#include "shellprv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "mtpt.h"
#include "mtptl.h"
#include "mtptr.h"
#include "hwcmmn.h"
#include "cdburn.h"
#include "mixctnt.h"
#include "regsuprt.h"
// Misc comments:
// (1) Do a DoAutorun for all new drives except network ones. These will be
// generated externally...
// static
void CMountPoint::WantAutorunUI(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { int iDrive = DRIVEID(pszDrive);
CMountPoint::_dwRemoteDriveAutorun |= (1 << iDrive); }
BOOL _Shell32LoadedInDesktop() { static BOOL fLoadedInExplorer = -1;
if (-1 == fLoadedInExplorer) { fLoadedInExplorer = BOOLFROMPTR(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("EXPLORER.EXE"))); }
return fLoadedInExplorer; }
// static
void CMountPoint::OnNetShareArrival(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { _csDL.Enter();
if (!_fNetDrivesInited) { _InitNetDrives(); }
if (_fNetDrivesInited) { WCHAR szDriveNoSlash[] = TEXT("A:"); WCHAR szRemoteName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchRemoteName = ARRAYSIZE(szRemoteName); HRESULT hr; int iDrive = DRIVEID(pszDrive);
szDriveNoSlash[0] = *pszDrive;
DWORD dw = WNetGetConnection(szDriveNoSlash, szRemoteName, &cchRemoteName);
if (NO_ERROR == dw) { hr = CMtPtRemote::_CreateMtPtRemote(pszDrive, szRemoteName, TRUE); } else { DWORD dwGLD = GetLogicalDrives();
if (dwGLD & (1 << iDrive)) { // This must be a weird System mapped drive
// which WNet... fcts don't like
hr = CMtPtRemote::_CreateMtPtRemoteWithoutShareName(pszDrive); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_DRIVEADD, SHCNF_PATH, pszDrive, NULL);
if (CMountPoint::_dwRemoteDriveAutorun & (1 << iDrive)) { DoAutorun(pszDrive, AUTORUNFLAG_MTPTARRIVAL);
CMountPoint::_dwRemoteDriveAutorun &= ~(1 << iDrive); } } } }
// static
void CMountPoint::OnNetShareRemoval(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { _csDL.Enter();
if (!_fNetDrivesInited) { _InitNetDrives(); }
if (_fNetDrivesInited) { _RemoveNetMountPoint(pszDrive);
// There's a possibility that this net drive was covering a local drive
// with the same drive letter
CMountPoint* pmtpt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pszDrive);
if (pmtpt) { if (CMountPoint::_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive)) { CDBurn_OnDeviceChange(TRUE, pszDrive); } SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_DRIVEADD, SHCNF_PATH, pszDrive, NULL);
pmtpt->Release(); } } }
// static
void CMountPoint::OnMediaArrival(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { // Check if this local drive letter is not "covered" by a net
// drive letter
if (!_LocalDriveIsCoveredByNetDrive(pszDrive)) { BOOL fDriveLetter = CMountPoint::_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive);
if (fDriveLetter) { CDBurn_OnMediaChange(TRUE, pszDrive); }
// for now do it only for drive letter mounted stuff
if (fDriveLetter) { // Send one of these for all media arrival events
// for the non net case force these through right away to make those
// cd-rom autorun things come up faster
// static
void CMountPoint::OnMountPointArrival(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { // Check if this local drive letter is not "covered" by a net
// drive letter
if (!_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive)) { _rsMtPtsLocalMOF.RSSetTextValue(NULL, pszDrive, TEXT("")); }
if (!_LocalDriveIsCoveredByNetDrive(pszDrive)) { BOOL fDriveLetter = CMountPoint::_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive); LONG lEvent;
if (fDriveLetter) { CDBurn_OnDeviceChange(TRUE, pszDrive); lEvent = SHCNE_DRIVEADD; } else { lEvent = SHCNE_UPDATEITEM; }
SHChangeNotify(lEvent, SHCNF_PATH, pszDrive, NULL);
if (fDriveLetter) { // If the DBTF_MEDIA is not set, do not send this notification for CDROM
// or Removable as they may have come from a new device and not have any
// media in them. Also, when inserting a floppy drive (not media) in a
// laptop, this would pop up a window.
