// QuickRes for Windows NT and Windows 9x
// Tray app to change your display resolution quickly.
// written by ToddLa
// 03/03/96 - ChrisW : Get to build on NT
// 03/28/96 - MDesai : Finish porting; add submenus with frequencies;
// Test for valid devmode.
// 04/23/96 - MDesai : option for 'showing tested modes only'
// 10/01/96 - MDesai : fix all win95-specific bugs
// 11/03/98 - MDesai : 'multimonitor aware'
// 12/02/99 - MDesai : better multimon support
#include "QuickRes.h"
PTCHAR szAppName;
// options, properties, about and exit...
// monitor menu
HMENU MainMenu; HMENU MonitorMenu=NULL;
// number of monitors/display devices installed
// pointer to monitorinfo struct for each monitor
INT iMonitors; LPQRMONITORINFO pMonitors;
// Waiting for a Popup - don't process any tray messages
// Flags: update registry, show restart modes, sort order
// also where the freq menu(s) go.
WORD QuickResFlags; WORD FreqMenuLocation;
// Function pointers for NT5
// GetResourceString( UINT )
// Load a resource string into a LPTSTR - the memory for the string
// is dynamically allocated. The callee must free the memory!
LPTSTR GetResourceString ( UINT ResourceID ) {
INT BuffSize=RESOURCE_STRINGLEN; // current max size of string
PTCHAR BigBuf; // buffer to find size of resource
PTCHAR ResBuf; // buffer for resource
INT len; // length of the resource
while (1) {
// Allocate hopefully oversized buffer
if( !(BigBuf= LocalAlloc( LPTR, BuffSize ) ) ) { return NULL; }
// Try to read string into BigBuf to get its length
if ( !(len = LoadString(hInstApp, ResourceID, BigBuf, BuffSize)) ) { return NULL; }
// Buffer is too small - try again.
if( len >= BuffSize-1 ) { BuffSize <<= 1; LocalFree ( BigBuf ); }
else {
// Reallocate properly sized string buffer,
// and copy string into it
len = ( len + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR );
if (ResBuf = LocalAlloc( LPTR, len )) { lstrcpyn ( ResBuf, BigBuf, len ); }
LocalFree ( BigBuf );
return( ResBuf );
// Translate devmode into user friendly strings-
// one for resolution and color depth; one for refresh rate
void GetModeName(PDEVMODE pDevMode, PTCHAR *szMode, PTCHAR *szFreq ) {
PTCHAR FmtRes=NULL; // Format strings for
PTCHAR FmtHz=NULL; // resolution and Hz
// Load format string corresponding to devmode
FmtRes = GetResourceString ( IDS_CRES + BPP(pDevMode) );
// Use Default Freq string if necessary
if (fShowFreqs) { if( HZ(pDevMode) == 0 || HZ(pDevMode) == 1) { FmtHz = GetResourceString ( IDS_DEFHERTZ ); } else { FmtHz = GetResourceString ( IDS_HERTZ ); } }
// return separate resolution and frequency strings
// need to convert "%d"-> "12345", add byte for '\0'
if (FmtRes) { if (*szMode = LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)* (lstrlen(FmtRes)+2*INT_FORMAT_TO_5_DIGITS+1 ) )) { wsprintf(*szMode, FmtRes, XRES(pDevMode), YRES(pDevMode) ); }
LocalFree ( FmtRes ); }
if (fShowFreqs && FmtHz) {
if (*szFreq = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)* (lstrlen(FmtHz)+INT_FORMAT_TO_5_DIGITS+1) )) { wsprintf(*szFreq, FmtHz, HZ(pDevMode)); }
LocalFree ( FmtHz ); }
// GetCurrentDevMode( INT, PDEVMODE )
// Get a pointer to the current devmode into *pDM
PDEVMODE GetCurrentDevMode(INT iDisplay, PDEVMODE pDM) {
UINT uRet=0;
pDM->dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE);
// NT specific; returns current devmode
if (fShowFreqs) { uRet = EnumDisplaySettings( pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, (DWORD)ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, pDM); }
if (!uRet) { //
// ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS doesnt work on win95
// Get current settings via GetDeviceCaps
HDC hDC; UINT HorzRes; UINT VertRes; UINT BPP; UINT VRefresh; UINT Index;
hDC = GetDC( NULL ); HorzRes = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, HORZRES ); VertRes = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, VERTRES ); BPP = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, BITSPIXEL ) * GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PLANES ); VRefresh = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, VREFRESH );
// Enumerate all settings until one matches our current settings
for ( Index=0; EnumDisplaySettings( pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, Index, pDM); Index++ ) { if ( HorzRes == XRES(pDM) && VertRes == YRES(pDM) && BPP == BPP(pDM) ) { //
// if frequency matters, then check for it
if (!fShowFreqs || (VRefresh == HZ(pDM)) ) break; } }
ReleaseDC (NULL, hDC); }
return pDM; }
// SetMode( HWND, UINT )
// Set the new devmode and update registry on request using
// the CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY flag. If user wants to change and
// restart, then we need to update the registry and restart.
BOOL SetMode( HWND hwnd, INT iDisplay, UINT index ) { DWORD CDSret=0; // ret value, ChangeDisplaySettings
DWORD CDSFlags=0; // 2nd param of call to CDS
LPDEVMODEINFO pSave; // save ptr in iDisplay to remember orig mode
LPDEVMODEINFO pdm; // new mode to be set
BOOL bChange=FALSE; // changing modes or not
LPQRMONITORINFO pCurrMon; // ptr to current monitorinfo strcut
pCurrMon = &pMonitors[iDisplay];
// Save current mode; find ptr to new mode
pSave = pCurrMon->pCurrentdm; pdm = &(pCurrMon->pModes[index]);
// If user wants to update registry
if( fUpdateReg ) { CDSFlags |= CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY; }
// Tell CDS what fields may be changing
// Also, keep appwndproc from doing anything while we are testing
// Call CDS and update registry on request. (If it is
// a known bad mode give user chance to change his mind.)
CDSret = ChangeDisplaySettingsEx( pCurrMon->DeviceName, &(pdm->dm), NULL, CDSFlags, 0);
// Even though it may be temporary, current dm has changed.
// Need to reset pCurrentdm to point to new current DM.
// Change tooltip to reflect old settings
pCurrMon->pCurrentdm = pdm;
TrayMessage(hwnd, NIM_MODIFY, TRAY_ID, AppIcon);
// Return value claims that it 'worked.' But, it may not visible
// to the user (e.g. the mode is unsupported by the monitor).
