// Functions for the Remove page
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Called when ARP switches to the Remove pane */ function Remove_Activate() { // We need some utility functions
LoadScriptFile("idScriptUtil", "util.js"); LoadScriptFile("idScriptBplate", "bplate.js");
InitBoilerPlateClass(); // Show the relavent rows
g_docAll.idTrHeadMargin_Remove.style.display = 'block'; g_docAll.idTrHead_Remove.style.display = 'block'; g_docAll.idTrBody_Remove.style.display = 'block';
// Is this an alpha machine?
if (g_bIsAlpha) { // Yes; turn on the check box and set the 'force x86' property
g_docAll.idTrFoot_Remove.style.display = 'block';
g_docAll.idChkRemoveForcex86.attachEvent("onclick", new Function ("idCtlAppsDso.Forcex86 = idChkRemoveForcex86.checked")); }
// Is this pane being activated for the first time?
if (false == g_bRemovePageLoaded) { // Yes
// Check policies for any restrictions
if (Dso_IsRestricted("NoSupportInfo")) g_bShowSupportInfo = false; g_docAll.idSelSortBy.onchange = _SortDataSource;
// Connect the remove listbox to the datasource
g_docAll.idRemoveListbox.dataSource = "idCtlAppsDso.Remove";
/* Fake version g_docAll.idRemoveListbox.dataSource = "idCtlRemoveApps"; */ Dso_GetCtl("Remove").attachEvent("ondatasetcomplete", Remove_OnDatasetComplete);
// Set the initial focus to the listbox, and refresh the listbox
// so it gets its data.
g_bRemovePageLoaded = true; }
g_bReenumAddList = false; Remove_SetFocus(); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Set the initial focus */ function Remove_SetFocus() { g_docAll.idRemoveListbox.focus(); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Called when the Remove page is switched away */ function Remove_Deactivate() { // Hide the relavent rows
g_docAll.idTrHeadMargin_Remove.style.display = 'none'; g_docAll.idTrHead_Remove.style.display = 'none'; g_docAll.idTrFoot_Remove.style.display = 'none'; g_docAll.idTrBody_Remove.style.display = 'none';
if (g_bReenumAddList) { Dso_Refresh("Add"); } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Handler for the 'onSetFocus' listbox event. */ function Remove_OnSetFocus() { var evt = window.event;
ApplyExtraStyles(evt.srcChild, evt.bFocus); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Handler for the 'onCustomDraw' listbox event. Fixup the element objects as appropriate. */ function Remove_OnCustomDraw() { var evt = window.event; var tblElem = evt.srcChild; // the contents of the row is another table
if (evt.bSelected) { // Item is being selected
var dwCapability = evt.Recordset("capability");
if ('prepaint' == evt.drawStage) { // Prepaint stuff
// alert("Capability=" + dwCapability);
// Show the right set of buttons
// Does this support separate modify/remove buttons?
if (dwCapability & APPCAP_MODIFYREMOVE) { // No
evt.srcElement.EnableTemplate('idTrMultiBtns', false); evt.srcElement.EnableTemplate('idTrSingleBtns', true); } else { // Yes; show separate modify/remove buttons
evt.srcElement.EnableTemplate('idTrMultiBtns', true); evt.srcElement.EnableTemplate('idTrSingleBtns', false); } } else { // Postpaint stuff
var bplate = new BoilerPlate();
bplate.Parse(evt.Recordset("supportinfo")); // Does this app have any need for the support info dialog?
// (Having just the 'displayname' as support info isn't helpful enough
// to merit showing the dialog)
// alert("bplate.Length = " + bplate.Length() + "; displayname = " + bplate.Get("displayname"));
if (!g_bShowSupportInfo || !(dwCapability & APPCAP_REPAIR) && (1 > bplate.Length() || 1 == bplate.Length() && null != bplate.Get("displayname"))) { // No; then hide the link to the dialog
tblElem.all('idTdInfoDesc').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } // Attach events and stuff now that the elements have been added
// to the document tree.
// Does this support separate modify and remove buttons?
if (dwCapability & APPCAP_MODIFYREMOVE) { // No
tblElem.all('idBtnBoth').onclick = _ModifyOrRemove;
// Disable buttons according to policy
if ( !(dwCapability & APPCAP_UNINSTALL) ) tblElem.all('idBtnBoth').disabled = true; } else { // Yes
tblElem.all('idBtnModify').onclick = _ModifyOrRemove; tblElem.all('idBtnRemove').onclick = _ModifyOrRemove;
// Disable buttons according to policy
if ( !(dwCapability & APPCAP_MODIFY) ) tblElem.all('idBtnModify').disabled = true; if ( !(dwCapability & APPCAP_UNINSTALL) ) tblElem.all('idBtnRemove').disabled = true; }
// Are we sorting by name or size?
var szSort = g_docAll.idSelSortBy.options(g_docAll.idSelSortBy.selectedIndex).value;
if ("displayname" == szSort || "size" == szSort || "timesused" == szSort) { // Yes; then allow the size field in the properties (the 'index
// value') to be an anchor so the user can click it for a
// definition.
var spnValue = evt.srcRow.all("idSpnIndexValue"); var tdValue = spnValue.parentElement; var tdId = ("timesused" == szSort ? "idAFrequency" : "idASize"); tdValue._szInner = tdValue.innerHTML;
// If there is nothing to go inside of the 'anchor', then don't create the
// span elements. We will still replace it with the old _szInner later.
