN->hwndOwner, hDlgTemplate); } else if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE) { hDlgTemplate = pOFN->hInstance; LangID = GetDialogLanguage(pOFN->hwndOwner, hDlgTemplate); } else { if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) { lpDlg = MAKEINTRESOURCE(MULTIFILEOPENORD); } else { lpDlg = MAKEINTRESOURCE(FILEOPENORD); }
LangID = GetDialogLanguage(pOFN->hwndOwner, NULL); if (!(hRes = FindResourceExFallback(g_hinst, RT_DIALOG, lpDlg, LangID))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE); goto TERMINATE; } if (!(hDlgTemplate = LoadResource(g_hinst, hRes))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE); goto TERMINATE; } }
// Warning! Warning! Warning!
// We have to set g_tlsLangID before any call for CDLoadString
TlsSetValue(g_tlsLangID, (LPVOID) LangID);
// No kernel network error dialogs.
wErrorMode = (WORD)SetErrorMode(SEM_NOERROR); SetErrorMode(SEM_NOERROR | wErrorMode);
if (LockResource(hDlgTemplate)) { if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK) { glpfnFileHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN); }
#ifdef UNICODE
if (IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN)) { uiWOWFlag = SCDLG_16BIT; }
iRet = DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW( g_hinst, (LPDLGTEMPLATE)hDlgTemplate, pOFN->hwndOwner, qfnDlgProc, (DWORD_PTR)pOFI, uiWOWFlag ); #else
iRet = DialogBoxIndirectParam( g_hinst, (LPDLGTEMPLATE)hDlgTemplate, pOFN->hwndOwner, qfnDlgProc, (DWORD)pOFI ); #endif
if (iRet == -1 || ((iRet == 0) && (!g_bUserPressedCancel) && (!GetStoredExtendedError()))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_DIALOGFAILURE); } else { FileOpenAbort(); }
glpfnFileHook = 0; } else { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_LOCKRESFAILURE); goto TERMINATE; }
if (lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) { // restore the thread list to the previous dialog (if any)
TlsSetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg, (LPVOID)lpCurDlg->next); LocalFree(lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir); LocalFree(lpCurDlg); }
CleanUpFile(); HourGlass(FALSE); return (iRet == IDOK);
ReleaseMemDC: DeleteDC(hdcMemory);
ReleaseScreenDC: ReleaseDC(HNULL, hdcScreen);
CantInit: return (FALSE); }
// FileHookCmd
// Called when a hook function processes a WM_COMMAND message.
// Called by FileOpenDlgProc and FileSaveDlgProc.
BOOL FileHookCmd( HANDLE hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case ( IDCANCEL ) : { //
// Set global flag stating that the
// user pressed cancel.
g_bUserPressedCancel = TRUE;
// Fall Thru...
} case ( IDOK ) : case ( IDABORT ) : { #ifdef UNICODE
// Apps that side-effect these messages may
// not have their internal unicode strings
// updated. They may also forget to gracefully
// exit the network enum'ing worker thread.
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkOpenFileNameA2W(pOFI); } #endif
break; } case ( cmb1 ) : case ( cmb2 ) : { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case ( MYCBN_DRAW ) : case ( MYCBN_LIST ) : case ( MYCBN_REPAINT ) : case ( MYCBN_CHANGEDIR ) : { //
// In case an app has a hook, and returns
// true for processing WM_COMMAND messages,
// we still have to worry about our
// internal message that came through via
FileOpenCmd( hDlg, wParam, lParam, pOFI, FALSE ); break; } } break; } }
return (TRUE); }
// FileOpenDlgProc
// Gets the name of a file to open from the user.
// edt1 = file name
// lst1 = list of files in current directory matching current pattern
// cmb1 = lists file patterns
// stc1 = is current directory
// lst2 = lists directories on current drive
// cmb2 = lists drives
// IDOK = is Open pushbutton
// IDCANCEL = is Cancel pushbutton
// chx1 = is for opening read only files
// Returns the normal dialog proc values.
if (pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)GetProp(hDlg, FILEPROP)) { if (pOFI->pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFI->pOFN);
bHookRet = (*lpfnHook)(hDlg, wMsg, wParam, lParam);
if (bHookRet) {
if (wMsg == WM_COMMAND) { return (FileHookCmd(hDlg, wParam, lParam, pOFI)); }
return (bHookRet); } } } else if (glpfnFileHook && (wMsg != WM_INITDIALOG) && (bHookRet = (*glpfnFileHook)(hDlg, wMsg, wParam, lParam))) { return (bHookRet); }
switch (wMsg) { case ( WM_INITDIALOG ) : { pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)lParam;
SetProp(hDlg, FILEPROP, (HANDLE)pOFI); glpfnFileHook = 0;
// If we are being called from a Unicode app, turn off
// the ES_OEMCONVERT style on the filename edit control.
// if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_WIDE)
{ LONG lStyle; HWND hEdit = GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1);
// Grab the window style.
lStyle = GetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_STYLE);
// If the window style bits include ES_OEMCONVERT,
// remove this flag and reset the style.
if (lStyle & ES_OEMCONVERT) { lStyle &= ~ES_OEMCONVERT; SetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_STYLE, lStyle); } }
bInitializing = TRUE; bRet = InitFileDlg(hDlg, wParam, pOFI); bInitializing = FALSE;
HourGlass(FALSE); return (bRet); break; } case ( WM_ACTIVATE ) : { if (!bInChildDlg) { if (bFirstTime == TRUE) { bFirstTime = FALSE; } else if (wParam) { //
// If becoming active.
LNDSetEvent(hDlg); } } return (FALSE); break; } case ( WM_MEASUREITEM ) : { MeasureItem(hDlg, (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break; } case ( WM_DRAWITEM ) : { if (wNoRedraw < 2) { DrawItem(pOFI, hDlg, wParam, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam, FALSE); } break; } case ( WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE ) : { SetRGBValues(); LoadDirDriveBitmap(); break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { return (FileOpenCmd(hDlg, wParam, lParam, pOFI, FALSE)); break; } case ( WM_SETFOCUS ) : { //
// This logic used to be in CBN_SETFOCUS in fileopencmd,
// but CBN_SETFOCUS is called whenever there is a click on
// the List Drives combo. This causes the worker thread
// to start up and flicker when the combo box is refreshed.
// But, refreshes are only needed when someone focuses out of
// the common dialog and then back in (unless someone is logged
// in remote, or there is a background thread busy connecting!)
// so fix the flicker by moving the logic here.
if (!wNoRedraw) { LNDSetEvent(hDlg); } return (FALSE); break; } case ( WM_HELP ) : { if (IsWindowEnabled(hDlg)) { WinHelp( (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)aFileOpenHelpIDs ); } break; } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : { if (IsWindowEnabled(hDlg)) { WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(LPVOID)aFileOpenHelpIDs ); } break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
return (TRUE); }
// FileSaveDlgProc
// Obtains the name of the file that the user wants to save.
// Returns the normal dialog proc values.
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK FileSaveDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POPENFILEINFO pOFI; BOOL_PTR bRet, bHookRet; TCHAR szTitle[cbCaption];
if (pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)GetProp(hDlg, FILEPROP)) { if (pOFI->pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFI->pOFN);
bHookRet = (*lpfnHook)(hDlg, wMsg, wParam, lParam);
if (bHookRet) { if (wMsg == WM_COMMAND) { return (FileHookCmd(hDlg, wParam, lParam, pOFI)); }
return (bHookRet); } } } else if (glpfnFileHook && (wMsg != WM_INITDIALOG) && (bHookRet = (*glpfnFileHook)(hDlg, wMsg, wParam, lParam))) { return (bHookRet); } switch (wMsg) { case ( WM_INITDIALOG ) : { pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)lParam; if (!(pOFI->pOFN->Flags & (OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE | OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE))) { CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszFileSaveTitle, szTitle, cbCaption); SetWindowText(hDlg, szTitle); CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszSaveFileAsType, szTitle, cbCaption); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, stc2, szTitle); } glpfnFileHook = 0; SetProp(hDlg, FILEPROP, (HANDLE)pOFI);
// If we are being called from a Unicode app, turn off
// the ES_OEMCONVERT style on the filename edit control.
// if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_WIDE)
{ LONG lStyle; HWND hEdit = GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1);
// Grab the window style.
lStyle = GetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_STYLE);
// If the window style bits include ES_OEMCONVERT,
// remove this flag and reset the style.
if (lStyle & ES_OEMCONVERT) { lStyle &= ~ES_OEMCONVERT; SetWindowLong (hEdit, GWL_STYLE, lStyle); } }
bInitializing = TRUE; bRet = InitFileDlg(hDlg, wParam, pOFI); bInitializing = FALSE;
HourGlass(FALSE); return (bRet); break; } case ( WM_ACTIVATE ) : { if (!bInChildDlg) { if (bFirstTime == TRUE) { bFirstTime = FALSE; } else if (wParam) { //
// If becoming active.
if (!wNoRedraw) { LNDSetEvent(hDlg); } } } return (FALSE); break; } case ( WM_MEASUREITEM ) : { MeasureItem(hDlg, (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break; } case ( WM_DRAWITEM ) : { if (wNoRedraw < 2) { DrawItem(pOFI, hDlg, wParam, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam, TRUE); } break; } case ( WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE ) : { SetRGBValues(); LoadDirDriveBitmap(); break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { return (FileOpenCmd(hDlg, wParam, lParam, pOFI, TRUE)); break; } case ( WM_SETFOCUS ) : { //
// This logic used to be in CBN_SETFOCUS in fileopencmd,
// but CBN_SETFOCUS is called whenever there is a click on
// the List Drives combo. This causes the worker thread
// to start up and flicker when the combo box is refreshed.
// But, refreshes are only needed when someone focuses out of
// the common dialog and then back in (unless someone is logged
// in remote, or there is a background thread busy connecting!)
// so fix the flicker by moving the logic here.
if (!wNoRedraw) { LNDSetEvent(hDlg); }
return (FALSE); break; } case ( WM_HELP ) : { if (IsWindowEnabled(hDlg)) { WinHelp( (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)aFileSaveHelpIDs ); } break; } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : { if (IsWindowEnabled(hDlg)) { WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(LPVOID)aFileSaveHelpIDs ); } break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
return (TRUE); }
// InitFileDlg
BOOL_PTR InitFileDlg( HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { DWORD lRet, nFilterIndex; LPOPENFILENAME pOFN = pOFI->pOFN; int nFileOffset, nExtOffset; RECT rRect; RECT rLbox; BOOL_PTR bRet; if (!InitTlsValues(pOFI)) { //
// The extended error is set inside of the above call.
EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return (FALSE); }
lpLBProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst2), GWLP_WNDPROC); lpOKProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), GWLP_WNDPROC);
if (!lpLBProc || !lpOKProc) { StoreExtendedError(FNERR_SUBCLASSFAILURE); EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return (FALSE); }
// Save original directory for later restoration if necessary.
*pOFI->szCurDir = 0; GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_FULLPATHNAME + 1, pOFI->szCurDir);
// Check out if the filename contains a path. If so, override whatever
// is contained in lpstrInitialDir. Chop off the path and put up only
// the filename.
if ( pOFN->lpstrFile && *pOFN->lpstrFile && !(pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOVALIDATE) ) { if (DBL_BSLASH(pOFN->lpstrFile + 2) && ((*(pOFN->lpstrFile + 1) == CHAR_COLON))) { lstrcpy(pOFN->lpstrFile , pOFN->lpstrFile + sizeof(TCHAR)); }
lRet = ParseFile(pOFN->lpstrFile, TRUE, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN), FALSE); nFileOffset = (int)(SHORT)LOWORD(lRet); nExtOffset = (int)(SHORT)HIWORD(lRet);
// Is the filename invalid?
if ( (nFileOffset < 0) && (nFileOffset != PARSE_EMPTYSTRING) && (pOFN->lpstrFile[nExtOffset] != CHAR_SEMICOLON) ) { StoreExtendedError(FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME); EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return (FALSE); } }
pOFI->idirSub = 0;
if (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_SHOWHELP)) { HWND hHelp;
EnableWindow(hHelp = GetDlgItem(hDlg, pshHelp), FALSE);
// Move the window out of this spot so that no overlap will be
// detected.
MoveWindow(hHelp, -8000, -8000, 20, 20, FALSE); ShowWindow(hHelp, SW_HIDE); }
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_HIDEREADONLY) { HWND hReadOnly;
EnableWindow(hReadOnly = GetDlgItem(hDlg, chx1), FALSE);
// Move the window out of this spot so that no overlap will be
// detected.
MoveWindow(hReadOnly, -8000, -8000, 20, 20, FALSE); ShowWindow(hReadOnly, SW_HIDE); } else { CheckDlgButton(hDlg, chx1, (pOFN->Flags & OFN_READONLY) != 0); }
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, edt1, EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_PATH, 0L);
// Insert file specs into cmb1.
// Custom filter first.
// Must also check if filter contains anything.
if ( pOFN->lpstrFile && (StrChr(pOFN->lpstrFile, CHAR_STAR) || StrChr(pOFN->lpstrFile, CHAR_QMARK)) ) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, pOFN->lpstrFile); } else { pOFI->szLastFilter[0] = CHAR_NULL; }
if (pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter && *pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) { SHORT nLength;
SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LONG_PTR)pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter );
nLength = (SHORT)(lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) + 1); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_SETITEMDATA, 0, (LONG)(nLength) );
SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)(pOFN->nMaxCustFilter), 0L );
if (pOFI->szLastFilter[0] == CHAR_NULL) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter + nLength); } } else { //
// Given no custom filter, the index will be off by one.
if (pOFN->nFilterIndex != 0) { pOFN->nFilterIndex--; } }
// Listed filters next.
if (pOFN->lpstrFilter && *pOFN->lpstrFilter) { if (pOFN->nFilterIndex > InitFilterBox(hDlg, pOFN->lpstrFilter)) { pOFN->nFilterIndex = 0; } } else { pOFN->nFilterIndex = 0; } pOFI->szSpecCur[0] = CHAR_NULL;
// If an entry exists, select the one indicated by nFilterIndex.
if ((pOFN->lpstrFilter && *pOFN->lpstrFilter) || (pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter && *pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter)) { LPCTSTR lpFilter;
SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(pOFN->nFilterIndex), 0L );
nFilterIndex = pOFN->nFilterIndex; SendMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( cmb1, GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb1), MYCBN_DRAW ) ); pOFN->nFilterIndex = nFilterIndex;
if (pOFN->nFilterIndex || !(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter && *pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter)) { lpFilter = pOFN->lpstrFilter + SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)pOFN->nFilterIndex, 0L ); } else { lpFilter = pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter + lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) + 1; } if (*lpFilter) { TCHAR szText[MAX_FULLPATHNAME];
// lpFilter can be longer than MAX_FULLPATHNAME!!!
StrCpyN(szText, lpFilter, ARRAYSIZE(szText));
// Filtering is case-insensitive.
if (pOFI->szLastFilter[0] == CHAR_NULL) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, szText); }
if (!(pOFN->lpstrFile && *pOFN->lpstrFile)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szText); } } }
InitCurrentDisk(hDlg, pOFI, cmb2);
bFirstTime = TRUE; bInChildDlg = FALSE;
SendMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(cmb2, GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2), MYCBN_DRAW) ); SendMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(cmb2, GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2), MYCBN_LIST) );
if (pOFN->lpstrFile && *pOFN->lpstrFile) { TCHAR szText[MAX_FULLPATHNAME];
lRet = ParseFile( pOFN->lpstrFile, IsLFNDriveX(hDlg, pOFN->lpstrFile), IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN), FALSE ); nFileOffset = (int)(SHORT)LOWORD(lRet); nExtOffset = (int)(SHORT)HIWORD(lRet);
// Is the filename invalid?
if ( !(pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOVALIDATE) && (nFileOffset < 0) && (nFileOffset != PARSE_EMPTYSTRING) && (pOFN->lpstrFile[nExtOffset] != CHAR_SEMICOLON) ) { StoreExtendedError(FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME); EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return (FALSE); } lstrcpy(szText, pOFN->lpstrFile); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szText); }
SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst2), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)dwLBSubclass); SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)dwOKSubclass);
if (pOFN->lpstrTitle && *pOFN->lpstrTitle) { SetWindowText(hDlg, pOFN->lpstrTitle); }
// By setting dyText to rRect.bottom/8, dyText defaults to 8 items showing
// in the listbox. This only matters if the applications hook function
// steals all WM_MEASUREITEM messages. Otherwise, dyText will be set in
// the MeasureItem() routine. Check for !dyItem in case message ordering
// has already sent WM_MEASUREITEM and dyText is already initialized.
if (!dyItem) { GetClientRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst1), (LPRECT) &rRect); if (!(dyText = (rRect.bottom / 8))) { //
// If no size to rectangle.
dyText = 8; } }
// The template has changed to make it extremely clear that
// this is not a combobox, but rather an edit control and a listbox. The
// problem is that the new templates try to align the edit box and listbox.
// Unfortunately, when listboxes add borders, they expand beyond their
// borders. When edit controls add borders, they stay within their
// borders. This makes it impossible to align the two controls strictly
// within the template. The code below will align the controls, but only
// if they are using the standard dialog template.
if (!(pOFN->Flags & (OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE | OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE))) { GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst1), (LPRECT)&rLbox); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1), (LPRECT)&rRect); rRect.left = rLbox.left; rRect.right = rLbox.right; MapWindowPoints(NULL, hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rRect, 2); SetWindowPos( GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1), 0, rRect.left, rRect.top, rRect.right - rRect.left, rRect.bottom - rRect.top, SWP_NOZORDER ); }
if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkOpenFileNameW2A(pOFI); bRet = ((*lpfnHook)( hDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, wParam, (LPARAM)pOFI->pOFNA )); //
// Strange win 31 example uses lCustData to
// hold a temporary variable that it passes back to
// calling function.
ThunkOpenFileNameA2W(pOFI); } else #endif
{ bRet = ((*lpfnHook)( hDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, wParam, (LPARAM)pOFN )); } } else { #ifdef UNICODE
// Have to thunk A version even when there isn't a hook proc so it
// doesn't reset W version on delayed thunk back.
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { pOFI->pOFNA->Flags = pOFN->Flags; } #endif
bRet = TRUE; }
// At first, assume there is net support !
if (hNet = GetDlgItem(hDlg, psh14)) { EnableWindow(hNet = GetDlgItem(hDlg, psh14), FALSE);
ShowWindow(hNet, SW_HIDE); } } else { AddNetButton( hDlg, ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE) ? pOFN->hInstance : g_hinst), FILE_BOTTOM_MARGIN, (pOFN->Flags & (OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE | OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE)) ? FALSE : TRUE, (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES) ? FALSE : TRUE, FALSE); } return (bRet); }
// InitTlsValues
int InitTlsValues( POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { //
// As long as we do not call TlsGetValue before this,
// everything should be ok.
LPCURDLG lpCurDlg, lpPrevDlg; DWORD dwError; LPTSTR lpCurDir;
if (dwNumDlgs == MAX_THREADS) { dwError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; goto ErrorExit0; }
// alloc for the current directory
if (lpCurDir = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, CCHNETPATH * sizeof(TCHAR))) { GetCurrentDirectory(CCHNETPATH, lpCurDir);
if ( (pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) && (StrChr(lpCurDir, CHAR_SPACE)) ) { GetShortPathName(lpCurDir, lpCurDir, CCHNETPATH); }
} else { dwError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; goto ErrorExit0; }
// add a CurDlg struct to the list for this thread
if (lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CURDLG))) { // get start of CURDLG list for this thread
// Note: lpPrevDlg will be NULL if there wasn't a previous dialog
lpPrevDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg);
// make sure TlsGetValue() actually succeeded (a NULL return could
// mean there wasn't a previous dialog in the list)
if (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { dwError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; goto ErrorExit2; }
// push the new dlg to the front of the list
lpCurDlg->next = lpPrevDlg;
lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir = lpCurDir; PathAddBackslash(lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir);
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csLocal); lpCurDlg->dwCurDlgNum = dwNumDlgs++; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csLocal);
// save the new head of the list for the thread
if (!TlsSetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg, (LPVOID)lpCurDlg)) { dwError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; goto ErrorExit2; } } else { dwError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; goto ErrorExit1; }
ErrorExit2: LocalFree(lpCurDlg);
ErrorExit1: LocalFree(lpCurDir);
ErrorExit0: StoreExtendedError(dwError); return (FALSE);
// InitFilterBox
// Places the double null terminated list of filters in the combo box.
// The list should consist of pairs of null terminated strings, with
// an additional null terminating the list.
DWORD InitFilterBox( HANDLE hDlg, LPCTSTR lpszFilter) { DWORD nOffset = 0; DWORD nIndex = 0; register WORD nLen;
while (*lpszFilter) { //
// First string put in as string to show.
nIndex = (DWORD) SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)lpszFilter ); nLen = (WORD)(lstrlen(lpszFilter) + 1); (LPTSTR)lpszFilter += nLen; nOffset += nLen;
// Second string put in as itemdata.
SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nIndex, nOffset );
// Advance to next element.
nLen = (WORD)(lstrlen(lpszFilter) + 1); (LPTSTR)lpszFilter += nLen; nOffset += nLen; }
return (nIndex); }
void TokenizeFilterString(LPTSTR pszFilterString, LPTSTR *ppszFilterArray, int cFilterArray, BOOL bLFN) { LPCTSTR pszDelim = bLFN ? szSemiColonTab : szSemiColonSpaceTab; int nFilters = 0; cFilterArray--; // Need one for the NULL at the end.
// Find the first filter in the string, and add it to the
// array.
ppszFilterArray[nFilters] = lstrtok(pszFilterString, pszDelim);
// Now we are going to loop through all the filters in the string
// parsing the one we already have, and then finding the next one
// and starting the loop over again.
while (ppszFilterArray[nFilters] && (nFilters < cFilterArray)) { //
// Check to see if the first character is a space. If so, remove
// the spaces, and save the pointer back into the same spot. We
// need to do this because the FindFirstFile/Next api will still
// work on filenames that begin with a space since they also
// look at the short names. The short names will begin with the
// same first real letter as the long filename. For example, the
// long filename is " my document" the first letter of this short
// name is "m", so searching on "m*.*" or " m*.*" will yield the
// same results.
if (bLFN && (*ppszFilterArray[nFilters] == CHAR_SPACE)) { LPTSTR pszTemp = ppszFilterArray[nFilters]; while ((*pszTemp == CHAR_SPACE) && *pszTemp) { pszTemp = CharNext(pszTemp); } ppszFilterArray[nFilters] = pszTemp; }
// Ready to move on to the next filter. Find the next
// filter based upon the type of file system we're using.
ppszFilterArray[++nFilters] = lstrtok(NULL, pszDelim);
// In case we found a pointer to NULL, then look for the
// next filter.
while (ppszFilterArray[nFilters] && !*ppszFilterArray[nFilters]) { ppszFilterArray[nFilters] = lstrtok(NULL, pszDelim); } } }
BOOL FoundFilterMatch(LPCTSTR pszIn, BOOL bLFN) { TCHAR szFilter[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; LPTSTR pszF[MAXFILTERS + 1]; BOOL fFoundMatches = FALSE; int i; StrCpyN(szFilter, pszIn, SIZECHARS(szFilter));
TokenizeFilterString(szFilter, pszF, ARRAYSIZE(pszF), bLFN);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(pszF) && pszF[i] && !fFoundMatches; i++) { HANDLE hff; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
// Find First for each filter.
hff = FindFirstFile(pszF[i], &FindFileData);
if (hff == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; }
do { if ((FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & EXCLBITS) || (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { continue; } fFoundMatches = TRUE; break;
} while (FindNextFile(hff, &FindFileData));
FindClose(hff); }
return fFoundMatches; }
// GetAppOpenDir
void GetAppOpenDir(LPCTSTR pszDir, LPTSTR pszOut, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl) { BOOL fUseMyDocs = FALSE; TCHAR szPersonal[MAX_PATH];
*pszOut = 0; // prepare to return empty string
if (ppidl) *ppidl = NULL;
if (SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szPersonal, CSIDL_PERSONAL, FALSE)) { if (*pszDir) { //
// if the current directory is a temp dir
// or is the mydocs dir, then use my docs
// otherwise we should just use this directory
if ((0 == lstrcmpi(pszDir, szPersonal) || PathIsTemporary(pszDir))) fUseMyDocs = TRUE; } else { TCHAR szPath[MAX_FULLPATHNAME];
if (GetCurrentDirectory(ARRAYSIZE(szPath), szPath) && (PathIsTemporary(szPath) || (0 == lstrcmpi(szPath, szPersonal)))) fUseMyDocs = TRUE; } }
if (fUseMyDocs) { lstrcpy(pszOut, szPersonal); if (ppidl) { SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, ppidl); } } else { lstrcpy(pszOut, pszDir); } }
// InitCurrentDisk
// Clear out stale unc stuff from disk info.
// Unc \\server\shares are persistent through one popup session
// and then we resync with the system. This is to fix a bug
// where a user's startup dir is unc but the system no longer has
// a connection and hence the cmb2 appears blank.
EnableDiskInfo(FALSE, TRUE);
if (pOFI->pOFN->lpstrInitialDir) { //
// Notice that we force ChangeDir to succeed here
// but that TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)->lpstrCurDir will return "" which
// when fed to SheChangeDirEx means GetCurrentDir will be called.
// So, the default cd behavior at startup is:
// 1. lpstrInitialDir
// 2. GetCurrentDir
szPath[0] = 0; if ( (pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) && (StrChr(pOFI->pOFN->lpstrInitialDir, CHAR_SPACE)) && (GetShortPathName( pOFI->pOFN->lpstrInitialDir, szPath, MAX_FULLPATHNAME )) && (szPath[0] != 0) ) { ChangeDir(hDlg, szPath, TRUE, FALSE); } else { ChangeDir(hDlg, pOFI->pOFN->lpstrInitialDir, TRUE, FALSE); } } else { GetAppOpenDir(TEXT(""),szPath, NULL); ChangeDir(hDlg, szPath, TRUE, FALSE); } }
// vDeleteDirDriveBitmap
// Gets rid of bitmaps, if they exist.
VOID vDeleteDirDriveBitmap() { if (hbmpOrigMemBmp) { SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpOrigMemBmp); if (hbmpDirDrive != HNULL) { DeleteObject(hbmpDirDrive); hbmpDirDrive = HNULL; } } }
// LoadDirDriveBitmap
// Creates the drive/directory bitmap. If an appropriate bitmap
// already exists, it just returns immediately. Otherwise, it
// loads the bitmap and creates a larger bitmap with both regular
// and highlight colors.
BOOL LoadDirDriveBitmap() { BITMAP bmp; HANDLE hbmp, hbmpOrig; HDC hdcTemp; BOOL bWorked = FALSE;
if ( (hbmpDirDrive != HNULL) && (rgbWindowColor == rgbDDWindow) && (rgbHiliteColor == rgbDDHilite)) { if (SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpDirDrive)) { return (TRUE); } }
rgbDDWindow = rgbWindowColor; rgbDDHilite = rgbHiliteColor;
if (!(hdcTemp = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcMemory))) { goto LoadExit; }
if (!(hbmp = LoadAlterBitmap(bmpDirDrive, rgbSolidBlue, rgbWindowColor))) { goto DeleteTempDC; }
GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPTSTR)&bmp); dyDirDrive = bmp.bmHeight; dxDirDrive = bmp.bmWidth;
hbmpOrig = SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmp);
hbmpDirDrive = CreateDiscardableBitmap(hdcTemp, dxDirDrive * 2, dyDirDrive); if (!hbmpDirDrive) { goto DeleteTempBmp; }
if (!SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpDirDrive)) { vDeleteDirDriveBitmap(); goto DeleteTempBmp; }
BitBlt(hdcMemory, 0, 0, dxDirDrive, dyDirDrive, hdcTemp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmpOrig);
if (!(hbmp = LoadAlterBitmap(bmpDirDrive, rgbSolidBlue, rgbHiliteColor))) { goto DeleteTempDC; }
hbmpOrig = SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmp); BitBlt(hdcMemory, dxDirDrive, 0, dxDirDrive, dyDirDrive, hdcTemp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmpOrig);
bWorked = TRUE;
DeleteTempBmp: DeleteObject(hbmp);
DeleteTempDC: DeleteDC(hdcTemp);
LoadExit: return (bWorked); }
// SetRGBValues
// This sets the various system colors in static variables. It's
// called at init time and when system colors change.
void SetRGBValues() { rgbWindowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); rgbHiliteColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); rgbWindowText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); rgbHiliteText = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); rgbGrayText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); }
// FSetUpFile
// This loads in the resources & initializes the data used by the
// file dialogs.
// Returns: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if any bitmap fails
BOOL FSetUpFile() { if (cLock++) { return (TRUE); }
return (LoadDirDriveBitmap()); }
// GetPathOffset
int GetPathOffset(LPTSTR lpszDir) { LPTSTR lpszSkipRoot;
if (!lpszDir || !*lpszDir) { return (-1); }
lpszSkipRoot = PathSkipRoot(lpszDir);
if (lpszSkipRoot) { return (int)((lpszSkipRoot - 1) - lpszDir); } else { //
// Unrecognized format.
return (-1); } }
// FileOpenCmd
// Handles WM_COMMAND for Open & Save dlgs.
// edt1 = file name
// lst1 = list of files in current directory matching current pattern
// cmb1 = lists file patterns
// stc1 = is current directory
// lst2 = lists directories on current drive
// cmb2 = lists drives
// IDOK = is Open pushbutton
// IDCANCEL = is Cancel pushbutton
// chx1 = is for opening read only files
// Returns the normal dialog proc values.
if (!pOFI) { return (FALSE); }
pOFN = pOFI->pOFN; switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case ( IDOK ) : { #ifdef UNICODE
// Apps that side-effect this message may not have their
// internal unicode strings updated (eg. Corel Mosaic).
// NOTE: Must preserve the internal flags.
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { DWORD InternalFlags = pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALL_INTERNAL_FLAGS;
pOFN->Flags |= InternalFlags; } #endif
// If the focus is on the directory box, or if the selection
// within the box has changed since the last listing, give a
// new listing.
if (bChangeDir || ((GetFocus() == GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst2)) && (pOFN->Flags & OFN_DIRSELCHANGED))) { bChangeDir = FALSE; goto ChangingDir; } else if ((GetFocus() == (hwnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2))) && (pOFN->Flags & OFN_DRIVEDOWN)) { //
// If the focus is on the drive or filter combobox, give
// a new listing.
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, cmb2, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, FALSE, 0L); break; } else if ((GetFocus() == (hwnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb1))) && (pOFN->Flags & OFN_FILTERDOWN)) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, cmb1, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, FALSE, 0L); lParam = (LPARAM)hwnd; goto ChangingFilter; } else { #ifdef UNICODE
// Visual Basic passes in an uninitialized lpstrDefExt string.
// Since we only have to use it in OKButtonPressed, update
// lpstrDefExt here along with whatever else is only needed
// in OKButtonPressed.
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkOpenFileNameA2WDelayed(pOFI); } #endif
if (OKButtonPressed(hDlg, pOFI, bSave)) { bRet = TRUE;
if (pOFN->lpstrFile) { if (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOVALIDATE)) { if (pOFN->nMaxFile >= 3) { if ((pOFN->lpstrFile[0] == 0) || (pOFN->lpstrFile[1] == 0) || (pOFN->lpstrFile[2] == 0)) { bRet = FALSE; StoreExtendedError(FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); } } else { bRet = FALSE; StoreExtendedError(FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); } } }
goto AbortDialog; } }
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, edt1, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1); return (TRUE);
break; } case ( IDCANCEL ) : { bRet = FALSE; g_bUserPressedCancel = TRUE; goto AbortDialog; } case ( IDABORT ) : { bRet = (BYTE)lParam; AbortDialog: //
// Return the most recently used filter.
pOFN->nFilterIndex = (WORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0 ); if (pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) { len = (WORD)(lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) + 1); sCount = (WORD)lstrlen(pOFI->szLastFilter); if (pOFN->nMaxCustFilter > (DWORD)(sCount + len)) { lstrcpy(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter + len, pOFI->szLastFilter); } }
if (!pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter || (*pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter == CHAR_NULL)) { pOFN->nFilterIndex++; }
if (((GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) == IDOK) && pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkOpenFileNameW2A(pOFI); bHookRet = (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgFILEOKA, 0, (LPARAM)pOFI->pOFNA ); //
// For apps that side-effect pOFNA stuff and expect it to
// be preserved through dialog exit, update internal
// struct after the hook proc is called.
ThunkOpenFileNameA2W(pOFI); } else #endif
{ bHookRet = (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgFILEOKW, 0, (LPARAM)pOFI->pOFN ); } if (bHookRet) { HourGlass(FALSE); break; } }
wNoRedraw = 0;
glpfnFileHook = lpfnHook; }
RemoveProp(hDlg, FILEPROP);
EndDialog(hDlg, bRet);
if (pOFI) { if ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOCHANGEDIR) && *pOFI->szCurDir) { ChangeDir(hDlg, pOFI->szCurDir, TRUE, FALSE); } }
// If the app subclasses ID_ABORT, the worker thread will never
// get exited. This will cause problems. Currently, there are
// no apps that do this, though.
return (TRUE); break; } case ( edt1 ) : { if ( GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE ) { int iIndex, iCount; HWND hLBox = GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst1); WORD wIndex = (WORD)SendMessage(hLBox, LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0);
szText[0] = CHAR_NULL;
if (wIndex == (WORD)LB_ERR) { break; }
if ((iIndex = (int)SendMessage( hLBox, LB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)(wIndex - 1), (LPARAM)szText )) != LB_ERR) { RECT rRect;
iCount = (int)SendMessage(hLBox, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0L); GetClientRect(hLBox, (LPRECT)&rRect);
if ((iIndex < iCount) || (iIndex >= (iCount + rRect.bottom / dyText))) { SendMessage(hLBox, LB_SETCARETINDEX, (WPARAM)iIndex, 0); SendMessage(hLBox, LB_SETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM)iIndex, 0); } } return (TRUE); } else if ( GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_SETFOCUS ) { SetModeBias(MODEBIASMODE_FILENAME); } else if ( GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)== EN_KILLFOCUS ) { SetModeBias(MODEBIASMODE_DEFAULT); } break; } case ( lst1 ) : { //
// A double click means OK.
if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)== LBN_DBLCLK) { SendMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(IDOK, 0, 0)); return (TRUE); } else if (pOFN && (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE)) { if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) { int *pSelIndex;
// Muliselection allowed.
sCount = (SHORT)SendMessage(GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0L ); if (!sCount) { //
// If nothing selected, clear edit control.
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szNull); } else { DWORD cchMemBlockSize = 2048; DWORD cchTotalLength = 0;
pSelIndex = (int *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sCount * sizeof(int)); if (!pSelIndex) { goto LocalFailure1; }
sCount = (SHORT)SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETSELITEMS, (WPARAM)sCount, (LONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)pSelIndex );
pch2 = pch = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchMemBlockSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pch) { goto LocalFailure2; }
for (*pch = CHAR_NULL, i = 0; i < sCount; i++) { len = (WORD)SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)(*(pSelIndex + i)), (LPARAM)0 );
// Add the length of the selected file to the
// total length of selected files. + 2 for the
// space that goes in between files and for the
// possible dot added at the end of the filename
// if the file does not have an extension.
cchTotalLength += (len + 2);
if (cchTotalLength > cchMemBlockSize) { LPTSTR pTemp; UINT cchPrevLen = cchTotalLength - (len + 2);
cchMemBlockSize = cchMemBlockSize << 1; pTemp = (LPTSTR)LocalReAlloc( pch, cchMemBlockSize * sizeof(TCHAR), LMEM_MOVEABLE ); if (pTemp) { pch = pTemp; pch2 = pch + cchPrevLen; } else { LocalFree(pch); goto LocalFailure2; }
SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)(*(pSelIndex + i)), (LONG_PTR)pch2 );
if (!StrChr(pch2, CHAR_DOT)) { *(pch2 + len++) = CHAR_DOT; }
pch2 += len; *pch2++ = CHAR_SPACE; } if (pch2 != pch) { *--pch2 = CHAR_NULL; }
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, pch); LocalFree((HANDLE)pch); LocalFailure2: LocalFree((HANDLE)pSelIndex); } LocalFailure1: if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { i = (WORD)SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0L ); if (!(i & 0x8000)) { wFlag = (SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETSEL, (WPARAM)i, 0L ) ? CD_LBSELADD : CD_LBSELSUB); } else { wFlag = CD_LBSELNOITEMS; } } } else { //
// Multiselection is not allowed.
// Put the file name in the edit control.
szText[0] = CHAR_NULL;
i = (WORD)SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
if (i != (WORD)LB_ERR) { i = (WORD)SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)i, (LONG_PTR)szText );
if (!StrChr(szText, CHAR_DOT)) { if (i < MAX_FULLPATHNAME - 1) { szText[i] = CHAR_DOT; szText[i + 1] = CHAR_NULL; } }
if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(szText); }
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szText); if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { i = (WORD)SendMessage( GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); wFlag = CD_LBSELCHANGE; } } }
if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEA, lst1, MAKELONG(i, wFlag) ); } else #endif
{ (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEW, lst1, MAKELONG(i, wFlag) ); } }
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, edt1, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1); return (TRUE); } break; } case ( cmb1 ) : { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case ( CBN_DROPDOWN ) : { if (wWinVer >= 0x030A) { pOFN->Flags |= OFN_FILTERDOWN; } return (TRUE); break; } case ( CBN_CLOSEUP ) : { PostMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(cmb1, lParam, MYCBN_DRAW) );
return (TRUE); break; } case ( CBN_SELCHANGE ) : { //
// Need to change the file listing in lst1.
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_FILTERDOWN) { return (TRUE); break; } } case ( MYCBN_DRAW ) : { SHORT nIndex; LPCTSTR lpFilter;
pOFN->Flags &= ~OFN_FILTERDOWN; ChangingFilter: nIndex = (SHORT)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); if (nIndex < 0) { //
// No current selection.
break; }
// Must also check if filter contains anything.
if (nIndex || !(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter && *pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter)) { lpFilter = pOFN->lpstrFilter + SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb1, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nIndex, 0L ); } else { lpFilter = pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter + lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) + 1; } if (*lpFilter) { GetDlgItemText( hDlg, edt1, szText, MAX_FULLPATHNAME - 1 ); bRet = (!szText[0] || (StrChr(szText, CHAR_STAR)) || (StrChr(szText, CHAR_QMARK))); lstrcpy(szText, lpFilter); if (bRet) { CharLower(szText); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szText); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, edt1, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1 ); } FListAll(pOFI, hDlg, szText); if (!bInitializing) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, szText); #ifdef WINNT
// Provide dynamic lpstrDefExt updating
// when lpstrDefExt is user initialized.
if (StrChr((LPTSTR)lpFilter, CHAR_DOT) && pOFN->lpstrDefExt) { DWORD cbLen = MIN_DEFEXT_LEN - 1; // only 1st 3
LPTSTR lpTemp = (LPTSTR)(pOFN->lpstrDefExt);
while (*lpFilter++ != CHAR_DOT); if (!(StrChr((LPTSTR)lpFilter, CHAR_STAR)) && !(StrChr((LPTSTR)lpFilter, CHAR_QMARK))) { while (cbLen--) { *lpTemp++ = *lpFilter++; } *lpTemp = CHAR_NULL; } } #endif
} } if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN); #ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEA, cmb1, MAKELONG(nIndex, CD_LBSELCHANGE) ); } else #endif
{ (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEW, cmb1, MAKELONG(nIndex, CD_LBSELCHANGE) ); } } HourGlass(FALSE); return (TRUE);
break; }
default : { break; } } break; } case ( lst2 ) : { if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { if (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_DIRSELCHANGED)) { if ((DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L ) != pOFI->idirSub - 1) { StripFileName(hDlg, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN)); pOFN->Flags |= OFN_DIRSELCHANGED; } } return (TRUE); } else if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == LBN_SETFOCUS) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), TRUE); SendMessage( GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDCANCEL), BM_SETSTYLE, (WPARAM)BS_PUSHBUTTON, (LPARAM)TRUE ); } else if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == LBN_KILLFOCUS) { if (pOFN && (pOFN->Flags & OFN_DIRSELCHANGED)) { pOFN->Flags &= ~OFN_DIRSELCHANGED; } else { bChangeDir = FALSE; } } else if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == LBN_DBLCLK) { TCHAR szNextDir[CCHNETPATH]; LPTSTR lpCurDir; DWORD idir; DWORD idirNew; int cb; LPTSTR pstrPath; ChangingDir: bChangeDir = FALSE; pOFN->Flags &= ~OFN_DIRSELCHANGED; idirNew = (DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); //
// Can use relative path name.
*pOFI->szPath = 0; if (idirNew >= pOFI->idirSub) { cb = (int) SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)idirNew, (LPARAM)pOFI->szPath ); //
// sanity check
if (!(lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) || !(lpCurDir = lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir)) { break; }
lstrcpy(szNextDir, lpCurDir);
// Fix phenom with c:\\foobar - because of inconsistency
// in directory display guaranteed to have a valid
// lpCurDir here, right?
PathAddBackslash(szNextDir); lstrcat(szNextDir, pOFI->szPath);
pstrPath = szNextDir;
idirNew = pOFI->idirSub; // for msgLBCHANGE message
} else { //
// Need full path name.
cb = (int) SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_GETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pOFI->szPath );
// The following condition is necessary because wb displays
// \\server\share (the disk resource name) for unc, but
// for root paths (eg. c:\) for device conns, this in-
// consistency is hacked around here and in FillOutPath.
if (DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath)) { lstrcat(pOFI->szPath, TEXT("\\")); cb++; }
for (idir = 1; idir <= idirNew; ++idir) { cb += (int) SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)idir, (LPARAM)&pOFI->szPath[cb] );
pOFI->szPath[cb++] = CHAR_BSLASH; }
// The root is a special case.
if (idirNew) { pOFI->szPath[cb - 1] = CHAR_NULL; }
pstrPath = pOFI->szPath; }
if (!*pstrPath || (ChangeDir(hDlg, pstrPath, FALSE, TRUE) == CHANGEDIR_FAILED)) { break; }
// List all directories under this one.