// If the User has not already approved this new resolution,
// then make the user approve the change, or we default back to
// the last devmode.
if ( fGoodMode(pdm) ) { //
// VALID or BESTHZ modes - go ahead and change
bChange = TRUE; }
else { //
// Ask user if it looks okay
// Flag the mode based on return value.
switch( DialogBoxRet = DialogBoxParam( hInstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(KeepNewRes), NULL, KeepNewResDlgProc, iDisplay) ) {
// There should NOT be a break after
// IDYES. Fall thru by design.
case IDYES: bChange = TRUE;
} // switch
} // else - MODE_INVALID
// Requires restart. Ask user if thats okay.
// After restart all modes will need to be tested again?
SetDevmodeFlags ( iDisplay, TRUE );
// Call CDS again to update registry
ChangeDisplaySettingsEx( pCurrMon->DeviceName, &(pdm->dm), NULL, (CDSFlags | CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY), 0);
ExitWindowsEx(EWX_REBOOT, 0); }
} else {
// Tell user we cannot change to this devmode
if (bChange) { //
// Changing to a valid mode; destroy and rebuild menu
// Mark mode we were just in as valid (if it wasnt already)
// This is the new "Best Hz" mode. The old mode is 'only valid'.
if ((FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ONEMENUMOBILE) || (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ONEMENUBOTTOM) ) { VALIDMODE(pCurrMon->pCurrentdm) = MODE_BESTHZ; }
DestroyModeMenu( iDisplay, TRUE, FALSE ); }
else // !bChange
// Change back to last good devmode; do not have to recheck menuitems
pCurrMon->pCurrentdm = pSave;
// Change back, and reset registry IF we had set it above
// Change tooltip to reflect old settings
if (CDSret != DISP_CHANGE_RESTART) { ChangeDisplaySettingsEx( pCurrMon->DeviceName, &(pCurrMon->pCurrentdm->dm), NULL, CDSFlags, 0); }
TrayMessage(hwnd, NIM_MODIFY, TRAY_ID, AppIcon);
} // bChange
} // endif
// Save new settings for this devmode to the registry.
// Even if quickres does not exit gracefully, preferences
// will be saved.
if (fRememberModes) { SaveAllSettings(); }
// Show modemenu again; allow appwndproc to process messages
if (!bChange) { SetTimer(hwnd, TRAY_ID, 10, NULL); }
// if Current hasnt changed then we return false
return (bChange);
// Compares 2 devmodes -
// Returns 0 if equal, -1 if first > second, +1 if first < second
// msb to lsb: xres, yres, bpp, hertz
int _cdecl CompareDevmodes( LPDEVMODEINFO pDmi1, LPDEVMODEINFO pDmi2 ) { INT compare; LPDEVMODE pDm1 = &(pDmi1->dm); LPDEVMODE pDm2 = &(pDmi2->dm);
// Compare Xs, then Ys, BPP, and Hz. If !fShowFreqs
// then compare only Xs, Ys, and BPP.
if ( !fSortByBPP || ((compare= BPP(pDm1) - BPP(pDm2)) == 0)) { if( (compare= ( XRES(pDm1) - XRES(pDm2) ) ) == 0 ) { if( (compare= ( YRES(pDm1) - YRES(pDm2) ) ) == 0 ) { if ( fSortByBPP || ((compare= BPP(pDm1) - BPP(pDm2)) == 0)) { compare = fShowFreqs ? (HZ(pDm1) - HZ(pDm2)) : 0; } } } }
// Set return value as -1, 0, or 1 only
if( compare < 0) { compare= -1; }
else { if( compare > 0 ) { compare= 1; } }
return( compare );
// CheckMenuItemCurrentMode ( INT )
// Traverse all menu items and check the Hz value corresponding
// to the current mode. Also, highlight the current resolution/
// BPP as defaultmenuitem
void CheckMenuItemCurrentMode( INT iDisplay ) {
int i; // counter
DEVMODEINFO dmi; // temporary storage for current DM
LPQRMONITORINFO lpqrmi; // temporary ptr
HMENU hMenu; // Frequency submenu for a given Res/BPP
UINT MenuItem; // Menu item for exact devmode
DWORD dwSta; // returns status variable
lpqrmi = &pMonitors[iDisplay];
// Need a pointer to the current devmode. This function will search
// pModes trying to match the devmode pointed to by pCurrentdm.
// After the 1st time through, pCurrentdm will be a ptr IN pModes
if (!lpqrmi->pCurrentdm) { //
// Get current devmode
GetCurrentDevMode(iDisplay, &(dmi.dm)); lpqrmi->pCurrentdm = &dmi; }
// Uncheck all menu items
for( i=0; i<lpqrmi->iModes; i++ ) {
hMenu = lpqrmi->FreqMenu[FREQMENU( &lpqrmi->pModes[i] )];
MenuItem= MENUITEM( &lpqrmi->pModes[i] );
// Uncheck the Hz in the FreqMenu (if applicable); uncheck item on mode menu
if (hMenu) { dwSta= CheckMenuItem(hMenu, MenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, FREQMENU( &lpqrmi->pModes[i] ), MF_BYPOSITION | MF_UNCHECKED ); }
CheckMenuItem(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, MenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_UNCHECKED ); }
// Check the current one
for( i=0; i<lpqrmi->iModes; i++ ) {
// Go through the array looking for a match of the current devmode
if( ( CompareDevmodes( lpqrmi->pCurrentdm, &lpqrmi->pModes[i] ) ) == 0 ) {
// Found it!
// Get the menu item ID for this devmode and which
// frequency submenu it is a part of.
hMenu = lpqrmi->FreqMenu[FREQMENU( &lpqrmi->pModes[i] )]; MenuItem= MENUITEM( &lpqrmi->pModes[i] );
// Save this ptr in the pCurrentdm variable
// check menu item on mode menu and check mode
// on frequency submenu (if applicable)
lpqrmi->pCurrentdm = &lpqrmi->pModes[i];
if (hMenu) { dwSta= CheckMenuItem(hMenu, MenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_CHECKED); CheckMenuItem(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, FREQMENU(&lpqrmi->pModes[i]), MF_BYPOSITION | MF_CHECKED ); } else { CheckMenuItem(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, MenuItem, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED ); }
break; } } }
// DestroyModeMenu( INT iDisplay, BOOL bRebuild, BOOL bNeedtoSort )
// Free all frequency submenus and the mode menu
void DestroyModeMenu( INT iDisplay, BOOL bRebuild, BOOL bNeedtoSort) {
int i; LPQRMONITORINFO lpqrmi; // temporary ptr
lpqrmi = &pMonitors[iDisplay];
// Free all frequency submenus
for ( i = 0; i < lpqrmi->iModes; i++ ) {
if (IsMenu(lpqrmi->FreqMenu[i])) { DestroyMenu( lpqrmi->FreqMenu[i] ); lpqrmi->FreqMenu[i] = NULL; }
// Free the mode menu (resolutions/BPP)
if (lpqrmi->ModeMenu) { DestroyMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu); lpqrmi->ModeMenu = NULL;
if (iMonitors==1) { DestroyMenu(MonitorMenu); MonitorMenu = NULL; } }
if (bRebuild) { lpqrmi->ModeMenu = GetModeMenu( iDisplay, bNeedtoSort );
if (iMonitors==1) { MonitorMenu = lpqrmi->ModeMenu; AppendMainMenu(); } else { // If ModifyMenu replaces a menu item that opens a drop-down menu or submenu, the
// function destroys the old drop-down menu/submenu & frees the memory used by it.
