// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1993
// File: Hash.c
// Comments:
// This file contains functions that are roughly equivelent to the
// kernel atom function. There are two main differences. The first
// is that in 32 bit land the tables are maintined in our shared heap,
// which makes it shared between all of our apps. The second is that
// we can assocate a long pointer with each of the items, which in many
// cases allows us to keep from having to do a secondary lookup from
// a different table
// History:
// 09/08/93 - Created KurtE
#ifdef STRICT
#undef STRICT
#define NO_SHELL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR //Kludge to get around new mem heaps in nt
// to fix assert problem
#ifdef ASSERT
#undef ASSERT
#include "project.h"
#include "urlshell.h"
#include <platform.h>
// First define a data structure to use to maintain the list
#define PRIME 37
// NOTE a PHASHITEM is defined as a LPCSTR externaly (for old code to work)
typedef struct _HashItem FAR * PHASHITEM;
typedef struct _HashItem { PHASHITEM phiNext; //
UINT wCount; // Usage count
BYTE cbLen; // Length of name in characters.
char szName[1]; // name
typedef struct _HashTable { UINT wBuckets; // Number of buckets
UINT wcbExtra; // Extra bytes per item
BOOL fUpperCase; // Uppercase names
PHASHITEM phiLast; // Pointer to the last item we worked with
PHASHITEM ahiBuckets[EMPTY_SIZE]; // Set of buckets for the table
#define HIDATAPTR(sz) ((DWORD UNALIGNED *)((BYTE*)(sz) + HIFROMSZ(sz)->cbLen+1))
static PHASHTABLE g_pHashTable = NULL;
// This function looks up the name in the hash table and optionally does
// things like add it, or delete it.
// we will need to serialize this eventually.
LPCSTR NEAR PASCAL LookupItemInHashTable(PHASHTABLE pht, LPCSTR pszName, int iOp) { // First thing to do is calculate the hash value for the item
DWORD dwHash = 0; UINT wBucket; BYTE cbName = 0; BYTE c; PHASHITEM phi, phiPrev; LPCSTR psz = pszName;
if (pht == NULL) { pht = GetGlobalHashTable(); }
if (pht) { while (*psz) { // Same type of hash like HashItem manager
c = *psz++;
if (pht->fUpperCase && ( c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) c = c - 'a' + 'A'; dwHash += (c << 1) + (c >> 1) + c; cbName++; ASSERT(cbName);
if (cbName == 0) return(NULL); // Length to long!
// now search for the item in the buckets.
phiPrev = NULL; ENTERCRITICAL; phi = pht->ahiBuckets[wBucket = (UINT)(dwHash % pht->wBuckets)];
while (phi) { if (phi->cbLen == cbName) { if (pht->fUpperCase) { if (!lstrcmpi(pszName, phi->szName)) break; // Found match
} else { if (!lstrcmp(pszName, phi->szName)) break; // Found match
} } phiPrev = phi; // Keep the previous item
phi = phi->phiNext; }
// Sortof gross, but do the work here
switch (iOp) { case ADDHASHITEM: if (phi) { // Simply increment the reference count
DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "Add Hit on '%s'", pszName); #endif
phi->wCount++; } else { #ifdef HITTRACE
DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "Add MISS on '%s'", pszName); #endif
// Not Found, try to allocate it out of the heap
phi = (PHASHITEM)Alloc(sizeof(HASHITEM) + cbName + pht->wcbExtra);
if (phi != NULL) { // Initialize it
phi->wCount = 1; // One use of it
phi->cbLen = cbName; // The length of it;
lstrcpy(phi->szName, pszName);
// And link it in to the right bucket
phi->phiNext = pht->ahiBuckets[wBucket]; pht->ahiBuckets[wBucket] = phi; } } pht->phiLast = phi; break;
case DELETEHASHITEM: if (phi) { phi->wCount--; if (phi->wCount == 0) { // Useage count went to zero so unlink it and delete it
if (phiPrev != NULL) phiPrev->phiNext = phi->phiNext; else pht->ahiBuckets[wBucket] = phi->phiNext;
// And delete it
phi = NULL; } } case LOOKUPHASHITEM: pht->phiLast = phi; break; }
LEAVECRITICAL; } else { phi = NULL; } // If find was passed in simply return it.
return phi ? (LPCSTR)phi->szName : NULL; }
LPCSTR WINAPI AddHashItem(PHASHTABLE pht, LPCSTR lpszStr) { return LookupItemInHashTable(pht, lpszStr, ADDHASHITEM); }
LPCSTR WINAPI DeleteHashItem(PHASHTABLE pht, LPCSTR lpszStr) { return LookupItemInHashTable(pht, lpszStr, DELETEHASHITEM); }
PHASHTABLE WINAPI CreateHashItemTable(UINT wBuckets, UINT wExtra, BOOL fCaseSensitive) { PHASHTABLE pht;
if (wBuckets == 0) wBuckets = 71;
pht = (PHASHTABLE)Alloc(sizeof(HASHTABLE) + wBuckets * sizeof(PHASHITEM));
if (pht) { pht->fUpperCase = !fCaseSensitive; pht->wBuckets = wBuckets; pht->wcbExtra = wExtra; } return pht; }
PHASHTABLE NEAR PASCAL GetGlobalHashTable() { if (g_pHashTable == NULL) { g_pHashTable = CreateHashItemTable(71, 0, FALSE); } return g_pHashTable; }