// FILE: tstring.cpp
// AUTHOR: Davepl
// (c) 1999 Dave Plummer. Portions of this code derived from source
// produced by Joe O'Leary with the following license:
// > This code is free. Use it anywhere you want. Rewrite
// > it, restructure it, whatever you want. Please don't blame me if it causes your
// > $30 billion dollar satellite to explode. If you redistribute it in any form, I
// > would appreciate it if you would leave this notice here.
#include "shtl.h"
#include "tstring.h"
#include <xutility>
#if defined (max)
#undef max
#undef min
#define max(a,b) std::_cpp_max(a,b)
#define min(a,b) std::_cpp_min(a,b)
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <locale>
// If conversion has NOT been explicitly turned off...
// Global MBCS-to-UNICODE helper function
__DATL_INLINE PWSTR StdA2WHelper(PWSTR pw, PCSTR pa, int nChars) { if (pa == NULL) return NULL; ASSERT(pw != NULL); pw[0] = '\0'; VERIFY(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pa, -1, pw, nChars)); return pw; }
// Global UNICODE-to_MBCS helper function
__DATL_INLINE PSTR StdW2AHelper(PSTR pa, PCWSTR pw, int nChars) { if (pw == NULL) return NULL; ASSERT(pa != NULL); pa[0] = '\0'; VERIFY(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pw, -1, pa, nChars, NULL, NULL)); return pa; }
// CONSTRUCTOR: tstring::tstring
// tstring(PCTSTR pT)
// This particular overload of the tstring constructor takes either a real
// string or a resource ID which has been converted with the MAKEINTRESOURCE()
// macro
// pT - a NULL-terminated raw string with which the tstring object should be
// initialized or a resource ID converted with MAKEINTRESOURCE (or NULL)
__DATL_INLINE tstring::tstring(PCTSTR pT) : STRBASE(szTNull) // constructor for either a literal string or a resource ID
{ if ( pT == NULL ) ; else if ( HIWORD(pT) == 0 ) { if ( !Load(_TRES(pT)) ) TRACE(_T("Can't load string %u\n"), _TRES(pT)); } else *this = pT; }
__DATL_INLINE tstring::tstring(UINT nID) : STRBASE(szTNull) { if ( !Load(nID) ) TRACE(_T("Can't load string %u\n"), nID); }
// FUNCTION: tstring::Load
// bool Load(UINT nId)
// This function attempts to load the specified string resource from application's
// resource table.
// nId - the resource Identifier from the string table.
// true if the function succeeds, false otherwise
#define MAX_LOAD_TRIES 8 // max # of times we'll attempt to load a string
#define LOAD_BUF_SIZE 256
__DATL_INLINE bool tstring::Load(UINT nId) { #ifdef _MFC_VER
CString strRes(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nId)); *this = strRes; return !empty();
// Get the resource name via MAKEINTRESOURCE. This line is pretty much lifted from CString
HINSTANCE hInstance = tstring::GetResourceHandle();
HRSRC hrsrc; int cwch = 0; WCHAR * pwch;
// String tables are broken up into "bundles" of 16 strings each.
if (HIWORD(nId) == 0) { hrsrc = ::FindResource(hInstance, reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>((UINT_PTR)(1 + nId / 16)), RT_STRING); if (hrsrc) { pwch = (PWCHAR)LoadResource(hInstance, hrsrc); if (pwch) { // Now skip over the strings in the resource until we
// hit the one we want. Each entry is a counted string,
// just like Pascal.
for (nId %= 16; nId; nId--) { pwch += *pwch + 1; } cwch = *pwch; if (cwch) { LPTSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer(cwch); #ifdef UNICODE
memcpy(pszBuffer, pwch+1, cwch * sizeof(WCHAR)); /* Copy the goo */ #else
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwch+1, cwch, pszBuffer, cwch+1, NULL, NULL); #endif
*(pszBuffer+cwch) = TEXT('\0'); ReleaseBuffer(cwch); } } } } return (cwch != 0);
// FUNCTION: tstring::Format
// void _cdecl Formst(tstring& PCTSTR szFormat, ...)
// void _cdecl Format(PCTSTR szFormat);
// This function does sprintf/wsprintf style formatting on tstring objects. It
// is very much a copy of the MFC CString::Format function. Some people might even
// call this identical. However all these people are now dead.
