// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994
// File: dobj.c
// This file contains support routines for the reconciliation-action
// control class code
// History:
// 09-13-93 ScottH Extracted from recact.c
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDES
#include "brfprv.h" // common headers
#include "res.h"
#include "recact.h"
#include "dobj.h"
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTROLLING DEFINES
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINES
Purpose: Formats the given path to the correct location format Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE FormatLocationPath( LPCTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszBuffer) // Must be MAX_PATH
{ UINT ids; TCHAR szBrfDir[MAX_PATH]; LPCTSTR psz; LPTSTR pszMsg;
// The format for the directory location is:
// Inside briefcase: "In Briefcase"
// Below briefcase: "In Briefcase\FolderName"
// Outside briefcase: "In FullPath"
// We assume that paths outside the current briefcase
// never consist of a briefcase name of another.
if (PathGetLocality(pszPath, szBrfDir) != PL_FALSE) { // Inside the briefcase
psz = &pszPath[lstrlen(szBrfDir)]; ids = IDS_InBriefcase; } else { // Outside the briefcase
psz = pszPath; ids = IDS_InLocation; }
if (ConstructMessage(&pszMsg, g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ids), psz)) { lstrcpy(pszBuffer, pszMsg); GFree(pszMsg); } else *pszBuffer = 0; }
Purpose: Return the string describing the status of this sideitem Returns: ptr to status string Cond: -- */ LPTSTR PRIVATE SideItem_GetStatus( LPSIDEITEM this, LPTSTR pszBuf, UINT cchBuf) { switch (this->uState) { case SI_CHANGED: return SzFromIDS(IDS_STATE_Changed, pszBuf, cchBuf); case SI_UNCHANGED: return SzFromIDS(IDS_STATE_Unchanged, pszBuf, cchBuf); case SI_NEW: return SzFromIDS(IDS_STATE_NewFile, pszBuf, cchBuf); case SI_UNAVAILABLE: return SzFromIDS(IDS_STATE_Unavailable, pszBuf, cchBuf); case SI_NOEXIST: return SzFromIDS(IDS_STATE_DoesNotExist, pszBuf, cchBuf); case SI_DELETED: return SzFromIDS(IDS_STATE_Deleted, pszBuf, cchBuf); default: ASSERT(0); return NULL; } }
Purpose: Displays the 3-liner: location, status, and timestamp Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE SideItem_Display( LPSIDEITEM this, HDC hdc, LPRECT prc, int cxEllipses, int cyText) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szBuf[MAXBUFLEN]; LPTSTR psz; RECT rc = *prc;
// Directory location.
FormatLocationPath(this->pszDir, sz); MyDrawText(hdc, sz, &rc, MDT_LEFT | MDT_TRANSPARENT | MDT_ELLIPSES, cyText, cxEllipses, CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_DEFAULT);
// Status string
psz = SideItem_GetStatus(this, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); if (psz) { // Only bother with these two lines if the file actually
// exists.
rc.top += cyText; MyDrawText(hdc, psz, &rc, MDT_LEFT | MDT_TRANSPARENT, cyText, cxEllipses, CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_DEFAULT);
// Date stamp. Skip this if this is a folder or unavailable.
if (SI_DELETED != this->uState && SI_NOEXIST != this->uState && SI_UNAVAILABLE != this->uState && FS_COND_UNAVAILABLE != this->fs.fscond) // hack for folders
{ FileTimeToDateTimeString(&this->fs.ftMod, sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz));
rc.top += cyText; MyDrawText(hdc, sz, &rc, MDT_LEFT | MDT_TRANSPARENT, cyText, cxEllipses, CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_DEFAULT); } } }
Purpose: Return the bounding rect for a labelled image.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PUBLIC ComputeImageRects( LPCTSTR psz, HDC hdc, LPPOINT pptInOut, LPRECT prcWhole, // May be NULL
LPRECT prcLabel, // May be NULL
int cxIcon, int cyIcon, int cxIconSpacing, int cyText) { RECT rc; int yLabel; int cxLabel; int cyLabel; int cchLabel; POINT pt;
// Set our minimum rect size for icon spacing
if (cxIconSpacing < cxIcon) cxIconSpacing = cxIcon + g_cxIconMargin * 2;
// Upon entry, *pptInOut is expected to be the upper left corner of the
// icon-spacing rect. This function will set it to the upper left
// corner of the icon itself.