CMountPoint* pmtpt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pszDrive);
if (pmtpt) { if (pmtpt->_IsRemote() || pmtpt->_IsFixedDisk() || (pmtpt->_IsRemovableDevice() && !pmtpt->_IsFloppy())) { DoAutorun(pszDrive, AUTORUNFLAG_MTPTARRIVAL); }
pmtpt->Release(); } }
// for the non net case force these through right away to make those
// cd-rom autorun things come up faster
void _CloseAutoplayPrompt(LPCWSTR pszDriveOrDeviceID) { HWND hwnd;
if (_GetAutoplayPromptHWND(pszDriveOrDeviceID, &hwnd)) { _RemoveFromAutoplayPromptHDPA(pszDriveOrDeviceID);
EndDialog(hwnd, IDCANCEL); } }
// static
void CMountPoint::OnMediaRemoval(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { // Check if this local drive letter is not "covered" by a net
// drive letter
if (!_LocalDriveIsCoveredByNetDrive(pszDrive)) { if (CMountPoint::_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive)) { CDBurn_OnMediaChange(FALSE, pszDrive); }
_CloseAutoplayPrompt(pszDrive); } }
// static
void CMountPoint::OnMountPointRemoval(LPCWSTR pszDrive) { // Check if this local drive letter is not "covered" by a net
// drive letter
if (!_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive)) { _rsMtPtsLocalMOF.RSSetTextValue(NULL, pszDrive, TEXT("")); }
if (!_LocalDriveIsCoveredByNetDrive(pszDrive)) { LONG lEvent;
if (CMountPoint::_IsDriveLetter(pszDrive)) { CDBurn_OnDeviceChange(FALSE, pszDrive); lEvent = SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED; } else { lEvent = SHCNE_UPDATEITEM; }
SHChangeNotify(lEvent, SHCNF_PATH, pszDrive, NULL);
_CloseAutoplayPrompt(pszDrive); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// static
HRESULT CMountPoint::_MediaArrivalRemovalHelper(LPCWSTR pszDeviceIDVolume, BOOL fArrived) { ASSERT(!_csDL.IsInside());
HRESULT hr; HDPA hdpaPaths = DPA_Create(4);
if (hdpaPaths) { hr = _GetMountPointsForVolume(pszDeviceIDVolume, hdpaPaths);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { int n = DPA_GetPtrCount(hdpaPaths);
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { LPCWSTR pszMtPt = (LPCWSTR)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaPaths, i);
// We don't want to call OnMediaXxxal within the critical
// sections
if (fArrived) { CMountPoint::OnMediaArrival(pszMtPt); } else { CMountPoint::OnMediaRemoval(pszMtPt); }
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pszMtPt); DPA_DeletePtr(hdpaPaths, i); } }
DPA_Destroy(hdpaPaths); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
// static
HRESULT CMountPoint::_VolumeAddedOrUpdated(BOOL fAdded, VOLUMEINFO2* pvolinfo2) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; HDPA hdpaMtPtsOld = NULL; CVolume* pvolOld = NULL; CVolume* pvolNew = NULL; BOOL fMediaPresenceChanged = FALSE; BOOL fMediaArrived;
if (!fAdded) { // Updated
// That's a volume that some code might have a ptr to. We need to drop
// it from the list and create a new one.
hdpaMtPtsOld = DPA_Create(3);
if (hdpaMtPtsOld) { hr = CMtPtLocal::_GetAndRemoveVolumeAndItsMtPts( pvolinfo2->szDeviceIDVolume, &pvolOld, hdpaMtPtsOld); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// Common to Add and Update
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CMtPtLocal::_UpdateVolumeRegInfo2(pvolinfo2);
hr = CMtPtLocal::_CreateVolumeFromVOLUMEINFO2(pvolinfo2, &pvolNew); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!fAdded) { BOOL fLabelChanged;
if (lstrcmp(pvolOld->pszLabel, pvolNew->pszLabel)) { fLabelChanged = TRUE; } else { fLabelChanged = FALSE; }
if (hdpaMtPtsOld) { // Create new MtPts from old ones
int n = DPA_GetPtrCount(hdpaMtPtsOld);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { CMtPtLocal* pmtptl = (CMtPtLocal*)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaMtPtsOld, i);
if (pmtptl) { WCHAR szMountPoint[MAX_PATH];
HRESULT hrTmp = pmtptl->GetMountPointName(szMountPoint, ARRAYSIZE(szMountPoint));
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { CMtPtLocal::_CreateMtPtLocalWithVolume(szMountPoint, pvolNew); // for now don't care about return value
if (fLabelChanged) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER, SHCNF_PATH, szMountPoint, szMountPoint); }
if (pvolOld->dwMediaState != pvolNew->dwMediaState) { fMediaPresenceChanged = TRUE; fMediaArrived = !!(HWDMS_PRESENT & pvolNew->dwMediaState); } }
// Get rid of old mtptl
pmtptl->Release(); } }
SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE, SHCNF_DWORD, IntToPtr(pvolOld->iShellImageForUpdateImage), NULL);
DPA_Destroy(hdpaMtPtsOld); }
if (pvolOld) { pvolOld->Release(); } }
pvolNew->Release(); }
// Outside of the crit sect.
