// Downlevel (NT4, win9X) Install/Unistall page
#include "priv.h"
#include "appwizid.h"
#include "dlinst.h"
#include "sccls.h"
// DonwLevelManager: Ugly singleton class
// Mainly there to keep state info and for its destructor
class CDLManager* g_pDLManager = NULL;
class CDLManager { public: // Rely on the fact that shell "new" zero out memory
CDLManager() : _hrInit(E_FAIL) { _hrInit = CoInitialize(0); _szStatic[0] = 0; _szStatic2[0] = 0; _uiStatic = 0; } ~CDLManager() { if (_peia) _peia->Release();
if (SUCCEEDED(_hrInit)) CoUninitialize(); } public: void InitButtonsHandle(HWND hwndPage) { // No check for success: check before using
if (!_hwndModifyUninstall) { _hwndModifyUninstall = GetDlgItem(hwndPage, IDC_MODIFYUNINSTALL); _rghwndButtons[IDC_MODIFY-IDC_BASEBUTTONS] = GetDlgItem(hwndPage, IDC_MODIFY); _rghwndButtons[IDC_REPAIR-IDC_BASEBUTTONS] = GetDlgItem(hwndPage, IDC_REPAIR); _rghwndButtons[IDC_UNINSTALL-IDC_BASEBUTTONS] = GetDlgItem(hwndPage, IDC_UNINSTALL); } } void SetVisibleButtons(BOOL bShow3Buttons) { // bShow3Buttons == TRUE will show the three buttons
if (_hwndModifyUninstall) ShowWindow(_hwndModifyUninstall, bShow3Buttons?SW_HIDE:SW_SHOW);
for (int i=0;i<3;++i) { if (_rghwndButtons[i]) ShowWindow(_rghwndButtons[i], bShow3Buttons?SW_SHOW:SW_HIDE); } } public: IEnumInstalledApps* _peia;
HWND _hwndModifyUninstall; HWND _rghwndButtons[3];
HRESULT _hrInit;
TCHAR _szStatic[250]; TCHAR _szStatic2[50];
UINT _uiStatic; };
// pcApps has to be already initialized, we only increment it
STDAPI DL_FillAppListBox(HWND hwndListBox, DWORD* pdwApps) { ASSERT(IsWindow(hwndListBox));
static CDLManager DLManager;
g_pDLManager = &DLManager;
IShellAppManager * pam;
if (SUCCEEDED(g_pDLManager->_hrInit)) { hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellAppManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellAppManager, (LPVOID *)&pam);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { // Initialize InstalledApp Enum if required
if (!g_pDLManager->_peia) hres = pam->EnumInstalledApps(&g_pDLManager->_peia);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IInstalledApp* pia;
while ((hres = g_pDLManager->_peia->Next(&pia)) == S_OK) { APPINFODATA ais = {0}; ais.cbSize = sizeof(ais); ais.dwMask = AIM_DISPLAYNAME;
pia->GetAppInfo(&ais); if (ais.dwMask & AIM_DISPLAYNAME) { int iIndex = LB_ERR; #ifdef UNICODE
iIndex = ListBox_AddString(hwndListBox, ais.pszDisplayName); #else
PCHAR pszTmp = NULL;
// Get the size
int cbSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ais.pszDisplayName, -1, pszTmp, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (cbSize) { pszTmp = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize);
if (pszTmp) { cbSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ais.pszDisplayName, -1, pszTmp, cbSize, NULL, NULL);
if (cbSize) iIndex = ListBox_AddString(hwndListBox, pszTmp);
LocalFree(pszTmp); } } #endif
// Did the operation succeed?
if (LB_ERR != iIndex) { // Is memory OK?
if (LB_ERRSPACE != iIndex) { // Yes
ListBox_SetItemData(hwndListBox, iIndex, pia);
++(*pdwApps); } else { // No, better get out
pia->Release(); break; } } } else pia->Release();
} } pam->Release(); } }
return hres; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) DL_ConfigureButtonsAndStatic(HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndListBox, int iSel) { ASSERT(IsWindow(hwndPage)); ASSERT(IsWindow(hwndListBox)); ASSERT(0 <= iSel);
BOOL fret = FALSE;
if (LB_ERR != iSel) { LRESULT lres = ListBox_GetItemData(hwndListBox, iSel);
if (LB_ERR != lres) { fret = TRUE;
IInstalledApp* pia = (IInstalledApp*)lres;
DWORD dwActions = 0;
if (dwActions & APPACTION_MODIFYREMOVE) { // Manage to show the right buttons
EnableWindow(g_pDLManager->_hwndModifyUninstall, TRUE); } else { if (dwActions & (APPACTION_MODIFY|APPACTION_REPAIR|APPACTION_UNINSTALL)) { // Manage to show the right buttons
// Enable the applicable buttons
EnableWindow(g_pDLManager->_rghwndButtons[IDC_MODIFY-IDC_BASEBUTTONS], (dwActions&APPACTION_MODIFY)?TRUE:FALSE);
EnableWindow(g_pDLManager->_rghwndButtons[IDC_REPAIR-IDC_BASEBUTTONS], (dwActions&APPACTION_REPAIR)?TRUE:FALSE);
uiStatic = IDS_UNINSTINSTR_NEW; } else { // Manage to show the right buttons
EnableWindow(g_pDLManager->_hwndModifyUninstall, FALSE); } } } }
if (!(*g_pDLManager->_szStatic)) { if(!LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_UNINSTINSTR, g_pDLManager->_szStatic, ARRAYSIZE(g_pDLManager->_szStatic))) *(g_pDLManager->_szStatic) = 0; } if (*g_pDLManager->_szStatic && (g_pDLManager->_uiStatic != uiStatic)) { TCHAR szMergedStatic[250];
LoadString(g_hinst, uiStatic, g_pDLManager->_szStatic2, ARRAYSIZE(g_pDLManager->_szStatic2));
wsprintf(szMergedStatic, g_pDLManager->_szStatic, g_pDLManager->_szStatic2);
SetDlgItemText(hwndPage, IDC_UNINSTINSTR, szMergedStatic);
g_pDLManager->_uiStatic = uiStatic; }
return fret; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) DL_InvokeAction(int iButtonID, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndListBox, int iSel) { BOOL fret = FALSE;
// Get app from listbox selection
LRESULT lres = ListBox_GetItemData(hwndListBox, iSel); if (LB_ERR != lres) { fret = TRUE;
IInstalledApp* pia = (IInstalledApp*)lres;
// Invoke action from button ID
if (pia) {
HWND hwndPropSheet = GetParent(hwndPage);
::EnableWindow(hwndPropSheet, FALSE);
switch(iButtonID) { case IDC_MODIFY: pia->Modify(hwndPropSheet); break; case IDC_REPAIR: // Pass FALSe, we don't want to reinstall, only repair
pia->Repair(FALSE); break; case IDC_MODIFYUNINSTALL: case IDC_UNINSTALL: pia->Uninstall(hwndPropSheet); break; default: //???
break; }
::EnableWindow(hwndPropSheet , TRUE); } }
return fret; }