// DocSum.c
// Notes:
// To make this file useful for OLE objects, define OLE_PROPS.
// The macro lpDocObj must be used for all methods to access the
// object data to ensure that this will compile with OLE_PROPS defined.
// Change history:
// Date Who What
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 06/01/94 B. Wentz Created file
// 06/25/94 B. Wentz Converted to lean & mean API's
// 07/26/94 B. Wentz Added code to merge DocumentSummary and UserDefined streams.
// 08/03/94 B. Wentz Added Manager & Company Properties
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WINNT
#include <windows.h>
#include "offglue.h"
#include <objbase.h>
#include <objerror.h>
#include "proptype.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "propmisc.h"
#include "debug.h"
// Internal prototypes
static void PASCAL FreeData (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj); static BOOL FFreeHeadPart(LPPLXHEADPART lpplxheadpart, SHORT iPlex); static SHORT ILookupHeading(LPPLXHEADPART lpplxheadpart, LPTSTR lpsz);
// Do nothing for non-OLE code....
#define lpDocObj lpDSIObj
#define lpData ((LPDSINFO) lpDSIObj->m_lpData)
// OfficeDirtyDSIObj
// Purpose:
// Sets object state to dirty or clean.
VOID OfficeDirtyDSIObj (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj, // The object
BOOL fDirty) // Flag indicating if the object is dirty.
Assert(lpDSIObj != NULL); lpDocObj->m_fObjChanged = fDirty;
} // OfficeDirtyDSIObj
// FDocSumCreate
// Purpose:
// Create the object and return it.
BOOL FDocSumCreate (LPDSIOBJ FAR *lplpDSIObj, // Pointer to pointer to object
void *prglpfn[]) // Pointer to function array
{ LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj; // Hack - a temp, must call it "lpDSIObj" for macros to work!
if (lplpDSIObj == NULL) return(TRUE);
// Make sure we get valid args before we start alloc'ing
if ((prglpfn == NULL) || (prglpfn[ifnCPConvert] == NULL)) return FALSE;
if ((*lplpDSIObj = (LPDSIOBJ) PvMemAlloc(sizeof (DOCSUMINFO))) == NULL) { // REVIEW: Add alert
return FALSE; }
lpDSIObj = *lplpDSIObj; // Save us some indirecting & let us use the "LP" macros
// If alloc fails, free the original object too.
if ((lpData = PvMemAlloc(sizeof (DSINFO))) == NULL) { // REVIEW: Add alert
VFreeMemP(*lplpDSIObj, sizeof(DOCSUMINFO)); return FALSE; }
FillBuf ((void *) lpData, (int) 0, (sizeof (DSINFO) - ifnDSIMax*(sizeof (void *))));
// Save the fnc's for Code Page conversions
lpData->lpfnFCPConvert = (BOOL (*)(LPTSTR, DWORD, DWORD, BOOL)) prglpfn[ifnCPConvert];
OfficeDirtyDSIObj (*lplpDSIObj, FALSE); (*lplpDSIObj)->m_hPage = NULL;
return TRUE;
} // FDocSumCreate
// FDocSumDestroy
// Purpose:
// Destroy the given object.
BOOL FDocSumDestroy (LPDSIOBJ FAR *lplpDSIObj) // Pointer to pointer to object
{ if ((lplpDSIObj == NULL) || (*lplpDSIObj == NULL)) return TRUE;
if (((LPDSIOBJ) *lplpDSIObj)->m_lpData != NULL) { // Free data in the DSINFO structure.
FreeData (*lplpDSIObj);
// Invalidate any OLE Automation DocumentProperty objects we might have
InvalidateVBAObjects(NULL, *lplpDSIObj, NULL);
// Free the DSINFO buffer itself.
VFreeMemP((*lplpDSIObj)->m_lpData, sizeof(DSINFO)); }
// Free the DOCSUMINFO structure.
VFreeMemP(*lplpDSIObj, sizeof(DOCSUMINFO)); *lplpDSIObj = NULL; return TRUE;
} // FDocSumDestroy
// FreeData
// Purpose:
// Deallocates all the member data for the object
// Note:
// Assumes object is valid.
static void PASCAL FreeData (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj) // Pointer to valid object
// Free any buffers held by the PropVariants.
FreePropVariantArray (NUM_DSI_PROPERTIES, GETDSINFO(lpDSIObj)->rgpropvar);
} // FreeData
// FDocSumClear
// Purpose:
// Clear the data stored in the object, but do not destroy the object
BOOL FDocSumClear (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj) // Pointer to object
{ if ((lpDocObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) return TRUE;
FreeData (lpDocObj);
// Invalidate any OLE Automation DocumentProperty objects we might have
InvalidateVBAObjects(NULL, lpDSIObj, NULL);
// Clear the data, don't blt over the fn's stored at the end.
FillBuf ((void *) lpData, (int) 0, (sizeof (DSINFO) - ifnDSIMax*(sizeof (void *))));
OfficeDirtyDSIObj (lpDSIObj, TRUE); return TRUE;
} // FDocSumClear
// FDocSumShouldSave
// Purpose:
// Indicates if the data has changed, meaning a write is needed.
BOOL FDocSumShouldSave (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj) // Pointer to object
{ if ((lpDocObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) return FALSE;
return lpDocObj->m_fObjChanged;
} // FDocSumShouldSave
// FLinkValsChanged
// Purpose:
// Determine if the link values changed
BOOL FLinkValsChanged (LPDSIOBJ lpDSIObj) // Pointer to object
if ((lpDocObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) return FALSE;
// If the PID_LINKSDIRTY property is extant, valid, & true,
// then return TRUE and clear the property.
if (GETDSINFO(lpDSIObj)->rgpropvar[ PID_LINKSDIRTY ].vt == VT_BOOL && GETDSINFO(lpDSIObj)->rgpropvar[ PID_LINKSDIRTY ].boolVal) { f = TRUE; GETDSINFO(lpDSIObj)->rgpropvar[ PID_LINKSDIRTY ].boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; }
} // FLinkValsChanged