if (fMediaPresenceChanged) { _MediaArrivalRemovalHelper(pvolinfo2->szDeviceIDVolume, fMediaArrived); }
return hr; }
// In theory, we should do the same as for VolumeUpdated, i.e. remove the volume
// from the DPA and all the mtpts, so that code which already has a pointer to it,
// will not see a change. But the change we need to do is so tiny, that it would
// be overkill. We're just going to flip a bit.
// static
HRESULT CMountPoint::_VolumeMountingEvent(LPCWSTR pszDeviceIDVolume, DWORD dwEvent) { _csDL.Enter();
CVolume* pvol = CMtPtLocal::_GetVolumeByID(pszDeviceIDVolume);
if (pvol) { if (SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEDISMOUNTED == dwEvent) { pvol->dwVolumeFlags |= HWDVF_STATE_DISMOUNTED;
_MediaArrivalRemovalHelper(pszDeviceIDVolume, FALSE); } else { ASSERT(SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEMOUNTED == dwEvent);
pvol->dwVolumeFlags &= ~HWDVF_STATE_DISMOUNTED; }
pvol->Release(); }
return S_OK; } // static
HRESULT CMountPoint::_VolumeRemoved( LPCWSTR pszDeviceIDVolume) { CVolume* pvol = CMtPtLocal::_GetAndRemoveVolumeByID(pszDeviceIDVolume);
if (pvol) { CMtPtLocal::_rsVolumes.RSDeleteSubKey(pvol->pszVolumeGUID + OFFSET_GUIDWITHINVOLUMEGUID); // Final release
pvol->Release(); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CMountPoint::_MountPointAdded( LPCWSTR pszMountPoint, // "c:\", or "d:\MountFolder\"
LPCWSTR pszDeviceIDVolume)// \\?\STORAGE#Volume#...{...GUID...}
{ HRESULT hrCreateMtPt; BOOL fCallOnMountPointArrival = TRUE;
CVolume* pvol = CMtPtLocal::_GetVolumeByID(pszDeviceIDVolume);
CMtPtLocal* pMtPtLocal = CMountPoint::_rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[DRIVEID(pszMountPoint)];
if (pMtPtLocal && pMtPtLocal->_IsMiniMtPt()) { // The WM_DEVICECHANGE message beated us, do not do the notif
fCallOnMountPointArrival = FALSE; }
if (pvol) { hrCreateMtPt = CMtPtLocal::_CreateMtPtLocalWithVolume(pszMountPoint, pvol); }
if (pvol) { if (SUCCEEDED(hrCreateMtPt) && fCallOnMountPointArrival) { CMountPoint::OnMountPointArrival(pszMountPoint); }
pvol->Release(); } else { hrCreateMtPt = E_FAIL; }
return hrCreateMtPt; }
HRESULT CMountPoint::_MountPointRemoved( LPCWSTR pszMountPoint) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fCallOnMountPointRemoval = TRUE;
if (CMountPoint::_IsDriveLetter(pszMountPoint)) { CMtPtLocal* pmtptl = CMountPoint::_rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[DRIVEID(pszMountPoint)]; if (!pmtptl || pmtptl->_IsMiniMtPt()) { // The WM_DEVICECHANGE message beated us, do not do the notif
fCallOnMountPointRemoval = FALSE; } }
hr = CMountPoint::_RemoveLocalMountPoint(pszMountPoint);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fCallOnMountPointRemoval) { CMountPoint::OnMountPointRemoval(pszMountPoint); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CMountPoint::_DeviceAdded( LPCWSTR pszDeviceID, GUID guidDeviceID) { return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CMountPoint::_DeviceUpdated( LPCWSTR pszDeviceID) { return S_FALSE; }
// Both for devices and volumes
HRESULT CMountPoint::_DeviceRemoved( LPCWSTR pszDeviceID) { return S_FALSE; }
void CMountPoint::HandleMountPointNetEvent(LPCWSTR pszDrive, BOOL fArrival) { // These we need to send even if Shell Service is running
if (fArrival) { CMountPoint::OnNetShareArrival(pszDrive); } else { CMountPoint::OnNetShareRemoval(pszDrive); } }
struct HANDLEMOUNTPOINTLOCALEVENTSTRUCT { WCHAR szDrive[4]; // can only be drive letter
BOOL fMediaEvent; };
// static
if (phmle->fMediaEvent) { // Nothing to do, we're not doing anything fancy in safe boot
// mode, so no cache to reset, icons no change...