// nId - ID of string resource holding the format string
// szFormat - a PCTSTR holding the format specifiers
// argList - a va_list holding the arguments for the format specifiers.
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::Format(UINT nId, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, nId);
tstring strFmt; if ( strFmt.Load(nId) ) FormatV(strFmt, argList);
va_end(argList); return *this; }
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::Format(PCTSTR szFormat, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, szFormat); FormatV(szFormat, argList); va_end(argList); return *this; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::FormatV
// void FormatV(PCTSTR szFormat, va_list, argList);
// This function formats the string with sprintf style format-specifications. It
// makes a general guess at required buffer size and then tries successively larger
// buffers until it finds one big enough or a threshold (MAX_FMT_TRIES) is exceeded.
// szFormat - a PCTSTR holding the format of the output
// argList - va_list for variable argument lists
#define MAX_FMT_TRIES 5
#define FMT_BLOCK_SIZE 256
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::FormatV(PCTSTR szFormat, va_list argList) { va_list argListSave = argList;
// We're just going to use the normal _vsntprintf function, assuming FMT_BLOCK_SIZE characters.
// However, if FMT_BLOCK_SIZE characters is not be enough, we will try 2 * FMT_BLOCK_SIZE, then
// 3 * FMT_BLOCK_SIZE, up to MAX_FMT_TRIES * FMT_BLOCK_SIZE characters.
int nTriesLeft = MAX_FMT_TRIES-1; int nCharsUsed = - 1; int nTChars = 0;
// Keep looping until either we succeed or we have exhausted the number of tries
do { nTChars += FMT_BLOCK_SIZE; // number of TCHARS in the string
// Allocate a buffer on the stack to hold the characters and NULL terminate it
TCHAR* szBuf = reinterpret_cast<TCHAR*>(_alloca((nTChars+1) * sizeof(TCHAR))); szBuf[nTChars+1] = '\0';
// Now try the actual formatting. The docs say even the wide version takes the
// number of BYTES as the second argument, not the number of characters (TCHARs).
// However the docs are wrong. I checked the actual implementation of
// _vsnprintf and _vsnwprintf and they multiply count by sizeof TCHAR.
nCharsUsed = _vsntprintf(szBuf, nTChars+1, szFormat, argListSave); if ( nCharsUsed >= 0 ) *this = szBuf;
} while ( nCharsUsed < 0 && nTriesLeft > 0);
va_end(argListSave); return *this; }
// This class is used for TrimRight() and TrimLeft() function implementations.
class NotSpace : public std::unary_function<TCHAR, bool> { public: inline bool operator() (TCHAR tchar) { return !_istspace(tchar); }; };
// FUNCTION: tstring::TrimRight
// tstring& TrimRight();
// This function removes any whitespace characters from the right end of the string.
// a reference to this object (*this) -- allows chaining together of
// these calls, eg. strTest.TrimRight().TrimLeft().ToUpper();
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::TrimRight() { tstring::reverse_iterator iter = std::find_if(rbegin(), rend(), NotSpace()); if ( iter != rend() ) { tstring::size_type nNewSize = find_last_of(*iter); erase(nNewSize+1); } else { erase(); } return *this; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::TrimLeft
// tstring& TrimLeft();
// This function removes any whitespace characters from the left end of the string.
// a reference to this object (*this) -- allows chaining together of
// these calls, (eg. strTest.TrimRight().TrimLeft().ToUpper();)
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::TrimLeft() { tstring::iterator iter = std::find_if(begin(), end(), NotSpace()); tstring strNew(iter, end()); STRBASE::assign(strNew); return *this; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::ToUpper
// tstring& ToUpper()
// This function converts the tstring to all uppercase characters using ctype
// a reference to this object (*this) -- allows chaining together of
// these calls, (eg. strTest.TrimRight().TrimLeft().ToUpper();)
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::ToUpper() { // std::transform(begin(), end(), begin(), toupper); // slow and portable
_tcsupr(const_cast<PTSTR>(data())); // fast and not portable
return *this; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::ToLower
// tstring& ToLower()
// This function converts the tstring to all lowercase characters using ctype
// a reference to this object (*this) -- allows chaining together of
// these calls, (eg. strTest.ToLower().TrimLeft().ToUpper();)
__DATL_INLINE tstring& tstring::ToLower() { //std::transform(begin(), end(), begin(), tolower); // portable, slow way of doing it
_tcslwr(const_cast<PTSTR>(data())); // unportable, fast way of doing it
return *this; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::CopyString
// static void CopyString(PCTSTR p_szSource, PTSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars=0);
// static void CopyString(PCOSTR p_szSource, POSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars=0);
// static void CopyString(PCSTR p_szSource, PWSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars=0);
// static void CopyString(PCWSTR p_szSource, PSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars=0);
// These 3 overloads simplify copying one C-style string into another.