pt.x = pptInOut->x + (cxIconSpacing - cxIcon) / 2; pt.y = pptInOut->y + g_cyIconMargin;
// Determine rectangle of label with wrap
rc.left = rc.top = rc.bottom = 0; rc.right = cxIconSpacing - g_cxLabelMargin * 2;
cchLabel = lstrlen(psz); if (0 < cchLabel) { DrawText(hdc, psz, cchLabel, &rc, DT_CALCWRAP); } else { rc.bottom = rc.top + cyText; }
yLabel = pptInOut->y + g_cyIconMargin + cyIcon + g_cyLabelSpace; cxLabel = (rc.right - rc.left) + 2 * g_cxLabelMargin; cyLabel = rc.bottom - rc.top;
if (prcWhole) { prcWhole->left = pptInOut->x; prcWhole->right = prcWhole->left + cxIconSpacing; prcWhole->top = pptInOut->y; prcWhole->bottom = max(prcWhole->top + g_cyIconSpacing, yLabel + cyLabel + g_cyLabelSpace); }
if (prcLabel) { prcLabel->left = pptInOut->x + ((cxIconSpacing - cxLabel) / 2); prcLabel->right = prcLabel->left + cxLabel; prcLabel->top = yLabel; prcLabel->bottom = prcLabel->top + cyLabel; }
*pptInOut = pt; }
Purpose: Set the colors for the given HDC. The previous colors are stored in pcrText and pcrBk.
Returns: uStyle to pass to ImageList_Draw (specific to images only) Cond: -- */ UINT PRIVATE Dobj_SetColors( LPDOBJ this, HDC hdc, UINT uState, COLORREF clrBkgnd) { COLORREF clrText; COLORREF clrBk; UINT uStyleILD = ILD_NORMAL; BOOL bSetColors = FALSE; BOOL bDiffer; BOOL bMenu; BOOL bDisabled;
// Determine selection colors
bDiffer = IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_DIFFER); bMenu = IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_MENU); bDisabled = IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_DISABLED);
switch (this->uKind) { case DOK_STRING: case DOK_IDS: case DOK_SIDEITEM: bSetColors = TRUE; break; } // Set the text and background colors
if (bSetColors) { if (bDiffer) { // Make the colors differ based on selection state
if (bMenu) { if (bDisabled) clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); else clrText = GetSysColor(ColorMenuText(uState));
clrBk = GetSysColor(ColorMenuBk(uState)); } else { if (bDisabled) clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); else clrText = GetSysColor(ColorText(uState));
clrBk = GetSysColor(ColorBk(uState)); } } else { // Transparent colors
if (bMenu) { if (bDisabled) clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); else clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT);
clrBk = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU); } else { if (bDisabled) clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); else clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
clrBk = clrBkgnd; } } SetTextColor(hdc, clrText); SetBkColor(hdc, clrBk); }
return uStyleILD; }
Purpose: Draw the menu image and text Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE Dobj_DrawMenuImage( LPDOBJ this, HDC hdc, UINT uState, int cyText, COLORREF clrBkgnd) { UINT uStyleILD; UINT uFlagsETO; LPCTSTR psz; TCHAR szIDS[MAXBUFLEN]; int cch; HIMAGELIST himl = this->himl; COLORREF clrText; COLORREF clrBk; int x; int y; int cxIcon; RECT rc; if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_USEIDS)) psz = SzFromIDS(PtrToUlong(this->lpvObject), szIDS, ARRAYSIZE(szIDS)); else psz = (LPCTSTR)this->lpvObject;
cch = lstrlen(psz); ImageList_GetImageRect(himl, this->iImage, &rc); cxIcon = rc.right-rc.left;
// Draw the text first
uFlagsETO = ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED; x = this->rcLabel.left + g_cxMargin + cxIcon + g_cxMargin; y = this->rcLabel.top + ((this->rcLabel.bottom - this->rcLabel.top - cyText) / 2);
if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_DISABLED) && IsFlagClear(uState, ODS_SELECTED)) { int imodeOld; COLORREF crOld;
// For disabled menu strings (not selected), we draw the string
// twice. The first is offset down and to the right and drawn
// in the 3D hilight color. The second time is the disabled text
// color in the normal offset.
crOld = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); imodeOld = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); ExtTextOut(hdc, x+1, y+1, uFlagsETO, &this->rcLabel, psz, cch, NULL);
// Reset back to original color. Also, turn off the opaqueness.
