Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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218 lines
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  1. //
  2. // QuickRes.rc
  3. //
  4. //
  5. // string constants
  6. //
  7. #define IDS_HELPTEXT 100
  8. #define IDS_TITLE 101
  9. #define IDS_CANTSETMODE 102
  10. #define IDS_ABOUT 103
  11. #define IDS_RESTART 104
  12. #define IDS_HERTZ 105
  13. #define IDS_DEFHERTZ 106
  14. #define IDS_REFRESHRATE 107
  15. #define IDS_INVALIDMODE 108
  16. #define IDS_NOTEXT 109
  17. #define IDS_DONTPANIC 110
  18. #define IDS_CLEARREG 111
  19. #define IDS_CHANGEDBPP 112
  20. #define IDS_AT 113
  21. #define IDS_MONITOR 114
  22. #define IDS_CRES 200
  23. //
  24. // menu id's
  25. //
  26. #define MENU_CLOSE 300
  27. #define MENU_PROPERTIES 301
  28. #define MENU_ABOUT 302
  29. #define MENU_OPTIONS 303
  30. #define MENU_RES 1000 // Menu item IDs start at MENU_RES
  31. //
  32. // Dlg box id's
  33. //
  34. #define IDTEXT1 400
  35. #define IDTEXT2 401
  36. #define IDTEXT3 402
  37. #define IDD_COUNTDOWN 100
  38. #define IDD_SORT_RES 101
  39. #define IDD_SORT_BPP 102
  40. #define IDD_SUBMENUS 103
  41. #define IDD_ONEMENUMOBILE 104
  42. #define IDD_ONEMENUBOTTOM 105
  43. #define IDD_ALLMODEMENU 106
  44. #define IDD_UPDATEREG 107
  45. #define IDD_REMMODES 108
  46. #define IDD_CLEARREG 109
  47. #define IDD_RESTARTREQ 110
  48. #define IDD_SHOWTESTED 111
  49. //
  50. // Dlg box names
  51. //
  52. #define KeepNewRes 500
  53. #define NTOptions 501
  54. #define W95Options 502
  55. #ifdef RC_INVOKED
  56. #include "QuickRes.rcv"
  57. #include "winuser.h"
  58. QuickRes ICON "QuickRes.ico"
  59. //
  60. // Main menu - Properties, About, Exit
  61. //
  62. QuickRes MENU
  63. begin
  64. popup "!"
  65. begin
  66. MENUITEM "&Options...", MENU_OPTIONS
  67. MENUITEM "&Properties for Display", MENU_PROPERTIES
  68. MENUITEM "&About QuickRes", MENU_ABOUT
  69. MENUITEM "E&xit QuickRes", MENU_CLOSE
  70. end
  71. end
  72. //
  73. // Safety Dialog Box so we can change back from an 'invisible' mode
  74. //
  75. KeepNewRes DIALOG 200, 150, 270, 80
  77. CAPTION "Monitor Settings"
  78. FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
  79. BEGIN
  80. LTEXT "You resized your desktop. Do you want to keep this setting?", IDTEXT1, 40, 10, 200, 8
  81. CTEXT "(No to return to old res)", IDTEXT2, 50, 25, 170, 8
  82. LTEXT "Press Abort if you CAN read this, but wish to return to the last resolution", IDTEXT3, 18, 40, 250, 8
  83. DEFPUSHBUTTON "NO", IDNO, 108, 55, 40, 15
  84. PUSHBUTTON "YES", IDYES, 43, 55, 40, 15
  85. PUSHBUTTON "ABORT", IDABORT, 173, 55, 40, 15
  86. END
  87. //
  88. // NT Options Dialog Box
  89. //
  90. NTOptions DIALOG 200, 150, 330, 170
  92. CAPTION "Options - QuickRes for Windows"
  93. FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
  94. BEGIN
  95. GROUPBOX "Sort By...", -1, 10, 10, 90, 43
  96. CONTROL "Resolutions", IDD_SORT_RES, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 15, 23, 75, 10
  97. CONTROL "Number of colors", IDD_SORT_BPP, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 15, 35, 75, 10
  98. GROUPBOX "Show Refresh Rates", -1, 150, 10, 170, 70
  99. CONTROL "A Submenu for each resolution", IDD_SUBMENUS, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 160, 23, 150, 10
  100. CONTROL "A Submenu for current resolution only", IDD_ONEMENUMOBILE, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 160, 35, 150, 10
  101. CONTROL "A Submenu for current resolution at bottom", IDD_ONEMENUBOTTOM, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 160, 47, 150, 10