// p_szSource - the string to be copied FROM. May be either an MBCS string (char) or
// a wide string (wchar_t)
// p_szDest - the string to be copied TO. Also may be either MBCS or wide
// p_nMaxChars - the maximum number of characters to be copied into p_szDest. Note
// that this is expressed in whatever a "character" means to p_szDest.
// If p_szDest is a wchar_t type string than this will be the maximum
// number of wchar_ts that my be copied. The p_szDest string must be
// large enough to hold least p_nMaxChars+1 characters.
__DATL_INLINE void tstring::CopyString(PCTSTR p_szSource, PTSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars) { int nSrcLen = ( p_szSource == NULL ? 0 : _tcslen(p_szSource) ); int nChars = ( p_nMaxChars > 0 ? min(p_nMaxChars,nSrcLen) : nSrcLen ); memcpy(p_szDest, p_szSource, nChars * sizeof(TCHAR)); p_szDest[nChars] = '\0'; }
__DATL_INLINE void tstring::CopyString(PCOSTR p_szSource, POSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars) { #ifdef _UNICODE
int nSrcLen = ( p_szSource == NULL ? 0 : strlen(p_szSource) ); #else
int nSrcLen = ( p_szSource == NULL ? 0 : wcslen(p_szSource) ); #endif
int nChars = ( p_nMaxChars > 0 ? min(p_nMaxChars,nSrcLen) : nSrcLen ); memcpy(p_szDest, p_szSource, nChars * sizeof(TOTHER)); p_szDest[nChars] = '\0'; }
__DATL_INLINE void tstring::CopyString(PCSTR p_szSource, PWSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars) { USES_CONVERSION; PCWSTR szConverted = (A2W(p_szSource)); int nSrcLen = ( szConverted == NULL ? 0 : wcslen(szConverted) ); int nChars = ( p_nMaxChars > 0 ? min(p_nMaxChars,nSrcLen) : nSrcLen ); memcpy(p_szDest, szConverted, nChars * sizeof(wchar_t)); p_szDest[nChars] = '\0'; }
__DATL_INLINE void tstring::CopyString(PCWSTR p_szSource, PSTR p_szDest, int p_nMaxChars) { USES_CONVERSION; PCSTR szConverted = (W2A(p_szSource)); int nSrcLen = ( szConverted == NULL ? 0 : strlen(szConverted) ); int nChars = ( p_nMaxChars > 0 ? min(p_nMaxChars,nSrcLen) : nSrcLen ); memcpy(p_szDest, szConverted, nChars); p_szDest[nChars] = '\0'; }
// Special, TEMPORARY operators that allow us to serialize tstrings to CArchives.