UpdateListBoxes(hDlg, pOFI, NULL, mskDirectory);
if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN); #ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEA, lst2, MAKELONG(LOWORD(idirNew), CD_LBSELCHANGE) ); } else #endif
{ (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEW, lst2, MAKELONG(LOWORD(idirNew), CD_LBSELCHANGE) ); } } return (TRUE); } break; } case ( cmb2 ) : { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case ( CBN_DROPDOWN ) : { pOFN->Flags |= OFN_DRIVEDOWN;
return (TRUE); break; } case ( CBN_CLOSEUP ) : { //
// It would seem reasonable to merely do the update
// at this point, but that would rely on message
// ordering, which isnt a smart move. In fact, if
// you receive CBN_DROPDOWN, CBN_SELCHANGE, and then
// CBN_CLOSEUP. But if you use the mouse to choose
// the same element, the last two messages trade
// places. PostMessage allows all messages in the
// sequence to be processed, and then updates are
// done as needed.
PostMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( cmb2, GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), MYCBN_DRAW ) ); return (TRUE); break; } case ( MYCBN_LIST ) : { LoadDrives(hDlg); break; } case ( MYCBN_REPAINT ) : { int cchCurDir; LPTSTR lpCurDir;
// sanity
if (!(lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) || !(lpCurDir = lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir)) { break; }
cchCurDir = GetPathOffset(lpCurDir); if (cchCurDir != -1) { TCHAR szRepaintDir[CCHNETPATH]; HWND hCmb2 = (HWND)lParam;
lstrcpy(szRepaintDir, lpCurDir); szRepaintDir[cchCurDir] = CHAR_NULL; SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)szRepaintDir ); } break; } case ( CBN_SELCHANGE ) : { StripFileName(hDlg, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN));
// Version check not needed, since flag never set
// for versions not supporting CBN_CLOSEUP. Putting
// check at CBN_DROPDOWN is more efficient since it
// is less frequent than CBN_SELCHANGE.
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_DRIVEDOWN) { //
// Don't fill lst2 while the combobox is down.
return (TRUE); break; } } case ( MYCBN_CHANGEDIR ) : case ( MYCBN_DRAW ) : { TCHAR szTitle[WARNINGMSGLENGTH]; LPTSTR lpFilter; int nDiskInd, nInd; DWORD dwType = 0; LPTSTR lpszPath = NULL; LPTSTR lpszDisk = NULL; HWND hCmb2; OFN_DISKINFO *pofndiDisk = NULL; static szDrawDir[CCHNETPATH]; int nRet;
// Clear Flag for future CBN_SELCHANGE messeges.
// Change the drive.
szText[0] = CHAR_NULL;
hCmb2 = (HWND)lParam;
if (hCmb2 != NULL) { nInd = (int) SendMessage(hCmb2, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L);
if (nInd != CB_ERR) { SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_GETLBTEXT, nInd, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)szDrawDir ); }
if ((nInd == CB_ERR) || ((INT_PTR)pofndiDisk == CB_ERR)) { if (lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) { if (lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)szDrawDir, lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir); } } }
// Should always succeed.
nDiskInd = DiskAddedPreviously(0, (LPTSTR)szDrawDir); if (nDiskInd != 0xFFFFFFFF) { pofndiDisk = &gaDiskInfo[nDiskInd]; } else { //
// Skip update in the case where it fails.
return (TRUE); }
dwType = pofndiDisk->dwType;
lpszDisk = pofndiDisk->lpPath; }
if ((GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) == MYCBN_CHANGEDIR) { if (lpNetDriveSync) { lpszPath = lpNetDriveSync; lpNetDriveSync = NULL; } else { if (lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) { if (lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)szDrawDir, lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir);
lpszPath = (LPTSTR)szDrawDir; } } } } else { lpszPath = lpszDisk; }
if (bInitializing) { lpFilter = szTitle; if (pOFN->lpstrFile && (StrChr(pOFN->lpstrFile, CHAR_STAR) || StrChr(pOFN->lpstrFile, CHAR_QMARK))) { lstrcpy(lpFilter, pOFN->lpstrFile); } else { HWND hcmb1 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb1);
nInd = (int) SendMessage(hcmb1, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (nInd == CB_ERR) { //
// No current selection.
goto NullSearch; }
// Must also check if filter contains anything.
if (nInd || !(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter && *pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter)) { lpFilter = (LPTSTR)(pOFN->lpstrFilter); lpFilter += SendMessage( hcmb1, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nInd, 0 ); } else { lpFilter = pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter; lpFilter += lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrCustomFilter) + 1; } } } else { NullSearch: lpFilter = NULL; }
// UpdateListBoxes cuts up filter string in place.
if (lpFilter) { lstrcpy(szTitle, lpFilter); CharLower(szTitle); }
if (dwType == REMDRVBMP) { DWORD err = WNetRestoreConnection(hDlg, lpszDisk);
if (err != WN_SUCCESS) { HourGlass(FALSE); return (TRUE); }
pofndiDisk->dwType = NETDRVBMP;
SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)pofndiDisk->lpAbbrName ), (LPARAM)NETDRVBMP ); }
// Calls to ChangeDir will call SelDisk, so no need
// to update cmb2 on our own here (used to be after
// updatelistboxes).
if ((nRet = ChangeDir( hDlg, lpszPath, FALSE, FALSE )) == CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { int mbRet;
while (nRet == CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { if (dwType == FLOPPYBMP) { mbRet = InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, lpszPath, ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_DRIVE, (UINT)(MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)); } else if (dwType == CDDRVBMP) { mbRet = InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, lpszPath, ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_CDROM, (UINT)(MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ); } else { //
// See if it's a RAW volume.
if (dwType == HARDDRVBMP && GetLastError() == ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME) { mbRet = InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, lpszPath, ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME, (UINT)(MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ); } else { mbRet = InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, lpszPath, ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED, (UINT)(MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ); } }
if (bFirstTime || (mbRet != IDRETRY)) { lpszPath = NULL; nRet = ChangeDir(hDlg, lpszPath, TRUE, FALSE); } else { nRet = ChangeDir(hDlg, lpszPath, FALSE, FALSE); } } }
UpdateListBoxes( hDlg, pOFI, lpFilter ? szTitle : lpFilter, (WORD)(mskDrives | mskDirectory) );
if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN);
nInd = (int) SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb2, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); #ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEA, cmb2, MAKELONG(LOWORD(nInd), CD_LBSELCHANGE) ); } else #endif
{ (*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgLBCHANGEW, cmb2, MAKELONG(LOWORD(nInd), CD_LBSELCHANGE) ); } }
return (TRUE);
break; } default : { break; } } break; } case ( pshHelp ) : { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pOFI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { if (msgHELPA && pOFN->hwndOwner) { SendMessage( pOFN->hwndOwner, msgHELPA, (WPARAM)hDlg, (DWORD_PTR)pOFN ); } } else #endif
{ if (msgHELPW && pOFN->hwndOwner) { SendMessage( pOFN->hwndOwner, msgHELPW, (WPARAM)hDlg, (DWORD_PTR)pOFN ); } } break; } case ( psh14 ) : { bGetNetDrivesSync = TRUE; if (CallNetDlg(hDlg)) { LNDSetEvent(hDlg); } else { bGetNetDrivesSync = FALSE; } break; } default : { break; } } return (FALSE); }
// UpdateListBoxes
// Fills out File and Directory List Boxes in a single pass
// given (potentially) multiple filters
// It assumes the string of extensions are delimited by semicolons.
// hDlg Handle to File Open/Save dialog
// pOFI pointer to OPENFILEINFO structure
// lpszFilter pointer to filter, if NULL, use pOFI->szSpecCur
// wMask mskDirectory and/or mskDrives, or NULL
// Returns: TRUE if match
// FALSE if not
BOOL UpdateListBoxes( HWND hDlg, POPENFILEINFO pOFI, LPTSTR lpszFilter, WORD wMask) { LPTSTR lpszF[MAXFILTERS + 1]; LPTSTR lpszTemp; SHORT i, nFilters; HWND hFileList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst1); HWND hDirList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, lst2); BOOL bRet = FALSE; TCHAR szSpec[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; BOOL bDriveChange; BOOL bFindAll = FALSE; RECT rDirLBox; BOOL bLFN; HANDLE hff; DWORD dwErr; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; // add one for CHAR_DOT
WORD wCount; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg;
// Save the drive bit and then clear it out.
bDriveChange = wMask & mskDrives; wMask &= ~mskDrives;
if (!lpszFilter) { GetDlgItemText( hDlg, edt1, lpszFilter = szSpec, MAX_FULLPATHNAME - 1 );
// If any directory or drive characters are in there, or if there
// are no wildcards, use the default spec.
if ( StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_BSLASH) || StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_SLASH) || StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_COLON) || (!((StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_STAR)) || (StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_QMARK)))) ) { lstrcpy(szSpec, pOFI->szSpecCur); } else { lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, szSpec); } }
// We need to find out what kind of a drive we are running
// on in order to determine if spaces are valid in a filename
// or not.
bLFN = IsLFNDriveX(hDlg, TEXT("\0"));
// Find the first filter in the string, and add it to the
// array.
if (bLFN) { lpszF[nFilters = 0] = lstrtok(lpszFilter, szSemiColonTab); } else { lpszF[nFilters = 0] = lstrtok(lpszFilter, szSemiColonSpaceTab); }
// Now we are going to loop through all the filters in the string
// parsing the one we already have, and then finding the next one
// and starting the loop over again.
while (lpszF[nFilters] && (nFilters < MAXFILTERS)) { //
// Check to see if the first character is a space.
// If so, remove the spaces, and save the pointer
// back into the same spot. Why? because the
// FindFirstFile/Next api will _still_ work on
// filenames that begin with a space because
// they also look at the short names. The
// short names will begin with the same first
// real letter as the long filename. For
// example, the long filename is " my document"
// the first letter of this short name is "m",
// so searching on "m*.*" or " m*.*" will yield
// the same results.
if (bLFN && (*lpszF[nFilters] == CHAR_SPACE)) { lpszTemp = lpszF[nFilters]; while ((*lpszTemp == CHAR_SPACE) && *lpszTemp) { lpszTemp = CharNext(lpszTemp); }
lpszF[nFilters] = lpszTemp; }
// The original code used to do a CharUpper here to put the
// filter strings in upper case. EG: *.TXT However, this
// is not a good thing to do for Turkish. Capital 'i' does
// not equal 'I', so the CharUpper is being removed.
// CharUpper(lpszF[nFilters]);
// Compare the filter with *.*. If we find *.* then
// set the boolean bFindAll, and this will cause the
// files listbox to be filled in at the same time the
// directories listbox is filled. This saves time
// from walking the directory twice (once for the directory
// names and once for the filenames).
if (!lstrcmpi(lpszF[nFilters], szStarDotStar)) { bFindAll = TRUE; }
// Now we need to check if this filter is a duplicate
// of an already existing filter.
for (wCount = 0; wCount < nFilters; wCount++) { //
// If we find a duplicate, decrement the current
// index pointer by one so that the last location
// is written over (thus removing the duplicate),
// and break out of this loop.
if (!lstrcmpi(lpszF[nFilters], lpszF[wCount])) { nFilters--; break; } }
// Ready to move on to the next filter. Find the next
// filter based upon the type of file system we're using.
if (bLFN) { lpszF[++nFilters] = lstrtok(NULL, szSemiColonTab); } else { lpszF[++nFilters] = lstrtok(NULL, szSemiColonSpaceTab); }
// In case we found a pointer to NULL, then look for the
// next filter.
while (lpszF[nFilters] && !*lpszF[nFilters]) { if (bLFN) { lpszF[nFilters] = lstrtok(NULL, szSemiColonTab); } else { lpszF[nFilters] = lstrtok(NULL, szSemiColonSpaceTab); } } }
// Add NULL terminator only if needed.
if (nFilters >= MAXFILTERS) { lpszF[MAXFILTERS] = 0; }
SendMessage(hFileList, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L); SendMessage(hFileList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); if (wMask & mskDirectory) { wNoRedraw |= 2; // HACK!!! WM_SETREDRAW isn't complete
SendMessage(hDirList, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L);
// LB_RESETCONTENT causes InvalidateRect(hDirList, 0, TRUE) to be
// sent as well as repositioning the scrollbar thumb and drawing
// it immediately. This causes flicker when the LB_SETCURSEL is
// made, as it clears out the listbox by erasing the background of
// each item.
SendMessage(hDirList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); }
// Always open enumeration for *.*
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg); SetCurrentDirectory(lpCurDlg ? lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir : NULL); hff = FindFirstFile(szStarDotStar, &FindFileData);
if ( hff == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Error. Call GetLastError to determine what happened.
dwErr = GetLastError();
// With the ChangeDir logic handling AccessDenied for cds,
// if we are not allowed to enum files, that's ok, just get out.
if (dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { wMask = mskDirectory; goto Func4EFailure; }
// For bad path of bad filename.
if (dwErr != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { wMask = mskDrives; goto Func4EFailure; } }
// A listing was made, even if empty.
bRet = TRUE; wMask &= mskDirectory;
// GetLastError says no more files.
// Things went well, but there are no files.
goto NoMoreFilesFound; }
do { if (pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES) { #ifdef UNICODE
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, FindFileData.cFileName); if (RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3(&Name, NULL, &fSpace) && !fSpace) { //
// Legal 8.3 name and no spaces, so use the principal
// file name.
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cFileName); } else #endif
{ #ifdef WINNT
if (FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0] == CHAR_NULL) { continue; }
// Use the alternate file name.
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cAlternateFileName); #else
if (FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0]) { //
// Use the alternate file name.
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cAlternateFileName); } else { //
// Use the main file name.
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cFileName); } #endif
} } else { lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cFileName); }
if ((FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & EXCLBITS)) { continue; }
if ((pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT)) { if (StrChr(szBuffer, CHAR_SPACE)) { //
// HPFS does not support alternate filenames
// for multiselect, bump all spacey filenames.
if (FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0] == CHAR_NULL) { continue; }
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cAlternateFileName); } }
if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (wMask & mskDirectory) { //
// Don't include the subdirectories "." and "..".
if (szBuffer[0] == CHAR_DOT) { if ((szBuffer[1] == CHAR_NULL) || ((szBuffer[1] == CHAR_DOT) && (szBuffer[2] == CHAR_NULL))) { continue; } } if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(szBuffer); } i = (WORD)SendMessage( hDirList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (DWORD_PTR)szBuffer ); } } else if (bFindAll) { if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(szBuffer); }
SendMessage(hFileList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (DWORD_PTR)szBuffer); } } while (FindNextFile(hff, &FindFileData));
if (hff == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Func4EFailure; }
if (!bFindAll) { for (i = 0; lpszF[i]; i++) { if (!lstrcmpi(lpszF[i], szStarDotStar)) { continue; }
// Find First for each filter.
hff = FindFirstFile(lpszF[i], &FindFileData);
if (hff == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
if ((dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_NAME)) { //
// Things went well, but there are no files.
continue; } else { wMask = mskDrives; goto Func4EFailure; } }
do { if (pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES) { #ifdef UNICODE
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, FindFileData.cFileName); if (RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3(&Name, NULL, &fSpace) && !fSpace) { //
// Legal 8.3 name and no spaces, so use the principal
// file name.
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cFileName); } else #endif
{ #ifdef WINNT
if (FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0] == CHAR_NULL) { continue; }
// Use the alternate file name.
lstrcpy( szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cAlternateFileName ); #else
if (FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0]) { //
// Use the alternate file name.
lstrcpy( szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cAlternateFileName ); } else { //
// Use the main file name.
lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cFileName); } #endif
} } else { lstrcpy(szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cFileName);
if (pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) { if (StrChr(szBuffer, CHAR_SPACE)) { //
// HPFS does not support alternate filenames
// for multiselect, bump all spacey filenames.
if (FindFileData.cAlternateFileName[0] == CHAR_NULL) { continue; }
lstrcpy( szBuffer, (LPTSTR)FindFileData.cAlternateFileName ); } } }
if ((FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & EXCLBITS) || (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { continue; }
if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(szBuffer); }
SendMessage(hFileList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (DWORD_PTR)szBuffer); } while (FindNextFile(hff, &FindFileData));
if (hff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hff); } } }
Func4EFailure: if (wMask) { if (wMask == mskDirectory) { LPTSTR lpCurDir = NULL;
if (lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) { lpCurDir = lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir; }
FillOutPath(hDirList, pOFI);
// The win31 way of chopping the text by just passing
// it on to user doesn't work for unc names since user
// doesn't see the drivelessness of them (thinks drive is
// a bslash char). So, special case it here.
lstrcpy(pOFI->szPath, lpCurDir);
if (DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, stc1, ChopText(hDlg, stc1, pOFI->szPath)); } else { DlgDirList(hDlg, pOFI->szPath, 0, stc1, DDL_READONLY); }
SendMessage(hDirList, LB_SETCURSEL, pOFI->idirSub - 1, 0L);
if (bDriveChange) { //
// The design here is to show the selected drive whenever the
// user changes drives, or whenever the number of
// subdirectories is sufficiently low to allow them to be
// shown along with the drive. Otherwise, show the
// immediate parent and all the children that can be shown.
// This all was done to meet the UITF spec.
i = 0; } else { //
// Show as many children as possible.
if ((i = (SHORT)(pOFI->idirSub - 2)) < 0) { i = 0; } }
// alter the top index to bring the current selection into view.
SendMessage(hDirList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM)i, 0L); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, stc1, szNull); }
wNoRedraw &= ~2; SendMessage(hDirList, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L);
GetWindowRect(hDirList, (LPRECT)&rDirLBox); rDirLBox.left++, rDirLBox.top++; rDirLBox.right--, rDirLBox.bottom--; MapWindowPoints(NULL, hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rDirLBox, 2);
// If there are less than enough directories to fill the listbox,
// Win 3.0 doesn't clear out the bottom. Pass TRUE as the last
// parameter to demand a WM_ERASEBACKGROUND message.
InvalidateRect(hDlg, (LPRECT)&rDirLBox, (BOOL)(wWinVer < 0x030A)); }
SendMessage(hFileList, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L); InvalidateRect(hFileList, (LPRECT)0, (BOOL)TRUE);
#ifndef WIN32
ResetDTAAddress(); #endif
HourGlass(FALSE); return (bRet); }
// OKButtonPressed
// Note: There are 4 cases for validation of a file name:
// 1) OFN_NOVALIDATE allows invalid characters
// 2) No validation flags No invalid characters, but path need not exist
// 3) OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST No invalid characters, path must exist
// 4) OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST No invalid characters, path & file must exist
BOOL OKButtonPressed( HWND hDlg, POPENFILEINFO pOFI, BOOL bSave) { DWORD nErrCode = 0; DWORD cch; DWORD cchSearchPath; LPOPENFILENAME pOFN = pOFI->pOFN; int nFileOffset, nExtOffset; HANDLE hFile; BOOL bAddExt = FALSE; BOOL bUNCName = FALSE; int nTempOffset; TCHAR szPathName[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; DWORD lRet; BOOL blfn; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg; TCHAR ch = 0;
if (cch = GetUNCDirectoryFromLB(hDlg, lst2, pOFI)) { nTempOffset = (WORD)(DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_GETTEXTLEN, 0, 0 ); } else { nTempOffset = 0; }
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, pOFI->szPath + cch, MAX_FULLPATHNAME - 1);
if (cch) { //
// If a drive or new UNC was specified, forget the old UNC.
if ((pOFI->szPath[cch + 1] == CHAR_COLON) || (DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath + cch)) ) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szPath, pOFI->szPath + cch); } else if ((ISBACKSLASH(pOFI->szPath, cch)) || (pOFI->szPath[cch] == CHAR_SLASH)) { //
// If a directory from the root is given, put it immediately
// after the \\server\share listing.
lstrcpy(pOFI->szPath + nTempOffset, pOFI->szPath + cch); } }
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES) { blfn = FALSE; } else { blfn = IsLFNDriveX(hDlg, pOFI->szPath); }
lRet = ParseFile(pOFI->szPath, blfn, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN), FALSE); nFileOffset = (int)(SHORT)LOWORD(lRet); nExtOffset = (int)(SHORT)HIWORD(lRet);
if (nFileOffset == PARSE_EMPTYSTRING) { UpdateListBoxes(hDlg, pOFI, NULL, 0); return (FALSE); } else if ((nFileOffset != PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME) && (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOVALIDATE)) { pOFN->nFileOffset = (WORD)nFileOffset; pOFN->nFileExtension = (WORD)nExtOffset; if (pOFN->lpstrFile) { cch = lstrlen(pOFI->szPath); if (cch < pOFN->nMaxFile) { lstrcpy(pOFN->lpstrFile, pOFI->szPath); } else { //
// For single file requests, we will never go over 64K
// because the filesystem is limited to 256.
if (cch > 0x0000FFFF) { pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = (TCHAR)0xFFFF; } else { pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = (TCHAR)LOWORD(cch); } pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = CHAR_NULL; } } return (TRUE); } else if ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) && SpacesExist(pOFI->szPath)) { return (MultiSelectOKButton(hDlg, pOFI, bSave)); } else if (pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset] == CHAR_SEMICOLON) { pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset] = CHAR_NULL; nFileOffset = (int)(SHORT)LOWORD(ParseFile( pOFI->szPath, blfn, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN), FALSE )); pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset] = CHAR_SEMICOLON; if ( (nFileOffset >= 0) && (StrChr(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset, CHAR_STAR) || StrChr(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset, CHAR_QMARK)) ) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset); if (FListAll(pOFI, hDlg, pOFI->szPath) == CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { //
// Conform with cchSearchPath error code settings in
// PathCheck.
cchSearchPath = 2; goto PathCheck; } return (FALSE); } else { nFileOffset = PARSE_INVALIDCHAR; goto Warning; } } else if (nFileOffset == PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME) { //
// End with slash?
if ((ISBACKSLASH(pOFI->szPath, nExtOffset - 1)) || (pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset - 1] == CHAR_SLASH)) { //
// ... and is not the root, get rid of the slash.
if ( (nExtOffset != 1) && (pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset - 2] != CHAR_COLON) && (nExtOffset != nTempOffset + 1) ) { pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset - 1] = CHAR_NULL; } } else if ((pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset - 1] == CHAR_DOT) && ((pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset - 2] == CHAR_DOT) || (ISBACKSLASH(pOFI->szPath, nExtOffset - 2)) || (pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset - 2] == CHAR_SLASH)) && ((DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath)) || ((*(pOFI->szPath + 1) == CHAR_COLON) && (DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath + 2))))) { pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset] = CHAR_BSLASH; pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset + 1] = CHAR_NULL; }
// Fall through to Directory Checking.
