/ Title; / debug.cpp / / Authors; / David De Vorchik (daviddv) / / Notes; / Provides printf style debug output /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pch.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#pragma hdrstop
/ Locals & helper functions /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LONG g_cDepth = -1; DWORD g_dwTraceMask = 0;
#define MAX_CALL_DEPTH 64
struct { BOOL m_fTracedYet : 1; LPCTSTR m_pFunctionName; DWORD m_dwMask; } g_CallStack[MAX_CALL_DEPTH];
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
static TCHAR szIndentBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; static TCHAR szTraceBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
/ _indent / ------- / Output to the debug stream indented by n columns. / / In: / i = column to indent to. / pString -> string to be indented / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void _indent(LONG i, LPCTSTR pString) { szIndentBuffer[0] = TEXT('\0');
wsprintf(szIndentBuffer, TEXT("%08x "), GetCurrentThreadId());
for ( ; i > 0 ; i-- ) StrCat(szIndentBuffer, TEXT(" ")); StrCat(szIndentBuffer, pString); StrCat(szIndentBuffer, TEXT("\n"));
OutputDebugString(szIndentBuffer); }
/ _output_proc_name / ----------------- / Handle the output of a procedure name, including indenting and handling / the opening braces. / / In: / iCallDepth = callstack depth, defines the indent and the name index / to be extracted. / fOpenBrace = suffix with opening brace. / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void _output_proc_name(LONG iCallDepth) { _indent(iCallDepth, g_CallStack[iCallDepth].m_pFunctionName); }
/ _trace_prolog / ------------- / Handle the prolog to a prefix string, including outputting the / function name if we haven't already. / / In: / iDepth = depth in the call stack / fForce = ignore flags / / Out: / BOOL if trace output should be made /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL _trace_prolog(LONG iDepth, BOOL fForce) { if ( (g_dwTraceMask & g_CallStack[iDepth].m_dwMask) || fForce ) { if ( iDepth > 0 ) { if ( !g_CallStack[iDepth-1].m_fTracedYet ) _trace_prolog(iDepth-1, TRUE); }
if ( !g_CallStack[iDepth].m_fTracedYet ) { _output_proc_name(iDepth); g_CallStack[iDepth].m_fTracedYet = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
/ DoTraceSetMask / -------------- / Adjust the trace mask to reflect the state given. / / In: / dwMask = mask for enabling / disable trace output / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C void DoTraceSetMask(DWORD dwMask) { g_dwTraceMask = dwMask; }
/ DoTraceSetMaskFromCLSID / ----------------------- / Pick up the TraceMask value from the given CLSID value and / set the trace mask using that. / / In: / clsid = CLSID to query the value from / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C void DoTraceSetMaskFromCLSID(REFCLSID rCLSID) { DWORD dwTraceMask; DWORD cbTraceMask = SIZEOF(dwTraceMask); HKEY hKey = NULL;
if ( SUCCEEDED(GetKeyForCLSID(rCLSID, NULL, &hKey)) ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("TraceMask"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwTraceMask, &cbTraceMask) ) { TraceSetMask(dwTraceMask); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
/ DoTraceEnter / ------------ / Set the debugging call stack up to indicate which function we are in. / / In: / pName -> function name to be displayed in subsequent trace output. / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C void DoTraceEnter(DWORD dwMask, LPCTSTR pName) { g_cDepth++;
if ( g_cDepth < MAX_CALL_DEPTH ) { if ( !pName ) pName = TEXT("<no name>"); // no function name given
g_CallStack[g_cDepth].m_fTracedYet = FALSE; g_CallStack[g_cDepth].m_pFunctionName = pName; g_CallStack[g_cDepth].m_dwMask = dwMask;
if ( (g_cDepth > 0) && ( g_cDepth < MAX_CALL_DEPTH ) ) _trace_prolog(g_cDepth-1, FALSE); } }
/ DoTraceLeave / ------------ / On exit from a function this will adjust the function stack pointer to / point to our previous function. If no trace output has been made then / we will output the function name on a single line (to indicate we went somewhere). / / In: / - / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C void DoTraceLeave(void) { if ( ( g_cDepth >= 0 ) && ( g_cDepth <= MAX_CALL_DEPTH ) ) _trace_prolog(g_cDepth, FALSE);
