#include "stdafx.h"
#if 0
// File: D3DEnum.cpp
// Desc: Functions to enumerate DDraw/D3D drivers, devices, and modes.
// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#define STRICT
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "D3DEnum.h"
#include "D3DUtil.h" // For DEBUG_MSG
#include "D3DRes.h" // For dialog controls
// Global data for the enumerator functions
static HRESULT (*g_fnAppConfirmFn)(DDCAPS*, D3DDEVICEDESC7*) = NULL;
static D3DEnum_DeviceInfo g_pDeviceList[20]; static DWORD g_dwNumDevicesEnumerated = 0L; static DWORD g_dwNumDevices = 0L;
// Name: SortModesCallback()
// Desc: Callback function for sorting display modes.
int SortModesCallback(const VOID* arg1, const VOID* arg2) { DDSURFACEDESC2* p1 = (DDSURFACEDESC2*)arg1; DDSURFACEDESC2* p2 = (DDSURFACEDESC2*)arg2;
if (p1->dwWidth < p2->dwWidth) return -1; if (p1->dwWidth > p2->dwWidth) return +1;
if (p1->dwHeight < p2->dwHeight) return -1; if (p1->dwHeight > p2->dwHeight) return +1;
if (p1->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount < p2->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount) return -1; if (p1->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount > p2->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount) return +1;
return 0; }
// Name: ModeEnumCallback()
// Desc: Callback function for enumerating display modes.
static HRESULT WINAPI ModeEnumCallback(DDSURFACEDESC2* pddsd, VOID* pParentInfo) { D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDevice = (D3DEnum_DeviceInfo*)pParentInfo;
// Reallocate storage for the modes
DDSURFACEDESC2* pddsdNewModes = new DDSURFACEDESC2[pDevice->dwNumModes+1]; memcpy(pddsdNewModes, pDevice->pddsdModes, pDevice->dwNumModes * sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2)); delete pDevice->pddsdModes; pDevice->pddsdModes = pddsdNewModes;
// Add the new mode
pDevice->pddsdModes[pDevice->dwNumModes++] = (*pddsd);
return DDENUMRET_OK; }
// Name: DeviceEnumCallback()
// Desc: Callback function for enumerating devices
static HRESULT WINAPI DeviceEnumCallback(TCHAR* strDesc, TCHAR* strName, D3DDEVICEDESC7* pDesc, VOID* pParentInfo) { // Keep track of # of devices that were enumerated
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDriverInfo = (D3DEnum_DeviceInfo*)pParentInfo; D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = &g_pDeviceList[g_dwNumDevices]; ZeroMemory(pDeviceInfo, sizeof(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo));
// Select either the HAL or HEL device desc:
pDeviceInfo->bHardware = pDesc->dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWRASTERIZATION; memcpy(&pDeviceInfo->ddDeviceDesc, pDesc, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC7));
// Set up device info for this device
pDeviceInfo->bDesktopCompatible = pDriverInfo->bDesktopCompatible; pDeviceInfo->ddDriverCaps = pDriverInfo->ddDriverCaps; pDeviceInfo->ddHELCaps = pDriverInfo->ddHELCaps; pDeviceInfo->guidDevice = pDesc->deviceGUID; pDeviceInfo->pDeviceGUID = &pDeviceInfo->guidDevice; pDeviceInfo->pddsdModes = new DDSURFACEDESC2[pDriverInfo->dwNumModes];
// Copy the driver GUID and description for the device
if (pDriverInfo->pDriverGUID) { pDeviceInfo->guidDriver = pDriverInfo->guidDriver; pDeviceInfo->pDriverGUID = &pDeviceInfo->guidDriver; lstrcpyn(pDeviceInfo->strDesc, pDriverInfo->strDesc, 39); } else { pDeviceInfo->pDriverGUID = NULL; lstrcpyn(pDeviceInfo->strDesc, strName, 39); }
// Avoid duplicates: only enum HW devices for secondary DDraw drivers.
if (NULL != pDeviceInfo->pDriverGUID && FALSE == pDeviceInfo->bHardware) return D3DENUMRET_OK;
// Give the app a chance to accept or reject this device.