ModifyMenu( MonitorMenu, iDisplay, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)lpqrmi->ModeMenu, (pMonitors[iDisplay].bPrimary ? pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName : pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName) ); } } }
// HandleFreqMenu( )
// Either append submenu to res/bpp, save it for later, or
// ditch it and put all Hz entries on mode menu.
// If there is only one Hz for a given Res, we dont need it.
VOID HandleFreqMenu( INT iDisplay, int FreqCount, int ResCounter, int pFirst) {
lpqrmi = &pMonitors[iDisplay]; GetModeName(&lpqrmi->pModes[pFirst].dm, &Res, &Hz);
// Dont use submenus if there is only 1 Hz
// This is always true when freqmenulocation==IDD_ALLMODEMENU
// OR not showing frequency menus
// Concatenate Res & Hz into one string (IF fShowFreqs)
if ( FreqCount == 1 ) { if (fShowFreqs) { PTCHAR ResHz;
if (ResHz=LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)* (lstrlen(Res)+lstrlen(Hz)+1) )) { wsprintf(ResHz,TEXT("%s%s"),Res,Hz); AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, MF_STRING, (iDisplay+1)*MENU_RES+pFirst, ResHz); }
LocalFree(ResHz); } else { AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, MF_STRING, (iDisplay+1)*MENU_RES+pFirst, Res); } }
else { int i=0; int nAppended=0;
// Create Popup and append all Hz strings
// Append FreqCount items, possibly skipping over some modes
lpqrmi->FreqMenu[ResCounter] = CreatePopupMenu();
for (i=0; nAppended < FreqCount; i++) {
// Skip untested modes if requested. FreqCount does NOT
// include skipped modes, so we count up with nAppended, not i.
if ( !fShowTestedModes || fGoodMode(&lpqrmi->pModes[pFirst+i]) ) {
GetModeName(&lpqrmi->pModes[pFirst+i].dm,&LoopRes,&LoopHz); AppendMenu(lpqrmi->FreqMenu[ResCounter],MF_STRING, (iDisplay+1)*MENU_RES+pFirst+i,LoopHz); nAppended++;
LocalFree(LoopRes); LocalFree(LoopHz); LoopRes=NULL; LoopHz=NULL; } }
// Hang menu off side of each bpp/res
if (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_SUBMENUS) { AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu,MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)lpqrmi->FreqMenu[ResCounter],Res); }
else { //
// Only show submenu for the current mode
// Use BESTHZ mode or the VALID mode with the
// lowest frequency.
if ( (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ONEMENUMOBILE) || (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ONEMENUBOTTOM) ) {
int BestHz=0; int index;
// Start with highest freq (pFirst+i-1)
// and work down to pFirst looking for BestHz.
// if we find BESTHZ use that one, else
// use last VALIDMODE we get before loop ends
for (index=pFirst+i-1 ; index >= pFirst; index--) { if ( VALIDMODE(&lpqrmi->pModes[index]) == MODE_BESTHZ ) { BestHz = index; break; } else { if (VALIDMODE(&lpqrmi->pModes[index])!=MODE_INVALID) { BestHz = index; } } }
// No valid/besthz modes. Use smallest Hz for that Res
if (!BestHz) { BestHz = pFirst; }
AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu,MF_STRING, (iDisplay+1)*MENU_RES+BestHz,Res); } } }
LocalFree(Res); LocalFree(Hz);
// GetModeMenu( INT, BOOL )
// Build the mode menu with each resolution/BPP having a
// pointer to its own frequency submenu
HMENU GetModeMenu ( INT iDisplay, BOOL bNeedtoSort ) {
int n; // counter
BOOL bMajorChange=FALSE; // change in the major sort order field
BOOL bMinorChange=FALSE; // change in the minor sort order field
int FreqCount=0; // number of freqs on the current submenu
int ResCounter=0; // Res/Color defines the freqmenu #
INT FirstMode=-1; // index in pmodes; 1st mode for given res/bpp
LPQRMONITORINFO lpqrmi; // temporary ptr
lpqrmi = &pMonitors[iDisplay];
if (!lpqrmi->ModeMenu) { lpqrmi->ModeMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
if (bNeedtoSort) { qsort( (void*) lpqrmi->pModes, (size_t) lpqrmi->iModes, (size_t) sizeof(DEVMODEINFO), ( int (_cdecl*)(const void*,const void*) ) CompareDevmodes );
lpqrmi->pCurrentdm = NULL; }
// For each devmode, add res/color to menu.
// Make a submenu of frequencies for each res/color
for (n=0; n < lpqrmi->iModes; n++) { LPDEVMODEINFO pDM = &lpqrmi->pModes[n];
// Tested successfully or might require restart
if ( ( (CDSTEST(pDM) == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) || (fShowModesThatNeedRestart && (CDSTEST(pDM) == DISP_CHANGE_RESTART)) ) &&
( !fShowTestedModes || fGoodMode(pDM) ) ) {
// Check for change in the major/minor sort item
// *only after we 'initialize' firstmode below
if (FirstMode == -1) {
// First time thru, initialize FirstMode,counter
FirstMode = n; FreqCount=0;
else { if( BPP(&lpqrmi->pModes[FirstMode].dm) != BPP(&pDM->dm) ) { bMajorChange = fSortByBPP; bMinorChange = !fSortByBPP; }
if( ( XRES(&lpqrmi->pModes[FirstMode].dm) != XRES(&pDM->dm) ) || ( YRES(&lpqrmi->pModes[FirstMode].dm) != YRES(&pDM->dm) ) ) { bMajorChange |= !fSortByBPP; bMinorChange |= fSortByBPP; }
// The BPP and/or the Resolution changed.