// This is common to both Shell Service and non-Shell Service
// notification, so do anything non Shell Service notif sepcific
// above
CMtPtLocal* pMtPtLocal = CMountPoint::_rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[DRIVEID(phmle->szDrive)];
if (pMtPtLocal) { fIsMiniMtPt = pMtPtLocal->_IsMiniMtPt(); }
if (fIsMiniMtPt) { HRESULT hr = SHCoInitialize();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CMountPoint::OnMediaArrival(phmle->szDrive); }
SHCoUninitialize(hr); } } else { _csDL.Enter();
CMtPtLocal* pMtPtLocal = CMountPoint::_rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[DRIVEID(phmle->szDrive)];
if (!pMtPtLocal) { // New local drive
CMtPtLocal::_CreateMtPtLocal(phmle->szDrive); }
// Can check if pMtMtLocal is NULL or not, but cannot use it
// might already have been freed.
if (!pMtPtLocal) { HRESULT hr = SHCoInitialize();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // See comment above (This is common...)
CMountPoint::OnMountPointArrival(phmle->szDrive); }
SHCoUninitialize(hr); } }
return 0; }
// fMedia: TRUE -> Media
// FALSE -> Drive
void CMountPoint::HandleMountPointLocalEvent(LPCWSTR pszDrive, BOOL fArrival, BOOL fMediaEvent) { if (fArrival) { // We might be racing with the shell service notification.
if (phmle) { lstrcpy(phmle->szDrive, pszDrive); phmle->fMediaEvent = fMediaEvent; if (!SHQueueUserWorkItem(HandleMountPointLocalEventThreadProc, phmle, 0, (DWORD_PTR)0, (DWORD_PTR*)NULL, NULL, 0)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)phmle); } } } else { if (fMediaEvent) { // Nothing to do, we're not doing anything fancy in safe boot
// mode, so no cache to reset, icons no change...
// See comment above (This is common...)
CMountPoint::OnMediaRemoval(pszDrive); } else { int iDrive = DRIVEID(pszDrive); BOOL fCallOnMountPointRemoval = TRUE;
if (_rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[iDrive]) { _rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[iDrive]->Release(); _rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[iDrive] = NULL; } else { fCallOnMountPointRemoval = FALSE; } _csDL.Leave();
// Can check if pMtMtLocal is NULL or not, but cannot use it
// might already have been freed.
if (fCallOnMountPointRemoval) { // See comment above (This is common...)
CMountPoint::OnMountPointRemoval(pszDrive); } } } }
void CMountPoint::HandleWMDeviceChange(ULONG_PTR code, DEV_BROADCAST_HDR* pbh) { if (DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME == pbh->dbch_devicetype) { if ((DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE == code) || (DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL == code)) { DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME* pbv = (DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME*)pbh; BOOL fIsNetEvent = !!(pbv->dbcv_flags & DBTF_NET); BOOL fIsMediaEvent = !!(pbv->dbcv_flags & DBTF_MEDIA);
for (int iDrive = 0; iDrive < 26; ++iDrive) { if ((1 << iDrive) & pbv->dbcv_unitmask) { TCHAR szPath[4];
if (DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL == code) { // Subst drive have the netevent flag on: bad.
