// File: D3DMath.h
// Desc: Math functions and shortcuts for Direct3D programming.
// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#ifndef D3DMATH_H
#define D3DMATH_H
#include <ddraw.h>
#include <d3d.h>
// Useful Math constants
const FLOAT g_PI = 3.14159265358979323846f; // Pi
const FLOAT g_2_PI = 6.28318530717958623200f; // 2 * Pi
const FLOAT g_PI_DIV_2 = 1.57079632679489655800f; // Pi / 2
const FLOAT g_PI_DIV_4 = 0.78539816339744827900f; // Pi / 4
const FLOAT g_INV_PI = 0.31830988618379069122f; // 1 / Pi
const FLOAT g_DEGTORAD = 0.01745329251994329547f; // Degrees to Radians
const FLOAT g_RADTODEG = 57.29577951308232286465f; // Radians to Degrees
const FLOAT g_HUGE = 1.0e+38f; // Huge number for FLOAT
const FLOAT g_EPSILON = 1.0e-5f; // Tolerance for FLOATs
// Fuzzy compares (within tolerance)
inline BOOL D3DMath_IsZero(FLOAT a, FLOAT fTol = g_EPSILON) { return (a <= 0.0f) ? (a >= -fTol) : (a <= fTol); }
// Matrix functions
VOID D3DMath_MatrixMultiply(D3DMATRIX& q, D3DMATRIX& a, D3DMATRIX& b); HRESULT D3DMath_MatrixInvert(D3DMATRIX& q, D3DMATRIX& a);
// Vector functions
HRESULT D3DMath_VectorMatrixMultiply(D3DVECTOR& vDest, D3DVECTOR& vSrc, D3DMATRIX& mat); HRESULT D3DMath_VertexMatrixMultiply(D3DVERTEX& vDest, D3DVERTEX& vSrc, D3DMATRIX& mat);
// Quaternion functions
VOID D3DMath_QuaternionFromRotation(FLOAT& x, FLOAT& y, FLOAT& z, FLOAT& w, D3DVECTOR& v, FLOAT fTheta); VOID D3DMath_RotationFromQuaternion(D3DVECTOR& v, FLOAT& fTheta, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z, FLOAT w); VOID D3DMath_QuaternionFromAngles(FLOAT& x, FLOAT& y, FLOAT& z, FLOAT& w, FLOAT fYaw, FLOAT fPitch, FLOAT fRoll); VOID D3DMath_MatrixFromQuaternion(D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z, FLOAT w); VOID D3DMath_QuaternionFromMatrix(FLOAT &x, FLOAT &y, FLOAT &z, FLOAT &w, D3DMATRIX& mat); VOID D3DMath_QuaternionMultiply(FLOAT& Qx, FLOAT& Qy, FLOAT& Qz, FLOAT& Qw, FLOAT Ax, FLOAT Ay, FLOAT Az, FLOAT Aw, FLOAT Bx, FLOAT By, FLOAT Bz, FLOAT Bw); VOID D3DMath_QuaternionSlerp(FLOAT& Qx, FLOAT& Qy, FLOAT& Qz, FLOAT& Qw, FLOAT Ax, FLOAT Ay, FLOAT Az, FLOAT Aw, FLOAT Bx, FLOAT By, FLOAT Bz, FLOAT Bw, FLOAT fAlpha);
#endif // D3DMATH_H