// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: WarningDialog.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// Class to manage dialog presentation for warnings and errors on termination
// of bad applications.
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// 2000-11-06 vtan moved from fusapi to fussrv
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _X86_
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "WarningDialog.h"
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "ContextActivation.h"
static const int TEMP_STRING_SIZE = 512; static const int PROGRESS_TIMER_ID = 48517;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::CWarningDialog
// Arguments: hInstance = HINSTANCE of the hosting DLL.
// hwndParent = HWND of the parenting window/dialog.
// pszApplication = Path to the application known to be bad.
// pszUser = User of the application known to be bad.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CWarningDialog. This stores the static
// parameters and converts the path to a friendly display name
// using shlwapi!SHGetFileDescriptionW. If the friendly display
// name cannot be obtained the executable name is used.
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWarningDialog::CWarningDialog (HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hwndParent, const WCHAR *pszApplication, const WCHAR *pszUser) : _hInstance(hInstance), _hModuleComctlv6(NULL), _hwndParent(hwndParent), _hwnd(NULL), _fCanShutdownApplication(false), _uiTimerID(0), _dwTickStart(0), _dwTickRefresh(0), _dwTickMaximum(0), _pszUser(pszUser)
{ UINT uiDisplayNameCount; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Borrow winlogon's manifest. This needs to be changed to a resource
// within the server dll.
static const TCHAR s_szLogonManifest[] = TEXT("WindowsLogon.manifest");
if (GetSystemDirectory(szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)) != 0) { if ((lstrlen(szPath) + sizeof('\\') + lstrlen(s_szLogonManifest)) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath)) { lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, s_szLogonManifest); CContextActivation::Create(szPath); } }
uiDisplayNameCount = ARRAYSIZE(_szApplication);
// If the path is quoted then remove the quotes.
if (pszApplication[0] == L'\"') { int i, iStart;
iStart = i = sizeof('\"'); while ((pszApplication[i] != L'\"') && (pszApplication[i] != L'\0')) { ++i; } lstrcpyW(szTemp, pszApplication + iStart); szTemp[i - iStart] = L'\0'; }
// Otherwise just copy the path as is.
else { lstrcpyW(szTemp, pszApplication); } if (SHGetFileDescriptionW(szTemp, NULL, NULL, _szApplication, &uiDisplayNameCount) == FALSE) { const WCHAR *pszFileName;
pszFileName = PathFindFileNameW(szTemp); if (pszFileName == NULL) { pszFileName = pszApplication; } (WCHAR*)lstrcpynW(_szApplication, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_szApplication)); }
// Bring in comctl32.dll while the manifest is active. This will
// bring in comctlv6.dll which will register its window classes so
// the dialogs can be themed.
if (CContextActivation::HasContext()) { CContextActivation context;
_hModuleComctlv6 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("comctl32.dll")); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::~CWarningDialog
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for CWarningDialog. Releases used resources.
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWarningDialog::~CWarningDialog (void)
{ if (_hModuleComctlv6 != NULL) { TBOOL(FreeLibrary(_hModuleComctlv6)); _hModuleComctlv6 = NULL; } CContextActivation::Destroy(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::ShowPrompt
// Arguments: fCanShutdownApplication = Decides which dialog to show.
// Returns: INT_PTR
// Purpose: Displays the appropriate warning dialog to the user based
// on their privilege level (fCanShutdownApplication).
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT_PTR CWarningDialog::ShowPrompt (bool fCanShutdownApplication)
{ CContextActivation context;
_fCanShutdownApplication = fCanShutdownApplication; return(DialogBoxParam(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(fCanShutdownApplication ? IDD_BADAPP_CLOSE : IDD_BADAPP_STOP), _hwndParent, PromptDialogProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this))); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::ShowFailure
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Shows the failure to shut down the application dialog on the
// assumption that the process cannot be terminated.