#ifdef _MFC_VER
__DATL_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const tstring& string) { USES_CONVERSION;
// All tstrings are serialized as wide strings
PCWSTR pWide = T2CW(string.data()); int nChars = wcslen(pWide); ar << nChars; ar.Write(pWide, nChars*sizeof(wchar_t)); return ar; }
__DATL_INLINE CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, tstring& string) { // All tstrings are serialized as wide strings
UINT nLen; ar >> nLen; if ( nLen > 0 ) { UINT nByteLen = nLen * sizeof(wchar_t); PWSTR pWide = (PWSTR)_alloca(nByteLen+sizeof(wchar_t)); VERIFY(ar.Read(pWide, nByteLen) == nByteLen); pWide[nLen] = '\0'; string = tstring(pWide); } else { string.erase(); } return ar; } #endif
// FUNCTION: tstring::StreamSave
// HRESULT StreamSave(IStream* pStream) const;
// This function write the length and contents of the tstring object
// out to an IStream as a char based string;
// pStream - the stream to which the string must be written
// HRESULT return valued of IStream Write function
__DATL_INLINE HRESULT tstring::StreamSave(IStream* pStream) const { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ASSERT(pStream != NULL);
// All tstrings are serialized as wide strings
PCSTR pStr = T2CA(this->data()); ULONG nChars = strlen(pStr);
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Write(&nChars, sizeof(ULONG), NULL)) ) TRACE(_T("tstring::StreamSave -- Unable to write length to IStream due to error 0x%X\n"), hr); else if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Write(pStr, nChars*sizeof(char), NULL)) ) TRACE(_T("tstring::StreamSave -- Unable to write string to IStream due to error 0x%X\n"), hr);
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::StreamLoad
// HRESULT StreamLoad(IStream* pStream);
// This function reads in a tstring object from an IStream
// pStream - the stream from which the string must be read
// HRESULT return value of the IStream Read function
__DATL_INLINE HRESULT tstring::StreamLoad(IStream* pStream) { // All tstrings are serialized as char strings
ASSERT(pStream != NULL);
ULONG nChars; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(&nChars, sizeof(ULONG), NULL)) ) { TRACE(_T("tstring::StreamLoad -- Unable to read length from IStream due to error 0x%X\n"), hr); } else if ( nChars > 0 ) { ULONG nByteLen = nChars * sizeof(char); PSTR pStr = (PSTR)_alloca(nByteLen+sizeof(char)); // add an extra char for terminating NULL
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(pStr, nByteLen, NULL)) ) TRACE(_T("tstring::StreamLoad -- Unable to read string from IStream due to error 0x%X\n"), hr); pStr[nChars] = '\0'; *this = tstring(pStr); } else { this->erase(); } return hr; }
// FUNCTION: tstring::StreamSize
// ULONG StreamSize() const;
// This function tells the caller how many bytes will be required to write
// this tstring object to an IStream using the StreamSave() function.
// This is the capability lacking in CComBSTR which would force an IPersistXXX
// implementation to know the implementation details of CComBSTR::StreamSave
// in order to use CComBSTR in an IPersistXXX implementation.
// length in >> bytes << required to write the tstring
__DATL_INLINE ULONG tstring::StreamSize() const { USES_CONVERSION; return ( strlen(T2CA(this->data())) * sizeof(char) ) + sizeof(ULONG); /// return ( wcslen(T2CW(this->data())) * sizeof(wchar_t) ) + sizeof(ULONG);
// FUNCTION: WUSysMessage
// TSTRING WUSysMessage(DWORD p_dwError, bool bUseDefault=false)
// This function simplifies the process of obtaining a string equivalent
// of a system error code returned from GetLastError(). You simply
// supply the value returned by GetLastError() to this function and the
// corresponding system string is returned in the form of a tstring.
// p_dwError - a DWORD value representing the error code to be translated
// p_dwLangId - the language id to use. defaults to english.
// a tstring equivalent of the error code. Currently, this function
// only returns either English of the system default language strings.
#define MAX_FMT_TRIES 5
#define FMT_BLOCK_SIZE 256
__DATL_INLINE tstring WUSysMessage(DWORD p_dwError, DWORD p_dwLangId) { TCHAR szBuf[512];
if ( ::FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, p_dwError, p_dwLangId, szBuf, 511, NULL) != 0 ) return WUFormat(_T("%s (0x%X)"), szBuf, p_dwError); else return WUFormat(_T("Unknown error (0x%X)"), p_dwError); }
// tstring WUFormat(UINT nId, ...);
// tstring WUFormat(PCTSTR szFormat, ...);
// This function allows the caller for format and return a tstring object with a single line
// of code. Frequently you want to print out a formatted string but don't care about it once
// you are done with it. You end up having to create temporary tstring objects and then
// calling their Format() functions. By using this function instead, you can cut down on the
// clutter.
__DATL_INLINE tstring WUFormat(UINT nId, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, nId);
tstring strFmt; tstring strOut; if ( strFmt.Load(nId) ) strOut.FormatV(strFmt, argList);
va_end(argList); return strOut; }
__DATL_INLINE tstring WUFormat(PCTSTR szFormat, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, szFormat); tstring strOut; strOut.FormatV(szFormat, argList); va_end(argList); return strOut; }