#ifndef __MAPISEND_H
#define __MAPISEND_H
/* File: mapisend.h
Description: Implements the most basic MAPI email client to send a message to one or more recipients. All operations are done without UI.
classes: CMapiSession CMapiMessage CMapiMessageBody CMapiRecipients MAPI
Revision History:
Date Description Programmer -------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- 06/18/97 Initial creation. BrianAu 06/22/97 Added class MAPI so clients can dynamically link BrianAu to MAPI32.DLL. */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#ifndef _WINDOWS_
# include <windows.h>
#ifndef MAPIX_H
# include <mapix.h>
#ifndef _MAPIUTIL_H_
# include <mapiutil.h>
#ifndef MAPITAGS_H
# include <mapitags.h>
// This class allows a MAPI client to dynamically link to MAPI32.DLL instead
// of statically linking to it. This can help performance in that loading
// MAPI is explicitly controlled. The following example shows how to use
// the class.
// MAPI mapi;
// HRESULT hr;
// hr = mapi.Load(); // This calls LoadLibrary on MAPI32.DLL.
// if SUCCEEDED(hr))
// {
// hr = mapi.Initialize(NULL);
// if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// {
// hr = mapi.LogonEx(0, // Hwnd for any UI.
// NULL, // Profile name.
// NULL, // Password.
// dwLogonFlags, // Flags
// &pSession); // Session obj ptr (out).
// if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// {
// //
// // Use MAPI interfaces.
// //
// }
// mapi.Uninitialize();
// }
// mapi.Unload(); // This calls FreeLibrary for MAPI32.DLL
// }
// Function pointer typedefs for some MAPI functions.
// Used for defining function pointers in class MAPI.
// HrQueryAllRows
typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE MAPIHRQUERYALLROWS)( LPMAPITABLE lpTable, LPSPropTagArray lpPropTags, LPSRestriction lpRestriction, LPSSortOrderSet lpSortOrderSet, LONG crowsMax, LPSRowSet FAR *lppRows);
// FreePadrlist
// FreeProws
class MAPI { public: MAPI(VOID); ~MAPI(VOID);
HRESULT LogonEx( ULONG ulUIParam, LPTSTR lpszProfileName, LPTSTR lpszPassword, FLAGS flFlags, LPMAPISESSION FAR * lppSession);
HRESULT Initialize( LPVOID lpMapiInit);
VOID Uninitialize(VOID);
SCODE AllocateBuffer( ULONG cbSize, LPVOID FAR * lppBuffer);
SCODE AllocateMore( ULONG cbSize, LPVOID lpObject, LPVOID FAR * lppBuffer);
ULONG FreeBuffer( LPVOID lpBuffer);
HRESULT HrQueryAllRows( LPMAPITABLE lpTable, LPSPropTagArray lpPropTags, LPSRestriction lpRestriction, LPSSortOrderSet lpSortOrderSet, LONG crowsMax, LPSRowSet FAR *lppRows);
VOID FreePadrlist(LPADRLIST lpAdrlist);
VOID FreeProws(LPSRowSet lpRows);
private: static LONG m_cLoadCount; static HINSTANCE m_hmodMAPI; static LPMAPIINITIALIZE m_pfnInitialize; static LPMAPILOGONEX m_pfnLogonEx; static LPMAPIUNINITIALIZE m_pfnUninitialize; static LPMAPIALLOCATEBUFFER m_pfnAllocateBuffer; static LPMAPIALLOCATEMORE m_pfnAllocateMore; static LPMAPIFREEBUFFER m_pfnFreeBuffer; static LPMAPIHRQUERYALLROWS m_pfnHrQueryAllRows; static LPMAPIFREEPADRLIST m_pfnFreePadrlist; static LPMAPIFREEPROWS m_pfnFreeProws;
// Prevent copy.
MAPI(const MAPI& rhs); MAPI& operator = (const MAPI& rhs); };
// CMapiRecipients
// Hides the grossness of adding entries and properties to a MAPI
// address list.
class CMapiRecipients { public: CMapiRecipients(BOOL bUnicode = TRUE); ~CMapiRecipients(VOID);
CMapiRecipients(const CMapiRecipients& rhs); CMapiRecipients& operator = (const CMapiRecipients& rhs);
// Does the address list contain unicode names?
BOOL IsUnicode(VOID) { return m_bUnicode; } //
// Add a recipient to the address list.
HRESULT AddRecipient(LPCTSTR pszEmailName, DWORD dwType); //
// Return a count of entries in the address list.
INT Count(VOID) const;
// Make it easy to use a CMapiRecipients object in calls to MAPI
// functions taking an LPADRLIST. Do note however that by
// giving a MAPI function direct access to the address list,
// you circumvent the automatic growth function built into this
// class. This conversion capability is generally intended for
// resolving names (which modifies the list but doesn't add entries)
// or for read access to the list.
operator LPADRLIST() const { return m_pal; } private: LPADRLIST m_pal; // Ptr to actual address list.
UINT m_cMaxEntries; // Size of list (max entries)
BOOL m_bUnicode; // Contains Ansi or Unicode names?
static UINT m_cGrowIncr; // How many entries we grow by each time.
