// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994
// File: cvol.c
// This files contains code for the cached volume ID structs.
// History:
// 09-02-93 ScottH Created
// 01-31-94 ScottH Moved from cache.c
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDES
#include "brfprv.h" // common headers
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// TYPEDEFS
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTROLLING DEFINES
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINES
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// MACROS
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// MODULE DATA
CACHE g_cacheCVOL = {0, 0, 0}; // Volume ID cache
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Generic Cache Routines
#ifdef DEBUG
void PRIVATE CVOL_DumpEntry( CVOL * pcvol) { ASSERT(pcvol);
TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT("CVOL: Atom %d: %s"), pcvol->atomPath, Atom_GetName(pcvol->atomPath)); TRACE_MSG(TF_ALWAYS, TEXT(" Ref [%u] Hvid = %lx"), Cache_GetRefCount(&g_cacheCVOL, pcvol->atomPath), pcvol->hvid); }
void PUBLIC CVOL_DumpAll() { CVOL * pcvol; int atom; BOOL bDump;
if (!bDump) return ;
atom = Cache_FindFirstKey(&g_cacheCVOL); while (atom != ATOM_ERR) { pcvol = Cache_GetPtr(&g_cacheCVOL, atom); ASSERT(pcvol); if (pcvol) { CVOL_DumpEntry(pcvol); Cache_DeleteItem(&g_cacheCVOL, atom, FALSE); // Decrement count
atom = Cache_FindNextKey(&g_cacheCVOL, atom); } } #endif
Purpose: Release the volume ID handle Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CALLBACK CVOL_Free( LPVOID lpv) { CVOL * pcvol = (CVOL *)lpv;
DEBUG_CODE( TRACE_MSG(TF_CACHE, TEXT("CVOL Releasing volume ID %s"), Atom_GetName(pcvol->atomPath)); )
SharedFree(&pcvol); }
Purpose: Add the atomPath to the cache. We add the volume ID. If atomPath is already in the cache, we replace it with a newly obtained volume ID.
Returns: Pointer to CVOL NULL on OOM
Cond: -- */ CVOL * PUBLIC CVOL_Replace( int atomPath) { CVOL * pcvol; BOOL bJustAllocd; pcvol = Cache_GetPtr(&g_cacheCVOL, atomPath); if (pcvol) bJustAllocd = FALSE; else { // Allocate using commctrl's Alloc, so the structure will be in
// shared heap space across processes.
pcvol = SharedAllocType(CVOL); bJustAllocd = TRUE; }
if (pcvol) { HVOLUMEID hvid; LPCTSTR pszPath = Atom_GetName(atomPath);
DEBUG_CODE( TRACE_MSG(TF_CACHE, TEXT("CVOL Adding volume ID %s"), pszPath); )
if (Sync_GetVolumeIDHandle(pszPath, &hvid) != TR_SUCCESS) { if (bJustAllocd) SharedFree(&pcvol); else Cache_DeleteItem(&g_cacheCVOL, atomPath, FALSE); // Decrement count
pcvol = NULL; // Fail
} else { ENTEREXCLUSIVE() { pcvol->atomPath = atomPath; pcvol->hvid = hvid; } LEAVEEXCLUSIVE()
if (bJustAllocd) { if (!Cache_AddItem(&g_cacheCVOL, atomPath, (LPVOID)pcvol)) { // Cache_AddItem failed here
Sync_ReleaseVolumeIDHandle(hvid); SharedFree(&pcvol); } } else Cache_DeleteItem(&g_cacheCVOL, atomPath, FALSE); // Decrement count
} } return pcvol; }
Purpose: Search for the given volume ID in the cache. Return the atomKey if it exists, otherwise ATOM_ERR.
Returns: atom ATOM_ERR if not found Cond: -- */ int PUBLIC CVOL_FindID( HVOLUMEID hvid) { int atom; CVOL * pcvol;
atom = Cache_FindFirstKey(&g_cacheCVOL); while (atom != ATOM_ERR) { LPCTSTR pszPath = Atom_GetName(atom);
ENTEREXCLUSIVE() { pcvol = CVOL_Get(atom); ASSERT(pcvol); if (pcvol) { int nCmp; Sync_CompareVolumeIDs(pcvol->hvid, hvid, &nCmp); if (Sync_GetLastError() == TR_SUCCESS && nCmp == 0) { // We found it
CVOL_Delete(atom); LEAVEEXCLUSIVE() return atom; } CVOL_Delete(atom); // decrement count
atom = Cache_FindNextKey(&g_cacheCVOL, atom); }
return ATOM_ERR; }