// pbrusdoc.cpp : implementation of the CPBDoc class
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "pbrush.h"
#include "pbrusdoc.h"
#include "pbrusfrm.h"
#include "pbrusvw.h"
#include "srvritem.h"
#include "bmobject.h"
#include "imgwnd.h"
#include "imgsuprt.h"
#include "imgwnd.h"
#include "imgbrush.h"
#include "imgbrush.h"
#include "imgwell.h"
#include "imgtools.h"
#include "imgdlgs.h"
#include "tedit.h"
#include "t_text.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "cmpmsg.h"
#include "ferr.h"
#include "loadimag.h"
#include "saveimag.h"
#include "colorsrc.h"
#include "props.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static CHAR BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "memtrace.h"
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBDoc
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBDoc construction/destruction
CPBDoc::CPBDoc() { m_bObjectLoaded = FALSE; m_pBitmapObj = NULL; m_pBitmapObjNew = NULL; m_bNewDoc = TRUE; m_bPaintFormat = FALSE; m_bNonBitmapFile= FALSE; m_bSaveViaFilter= FALSE; m_bManualTruncate= FALSE; m_bHasSeenAFileError= FALSE; }
CPBDoc::~CPBDoc() { if (m_pBitmapObj) delete m_pBitmapObj; }
/***************************************************************************/ //
// SetDibHandle replaces the current image with the DIB
// indicated by hdib
void CPBDoc::SetDibHandle (HGLOBAL hDib) { CWaitCursor DisplayWaitCursor;
if (m_pBitmapObj->ReadResource (hDib)) { m_pBitmapObj->ReLoadImage (this);
if (lpbi) { if (lpbi->biBitCount == 1) { m_pBitmapObj->SetIntProp (P_Colors, 1); }
GlobalUnlock(hDib); } m_pBitmapObj->SetDirty( TRUE ); SetModifiedFlag( TRUE );
if (theApp.m_bEmbedded) NotifyChanged(); } }
BOOL CPBDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (! Finish()) return FALSE;
m_bObjectLoaded = FALSE; m_bNewDoc = TRUE; m_bNonBitmapFile= FALSE; m_bSaveViaFilter= FALSE; m_sName.Empty(); g_bUseTrans = FALSE; crTrans = TRANS_COLOR_NONE; theApp.m_sCurFile.Empty();
if (! CreateNewDocument() || ! COleServerDoc::OnNewDocument()) { if (m_pBitmapObjNew) { delete m_pBitmapObjNew; m_pBitmapObjNew = 0; } return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL CPBDoc::OnOpenDocument( const TCHAR* pszPathName ) { m_bObjectLoaded = FALSE; m_bNonBitmapFile= FALSE; m_bSaveViaFilter= FALSE; g_bUseTrans = FALSE; crTrans = TRANS_COLOR_NONE; theApp.m_sCurFile = pszPathName;
if (pszPathName != NULL) { if (theApp.m_bEmbedded) theApp.m_bLinked = TRUE;
m_bNewDoc = FALSE; m_sName = pszPathName;
if (! theApp.m_bPCXfile) { CString cStrExt = GetExtension( pszPathName ); CString cStrPCXExt;
// is it a PCX extension?
theApp.m_bPCXfile = ! cStrExt.CompareNoCase( cStrPCXExt ); } #endif
// preset the file name in case of errors.
theApp.SetFileError( IDS_ERROR_OPEN, CFileException::none, pszPathName ); } else { m_bNewDoc = TRUE; /* not really but we don't have a name */ m_sName.Empty(); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (theApp.m_bEmbedded) TRACE( TEXT("MSPaint Open %s Document.\n"), (theApp.m_bLinked? TEXT("Linked"): TEXT("Embedded")) ); #endif
if (! CreateNewDocument()) return FALSE;
return COleServerDoc::OnOpenDocument( pszPathName ); }
BOOL CPBDoc::OnSaveDocument( const TCHAR* pszPathName ) { ASSERT( m_pBitmapObj != NULL );
if (! Finish() || ! COleServerDoc::OnSaveDocument( pszPathName )) return FALSE;
// Set the name if the thing doesn't have a name yet...
if (m_pBitmapObj->m_bTempName && pszPathName != NULL) { m_pBitmapObj->m_bTempName = FALSE; }
m_pBitmapObj->SetDirty( FALSE ); theApp.m_sCurFile = pszPathName; return TRUE; }
CFile* CPBDoc::GetFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException* pError) { // While saving a file, MFC opens the file with CREATE_ALWAYS flag.