HRESULT Grow( UINT cEntries);
HRESULT CopyAdrListEntry( ADRENTRY& Dest, ADRENTRY& Src, BOOL bConvertStrings);
HRESULT CopySPropVal( LPVOID pvBaseAlloc, SPropValue& Dest, SPropValue& Src, BOOL bConvertStrings);
HRESULT CopyVarLengthSPropVal( LPVOID pvBaseAlloc, LPVOID *ppvDest, LPVOID pvSrc, INT cb);
HRESULT CopySPropValString( LPVOID pvBaseAlloc, LPSTR *ppszDestA, LPCWSTR pszSrcW);
HRESULT CopySPropValString( LPVOID pvBaseAlloc, LPWSTR *ppszDestW, LPCSTR pszSrcA); };
// CMapiMessageBody
// Encapsulates the addition of text into a MAPI message body.
// Maintains body text in an OLE stream so that we can easily append
// text as needed. Provides formatted text input through Append().
class CMapiMessageBody { public: CMapiMessageBody(VOID); ~CMapiMessageBody(VOID);
CMapiMessageBody(const CMapiMessageBody& rhs); CMapiMessageBody& operator = (const CMapiMessageBody& rhs);
// Append text to the stream.
HRESULT Append(LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...); HRESULT Append(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idFmt, ...); HRESULT Append(LPCTSTR pszFmt, va_list *pargs); HRESULT Append(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idFmt, va_list *pargs);
BOOL IsValid(VOID) { return NULL != m_pStg && NULL != m_pStm; }
operator LPSTREAM() { return m_pStm; }
operator LPSTORAGE() { return m_pStg; }
private: LPSTORAGE m_pStg; LPSTREAM m_pStm;
HRESULT CommonConstruct(VOID); };
// CMapiMessage
class CMapiMessage { public: CMapiMessage(LPMAPIFOLDER pFolder); CMapiMessage(LPMAPIFOLDER pFolder, CMapiMessageBody& body, LPCTSTR pszSubject = NULL); ~CMapiMessage(VOID);
// Set the message's subject line.
HRESULT SetSubject(LPCTSTR pszSubject); //
// Append a line of text to the message body.
HRESULT Append(LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...); HRESULT Append(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idFmt, ...); //
// Set the message's recipient list.
HRESULT SetRecipients(LPADRLIST pAdrList); //
// Set props on a message.
HRESULT SetProps(ULONG cValues, LPSPropValue lpPropArray, LPSPropProblemArray *lppProblems); //
// Save property changes.
HRESULT SaveChanges(ULONG ulFlags); //
// Send the message.
// Assumes address list is completely resolved.
HRESULT Send(LPADRLIST pAdrList = NULL); private: LPMESSAGE m_pMsg; CMapiMessageBody m_body;
HRESULT CommonConstruct(LPMAPIFOLDER pFolder);
// Prevent copy.
CMapiMessage(const CMapiMessage& rhs); CMapiMessage& operator = (const CMapiMessage& rhs); };
// CMapiSession
// Encapsulates a basic MAPI session for sending very simple text
// messages.
class CMapiSession { public: CMapiSession(VOID); ~CMapiSession(VOID);
// Log on to MAPI, open the default store and open the outbox.
// If this succeeds, you're ready to send messages. The dtor
// will close everything down.
HRESULT Initialize(VOID); //
// Send a message to a list of recipients.
HRESULT Send(LPADRLIST pAdrList, LPCTSTR pszSubject, LPCTSTR pszMsg); HRESULT Send(LPADRLIST pAdrList, LPCTSTR pszSubject, CMapiMessageBody& body); HRESULT Send(LPADRLIST pAdrList, CMapiMessage& msg); //
// Get pointer to the address book.
HRESULT GetAddressBook(LPADRBOOK *ppAdrBook); //
// Get pointer to outbox folder.
HRESULT GetOutBoxFolder(LPMAPIFOLDER *ppOutBoxFolder); //
// Resolve a list of adresses.
HRESULT ResolveAddresses(LPADRLIST pAdrList); //
// Get name of current session user.
HRESULT GetSessionUser(LPSPropValue *ppProps, ULONG *pcbProps); //
// Report MAPI errors returned by some MAPI API calls.
// The error information is returned in a MAPIERROR
// structure.
VOID ReportErrorsReturned(HRESULT hr, BOOL bLogEvent = FALSE);
private: LPMAPISESSION m_pSession; // Ptr to MAPI session object.
LPMDB m_pDefMsgStore; // Ptr to MAPI default msg store obj.
LPMAPIFOLDER m_pOutBoxFolder; // Ptr to MAPI outbox folder object.
BOOL m_bMapiInitialized; // Has MAPI been initialized?
HRESULT OpenDefMsgStore(VOID); HRESULT OpenOutBoxFolder(VOID);
// Prevent copy.
CMapiSession(const CMapiSession& rhs); CMapiSession& operator = (const CMapiSession& rhs); };
#endif //__MAPISEND_H