if (tdValue.innerText != "") { tdValue.innerHTML = "<SPAN id=" + tdId + " class='FakeAnchor' tabIndex=0 onKeyDown='_OnKeyDownFakeAnchor()' onClick='_OpenDefinition();'> " + " <U>" + tdValue._szInner + "</U></SPAN>"; } }
// Use the focus state provided by the event
ApplyExtraStyles(tblElem, evt.bFocus); } } else { // Item is being deselected
if ('prepaint' == evt.drawStage) { // Remove the anchor element from the value field
var spnValue = evt.srcRow.all("idSpnIndexValue"); var tdValue = spnValue.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; if (null != tdValue._szInner) { tdValue.innerHTML = tdValue._szInner; tdValue._szInner = null; }
// Say focus==false so the style reverts to the default setting
ApplyExtraStyles(tblElem, false); } } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Display the Support Info dialog */ function _OpenSupportInfo() { // Display the Support Info dialog
var szFeatures = g_szSupportInfoSize + "; resizable:no; help:no"; window.showModalDialog("support.htm", window, szFeatures); // Don't let the 'A' elem navigate
window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Display a definition dialog according to the field that was clicked. */ function _OpenDefinition() { var elemSrc = window.event.srcElement;
// We are trying to get the most specific id for looking up a
// definition. We prefer idAFrequency or idASize. If we
// get nothing or idSpnIndexValue, check to see if the parent
// tag is more specific. It either will be or it will not exist.
if (("idSpnIndexValue" == elemSrc.id) && ("" != elemSrc.parentElement.parentElement.id)) { elemSrc = elemSrc.parentElement.parentElement; } if ("" == elemSrc.id) { elemSrc = elemSrc.parentElement; }
if ("idAFrequency" == elemSrc.id) { var szFeatures = "dialogWidth:20em; dialogHeight:16em; resizable:no; help:no";
window.showModalDialog("def_freq.htm", window, szFeatures); } else if ("idASize" == elemSrc.id || "idSpnIndexValue" == elemSrc.id) { var szFeatures = "dialogWidth:20em; dialogHeight:10.7em; resizable:no; help:no";
window.showModalDialog("def_size.htm", window, szFeatures); } // Don't let the 'A' elem navigate
window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Re-sort the given data source object according to the current selection */ function _SortDataSource() { var selElem = window.event.srcElement; var optCur = selElem.options(selElem.selectedIndex);
Dso_Sort("Remove", optCur.value); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Modify or remove the current app (the current recordset) */ function _ModifyOrRemove() { var rsCur = Dso_GetRecordset("Remove"); var nRec = rsCur.AbsolutePosition; switch(event.srcElement.id) { case "idBtnBoth": g_docAll.idCtlAppsDso.Exec("Remove", "uninstall", nRec); break;
case "idBtnModify": g_docAll.idCtlAppsDso.Exec("Remove", "modify", nRec); break;
case "idBtnRemove": g_docAll.idCtlAppsDso.Exec("Remove", "uninstall", nRec); break; }
/* Fake version switch(event.srcElement.id) { case "idBtnBoth": alert('Remove ' + rsCur("displayname")); break;
case "idBtnModify": alert('Change ' + rsCur("displayname")); break;
case "idBtnRemove": alert('Remove ' + rsCur("displayname")); break; } */
if ("idBtnRemove" == event.srcElement.id) { // Now cause the 'Add' page to re-enumerate since an app may have been
// removed. Ideally we'd only do this when we know an app successfully
// removed, but I'm lazy about trying to figure that out!
g_bReenumAddList = true; } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Called by the Support Info help window. This repairs the given app. */ function SupportInfo_Repair(nRecordNumber) { var rsCur = Dso_GetRecordset("Remove"); var nRecordSav = rsCur.AbsolutePosition;
window.focus(); rsCur.AbsolutePosition = nRecordNumber;
g_docAll.idCtlAppsDso.Exec("Remove", "repair", nRecordNumber); /* Fake version alert('Repair app ' + rsCur("displayname")); */ rsCur.AbsolutePosition = nRecordSav; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Called by the Support Info help window. This returns the structured record string containing all info that the Support Info needs. */ function SupportInfo_Query() { // Compose the record string. See comments in support.htm for
// details on the format.
var rsCur = Dso_GetRecordset("Remove"); var szRecord = "<recordnumber " + rsCur.AbsolutePosition + ">"; szRecord += rsCur("supportinfo"); szRecord += "<capability " + rsCur("capability") + ">";
return szRecord; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Called by the Support Info help window. Returns the string specifying the intended size of the window. This is a hack since Trident doesn't provide this for us. */ function SupportInfo_GetDlgSize() { return g_szSupportInfoSize; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Handle 'ondatasetcomplete' event fired from DSO */ function Remove_OnDatasetComplete() { // Is this dataset complete for Remove?
if (window.event.qualifier == "Remove") { // Yes; show this text if the dataset is empty
var L_RemoveNoneAvailable_Text = "There are no programs installed on this computer"; Dso_FeedbackIfEmpty("Remove", g_docAll.idRemoveListbox, L_RemoveNoneAvailable_Text); } }