  102. CONTROL "All frequencies on the main menu", IDD_ALLMODEMENU, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 160, 59, 150, 10
  103. GROUPBOX "Save Settings", -1, 150, 90, 170, 70
  104. CONTROL "Save display settings for next reboot", IDD_UPDATEREG, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 160, 102, 150, 10
  105. CONTROL "Remember which modes pass and fail", IDD_REMMODES, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 160, 120, 140, 10
  106. PUSHBUTTON "Clear pass/fail settings", IDD_CLEARREG, 175, 135, 100, 17
  107. GROUPBOX "Filters", -1, 10, 65, 130, 45
  108. CONTROL "Show only tested, valid modes", IDD_SHOWTESTED, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 15, 80, 120, 10
  109. CONTROL "Show modes that require restart", IDD_RESTARTREQ, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 15, 92, 120, 10
  110. PUSHBUTTON "OK" , IDOK , 20, 130, 40, 12
  111. PUSHBUTTON "Cancel" , IDCANCEL , 75, 130, 40, 12
  112. END
  113. //
  114. // Win95 Options Dialog Box
  115. //
  116. W95Options DIALOG 200, 150, 315, 120
  118. CAPTION "Options - QuickRes for Windows"
  119. FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
  120. BEGIN
  121. GROUPBOX "Sort By...", -1, 10, 10, 90, 43
  122. CONTROL "Resolutions", IDD_SORT_RES, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 15, 23, 75, 10
  123. CONTROL "Number of colors", IDD_SORT_BPP, "Button", BS_RADIOBUTTON, 15, 35, 75, 10
  124. GROUPBOX "Save Settings", -1, 150, 10, 155, 70
  125. CONTROL "Save display settings for next reboot", IDD_UPDATEREG, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 160, 22, 125, 10
  126. CONTROL "Remember which modes pass and fail", IDD_REMMODES, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 160, 40, 135, 10
  127. PUSHBUTTON "Clear pass/fail settings", IDD_CLEARREG, 175, 55, 100, 17
  128. GROUPBOX "Filters", -1, 10, 65, 130, 45
  129. CONTROL "Show only tested, valid modes", IDD_SHOWTESTED, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 15, 80, 120, 10
  130. CONTROL "Show modes that require restart", IDD_RESTARTREQ, "button", WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 15, 92, 120, 10
  131. PUSHBUTTON "OK" , IDOK , 180, 95, 40, 12
  132. PUSHBUTTON "Cancel" , IDCANCEL , 235, 95, 40, 12
  133. END
  134. //
  135. // StringTable for all QuickRes strings
  136. //
  138. BEGIN
  139. IDS_TITLE "QuickRes"
  140. IDS_CANTSETMODE "Unable to change display mode"
  141. IDS_ABOUT "QuickRes for Windows\r\nVersion 3.0"
  142. IDS_RESTART "This mode requires a restart of windows.\r\nRestart now?"
  143. IDS_HERTZ " %d Hz"
  144. IDS_DEFHERTZ " (Default)"
  145. IDS_REFRESHRATE "Refresh Rate"
  146. IDS_INVALIDMODE "This mode failed the last time it was tested. Try again?"
  147. IDS_NOTEXT "NO: %d"
  148. IDS_DONTPANIC "If after changing resolutions the screen is not visible,\n\
  149. please wait %d seconds or press ESC and the screen will be restored.\n\n\
  150. Anytime you change your monitor, your saved settings will be invalid\n\
  151. and you will need to click on 'Clear Saved Settings'."
  152. IDS_CLEARREG "Are you sure want to clear these settings?"
  153. IDS_CHANGEDBPP "The color depth has changed from %d BPP since QuickRes was last run.\n\
  154. All previous resolution tests are invalid."
  155. IDS_AT ", at "
  156. IDS_MONITOR "%sMonitor %s(%s)"
  157. //
  158. // The table is indexed by the bpp value. The system
  159. // does the table lookup for us.
  160. //
  161. IDS_CRES+1 "%dx%d 2 colors"
  162. IDS_CRES+4 "%dx%d 16 colors"
  163. IDS_CRES+8 "%dx%d 256 colors"
  164. IDS_CRES+15 "%dx%d HiColor (15 bit)"
  165. IDS_CRES+16 "%dx%d HiColor (16 bit)"
  166. IDS_CRES+24 "%dx%d TrueColor (24 bit)"
  167. IDS_CRES+32 "%dx%d TrueColor (32 bit)"
  168. END
  169. #endif