// Dynamic Array APIs
// Filename : Da.c
// Implementation of DPAs
// Copyright (c) 1994 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#include "pch.h"
#include "dpda.h"
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DPA_MAGIC ('P' | ('A' << 256))
#define IsDPA(pdpa) ((pdpa) && (pdpa)->magic == DPA_MAGIC)
#define IsDPA(pdsa)
#define ControlAlloc(hheap, cb) HeapAlloc((hheap), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (cb))
#define ControlReAlloc(hheap, pb, cb) HeapReAlloc((hheap), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (pb),(cb))
#define ControlFree(hheap, pb) HeapFree((hheap), 0, (pb))
#define ControlSize(hheap, pb) HeapSize((hheap), 0, (LPCVOID)(pb))
typedef struct { void **pp; PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCmp; LPARAM lParam; int cp; void **ppT; } SORTPARAMS;
BOOL DPA_MergeSort(SORTPARAMS * psp); void DPA_MergeSort2(SORTPARAMS * psp, int iFirst, int cItems);
//================== Dynamic pointer array implementation ===========
typedef struct _DPA { // NOTE: The following two fields MUST be defined in this order, at
// the beginning of the structure in order for the macro APIs to work.
int cp; void **pp;
HANDLE hheap; // Heap to allocate from if NULL use shared
int cpAlloc; int cpGrow; #ifdef DEBUG
UINT magic; #endif
} DPA;
HANDLE g_hSharedHeap = NULL;
void * Alloc(long cb) { // I will assume that this is the only one that needs the checks to
// see if the heap has been previously created or not
if (g_hSharedHeap == NULL) { g_hSharedHeap = HeapCreate(0, 1, 0);
// If still NULL we have problems!
if (g_hSharedHeap == NULL) return(NULL); }
return HeapAlloc(g_hSharedHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cb); }
void * ReAlloc(void * pb, long cb) { if (pb == NULL) return Alloc(cb); return HeapReAlloc(g_hSharedHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pb, cb); }
BOOL Free(void * pb) { return HeapFree(g_hSharedHeap, 0, pb); }
DWORD GetSize(void * pb) { return HeapSize(g_hSharedHeap, 0, pb); }
HDPA DPA_Create(int cpGrow) { HDPA pdpa = Alloc(sizeof(DPA)); if (pdpa) { pdpa->cp = 0; pdpa->cpAlloc = 0; pdpa->cpGrow = (cpGrow < 8 ? 8 : cpGrow); pdpa->pp = NULL; pdpa->hheap = g_hSharedHeap; // Defaults to use shared one (for now...)
#ifdef DEBUG
pdpa->magic = DPA_MAGIC; #endif
} return pdpa; }
// Should nuke the standard DPA above...
HDPA DPA_CreateEx(int cpGrow, HANDLE hheap) { HDPA pdpa; if (hheap == NULL) { pdpa = Alloc(sizeof(DPA)); hheap = g_hSharedHeap; } else pdpa = ControlAlloc(hheap, sizeof(DPA)); if (pdpa) { pdpa->cp = 0; pdpa->cpAlloc = 0; pdpa->cpGrow = (cpGrow < 8 ? 8 : cpGrow); pdpa->pp = NULL; pdpa->hheap = hheap; #ifdef DEBUG
pdpa->magic = DPA_MAGIC; #endif
} return pdpa; }
BOOL DPA_Destroy(HDPA pdpa) { //assert(IsDPA(pdpa));
if (pdpa == NULL) // allow NULL for low memory cases, still assert
return TRUE;
assert (pdpa->hheap);
#ifdef DEBUG
pdpa->cp = 0; pdpa->cpAlloc = 0; pdpa->magic = 0; #endif
if (pdpa->pp && !ControlFree(pdpa->hheap, pdpa->pp)) return FALSE;
return ControlFree(pdpa->hheap, pdpa); }
HDPA DPA_Clone(HDPA pdpa, HDPA pdpaNew) { BOOL fAlloc = FALSE;
if (!pdpaNew) { pdpaNew = DPA_CreateEx(pdpa->cpGrow, pdpa->hheap); if (!pdpaNew) return NULL;
fAlloc = TRUE; }
if (!DPA_Grow(pdpaNew, pdpa->cpAlloc)) { if (!fAlloc) DPA_Destroy(pdpaNew); return NULL; }
pdpaNew->cp = pdpa->cp; hmemcpy(pdpaNew->pp, pdpa->pp, pdpa->cp * sizeof(void *));
return pdpaNew; }
void * DPA_GetPtr(HDPA pdpa, int index) { // assert(IsDPA(pdpa));
if (index < 0 || index >= pdpa->cp) return NULL;
return pdpa->pp[index]; }
int DPA_GetPtrIndex(HDPA pdpa, void * p) { void **pp; void **ppMax;
if (pdpa->pp) { pp = pdpa->pp; ppMax = pp + pdpa->cp; for ( ; pp < ppMax; pp++) { if (*pp == p) return (pp - pdpa->pp); } } return -1; }
BOOL DPA_Grow(HDPA pdpa, int cpAlloc) { if (cpAlloc > pdpa->cpAlloc) { void **ppNew;