// History: 2000-09-01 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::ShowFailure (void)
{ WCHAR *pszTemp;
pszTemp = static_cast<TCHAR*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, TEMP_STRING_SIZE * 3 * sizeof(TCHAR))); if (pszTemp != NULL) { WCHAR *pszText, *pszCaption;
pszText = pszTemp + TEMP_STRING_SIZE; pszCaption = pszText + TEMP_STRING_SIZE; if ((LoadString(_hInstance, IDS_TERMINATEPROCESS_FAILURE, pszTemp, TEMP_STRING_SIZE) != 0) && (LoadString(_hInstance, IDS_WARNING_CAPTION, pszCaption, TEMP_STRING_SIZE) != 0)) { LPCTSTR pszArray[2]; CContextActivation context;
pszArray[0] = _szApplication; pszArray[1] = _pszUser; (DWORD)FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, pszTemp, 0, 0, pszText, TEMP_STRING_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<va_list*>(&pszArray)); (int)MessageBox(_hwndParent, pszText, pszCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pszTemp); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::ShowProgress
// Arguments: dwTickRefresh = Number of ticks for each refresh.
// dwTickMaximum = Number of ticks for the progress dialog.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Initializes the comctl32 progress control and invokes the
// dialogs for the progress. It's self terminating after the
// maximum number of ticks have been reached.
// History: 2000-11-04 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::ShowProgress (DWORD dwTickRefresh, DWORD dwTickMaximum)
{ CContextActivation context;
// Init comctl32 to get the progress control.
iccEx.dwSize = sizeof(iccEx); iccEx.dwICC = ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS; if (InitCommonControlsEx(&iccEx) != FALSE) { _dwTickRefresh = dwTickRefresh; _dwTickMaximum = dwTickMaximum; (INT_PTR)DialogBoxParam(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROGRESS), _hwndParent, ProgressDialogProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::CloseDialog
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Ends the current dialog (with IDCANCEL) if being shown. If
// there was a timing mechanism on the dialog then make sure it
// is visible for at least 2 seconds.
// History: 2000-11-04 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::CloseDialog (void)
{ if (_hwnd != NULL) { if (_dwTickStart != 0) { DWORD dwTickElapsed;
dwTickElapsed = GetTickCount() - _dwTickStart; if (dwTickElapsed < 2000) { Sleep(2000 - dwTickElapsed); } } TBOOL(EndDialog(_hwnd, IDCANCEL)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::CenterWindow
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND to center.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Centers the given (assumed top level) window on the primary
// monitor.
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::CenterWindow (HWND hwnd)
{ RECT rc;
TBOOL(GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc)); rc.left = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2; rc.top = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 3; TBOOL(SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOP, rc.left, rc.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE)); TBOOL(SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::Handle_Prompt_WM_INITDIALOG
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the dialog.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Initializes the strings in the text fields of the dialog. It
// uses the correct dialog for the access level.
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::Handle_Prompt_WM_INITDIALOG (HWND hwnd)
{ TCHAR *pszTemp1;
_hwnd = hwnd; pszTemp1 = static_cast<TCHAR*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, TEMP_STRING_SIZE * 2 * sizeof(TCHAR))); if (pszTemp1 != NULL) { TCHAR *pszTemp2; LPCTSTR pszArray[5];
pszTemp2 = pszTemp1 + TEMP_STRING_SIZE; if (_fCanShutdownApplication) { (UINT)GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_BADAPP_CLOSE, pszTemp1, TEMP_STRING_SIZE); pszArray[0] = pszArray[2] = pszArray[3] = pszArray[4] = _pszUser; pszArray[1] = _szApplication; (DWORD)FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, pszTemp1, 0, 0, pszTemp2, TEMP_STRING_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<va_list*>(&pszArray)); TBOOL(SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_BADAPP_CLOSE, pszTemp2)); } else { (UINT)GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_BADAPP_STOP, pszTemp1, TEMP_STRING_SIZE); pszArray[0] = pszArray[2] = _pszUser; pszArray[1] = _szApplication; (DWORD)FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, pszTemp1, 0, 0, pszTemp2, TEMP_STRING_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<va_list*>(&pszArray)); TBOOL(SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_BADAPP_STOP, pszTemp2)); } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pszTemp1); } _dwTickStart = 0; CenterWindow(hwnd); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::PromptDialogProc
// Arguments: See the platform SDK under DlgProc.
// Returns: See the platform SDK under DlgProc.
// Purpose: Handles messages to the dialog. IDOK and IDCANCEL are treated
// as IDCANCEL when incoming. IDC_BADAPP_CLOSEPROGRAM is treated
// as IDOK back to the caller. You must tab to the button or
// click on it to get the desired effect.
