// File: joycpl.h
// Content: Joystick cpl header file
// History:
// Date By Reason
// ==== == ======
// 29-nov-94 craige initial implementation
// 15-dec-94 craige allow N joysticks
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1994, 1995
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmddk.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <cpl.h>
#include "rcids.h"
//#define WANT_SHEETS
#ifdef DEBUG
void cdecl dprintf( LPSTR szFormat, ... ); #define DPF dprintf
#define DPF 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
* misc. defines */ #define HASJOY 0x01
#define ACTIVE_COLOR RGB( 255, 0, 0 )
#define INACTIVE_COLOR RGB( 128, 0, 0 )
#define TIMER_ID 1
#define JOYPOLLTIME 25 // time between polls in milliseconds
#define JOYCHECKTIME 2500 // time between hw check in milliseconds
#define MAX_STR 256 // max size for string resources
#define GETKEYNAME( pgv, str, keystr ) wsprintf( str, keystr, pgv->iJoyId+1 )
#define JOYMOVE_DRAWXY 0x00000001
#define JOYMOVE_DRAWR 0x00000002
#define JOYMOVE_DRAWZ 0x00000004
#define JOYMOVE_DRAWU 0x00000008
#define JOYMOVE_DRAWV 0x00000010
#define RANGE_MIN 0
#define RANGE_MAX 65535
#define REGSTR_VAL_JOYTYPES "Show Predefined Types"
* calibration strings defined by an OEM in the registry */ enum { CALSTR1=0, CALSTR2, CALSTR3, CALSTR4, CALSTR5, CALSTR6, CALSTR7, CALSTR8, CALSTR9, CALSTR10, CALSTR11, CALSTR12, CALSTR_END }; #define NUM_CAL_STRS CALSTR_END
* structure for holding all OEM data in the registry */ typedef struct { LPSTR keyname; LPSTR ident_string; LPSTR vxd_name; LPSTR xy_label; LPSTR z_label; LPSTR r_label; LPSTR u_label; LPSTR v_label; LPSTR pov_label; LPSTR testmove_desc; LPSTR testbutton_desc; LPSTR testmove_cap; LPSTR testbutton_cap; LPSTR testwin_cap; LPSTR cal_cap; LPSTR calwin_cap; LPSTR cal_strs[NUM_CAL_STRS]; JOYREGHWSETTINGS hws; } OEMLIST;
* generic joystick data */ typedef struct { LPJOYREGHWCONFIG joyHWDefaults; OEMLIST *oemList; int oemCount; BOOL bHasUserVals; BOOL bDeleteUserVals; JOYREGUSERVALUES userVals; LPSTR regCfgKey; LPSTR regCurrCfgKey; LPSTR regSettingsCfgKey; HBRUSH hbUp; HBRUSH hbDown; BOOL bHasTimer; BOOL bUseTimer; #if !defined( WANT_SHEETS )
struct _GLOBALVARS *pgvlist; #endif
BOOL bResetUserVals; BOOL bHasNonStandardUserVals; } JOYDATA, *LPJOYDATA;
* structure passed to each sheet */ typedef struct { LPJOYDATA pjd; int iJoyId; } JOYDATAPTR, *LPJOYDATAPTR;
* structure defining all variables used globally by a tab */ typedef struct _GLOBALVARS { LPJOYDATA pjd; JOYREGHWCONFIG joyHWCurr; JOYREGHWCONFIG joyHWOrig; JOYRANGE joyRange; BOOL bOrigPOVIsPoll; BOOL bOrigPOVIsButtonCombos; DWORD dwMaxAxes; int iJoyId; int cJoystickTypes; /* these vars only used by the sheet */ unsigned joyActiveFlags; } GLOBALVARS, *LPGLOBALVARS;
* function prototypes */ /* joycal.c */ void DoCalibrate( LPGLOBALVARS pgv, HWND hwnd );
/* joycpl.c */ BOOL CALLBACK JoystickDlg( HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LPVOID DoAlloc( DWORD size ); void DoFree( LPVOID ptr ); void RegistryUpdated( LPGLOBALVARS pgv ); void GetDevCaps( LPGLOBALVARS pgv ); void RegSaveCurrentJoyHW( LPGLOBALVARS pgv ); LPJOYDATA JoystickDataInit( void ); void JoystickDataFini( LPJOYDATA pjd ); #ifdef DEBUG
void cdecl MBOX(LPSTR szFormat, ...); #endif
/* joymisc.c */ BOOL JoyError( HWND hwnd ); void ChangeIcon( HWND hwnd, int idi, int idc ); void CauseRedraw( LPJOYINFOEX pji, BOOL do_buttons ); void SetOEMText( LPGLOBALVARS pgv, HWND hwnd, BOOL istest ); void ShowControls( LPJOYREGHWCONFIG pcfg, HWND hwnd ); void DoJoyMove( LPGLOBALVARS pgv, HWND hwnd, LPJOYINFOEX pji, LPJOYINFOEX poji, DWORD drawflags );
/* joytest.c */ typedef void (*LPUPDCFGFN)( LPVOID parm ); void DoTest( LPGLOBALVARS pgv, HWND hwnd, LPUPDCFGFN pupdcfgfn, LPVOID pparm );