} else if (nFileOffset < 0) { //
// Put in nErrCode so that call can be used from other points.
nErrCode = (DWORD)nFileOffset; Warning:
// If the disk is not a floppy and they tell me there's no
// disk in the drive, dont believe it. Instead, put up the error
// message that they should have given us.
// (Note that the error message is checked first since checking
// the drive type is slower.)
if (nErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { if (bUNCName) { nErrCode = ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { szPathName[0] = CharLowerChar(szPathName[0]);
if (GetDiskType(szPathName) == DRIVE_REMOTE) { nErrCode = ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED; } else if (GetDiskType(szPathName) == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) { nErrCode = ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_DRIVE; } else if (GetDiskType(szPathName) == DRIVE_CDROM) { nErrCode = ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_CDROM; } } }
if ((nErrCode == ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT) || (nErrCode == ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE) || (nErrCode == ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_DRIVE) || (nErrCode == ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_CDROM)) { pOFI->szPath[0] = szPathName[0]; }
InvalidFileWarning(hDlg, pOFI->szPath, nErrCode, 0);
// Can't cd case (don't want WM_ACTIVATE to setevent to GetNetDrives!).
// Reset wNoRedraw.
wNoRedraw &= ~1; return (FALSE); }
bUNCName = ((DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath)) || ((*(pOFI->szPath + 1) == CHAR_COLON) && (DBL_BSLASH(pOFI->szPath + 2))));
nTempOffset = nFileOffset;
// Get the fully-qualified path.
{ BOOL bSlash; BOOL bRet; WORD nNullOffset;
if (nFileOffset != PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME) { ch = *(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset); *(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset) = CHAR_NULL; nNullOffset = (WORD) nFileOffset; }
// For files of the format c:filename where c is not the
// current directory, SearchPath does not return the curdir of c
// so, prefetch it - should searchpath be changed?
if (nFileOffset) { if (*(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset - 1) == CHAR_COLON) { //
// If it fails, fall through to the error generated below.
if (ChangeDir(hDlg, pOFI->szPath, FALSE, FALSE) != CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { //
// Replace old null offset.
*(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset) = ch; ch = *pOFI->szPath;
// Don't pass drive-colon into search path.
*pOFI->szPath = CHAR_NULL; nNullOffset = 0; } } }
if (bSlash = (*pOFI->szPath == CHAR_SLASH)) { *pOFI->szPath = CHAR_BSLASH; }
szPathName[0] = CHAR_NULL;
// Each wow thread can change the current directory.
// Since searchpath doesn't check current dirs on a per thread basis,
// reset it here and hope that we don't get interrupted between
// setting and searching...
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg); SetCurrentDirectory(lpCurDlg ? lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir : NULL);
if (pOFI->szPath[0] == TEXT('\0')) // space for name (pretend it's valid for now)
{ lstrcpy(szPathName, (lpCurDlg ? lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir : NULL)); bRet = 1; } else { bRet = GetFullPathName( pOFI->szPath, MAX_FULLPATHNAME, szPathName, NULL ); }
if (!bRet && (pOFI->szPath[1] == CHAR_COLON)) { int nDriveIndex = DiskAddedPreviously(pOFI->szPath[0], NULL);
// If it's a remembered connection, try to reconnect it.
if (nDriveIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF && gaDiskInfo[nDriveIndex].dwType == REMDRVBMP) { DWORD err = WNetRestoreConnection( hDlg, gaDiskInfo[nDriveIndex].lpPath );
if (err == WN_SUCCESS) { gaDiskInfo[nDriveIndex].dwType = NETDRVBMP; nDriveIndex = (int) SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb2, CB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)gaDiskInfo[nDriveIndex].lpPath ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb2, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nDriveIndex, (LPARAM)NETDRVBMP ); bRet = GetFullPathName( pOFI->szPath, MAX_FULLPATHNAME, szPathName, NULL); } } } HourGlass(FALSE);
if (nFileOffset != PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME) { *(pOFI->szPath + nNullOffset) = ch; }
if (bSlash) { *pOFI->szPath = CHAR_SLASH; }
if (bRet) { cchSearchPath = 0;
if (nFileOffset != PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME) { ch = *(szPathName + lstrlen(szPathName) - 1); if (!ISBACKSLASH(szPathName, lstrlen(szPathName) - 1)) { lstrcat(szPathName, TEXT("\\")); } lstrcat(szPathName, (LPTSTR)(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset)); } else { //
// Hack to get around SearchPath inconsistencies.
// searching for c: returns c:
// searching for server share dir1 .. returns server share
// in these two cases bypass the regular ChangeDir call that
// uses szPathName and use the original pOFI->szPath instead
// OKButtonPressed needs to be simplified!
int cch = GetPathOffset(pOFI->szPath);
if (cch > 0) { if (bUNCName) { //
// If this fails, how is szPathName used?
// szPathName's disk should equal pOFI->szPath's
// so the cch will be valid.
szPathName[cch] = CHAR_BSLASH; szPathName[cch + 1] = CHAR_NULL; if (ChangeDir( hDlg, pOFI->szPath, FALSE, TRUE ) != CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { goto ChangedDir; } } else { if (!pOFI->szPath[cch]) { if (ChangeDir( hDlg, pOFI->szPath, FALSE, TRUE) != CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { goto ChangedDir; } } } } } } else { if (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST)) { lstrcpy(szPathName, pOFI->szPath); } if (((nErrCode = GetLastError()) == ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE) || (pOFI->szPath[1] == CHAR_COLON)) { cchSearchPath = 1; } else { cchSearchPath = 2; } } }
// Full pattern?
if ( !cchSearchPath && ((StrChr(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset, CHAR_STAR)) || (StrChr(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset, CHAR_QMARK))) ) { TCHAR szSameDirFile[MAX_FULLPATHNAME];
if (nTempOffset) { //
// Must restore character in case it is part of the filename,
// e.g. nTempOffset is 1 for "\foo.txt".
ch = pOFI->szPath[nTempOffset]; pOFI->szPath[nTempOffset] = 0; ChangeDir(hDlg, pOFI->szPath, FALSE, TRUE); pOFI->szPath[nTempOffset] = ch; } if (!nExtOffset) { lstrcat(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset, TEXT(".")); } lstrcpy(szSameDirFile, pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset); lstrcpy(pOFI->szLastFilter, pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset);
if (FListAll(pOFI, hDlg, szSameDirFile) < 0) { MessageBeep(0); } return (FALSE); }
// We either have a file pattern or a real file.
// If its a directory
// (1) Add on default pattern
// (2) Act like its a pattern (goto pattern (1))
// Else if its a pattern
// (1) Update everything
// (2) display files in whatever dir were now in
// Else if its a file name!
// (1) Check out the syntax
// (2) End the dialog given OK
// (3) Beep/message otherwise
// Drive-letter:\dirpath ??
if (!cchSearchPath) { DWORD dwFileAttr;
if ((dwFileAttr = GetFileAttributes(szPathName)) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (dwFileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (ChangeDir(hDlg, szPathName, FALSE, TRUE) != CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { ChangedDir: SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, edt1, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L); if (*pOFI->szLastFilter) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, pOFI->szLastFilter); } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szStarDotStar); }
SendMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( cmb1, GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb1), CBN_CLOSEUP ) ); SendMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( cmb2, GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2), MYCBN_CHANGEDIR ) );
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, edt1, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L); InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1), NULL, FALSE); } return (FALSE); } } }
// Was there a path and did it fail?
if (nFileOffset && cchSearchPath && (pOFN->Flags & OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST)) { PathCheck: if (cchSearchPath == 2) { nErrCode = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } else if (cchSearchPath == 1) { int nDriveIndex;
// Lowercase drive letters since DiskAddedPreviously is case
// sensitive.
// We can get here without performing an OpenFile call. As such
// the szPathName can be filled with random garbage. Since we
// only need one character for the error message, set
// szPathName[0] to the drive letter.
if (pOFI->szPath[1] == CHAR_COLON) { nDriveIndex = DiskAddedPreviously(pOFI->szPath[0], NULL); } else { nDriveIndex = DiskAddedPreviously(0, pOFI->szPath); }
if (nDriveIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF) { nErrCode = ERROR_NO_DRIVE; } else { if (bUNCName) { nErrCode = ERROR_NO_DRIVE; } else { switch (GetDiskType(pOFI->szPath)) { case ( DRIVE_REMOVABLE ) : { szPathName[0] = pOFI->szPath[0]; nErrCode = ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_DRIVE; break; } case ( DRIVE_CDROM ) : { szPathName[0] = pOFI->szPath[0]; nErrCode = ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_CDROM; break; } default : { nErrCode = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } } } } } else { nErrCode = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
// If we don't set wNoRedraw here, then WM_ACTIVATE will set the
// GetNetDrives event.
wNoRedraw |= 1;
goto Warning; }
if (PortName(pOFI->szPath + nFileOffset)) { nErrCode = ERROR_PORTNAME; goto Warning; }
#if 0
// Check if we've received a string in the form "C:filename.ext".
// If we have, convert it to the form "C:.\filename.ext". This is done
// because the kernel will search the entire path, ignoring the drive
// specification after the initial search. Making it include a slash
// causes kernel to only search at that location.
// Note: Only increment nExtOffset, not nFileOffset. This is done
// because only nExtOffset is used later, and nFileOffset can then be
// used at the Warning: label to determine if this hack has occurred,
// and thus it can strip out the ".\" when putting out the error.
if ((nFileOffset == 2) && (pOFI->szPath[1] == CHAR_COLON)) { lstrcpy(szWarning, pOFI->szPath + 2); lstrcpy(pOFI->szPath + 4, szWarning); pOFI->szPath[2] = CHAR_DOT; pOFI->szPath[3] = CHAR_BSLASH; nExtOffset += 2; } #endif
// Add the default extension unless filename ends with period or no
// default extension exists. If the file exists, consider asking
// permission to overwrite the file.
// NOTE: When no extension given, default extension is tried 1st.
if ( (nFileOffset != PARSE_DIRECTORYNAME) && nExtOffset && !pOFI->szPath[nExtOffset] && pOFN->lpstrDefExt && *pOFN->lpstrDefExt && (((DWORD)nExtOffset + lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrDefExt)) < pOFN->nMaxFile) ) { DWORD dwFileAttr; int nExtOffset2 = lstrlen(szPathName);
bAddExt = TRUE;
AppendExt(pOFI->szPath, pOFN->lpstrDefExt, FALSE); AppendExt(szPathName, pOFN->lpstrDefExt, FALSE);
// Directory may match default extension. Change to it as if it had
// been typed in. A dir w/o the extension would have been switched
// to in the logic above.
if ((dwFileAttr = GetFileAttributes(pOFI->szPath)) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (dwFileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (ChangeDir(hDlg, szPathName, FALSE, TRUE) != CHANGEDIR_FAILED) { goto ChangedDir; } } }
// Fix bug where progman cannot OK a file being browsed for new
// item because it has Execute only permission.
if (nErrCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) { goto SharingViolationInquiry; }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(hFile)) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); goto Warning; }
AskPermission: //
// Is the file read-only?
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN) { int nRet; if ((nRet = GetFileAttributes(szPathName)) != -1) { if (nRet & ATTR_READONLY) { nErrCode = ERROR_LAZY_READONLY; goto Warning; } } else { nErrCode = GetLastError(); goto Warning; } }
if ((bSave || (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN)) && (nErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) { goto Warning; }
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT) { if (bSave && !FOkToWriteOver(hDlg, szPathName)) { PostMessage( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1), (LPARAM)1L ); return (FALSE); } }
if (nErrCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) { goto SharingViolationInquiry; } goto FileNameAccepted; } else { *(pOFI->szPath + nExtOffset) = CHAR_NULL; szPathName[nExtOffset2] = CHAR_NULL; } } else { //
// Extension should not be added.
bAddExt = FALSE; }
// Fix bug where progman cannot OK a file being browsed for new item
// because it has Execute only permission.
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(hFile)) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); goto Warning; } goto AskPermission; } else { if ((nErrCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (nErrCode == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) { //
// Figure out if the default extension should be tacked on.
if (bAddExt) { AppendExt(pOFI->szPath, pOFN->lpstrDefExt, FALSE); AppendExt(szPathName, pOFN->lpstrDefExt, FALSE); } } else if (nErrCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) {
SharingViolationInquiry: //
// If the app is "share aware", fall through.
// Otherwise, ask the hook function.
if (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_SHAREAWARE)) { if (pOFN->lpfnHook) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN);
#ifdef UNICODE
RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( &cch, szPathName, lstrlenW(szPathName) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
SHUnicodeToAnsi(szPathName,(LPSTR)&szPathNameA[0],cch + 1);
cch = (DWORD)(*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgSHAREVIOLATIONA, 0, (LONG_PTR)(LPSTR)szPathNameA ); } else #endif
{ cch = (DWORD)(*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgSHAREVIOLATIONW, 0, (LONG_PTR)szPathName ); } if (cch == OFN_SHARENOWARN) { return (FALSE); } else if (cch != OFN_SHAREFALLTHROUGH) { goto Warning; } } else { goto Warning; } } goto FileNameAccepted; }
if (!bSave) { if ((nErrCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (nErrCode == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) { if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST) { if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_CREATEPROMPT) { //
// Don't alter pOFI->szPath.
bInChildDlg = TRUE; cch = (DWORD)CreateFileDlg(hDlg, pOFI->szPath); bInChildDlg = FALSE; if (cch == IDYES) { goto TestCreation; } else { return (FALSE); } } goto Warning; } } else { goto Warning; } }
// The file doesn't exist. Can it be created? This is needed because
// there are many extended characters which are invalid that won't be
// caught by ParseFile.
// Two more good reasons: Write-protected disks & full disks.
// BUT, if they dont want the test creation, they can request that we
// not do it using the OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE flag. If they want to
// create files on a share that has create-but-no-modify privileges,
// they should set this flag but be ready for failures that couldn't
// be caught, such as no create privileges, invalid extended
// characters, a full disk, etc.
TestCreation: if ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST) && (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE))) { //
// Must use the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE flag so that the
// file is automatically deleted when the handle is closed
// (no need to call DeleteFile). This is necessary in the
// event that the directory only has Add & Read access.
// The CreateFile call will succeed, but the DeleteFile call
// will fail. By adding the above flag to the CreateFile
// call, it overrides the access rights and deletes the file
// during the call to CloseHandle.
#ifdef WINNT
// Win95/Memphis don't support FILE_ADD_FILE flag, use GENERIC_READ instead.
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(hFile)) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); goto Warning; } } else { //
// Unable to create it.
// If it's not write-protection, a full disk,
// network protection, or the user popping the drive door
// open, assume that the filename is invalid.
if ( (nErrCode != ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT) && (nErrCode != ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE) && (nErrCode != ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED) && (nErrCode != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) ) { nErrCode = 0; } goto Warning; } } }
lRet = ParseFile(szPathName, blfn, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN), FALSE); nFileOffset = (int)(SHORT)LOWORD(lRet); cch = (DWORD)HIWORD(lRet);
pOFN->nFileOffset = (WORD)nFileOffset; if (nExtOffset || bAddExt) { pOFN->nFileExtension = LOWORD(cch); } else { pOFN->nFileExtension = 0; }
pOFN->Flags &= ~OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT; if (pOFN->lpstrDefExt && pOFN->nFileExtension) { TCHAR szPrivateExt[4]; SHORT i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { szPrivateExt[i] = *(pOFN->lpstrDefExt + i); } szPrivateExt[3] = CHAR_NULL;
if (lstrcmpi(szPrivateExt, szPathName + cch)) { pOFN->Flags |= OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT; } }
// If we're called from wow, and the user hasn't changed
// directories, shorten the path to abbreviated 8.3 format.
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES) { ShortenThePath(szPathName);
// If the path was shortened, the offset might have changed so
// we must parse the file again.
lRet = ParseFile(szPathName, blfn, IS16BITWOWAPP(pOFN), FALSE); nFileOffset = (int)(SHORT)LOWORD(lRet); cch = (DWORD)HIWORD(lRet);
// When in Save dialog, the file may not exist yet, so the file
// name cannot be shortened. So, we need to test if it's an
// 8.3 filename and popup an error message if not.
if (bSave) { LPTSTR lptmp; LPTSTR lpExt = NULL;
for (lptmp = szPathName + nFileOffset; *lptmp; lptmp++) { if (*lptmp == CHAR_DOT) { if (lpExt) { //
// There's more than one dot in the file, so it is
// invalid.
nErrCode = FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME; goto Warning; } lpExt = lptmp; } if (*lptmp == CHAR_SPACE) { nErrCode = FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME; goto Warning; } }
if (lpExt) { //
// There's an extension.
*lpExt = 0; }
if ((lstrlen(szPathName + nFileOffset) > 8) || (lpExt && lstrlen(lpExt + 1) > 3)) { if (lpExt) { *lpExt = CHAR_DOT; }
nErrCode = FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME; goto Warning; } if (lpExt) { *lpExt = CHAR_DOT; } } }
if (pOFN->lpstrFile) { DWORD cchLen = lstrlen(szPathName);
if (cchLen < pOFN->nMaxFile) { lstrcpy(pOFN->lpstrFile, szPathName); } else { //
// Buffer is too small, so return the size of the buffer
// required to hold the string.
// For single file requests, we will never go over 64K
// because the filesystem is limited to 256.