// History: 2000-08-31 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT_PTR CALLBACK CWarningDialog::PromptDialogProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
{ INT_PTR iResult; CWarningDialog *pThis;
pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWarningDialog*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER)); switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWarningDialog*>(lParam); (LONG_PTR)SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER, lParam); pThis->Handle_Prompt_WM_INITDIALOG(hwnd); iResult = TRUE; break; case WM_DESTROY: pThis->_hwnd = NULL; iResult = TRUE; break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case IDCANCEL: case IDOK: TBOOL(EndDialog(hwnd, IDCANCEL)); break; case IDC_BADAPP_CLOSEPROGRAM: TBOOL(EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK)); break; default: break; } iResult = TRUE; break; default: iResult = FALSE; break; } return(iResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::Handle_Progress_WM_INITDIALOG
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the dialog.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Initializes the strings in the text fields of the dialog.
// History: 2000-11-04 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::Handle_Progress_WM_INITDIALOG (HWND hwnd)
{ HWND hwndProgress; TCHAR *pszTemp1;
_hwnd = hwnd; pszTemp1 = static_cast<TCHAR*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, 2048 * sizeof(TCHAR))); if (pszTemp1 != NULL) { TCHAR *pszTemp2; LPCTSTR pszArray[2];
pszTemp2 = pszTemp1 + TEMP_STRING_SIZE; (UINT)GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS_CLOSE, pszTemp1, TEMP_STRING_SIZE); pszArray[0] = _szApplication; pszArray[1] = _pszUser; (DWORD)FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, pszTemp1, 0, 0, pszTemp2, TEMP_STRING_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<va_list*>(&pszArray)); TBOOL(SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS_CLOSE, pszTemp2)); (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pszTemp1); } CenterWindow(hwnd); hwndProgress = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS_PROGRESSBAR); if (hwndProgress != NULL) { (LRESULT)SendMessage(hwndProgress, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, _dwTickMaximum)); _uiTimerID = SetTimer(hwnd, PROGRESS_TIMER_ID, _dwTickRefresh, ProgressTimerProc); _dwTickStart = GetTickCount(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::Handle_Progress_WM_DESTROY
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the dialog.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Removes the timer from the associated progress dialog if one
// was created for the dialog.
// History: 2000-11-04 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWarningDialog::Handle_Progress_WM_DESTROY (HWND hwnd)
{ if (_uiTimerID != 0) { TBOOL(KillTimer(hwnd, _uiTimerID)); _uiTimerID = 0; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::ProgressTimerProc
// Arguments: See the platform SDK under TimerProc.
// Returns: See the platform SDK under TimerProc.
// Purpose: Timer procedure that it called back periodically. This
// function animates the progress bar by setting it's completion
// state to the amount of time that has elapsed. The progress
// bar is based purely on time.
// If the time elapsed exceeds the maximum time then end the
// dialog.
// History: 2000-11-04 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CALLBACK CWarningDialog::ProgressTimerProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime)
HWND hwndProgress; CWarningDialog *pThis;
pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWarningDialog*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER)); hwndProgress = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PROGRESS_PROGRESSBAR); if (hwndProgress != NULL) { (LRESULT)SendMessage(hwndProgress, PBM_SETPOS, dwTime - pThis->_dwTickStart, 0); if ((dwTime - pThis->_dwTickStart) > pThis->_dwTickMaximum) { TBOOL(EndDialog(hwnd, IDCANCEL)); } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWarningDialog::ProgressDialogProc
// Arguments: See the platform SDK under DlgProc.
// Returns: See the platform SDK under DlgProc.
// Purpose: Handles messages for the progress dialog.
// History: 2000-11-04 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT_PTR CALLBACK CWarningDialog::ProgressDialogProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
INT_PTR iResult; CWarningDialog *pThis;
pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWarningDialog*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER)); switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = reinterpret_cast<CWarningDialog*>(lParam); (LONG_PTR)SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER, lParam); pThis->Handle_Progress_WM_INITDIALOG(hwnd); iResult = TRUE; break; case WM_DESTROY: pThis->Handle_Progress_WM_DESTROY(hwnd); pThis->_hwnd = NULL; iResult = TRUE; break; default: iResult = FALSE; break; } return(iResult); }
#endif /* _X86_ */