#include "shellprv.h"
#include "EBalloon.h"
class CErrorBalloon { public: CErrorBalloon(); ~CErrorBalloon();
HRESULT ShowToolTip(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hwndTarget, const POINT *ppt, LPTSTR pszTitle, LPTSTR pszMessage, DWORD dwIconIndex, int iTimeout); void HideToolTip(BOOL fDestroy);
protected: HWND _CreateToolTipWindow(HWND hwnd); static LRESULT CALLBACK _SubclassTipProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uID, ULONG_PTR dwRefData); HWND _hwndTarget; // the targeted control hwnd
HWND _hwndToolTip; // the tooltip control
UINT_PTR _uTimerID; // the timer id
#define EB_WARNINGBELOW 0x00000000 // default value. Balloon tooltips will be shown below the window by default.
#define EB_WARNINGABOVE 0x00000004 // Ballon tooltips will be shown above the window by default.
#define EB_WARNINGCENTERED 0x00000008 // Ballon tooltips will be shown pointing to the center of the window.
CErrorBalloon::CErrorBalloon() { // our allocation function should have zeroed our memory. Check to make sure:
ASSERT(0==_hwndToolTip); ASSERT(0==_uTimerID); }
CErrorBalloon::~CErrorBalloon() { ASSERT(0==_hwndToolTip); ASSERT(0==_hwndTarget); }
LRESULT CALLBACK CErrorBalloon::_SubclassTipProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uID, ULONG_PTR dwRefData) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uID); CErrorBalloon * pthis = (CErrorBalloon*)dwRefData;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: // Never activate tooltip
pthis->HideToolTip(FALSE); return MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT;
case WM_DESTROY: pthis->HideToolTip(TRUE); delete pthis; break;
case WM_TIMER: if (wParam == ERRORBALLOONTIMERID) { pthis->HideToolTip(FALSE); return 0; } break;
default: break; }
return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
HRESULT CErrorBalloon::ShowToolTip(HINSTANCE hinst, HWND hwndTarget, const POINT *ppt, LPTSTR pszTitle, LPTSTR pszMessage, DWORD dwIconIndex, int iTimeout) { if (_hwndToolTip) { HideToolTip(FALSE); }
HWND hwnd = _CreateToolTipWindow(hwndTarget); if (hwnd) { int x, y; x = ppt->x; y = ppt->y;
SendMessage(hwnd, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, MAKELONG(x,y));
if (pszTitle) { SendMessage(hwnd, TTM_SETTITLE, (WPARAM)dwIconIndex, (LPARAM)pszTitle); }
TOOLINFO ti = {0}; ti.cbSize = TTTOOLINFOW_V2_SIZE; ti.hwnd = hwnd; ti.uId = 1; ti.lpszText = pszMessage; SendMessage(hwnd, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
// Show the tooltip
SendMessage(hwnd, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, (LPARAM)&ti);
_uTimerID = SetTimer(hwnd, ERRORBALLOONTIMERID, iTimeout, NULL);
if (SetWindowSubclass(hwnd, CErrorBalloon::_SubclassTipProc, (UINT_PTR)this, (LONG_PTR)this)) { _hwndToolTip = hwnd; return S_OK; }
// we blew the subclassing
DestroyWindow(hwnd); } return E_FAIL; }
// CreateToolTipWindow
// Creates our tooltip control. We share this one tooltip control and use it for all invalid
// input messages. The control is hiden when not in use and then shown when needed.
ASSERT(!_hwndToolTip); ASSERT(!_hwndTarget);
if (hwnd) { TOOLINFO ti = {0};
ti.cbSize = TTTOOLINFOW_V2_SIZE; ti.uFlags = TTF_TRACK; ti.hwnd = hwnd; ti.uId = 1;
// set the version so we can have non buggy mouse event forwarding
SendMessage(hwnd, CCM_SETVERSION, COMCTL32_VERSION, 0); SendMessage(hwnd, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti); SendMessage(hwnd, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 300); // set tink-tink?
return hwnd; }
void CErrorBalloon::HideToolTip(BOOL fOnDestroy) { // When the timer fires we hide the tooltip window
if (fOnDestroy) { // we need to tear everything down
if (_uTimerID) { KillTimer(_hwndTarget, ERRORBALLOONTIMERID); _uTimerID = 0; } if (_hwndTarget) { // RemoveWindowSubclass(_hwndTarget, CErrorBalloon::_SubclassTargetProc, (UINT_PTR)this);
RemoveProp(_hwndTarget, L"ShellConditionalBalloon"); _hwndTarget = NULL; }
if (_hwndToolTip) { RemoveWindowSubclass(_hwndToolTip, CErrorBalloon::_SubclassTipProc, (UINT_PTR)this); SendMessage(_hwndToolTip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, FALSE, 0); _hwndToolTip = NULL; } } else DestroyWindow(_hwndToolTip); } #if 0
_GetTipPoint() { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hwndTarget, &rc); POINT pt; pt.x = (rc.left+rc.right)/2; if ( EB_WARNINGABOVE & dwFlags ) { pt.y = rc.top; } else if ( EB_WARNINGCENTERED & dwFlags ) { pt.y = (rc.top+rc.bottom)/2; } else { pt.y = rc.bottom; } } #endif
STDAPI SHShowConditionalBalloon(HWND hwnd, CBSHOW show, CONDITIONALBALLOON *pscb) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (hwnd) { CErrorBalloon *peb = (CErrorBalloon *) GetProp(hwnd, L"ShellConditionalBalloon"); if (show != CBSHOW_HIDE && pscb) { DWORD dw = 0; BOOL fShow = TRUE; HKEY hkSession = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(SHCreateSessionKey(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hkSession))) { fShow = (ERROR_SUCCESS != SHGetValue(hkSession, NULL, pscb->pszValue, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } // check cLimit
if (fShow && pscb->cLimit) { ASSERT(pscb->hKey); DWORD cb = sizeof(dw); SHGetValue(pscb->hKey, pscb->pszSubKey, pscb->pszValue, NULL, &dw, &cb); fShow = dw < pscb->cLimit; }
if (fShow) { // we need to show something
if (!peb) { peb = new CErrorBalloon(); if (peb && !SetProp(hwnd, L"ShellConditionalBalloon", peb)) { delete peb; peb = NULL; } }
if (peb) { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMessage[INFOTIPSIZE]; LoadString(pscb->hinst, pscb->idsTitle, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)); LoadString(pscb->hinst, pscb->idsMessage, szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage)); // Set the tooltip display point
//if (pscb->pt.x == -1 && pscb->pt.y == -1)
// _GetTipPoint(hwndTarget, &pscb->pt);
DWORD dwMSecs = pscb->dwMSecs; if (dwMSecs == 0) { // default to 1 sec / 10 chars;
dwMSecs = lstrlen(szMessage) * 100; if (dw == 0) dwMSecs *= 5; // first time put it up for a while
} hr = peb->ShowToolTip(pscb->hinst, hwnd, &pscb->pt, szTitle, szMessage, pscb->ttiIcon, dwMSecs); if (FAILED(hr)) { RemoveProp(hwnd, L"ShellConditionalBalloon"); delete peb; }
if (pscb->cLimit) { dw++; SHSetValueW(pscb->hKey, pscb->pszSubKey, pscb->pszValue, REG_DWORD, &dw, sizeof(dw)); } } } else hr = S_FALSE;
if (hkSession) { SHSetValueW(hkSession, NULL, pscb->pszValue, REG_NONE, NULL, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkSession); } } else if (peb) { peb->HideToolTip(FALSE); // we delete ourselves during WM_DESTROY
} } return hr; }