#ifdef UNICODE
pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = (TCHAR)LOWORD(cchLen); if (pOFN->nMaxFile >= 2) { pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = CHAR_NULL; } #else
pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = LOBYTE(cchLen); pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = HIBYTE(cchLen); pOFN->lpstrFile[2] = CHAR_NULL; #endif
} }
// File Title. Note that it's cut off at whatever the buffer length
// is, so if the buffer is too small, no notice is given.
if (pOFN->lpstrFileTitle && pOFN->nMaxFileTitle) { cch = lstrlen(szPathName + nFileOffset); if (cch > pOFN->nMaxFileTitle) { szPathName[nFileOffset + pOFN->nMaxFileTitle - 1] = CHAR_NULL; } lstrcpy(pOFN->lpstrFileTitle, szPathName + nFileOffset); }
if (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_HIDEREADONLY)) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, chx1)) { pOFN->Flags |= OFN_READONLY; } else { pOFN->Flags &= ~OFN_READONLY; } }
return (TRUE); }
// MultiSelectOKButton
BOOL MultiSelectOKButton( HWND hDlg, POPENFILEINFO pOFI, BOOL bSave) { DWORD nErrCode; LPTSTR lpCurDir; LPTSTR lpchStart; // start of an individual filename
LPTSTR lpchEnd; // end of an individual filename
DWORD cch; HANDLE hFile; LPOPENFILENAME pOFN; BOOL EOS = FALSE; // end of string flag
pOFN = pOFI->pOFN;
// Check for space for first full path element.
if(!(lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) || !(lpCurDir = lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir)) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(pOFI->szPath, lpCurDir); if (StrChr(pOFI->szPath, CHAR_SPACE)) { GetShortPathName(pOFI->szPath, pOFI->szPath, MAX_FULLPATHNAME); }
if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(pOFI->szPath); }
cch = (DWORD) ( lstrlen(pOFI->szPath) + sizeof(TCHAR) + SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, edt1, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L) ); if (pOFN->lpstrFile) { if (cch > pOFN->nMaxFile) { //
// Buffer is too small, so return the size of the buffer
// required to hold the string (if possible).
if (pOFN->nMaxFile >= 3) { #ifdef UNICODE
pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = (TCHAR)LOWORD(cch); pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = (TCHAR)HIWORD(cch); #else
pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = (TCHAR)LOBYTE(cch); pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = (TCHAR)HIBYTE(cch); #endif
pOFN->lpstrFile[2] = CHAR_NULL; } else { #ifdef UNICODE
pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = (TCHAR)LOWORD(cch); if (pOFN->nMaxFile == 2) { pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = (TCHAR)HIWORD(cch); } #else
pOFN->lpstrFile[0] = LOBYTE(cch); pOFN->lpstrFile[1] = HIBYTE(cch); pOFN->lpstrFile[2] = CHAR_NULL; #endif
} } else { //
// Copy in the full path as the first element.
lstrcpy(pOFN->lpstrFile, pOFI->szPath); lstrcat(pOFN->lpstrFile, TEXT(" "));
// Get the other files here.
cch = lstrlen(pOFN->lpstrFile);
// The path is guaranteed to be less than 64K (actually, < 260).
pOFN->nFileOffset = LOWORD(cch); lpchStart = pOFN->lpstrFile + cch;
GetDlgItemText( hDlg, edt1, lpchStart, (int)(pOFN->nMaxFile - cch - 1) );
while (*lpchStart == CHAR_SPACE) { lpchStart = CharNext(lpchStart); } if (*lpchStart == CHAR_NULL) { return (FALSE); }
// Go along file path looking for multiple filenames delimited by
// spaces. For each filename found, try to open it to make sure
// it's a valid file.
while (!EOS) { //
// Find the end of the filename.
lpchEnd = lpchStart; while (*lpchEnd && *lpchEnd != CHAR_SPACE) { lpchEnd = CharNext(lpchEnd); }
// Mark the end of the filename with a NULL.
if (*lpchEnd == CHAR_SPACE) { *lpchEnd = CHAR_NULL; } else { //
// Already NULL, found the end of the string.
// Check that the filename is valid.
bRet = GetFullPathName( lpchStart, ARRAYSIZE(szPathName), szPathName, NULL);
if (!bRet) { nErrCode = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto MultiFileNotFound; }
// Fix bug where progman cannot OK a file being browsed for
// new item because it has Execute only permission.
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); if (nErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { hFile = CreateFile( szPathName, GENERIC_EXECUTE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); } else { goto MultiFileNotFound; } } if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); MultiFileNotFound: if ( ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST) || (nErrCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) && ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST) || (nErrCode != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) && (!(pOFN->Flags & OFN_SHAREAWARE) || (nErrCode != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION)) ) { if ( (nErrCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && pOFN->lpfnHook ) { LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook = GETHOOKFN(pOFN);
#ifdef UNICODE
RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( &cch, szPathName, lstrlenW(szPathName) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
SHUnicodeToAnsi(szPathName,(LPSTR)&szPathNameA[0],cch + 1);
cch = (DWORD)(*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgSHAREVIOLATIONA, 0, (LONG_PTR)(LPSTR)szPathNameA ); } else #endif
{ cch = (DWORD)(*lpfnHook)( hDlg, msgSHAREVIOLATIONW, 0, (LONG_PTR)szPathName ); } if (cch == OFN_SHARENOWARN) { return (FALSE); } else if (cch == OFN_SHAREFALLTHROUGH) { goto EscapedThroughShare; } } else if (nErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { szPathName[0] = CharLowerChar(szPathName[0]);
if (GetDiskType(szPathName) != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) { nErrCode = ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED; } } if ((nErrCode == ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT) || (nErrCode == ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE) || (nErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) { *lpchStart = szPathName[0]; } MultiWarning: InvalidFileWarning(hDlg, lpchStart, nErrCode, 0); return (FALSE); } } EscapedThroughShare: if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(hFile)) { nErrCode = GetLastError(); goto MultiWarning; } if ((pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN) && (GetFileAttributes(szPathName) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { nErrCode = ERROR_LAZY_READONLY; goto MultiWarning; }
if ((bSave || (pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN)) && (nErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) { goto MultiWarning; }
if (pOFN->Flags & OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT) { if (bSave && !FOkToWriteOver(hDlg, szPathName)) { PostMessage( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1), (LPARAM)1L ); return (FALSE); } } }
// This file is valid, so check the next one.
if (!EOS) { lpchStart = lpchEnd + 1; while (*lpchStart == CHAR_SPACE) { lpchStart = CharNext(lpchStart); } if (*lpchStart == CHAR_NULL) { EOS = TRUE; } else { //
// Not at end, replace NULL with SPACE.
*lpchEnd = CHAR_SPACE; } } }
// Limit String.
*lpchEnd = CHAR_NULL; } }
// This doesn't really mean anything for multiselection.
pOFN->nFileExtension = 0;
pOFN->nFilterIndex = (int) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, cmb1, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L);
return (TRUE); }
// dwOKSubclass
// Simulates a double click if the user presses OK with the mouse
// and the focus was on the directory listbox.
// The problem is that the UITF demands that when the directory
// listbox loses the focus, the selected directory should return
// to the current directory. But when the user changes the item
// selected with a single click, and then clicks the OK button to
// have the change take effect, the focus is lost before the OK button
// knows it was pressed. By setting the global flag bChangeDir
// when the directory listbox loses the focus and clearing it when
// the OK button loses the focus, we can check whether a mouse
// click should update the directory.
// Returns: Return value from default listbox proceedure.
if (msg == WM_KILLFOCUS) { if (bChangeDir) { if (pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)GetProp(hDlg = GetParent(hOK), FILEPROP)) { SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, lst2, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(pOFI->idirSub - 1), 0L ); } bChangeDir = FALSE; } } return (CallWindowProc(lpOKProc, hOK, msg, wParam, lParam)); }
// dwLBSubclass
// Simulates a double click if the user presses OK with the mouse.
// The problem is that the UITF demands that when the directory
// listbox loses the focus, the selected directory should return
// to the current directory. But when the user changes the item
// selected with a single click, and then clicks the OK button to
// have the change take effect, the focus is lost before the OK button
// knows it was pressed. By simulating a double click, the change
// takes place.
// Returns: Return value from default listbox proceedure.
if (msg == WM_KILLFOCUS) { hDlg = GetParent(hLB); bChangeDir = (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK) == (HWND)wParam) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!bChangeDir) { if (pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)GetProp(hDlg, FILEPROP)) { SendMessage( hLB, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(pOFI->idirSub - 1), 0L ); } } } return (CallWindowProc(lpLBProc, hLB, msg, wParam, lParam)); }
// InvalidFileWarning
int InvalidFileWarning( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szFile, DWORD wErrCode, UINT mbType) { SHORT isz; BOOL bDriveLetter = FALSE; int nRet = 0;
if (lstrlen(szFile) > TOOLONGLIMIT) { *(szFile + TOOLONGLIMIT) = CHAR_NULL; }
switch (wErrCode) { case ( ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_DRIVE ) : { isz = iszNoDiskInDrive; bDriveLetter = TRUE; break; } case ( ERROR_NO_DISK_IN_CDROM ) : { isz = iszNoDiskInCDRom; bDriveLetter = TRUE; break; } case ( ERROR_NO_DRIVE ) : { isz = iszDriveDoesNotExist; bDriveLetter = TRUE; break; } case ( ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES ) : { isz = iszNoFileHandles; break; } case ( ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) : { isz = iszPathNotFound; break; } case ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) : { isz = iszFileNotFound; break; } case ( ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE ) : case ( ERROR_DISK_FULL ) : { isz = iszDiskFull; bDriveLetter = TRUE; break; } case ( ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT ) : { isz = iszWriteProtection; bDriveLetter = TRUE; break; } case ( ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION ) : { isz = iszSharingViolation; break; } case ( ERROR_CREATE_NO_MODIFY ) : { isz = iszCreateNoModify; break; } case ( ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED ) : { isz = iszNetworkAccessDenied; break; } case ( ERROR_PORTNAME ) : { isz = iszPortName; break; } case ( ERROR_LAZY_READONLY ) : { isz = iszReadOnly; break; } case ( ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED ) : { isz = iszDirAccessDenied; break; } case ( ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED ) : case ( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) : { isz = iszFileAccessDenied; break; } case ( ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME ) : { FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, NULL, wErrCode, GetUserDefaultLCID(), szWarning, WARNINGMSGLENGTH, NULL ); goto DisplayError; } default : { isz = iszInvalidFileName; break; } } if (!CDLoadString( g_hinst, isz, szCaption, WARNINGMSGLENGTH )) { wsprintf( szWarning, TEXT("Error occurred, but error resource cannot be loaded.") ); } else { wsprintf( szWarning, szCaption, bDriveLetter ? (LPTSTR)(CHAR)*szFile : szFile );
DisplayError: GetWindowText(hDlg, szCaption, WARNINGMSGLENGTH);
if (!mbType) { mbType = MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; }
nRet = MessageBox(hDlg, szWarning, szCaption, mbType); }
if (isz == iszInvalidFileName) { PostMessage( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, edt1), (LPARAM)1L ); }
return (nRet); }
// MeasureItem
VOID MeasureItem( HWND hDlg, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis) { if (!dyItem) { HDC hDC = GetDC(hDlg); TEXTMETRIC TM; HANDLE hFont;
hFont = (HANDLE)SendMessage(hDlg, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L); if (!hFont) { hFont = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); } hFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont); GetTextMetrics(hDC, &TM); SelectObject(hDC, hFont); ReleaseDC(hDlg, hDC); dyText = TM.tmHeight; dyItem = max(dyDirDrive, dyText); }
if (mis->CtlID == lst1) { mis->itemHeight = dyText; } else { mis->itemHeight = dyItem; } }
// Signum
// Returns the sign of an integer:
// -1 if integer < 0
// 0 if integer = 0
// 1 if integer > 0
// Note: Signum *could* be defined as an inline macro, but that causes
// the C compiler to disable Loop optimization, Global register
// optimization, and Global optimizations for common subexpressions
// in any function that the macro would appear. The cost of a call
// to the function seemed worth the optimizations.
int Signum( int nTest) { return ((nTest == 0) ? 0 : (nTest > 0) ? 1 : -1); }
// DrawItem
// Draws the drive/directory pictures in the respective combo list boxes.
// lst1 is listbox for files
// lst2 is listbox for directories
// cmb1 is combobox for filters
// cmb2 is combobox for drives
VOID DrawItem( POPENFILEINFO pOFI, HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis, BOOL bSave) { HDC hdcList; RECT rc; // RECT rcCmb2;
TCHAR szText[MAX_FULLPATHNAME + 1]; int dxAcross; LONG nHeight; LONG rgbBack, rgbText, rgbOldBack, rgbOldText; SHORT nShift = 1; // to shift directories right in lst2
BOOL bSel; int BltItem; int nBackMode;
if ((int)lpdis->itemID < 0) { DefWindowProc(hDlg, WM_DRAWITEM, wParam, (LPARAM)lpdis); return; }
*szText = CHAR_NULL;
if (lpdis->CtlID != lst1 && lpdis->CtlID != lst2 && lpdis->CtlID != cmb2) { return; }
if (!pOFI) { return; }
hdcList = lpdis->hDC;
if (lpdis->CtlID != cmb2) { SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, (int)lpdis->CtlID, LB_GETTEXT , (WPARAM)lpdis->itemID, (LONG_PTR)szText );
if (*szText == 0) { //
// If empty listing.
DefWindowProc(hDlg, WM_DRAWITEM, wParam, (LONG_PTR)lpdis); return; }
if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(szText); } }
nHeight = (lpdis->CtlID == lst1) ? dyText : dyItem;
CopyRect((LPRECT)&rc, (LPRECT)&lpdis->rcItem);
rc.bottom = rc.top + nHeight;
if (bSave && (lpdis->CtlID == lst1)) { rgbBack = rgbWindowColor; rgbText = rgbGrayText; } else { //
// Careful checking of bSel is needed here. Since the file
// listbox (lst1) can allow multiselect, only ODS_SELECTED needs
// to be set. But for the directory listbox (lst2), ODS_FOCUS
// also needs to be set.
bSel = (lpdis->itemState & (ODS_SELECTED | ODS_FOCUS)); if ((bSel & ODS_SELECTED) && ((lpdis->CtlID != lst2) || (bSel & ODS_FOCUS))) { rgbBack = rgbHiliteColor; rgbText = rgbHiliteText; } else { rgbBack = rgbWindowColor; rgbText = rgbWindowText; } }
rgbOldBack = SetBkColor(hdcList, rgbBack); rgbOldText = SetTextColor(hdcList, rgbText);
// Drives -- text is now in UI style, c: VolumeName/Server-Sharename.
if (lpdis->CtlID == cmb2) { HANDLE hCmb2 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2);
dxAcross = dxDirDrive / BMPHIOFFSET;
BltItem = (int) SendMessage(hCmb2, CB_GETITEMDATA, lpdis->itemID, 0);
SendMessage(hCmb2, CB_GETLBTEXT, lpdis->itemID, (LPARAM)szText);
if (bSel & ODS_SELECTED) { BltItem += BMPHIOFFSET; } } else if (lpdis->CtlID == lst2) { //
// Directories.
dxAcross = dxDirDrive / BMPHIOFFSET;
if (lpdis->itemID > pOFI->idirSub) { nShift = (SHORT)pOFI->idirSub; } else { nShift = (SHORT)lpdis->itemID; }
// Must be at least 1.
BltItem = 1 + Signum(lpdis->itemID + 1 - pOFI->idirSub); if (bSel & ODS_FOCUS) { BltItem += BMPHIOFFSET; } } else if (lpdis->CtlID == lst1) { //
// Prep for TextOut below.
dxAcross = -dxSpace; }
if (bSave && (lpdis->CtlID == lst1) && !rgbText) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(rgbBack); HBRUSH hOldBrush;
nBackMode = SetBkMode(hdcList, TRANSPARENT); hOldBrush = SelectObject( lpdis->hDC, hBrush ? hBrush : GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH) );
FillRect(lpdis->hDC, (LPRECT)(&(lpdis->rcItem)), hBrush); SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, hOldBrush); if (hBrush) { DeleteObject(hBrush); }
GrayString( lpdis->hDC, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH), NULL, (LPARAM)szText, 0, lpdis->rcItem.left + dxSpace, lpdis->rcItem.top, 0, 0 ); SetBkMode(hdcList, nBackMode); }
#if 0
else if (lpdis->CtlID == cmb2) { rcCmb2.right = rc.right; rcCmb2.left = rc.left + (WORD)(dxSpace + dxAcross) + (dxSpace * nShift); rcCmb2.top = rc.top + (dyItem - dyText) / 2; rcCmb2.bottom = rc.top + nHeight;
DrawText( hdcList, szText, -1, &rcCmb2, DT_LEFT | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_NOPREFIX ); } #endif
else { //
// Draw the name.
ExtTextOut( hdcList, rc.left + (WORD)(dxSpace + dxAcross) + dxSpace * nShift, rc.top + (nHeight - dyText) / 2, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED, (LPRECT)&rc, szText, lstrlen(szText), NULL ); }
// Draw the picture.
if (lpdis->CtlID != lst1) { BitBlt( hdcList, rc.left + dxSpace * nShift, rc.top + (dyItem - dyDirDrive) / 2, dxAcross, dyDirDrive, hdcMemory, BltItem * dxAcross, 0, SRCCOPY ); }
SetTextColor(hdcList, rgbOldText); SetBkColor(hdcList, rgbBack);
if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) { DrawFocusRect(hdcList, (LPRECT)&lpdis->rcItem); } }
// SpacesExist
BOOL SpacesExist( LPTSTR szFileName) { while (*szFileName) { if (*szFileName == CHAR_SPACE) { return (TRUE); } else { szFileName++; } } return (FALSE); }
// StripFileName
// Removes all but the filename from editbox contents.
// This is to be called before the user makes directory or drive
// changes by selecting them instead of typing them.
void StripFileName( HANDLE hDlg, BOOL bWowApp) { TCHAR szText[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; SHORT nFileOffset, cb;
if (GetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szText, MAX_FULLPATHNAME - 1)) { DWORD lRet;
lRet = ParseFile(szText, IsLFNDriveX(hDlg, szText), bWowApp, FALSE); nFileOffset = LOWORD(lRet); cb = HIWORD(lRet); if (nFileOffset < 0) { //
// If there was a parsing error, check for CHAR_SEMICOLON
// delimeter.
if (szText[cb] == CHAR_SEMICOLON) { szText[cb] = CHAR_NULL; nFileOffset = (WORD)ParseFile( szText, IsLFNDriveX(hDlg, szText), bWowApp, FALSE ); szText[cb] = CHAR_SEMICOLON; if (nFileOffset < 0) { //
// Still trouble, so Exit.
szText[0] = CHAR_NULL; } } else { szText[0] = CHAR_NULL; } } if (nFileOffset > 0) { lstrcpy(szText, (LPTSTR)(szText + nFileOffset)); } if (nFileOffset) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, szText); } } }
// lstrtok
LPTSTR lstrtok( LPTSTR lpStr, LPCTSTR lpDelim) { static LPTSTR lpString; LPTSTR lpRetVal, lpTemp;
// If we are passed new string skip leading delimiters.
if (lpStr) { lpString = lpStr;
while (*lpString && StrChr(lpDelim, *lpString)) { lpString = CharNext(lpString); } }
// If there are no more tokens, return NULL.
if (!*lpString) { return (CHAR_NULL); }
// Save head of token.
lpRetVal = lpString;
// Find delimiter or end of string.
while (*lpString && !StrChr(lpDelim, *lpString)) { lpString = CharNext(lpString); }
// If we found a delimiter insert string terminator and skip.
if (*lpString) { lpTemp = CharNext(lpString); *lpString = CHAR_NULL; lpString = lpTemp; }
// Return token.
return (lpRetVal); }
// ChopText
LPTSTR ChopText( HWND hwndDlg, int idStatic, LPTSTR lpch) { RECT rc; register int cxField; BOOL fChop = FALSE; HWND hwndStatic; HDC hdc; TCHAR chDrv; HANDLE hOldFont; LPTSTR lpstrStart = lpch; SIZE Size; BOOL bRet;
// Get length of static field.
hwndStatic = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, idStatic); GetClientRect(hwndStatic, (LPRECT)&rc); cxField = rc.right - rc.left;
// Chop characters off front end of text until short enough.
hdc = GetDC(hwndStatic);
hOldFont = NULL;
while ((bRet = GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, lpch, lstrlen(lpch), &Size)) && (cxField < Size.cx)) { if (!fChop) { chDrv = *lpch;
// Proportional font support.
if (bRet = GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, lpch, 7, &Size)) { cxField -= Size.cx; } else { break; }
if (cxField <= 0) { break; }
lpch += 7; } while (*lpch && (!ISBACKSLASH_P(lpstrStart, lpch))) { lpch++; } //Skip the backslash
fChop = TRUE; }
ReleaseDC(hwndStatic, hdc);
// If any characters chopped off, replace first three characters in
// remaining text string with ellipsis.
if (fChop) { //Skip back to include the backslash
lpch--; *--lpch = CHAR_DOT; *--lpch = CHAR_DOT; *--lpch = CHAR_DOT; *--lpch = *(lpstrStart + 2); *--lpch = *(lpstrStart + 1); *--lpch = *lpstrStart; }
return (lpch); }
// FillOutPath
// Fills out lst2 given that the current directory has been set.
// Returns: TRUE if they DO NOT match
// FALSE if match
BOOL FillOutPath( HWND hList, POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { TCHAR szPath[CCHNETPATH]; LPTSTR lpCurDir; LPTSTR lpB, lpF; TCHAR wc; int cchPathOffset; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg;
if(!(lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) || !(lpCurDir = lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir)) { return (FALSE); }
lpF = szPath; lstrcpy(lpF, lpCurDir);
// Wow apps started from lfn dirs will set the current directory to an
// lfn, but only in the case where it is less than 8 chars.
if (pOFI->pOFN->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES) { ShortenThePath(lpF); }
*lpF = (TCHAR)CharLower((LPTSTR)*lpF); cchPathOffset = GetPathOffset(lpF); if (cchPathOffset == -1) { cchPathOffset = 0; } lpB = (lpF + cchPathOffset);
// Hack to retain Winball display functionality.
// Drived disks are displayed as C:\ (the root dir).
// whereas unc disks are displayed as \\server\share (the disk).