if ( bMajorChange || bMinorChange ) {
// Appends a Res/BPP and a submenu if applicable
HandleFreqMenu(iDisplay,FreqCount,ResCounter,FirstMode); ResCounter++;
// Need a separator when major sort item changes
if ( bMajorChange ) { AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu,MF_SEPARATOR,0,NULL); ResCounter++; }
// n is first mode for the new res/bpp
// reset counter, flags
FirstMode = n; FreqCount= 0; bMajorChange = FALSE; bMinorChange = FALSE; } }
// Fill in fields for this mode; inc freqcount
MENUITEM( pDM ) = (iDisplay+1)*MENU_RES+n; FREQMENU( pDM ) = ResCounter; FreqCount++;
// ALLMODEMENU - Force menu append every time
if (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ALLMODEMENU) { bMinorChange = TRUE; }
} // end for
// NO VALID MODES!!! Certainly the current mode should be valid. Make
// this mode VALID. Setup FreqCount, FirstMode for the last HandleFreqMenu
if (FirstMode == -1) { DEVMODEINFO DisplayModeInfo;
DisplayModeInfo.dm.dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE); GetCurrentDevMode(iDisplay, &DisplayModeInfo.dm);
for (n=0; CompareDevmodes(&DisplayModeInfo,&lpqrmi->pModes[n]) != 0; n++ ) { }
VALIDMODE(&lpqrmi->pModes[n]) = MODE_BESTHZ; FirstMode = n; FreqCount = 1;
// Handle the FreqMenu for the last Res/BPP.
// Update menu checks; mode status
CheckMenuItemCurrentMode( iDisplay );
// Put Hz menu next to current mode, or at the bottom
if (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ONEMENUMOBILE) { MENUITEMINFO mii;
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU; mii.hSubMenu = lpqrmi->FreqMenu[FREQMENU(lpqrmi->pCurrentdm)]; SetMenuItemInfo(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, FREQMENU(lpqrmi->pCurrentdm), MF_BYPOSITION, &mii); }
else {
if (FreqMenuLocation == IDD_ONEMENUBOTTOM) { PTCHAR szRefRate; UINT flags=MF_POPUP;
szRefRate = GetResourceString(IDS_REFRESHRATE);
if ( !lpqrmi->FreqMenu[FREQMENU(lpqrmi->pCurrentdm)] ) { flags = MF_GRAYED; }
AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu,MF_SEPARATOR,0,NULL); AppendMenu(lpqrmi->ModeMenu, flags, (UINT_PTR)lpqrmi->FreqMenu[FREQMENU(lpqrmi->pCurrentdm)], szRefRate);
LocalFree(szRefRate); } } }
return (lpqrmi->ModeMenu); }
// AppendMainMenu( VOID )
// Append main menu (from .rc file) to monitor menu
VOID AppendMainMenu() {
int n; // counter
// Add main menu to bottom of mode menu. These menu
// items come from MainMenu as defined in .rc file
for (n=0; n < GetMenuItemCount(MainMenu); n++) {
// Set up mii struct to retrieve the length of
// each menu item string via GetMenuItemInfo().
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_DATA | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID;
mii.cch = GetMenuString(MainMenu, n, NULL, 0, MF_BYPOSITION) +1;
// Allocate enough memory and read in the string.
if (mii.dwTypeData = LocalAlloc( LPTR, mii.cch*sizeof(TCHAR) )) {
// Read in the string, get it's ID and append to the menu
if (GetMenuString(MainMenu, n, mii.dwTypeData, mii.cch,MF_BYPOSITION)) { mii.wID=GetMenuItemID(MainMenu, n);
AppendMenu(MonitorMenu, MF_STRING, mii.wID, mii.dwTypeData); }
LocalFree(mii.dwTypeData); } }
// GetMonitorMenu( BOOL )
// Build all mode menus with each resolution/BPP having a
// pointer to its own frequency submenu
HMENU GetMonitorMenu ( BOOL bNeedtoSort ) {
if (!MonitorMenu) { //
// Use Modemenu of iDisplay==0 as the monitor menu
if (iMonitors == 1) { MonitorMenu = GetModeMenu(0, bNeedtoSort); } else { INT iDisplay;
MonitorMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
for (iDisplay=0; iDisplay < iMonitors; iDisplay++) { //
// append each monitor name to the main monitor menu
AppendMenu( MonitorMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)GetModeMenu(iDisplay, bNeedtoSort), (pMonitors[iDisplay].bPrimary ? pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName : pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName) ); }
return MonitorMenu; }
// SetMonitorDeviceInfo( BOOL bFirstTime )
// Set monitor info fields : primary? attached?
// and the correct monitor name, based on bPrimary
BOOL SetMonitorDeviceInfo( BOOL bFirstTime ) { BOOL bFoundPrimary=FALSE; BOOL bChange=FALSE; PTCHAR szMonitorRes; int iDisplay; int n; DISPLAY_DEVICE DispDev;
if ( (iMonitors > 1) && (lpfnEDD) ) {
szMonitorRes = GetResourceString(IDS_MONITOR);
DispDev.cb = sizeof(DispDev);
for ( n=0; (lpfnEDD)(NULL, n, &DispDev, 0); n++ ) {
if ( !(DispDev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) ) {
DWORD dwSize; TCHAR index[8];
// For each display, get the monitor name, primary monitor name, & Device name
// Alloc enough memory for MonitorName string to have up to 3 digits for the monitor index.
if (DispDev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { bChange |= (pMonitors[iDisplay].bPrimary != TRUE); pMonitors[iDisplay].bPrimary = TRUE; bFoundPrimary=TRUE; } else { bChange |= (pMonitors[iDisplay].bPrimary != FALSE); pMonitors[iDisplay].bPrimary = FALSE; }
// Allocation sizes, device name, and primarymonitorname all never change
if (bFirstTime) { pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(DispDev.DeviceName)+1)); pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)*dwSize ); pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)*dwSize ); }
// Memory allocation failed we can't continue
if (!pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName || !pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName || !pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName) return FALSE;
if (bFirstTime) { lstrcpy(pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, DispDev.DeviceName);
dwSize = lstrlen(DispDev.DeviceString) + lstrlen(szMonitorRes); dwSize += lstrlen(TEXT("Primary"));
wsprintf( pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName, szMonitorRes, TEXT("Primary "), TEXT(""), DispDev.DeviceString );
bChange = TRUE; }
// this ensures we always have primary, 2,3,4, etc. (never a monitor 0 or 1)
_itot( (iDisplay + (bFoundPrimary ? 1 : 2)),index,8); lstrcat(index,TEXT(" "));
wsprintf( pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName, szMonitorRes, TEXT(""), index, DispDev.DeviceString);
bChange |= (pMonitors[iDisplay].bAttached != (BOOL)(DispDev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP)); pMonitors[iDisplay].bAttached = (DispDev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP);
iDisplay++; }
DispDev.cb = sizeof(DispDev); // always reset before next call to be safe
if (!bFirstTime) { for (n=0; n< iMonitors; n++) { ModifyMenu( MonitorMenu, n, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)pMonitors[n].ModeMenu, (pMonitors[n].bPrimary ? pMonitors[n].PrimaryMonitorName : pMonitors[n].MonitorName)); } } }
return bChange; }
// BuildMonitorArray( )
// Allocate & fill in a monitorinfo struct for each display device
BOOL BuildMonitorArray( ) {
int iDisplay; DISPLAY_DEVICE DispDev;
// Find the number of monitors/displaydevices
// alloc a monitorinfo struct per monitor
iMonitors = 1; // getSysMet != EnumDispDevices!!! (netmtg, etc.)