// But this wipes out the file summary info that the user has spent so much time editing (!)
// We don't want that, so we will open the file with the OPEN_ALWAYS flag,
// which does not disturb the summary info. But if the new file is shorter
// than the old file, we need to manually truncate the file. So when we are
// done, we will SetEndOfFile() in CPBDoc::ReleaseFile()
// modeCreate maps to CREATE_ALWAYS
// modeCreate + modeNoTruncate maps to OPEN_ALWAYS
// So if MFC calls us with modeCreate only, we will also set modeNoTruncate
m_bManualTruncate = (nOpenFlags & CFile::modeCreate) && !(nOpenFlags & CFile::modeNoTruncate);
if (m_bManualTruncate) nOpenFlags |= CFile::modeNoTruncate;
// If we modify a file, the shell somehow cannot detect this and cannot
// update the thumbnails view. So we will be nice and notify the shell
if (nOpenFlags & (CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeReadWrite)) { // we should notify the shell if we are changing (writing to) a file
// determine the type of notification
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(lpszFileName, &fd);
if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // If the file previously exists, this means we will be updating it
m_wChangeNotifyEventId = SHCNE_UPDATEITEM;
FindClose(hFind); } else { // otherwise we will be creating a new file
m_wChangeNotifyEventId = SHCNE_CREATE; } } else { // if we are only reading the file, no need for a notification
m_wChangeNotifyEventId = 0; }
// Copy MFC's implementation of CDocument::GetFile()
// With one exception, do not use the CMirrorFile mess...
CFile* pFile = new CFile; ASSERT(pFile != NULL);
if (!pFile->Open(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags, pError)) { delete pFile; pFile = NULL; }
return pFile; }
void CPBDoc::ReleaseFile(CFile* pFile, BOOL bAbort) { // manually set the end of file if needed
if (m_bManualTruncate) { SetEndOfFile((HANDLE) pFile->m_hFile); }
// cache the file name before the file object gets deleted
CString strFileName = pFile->GetFilePath();
// call the parent
CDocument::ReleaseFile(pFile, bAbort);
// notify the shell if needed
if (m_wChangeNotifyEventId != 0) { SHChangeNotify(m_wChangeNotifyEventId, SHCNF_PATH, strFileName, 0); } }
void CPBDoc::ReportSaveLoadException(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, CException* e, BOOL bSaving, UINT nIDPDefault) { if(m_bHasSeenAFileError) {
m_bHasSeenAFileError = FALSE;
} else { // the app doesn't know about the error so let mfc complain
COleServerDoc::ReportSaveLoadException(lpszPathName, e, bSaving, nIDPDefault); } }
BOOL CPBDoc::CanCloseFrame( CFrameWnd* pFrame ) { TRACE3("CanCloseFrame: %d %s %s\n",m_bNonBitmapFile, (LPCTSTR)GetTitle(), (LPCTSTR)GetPathName());
if (! Finish() || ! COleServerDoc::CanCloseFrame( pFrame )) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPBDoc::SaveModified() { TRACE2("SaveModified %d %s\n", IsModified(), (LPCTSTR)GetPathName()); return COleServerDoc::SaveModified(); }
BOOL CPBDoc::DoSave(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bReplace) { CancelToolMode(FALSE);
BOOL bCannotSaveInCurrentFormat = m_bNonBitmapFile && !GetClsidOfEncoder(theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed, NULL);
int iColors = m_pBitmapObj->m_nColors; int iOldColors = iColors;
CString newName = lpszPathName; if (bCannotSaveInCurrentFormat || newName.IsEmpty()) { CDocTemplate* pTemplate = GetDocTemplate(); ASSERT(pTemplate != NULL);
newName = m_strPathName; if (bReplace && newName.IsEmpty()) { newName = m_strTitle; // check for dubious filename
int iBad = newName.FindOneOf(_T("#%;/\\")); if (iBad != -1) newName.ReleaseBuffer(iBad);
// append the default suffix if there is one
CString strExt; if (pTemplate->GetDocString(strExt, CDocTemplate::filterExt) && !strExt.IsEmpty()) { ASSERT(strExt[0] == '.'); newName += strExt; } }
// If the filename is not null,
// drop the extension in prompt a la Internet Explorer, and let
// the Save As dialog append one appropriately.