if (g_fnAppConfirmFn) if (FAILED(g_fnAppConfirmFn(&pDeviceInfo->ddDriverCaps, &pDeviceInfo->ddDeviceDesc))) return D3DENUMRET_OK;
// Build list of supported modes for the device
for(DWORD i=0; i<pDriverInfo->dwNumModes; i++) { DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsdMode = pDriverInfo->pddsdModes[i]; DWORD dwRenderDepths = pDeviceInfo->ddDeviceDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth; DWORD dwDepth = ddsdMode.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
// Accept modes that are compatable with the device
if (((dwDepth == 32) && (dwRenderDepths & DDBD_32)) || ((dwDepth == 24) && (dwRenderDepths & DDBD_24)) || ((dwDepth == 16) && (dwRenderDepths & DDBD_16))) { // Copy compatible modes to the list of device-supported modes
pDeviceInfo->pddsdModes[pDeviceInfo->dwNumModes++] = ddsdMode;
// Record whether the device has any stereo modes
if (ddsdMode.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 & DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT) pDeviceInfo->bStereoCompatible = TRUE; } }
// Bail if the device has no supported modes
if (0 == pDeviceInfo->dwNumModes) return D3DENUMRET_OK;
// Find a 640x480x16 mode for the default fullscreen mode
for(i=0; i<pDeviceInfo->dwNumModes; i++) { if ((pDeviceInfo->pddsdModes[i].dwWidth == 640) && (pDeviceInfo->pddsdModes[i].dwHeight == 480) && (pDeviceInfo->pddsdModes[i].ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == 16)) { pDeviceInfo->ddsdFullscreenMode = pDeviceInfo->pddsdModes[i]; pDeviceInfo->dwCurrentMode = i; } }
// Select whether the device is initially windowed
pDeviceInfo->bWindowed = pDeviceInfo->bDesktopCompatible;
// Accept the device and return
return D3DENUMRET_OK; }
// Name: DriverEnumCallback()
// Desc: Callback function for enumerating drivers.
static BOOL WINAPI DriverEnumCallback(GUID* pGUID, TCHAR* strDesc, TCHAR* strName, VOID*, HMONITOR) { D3DEnum_DeviceInfo d3dDeviceInfo; LPDIRECTDRAW7 pDD; LPDIRECT3D7 pD3D; HRESULT hr; // Use the GUID to create the DirectDraw object
hr = DirectDrawCreateEx(pGUID, (VOID**)&pDD, IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_MSG(_T("Can't create DDraw during enumeration!")); return D3DENUMRET_OK; }
// Create a D3D object, to enumerate the d3d devices
hr = pDD->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3D7, (VOID**)&pD3D); if (FAILED(hr)) { pDD->Release(); DEBUG_MSG(_T("Can't query IDirect3D7 during enumeration!")); return D3DENUMRET_OK; }
// Copy data to a device info structure
ZeroMemory(&d3dDeviceInfo, sizeof(d3dDeviceInfo)); lstrcpyn(d3dDeviceInfo.strDesc, strDesc, 39); d3dDeviceInfo.ddDriverCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS); d3dDeviceInfo.ddHELCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS); pDD->GetCaps(&d3dDeviceInfo.ddDriverCaps, &d3dDeviceInfo.ddHELCaps); if (pGUID) { d3dDeviceInfo.guidDriver = (*pGUID); d3dDeviceInfo.pDriverGUID = &d3dDeviceInfo.guidDriver; }
// Record whether the device can render into a desktop window
if (d3dDeviceInfo.ddDriverCaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED) if (NULL == d3dDeviceInfo.pDriverGUID) d3dDeviceInfo.bDesktopCompatible = TRUE;
// Enumerate the fullscreen display modes.
pDD->EnumDisplayModes(0, NULL, &d3dDeviceInfo, ModeEnumCallback);
// Sort list of display modes
qsort(d3dDeviceInfo.pddsdModes, d3dDeviceInfo.dwNumModes, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2), SortModesCallback);
// Now, enumerate all the 3D devices
pD3D->EnumDevices(DeviceEnumCallback, &d3dDeviceInfo);
// Clean up and return
SAFE_DELETE(d3dDeviceInfo.pddsdModes); pD3D->Release(); pDD->Release();
return DDENUMRET_OK; }
// Name: D3DEnum_EnumerateDevices()
// Desc: Enumerates all drivers, devices, and modes. The callback function is
// called each device, to confirm that the device supports the feature
// set required by the app.
HRESULT D3DEnum_EnumerateDevices(HRESULT (*AppConfirmFn)(DDCAPS*, D3DDEVICEDESC7*)) { // Store the device enumeration callback function
g_fnAppConfirmFn = AppConfirmFn;
// Enumerate drivers, devices, and modes
// Make sure devices were actually enumerated
if (0 == g_dwNumDevicesEnumerated) { DEBUG_MSG(_T("No devices and/or modes were enumerated!")); return D3DENUMERR_ENUMERATIONFAILED; } if (0 == g_dwNumDevices) { DEBUG_MSG(_T("No enumerated devices were accepted!")); DEBUG_MSG(_T("Try enabling the D3D Reference Rasterizer.")); return D3DENUMERR_SUGGESTREFRAST; }
return S_OK; }
// Name: D3DEnum_FreeResources()
// Desc: Cleans up any memory allocated during device enumeration
VOID D3DEnum_FreeResources() { for(DWORD i=0; i<g_dwNumDevices; i++) { SAFE_DELETE(g_pDeviceList[i].pddsdModes); } }
// Name: D3DEnum_GetDevices()
// Desc: Returns a ptr to the array of D3DEnum_DeviceInfo structures.
VOID D3DEnum_GetDevices(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo** ppDevices, DWORD* pdwCount) { if (ppDevices) (*ppDevices) = g_pDeviceList; if (pdwCount) (*pdwCount) = g_dwNumDevices; }
// Name: UpdateDialogControls()
// Desc: Builds the list of devices and modes for the combo boxes in the device
// select dialog box.
static VOID UpdateDialogControls(HWND hDlg, D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pCurrentDevice, DWORD dwCurrentMode, BOOL bWindowed, BOOL bStereo) { // Get access to the enumerated device list
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDeviceList; DWORD dwNumDevices; D3DEnum_GetDevices(&pDeviceList, &dwNumDevices);
// Access to UI controls
HWND hwndDevice = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVICE_COMBO); HWND hwndMode = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MODE_COMBO); HWND hwndWindowed = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WINDOWED_CHECKBOX); HWND hwndStereo = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_STEREO_CHECKBOX); HWND hwndFullscreenText = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_FULLSCREEN_TEXT);
// Reset the content in each of the combo boxes
ComboBox_ResetContent(hwndDevice); ComboBox_ResetContent(hwndMode);
// Don't let non-GDI devices be windowed
if (FALSE == pCurrentDevice->bDesktopCompatible) bWindowed = FALSE;
// Add a list of devices to the device combo box
for(DWORD device = 0; device < dwNumDevices; device++) { D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDevice = &pDeviceList[device];
// Add device name to the combo box
DWORD dwItem = ComboBox_AddString(hwndDevice, pDevice->strDesc); // Set the remaining UI states for the current device
if (pDevice == pCurrentDevice) { // Set the combobox selection on the current device
ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndDevice, dwItem);
// Enable/set the fullscreen checkbox, as appropriate
if (hwndWindowed) { EnableWindow(hwndWindowed, pDevice->bDesktopCompatible); Button_SetCheck(hwndWindowed, bWindowed); } // Enable/set the stereo checkbox, as appropriate
if (hwndStereo) { EnableWindow(hwndStereo, pDevice->bStereoCompatible && !bWindowed); Button_SetCheck(hwndStereo, bStereo); }
// Enable/set the fullscreen modes combo, as appropriate
EnableWindow(hwndMode, !bWindowed); EnableWindow(hwndFullscreenText, !bWindowed);
// Build the list of fullscreen modes
for(DWORD mode = 0; mode < pDevice->dwNumModes; mode++) { DDSURFACEDESC2* pddsdMode = &pDevice->pddsdModes[mode];
// Skip non-stereo modes, if the device is in stereo mode
if (0 == (pddsdMode->ddsCaps.dwCaps2&DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT)) if (bStereo) continue;
TCHAR strMode[80]; wsprintf(strMode, _T("%ld x %ld x %ld"), pddsdMode->dwWidth, pddsdMode->dwHeight, pddsdMode->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount);
// Add mode desc to the combo box
DWORD dwItem = ComboBox_AddString(hwndMode, strMode);
// Set the item data to identify this mode
ComboBox_SetItemData(hwndMode, dwItem, mode);
// Set the combobox selection on the current mode
if (mode == dwCurrentMode) ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndMode, dwItem);
// Since not all modes support stereo, select a default mode in
// case none was chosen yet.
if (bStereo && (CB_ERR == ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndMode))) ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndMode, dwItem); } } } }
// Name: ChangeDeviceProc()
// Desc: Windows message handling function for the device select dialog
static BOOL CALLBACK ChangeDeviceProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static D3DEnum_DeviceInfo** ppDeviceArg; static D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pCurrentDevice; static DWORD dwCurrentMode; static BOOL bCurrentWindowed; static BOOL bCurrentStereo;
// Get access to the enumerated device list
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDeviceList; DWORD dwNumDevices; D3DEnum_GetDevices(&pDeviceList, &dwNumDevices);
// Handle the initialization message
if (WM_INITDIALOG == uiMsg) { // Get the app's current device, passed in as an lParam argument
ppDeviceArg = (D3DEnum_DeviceInfo**)lParam; if (NULL == ppDeviceArg) return FALSE;
// Setup temp storage pointers for dialog
pCurrentDevice = (*ppDeviceArg); dwCurrentMode = pCurrentDevice->dwCurrentMode; bCurrentWindowed = pCurrentDevice->bWindowed; bCurrentStereo = pCurrentDevice->bStereo;
UpdateDialogControls(hDlg, pCurrentDevice, dwCurrentMode, bCurrentWindowed, bCurrentStereo);
return TRUE; } else if (WM_COMMAND == uiMsg) { HWND hwndDevice = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVICE_COMBO); HWND hwndMode = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MODE_COMBO); HWND hwndWindowed = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WINDOWED_CHECKBOX); HWND hwndStereo = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_STEREO_CHECKBOX);
// Get current UI state
DWORD dwDevice = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndDevice); DWORD dwModeItem = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hwndMode); DWORD dwMode = ComboBox_GetItemData(hwndMode, dwModeItem); BOOL bWindowed = hwndWindowed ? Button_GetCheck(hwndWindowed) : 0; BOOL bStereo = hwndStereo ? Button_GetCheck(hwndStereo) : 0;
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDevice = &pDeviceList[dwDevice]; if (IDOK == LOWORD(wParam)) { // Handle the case when the user hits the OK button. Check if any
// of the options were changed
if (pDevice != pCurrentDevice || dwMode != dwCurrentMode || bWindowed != bCurrentWindowed || bStereo != bCurrentStereo) { // Return the newly selected device and its new properties
(*ppDeviceArg) = pDevice; pDevice->bWindowed = bWindowed; pDevice->bStereo = bStereo; pDevice->dwCurrentMode = dwMode; pDevice->ddsdFullscreenMode = pDevice->pddsdModes[dwMode];
EndDialog(hDlg, IDOK); } else EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL);
return TRUE; } else if (IDCANCEL == LOWORD(wParam)) { // Handle the case when the user hits the Cancel button
EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL); return TRUE; } else if (CBN_SELENDOK == HIWORD(wParam)) { if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_DEVICE_COMBO) { // Handle the case when the user chooses the device combo
dwMode = pDeviceList[dwDevice].dwCurrentMode; bWindowed = pDeviceList[dwDevice].bWindowed; bStereo = pDeviceList[dwDevice].bStereo; } }
// Keep the UI current
UpdateDialogControls(hDlg, &pDeviceList[dwDevice], dwMode, bWindowed, bStereo); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Name: D3DEnum_UserChangeDevice()
// Desc: Pops up a dialog which allows the user to select a new device.
HRESULT D3DEnum_UserChangeDevice(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo** ppDevice) { if (IDOK == DialogBoxParam((HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CHANGEDEVICE), GetForegroundWindow(), ChangeDeviceProc, (LPARAM)ppDevice)) return S_OK;
return E_FAIL; }
// Name: D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDevice()
// Desc: Pick a default device, preferably hardware and desktop compatible.
HRESULT D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDevice(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo** ppDevice, DWORD dwFlags) { // Check arguments
if (NULL == ppDevice) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Get access to the enumerated device list
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDeviceList; DWORD dwNumDevices; D3DEnum_GetDevices(&pDeviceList, &dwNumDevices);
// Look for windowable software, hardware, and hardware TnL devices
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pRefRastDevice = NULL; D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pSoftwareDevice = NULL; D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pHardwareDevice = NULL; D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pHardwareTnLDevice = NULL;
for(DWORD i=0; i<dwNumDevices; i++) { if (pDeviceList[i].bDesktopCompatible) { if (pDeviceList[i].bHardware) { if ((*pDeviceList[i].pDeviceGUID) == IID_IDirect3DTnLHalDevice) pHardwareTnLDevice = &pDeviceList[i]; else pHardwareDevice = &pDeviceList[i]; } else { if ((*pDeviceList[i].pDeviceGUID) == IID_IDirect3DRefDevice) pRefRastDevice = &pDeviceList[i]; else pSoftwareDevice = &pDeviceList[i]; } } }
// Prefer a hardware TnL device first, then a non-TnL hardware device, and
// finally, a software device.
if (0 == (dwFlags & D3DENUM_SOFTWAREONLY) && pHardwareTnLDevice) (*ppDevice) = pHardwareTnLDevice; else if (0 == (dwFlags & D3DENUM_SOFTWAREONLY) && pHardwareDevice) (*ppDevice) = pHardwareDevice; else if (pSoftwareDevice) (*ppDevice) = pSoftwareDevice; else if (pRefRastDevice) (*ppDevice) = pRefRastDevice; else return D3DENUMERR_NOCOMPATIBLEDEVICES;
// Set the windowed state of the newly selected device
(*ppDevice)->bWindowed = TRUE;
return S_OK; }