// iMonitors = max(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS),1);
// EDSEx is win98 & NT5 only -- the ones with multimonitor, the check for EDD is just to
// check that we have the api we're going to call. win95 osr2.5/NT4 are single-mon only
if (lpfnEDSEx && lpfnEDD) { DispDev.cb = sizeof(DispDev);
iMonitors=0; for (iDisplay=0; (lpfnEDD)(NULL, iDisplay, &DispDev, 0); iDisplay++) { if ( !(DispDev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) ) { iMonitors++; } } }
pMonitors = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, iMonitors*sizeof(QRMONITORINFO));
if (pMonitors) { //
// On a multimon system, get the display device info --
// monitor and device names + primary? and attached?
if ( (iMonitors > 1) && (lpfnEDD) ) { SetMonitorDeviceInfo( TRUE ); } else { pMonitors[0].DeviceName = NULL; pMonitors[0].MonitorName = NULL; pMonitors[0].PrimaryMonitorName = NULL; } } else { iMonitors = 0; }
return pMonitors != NULL; }
// BuildDevmodeLists( )
// Enumerate all devmodes for each display device into an array.
// Sort them, remove duplicates, and filter out 4bpp modes
// Create a popup menu for each display device (put all modes
// on the main menu if it is a single monitor machine)
BOOL BuildDevmodeLists( ) {
DEVMODE DisplayMode; // temporary devmode storage
BOOL bShrink=FALSE; // set if iModes ever decreases
int nModes, n, iDisplay; // counters
DisplayMode.dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE);
// Fill in each display's/monitor's mode list
for (iDisplay=0; iDisplay < iMonitors; iDisplay++) { DWORD dwFlags = 0;
lpqrmi = &pMonitors[iDisplay];
lpqrmi->ModeMenu = NULL; lpqrmi->FreqMenu = NULL; lpqrmi->iModes = 0; lpqrmi->pModes = NULL; lpqrmi->pCurrentdm = NULL;
// Find the number of modes known by driver for each monitor
if (lpfnEDSEx) { for( nModes=0; (lpfnEDSEx)(pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, nModes, &DisplayMode, dwFlags); nModes++) ; } else { for( nModes=0; EnumDisplaySettings(pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, nModes, &DisplayMode); nModes++) ; }
// Get space for all modes
lpqrmi->pModes = (LPDEVMODEINFO) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, nModes*sizeof(DEVMODEINFO) ); lpdm = lpqrmi->pModes;
if( !lpdm ) { DestroyModeMenu( iDisplay, FALSE, FALSE ); return FALSE; }
// Get all display modes into the pModes array
for( n=0; n<nModes; n++ ) { lpdm[n].dm.dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE);
// Get next mode into next spot in pModes
if (lpfnEDSEx) { (lpfnEDSEx)(pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, n, &lpdm[n].dm, dwFlags ); } else { EnumDisplaySettings(pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName, n, &lpdm[n].dm ); }
// If any Hz is NOT 0 or 1 (default), then turn on Freq flag.
// This will be true on NT. Win95 will always return 0 or 1.
if ( HZ(&lpdm[n].dm) && (HZ(&lpdm[n].dm) != 1) ) QuickResFlags |= QF_SHOWFREQS; }
// sort them according to QF_SORTBYBPP :
// (1) BPP X Y HZ or (2) X Y BPP HZ
qsort( (void*) lpdm, (size_t) nModes, (size_t) sizeof(DEVMODEINFO), ( int (_cdecl*)(const void*,const void*) ) CompareDevmodes );
// Filter out any duplicate devmodes return by the driver
// and any modes with x resolution < 640 pixels. We dont
// want to show ModeX modes (320x200, 320x240, etc.)
if (nModes > 1 ) {
for (n=0; n+1 < nModes; ) {
if (XRES(&lpdm[n].dm) < 640) { nModes--; bShrink = TRUE; MoveMemory( &lpdm[n], &lpdm[n+1], (nModes-n)*sizeof(DEVMODEINFO) ); } else { //
// If consecutive devmodes are identical, then copy the next
// one over the dup and decrement iModes (# of devmodes).
while ( CompareDevmodes(&lpdm[n],&lpdm[n+1]) == 0 ) { //
// Don't go past the last devmode
if (n+2 < nModes--) { bShrink = TRUE; MoveMemory( &lpdm[n], &lpdm[n+1], (nModes-n)*sizeof(DEVMODEINFO) ); } else { break; } }
n++; } } }
// Check CDS return value for all modes and eliminate all 4bpp
// modes that have a corresponding 8bpp mode at the same res
for (n=0; n < nModes; n++) {
CDSTEST(&lpdm[n]) = (WORD)ChangeDisplaySettingsEx( lpqrmi->DeviceName, &lpdm[n].dm, NULL, CDS_TEST, 0);
// Filter out all 4BPP modes that have an 8BPP mode at the same resolution
if (BPP(&lpdm[n].dm)==8) { INT i;
for (i=0; i < n; ) {
if ( (BPP (&lpdm[i].dm) == 4) && (XRES(&lpdm[n].dm) == XRES(&lpdm[i].dm)) && (YRES(&lpdm[n].dm) == YRES(&lpdm[i].dm)) ) { nModes--; bShrink = TRUE; MoveMemory( &lpdm[i], &lpdm[i+1], (nModes-i)*sizeof(DEVMODEINFO) ); n--; } else { i++; } } } }
// nModes might have decreased; might as well free up some memory.
// Note that iModes could NOT have increased, so the ReAlloc will be okay.
if (bShrink) { lpqrmi->pModes = (LPDEVMODEINFO) GlobalReAlloc(lpqrmi->pModes, nModes*sizeof(DEVMODEINFO), GMEM_MOVEABLE ); }
lpqrmi->iModes = nModes;
// At most, we need 1 freqmenu per mode (actually it's always < #modes.)