// Hence, extend display of drived disks by one char.
if (*(lpF + 1) == CHAR_COLON) { wc = *(++lpB); *lpB = CHAR_NULL; } else { //
// Since we use lpF over and over again to speed things
// up, and since GetCurrentDirectory returns the disk name
// for unc, but the root path for drives, we have the following hack
// for when we are at the root of the unc directory, and lpF
// contains old stuff out past cchPathOffset.
wc = 0; *lpB++ = CHAR_NULL; }
// Insert the items for the path to the current dir
// Insert the root...
pOFI->idirSub = 0;
SendMessage(hList, LB_INSERTSTRING, pOFI->idirSub++, (LPARAM)lpF);
if (wc) { *lpB = wc; }
for (lpF = lpB; *lpB; lpB++) { if ((ISBACKSLASH_P(szPath, lpB)) || (*lpB == CHAR_SLASH)) { *lpB = CHAR_NULL;
SendMessage(hList, LB_INSERTSTRING, pOFI->idirSub++, (LPARAM)lpF);
lpF = lpB + 1;
*lpB = CHAR_BSLASH; } }
// Assumes that a path always ends with one last un-delimited dir name.
// Check to make sure we have at least one.
if (lpF != lpB) { SendMessage(hList, LB_INSERTSTRING, pOFI->idirSub++, (LPARAM)lpF); }
return (TRUE); }
// ShortenThePath
// Takes a pathname and converts all dirs to shortnames if they are
// not valid DOS 8.3 names.
// Returns: TRUE if pathname converted
// FALSE if ran out of space, buffer left alone
BOOL ShortenThePath( LPTSTR pPath) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pSrcNextSpec, pReplaceSpec; LPTSTR pDest, p; LPTSTR pSrc; int cchPathOffset; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; UINT i; int nSpaceLeft = MAX_PATH - 1;
#ifdef UNICODE
// Save pointer to beginning of buffer.
pSrc = pPath;
// Eliminate double quotes.
for (p = pDest = pSrc; *p; p++, pDest++) { if (*p == CHAR_QUOTE) { p++; } *pDest = *p; }
*pDest = CHAR_NULL;
// Strip out leading spaces.
while (*pSrc == CHAR_SPACE) { pSrc++; }
// Skip past \\foo\bar or <drive>:
pDest = szDest; pSrcNextSpec = pSrc;
// Reuse shell32 internal api that calculates path offset.
// The cchPathOffset variable will be the offset that when added to
// the pointer will result in a pointer to the backslash before the
// first part of the path.
// NOTE: UNICODE only call.
cchPathOffset = GetPathOffset(pSrc);
// Check to see if it's valid. If pSrc is not of the \\foo\bar
// or <drive>: form we just do nothing.
if (cchPathOffset == -1) { return (TRUE); }
// cchPathOffset will always be at least 1 and is the number of
// characters - 1 that we want to copy (that is, if 0 was
// permissible, it would denote 1 character).
do { *pDest++ = *pSrcNextSpec++;
if (!--nSpaceLeft) { return (FALSE); } } while (cchPathOffset--);
// At this point, we have just the filenames that we can shorten:
// \\foo\bar\it\is\here -> it\is\here
// c:\angry\lions -> angry\lions
while (pSrcNextSpec) { //
// pReplaceSpec holds the current spec we need to replace.
// By default, if we can't find the altname, then just use this.
pReplaceSpec = pSrcNextSpec;
// Search for trailing "\"
// pSrcNextSpec will point to the next spec to fix.
// (*pSrcNextSpec = NULL if done)
while (*pSrcNextSpec && (!ISBACKSLASH_P(pReplaceSpec, pSrcNextSpec))) { pSrcNextSpec++; }
if (*pSrcNextSpec) { //
// If there is more, then pSrcNextSpec should point to it.
// Also delimit this spec.
*pSrcNextSpec = CHAR_NULL; } else { pSrcNextSpec = NULL; }
hFind = FindFirstFile(pSrc, &FindData);
// We could exit as soon as this FindFirstFileFails,
// but there's the special case of having execute
// without read permission. This would fail since the lfn
// is valid for lfn apps.
if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFind);
#ifdef UNICODE
// See if it's not a legal 8.3 name or if there are spaces
// in the name. If either is true, use the alternate name.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, FindData.cFileName); if (!RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3(&Name, NULL, &fSpace) || fSpace) #endif
{ if (FindData.cAlternateFileName[0]) { pReplaceSpec = FindData.cAlternateFileName; } } }
i = lstrlen(pReplaceSpec); nSpaceLeft -= i;
if (nSpaceLeft <= 0) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(pDest, pReplaceSpec); pDest += i;
// Now replace the CHAR_NULL with a slash if necessary.
if (pSrcNextSpec) { *pSrcNextSpec++ = CHAR_BSLASH;
// Also add backslash to destination.
*pDest++ = CHAR_BSLASH; nSpaceLeft--; } }
lstrcpy(pPath, szDest);
return (TRUE); }
// FListAll
// Given a file pattern, it changes the directory to that of the spec,
// and updates the display.
int FListAll( POPENFILEINFO pOFI, HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szSpec) { LPTSTR szPattern; TCHAR chSave; int nRet = 0; TCHAR szDirBuf[MAX_FULLPATHNAME + 1];
if (!bCasePreserved) { CharLower(szSpec); }
// No directory.
if (!(szPattern = StrRChr( szSpec, szSpec + lstrlen(szSpec), CHAR_BSLASH )) && !StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_COLON)) { lstrcpy(pOFI->szSpecCur, szSpec); if (!bInitializing) { UpdateListBoxes(hDlg, pOFI, szSpec, mskDirectory); } } else { *szDirBuf = CHAR_NULL;
// Just root + pattern.
if (szPattern == StrChr(szSpec, CHAR_BSLASH)) { if (!szPattern) { //
// Didn't find a slash, must have drive.
szPattern = CharNext(CharNext(szSpec)); } else if ((szPattern == szSpec) || ((szPattern - 2 == szSpec) && (*(szSpec + 1) == CHAR_COLON))) { szPattern = CharNext(szPattern); } else { goto KillSlash; } chSave = *szPattern; if (chSave != CHAR_DOT) { //
// If not c:.. or c:.
*szPattern = CHAR_NULL; } lstrcpy(szDirBuf, szSpec); if (chSave == CHAR_DOT) { szPattern = szSpec + lstrlen(szSpec); AppendExt(szPattern, pOFI->pOFN->lpstrDefExt, TRUE); } else { *szPattern = chSave; } } else { KillSlash: *szPattern++ = 0; lstrcpy(szDirBuf, szSpec); }
if ((nRet = ChangeDir(hDlg, szDirBuf, TRUE, FALSE)) < 0) { return (nRet); }
lstrcpy(pOFI->szSpecCur, szPattern); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, edt1, pOFI->szSpecCur);
SelDisk(hDlg, NULL);
if (!bInitializing) { SendMessage( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( cmb2, GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2), MYCBN_DRAW ) ); } }
return (nRet); }
// ChangeDir
// Changes the current directory and/or resource.
// lpszDir - Fully qualified, or partially qualified names.
// To change to another disk and cd automatically to the
// last directory as set in the shell's environment, specify
// only a disk name (i.e. c: or \\triskal\scratch - must not end
// in backslash).
// bForce - If True, then caller requires that ChangeDir successfully cd
// somewhere. Order of cding is as follows:
// 1. lpszDir
// 2. current dir for the current thread
// 3. root of current dir for the current thread
// 4. c:
// bError - if TRUE, then pop up an AccessDenied dialog at every step
// in the force.
// Returns an index into gaDiskInfo for new disk chosen or,
// the ADDDISK_error code.
// Returns ADDDISK_NOCHANGE in the event that it cannot cd to the root
// directory of the specific file.
int ChangeDir( HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR lpszDir, BOOL bForce, BOOL bError) { TCHAR szCurDir[CCHNETPATH]; LPTSTR lpCurDir; int cchDirLen; TCHAR wcDrive = 0; int nIndex; BOOL nRet; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg;
// SheChangeDirEx will call GetCurrentDir, but will use what it
// gets only in the case where the path passed in was no good.
// 1st, try request.
if (lpszDir && *lpszDir) { lstrcpyn(szCurDir, lpszDir, CCHNETPATH);
// Remove trailing spaces.
lpCurDir = szCurDir + lstrlen(szCurDir) - 1; while (*lpCurDir && (*lpCurDir == CHAR_SPACE)) { *lpCurDir-- = CHAR_NULL; }
nRet = SheChangeDirEx(szCurDir); #ifdef UNICODE
if (nRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #else
if (!nRet) #endif
{ if (bError) { //
// Casting to LPTSTR is ok below - InvalidFileWarning will
// not change this string because the path is always
// guaranteed to be <= MAX_FULLPATHNAME.
InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, (LPTSTR)lpszDir, ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 ); }
if (!bForce) { return (CHANGEDIR_FAILED); } } else { goto ChangeDir_OK; } }
// 2nd, try lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir value (which we got above).
// !!! need to check for a null return value ???
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg); lpCurDir = (lpCurDlg ? lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir : NULL);
nRet = SheChangeDirEx(lpCurDir);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (nRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #else
if (!nRet) #endif
{ if (bError) { InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, lpCurDir, ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 ); } } else { goto ChangeDir_OK; }
// 3rd, try root of lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir or GetCurrentDir (sanity).
lstrcpy(szCurDir, lpCurDir); cchDirLen = GetPathOffset(szCurDir);
// Sanity check - it's guaranteed not to fail ...
if (cchDirLen != -1) { szCurDir[cchDirLen] = CHAR_BSLASH; szCurDir[cchDirLen + 1] = CHAR_NULL;
nRet = SheChangeDirEx(szCurDir);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (nRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #else
if (!nRet) #endif
{ if (bError) { InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, (LPTSTR)lpszDir, ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 ); } } else { goto ChangeDir_OK; } }
// 4th, try c:
lstrcpy(szCurDir, TEXT("c:")); nRet = SheChangeDirEx(szCurDir);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (nRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #else
if (!nRet) #endif
{ if (bError) { InvalidFileWarning( hDlg, (LPTSTR)lpszDir, ERROR_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED, 0 ); } } else { goto ChangeDir_OK; }
GetCurrentDirectory(CCHNETPATH, szCurDir);
nIndex = DiskAddedPreviously(0, szCurDir);
// If the disk doesn't exist, add it.
if (nIndex == -1) { HWND hCmb2 = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2); LPTSTR lpszDisk = NULL; DWORD dwType; TCHAR wc1, wc2;
if (szCurDir[1] == CHAR_COLON) { wcDrive = szCurDir[0]; } else { lpszDisk = &szCurDir[0]; }
cchDirLen = GetPathOffset(szCurDir); if (cchDirLen != -1) { wc1 = szCurDir[cchDirLen]; wc2 = szCurDir[cchDirLen + 1];
szCurDir[cchDirLen] = CHAR_BSLASH; szCurDir[cchDirLen + 1] = CHAR_NULL; }
dwType = GetDiskIndex(GetDiskType(szCurDir));
if (cchDirLen != -1) { szCurDir[cchDirLen] = CHAR_NULL; }
nIndex = AddDisk(wcDrive, lpszDisk, NULL, dwType);
SendMessage(hCmb2, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L);
wNoRedraw |= 1;
SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpAbbrName ), (LPARAM)gaDiskInfo[nIndex].dwType );
if ((dwType != NETDRVBMP) && (dwType != REMDRVBMP)) { gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bCasePreserved = IsFileSystemCasePreserving(gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpPath); }
wNoRedraw &= ~1;
SendMessage(hCmb2, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L);
if (cchDirLen != -1) { szCurDir[cchDirLen] = wc1; szCurDir[cchDirLen + 1] = wc2; } } else { //
// Validate the disk if it has been seen before.
// For unc names that fade away, refresh the cmb2 box.
if (!gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bValid) { gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bValid = TRUE;
SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb2, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, cmb2, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpAbbrName ), (LPARAM)gaDiskInfo[nIndex].dwType ); } }
// Update our global concept of Case.
if (nIndex >= 0) { //
// Send special WOW message to indicate the directory has
// changed.
SendMessage(hDlg, msgWOWDIRCHANGE, 0, 0);
// Get pointer to current directory.
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg); lpCurDir = (lpCurDlg ? lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir : NULL); if (!lpCurDlg || !lpCurDir) { return (CHANGEDIR_FAILED); }
bCasePreserved = gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bCasePreserved;
// In case the unc name already has a drive letter, correct
// lst2 display.
cchDirLen = 0;
// Compare with szCurDir since it's been lowercased.
if (DBL_BSLASH(szCurDir) && (*gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpAbbrName != szCurDir[0])) { if ((cchDirLen = GetPathOffset(szCurDir)) != -1) { szCurDir[--cchDirLen] = CHAR_COLON; szCurDir[--cchDirLen] = *gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpAbbrName; } }
if ((gaDiskInfo[nIndex].dwType == CDDRVBMP) || (gaDiskInfo[nIndex].dwType == FLOPPYBMP)) { if (*lpCurDir != gaDiskInfo[nIndex].wcDrive) { TCHAR szDrive[5];
// Get new volume info - should always succeed.
szDrive[0] = gaDiskInfo[nIndex].wcDrive; szDrive[1] = CHAR_COLON; szDrive[2] = CHAR_BSLASH; szDrive[3] = CHAR_NULL; UpdateLocalDrive(szDrive, TRUE);
// Flush to the cmb before selecting the disk.
if ( lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg) ) { gahDlg[lpCurDlg->dwCurDlgNum] = hDlg; FlushDiskInfoToCmb2(); } } } lstrcpy(lpCurDir, (LPTSTR)&szCurDir[cchDirLen]); PathAddBackslash(lpCurDir);
// If the worker thread is running, then trying to select here
// will just render the cmb2 blank, which is what we want;
// otherwise, it should successfully select it.
SelDisk(hDlg, gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpPath); } // else
// {
// print out error message returned from AddDisk ...
// }
return (nIndex); }
// IsFileSystemCasePreserving
BOOL IsFileSystemCasePreserving( LPTSTR lpszDisk) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; DWORD dwFlags;
if (!lpszDisk) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(szPath, lpszDisk); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\"));
if (GetVolumeInformation( szPath, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwFlags, NULL, 0 )) { return ((dwFlags & FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED)); }
// Default to FALSE if there is an error.
return (FALSE); }
// IsLFNDriveX
BOOL IsLFNDriveX( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szPath) { TCHAR szRootPath[MAX_FULLPATHNAME]; DWORD dwVolumeSerialNumber; DWORD dwMaximumComponentLength; DWORD dwFileSystemFlags; LPTSTR lpCurDir; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg;
if (!szPath[0] || !szPath[1] || (szPath[1] != CHAR_COLON && !(DBL_BSLASH(szPath)))) { //
// If the path is not a full path then get the directory path
// from the TLS current directory.
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg); lpCurDir = (lpCurDlg ? lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir : NULL); lstrcpy(szRootPath, lpCurDir); } else { lstrcpy(szRootPath, szPath); }
if (szRootPath[1] == CHAR_COLON) { szRootPath[2] = CHAR_BSLASH; szRootPath[3] = 0; } else if (DBL_BSLASH(szRootPath)) { int i; LPTSTR p;
// Stop at "\\foo\bar".
for (i = 0, p = szRootPath + 2; *p && i < 2; p++) { if (ISBACKSLASH_P(szRootPath, p)) { i++; } }
switch (i) { case ( 0 ) : { return (FALSE); } case ( 1 ) : { if (lstrlen(szRootPath) < MAX_FULLPATHNAME - 2) { *p = CHAR_BSLASH; *(p + 1) = CHAR_NULL; } else { return (FALSE); } break; }
case ( 2 ) : { *p = CHAR_NULL; break; } } }
if (GetVolumeInformation( szRootPath, NULL, 0, &dwVolumeSerialNumber, &dwMaximumComponentLength, &dwFileSystemFlags, NULL, 0 )) { if (dwMaximumComponentLength == (MAXDOSFILENAMELEN - 1)) { return (FALSE); } else { return (TRUE); } }
return (FALSE); }
// DiskAddedPreviously
// This routine checks to see if a disk resource has been previously
// added to the global structure.
// wcDrive - if this is set, then there is no lpszName comparison
// lpszName - if wcDrive is not set, but the lpszName is of the form
// "c:\" then set wcDrive = *lpszName and index by drive letter
// else assume lpszName is a unc name
// Returns: 0xFFFFFFFF failure (disk doesn't exist in list)
// 0 - 128 number of disk in list
int DiskAddedPreviously( TCHAR wcDrive, LPTSTR lpszName) { WORD i;
// There are two index schemes (by drive or by unc \\server\share).
// If it doesn't have a drive letter, assume unc.
if (wcDrive || (lpszName && (*(lpszName + 1) == CHAR_COLON))) { if (!wcDrive) { wcDrive = *lpszName; wcDrive = (TCHAR)CharLower((LPTSTR)wcDrive); }
for (i = 0; i < dwNumDisks; i++) { //
// See if the drive letters are the same.
if (wcDrive) { if (wcDrive == (TCHAR)CharLower((LPTSTR)gaDiskInfo[i].wcDrive)) { return (i); } } } } else if (lpszName) { DWORD cchDirLen; TCHAR wc;
// Check remote name (\\server\share).
cchDirLen = GetPathOffset(lpszName);
// If we're given a unc path, get the disk name.
// Otherwise, assume the whole thing is a disk name.
if (cchDirLen != -1) { wc = *(lpszName + cchDirLen); *(lpszName + cchDirLen) = CHAR_NULL; }
for (i = 0; i < dwNumDisks; i++) { if (!lstrcmpi(gaDiskInfo[i].lpName, lpszName)) { if (cchDirLen != -1) { *(lpszName + cchDirLen) = wc; } return (i); } }
if (cchDirLen != -1) { *(lpszName + cchDirLen) = wc; } }
return (0xFFFFFFFF); }
// AddDisk
// Adds a disk to one of the global structures:
// gaNetDiskInfo
// gaLocalDiskInfo
// wcDrive - the drive to attach to (this parm should be 0 for unc)
// lpName - \\server\share name for remote disks
// volume name for local disks
// lpProvider - used for remote disks only, the name of the provider
// used with WNetFormatNetworkName api
// dwType - type of the bitmap to display
// except when we are adding a drive letter temporarily
// at startup this parameter can equal TMPNETDRV in which
// case we set the bitmap to NETDRVBMP
// Returns: -2 Cannot Add Disk
// -1 DiskInfo did not change
// 0 dwNumDisks - DiskInfo changed
int AddDisk( TCHAR wcDrive, LPTSTR lpName, LPTSTR lpProvider, DWORD dwType) { int nIndex, nRet; DWORD cchMultiLen = 0; DWORD cchAbbrLen = 0; DWORD cchLen; DWORD dwRet = 0; LPTSTR lpBuff; OFN_DISKINFO *pofndiDisk = NULL, *pgDI;
// Sanity check - wcDrive and/or lpName must be set.
if (!wcDrive && (!lpName || !*lpName)) { return (ADDDISK_INVALIDPARMS); }
nIndex = DiskAddedPreviously(wcDrive, lpName);
if (nIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF) { //
// Do not add a temporary drive letter if we already
// have something better (added, for example, in a previous call).
if (dwType == TMPNETDRV) { gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bValid = TRUE; return (ADDDISK_NOCHANGE); }
// Using a floating profile, there can be collisions between
// local and network drives in which case we take the former.
// Note: If the drive is remembered, we assume that getdrivetype
// will return false and that the drive is not added.
// But if it was added, then we overwrite anyway,
// since it's the desired behavior.
if ((dwType == REMDRVBMP) && (dwType != gaDiskInfo[nIndex].dwType)) { return (ADDDISK_NOCHANGE); }
// Update previous connections.
if (!lstrcmpi(lpName, gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpName)) { //
// Don't update a connection as remembered, unless it's been
// invalidated.
if (dwType != REMDRVBMP) { gaDiskInfo[nIndex].dwType = dwType; } gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bValid = TRUE;
return (ADDDISK_NOCHANGE); } else if (!*lpName && ((dwType == CDDRVBMP) || (dwType == FLOPPYBMP))) { //
// Guard against lazy calls to updatelocaldrive erasing current
// changed dir volume name (set via changedir).
return (ADDDISK_NOCHANGE); } }
if (dwNumDisks >= MAX_DISKS) { return (ADDDISK_MAXNUMDISKS); }
// If there is a drive, then lpPath needs only 4.
// If it's unc, then lpPath just equals lpName.
if (wcDrive) { cchLen = 4; } else { cchLen = 0; }
if (lpName && *lpName) { //
// Get the length of the standard (Remote/Local) name.
cchLen += (lstrlen(lpName) + 1);
if (lpProvider && *lpProvider && ((dwType == NETDRVBMP) || (dwType == REMDRVBMP))) { //
// Get the length for the multiline name.
dwRet = WNetFormatNetworkName( lpProvider, lpName, NULL, &cchMultiLen, WNFMT_MULTILINE, dwAveCharPerLine ); if (dwRet != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { return (ADDDISK_NETFORMATFAILED); }
// Add 4 for <drive-letter>:\ and NULL (safeguard)
if (wcDrive) { cchMultiLen += 4; }
dwRet = WNetFormatNetworkName( lpProvider, lpName, NULL, &cchAbbrLen, WNFMT_ABBREVIATED, dwAveCharPerLine ); if (dwRet != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { return (ADDDISK_NETFORMATFAILED); }
// Add 4 for <drive-letter>:\ and NULL (safeguard).
if (wcDrive) { cchAbbrLen += 4; } } else { //
// Make enough room so that lpMulti and lpAbbr can point to
// 4 characters (drive letter + : + space + null) ahead of
// lpremote.
if (wcDrive) { cchLen += 4; } } } else { //
// Make enough room so that lpMulti and lpAbbr can point to
// 4 characters (drive letter + : + space + null) ahead of
// lpremote.
if (wcDrive) { cchLen += 4; } }
// Allocate a temp OFN_DISKINFO object to work with.