if ( !g_cDepth && g_CallStack[0].m_fTracedYet ) OutputDebugString(TEXT("\n")); g_cDepth = max(g_cDepth-1, -1); // account for underflow
/ DoTraceGetCurrentFn / ------------------- / Peek the top of the call stack and return the current function name / pointer, or NULL if not defined. / / In: / Out: / LPCTSTR /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C LPCTSTR DoTraceGetCurrentFn(VOID) { return g_CallStack[g_cDepth].m_pFunctionName; }
/ DoTrace / ------- / Perform printf formatting to the debugging stream. We indent the output / and stream the function name as required to give some indication of / call stack depth. / / In: / pFormat -> printf style formatting string / ... = arguments as required for the formatting / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C void DoTrace(LPCTSTR pFormat, ...) { va_list va;
if ( ( g_cDepth >= 0 ) && ( g_cDepth < MAX_CALL_DEPTH ) ) { if ( _trace_prolog(g_cDepth, FALSE) ) { va_start(va, pFormat); wvsprintf(szTraceBuffer, pFormat, va); va_end(va); _indent(g_cDepth+1, szTraceBuffer); } } }
/ DoTraceGuid / ----------- / Given a GUID output it into the debug string, first we try and map it / to a name (ie. IShellFolder), if that didn't work then we convert it / to its human readable form. / / In: / pszPrefix -> prefix string / lpGuid -> guid to be streamed / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef UNICODE
#define MAP_GUID(x) &x, TEXT(""L#x)
#define MAP_GUID(x) &x, TEXT(""#x)
#define MAP_GUID2(x,y) MAP_GUID(x), MAP_GUID(y)
const struct { const GUID* m_pGUID; LPCTSTR m_pName; } _guid_map[] = { MAP_GUID(IID_IUnknown), MAP_GUID(IID_IClassFactory), MAP_GUID(IID_IDropTarget), MAP_GUID(IID_IDataObject), MAP_GUID(IID_IPersist), MAP_GUID(IID_IOleWindow),
MAP_GUID2(IID_INewShortcutHookA, IID_INewShortcutHookW), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellBrowser), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellView), MAP_GUID(IID_IContextMenu), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellIcon), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellFolder), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellExtInit), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellPropSheetExt), MAP_GUID(IID_IPersistFolder), MAP_GUID2(IID_IExtractIconA, IID_IExtractIconW), MAP_GUID2(IID_IShellLinkA, IID_IShellLinkW), MAP_GUID2(IID_IShellCopyHookA, IID_IShellCopyHookW), MAP_GUID2(IID_IFileViewerA, IID_IFileViewerW), MAP_GUID(IID_ICommDlgBrowser), MAP_GUID(IID_IEnumIDList), MAP_GUID(IID_IFileViewerSite), MAP_GUID(IID_IContextMenu2), MAP_GUID2(IID_IShellExecuteHookA, IID_IShellExecuteHookW), MAP_GUID(IID_IPropSheetPage), MAP_GUID(IID_IShellView2), MAP_GUID(IID_IUniformResourceLocator), };
EXTERN_C void DoTraceGUID(LPCTSTR pPrefix, REFGUID rGUID) { TCHAR szGUID[GUIDSTR_MAX]; TCHAR szBuffer[1024]; LPCTSTR pName = NULL; int i; if ( ( g_cDepth >= 0 ) && ( g_cDepth < MAX_CALL_DEPTH ) ) { if ( _trace_prolog(g_cDepth, FALSE) ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < ARRAYSIZE(_guid_map); i++ ) { if ( IsEqualGUID(rGUID, *_guid_map[i].m_pGUID) ) { pName = _guid_map[i].m_pName; break; } }
if ( !pName ) { GetStringFromGUID(rGUID, szGUID, ARRAYSIZE(szGUID)); pName = szGUID; }
wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("%s %s"), pPrefix, pName); _indent(g_cDepth+1, szBuffer); } } }
/ DoTraceAssert / ------------- / Our assert handler, out faults it the trace mask as enabled assert / faulting. / / In: / iLine = line / pFilename -> filename of the file we asserted in / / Out: / - /----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EXTERN_C void DoTraceAssert(int iLine, LPTSTR pFilename) { TCHAR szBuffer[1024];
wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("Assert failed in %s, line %d"), pFilename, iLine);
_trace_prolog(g_cDepth, TRUE); // nb: TRUE asserts always displabed
_indent(g_cDepth+1, szBuffer);
if ( g_dwTraceMask & TRACE_COMMON_ASSERT ) DebugBreak(); }