// Note : separators take up 1 (unused) hmenu in the array, so it would
// that we need hmenus > #modes, when "all modes on main menu". But,
// in that case, we dont use the freq submenus at all. :)
lpqrmi->FreqMenu = (HMENU*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR,nModes*sizeof(HMENU)); for (n=0; n < nModes; n++) { lpqrmi->FreqMenu[n] = NULL; }
// Get modeflags from registry or zero out modeflags[]
// Call GetModeMenu to put all strings/popups in place
// Current mode will be the best until user changes it.
GetModeMenu( iDisplay, FALSE );
VALIDMODE(lpqrmi->pCurrentdm) = MODE_BESTHZ;
return TRUE; }
// DestroyDevmodeLists( )
// free all the memory allocated for modes and menus for each device
BOOL DestroyDevmodeLists() {
int iDisplay; LPQRMONITORINFO lpqrmi;
for (iDisplay=0; iDisplay < iMonitors; iDisplay++) {
lpqrmi = &pMonitors[iDisplay];
// DestroyModeMenu has freed all the individual menus in this array for us
if (lpqrmi->FreqMenu) { GlobalFree(lpqrmi->FreqMenu); lpqrmi->FreqMenu = NULL; }
if (lpqrmi->pModes) { GlobalFree(lpqrmi->pModes); lpqrmi->pModes = NULL; }
lpqrmi->iModes = 0; lpqrmi->pCurrentdm = NULL;
return TRUE; }
// DoProperties( )
// Calls the control panel applet to show 'Display Properties'
// specifically the display settings
void DoProperties( ) { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; TCHAR lpszProperties[64] = DISPLAYPROPERTIES;
GetStartupInfo( &si );
// Start it up.
if (CreateProcess(NULL, lpszProperties, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) {
// Dont care what wait return value is, but we want
// to 'disable' tray icon for a minute or until the
// user kills desk.cpl
WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, 60*1000 );
CloseHandle ( pi.hThread ); CloseHandle ( pi.hProcess ); } }
// Main window proc to process messages
LRESULT CALLBACK AppWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
POINT pt; // Get cursor pos for the menu placement
INT i;
switch (msg) {
// Add icon to tray next to time
TrayMessage(hwnd, NIM_ADD, TRAY_ID, AppIcon);
// Remove icon from tray.
TrayMessage(hwnd, NIM_DELETE, TRAY_ID, NULL );
// New settings. Reset pCurrentdm as index in pModes
// No need to destroy/rebuild the mode menu, but bPrimary,
// bAttached may have changed.
// The Waiting flag makes this a no-op, when its a qres-initiated change
if (!Waiting) { for (i=0; i<iMonitors; i++) { pMonitors[i].pCurrentdm = NULL; CheckMenuItemCurrentMode(i); }
SetMonitorDeviceInfo( FALSE ); }
#if 0
hard to understand when and why we get this message. better leave it alone case WM_DEVICECHANGE:
if (wParam == DBT_CONFIGCHANGED || wParam == DBT_MONITORCHANGE) { for (i=0; i<iMonitors; i++) { DestroyModeMenu( i, FALSE, FALSE ); SetDevmodeFlags( i, TRUE ); }
if (MonitorMenu) { DestroyMenu(MonitorMenu); MonitorMenu = NULL; } DestroyDevmodeLists(); BuildDevmodeLists(); MonitorMenu = GetMonitorMenu( TRUE ); } break; #endif
case WM_COMMAND: {
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
// Start control panel applet
// Show a generic about box
MsgBox(IDS_ABOUT, 0, MB_OK );
// After showing options dlg box, show mode menu again
if (fShowFreqs) DialogBox(hInstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(NTOptions), NULL, NTOptionsDlgProc); else DialogBox(hInstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(W95Options),NULL, W95OptionsDlgProc);
SetTimer(hwnd, TRAY_ID, 10, NULL);
default: {
// Change devmode to pModes[OffsetPdev]
INT OffsetPdev; INT iDisplay;
// The menu item is an offset from MENU_RES
// of the selected item.
iDisplay = LOWORD(wParam) / MENU_RES - 1; OffsetPdev = LOWORD(wParam) % MENU_RES;
// Check that the offset is within range
if( OffsetPdev >= 0 && OffsetPdev < pMonitors[iDisplay].iModes ) {
// if different from current devmode then change it
if ( CompareDevmodes( &pMonitors[iDisplay].pModes[OffsetPdev], pMonitors[iDisplay].pCurrentdm) ) { SetMode(hwnd, iDisplay, OffsetPdev); }
case WM_TIMER:
// Left click was not a double-click
KillTimer(hwnd, TRAY_ID); GetCursorPos(&pt); SetForegroundWindow(hwnd);
// Create and/or Get resolutions menu
TrackPopupMenu(GetMonitorMenu( FALSE ), TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwnd, NULL);
case TRAY_MSG: {
// No messages processed while waiting on
// a dlg/msg box to return
if (!Waiting) {
switch (lParam) { case WM_RBUTTONUP:
// Properties, about, Exit
SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); GetCursorPos(&pt);
TrackPopupMenu(MainMenu, TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hwnd, NULL);
// Resolutions menu
SetTimer(hwnd, TRAY_ID, GetDoubleClickTime()+10, NULL);
// start control panel applet
KillTimer(hwnd, TRAY_ID); DoProperties();
break; }
return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam);
// MsgBox(int, UINT, UINT)
// Generic messagebox function that can print a value into
// a format string
int MsgBox(int id, UINT value, UINT flags) {
PTCHAR msgboxtext=NULL; // message box body text
// Ignore tray clicks while msgbox is up, and
// Show at least an OK button.
Waiting = TRUE; if (flags == 0) { flags = MB_OK | MB_USERICON; }
// Can print a value into a format string, if value!=0.
if (value) { PTCHAR msgboxfmt; // body test format
if (msgboxfmt = GetResourceString ( id )) { if (msgboxtext = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)* (lstrlen(msgboxfmt)+INT_FORMAT_TO_5_DIGITS+1))) { wsprintf(msgboxtext,msgboxfmt,value); }
LocalFree( msgboxfmt ); } }
else { msgboxtext = GetResourceString ( id ); }
if (msgboxtext) {
mb.cbSize = sizeof(mb); mb.hwndOwner = NULL; mb.hInstance = hInstApp; mb.lpszText = msgboxtext; mb.lpszCaption = szAppName; mb.dwStyle = flags; mb.lpszIcon = szAppName; mb.dwContextHelpId = 0; mb.lpfnMsgBoxCallback = NULL; mb.dwLanguageId = MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL);;
// Special API for the about box. otherwise, use Messageboxindirect
if (id == IDS_ABOUT) { ret = ShellAbout(mb.hwndOwner, mb.lpszCaption, mb.lpszText, AppIcon); }
else {
if (flags & MB_USERICON) { //
// only use MessageBoxIndirect if we have to.