// When we are finished, we'll request the critical section
// and update the global array.
pofndiDisk = (OFN_DISKINFO *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(OFN_DISKINFO)); if (!pofndiDisk) { //
// Can't alloc or realloc memory, return error.
nRet = ADDDISK_ALLOCFAILED; goto AddDisk_Error; }
lpBuff = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, (cchLen + cchMultiLen + cchAbbrLen) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!lpBuff) { //
// Can't alloc or realloc memory, return error.
nRet = ADDDISK_ALLOCFAILED; goto AddDisk_Error; }
if (dwType == TMPNETDRV) { pofndiDisk->dwType = NETDRVBMP; } else { pofndiDisk->dwType = dwType; }
// Always set these slots, even though wcDrive can equal 0.
pofndiDisk->wcDrive = wcDrive; pofndiDisk->bValid = TRUE;
pofndiDisk->cchLen = cchLen + cchAbbrLen + cchMultiLen;
// NOTE: lpAbbrName must always point to the head of lpBuff
// so that we can free the block later at DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
if (lpName && *lpName && lpProvider && *lpProvider && ((dwType == NETDRVBMP) || (dwType == REMDRVBMP))) { //
// Create an entry for a network disk.
pofndiDisk->lpAbbrName = lpBuff;
if (wcDrive) { *lpBuff++ = wcDrive; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_COLON; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_SPACE;
cchAbbrLen -= 3; }
dwRet = WNetFormatNetworkName( lpProvider, lpName, lpBuff, &cchAbbrLen, WNFMT_ABBREVIATED, dwAveCharPerLine ); if (dwRet != WN_SUCCESS) { nRet = ADDDISK_NETFORMATFAILED; LocalFree(lpBuff); goto AddDisk_Error; }
lpBuff += cchAbbrLen;
pofndiDisk->lpMultiName = lpBuff;
if (wcDrive) { *lpBuff++ = wcDrive; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_COLON; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_SPACE;
cchMultiLen -= 3; }
dwRet = WNetFormatNetworkName(lpProvider, lpName, lpBuff, &cchMultiLen, WNFMT_MULTILINE, dwAveCharPerLine); if (dwRet != WN_SUCCESS) { nRet = ADDDISK_NETFORMATFAILED; LocalFree(lpBuff); goto AddDisk_Error; }
// Note: this assumes that the lpRemoteName
// returned by WNetEnumResources is always in
// the form \\server\share (without a trailing bslash).
pofndiDisk->lpPath = lpBuff;
// if it's not unc.
if (wcDrive) { *lpBuff++ = wcDrive; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_COLON; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_NULL; }
lstrcpy(lpBuff, lpName); pofndiDisk->lpName = lpBuff;
pofndiDisk->bCasePreserved = IsFileSystemCasePreserving(pofndiDisk->lpPath); } else { //
// Create entry for a local name, or a network one with
// no name yet.
pofndiDisk->lpAbbrName = pofndiDisk->lpMultiName = lpBuff;
if (wcDrive) { *lpBuff++ = wcDrive; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_COLON; *lpBuff++ = CHAR_SPACE; }
if (lpName) { lstrcpy(lpBuff, lpName); } else { *lpBuff = CHAR_NULL; }
pofndiDisk->lpName = lpBuff;
if (wcDrive) { lpBuff += lstrlen(lpBuff) + 1; *lpBuff = wcDrive; *(lpBuff + 1) = CHAR_COLON; *(lpBuff + 2) = CHAR_NULL; }
pofndiDisk->lpPath = lpBuff;
if ((dwType == NETDRVBMP) || (dwType == REMDRVBMP)) { pofndiDisk->bCasePreserved = IsFileSystemCasePreserving(pofndiDisk->lpPath); } else { pofndiDisk->bCasePreserved = FALSE; } }
// Now we need to update the global array.
if (nIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF) { nIndex = dwNumDisks; }
pgDI = &gaDiskInfo[nIndex];
// Enter critical section and update data.
pgDI->cchLen = pofndiDisk->cchLen; pgDI->lpAbbrName = pofndiDisk->lpAbbrName; pgDI->lpMultiName = pofndiDisk->lpMultiName; pgDI->lpName = pofndiDisk->lpName; pgDI->lpPath = pofndiDisk->lpPath; pgDI->wcDrive = pofndiDisk->wcDrive; pgDI->bCasePreserved = pofndiDisk->bCasePreserved; pgDI->dwType = pofndiDisk->dwType; pgDI->bValid = pofndiDisk->bValid;
if ((DWORD)nIndex == dwNumDisks) { dwNumDisks++; }
nRet = nIndex;
if (pofndiDisk) { LocalFree(pofndiDisk); }
return (nRet); }
// EnableDiskInfo
VOID EnableDiskInfo( BOOL bValid, BOOL bDoUnc) { DWORD dwCnt = dwNumDisks;
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csLocal); while (dwCnt--) { if (gaDiskInfo[dwCnt].dwType == NETDRVBMP) { if (!(DBL_BSLASH(gaDiskInfo[dwCnt].lpAbbrName)) || bDoUnc) { gaDiskInfo[dwCnt].bValid = bValid; }
// Always re-invalidate remembered just in case someone
// escapes from fileopen, removes a connection
// overriding a remembered and comes back expecting to see
// the original remembered.
} } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csLocal); }
// FlushDiskInfoToCmb2
VOID FlushDiskInfoToCmb2() { DWORD dwDisk; DWORD dwDlg;
for (dwDlg = 0; dwDlg < dwNumDlgs; dwDlg++) { if (gahDlg[dwDlg]) { HWND hCmb2;
if (hCmb2 = GetDlgItem(gahDlg[dwDlg], cmb2)) { wNoRedraw |= 1;
SendMessage(hCmb2, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L);
SendMessage(hCmb2, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
dwDisk = dwNumDisks; while (dwDisk--) { if (gaDiskInfo[dwDisk].bValid) { SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)SendMessage( hCmb2, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)gaDiskInfo[dwDisk].lpAbbrName ), (LPARAM)gaDiskInfo[dwDisk].dwType ); } }
wNoRedraw &= ~1;
SendMessage(hCmb2, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L); InvalidateRect(hCmb2, NULL, FALSE);
SendMessage( gahDlg[dwDlg], WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(cmb2, hCmb2, MYCBN_REPAINT) ); } gahDlg[dwDlg] = NULL; } } }
// CallNetDlg
// Calls the appropriate network dialog in winnet driver.
// hwndParent - parent window of network dialog
// Returns: TRUE there are new drives to display
// FALSE there are no new drives to display
BOOL CallNetDlg( HWND hWnd) { DWORD wRet;
wRet = WNetConnectionDialog(hWnd, WNTYPE_DRIVE);
if ((wRet != WN_SUCCESS) && (wRet != WN_CANCEL) && (wRet != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { if (!CDLoadString( g_hinst, iszNoNetButtonResponse, szCaption, WARNINGMSGLENGTH )) { //
// !!!!! CAUTION
// The following is not portable between code pages.
wsprintf( szWarning, TEXT("Error occurred, but error resource cannot be loaded.") ); } else { wsprintf(szWarning, szCaption);
GetWindowText(hWnd, szCaption, WARNINGMSGLENGTH); MessageBox( hWnd, szWarning, szCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } }
return (wRet == WN_SUCCESS); }
// GetDiskType
UINT GetDiskType( LPTSTR lpszDisk) { //
// Unfortunately GetDriveType is not for deviceless connections.
// So assume all unc stuff is just "remote" - no way of telling
// if it's a cdrom or not.
if (DBL_BSLASH(lpszDisk)) { return (DRIVE_REMOTE); } else { return (GetDriveType(lpszDisk)); } }
// GetUNCDirectoryFromLB
// If lb contains a UNC listing, the function returns the full UNC path.
// Returns: 0 if no UNC listing in lb
// length of UNC listing string
DWORD GetUNCDirectoryFromLB( HWND hDlg, WORD nLB, POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { DWORD cch; DWORD idir; DWORD idirCurrent;
cch = (DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, nLB, LB_GETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)pOFI->szPath ); //
// If not UNC listing, return 0.
if (pOFI->szPath[0] != CHAR_BSLASH) { return (0); }
idirCurrent = (WORD)(DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, nLB, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); if (idirCurrent < (pOFI->idirSub - 1)) { pOFI->idirSub = idirCurrent; } pOFI->szPath[cch++] = CHAR_BSLASH; for (idir = 1; idir < pOFI->idirSub; ++idir) { cch += (DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, nLB, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)idir, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)&pOFI->szPath[cch] ); pOFI->szPath[cch++] = CHAR_BSLASH; }
// Only add the subdirectory if it's not the \\server\share point.
if (idirCurrent && (idirCurrent >= pOFI->idirSub)) { cch += (DWORD)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, nLB, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)idirCurrent, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)&pOFI->szPath[cch] ); pOFI->szPath[cch++] = CHAR_BSLASH; }
pOFI->szPath[cch] = CHAR_NULL;
return (cch); }
// SelDisk
// Selects the given disk in the combo drive list. Works for unc names,
// too.
VOID SelDisk( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR lpszDisk) { HWND hCmb = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2);
if (lpszDisk) { CharLower(lpszDisk);
SendMessage( hCmb, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)SendMessage( hCmb, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)lpszDisk ), 0L ); } else { TCHAR szChangeSel[CCHNETPATH]; LPTSTR lpCurDir; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg; int cch = CCHNETPATH;
if ((lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg)) && (lpCurDir = lpCurDlg->lpstrCurDir)) { lstrcpy(szChangeSel, lpCurDir); GetCurrentDirectory(ARRAYSIZE(szChangeSel), szChangeSel);
if ((cch = GetPathOffset(szChangeSel)) != -1) { szChangeSel[cch] = CHAR_NULL; }
SendMessage( hCmb, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)SendMessage( hCmb, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)szChangeSel ), 0L ); } } }
// LNDSetEvent
VOID LNDSetEvent( HWND hDlg) { LPCURDLG lpCurDlg;
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg);
if ( lpCurDlg && hLNDEvent && !wNoRedraw && hLNDThread && bNetworkInstalled) { gahDlg[lpCurDlg->dwCurDlgNum] = hDlg;
SetEvent(hLNDEvent); } }
// UpdateLocalDrive
VOID UpdateLocalDrive( LPTSTR szDrive, BOOL bGetVolName) { DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwDriveType; TCHAR szVolLabel[MAX_PATH];
// No unc here - so bypass extra call to GetDiskType and call
// GetDriveType directly.
dwDriveType = GetDriveType(szDrive); if ((dwDriveType != 0) && (dwDriveType != 1)) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
szVolLabel[0] = CHAR_NULL; szDrive[1] = CHAR_COLON; szDrive[2] = CHAR_NULL;
if ( bGetVolName || ((dwDriveType != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) && (dwDriveType != DRIVE_CDROM) && (dwDriveType != DRIVE_REMOTE)) ) { //
// Removing call to CharUpper since it causes trouble on
// turkish machines.
// CharUpper(szDrive);
if (GetFileAttributes(szDrive) != (DWORD)0xffffffff) { if (dwDriveType != DRIVE_REMOTE) { szDrive[2] = CHAR_BSLASH;
bRet = GetVolumeInformation( szDrive, szVolLabel, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL, &dwFlags, NULL, (DWORD)0 );
// The adddisk hack to prevent lazy loading from
// overwriting the current removable media's label
// with "" (because it never calls getvolumeinfo)
// is to not allow null lpnames to overwrite, so when
// the volume label really is null, we make it a space.
if (!szVolLabel[0]) { szVolLabel[0] = CHAR_SPACE; szVolLabel[1] = CHAR_NULL; } } } }
if (bRet) { int nIndex;
if (dwDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE) { nIndex = AddDisk( szDrive[0], szVolLabel, NULL, TMPNETDRV ); } else { nIndex = AddDisk( szDrive[0], szVolLabel, NULL, GetDiskIndex(dwDriveType) ); }
if (nIndex != ADDDISK_NOCHANGE) { gaDiskInfo[nIndex].bCasePreserved = (dwFlags & FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED); } } } }
// GetNetDrives
// Enumerates network disk resources and updates the global disk info
// structure.
// Returns the last connection that did not previously exist.
VOID GetNetDrives( DWORD dwScope) { DWORD dwRet; HANDLE hEnum = NULL;
// Guard against termination with the enum handle open.
dwRet = WNetOpenEnum( dwScope, RESOURCETYPE_DISK, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE, NULL, &hEnum ); if (dwRet == WN_SUCCESS) { while (dwRet == WN_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwCount = 0xffffffff; DWORD cbSize = cbNetEnumBuf;
if (bLNDExit) { WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); return; }
dwRet = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, &dwCount, gpcNetEnumBuf, &cbSize); switch (dwRet) { case ( WN_SUCCESS ) : { //
// Add the Entries to the listbox.
TCHAR wcDrive = 0; NETRESOURCE *pNetRes; WORD i;
pNetRes = (LPNETRESOURCE)gpcNetEnumBuf;
for (i = 0; dwCount; dwCount--, i++) { if (pNetRes[i].lpLocalName) { CharLower(pNetRes[i].lpLocalName); wcDrive = *pNetRes[i].lpLocalName; } else { //
// Skip deviceless names that are not
// LanMan provided (or, in the case where there
// is no LanMan provider name, skip deviceless
// always).
wcDrive = 0; }
if (!DBL_BSLASH(pNetRes[i].lpRemoteName)) { continue; }
// When bGetNetDrivesSync is TRUE, we are coming back
// from the Network button, so we want to cd to the
// last connected drive.
// (see last command in this routine)
if (bGetNetDrivesSync) { int nIndex; WORD k;
nIndex = AddDisk( wcDrive, pNetRes[i].lpRemoteName, pNetRes[i].lpProvider, (dwScope == RESOURCE_REMEMBERED) ? REMDRVBMP : NETDRVBMP );
// If it's a new connection, update global state.
if (nIndex >= 0) { //
// Since flushdiskinfotocmb2 will clear out
// the array below, remember it's state here.
// It's a hack, but a nice way to find out
// exactly which of the many threads
// completed a net dlg operation.
for (k = 0; k < dwNumDlgs; k++) { if (gahDlg[k]) { // Could encounter small problems with
// preemption here, but assume that
// user cannot simultaneously return
// from two different net dlg calls.
lpNetDriveSync = gaDiskInfo[nIndex].lpPath;
SendMessage( gahDlg[k], WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( cmb2, GetDlgItem(gahDlg[k], cmb2), MYCBN_CHANGEDIR ) ); } } } } else { AddDisk( wcDrive, pNetRes[i].lpRemoteName, pNetRes[i].lpProvider, (dwScope == RESOURCE_REMEMBERED) ? REMDRVBMP : NETDRVBMP ); } } break; } case ( WN_MORE_DATA ) : { LPTSTR pcTemp;
pcTemp = (LPTSTR)LocalReAlloc( gpcNetEnumBuf, cbSize, LMEM_MOVEABLE ); if (!pcTemp) { cbNetEnumBuf = 0; } else { gpcNetEnumBuf = pcTemp; cbNetEnumBuf = cbSize; dwRet = WN_SUCCESS; break; } } case ( WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES ) : case ( WN_EXTENDED_ERROR ) : case ( WN_NO_NETWORK ) : { //
// WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES is a success error code.
// It is special cased when we fall out of the loop.
break; } case ( WN_BAD_HANDLE ) : default : { break; } } }
// Flush once per event - there will always be a call with
// dwscope = connected.
if (dwScope == RESOURCE_CONNECTED) { FlushDiskInfoToCmb2(); }
if (bGetNetDrivesSync) { bGetNetDrivesSync = FALSE; } } }
#if 0
// See comments in ListNetDrivesHandler
// HideNetButton
VOID HideNetButton() { DWORD dwDlg; HWND hNet;
for (dwDlg = 0; dwDlg < dwNumDlgs; dwDlg++) { hNet = GetDlgItem(gahDlg[dwDlg], psh14);
EnableWindow(hNet, FALSE); ShowWindow(hNet, SW_HIDE); } } #endif
// ListNetDrivesHandler
VOID ListNetDrivesHandler() { BOOL bInit = TRUE; HANDLE hEnum = NULL; if (!gpcNetEnumBuf && !(gpcNetEnumBuf = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbNetEnumBuf))) { hLNDThread = NULL; return; }
if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread1; }
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csNetThread); while (1) { if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread; }
// hLNDEvent will always be valid since we have loaded ourself
// and FreeLibrary will not produce a DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
WaitForSingleObject(hLNDEvent, INFINITE);
// In case this is the exit event.
if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread; }
EnableDiskInfo(FALSE, FALSE); if (bInit) { GetNetDrives(RESOURCE_REMEMBERED);
// In case this is the exit event.
if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread; }
// In case this is the exit event.
if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread; }
bInit = FALSE; } else { //
// In case this is the exit event.
if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread; }
// In case this is the exit event.
if (bLNDExit) { goto LNDExitThread; } }
ResetEvent(hLNDEvent); }
bLNDExit = FALSE; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csNetThread);
FreeLibraryAndExitThread(g_hinst, 1);
// The ExitThread is implicit in this return.
return; }
// LoadDrives
// Lists the current drives (connected) in the combo box.
VOID LoadDrives( HWND hDlg) { //
// Hard-code this - It's internal && always cmb2/psh14.
HWND hCmb = GetDlgItem(hDlg, cmb2); DWORD dwThreadID; LPCURDLG lpCurDlg; BOOL bFirstAttach = FALSE; WORD wCurDrive; TCHAR szDrive[5]; if (!hLNDEvent) { //
// Don't check if this succeeds since we can run without the net.
hLNDEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
bFirstAttach = TRUE; } else { //
// Assume all previous connections (except unc) are valid
// for first display - but only when they exist.
EnableDiskInfo(TRUE, FALSE); }
// Set the hDlg into the refresh array before initially
// creating the thread so that the worker thread can hide/disable
// the net button in the event that there is no network.
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg);
// sanity check
if (!lpCurDlg) { return; }
gahDlg[lpCurDlg->dwCurDlgNum] = hDlg;
// If there is no worker thread for network disk enumeration,
// start up here rather than in the dll, since it's only
// for the fileopen dlg.
// Always start a thread if the number of active fileopen dialogs
// goes from 0 to 1
if ((lpCurDlg->dwCurDlgNum == 0) && (!hLNDThread)) { if (hLNDEvent && (bNetworkInstalled = IsNetworkInstalled())) { TCHAR szModule[MAX_PATH];
// Do this once when dialog thread count goes from 0 to 1.
GetModuleFileName(g_hinst, szModule, ARRAYSIZE(szModule)); if (LoadLibrary(szModule)) { hLNDThread = CreateThread( NULL, (DWORD)0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ListNetDrivesHandler, (LPVOID)NULL, (DWORD_PTR)NULL, &dwThreadID ); } } else { HWND hNet = GetDlgItem(hDlg, psh14);
EnableWindow(hNet, FALSE); ShowWindow(hNet, SW_HIDE); } }
// Fix for Millenium BUG #113035
// Putting the get drives information code instead of in the
// ListNetDriveHandler thread.
// Get the drive information for all drives.
// NOTE: If we don't redo all volume info, then a change in a volume
// label will never be caught by wow apps unless wowexec is
// killed and restarted. Therefore, information for all drives
// should be retrieved here.
for (wCurDrive = 0; wCurDrive <= 25; wCurDrive++) { szDrive[0] = (CHAR_A + (TCHAR)wCurDrive); szDrive[1] = CHAR_COLON; szDrive[2] = CHAR_BSLASH; szDrive[3] = CHAR_NULL;
UpdateLocalDrive(szDrive, FALSE); } FlushDiskInfoToCmb2();
// Now invalidate all net conns and re-enum, but only if there is
// indeed a worker thread too.
if (!bFirstAttach) { EnableDiskInfo(FALSE, FALSE); } LNDSetEvent(hDlg); }
// GetDiskIndex
DWORD GetDiskIndex( DWORD dwDriveType) { if (dwDriveType == 1) { //
// Drive doesn't exist!
return (0); } else if (dwDriveType == DRIVE_CDROM) { return (CDDRVBMP); } else if (dwDriveType == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) { return (FLOPPYBMP); } else if (dwDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE) { return (NETDRVBMP); } else if (dwDriveType == DRIVE_RAMDISK) { return (RAMDRVBMP); }
return (HARDDRVBMP); }
// CleanUpFile
// This releases the memory used by the system dialog bitmaps.
VOID CleanUpFile() { //
// Check if anyone else is around.
if (--cLock) { return; }
// Select the null bitmap into our memory DC so that the
// DirDrive bitmap can be discarded.
SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbmpOrigMemBmp); }
// FileOpenAbort
VOID FileOpenAbort() { LPCURDLG lpCurDlg;
lpCurDlg = (LPCURDLG)TlsGetValue(g_tlsiCurDlg);
if (lpCurDlg) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csLocal);
if (dwNumDlgs > 0) { dwNumDlgs--; }
if (dwNumDlgs == 0) { //
// If there are no more fileopen dialogs for this process,
// then signal the worker thread it's all over.
if (hLNDEvent && hLNDThread) { bLNDExit = TRUE; SetEvent(hLNDEvent);
CloseHandle(hLNDThread); hLNDThread = NULL; } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csLocal); } }
// TermFile
VOID TermFile() { vDeleteDirDriveBitmap(); if (hdcMemory) { DeleteDC(hdcMemory); }
if (hLNDEvent) { CloseHandle(hLNDEvent); hLNDEvent = NULL; }
if (gpcNetEnumBuf) { LocalFree(gpcNetEnumBuf); }
while (dwNumDisks) { dwNumDisks--; if (gaDiskInfo[dwNumDisks].lpAbbrName) { LocalFree(gaDiskInfo[dwNumDisks].lpAbbrName); } } }
/*========================================================================*/ /* Ansi->Unicode Thunk routines */ /*========================================================================*/
#ifdef UNICODE
// ThunkOpenFileNameA2WDelayed
if (pOFNA->lpstrDefExt) { //
// Make sure the default extension buffer is at least 4 characters
// in length.
DWORD cbLen = max(lstrlenA(pOFNA->lpstrDefExt) + 1, 4);
if (pOFNW->lpstrDefExt) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrDefExt); } if (!(pOFNW->lpstrDefExt = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); return; } else { if (pOFNA->lpstrDefExt) { SHAnsiToUnicode(pOFNA->lpstrDefExt,(LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrDefExt,cbLen ); } } }
// Need to thunk back to A value since Claris Filemaker side effects
// this in an ID_OK subclass without hooking at the very last moment.
// Do an |= instead of an = to preserve internal flags.
pOFNW->Flags &= OFN_ALL_INTERNAL_FLAGS; pOFNW->Flags |= pOFNA->Flags; }
// ThunkOpenFileNameA2W
BOOL ThunkOpenFileNameA2W( POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { int nRet;
pOFNW->Flags = pOFNA->Flags; pOFNW->lCustData = pOFNA->lCustData;
// we actually can have the original ver1 structure passed in here
// so we need to check and make sure to only copy over the valid data
if ((pOFNA->lStructSize == SIZEOF(OPENFILENAMEA) && pOFNW->lStructSize == SIZEOF(OPENFILENAMEW)) ) { pOFNW->pvReserved = pOFNA->pvReserved ; pOFNW->dwReserved = pOFNA->dwReserved; pOFNW->FlagsEx = pOFNA->FlagsEx; }
// Various WOW apps change the strings and *ptrs* to the strings in the
// OPENFILENAME struct while processing messages with their hook procs.
// Handle that silliness here. (We probably don't want to promote this
// beyond WOW).
if (pOFNA->Flags & CD_WOWAPP) { pOFNW->lpstrFilter = (LPCWSTR) ThunkMultiANSIStrToWIDE( (LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrFilter, (LPSTR)pOFNA->lpstrFilter, 0 );
pOFNW->lpstrCustomFilter = ThunkMultiANSIStrToWIDE( pOFNW->lpstrCustomFilter, pOFNA->lpstrCustomFilter, pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter );
pOFNW->lpstrFile = ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( pOFNW->lpstrFile, pOFNA->lpstrFile, pOFNA->nMaxFile );
pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle = ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle, pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle, pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle );
pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir = (LPCWSTR) ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( (LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir, (LPSTR)pOFNA->lpstrInitialDir, 0 );
pOFNW->lpstrTitle = (LPCWSTR) ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( (LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrTitle, (LPSTR)pOFNA->lpstrTitle, 0 );
pOFNW->lpstrDefExt = (LPCWSTR) ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( (LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrDefExt, (LPSTR)pOFNA->lpstrDefExt, 0 );
pOFNW->nMaxCustFilter = pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter; pOFNW->nMaxFile = pOFNA->nMaxFile; pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle = pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle; pOFNW->nFileOffset = pOFNA->nFileOffset; pOFNW->nFileExtension = pOFNA->nFileExtension; } else { if (pOFNW->lpstrFile) { if (pOFNA->lpstrFile) { nRet = SHAnsiToUnicode(pOFNA->lpstrFile,pOFNW->lpstrFile,pOFNW->nMaxFile ); if (nRet == 0) { return (FALSE); } } }
if (pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle && pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle) { if (pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle) { nRet=MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle, pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle, pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle, pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle); if (nRet == 0) { return (FALSE); } } }
if (pOFNW->lpstrCustomFilter) { if (pOFI->pasCustomFilter) { LPSTR psz = pOFI->pasCustomFilter->Buffer; DWORD cch = 0;
if (*psz || *(psz + 1)) { cch = 2; while (*psz || *(psz + 1)) { psz++; cch++; } }
if (cch) { pOFI->pasCustomFilter->Length = cch;
nRet = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pOFI->pasCustomFilter->Buffer, pOFI->pasCustomFilter->Length, pOFI->pusCustomFilter->Buffer, pOFI->pusCustomFilter->MaximumLength ); if (nRet == 0) { return (FALSE); } } } } }
pOFNW->nFilterIndex = pOFNA->nFilterIndex;
return (TRUE); }
// ThunkOpenFileNameW2A
BOOL ThunkOpenFileNameW2A( POPENFILEINFO pOFI) { int nRet;
// Supposedly invariant, but not necessarily.
// Definition: invariant - changed by 16-bit apps frequently
pOFNA->Flags = pOFNW->Flags; pOFNA->lCustData = pOFNW->lCustData; // this way we can assert that we are covered.
DEBUG_CODE(pOFNA->nFileOffset = 0 );
// we actually can have the original ver1 structure passed in here
// so we need to check and make sure to only copy over the valid data
if (pOFNA->lStructSize == SIZEOF(OPENFILENAMEA) && pOFNW->lStructSize == SIZEOF(OPENFILENAMEW) ) { pOFNA->pvReserved = pOFNW->pvReserved; pOFNA->dwReserved = pOFNW->dwReserved; pOFNA->FlagsEx = pOFNW->FlagsEx; }
if (pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle && pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle) { nRet = SHUnicodeToAnsi(pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle,pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle,pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle);
if (nRet == 0) { return (FALSE); } }
if (pOFNA->lpstrCustomFilter) { pszW = pOFI->pusCustomFilter->Buffer;
cch = 0; if (*pszW || *(pszW + 1)) { cch = 2; while (*pszW || *(pszW + 1)) { pszW++; cch++; } }
if (cch) { pOFI->pusCustomFilter->Length = cch; nRet = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pOFI->pusCustomFilter->Buffer, pOFI->pusCustomFilter->Length, pOFI->pasCustomFilter->Buffer, pOFI->pasCustomFilter->MaximumLength, NULL, NULL); if (nRet == 0) { return (FALSE); } } }
pOFNA->nFilterIndex = pOFNW->nFilterIndex;
if (pOFNA->lpstrFile && pOFNW->lpstrFile) { if (GetStoredExtendedError() == FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL) { //
// In the case where the lpstrFile buffer is too small,
// lpstrFile contains the size of the buffer needed for
// the string rather than the string itself.
pszW = pOFNW->lpstrFile; switch (pOFNA->nMaxFile) { case ( 3 ) : default : { pOFNA->lpstrFile[2] = CHAR_NULL;
// fall thru...
} case ( 2 ) : { pOFNA->lpstrFile[1] = HIBYTE(*pszW);
// fall thru...
} case ( 1 ) : { pOFNA->lpstrFile[0] = LOBYTE(*pszW);
// fall thru...
} case ( 0 ) : { break; } } } else { LPWSTR pFileW = pOFNW->lpstrFile; DWORD cchFile = 0;
// Find the length of string to be converted. This takes care of both single select (there will be only string)
// and multiselect case (there will multiple strings with double null termination)
while (*pFileW) { DWORD cch = lstrlenW(pFileW) +1; cchFile +=cch; pFileW += cch; }
if (pOFNW->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) { // for the double null terminator
cchFile++; } // need to copy the whole buffer after the initial directory
nRet =WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pOFNW->lpstrFile, cchFile, pOFNA->lpstrFile, pOFNA->nMaxFile, NULL, NULL);
if (nRet == 0) { return (FALSE); }
if ((SHORT)pOFNW->nFileOffset > 0) { pOFNA->nFileOffset = (WORD) WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pOFNW->lpstrFile, pOFNW->nFileOffset, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); } else { pOFNA->nFileOffset = pOFNW->nFileOffset; }
if ((SHORT)pOFNW->nFileExtension > 0) { pOFNA->nFileExtension = (WORD) WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pOFNW->lpstrFile, pOFNW->nFileExtension, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); } else { pOFNA->nFileExtension = pOFNW->nFileExtension; } } } else { pOFNA->nFileOffset = pOFNW->nFileOffset; pOFNA->nFileExtension = pOFNW->nFileExtension;
return (TRUE); }
// GenericGetFileNameA
//Set the Open File Version
// we allow both sizes because we allocate a full size one anyway
// and we want to preserve the original structure for notifies
if ((pOFNA->lStructSize != OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400) && (pOFNA->lStructSize != sizeof(OPENFILENAMEA)) ) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_STRUCTSIZE); return (FALSE); }
if (!(pOFNW = (LPOPENFILENAMEW)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW)))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); return (FALSE); }
// Constant stuff.
pOFNW->lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW); pOFNW->hwndOwner = pOFNA->hwndOwner; pOFNW->hInstance = pOFNA->hInstance; pOFNW->lpfnHook = pOFNA->lpfnHook;
// it will always be a valid structsize at this point
if (pOFNA->lStructSize != OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400) { pOFNW->pvReserved = pOFNA->pvReserved; pOFNW->dwReserved = pOFNA->dwReserved; pOFNW->FlagsEx = pOFNA->FlagsEx; }
// Init TemplateName constant.
if (pOFNA->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE) { if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNA->lpTemplateName)) { cbLen = lstrlenA(pOFNA->lpTemplateName) + 1; if (!(pOFNW->lpTemplateName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } else { SHAnsiToUnicode(pOFNA->lpTemplateName,(LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpTemplateName,cbLen); } } else { (DWORD_PTR)pOFNW->lpTemplateName = (DWORD_PTR)pOFNA->lpTemplateName; } } else { pOFNW->lpTemplateName = NULL; }
// Initialize Initial Dir constant.
if (pOFNA->lpstrInitialDir) { cbLen = lstrlenA(pOFNA->lpstrInitialDir) + 1; if (!(pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } else { SHAnsiToUnicode(pOFNA->lpstrInitialDir,(LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir,cbLen); } } else { pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir = NULL; }
// Initialize Title constant.
if (pOFNA->lpstrTitle) { cbLen = lstrlenA(pOFNA->lpstrTitle) + 1; if (!(pOFNW->lpstrTitle = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } else { SHAnsiToUnicode(pOFNA->lpstrTitle,(LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrTitle,cbLen ); } } else { pOFNW->lpstrTitle = NULL; }
// Initialize Def Ext constant.
if (pOFNA->lpstrDefExt) { //
// Make sure the default extension buffer is at least 4 characters
// in length.
cbLen = max(lstrlenA(pOFNA->lpstrDefExt) + 1, 4); if (!(pOFNW->lpstrDefExt = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } else { SHAnsiToUnicode(pOFNA->lpstrDefExt,(LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrDefExt,cbLen ); } } else { pOFNW->lpstrDefExt = NULL; }
// Initialize Filter constant. Note: 16-bit apps change this.
if (pOFNA->lpstrFilter) { pszA = (LPSTR)pOFNA->lpstrFilter;
cch = 0; if (*pszA || *(pszA + 1)) { //
// Pick up trailing nulls.
cch = 2; try { while (*pszA || *(pszA + 1)) { pszA++; cch++; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); goto GenericExit; } }
// Need to do cch + 1 in the Local Alloc rather than just cch.
// This is to make sure there is at least one extra null in the
// string so that if a filter does not have the second part of
// the pair, three nulls will be placed in the wide string.
// Example: "Print File (*.prn)\0\0\0"
if (!(pOFNW->lpstrFilter = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, ((cch + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } else { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pOFNA->lpstrFilter, cch, (LPWSTR)pOFNW->lpstrFilter, cch); } } else { pOFNW->lpstrFilter = NULL; }
// Initialize File strings.
if (pOFNA->lpstrFile) { if (pOFNA->nMaxFile <= (DWORD)lstrlenA(pOFNA->lpstrFile)) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); goto GenericExit; } pOFNW->nMaxFile = pOFNA->nMaxFile;
if (!(pOFNW->lpstrFile = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, pOFNW->nMaxFile * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } } else { //
// Conversion done in thunkofna2w.
pOFNW->nMaxFile = 0; pOFNW->lpstrFile = NULL; }
// Initialize File Title strings.
if (pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle && pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle) { //
// Calculate length of lpstrFileTitle.
pszA = pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle; cch = 0; try { while (*pszA++) { cch++; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { if (cch) { cch--; } (pOFNA->lpstrFileTitle)[cch] = CHAR_NULL; }
if (pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle < cch) { //
// Override the incorrect length from the app.
// Make room for the null.
pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle = cch + 1; } else { pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle = pOFNA->nMaxFileTitle; }
if (!(pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } } else { //
// Conversion done in thunkofna2w.
pOFNW->nMaxFileTitle = 0; pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle = NULL; }
// Initialize custom filter strings.
if ((asCustomFilter.Buffer = pOFNA->lpstrCustomFilter)) { pszA = pOFNA->lpstrCustomFilter;
cch = 0; if (*pszA || *(pszA + 1)) { cch = 2; try { while (*pszA || *(pszA + 1)) { pszA++; cch++; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); goto GenericExit; } }
// JVert-inspired-wow-compatibility-hack-to-make-vbasic2.0-makeexe
// save-as-dialog-box-work-even-though-they-didn't-fill-in-
// the-whole-structure(nMaxCustFilter)-according-to-winhelp-spec fix
if (!(pOFNA->Flags & OFN_NOLONGNAMES)) { if (((DWORD)cch >= pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter) || (pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter < 40)) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); goto GenericExit; } asCustomFilter.Length = cch; asCustomFilter.MaximumLength = pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter; pOFNW->nMaxCustFilter = pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter; } else { asCustomFilter.Length = cch; if (pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter < cch) { asCustomFilter.MaximumLength = cch; pOFNW->nMaxCustFilter = cch; } else { asCustomFilter.MaximumLength = pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter; pOFNW->nMaxCustFilter = pOFNA->nMaxCustFilter; } } usCustomFilter.MaximumLength = (asCustomFilter.MaximumLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); usCustomFilter.Length = asCustomFilter.Length * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { pOFNW->nMaxCustFilter = usCustomFilter.MaximumLength = 0; pOFNW->lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; }
if (usCustomFilter.MaximumLength > 0) { if (!(pStrMem = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, usCustomFilter.MaximumLength))) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE); goto GenericExit; } else { pOFNW->lpstrCustomFilter = usCustomFilter.Buffer = (LPWSTR)pStrMem; } } else { pStrMem = NULL; }
OFI.pOFN = pOFNW; OFI.pOFNA = pOFNA; OFI.pasCustomFilter = &asCustomFilter; OFI.pusCustomFilter = &usCustomFilter; OFI.ApiType = COMDLG_ANSI;
// The following should always succeed.
if (!ThunkOpenFileNameA2W(&OFI)) { StoreExtendedError(CDERR_INITIALIZATION); goto GenericExit; }
bRet = GetFileName(&OFI, qfnDlgProc); if (g_bUserPressedCancel == FALSE) { ThunkOpenFileNameW2A(&OFI); }
if (pStrMem) { LocalFree(pStrMem); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpstrFile)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrFile); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrFileTitle); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpstrFilter)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrFilter); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpstrDefExt)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrDefExt); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpstrTitle)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrTitle); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpstrInitialDir); }
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pOFNW->lpTemplateName)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pOFNW->lpTemplateName); }
return (bRet); }
// Multi_strlenA
// This is a strlen for ANSI string lists that have several strings that
// are *separated* by a NULL char and are *terminated* by two NULL chars.
// Returns length of string including all NULL *separators* but not the
// 2nd NULL *terminator*. (ie. cat0dog00 would return length = 8)
int Multi_strlenA( LPCSTR str) { int ctr = 0;
if (str) { while (*str) { while (*str++) { ctr++; } ctr++; // count the NULL separator
} }
return (ctr); }
// Multi_strcpyAtoW
// This is a strcpy for string lists that have several strings that are
// *separated* by a NULL char and are *terminated* by two NULL chars.
// Returns FALSE if:
// 1. the wide buffer is determined to be too small
// 2. the ptr to either buffer is NULL
// Returns TRUE if the copy was successful.
BOOL Multi_strcpyAtoW( LPWSTR pDestW, LPCSTR pSrcA, int cChars) { int off = 0; int cb;
if (!pSrcA || !pDestW) { return (FALSE); }
cChars = max(cChars, (Multi_strlenA(pSrcA) + 1));
if (LocalSize((HLOCAL)pDestW) < (cChars * sizeof(WCHAR))) { return (FALSE); }
while (*pSrcA) { cb = lstrlenA(pSrcA) + 1;
off += MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,pSrcA,cb,pDestW + off, cb); pSrcA += cb; }
pDestW[off] = L'\0';
return (TRUE); }
// ThunkMultiANSIStrToWIDE
// Thunks an ANSI multi-string (a list of NULL *separated* strings with
// two NULLs *terminating* the list) to the equivalent WIDE multi-string.
// Note: If the original wide buffer is too small to contain the new list,
// it will be free'd and a new wide buffer will be allocated. If a
// new wide buffer can't be allocated, the ptr to the original wide
// buffer is returned with no changes to the contents.
// Returns: ptr to the original WIDE buffer
// OR ptr to a new wide buffer if original buffer was too small
// OR NULL if pSrcA is NULL.
LPWSTR ThunkMultiANSIStrToWIDE( LPWSTR pDestW, LPSTR pSrcA, int cChars) { int size; HLOCAL hBufW;
if (!pSrcA) { //
// The app doesn't want a buffer for this anymore.
if (pDestW) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDestW); } return (NULL); }
// First try to copy to the existing wide buffer since most of the time
// there will be no change to the buffer ptr anyway.
if (!(Multi_strcpyAtoW(pDestW, pSrcA, cChars))) { //
// If the wide buffer is too small (or NULL or invalid), allocate
// a bigger buffer.
size = max(cChars, (Multi_strlenA(pSrcA) + 1)); cChars = size;
if (hBufW = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { //
// Try to copy to the new wide buffer.
if ((Multi_strcpyAtoW((LPWSTR)hBufW, pSrcA, cChars))) { if (pDestW) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDestW); } pDestW = (LPWSTR)hBufW; } else { //
// Don't change anything.
LocalFree(hBufW); } } }
return (pDestW); }
// Thunks an ANSI string to WIDE.
// Note: If the original wide buffer is too small to contain the new
// string, it will be free'd and a new wide buffer will be allocated.
// If a new wide buffer can't be allocated, the ptr to the original
// wide buffer is returned with no changes to the contents.
// Returns: ptr to the original WIDE buffer
// OR ptr to a new wide buffer if original buffer was too small
// OR NULL if pSrcA is NULL.
LPWSTR ThunkANSIStrToWIDE( LPWSTR pDestW, LPSTR pSrcA, int cChars) { HLOCAL hBufW; int size;
if (!pSrcA) { //
// The app doesn't want a buffer for this anymore.
if (pDestW) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDestW); } return (NULL); }
size = max(cChars, (lstrlenA(pSrcA) + 1)); cChars = size;
// If the wide buffer is too small (or NULL or invalid), allocate a
// bigger buffer.
if (LocalSize((HLOCAL)pDestW) < (size * sizeof(WCHAR))) { if (hBufW = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { //
// Try to copy to the new wide buffer.
if (SHAnsiToUnicode(pSrcA,(LPWSTR)hBufW,cChars )) { if (pDestW) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDestW); } pDestW = (LPWSTR)hBufW; } else { //
// Don't change anything.
LocalFree(hBufW); } } } else { //
// Just use the original wide buffer.
SHAnsiToUnicode(pSrcA,pDestW, cChars); }
return (pDestW); }
#ifdef WINNT
// Function to allow NT WOW to keep the ANSI & UNICODE versions of
// the OPENFILENAME structure in ssync as required by many 16-bit apps.
// See notes for Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW() in dlgs.c.
if (pOFI = (POPENFILEINFO)GetProp(hDlg, FILEPROP)) { if (pOFI->pOFN && pOFI->pOFNA) { if (f_ANSI_to_UNICODE) { ThunkOpenFileNameA2W(pOFI); } else { ThunkOpenFileNameW2A(pOFI); } } } }