cpAlloc = ((cpAlloc + pdpa->cpGrow - 1) / pdpa->cpGrow) * pdpa->cpGrow;
if (pdpa->pp) ppNew = (void * *)ControlReAlloc(pdpa->hheap, pdpa->pp, cpAlloc * sizeof(void *)); else ppNew = (void * *)ControlAlloc(pdpa->hheap, cpAlloc * sizeof(void *)); if (!ppNew) return FALSE;
pdpa->pp = ppNew; pdpa->cpAlloc = cpAlloc; } return TRUE; }
BOOL DPA_SetPtr(HDPA pdpa, int index, void * p) { if (index < 0) { // DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, "DPA: Invalid index: %d", index);
return FALSE; }
if (index >= pdpa->cp) { if (!DPA_Grow(pdpa, index + 1)) return FALSE; pdpa->cp = index + 1; }
pdpa->pp[index] = p;
return TRUE; }
int DPA_InsertPtr(HDPA pdpa, int index, void * p) { if (index < 0) { return -1; } if (index > pdpa->cp) index = pdpa->cp;
// Make sure we have room for one more item
if (pdpa->cp + 1 > pdpa->cpAlloc) { if (!DPA_Grow(pdpa, pdpa->cp + 1)) return -1; }
// If we are inserting, we need to slide everybody up
if (index < pdpa->cp) { hmemcpy(&pdpa->pp[index + 1], &pdpa->pp[index], (pdpa->cp - index) * sizeof(void *)); }
pdpa->pp[index] = p; pdpa->cp++;
return index; }
void * DPA_DeletePtr(HDPA pdpa, int index) { void * p;
// assert(IsDPA(pdpa));
if (index < 0 || index >= pdpa->cp) { // DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, "DPA: Invalid index: %d", index);
return NULL; }
p = pdpa->pp[index];
if (index < pdpa->cp - 1) { hmemcpy(&pdpa->pp[index], &pdpa->pp[index + 1], (pdpa->cp - (index + 1)) * sizeof(void *)); } pdpa->cp--;
if (pdpa->cpAlloc - pdpa->cp > pdpa->cpGrow) { void **ppNew; ppNew = ControlReAlloc(pdpa->hheap, pdpa->pp, (pdpa->cpAlloc - pdpa->cpGrow) * sizeof(void *));
assert(ppNew); pdpa->pp = ppNew; pdpa->cpAlloc -= pdpa->cpGrow; } return p; }
BOOL DPA_DeleteAllPtrs(HDPA pdpa) { if (pdpa->pp && !ControlFree(pdpa->hheap, pdpa->pp)) return FALSE; pdpa->pp = NULL; pdpa->cp = pdpa->cpAlloc = 0; return TRUE; }
sp.cp = pdpa->cp; sp.pp = pdpa->pp; sp.pfnCmp = pfnCmp; sp.lParam = lParam;
return DPA_MergeSort(&sp); }
#define SortCompare(psp, pp1, i1, pp2, i2) \
(psp->pfnCmp(pp1[i1], pp2[i2], psp->lParam))
// This function merges two sorted lists and makes one sorted list.
// psp->pp[iFirst, iFirst+cItes/2-1], psp->pp[iFirst+cItems/2, iFirst+cItems-1]
void DPA_MergeThem(SORTPARAMS * psp, int iFirst, int cItems) { //
// Notes:
// This function is separated from DPA_MergeSort2() to avoid comsuming
// stack variables. Never inline this.
int cHalf = cItems/2; int iIn1, iIn2, iOut; LPVOID * ppvSrc = &psp->pp[iFirst];
// Copy the first part to temp storage so we can write directly into
// the final buffer. Note that this takes at most psp->cp/2 DWORD's
hmemcpy(psp->ppT, ppvSrc, cHalf*sizeof(LPVOID));
for (iIn1=0, iIn2=cHalf, iOut=0;;) { if (SortCompare(psp, psp->ppT, iIn1, ppvSrc, iIn2) <= 0) { ppvSrc[iOut++] = psp->ppT[iIn1++];
if (iIn1==cHalf) { // We used up the first half; the rest of the second half
// should already be in place
break; } } else { ppvSrc[iOut++] = ppvSrc[iIn2++]; if (iIn2==cItems) { // We used up the second half; copy the rest of the first half
// into place
hmemcpy(&ppvSrc[iOut], &psp->ppT[iIn1], (cItems-iOut)*sizeof(LPVOID)); break; } } } }
// This function sorts a give list (psp->pp[iFirst,iFirst-cItems-1]).
void DPA_MergeSort2(SORTPARAMS * psp, int iFirst, int cItems) { //
// Notes:
// This function is recursively called. Therefore, we should minimize
// the number of local variables and parameters. At this point, we
// use one local variable and three parameters.
int cHalf;
switch(cItems) { case 1: return;
case 2: // Swap them, if they are out of order.
if (SortCompare(psp, psp->pp, iFirst, psp->pp, iFirst+1) > 0) { psp->ppT[0] = psp->pp[iFirst]; psp->pp[iFirst] = psp->pp[iFirst+1]; psp->pp[iFirst+1] = psp->ppT[0]; } break;
default: cHalf = cItems/2; // Sort each half
DPA_MergeSort2(psp, iFirst, cHalf); DPA_MergeSort2(psp, iFirst+cHalf, cItems-cHalf); // Then, merge them.
DPA_MergeThem(psp, iFirst, cItems); break; } }
BOOL DPA_MergeSort(SORTPARAMS * psp) { if (psp->cp==0) return TRUE;
// Note that we divide by 2 below; we want to round down
psp->ppT = LocalAlloc(LPTR, psp->cp/2 * sizeof(LPVOID)); if (!psp->ppT) return FALSE;
DPA_MergeSort2(psp, 0, psp->cp); LocalFree(psp->ppT); return TRUE; }
// Search function
int DPA_Search(HDPA pdpa, void * pFind, int iStart, PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParam, UINT options) { int cp = DPA_GetPtrCount(pdpa);
assert(pfnCompare); assert(0 <= iStart);
// Only allow these wierd flags if the list is sorted
assert((options & DPAS_SORTED) || !(options & (DPAS_INSERTBEFORE | DPAS_INSERTAFTER)));
if (!(options & DPAS_SORTED)) { // Not sorted: do lisearch.
int i;
for (i = iStart; i < cp; i++) { if (0 == pfnCompare(pFind, DPA_FastGetPtr(pdpa, i), lParam)) return i; } return -1; } else { // Search the array using binary search. If several adjacent
// elements match the target element, the index of the first
// matching element is returned.
int iRet = -1; // assume no match
BOOL bFound = FALSE; int nCmp = 0; int iLow = 0; // Don't bother using iStart for binary search
int iMid = 0; int iHigh = cp - 1;
// (OK for cp == 0)
while (iLow <= iHigh) { iMid = (iLow + iHigh) / 2;
nCmp = pfnCompare(pFind, DPA_FastGetPtr(pdpa, iMid), lParam);
if (0 > nCmp) iHigh = iMid - 1; // First is smaller
else if (0 < nCmp) iLow = iMid + 1; // First is larger
else { // Match; search back for first match
bFound = TRUE; while (0 < iMid) { if (0 != pfnCompare(pFind, DPA_FastGetPtr(pdpa, iMid-1), lParam)) break; else iMid--; } break; } }
if (bFound) { assert(0 <= iMid); iRet = iMid; }
// Did the search fail AND
// is one of the strange search flags set?
if (!bFound && (options & (DPAS_INSERTAFTER | DPAS_INSERTBEFORE))) { // Yes; return the index where the target should be inserted
// if not found
if (0 < nCmp) // First is larger
iRet = iLow; else iRet = iMid; // (We don't distinguish between the two flags anymore)
} else if ( !(options & (DPAS_INSERTAFTER | DPAS_INSERTBEFORE)) ) { // Sanity check with lisearch
assert(DPA_Search(pdpa, pFind, iStart, pfnCompare, lParam, options & ~DPAS_SORTED) == iRet); } return iRet; } }
// String ptr management routines
// Copy as much of *psz to *pszBuf as will fit
int Str_GetPtr(LPCSTR psz, LPSTR pszBuf, int cchBuf) { int cch = 0;
// if pszBuf is NULL, just return length of string.
if (!pszBuf && psz) return lstrlen(psz);
if (cchBuf) { if (psz) { cch = lstrlen(psz);
if (cch > cchBuf - 1) cch = cchBuf - 1;
hmemcpy(pszBuf, psz, cch); } pszBuf[cch] = 0; } return cch; }
BOOL Str_Set(LPSTR *ppsz, LPCSTR psz) { if (!psz) { if (*ppsz) { LocalFree(*ppsz); *ppsz = NULL; } } else { LPSTR pszNew; UINT cbSize = lstrlen(psz) + 1; if (*ppsz) pszNew = LocalReAlloc(*ppsz, cbSize, LMEM_MOVEABLE | LMEM_ZEROINIT); else pszNew = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize);
if (!pszNew) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(pszNew, psz); *ppsz = pszNew; } return TRUE; }
// Set *ppsz to a copy of psz, reallocing as needed
BOOL Str_SetPtr(LPSTR * ppsz, LPCSTR psz) { if (!psz) { if (*ppsz) { Free(*ppsz); *ppsz = NULL; } } else { LPSTR pszNew = (LPSTR)ReAlloc(*ppsz, lstrlen(psz) + 1); if (!pszNew) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(pszNew, psz); *ppsz = pszNew; } return TRUE; }