// has problems on win9x.
ret = MessageBoxIndirect(&mb); }
else { //
// MessageBoxEx works great on both NT and Win95
ret = MessageBoxEx ( mb.hwndOwner, mb.lpszText, mb.lpszCaption, mb.dwStyle, (WORD)mb.dwLanguageId ); } }
// Free string memory; start processing tray msgs again
LocalFree( msgboxtext ); }
Waiting = FALSE;
return ret;
// WinMain
int NEAR PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int sw) { WNDCLASS cls; MSG msg; HWND hwnd; INT iDisplay; HINSTANCE hInstUser;
hInstApp = hInst; szAppName = GetResourceString( IDS_TITLE );
// App is already running. Do not start a 2nd instance
if ( FindWindow( szAppName, szAppName ) ) { return 0; }
if (hInstUser=GetModuleHandle(TEXT("user32.dll"))) { lpfnEDD = GetProcAddress( hInstUser, ENUMDISPLAYDEVICES ); lpfnEDSEx = GetProcAddress( hInstUser, ENUMDISPLAYSETTINGSEX ); }
AppIcon = LoadIcon(hInst,szAppName);
// Register a class for the main application window
cls.lpszClassName = szAppName; cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); cls.hInstance = hInstApp; cls.hIcon = AppIcon; cls.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); cls.lpszMenuName = szAppName; cls.style = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS; cls.lpfnWndProc = AppWndProc; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
if (!RegisterClass(&cls)) return FALSE;
hwnd = CreateWindow(szAppName, szAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, hInstApp, NULL);
// Properties, about, exit - properties is the default
MainMenu = GetSubMenu(GetMenu(hwnd), 0); SetMenuDefaultItem(MainMenu,MENU_PROPERTIES,MF_BYCOMMAND);
// Get flags from registry and build the modemenu
// from scratch.
GetQuickResFlags( );
if (!BuildMonitorArray()) { return FALSE; }
if (!BuildDevmodeLists()) { return FALSE; }
// Update tray tooltip to be current resolution
TrayMessage( hwnd, NIM_MODIFY, TRAY_ID, AppIcon );
// Polling messages from event queue
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); }
// write flags to registry
// Free up dynamically allocated globals.
LocalFree ( szAppName );
for (iDisplay=0; iDisplay<iMonitors; iDisplay++) { if (pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName) GlobalFree(pMonitors[iDisplay].DeviceName);
if (pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName) GlobalFree(pMonitors[iDisplay].MonitorName);
if (pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName) GlobalFree(pMonitors[iDisplay].PrimaryMonitorName);
GlobalFree(pMonitors[iDisplay].FreqMenu); }
return (int)msg.wParam; }
// TrayMessage (HWND, DWORD, UINT, HICON )
// Add/remove icon to/from tray next to the time
BOOL TrayMessage(HWND hwnd, DWORD msg, UINT id, HICON hIcon ) {
tnd.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA); tnd.hWnd = hwnd; tnd.uID = id; tnd.szTip[0] = '\0'; tnd.uFlags = NIF_MESSAGE|NIF_ICON|NIF_TIP; tnd.uCallbackMessage = TRAY_MSG; tnd.hIcon = hIcon;
// Changing tooltip text to match current resolution
// (Make sure pCurrentdm is valid / not NULL.)
if (msg == NIM_MODIFY) {
do {
if (pMonitors[uDisplay].pCurrentdm) { GetModeName(&(pMonitors[uDisplay].pCurrentdm->dm), &Res, &Hz);
// calculate how long the string will be (need to be sure it's < 64)
// old tip + new Res + Hz (if applicable) + ", " (if its not the 1st mon)
uNewlen = lstrlen(tnd.szTip);
if (Res) { uNewlen += lstrlen(Res); }
if (uDisplay > 0) { uNewlen += 2; }
if (fShowFreqs && Hz) { uNewlen += lstrlen(Hz); }
if (uNewlen < 64) { //
// this displays information will fit in the tooltip
// add ", " if not 1st mon, then the Res, then Hz (if applicable)
if ( uDisplay > 0 ) { lstrcat(tnd.szTip,TEXT(", ")); }
if (Res) { lstrcat(tnd.szTip,Res); }
if (fShowFreqs && Hz) { lstrcat(tnd.szTip,Hz); } }
if (Res) { LocalFree(Res); }
if (Hz) { LocalFree(Hz); }
++uDisplay; }
} while (uDisplay < (UINT)iMonitors);
// Adding the tray icon - Current devmode
// is not known so use AppName as tip
else { wsprintf(tnd.szTip, szAppName); }
return Shell_NotifyIcon( msg, &tnd ); }
// User must enter Yes to keep new res, or we default back to the old res.
INT_PTR FAR PASCAL KeepNewResDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
// Save strings as static pointers, and free them only in YES/NO/ABORT/CANCEL,
// because they will otherwise disappear from a Win95 dialog box immediately
// after they are free'd.
static int NOTimeOut; // countdown to 0
static PTCHAR NewResString=NULL; // user friendly name for devmode
static PTCHAR NewHzString=NULL; // and frequency
static PTCHAR szAt=NULL; // ", at"
static PTCHAR TotalString=NULL; // "<wid x ht>, at <freq>"
switch (message) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: // initialize values and focus
// Initialize values and focus
// Ignore tray messages while waiting for yes/no.
// Wait KEEP_RES_TIMEOUT seconds.
// Get current devmode; lparam is the iDisplay
GetCurrentDevMode( (INT)lParam, &dm );
// Get user friendly strings (concatenate Res & Hz, if applicable)
GetModeName( &dm, &NewResString, &NewHzString);
if (NewResString) { if (fShowFreqs && NewHzString) { szAt = GetResourceString ( IDS_AT ); //
// Replace 2nd text item of msgbox
if (TotalString = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)* ( lstrlen(NewResString)+ lstrlen(NewHzString)+ lstrlen(szAt)+ 1 ) )) { lstrcpy(TotalString, NewResString); lstrcat(TotalString, szAt); lstrcat(TotalString, NewHzString);
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDTEXT2, TotalString); } } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDTEXT2, NewResString); } }
// Set timeout length and start waiting
return (TRUE);
case WM_TIMER:
{ PTCHAR NoTextFmt=NULL; // "NO: %d"
PTCHAR NoText=NULL; // e.g. "NO: 15"
// Still counting down
if ( NOTimeOut >= 0 ) { //
// Get format string for NO Button.
// Write it to NoText String and to dlg box
NoTextFmt = GetResourceString ( IDS_NOTEXT );
if (NoTextFmt) { NoText = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)* ( lstrlen(NoTextFmt)+1 ) ); wsprintf(NoText, NoTextFmt, NOTimeOut--);
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDNO, NoText);
LocalFree ( NoTextFmt ); LocalFree ( NoText ); }
else { //
// Give up on the user - return NO
KillTimer(hDlg, IDD_COUNTDOWN); SendMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDNO, 0); }
return (TRUE);
// Start processing tray messages again
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
// return value based on the button pressed
case IDYES : case IDNO : case IDABORT : case IDCANCEL :
// LocalFree handles NULL pointers gracefully (does nothing)
LocalFree ( szAt ); LocalFree ( NewResString ); LocalFree ( NewHzString ); LocalFree ( TotalString );
EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return (TRUE);
} // switch (wParam)
} // switch (message)
return (FALSE); // Didn't process a message
} // KeepNewResDlgProc()
INT_PTR FAR PASCAL NTOptionsDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT i; static WORD SaveQRFlags;
switch (message) {
// Stop processing tray messages; check buttons properly
Waiting = TRUE; SaveQRFlags = QuickResFlags;
CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDD_SORT_RES,IDD_SORT_BPP, (fSortByBPP ? IDD_SORT_BPP : IDD_SORT_RES) ); CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDD_SUBMENUS,IDD_ALLMODEMENU, FreqMenuLocation );
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_UPDATEREG, fUpdateReg ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_REMMODES, fRememberModes ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_RESTARTREQ, fShowModesThatNeedRestart ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_SHOWTESTED, fShowTestedModes );
return TRUE; break;
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
// Update buttons : sorting by BPP or Res?
case IDD_SORT_RES: case IDD_SORT_BPP: CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDD_SORT_RES,IDD_SORT_BPP,LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; break;
// Update buttons : where to display freq menus?
// Clear all registry remembered settings
// Make user verify he did this on purpose
// Reset flags for all monitors; destroy and rebuild
// each mode menu
for (i=0; i<iMonitors; i++) { SetDevmodeFlags(i, TRUE); VALIDMODE(pMonitors[i].pCurrentdm) = MODE_BESTHZ; DestroyModeMenu( i, TRUE, FALSE); } }
return TRUE; break;
// XOR QuickResFlags on and off
case IDD_UPDATEREG: QuickResFlags ^= QF_UPDATEREG; return TRUE; break;
case IDD_REMMODES: QuickResFlags ^= QF_REMMODES; return TRUE; break;
case IDD_RESTARTREQ: QuickResFlags ^= QF_SHOWRESTART; return TRUE; break;
case IDD_SHOWTESTED: QuickResFlags ^= QF_SHOWTESTED; return TRUE; break;
case IDOK: {
BOOL bRebuildMenu = FALSE; BOOL bNeedToSort = FALSE;
// See if sort order has changed.
if ( (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, IDD_SORT_RES) && fSortByBPP) || (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, IDD_SORT_BPP) && !fSortByBPP) ) { QuickResFlags ^= QF_SORT_BYBPP; bNeedToSort = TRUE; }
// If "show modes that require restart", or "show tested "modes only",
// then rebuild menu is required
if ( (fShowModesThatNeedRestart != (SaveQRFlags & QF_SHOWRESTART)) || (fShowTestedModes != (SaveQRFlags & QF_SHOWTESTED)) ) { bRebuildMenu = TRUE; }
// see if FreqMenuLocation has changed
if (!IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, FreqMenuLocation)) { WORD i;
// Freq menu location has changed; update & ask for rebuild
bRebuildMenu = TRUE;
for ( i=IDD_SUBMENUS; i <= IDD_ALLMODEMENU; i++ ) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, i)) { FreqMenuLocation = i; } } }
// If rebuilding and or resorting, just destroy & rebuild the menus
if ( bNeedToSort || bRebuildMenu ) { for (i=0; i<iMonitors; i++) DestroyModeMenu( i, TRUE, bNeedToSort); }
Waiting = FALSE; EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; break; }
Waiting = FALSE; QuickResFlags = SaveQRFlags; EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; break;
} // switch (wParam)
} // switch (message)
return FALSE; // Didn't process a message
} // NTOptionsDlgProc()
// W95OptionsDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM )
INT_PTR FAR PASCAL W95OptionsDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
INT i; static WORD SaveQRFlags;
switch (message) {
// Stop processing tray messages; check buttons properly
Waiting = TRUE; SaveQRFlags = QuickResFlags;
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_UPDATEREG, fUpdateReg ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_REMMODES, fRememberModes ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_RESTARTREQ, fShowModesThatNeedRestart ); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_SHOWTESTED, fShowTestedModes );
return TRUE; break;
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
// Update buttons : sorting by BPP or Res?
case IDD_SORT_RES: case IDD_SORT_BPP: CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDD_SORT_RES,IDD_SORT_BPP,LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; break;
// Clear all registry remembered settings
// Make user verify he did this on purpose
// Reset flags for all monitors; destroy and rebuild
// each mode menu
for (i=0; i<iMonitors; i++) { SetDevmodeFlags(i, TRUE); VALIDMODE(pMonitors[i].pCurrentdm) = MODE_BESTHZ; DestroyModeMenu( i, TRUE, FALSE); } }
return TRUE; break;
// XOR QuickResFlags on and off
case IDD_UPDATEREG: QuickResFlags ^= QF_UPDATEREG; return TRUE; break;
case IDD_REMMODES: QuickResFlags ^= QF_REMMODES; return TRUE; break;
case IDD_RESTARTREQ: QuickResFlags ^= QF_SHOWRESTART; return TRUE; break;
case IDD_SHOWTESTED: QuickResFlags ^= QF_SHOWTESTED; return TRUE; break;
case IDOK: { BOOL bNeedToSort = FALSE;
// Note if the sort order has changed
if ( (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, IDD_SORT_RES) && fSortByBPP) || (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, IDD_SORT_BPP) && !fSortByBPP) ) { QuickResFlags ^= QF_SORT_BYBPP; bNeedToSort = TRUE; }
// If "sort order", "show modes that require restart", or "show tested
// "modes only" changed, then destroy and rebuild old menu (resort if nec.)
if ( bNeedToSort || (fShowModesThatNeedRestart != (SaveQRFlags & QF_SHOWRESTART)) || (fShowTestedModes != (SaveQRFlags & QF_SHOWTESTED)) ) { for (i=0; i<iMonitors; i++) DestroyModeMenu( i, TRUE, bNeedToSort); }
// No break after IDOK, by design.
// IDOK AND IDCANCEL : start processing tray clicks,
// and return ok/cancel as return value.
Waiting = FALSE; EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; break;
} // switch (wParam)
} // switch (message)
return FALSE; // Didn't process a message
} // W95OptionsDlgProc()