SetTextColor(hdc, crOld); uFlagsETO ^= ETO_OPAQUE; }
if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_DISABLED)) clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); else clrText = GetSysColor(ColorMenuText(uState));
clrBk = GetSysColor(ColorMenuBk(uState)); SetTextColor(hdc, clrText); SetBkColor(hdc, clrBk);
ExtTextOut(hdc, x, y, uFlagsETO, &this->rcLabel, psz, cch, NULL);
// Draw the image
if (GetBkColor(hdc) == ImageList_GetBkColor(himl)) uStyleILD = ILD_NORMAL; // Paint quicker
ImageList_Draw(himl, this->iImage, hdc, this->x, this->y, uStyleILD); }
Purpose: Draw the icon image and label Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE Dobj_DrawIconImage( LPDOBJ this, HDC hdc, UINT uState, int cxEllipses, int cyText, COLORREF clrBkgnd) { UINT uStyleILD; UINT uFlagsMDT; LPCTSTR psz; TCHAR szIDS[MAXBUFLEN];
if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_USEIDS)) psz = SzFromIDS(PtrToUlong(this->lpvObject), szIDS, ARRAYSIZE(szIDS)); else psz = (LPCTSTR)this->lpvObject;
// Draw the image
if (IsFlagClear(this->uFlags, DOF_IGNORESEL)) { uStyleILD = GetImageDrawStyle(uState); uFlagsMDT = IsFlagSet(uState, ODS_SELECTED) ? MDT_SELECTED : MDT_DESELECTED; } else { uStyleILD = ILD_NORMAL; uFlagsMDT = MDT_DESELECTED; ClearFlag(uState, ODS_FOCUS); }
ImageList_Draw(this->himl, this->iImage, hdc, this->x, this->y, uStyleILD);
// Draw the file label. Wrap if it is long.
if (this->rcLabel.bottom - this->rcLabel.top > cyText) uFlagsMDT |= MDT_DRAWTEXT; MyDrawText(hdc, psz, &this->rcLabel, MDT_CENTER | uFlagsMDT, cyText, cxEllipses, CLR_DEFAULT, clrBkgnd);
// (uState may have been changed above)
if (IsFlagSet(uState, ODS_FOCUS)) DrawFocusRect(hdc, &this->rcLabel); }
#ifdef UNUSED
Purpose: Draw a picture Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE Dobj_DrawPicture( LPDOBJ this, HDC hdc, UINT uState, UINT uDrawStyle) { HIMAGELIST himl; HDC hdcMem; HBITMAP hbmp; BITMAP bm; RECT rc; int iImage; int cx; int x; int y;
switch (this->uKind) { case DOK_BITMAP: hbmp = (HBITMAP)this->lpvObject; GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm); cx = this->rcSrc.right - this->rcSrc.left; break;
case DOK_ICON: cx = 32; break; }
// We only align horizontally
y = this->y; if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_CENTER)) x = this->x - (cx / 2); else if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_RIGHT)) x = this->x - cx; else x = this->x;
// Draw the object
switch (this->uKind) { case DOK_ICON: // FEATURE: we don't handle DOF_DIFFER for icons
DrawIcon(hdc, x, y, (HICON)this->lpvObject); break;
case DOK_BITMAP: hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); if (hdcMem) { SIZE size;
SelectBitmap(hdcMem, hbmp); size.cx = this->rcSrc.right - this->rcSrc.left; size.cy = this->rcSrc.bottom - this->rcSrc.top;
if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_MENU) && IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_DISABLED) && IsFlagClear(uState, ODS_SELECTED)) { COLORREF crOld; // For disabled menu strings (not selected), we draw the bitmap
// twice. The first is offset down and to the right and drawn
// in the 3D hilight color. The second time is the disabled
// color in the normal offset.
crOld = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); BitBlt(hdc, x+1, y+1, size.cx, size.cy, hdcMem, this->rcSrc.left, this->rcSrc.top, SRCCOPY); // Reset back to original color. Also, turn off the opaqueness.
SetTextColor(hdc, crOld); }
BitBlt(hdc, x, y, size.cx, size.cy, hdcMem, this->rcSrc.left, this->rcSrc.top, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(hdcMem); } break; } } #endif
Purpose: Draw a string Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE Dobj_DrawString( LPDOBJ this, HDC hdc, UINT uState, int cxEllipses, int cyText) { UINT ufAlignSav; ASSERT(this);
// Prep the alignment
if (this->uFlags & (DOF_LEFT | DOF_CENTER | DOF_RIGHT)) { UINT ufMode;
ufMode = IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_CENTER) ? TA_CENTER : (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_RIGHT) ? TA_RIGHT : TA_LEFT); ufAlignSav = SetTextAlign(hdc, ufMode); }
// Draw the string
switch (this->uKind) { case DOK_IDS: case DOK_STRING: { TCHAR szBuf[MAXBUFLEN]; LPTSTR lpsz; UINT uflag = ETO_OPAQUE;
if (this->uKind == DOK_IDS) lpsz = SzFromIDS(PtrToUlong(this->lpvObject), szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); else lpsz = (LPTSTR)this->lpvObject;
if (!IsRectEmpty(&this->rcClip)) uflag |= ETO_CLIPPED; if (IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_MENU) && IsFlagSet(this->uFlags, DOF_DISABLED) && IsFlagClear(uState, ODS_SELECTED)) { int imodeOld; COLORREF crOld;
// For disabled menu strings (not selected), we draw the string
// twice. The first is offset down and to the right and drawn
// in the 3D hilight color. The second time is the disabled text
// color in the normal offset.
crOld = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT)); imodeOld = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); ExtTextOut(hdc, this->x+1, this->y+1, uflag, &this->rcClip, lpsz, lstrlen(lpsz), NULL);
// Reset back to original color. Also, turn off the opaqueness.
SetTextColor(hdc, crOld); uflag ^= ETO_OPAQUE; }
ExtTextOut(hdc, this->x, this->y, uflag, &this->rcClip, lpsz, lstrlen(lpsz), NULL); } break;
case DOK_SIDEITEM: SideItem_Display((LPSIDEITEM)this->lpvObject, hdc, &this->rcClip, cxEllipses, cyText); break; }
// Clean up
if (this->uFlags & (DOF_LEFT | DOF_CENTER | DOF_RIGHT)) { SetTextAlign(hdc, ufAlignSav); } }
Purpose: Draw an object Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PUBLIC Dobj_Draw( HDC hdc, LPDOBJ rgdobj, int cItems, UINT uState, // ODS_*
int cxEllipses, int cyText, COLORREF clrBkgnd) { UINT uDrawStyle; LPDOBJ pdobj; int i;
//Bug 199701, 199647, 199699
if (g_bMirroredOS) { SetLayout(hdc, LAYOUT_RTL); } //End bug 199701, 199647, 199699
for (i = 0, pdobj = rgdobj; i < cItems; i++, pdobj++) { if (IsFlagSet(pdobj->uFlags, DOF_NODRAW)) continue ; uDrawStyle = Dobj_SetColors(pdobj, hdc, uState, clrBkgnd);
// Draw the object
switch (pdobj->uKind) { case DOK_IMAGE: if (IsFlagSet(pdobj->uFlags, DOF_MENU)) Dobj_DrawMenuImage(pdobj, hdc, uState, cyText, clrBkgnd); else Dobj_DrawIconImage(pdobj, hdc, uState, cxEllipses, cyText, clrBkgnd); break;
#ifdef UNUSED
case DOK_BITMAP: case DOK_ICON: Dobj_DrawPicture(pdobj, hdc, uState, uDrawStyle); break; #endif
case DOK_IDS: case DOK_STRING: case DOK_SIDEITEM: Dobj_DrawString(pdobj, hdc, uState, cxEllipses, cyText); break; } } }