if (GetName(newName) != _T("")) { newName = StripExtension(newName); }
if (!theApp.DoPromptFileName(newName, bReplace ? AFX_IDS_SAVEFILE : AFX_IDS_SAVEFILECOPY, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, FALSE, iColors, FALSE)) return FALSE; // don't even attempt to save
// check if any color reduction will be performed, including the
// case of saving any 24-bit image to 8 bit GIF.
if (((iOldColors < 4 && iColors < iOldColors)|| (iOldColors == 3 && iColors >=4 && WiaImgFmt_GIF == theApp.m_guidFltType[iColors-4])) && AfxMessageBox(IDS_WARNING_COLORSAVE, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDNO) { // abort immediately if the user didn't confirm the operation
return FALSE; }
if (iColors < 4 && iColors >= 0) { m_bNonBitmapFile = FALSE; m_bSaveViaFilter = FALSE; m_pBitmapObj->m_nSaveColors = iColors; theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed = WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED; } else { m_bNonBitmapFile = TRUE; m_bSaveViaFilter = TRUE; theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed = theApp.m_guidFltType[iColors-4]; //theApp.FixExtension (newName, theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed);
} }
CWaitCursor wait;
m_pBitmapObj->m_bSaveIcon = (iColors == 5);
if (m_pBitmapObj->m_bSaveIcon) { m_pBitmapObj->Free(); m_pBitmapObj->Export(newName); m_pBitmapObj->m_bSaveIcon = FALSE; // always reset after use
return TRUE; }
BOOL bSavedDifferentFormat = (iColors != m_pBitmapObj->m_nColors);
if (bSavedDifferentFormat) m_pBitmapObj->Free();
if (!OnSaveDocument(newName)) { if (lpszPathName == NULL) { // be sure to delete the file
TRY { CFile::Remove( newName ); } CATCH_ALL(e) { TRACE0( "Warning: failed to delete file after failed SaveAs\n" ); } END_CATCH_ALL } return FALSE; }
if (bSavedDifferentFormat) { m_pBitmapObj->ReLoadImage( this ); //
// We only want the first 16 color chips for 16 color images
g_pColors->ResetColors ((iColors==1)?16:256); }
// reset the title and change the document name
if (bReplace) SetPathName(newName);
// MFC sets the modified flag when user invokes OnFileSaveCopyAs.
// Then if the user exits paint the storage in the container is never
// updated because paint thinks it's already done it.
// So after saving, set the dirty flag to true
if (!lpszPathName && !bReplace) { SetModifiedFlag(TRUE); }
return TRUE; }
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBDoc server implementation
COleServerItem* CPBDoc::OnGetEmbeddedItem() { // OnGetEmbeddedItem is called by the framework to get the COleServerItem
// that is associated with the document. It is only called when necessary.
CPBSrvrItem* pItem = new CPBSrvrItem( this );
return pItem; }
COleServerItem* CPBDoc::OnGetLinkedItem( LPCTSTR lpszItemName ) { ASSERT_VALID( m_pBitmapObj );
// look in current list first
COleServerItem* pItem = COleServerDoc::OnGetLinkedItem( lpszItemName );
if (pItem) return pItem;
pItem = new CPBSrvrItem( this );
// return new item that matches lpszItemName
return pItem; }
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBDoc serialization
BOOL CPBDoc::SerializeBitmap(CArchive& ar, CBitmapObj* pBitmapCur, CBitmapObj* pBitmapNew, BOOL bOLEObject) { BOOL success = FALSE;
if (ar.IsStoring()) { // Always write the PBrush OLE format
CBitmapObj::PBResType rtType = !bOLEObject ? CBitmapObj::rtFile : CBitmapObj::rtPBrushOLEObj; if (!m_bSaveViaFilter) { success = pBitmapCur->WriteResource( ar.GetFile(), rtType ); } else if (!bOLEObject && theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed != WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED) { // in order for the filter export interface to work, here we
// close the file first after saving its name, so that a filter
// can open it later to do the export...
CString str = ar.GetFile()->GetFilePath(); ar.GetFile()->Close(); success = SaveDIBToFile( str, theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed, pBitmapCur ); if (!success) { theApp.SetFileError (IDS_ERROR_SAVE, ferrSaveAborted); } // now reopen the file again as if nothing had really happened
// (any mode option can be used since the file will be closed
// immediately after return)
CFileException fe; ar.GetFile()->Open(str, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareExclusive, &fe);
} else { CBitmapObj::PBResType rtType = !bOLEObject ? CBitmapObj::rtFile : m_bPaintFormat ? CBitmapObj::rtPaintOLEObj : CBitmapObj::rtPBrushOLEObj;
success = pBitmapNew->ReadResource( ar.GetFile(), rtType );
// if we cant open the file, lets try using a filter.
if (success) { m_bNonBitmapFile = FALSE; m_bSaveViaFilter = FALSE; } else if (!bOLEObject) { HGLOBAL hDib;
if (hDib = LoadDIBFromFile(theApp.GetLastFile(), &theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed)) { success = pBitmapNew->ReadResource(hDib);
if (success) { // we loaded a non .bmp file
m_bNonBitmapFile = TRUE; m_bSaveViaFilter = TRUE; // set no error
theApp.SetFileError(0, CFileException::none); } } else { theApp.SetFileError(IDS_ERROR_READLOAD, ferrNotValidBmp);
return(success); }
void CPBDoc::Serialize( CArchive& ar ) { m_bObjectLoaded = SerializeBitmap(ar, m_pBitmapObj, m_pBitmapObjNew, FALSE);
if (!m_bObjectLoaded) // much less than ideal but oh well
theApp.FileErrorMessageBox (); m_bHasSeenAFileError = TRUE; // let mfc know so it can tidy up internally...
} }
void CPBDoc::OLESerialize( CArchive& ar ) { m_bObjectLoaded = SerializeBitmap(ar, m_pBitmapObj, m_pBitmapObjNew, TRUE);
if (!m_bObjectLoaded) // much less than ideal but oh well
{ // let mfc know so it can tidy up internally...
AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::invalidFile); } }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppvObj) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return pThis->ExternalQueryInterface(&iid, ppvObj); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::AddRef() { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return pThis->ExternalAddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::Release() { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return pThis->ExternalRelease(); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::GetClassID(LPCLSID pclsid) { // Always return the CLSID for PBrush
*pclsid = CLSID_PaintBrush; return(NOERROR); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::IsDirty() { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return(pThis->m_xPersistStorage.IsDirty()); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::InitNew(LPSTORAGE pstg) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return(pThis->m_xPersistStorage.InitNew(pstg)); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::Load(LPSTORAGE pstg) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return(pThis->m_xPersistStorage.Load(pstg)); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::Save(LPSTORAGE pstg, BOOL bSameAsLoad) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return(pThis->m_xPersistStorage.Save(pstg, bSameAsLoad)); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::SaveCompleted(LPSTORAGE pstg) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return(pThis->m_xPersistStorage.SaveCompleted(pstg)); }
STDMETHODIMP CPBDoc::XPBPersistStg::HandsOffStorage() { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CPBDoc, PBPersistStg) return(pThis->m_xPersistStorage.HandsOffStorage()); }
#define NO_CPP_EXCEPTION(x) x
static const TCHAR szOle10Native[] = TEXT("\1Ole10Native"); static const TCHAR szOle10ItemName[] = TEXT("\1Ole10ItemName");
// Helpers for saving to IStorage based files
// (these are used in the 'docfile' implementation as well as for servers)
static const TCHAR szContents[] = TEXT("Contents");
void CPBDoc::SaveToStorage(CObject* pObject) { ASSERT(m_lpRootStg != NULL);
// create Contents stream
COleStreamFile file; CFileException fe; if (!file.CreateStream(m_lpRootStg, szOle10Native, CFile::modeWrite|CFile::shareExclusive|CFile::modeCreate, &fe)) { AfxThrowFileException(fe.m_cause, fe.m_lOsError); }
// save to Contents stream
CArchive saveArchive(&file, CArchive::store | CArchive::bNoFlushOnDelete); saveArchive.m_pDocument = this; saveArchive.m_bForceFlat = FALSE;
TRY { // save the contents
if (pObject != NULL) pObject->Serialize(saveArchive); else OLESerialize(saveArchive); saveArchive.Close(); file.Close();
if (pObject != NULL) { if (file.CreateStream(m_lpRootStg, szOle10ItemName, CFile::modeWrite|CFile::shareExclusive|CFile::modeCreate, &fe)) { LPCTSTR szItemName; DWORD dwLen; CString strItemName = ((CPBSrvrItem*)pObject)->GetItemName();
if (strItemName.IsEmpty()) { szItemName = TEXT(""); dwLen = 1; } else { szItemName = strItemName; dwLen = lstrlen(szItemName) + 1; }
file.Write( &dwLen, sizeof( dwLen )); file.Write( &szItemName, dwLen);
file.Close(); } }
// Always write the CLSID for PBrush
sc = WriteClassStg(m_lpRootStg, CLSID_PaintBrush); if (sc != NOERROR) AfxThrowOleException(sc);
sc = WriteFmtUserTypeStg(m_lpRootStg, (WORD)RegisterClipboardFormat(TEXT("PBrush")), L"PBrush"); if (sc != NOERROR) AfxThrowOleException(sc);
// commit the root storage
sc = m_lpRootStg->Commit(STGC_ONLYIFCURRENT); if (sc != NOERROR) AfxThrowOleException(sc); } CATCH_ALL(e) { file.Abort(); // will not throw an exception
CommitItems(FALSE); // abort save in progress
void CPBDoc::LoadFromStorage() { ASSERT(m_lpRootStg != NULL);
// open Contents stream
COleStreamFile file; CFileException fe; if (file.OpenStream(m_lpRootStg, szOle10Native, CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::shareExclusive, &fe)) { m_bPaintFormat = FALSE; } else if (file.OpenStream(m_lpRootStg, szContents, CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::shareExclusive, &fe)) { m_bPaintFormat = TRUE; } else { AfxThrowFileException(fe.m_cause, fe.m_lOsError); }
// load it with CArchive (loads from Contents stream)
CArchive loadArchive(&file, CArchive::load | CArchive::bNoFlushOnDelete); loadArchive.m_pDocument = this; loadArchive.m_bForceFlat = FALSE;
TRY { OLESerialize(loadArchive); // load main contents
loadArchive.Close(); file.Close(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { file.Abort(); // will not throw an exception
DeleteContents(); // removed failed contents
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBDoc diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CPBDoc::AssertValid() const { COleServerDoc::AssertValid(); }
void CPBDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { COleServerDoc::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBDoc commands
BOOL CPBDoc::CreateNewDocument() { CBitmapObj* pBitmapObj = NULL; //
// If we have a window already, reset the color squares.
// every doc starts with a white background
pBitmapObj = new CBitmapObj; pBitmapObj->MakeEmpty(); if (AfxGetMainWnd()) { g_pColors->ResetColors(256); } if (! pBitmapObj) return FALSE;
m_pBitmapObjNew = pBitmapObj;
pBitmapObj->m_bTempName = m_bNewDoc; pBitmapObj->m_bDirty = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPBDoc::Finish() { CImgTool* pImgTool = CImgTool::GetCurrent();
if (pImgTool != NULL && CImgTool::GetCurrentID() == IDMX_TEXTTOOL) { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
((CTextTool*)pImgTool)->CloseTextTool( ((CPBView*)GetNextView( pos ))->m_pImgWnd ); }
CommitSelection( FALSE );
if (m_pBitmapObj == NULL) return TRUE;
if (! m_pBitmapObj->SaveResource( TRUE )) return FALSE;
if (m_pBitmapObj->IsDirty()) { SetModifiedFlag();
if (theApp.m_bEmbedded) NotifyChanged(); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CPBDoc::SaveTheDocument() { if (IsModified() || m_bNonBitmapFile) OnFileSave(); return TRUE; }
void CPBDoc::OnShowControlBars(CFrameWnd *pFrame, BOOL bShow) { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CPBView* pView = (CPBView*)(GetNextView( pos ));
if ( bShow ) { pView->SetTools(); if ( pView->m_pImgWnd && pView->m_pImgWnd->GetZoom() > 1 ) pView->ShowThumbNailView(); } else { pView->HideThumbNailView(); }
// FEATURE: What I should do is add an OnShowControlBars member to
// CImgTool, but that's too big a change for right now
if (CImgTool::GetCurrentID() == IDMX_TEXTTOOL) { CTextTool* pTextTool = (CTextTool*)CImgTool::GetCurrent(); pTextTool->OnShowControlBars(bShow); }
COleServerDoc::OnShowControlBars(pFrame,bShow); }
class CCB : public CControlBar { public: void ForceDelayed(void); };
void CCB::ForceDelayed(void) { if (!this) { return; }
BOOL bVis = GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE; UINT swpFlags = 0; if ((m_nStateFlags & delayHide) && bVis) swpFlags = SWP_HIDEWINDOW; else if ((m_nStateFlags & delayShow) && !bVis) swpFlags = SWP_SHOWWINDOW; m_nStateFlags &= ~(delayShow|delayHide); if (swpFlags != 0) { SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, swpFlags| SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); } }
class CFW : public CFrameWnd { public: void ForceDelayed(void); };
void CFW::ForceDelayed(void) { if (!this) { return; }
POSITION pos = m_listControlBars.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { // show/hide the next control bar
CCB* pBar = (CCB*)m_listControlBars.GetNext(pos); pBar->ForceDelayed(); } }
class COIPF : public COleIPFrameWnd { public: void ForceDelayed(void); };
void COIPF::ForceDelayed(void) { if (!this) { return; }
((CFW*)m_pMainFrame)->ForceDelayed(); ((CFW*)m_pDocFrame )->ForceDelayed(); }
void CPBDoc::OnDeactivateUI(BOOL bUndoable) { COleServerDoc::OnDeactivateUI(bUndoable);
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CPBView* pView = (CPBView*)(GetNextView( pos )); CancelToolMode (FALSE); if (pView != NULL) {
COIPF* pFrame = (COIPF*)m_pInPlaceFrame; pFrame->ForceDelayed(); } }
// We override OnUpdateDocument to ignore the modified flag. Certain MFC paths
// set the modified flag inappropriately, causing data loss.
BOOL CPBDoc::OnUpdateDocument () { // save a server document -> update
TRY { SaveEmbedding(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_UPDATE); #ifndef _AFX_OLD_EXCEPTIONS
e->Delete(); #endif
return TRUE; }
void CPBDoc::MyOnFileUpdate () { CancelToolMode (FALSE); OnFileUpdate(); }