Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// bplate.js
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Finds the next token, delimited by chDelim. Returns index or -1. */ function _NextToken(sz, ichStart, chDelim) { var ich = ichStart; var cch = sz.length;
while (ich < cch && sz.charAt(ich) == chDelim) { ich++; }
if (ich == cch) ich = -1; return ich; }
// BoilerPlate class.
// Applies the fields in a structured string record (provided to BoilerPlate_Parse)
// to the contents of a document, according to custom attributes in the html.
function BoilerPlate() { this._rgszFields = new Array(); this._cfield = 0; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Take the string of arguments and parse it into separate fields. We'll use a sparse array to store this, indexed by field name. szArgs is in the following format:
<fieldname1 "value1"><fieldname2 value2>...
*/ function BoilerPlate_Parse(szArgs) { szArgs += " "; // Force szArgs to really be a string...
// alert("Parse:" + szArgs);
var ichTag = 0;
while (true) { // Find tag
ichTag = szArgs.indexOf("<", ichTag); if (-1 == ichTag) break; else { // We're lazy here -- if there's a tag, we expect it to be properly formed
var ichNameEnd = szArgs.indexOf(" ", ichTag); var ichValueBegin = _NextToken(szArgs, ichNameEnd, " "); var ichValueEnd;
if (szArgs.charAt(ichValueBegin) == '"') { ichValueBegin++; ichValueEnd = szArgs.indexOf('"', ichValueBegin); } else ichValueEnd = szArgs.indexOf(">", ichValueBegin); var szField = szArgs.substring(ichTag, ichNameEnd); var szValue = szArgs.substring(ichValueBegin, ichValueEnd);
// alert('<' + szField + ':' + szValue + '>');
this._rgszFields[szField.toLowerCase()] = szValue; this._cfield++;
// Skip over the value so we don't accidentally mistake the value
// for the next tag.
ichTag = ichValueEnd; } } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Returns the value of the fieldname, or null if no fieldname exists */ function BoilerPlate_Get(szFieldName) { var szValue = this._rgszFields[szFieldName.toLowerCase()];
if ("" == szValue || "undefined" == typeof szValue) return null; return szValue; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Returns the number of field values that we have */ function BoilerPlate_Length() { return this._cfield; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Finds and returns the immediate parent row, or null if not found */ function _FindParentRow(elem) { // Walk up the chain of elements until we find the immediate parent row element
var trLast = null;
while (elem) { if ("TR" == elem.tagName.toUpperCase()) return elem; elem = elem.parentElement; } return null; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Apply the fields in the object to the html. This function walks the html and looks for elements that have the following custom attributes. The value of <fieldname> should be inserted...
_bpInnerText=<fieldname> - the element's innertext property. _bpHref=<fieldname> - the element's href property. _bpValue=<fieldname> - the element's _bpVar property _bpNop=<fieldname> - ...nowhere. The element is hidden/displayed if value is valid.
*/ function BoilerPlate_Apply() { var i; // Walk thru the document and look for our custom attributes
for (i = document.all.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var elem = document.all.item(i); var szField; var bDeleteRow = false; var bIsElemMarked = false; var bHideElem = false;
// Insert a field into the innertext property?
if (null != elem._bpInnerText) { // Yes
szField = this.Get(elem._bpInnerText); if (null == szField) { // Delete the row since there is no useful info to show
bDeleteRow = true; bHideElem = true; szField = "n/a"; } elem.innerText = szField; bIsElemMarked = true; }
// Insert a field into the href property?
if (null != elem._bpHref && "A" == elem.tagName) { szField = this.Get(elem._bpHref); bHideElem = false; // Reset for this case
// alert("href [" + elem._bpHref + "] = " + szField);
if (null != szField && ("http:" == szField.substring(0, 5) || "https:" == szField.substring(0, 6) || "file:" == szField.substring(0, 5) || "ftp:" == szField.substring(0, 4))) { // Yes
elem.href = szField;
// Was the friendly name unknown?
if ("n/a" == elem.innerText) { // Yes; make the friendly name identical to the url
elem.innerText = elem.href; }
// Are the friendly name and href different?
if (elem.href != elem.innerText) { // Yes; let's show the href URL in the tooltip.
elem.title = elem.href; }
bDeleteRow = false; // cancel any pending deletion
} else { // No; change the color to match the regular text = document.fgColor; } bIsElemMarked = true;
if ("n/a" == szField) bHideElem = true; }
// Insert an arbitrary value?
if (null != elem._bpValue) { // Yes
elem._bpVar = this.Get(elem._bpValue); bIsElemMarked = true; }
// Hide element?
if (null != elem._bpNop && null == this.Get(elem._bpNop)) { // Yes
bHideElem = true; }
// Is this element worthy of showing at all?
if (bHideElem) { // No; hide it = 'none'; } if (bIsElemMarked) { // We may think this row can be deleted, but there might be other fields
// in this row that are valid, so let's mark this row and we'll make
// a second pass after we're finished.
var trElem = _FindParentRow(elem);
if (trElem && false != trElem._bpDelete) { trElem._bpDelete = bDeleteRow; // alert("setting _bpDelete[" + trElem.rowIndex + "] = " + trElem._bpDelete);
} } }
// Make one final pass to delete any pending rows
var rgrows = document.all.tags("TR"); for (i = rgrows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var trElem = rgrows[i];
if (trElem && trElem._bpDelete) { var tbl = trElem.parentElement;
tbl.deleteRow(trElem.rowIndex); } } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Initialize class */ function InitBoilerPlateClass() { // Create and discard an initial Panel object for prototypes
new BoilerPlate(null);
// BoilerPlate Methods
BoilerPlate.prototype.Parse = BoilerPlate_Parse; BoilerPlate.prototype.Get = BoilerPlate_Get; BoilerPlate.prototype.Length = BoilerPlate_Length; BoilerPlate.prototype.Apply = BoilerPlate_Apply; }