PathBuildRoot(szPath, iDrive);
// Check if this is the arrival of a subst drive
if (DRIVE_REMOTE != GetDriveType(szPath)) { // Yep.
fIsNetEvent = FALSE; } else { fIsNetEvent = TRUE; } } else { _csDL.Enter();
CMtPtLocal* pMtPtLocal = CMountPoint::_rgMtPtDriveLetterLocal[iDrive]; if (pMtPtLocal) { fIsNetEvent = FALSE; }
_csDL.Leave(); }
if (fIsNetEvent) { HandleMountPointNetEvent(PathBuildRoot(szPath, iDrive), DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL == code); } else { HandleMountPointLocalEvent(PathBuildRoot(szPath, iDrive), DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL == code, fIsMediaEvent); } } } } } }
// static
void CMountPoint::NotifyUnavailableNetDriveGone(LPCWSTR pszMountPoint) { CMountPoint::_RemoveNetMountPoint(pszMountPoint); }
// static
void CMountPoint::NotifyReconnectedNetDrive(LPCWSTR pszMountPoint) { CMtPtRemote::_NotifyReconnectedNetDrive(pszMountPoint); }
// static
DWORD CALLBACK CMountPoint::_EventProc(void* pv) { SHHARDWAREEVENT* pshhe = (SHHARDWAREEVENT*)pv; BOOL fLocalDrivesInited;
fLocalDrivesInited = _fLocalDrivesInited;
// If the Local Drives info was not initialized there's nothing to update.
if (fLocalDrivesInited) { switch (pshhe->dwEvent) { case SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEARRIVED: case SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEUPDATED: { VOLUMEINFO2* pvolinfo2 = (VOLUMEINFO2*)pshhe->rgbPayLoad;
CMountPoint::_VolumeAddedOrUpdated( (SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEARRIVED == pshhe->dwEvent), pvolinfo2); break; } case SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEREMOVED: { LPCWSTR pszDeviceIDVolume = (LPCWSTR)pshhe->rgbPayLoad;
CMountPoint::_VolumeRemoved(pszDeviceIDVolume); break; } case SHHARDWAREEVENT_MOUNTPOINTARRIVED: { MTPTADDED* pmtptadded = (MTPTADDED*)pshhe->rgbPayLoad;
CMountPoint::_MountPointAdded(pmtptadded->szMountPoint, pmtptadded->szDeviceIDVolume); break; } case SHHARDWAREEVENT_MOUNTPOINTREMOVED: { LPCWSTR pszMountPoint = (LPCWSTR)pshhe->rgbPayLoad;
CMountPoint::_MountPointRemoved(pszMountPoint); break; } case SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEDISMOUNTED: case SHHARDWAREEVENT_VOLUMEMOUNTED: { LPCWSTR pszDeviceIDVolume = (LPCWSTR)pshhe->rgbPayLoad;
CMountPoint::_VolumeMountingEvent(pszDeviceIDVolume, pshhe->dwEvent); break; } } }
if (SHHARDWAREEVENT_DEVICEARRIVED == pshhe->dwEvent) { if (HWDDF_HASDEVICEHANDLER & phwdevinfo->dwDeviceFlags) { CCrossThreadFlag* pDeviceGoneFlag = new CCrossThreadFlag();
if (pDeviceGoneFlag) { if (pDeviceGoneFlag->Init()) { AttachGoneFlagForDevice(phwdevinfo->szDeviceIntfID, pDeviceGoneFlag);
DoDeviceNotification(phwdevinfo->szDeviceIntfID, TEXT("DeviceArrival"), pDeviceGoneFlag); }
pDeviceGoneFlag->Release(); } } } else { if (SHHARDWAREEVENT_DEVICEREMOVED == pshhe->dwEvent) { CCrossThreadFlag* pDeviceGoneFlag;
if (GetGoneFlagForDevice(phwdevinfo->szDeviceIntfID, &pDeviceGoneFlag)) { pDeviceGoneFlag->Signal(); pDeviceGoneFlag->Release(); }
_CloseAutoplayPrompt(phwdevinfo->szDeviceIntfID); } } LPITEMIDLIST pidl; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_DRIVES, &pidl))) { // wait for WIA to do its stuff
SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_UPDATEDIR, SHCNF_IDLIST, pidl, NULL); ILFree(pidl); } break; }
default: // That's no good
break; } VirtualFree(pv, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return 0; }
// static
void CALLBACK CMountPoint::_EventAPCProc(ULONG_PTR ulpParam) { if (!SHCreateThread(CMountPoint::_EventProc, (void*)ulpParam, CTF_COINIT | CTF_REF_COUNTED, NULL)) { VirtualFree((void*)ulpParam, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } }