File : Phone.CPP */
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <ATK_RAS.H>
#include "cntryinf.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "phonebk.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "rw_common.h"
#define TYPE_SIGNUP_ANY 0x82
#define MASK_SIGNUP_ANY 0xB2
#define MAX_BUFFER 1024 * 5
// This function expands and substitutes Environment variable
// in input string
static void GetAbsolutePath( LPTSTR input,LPTSTR output) { if(_tcschr(input,_T('%')) == NULL) { _tcscpy(output, input); return ; }
if(input[0] == _T('%')) { LPTSTR token = _tcstok(input,_T("%")); if(token != NULL) { LPTSTR sztemp; sztemp = _tgetenv( token ); if(sztemp != NULL) { _tcscpy(output ,sztemp); } token = _tcstok(NULL,_T("\0")); if(token != NULL) { _tcscat(output ,token); } } } else { LPTSTR token = _tcstok(input,_T("%")); if(token != NULL) { _tcscpy(output ,token); token = _tcstok(NULL,_T("%")); if(token != NULL) { LPTSTR sztemp; sztemp = _tgetenv( token ); if(sztemp != NULL) { _tcscat(output ,sztemp); } token = _tcstok(NULL,_T("\0")); if(token != NULL) { _tcscat(output ,token); } } } } GetAbsolutePath(output,output); }
class DUNFileProcess { public : DUNFileProcess(HINSTANCE hIns, TCHAR *czFile); //~DUNFileProcess();
DWORD CreateRasEntry( RASENTRY *pRasEntry, // Pointer of the RASENTRY structre to be created
LPTSTR szUserName, // User name of the ISP
LPTSTR szPassword); // Password for the ISP
HINSTANCE m_hInstance; TCHAR m_szDUNFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR m_szDunEntry[MAX_ALTERNATES][MAX_DUN_ENTRYNAME]; TCHAR * GetDunFileRoot(); TCHAR * GetFromResource(int iResId);
DUNFileProcess :: DUNFileProcess (HINSTANCE hIns, TCHAR *czFileName) { m_hInstance = hIns; _tcscpy(m_szDUNFile,GetDunFileRoot()); _tcscat(m_szDUNFile, _T("\\")); _tcscat(m_szDUNFile,czFileName); }
// This gets the directory from where the ICWIP.DUN can be found
// The default is the C:\Progra~1\ICW-IN~1\\ //
TCHAR * DUNFileProcess :: GetDunFileRoot() { HKEY hKey; LONG regStatus; TCHAR czTemp[256]; //TCHAR uszRegKey[]="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\ICWCONN1.EXE";
//TCHAR uszR[ ]= "Path";
DWORD dwInfoSize; static TCHAR szDunRoot[256] = _T("c:\\Progra~1\\ICW-IN~1\\");
dwInfoSize = 256; regStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GetFromResource(IDS_ICW_DIRECTORY_ENTRY), 0,KEY_READ ,&hKey); if (regStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get The Path
dwInfoSize = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueEx(hKey, GetFromResource(IDS_ICW_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_VALUE), NULL,0, (LPBYTE) czTemp, &dwInfoSize); GetAbsolutePath(czTemp,szDunRoot); size_t sLen = _tcslen(szDunRoot); szDunRoot[sLen-1] = _T('\0'); } else { ; } return szDunRoot;
TCHAR * DUNFileProcess ::GetFromResource(int iResId) { static int iCount=0; if(iCount == MAX_ALTERNATES ) { iCount = 0; } LoadString(m_hInstance,iResId,m_szDunEntry[iCount], MAX_DUN_ENTRYNAME); return m_szDunEntry[iCount++]; }
void FillIpAddress1(_TCHAR *czStr, RASIPADDR * pRE ) { _TCHAR czTemp[4]; int iCount=0; int iIndex=0; int Location =0; for(int Addr=0; Addr< 4; Addr++) { iCount = 0; for( ;czStr[iIndex] !=_T('.') && iCount <3; ) { czTemp[iCount] = czStr[iIndex]; iCount += _tcslen( czTemp + iCount ); iIndex += _tcslen( czStr + iIndex );
} iIndex += _tcslen( czStr + iIndex ); czTemp[iCount] = _T('\0'); switch(Addr) { case 0: pRE->a = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; case 1: pRE->b = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; case 2: pRE->c = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; case 3: pRE->d = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; default: break; } }
void FillIpAddress(_TCHAR *czStr, RASIPADDR * pRE ) { _TCHAR czTemp[4]; int iCount=0; int iIndex=0; int Location =0; for(int Addr=0; Addr< 4; Addr++) { iCount = 0; for( ;czStr[iIndex] != _T('.') && iCount <3; ) { czTemp[iCount++] = czStr[iIndex]; iIndex++;
} iIndex++; czTemp[iCount] = _T('\0'); switch(Addr) { case 0: pRE->a = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; case 1: pRE->b = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; case 2: pRE->c = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; case 3: pRE->d = (BYTE) _ttoi(czTemp); break; default: break; } }
// Returns 1 if successful
// 0 failure
DWORD DUNFileProcess :: CreateRasEntry( RASENTRY *pRasEntry, LPTSTR szUserName, LPTSTR szPassword) { TCHAR szSection[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szScript[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szWinPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRead;
pRasEntry->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);
pRasEntry->dwfOptions = RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes | RASEO_ModemLights;
// Framing
pRasEntry->dwFrameSize = 0; _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szScript, _T(""));
// Auto-Dial
_tcscpy(pRasEntry->szAutodialDll, _T("")); _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szAutodialFunc, _T(""));
// Device
_tcscpy(pRasEntry->szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem); // _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szDeviceName, GetModemDeviceInformation(m_hInstance));
// The Modem entry will be created before creating the Phone book entry
// X.25
_tcscpy(pRasEntry->szX25PadType, _T("")); _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szX25Address, _T("")); _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szX25Facilities, _T("")); _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szX25UserData, _T("")); pRasEntry->dwChannels = 0;
// Phone
_tcscpy(szSection,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_PHONE_SECTION)); // Area Code
DWORD dwAreaCode = GetPrivateProfileInt (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_PHONE_AREACODE), 0, m_szDUNFile); _tprintf(pRasEntry->szAreaCode, "%d", dwAreaCode); // Country Code
pRasEntry->dwCountryCode = GetPrivateProfileInt (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_PHONE_COUNTRY), 1, m_szDUNFile); RW_DEBUG <<"\n Country Code " << pRasEntry->dwCountryCode; pRasEntry->dwCountryID = GetPrivateProfileInt (szSection, _T("Country_ID"), 1, m_szDUNFile);
RW_DEBUG <<"\n Country ID " << pRasEntry->dwCountryID; //
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_PHONE_DIALAS), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); pRasEntry->dwAlternateOffset=0;
// TODO : Set Phone No from Phone Book
_tcscpy(pRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber,_T("")); // Server
// Framing Protocol
_tcscpy(szSection,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_SECTION)); GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_TYPE), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_TYPE_PPP), // PPP
szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile);
if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_TYPE_PPP))) { pRasEntry->dwFramingProtocol = RASFP_Ppp; }
// SW Compression
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_SW_COMPRESS), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile);
if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfOptions |=RASEO_SwCompression; } // Negociate TCP
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_TCPIP), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile);
if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfNetProtocols = RASNP_Ip; }
// Disable LCP
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_SERVER_LCP), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfOptions |=RASEO_DisableLcpExtensions; }
_tcscpy(szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_SECTION)); GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_IPADDRESS), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_NO), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile);
if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfOptions |=RASEO_SpecificIpAddr; }
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_SERVERADDRESS), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_NO), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfOptions |=RASEO_SpecificNameServers; }
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_HEADERCOMPRESSION), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_NO), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfOptions |=RASEO_IpHeaderCompression; }
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_GATEWAY), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_NO), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) { pRasEntry->dwfOptions |=RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway; }
GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_SERVERADDRESS), GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_NO), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if(!_tcsicmp(szValue,GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_VALUE_YES))) {
dwRead = GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_DNS), _T("0"), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if( dwRead >2) { FillIpAddress(szValue,&pRasEntry->ipaddrDns); } //
// Get The Secondary Address
dwRead = GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_TCP_DNS_ALT), _T("0"), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); if(dwRead > 2) { FillIpAddress(szValue,&pRasEntry->ipaddrDnsAlt); } }
// User Section
_tcscpy(szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_USER_SECTION)); GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_USER_NAME), _T(""), szUserName, MAX_PATH, m_szDUNFile); GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, GetFromResource(IDS_DUN_USER_PASSWORD), _T(""), szPassword, MAX_PATH, m_szDUNFile);
// Scripting
_tcscpy(szSection, _T("Scripting")); GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, _T("Name"), _T(""), szScript, MAX_PATH, m_szDUNFile);
if ( lstrcmpi(szScript, _T("") ) != 0 ) { if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szWinPath, MAX_PATH) ) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n CreateRasEntry : Error 1- Fail to Get Windows Directory" << flush; #endif
return TRUE; } //APPCOMPAT:Needs specail procesing for win9x
if ( _T('\\') != szWinPath[_tcslen(szWinPath)-1]) { lstrcat(szWinPath,_T("\\")); } lstrcat(szWinPath,szScript); lstrcpy(szScript,szWinPath); if (_tcslen(szScript) >=MAX_PATH) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n CreateRasEntry : Error 1- Script File Path too long" << flush; #endif
return TRUE; }
// Script_File
TCHAR szScriptBuffer[MAX_BUFFER]; _tcscpy(szSection, _T("Script_File")); GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, NULL, _T(""), szScriptBuffer, MAX_BUFFER, m_szDUNFile);
// Create the .SCP File and Dump the script data
PTSTR pKey=szScriptBuffer; HANDLE fileHandle = CreateFile(pRasEntry->szScript, GENERIC_WRITE,0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Load DUN Strings : Error 1- Fail to create Script File " << flush; #endif
return TRUE; }
BOOL bWrite = TRUE; DWORD numWrite; while (*pKey && bWrite) { GetPrivateProfileString (szSection, pKey , _T(""), szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR), m_szDUNFile); _tcscat(szValue, _T("\x0d\x0a")); #ifdef _UNICODE
char *czP; czP = ConvertToANSIString(szValue); bWrite = WriteFile(fileHandle, czP, strlen(czP)*sizeof(char), &numWrite, 0); #else
bWrite = WriteFile(fileHandle, szValue, _tcslen(szValue)*sizeof(_TCHAR), &numWrite, 0); #endif
while (*pKey) { pKey = _tcsinc(pKey); } pKey = _tcsinc(pKey); } CloseHandle(fileHandle); return TRUE; }
int GetDeaultCfgAreaCode(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD *CountryCode, DWORD *AreaCode) { HKEY hKey; TCHAR szTel[256] = _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\Locations"); TCHAR szCI [48] = _T("CurrentID"); TCHAR szNE [48] = _T("NumEntries"); TCHAR szID [48] = _T("ID"); TCHAR szCountryReg[48] = _T("Country"); _TCHAR szAreaCodeReg[48]; _TCHAR czLastStr[48]; _TCHAR czNewKey[256]; _TCHAR szAreaCode[48]; DWORD dwCurrentId; DWORD dwNumEntries; DWORD dwId;
LONG lStatus; DWORD dwInfoSize = 48; DWORD dwAreaCode = 0; int iRetValue; iRetValue =0; *CountryCode=1; // Default USA
*AreaCode = 1; // Default Area Code
LoadString(hInstance,IDS_TELEPHONE_LOC,szTel,256); LoadString(hInstance,IDS_TELEPHONE_CID,szCI,48); LoadString(hInstance,IDS_TELEPHONE_NENT,szNE,48); LoadString(hInstance,IDS_TELEPHONE_ID,szID,48); LoadString(hInstance,IDS_TELEPHONE_COUNTRY,szCountryReg,48);
lStatus= RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szTel,0,KEY_READ,&hKey); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get Index
dwInfoSize = sizeof(dwCurrentId); lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,szCI,NULL,0,( LPBYTE )&dwCurrentId,&dwInfoSize); if( lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return iRetValue; } //
/*dwInfoSize = sizeof(dwNumEntries);
lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,szNE,NULL,0,( LPBYTE )&dwNumEntries,&dwInfoSize); if( lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return iRetValue; }*/ RegCloseKey(hKey);
// Now Contine to scan
//for (int iCount =0; iCount < dwNumEntries; iCount ++ )
_stprintf(czLastStr,_T("\\Location%d"),dwCurrentId); _tcscpy(czNewKey,szTel); _tcscat(czNewKey,czLastStr);
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n RegKey Location:"<< czNewKey << flush; #endif
lStatus= RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,czNewKey,0,KEY_READ,&hKey);
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwInfoSize = sizeof(dwCurrentId); /* lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,szID,NULL,0,( LPBYTE )&dwId,&dwInfoSize);
if( lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) if(dwId == dwCurrentId) dwInfoSize = sizeof(dwCurrentId);; */ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,szCountryReg,NULL,0,( LPBYTE )CountryCode,&dwInfoSize);
LoadString(hInstance,IDS_TAPI_AREA_CODE,szAreaCodeReg,48); dwInfoSize = 48; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,szAreaCodeReg,NULL,0,( LPBYTE )szAreaCode,&dwInfoSize); if( lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *AreaCode = _ttol(szAreaCode); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); return dwAreaCode; } return iRetValue; }
// returns 0 if Error
// 1 if Succesful
DWORD GetRASEntries(HINSTANCE hInstance, RASENTRY *pRasEntry, LPTSTR szUserName, LPTSTR szPassword) { HKEY hKey; DWORD_PTR dwPhoneID; DWORD dwCountry; DWORD dwCountryCode; DWORD dwAreaCode = 0; TCHAR szResEntry[256];
dwPhoneID = 0;
// Presently this string is not passed as the Phone bokk is
// still not a UNICODE version CXG 6-0497
HRESULT hr = PhoneBookLoad("MSICW", &dwPhoneID); if (!dwPhoneID) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn: GetRasEntries : Error-1 Unable to locate MSN.ISP " << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } //if (!GetTapiCurrentCountry(m_hInst, &dwCountry)) { on6/4/97
if (!GetTapiCurrentCountry(hInstance, &dwCountry)) {
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn: GetRasEntries : Error-2 Unable To Get Country Code " << flush; #endif
return FALSE ; } #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn: GetRasEntries : Get Current Country " << dwCountry << flush; #endif
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn: GetRasEntries : GetDeaultCfgAreaCode Country " << dwCountryCode << "Area " << dwAreaCode << flush; RW_DEBUG << "\n Country ID: " << dwCountry << flush; #endif
SUGGESTINFO SuggestInfo; SuggestInfo.dwCountryID = dwCountry; SuggestInfo.bMask = MASK_SIGNUP_ANY; SuggestInfo.fType = TYPE_SIGNUP_ANY; SuggestInfo.wAreaCode = dwAreaCode; SuggestInfo.wNumber = 1; int nIndex = PhoneBookSuggestNumbers(dwPhoneID, &SuggestInfo); if (nIndex != 0) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn: GetRasEntries : Error-3 In Phone Suggest Number" << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } PACCESSENTRY m_rgAccessEntry = *(SuggestInfo.rgpAccessEntry); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn: GetRasEntries : Phone Book Suggestions " << flush; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t Index " << m_rgAccessEntry->dwIndex ; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t Phone Number Type " << m_rgAccessEntry->fType; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t StateId " << m_rgAccessEntry->wStateID; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t CountryId " << m_rgAccessEntry->dwCountryID; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t AreaCode " << m_rgAccessEntry->dwAreaCode ; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t CityName " << m_rgAccessEntry-> szCity; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t Access Number " << m_rgAccessEntry->szAccessNumber; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t Actual Area Code " << m_rgAccessEntry->szAreaCode << flush; #endif
//BOOL FillRASEntries(RASENTRY *pRasEntry);
DUNFileProcess dfp(hInstance, ConvertToUnicode(m_rgAccessEntry->szDataCenter)); if(!dfp.CreateRasEntry(pRasEntry,szUserName,szPassword)) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n GetRas Entries -Error 4 : Processinfg DUN File " << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } pRasEntry->dwCountryID = dwCountry; GetCountryCodeUsingTapiId(dwCountryCode,&dwCountryCode) ; pRasEntry->dwCountryCode =dwCountryCode;
_tcscpy(pRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, ConvertToUnicode(m_rgAccessEntry->szAccessNumber)); _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szAreaCode,ConvertToUnicode(m_rgAccessEntry->szAreaCode));
RW_DEBUG << "\n Counntry ID " <<pRasEntry->dwCountryID << " Country Code " << pRasEntry->dwCountryCode << flush;
RW_DEBUG << "\n AreaCode: " << ConvertToANSIString(pRasEntry->szAreaCode); RW_DEBUG << "Local No Real: " << m_rgAccessEntry->szAccessNumber << flush; RW_DEBUG << "Local No: " << ConvertToANSIString(pRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber) << flush;
return TRUE; }
DWORD ConfigureDUN ( HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInstance, RASENTRY *pRasEntry, TCHAR *szUserName, TCHAR *szPassword, int iModemIndex) { DWORD dwEntrySize; DWORD dwRet; // Prepare RASENTRY for Dial-up
if(!GetRASEntries(hInstance, pRasEntry, szUserName, szPassword) ) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Fn : ConfigureDUN : Error3 Error Getting Ras Entries " << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } _tcscpy(pRasEntry->szDeviceName, GetModemDeviceInformation(hInstance, iModemIndex));
#ifdef _WIN95
// remove Old entry
// Verify if name exists in Registry
// if so remove the name from Registry
HANDLE hRegKey ; LONG regStatus; DWORD dwInfoSize; char szParam[512];
regStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "RemoteAccess\\Addresses",0, KEY_READ,&hRegKey); if (regStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Key Exists so search if REG WIZ exists
dwInfoSize = 512; regStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey,RAS_ENTRY_NAME,NULL,0, (unsigned char*) szParam,&dwInfoSize); if (regStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // The Key Exits So delete the Entry
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\nRegistry Entry found " << RAS_ENTRY_NAME << " and Deleting the Entry " << flush; #endif
} RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
} #else
ATK_RasDeleteEntry(NULL,RAS_ENTRY_NAME); #endif
dwEntrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\nAfter Ras Get Properties :"; RW_DEBUG << "\n\t Device Name " << ConvertToANSIString(pRasEntry->szDeviceName) << flush; #endif
dwRet = ATK_RasSetEntryProperties( NULL, RAS_ENTRY_NAME, pRasEntry, dwEntrySize , NULL, 0); if(dwRet == ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PHONEBOOK ) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\nFun ConfigureDUN : ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PHONEBOOK " << dwRet << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } else if(dwRet == ERROR_BUFFER_INVALID ) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\nFun ConfigureDUN : ERROR_BUFFER_INVALID " << dwRet << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } else if(dwRet) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n ConfigureDUN : Unknown/Undocumented Error " << dwRet << flush; #endif
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }