// Add/Remove Programs Data Source Object
#ifndef _DATASRC_H_
#define _DATASRC_H_
#include <simpdata.h> // for OLEDBSimpleProvider
#include "mtxarray.h" // for CMtxArray
#include "worker.h"
#include "iface.h" // for IARPSimpleProvider
// The load state progression can be as follows:
// or
enum LOAD_STATE { LS_NOTSTARTED, // OSP is not initialized
LS_LOADING_SLOWINFO, // loading slow info (worker thread)
LS_DONE, // completely finished
// Do not build this file if on Win9X or NT4
// CDataSrc (ARP Data Source Object)
// This is the OSP (OLEDB Simple Provider). It organizes
// the data in matrix form and disseminates the data to the data
// consumer via the OLEDBSimpleProvider interface.
class CDataSrc : public CWorkerThread, public OLEDBSimpleProvider, public IWorkerEvent, public IARPSimpleProvider, public ISequentialStream { public: // *** IUnknown ***
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef (void) {return CWorkerThread::AddRef();}; virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release (void) {return CWorkerThread::Release();}; virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface (REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
// *** ISequentialStream ***
STDMETHOD(Read) (void * pvData, ULONG cbData, ULONG * pcbRead); STDMETHOD(Write) (void const * pvData, ULONG cbData, ULONG * pcbWritten); // *** OLEDBSimpleProvider ***
STDMETHOD(getRowCount) (DBROWCOUNT *pcRows); STDMETHOD(getColumnCount) (DB_LORDINAL *pcCols); STDMETHOD(getRWStatus) (DBROWCOUNT iRow, DB_LORDINAL iCol, OSPRW *prwStatus); STDMETHOD(getVariant) (DBROWCOUNT iRow, DB_LORDINAL iCol, OSPFORMAT format, VARIANT *pVar); STDMETHOD(setVariant) (DBROWCOUNT iRow, DB_LORDINAL iCol, OSPFORMAT format, VARIANT Var); STDMETHOD(getLocale) (BSTR *pbstrLocale); STDMETHOD(deleteRows) (DBROWCOUNT iRow, DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBROWCOUNT *pcRowsDeleted); STDMETHOD(insertRows) (DBROWCOUNT iRow, DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBROWCOUNT *pcRowsInserted); STDMETHOD(find) (DBROWCOUNT iRowStart, DB_LORDINAL iCol, VARIANT val, OSPFIND findFlags, OSPCOMP compType, DBROWCOUNT *piRowFound); STDMETHOD(addOLEDBSimpleProviderListener)(OLEDBSimpleProviderListener *pospIListener); STDMETHOD(removeOLEDBSimpleProviderListener)(OLEDBSimpleProviderListener *pospIListener); STDMETHOD(getEstimatedRows) (DBROWCOUNT *pcRows); STDMETHOD(isAsync) (BOOL *pbAsync); STDMETHOD(stopTransfer) (void);
// *** IWorkerEvent methods ***
STDMETHOD(FireOnDataReady) (DBROWCOUNT iRow); STDMETHOD(FireOnFinished) (void); STDMETHOD(FireOnDatasetChanged) (void); // *** IARPSimpleProvider methods ***
STDMETHOD(Initialize) (IShellAppManager * psam, IARPEvent *, DWORD dwEnum); STDMETHOD(EnumerateItemsAsync) (void); STDMETHOD(Recalculate) (void); STDMETHOD(SetSortCriteria) (BSTR bstrSortExpr); STDMETHOD(SetFilter) (BSTR bstrFilter); STDMETHOD(Sort) (void); STDMETHOD(DoCommand) (HWND hwndParent, APPCMD appcmd, DBROWCOUNT iRow); STDMETHOD(TransferData) (IARPSimpleProvider * parposp); CDataSrc();
// *** IARPWorker *** (overide)
STDMETHOD(KillWT) (void); private:
virtual ~CDataSrc();
inline BOOL _IsValidDataRow(DBROWCOUNT iRow); inline BOOL _IsValidRow(DBROWCOUNT iRow); inline BOOL _IsValidCol(DB_LORDINAL iCol); inline BOOL _IsValidCell(DBROWCOUNT iRow, DB_LORDINAL iCol);
DBROWCOUNT _CalcRows(void); DB_LORDINAL _CalcCols(void); HRESULT _ApplySortCriteria(BOOL bFireDataSetChanged); IAppData * _GetAppData(DBROWCOUNT iRow);
// NOTE: this is not used to kill the apps enumeration thread!!
// kills only the thread that get slow appinfo.
HRESULT _KillMtxWorkerThread(void); HRESULT _EnumAppItems(DWORD dwEnum, LPCWSTR pszCategory); DWORD _ThreadStartProc(); ULONG _cRef; // interface reference count
LOAD_STATE _loadstate; DB_LORDINAL _cCols; // count of columns
DBROWCOUNT _cRows; // count of rows
DWORD _dwEnum; // items to enumerate (ENUM_*)
BITBOOL _fSortDirty: 1; // TRUE: the sort criteria is dirty
BITBOOL _fFilterDirty: 1; // TRUE: the sort criteria is dirty
BITBOOL _fAppsEnumed : 1; // TRUE if we have already finished enumerating apps
BITBOOL _fInEnumOp : 1; // TRUE if we are in a enumeraion opertion
IShellAppManager * _psam; IARPEvent * _parpevt; IMtxArray * _pmtxarray; // data is stored here
CComBSTR _cbstrSort; // sort string. contains name of column to sort.
CComBSTR _cbstrCategory; // category. used only for published apps.
HRESULT CDataSrc_CreateInstance(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
#endif // _DATASRC_H_