#include "shellprv.h"
#include "netview.h"
#include "balmsg.h"
#include "mtpt.h"
#include "ids.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// from mtptarun.cpp
STDAPI_(void) CMtPt_SetWantUI(int iDrive);
// Converts an offset to a string to a string pointer.
LPCTSTR _Offset2Ptr(LPTSTR pszBase, UINT_PTR offset, UINT * pcb) { LPTSTR pszRet; if (offset == 0) { pszRet = NULL; *pcb = 0; } else { pszRet = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pszBase + offset); *pcb = (lstrlen(pszRet) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); } return pszRet; }
// exported networking APIs from shell32
STDAPI_(UINT) SHGetNetResource(HNRES hnres, UINT iItem, LPNETRESOURCE pnresOut, UINT cbMax) { UINT iRet = 0; // assume error
LPNRESARRAY panr = (LPNRESARRAY)GlobalLock(hnres); if (panr) { if (iItem==(UINT)-1) { iRet = panr->cItems; } else if (iItem < panr->cItems) { UINT cbProvider, cbRemoteName; LPCTSTR pszProvider = _Offset2Ptr((LPTSTR)panr, (UINT_PTR)panr->nr[iItem].lpProvider, &cbProvider); LPCTSTR pszRemoteName = _Offset2Ptr((LPTSTR)panr, (UINT_PTR)panr->nr[iItem].lpRemoteName, &cbRemoteName); iRet = sizeof(NETRESOURCE) + cbProvider + cbRemoteName; if (iRet <= cbMax) { LPTSTR psz = (LPTSTR)(pnresOut + 1); *pnresOut = panr->nr[iItem]; if (pnresOut->lpProvider) { pnresOut->lpProvider = psz; lstrcpy(psz, pszProvider); psz += cbProvider / sizeof(TCHAR); } if (pnresOut->lpRemoteName) { pnresOut->lpRemoteName = psz; lstrcpy(psz, pszRemoteName); } } } GlobalUnlock(hnres); } return iRet; }
STDAPI_(DWORD) SHNetConnectionDialog(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR pszRemoteName, DWORD dwType) { CONNECTDLGSTRUCT cds = {0}; NETRESOURCE nr = {0};
cds.cbStructure = sizeof(cds); /* size of this structure in bytes */ cds.hwndOwner = hwnd; /* owner window for the dialog */ cds.lpConnRes = &nr; /* Requested Resource info */ cds.dwFlags = CONNDLG_USE_MRU; /* flags (see below) */
nr.dwType = dwType;
if (pszRemoteName) { nr.lpRemoteName = pszRemoteName; cds.dwFlags = CONNDLG_RO_PATH; } DWORD mnr = WNetConnectionDialog1(&cds); if (mnr == WN_SUCCESS && dwType != RESOURCETYPE_PRINT && cds.dwDevNum != 0) { TCHAR szPath[4];
CMountPoint::WantAutorunUI(PathBuildRoot(szPath, cds.dwDevNum - 1 /* 1-based! */)); } return mnr; }
typedef struct { HWND hwnd; TCHAR szRemoteName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType; } SHNETCONNECT;
DWORD CALLBACK _NetConnectThreadProc(void *pv) { SHNETCONNECT *pshnc = (SHNETCONNECT *)pv; HWND hwndDestroy = NULL;
if (!pshnc->hwnd) { RECT rc; LPPOINT ppt; DWORD pid;
// Wild multimon guess - Since we don't have a parent window,
// we will arbitrarily position ourselves in the same location as
// the foreground window, if the foreground window belongs to our
// process.
HWND hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
if (hwnd && GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid) && (pid == GetCurrentProcessId()) && GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc)) { // Don't use the upper left corner exactly; slide down by
// some fudge factor. We definitely want to get past the
// caption.
rc.top += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) * 4; rc.left += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) * 4; ppt = (LPPOINT)&rc; } else { ppt = NULL; }
// Create a stub window so the wizard can establish an Alt+Tab icon
hwndDestroy = _CreateStubWindow(ppt, NULL); pshnc->hwnd = hwndDestroy; }
SHNetConnectionDialog(pshnc->hwnd, pshnc->szRemoteName[0] ? pshnc->szRemoteName : NULL, pshnc->dwType);
if (hwndDestroy) DestroyWindow(hwndDestroy);
SHChangeNotifyHandleEvents(); return 0; }
STDAPI SHStartNetConnectionDialog(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszRemoteName OPTIONAL, DWORD dwType) { SHNETCONNECT *pshnc = (SHNETCONNECT *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(SHNETCONNECT)); if (pshnc) { pshnc->hwnd = hwnd; pshnc->dwType = dwType; if (pszRemoteName) lstrcpyn(pshnc->szRemoteName, pszRemoteName, ARRAYSIZE(pshnc->szRemoteName));
if (!SHCreateThread(_NetConnectThreadProc, pshnc, CTF_PROCESS_REF | CTF_COINIT, NULL)) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pshnc); } } return S_OK; // whole thing is async, value here is meaningless
#ifdef UNICODE
STDAPI SHStartNetConnectionDialogA(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszRemoteName, DWORD dwType) { WCHAR wsz[MAX_PATH];
if (pszRemoteName) { SHAnsiToUnicode(pszRemoteName, wsz, SIZECHARS(wsz)); pszRemoteName = (LPCSTR)wsz; } return SHStartNetConnectionDialog(hwnd, (LPCTSTR)pszRemoteName, dwType); }
STDAPI SHStartNetConnectionDialogW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszRemoteName, DWORD dwType) { char sz[MAX_PATH];
if (pszRemoteName) { SHUnicodeToAnsi(pszRemoteName, sz, SIZECHARS(sz)); pszRemoteName = (LPCWSTR)sz; }
return SHStartNetConnectionDialog(hwnd, (LPCTSTR)pszRemoteName, dwType); }
// These are wrappers around the same WNet APIs, but play with the parameters
// to make it easier to call. They accept full paths rather than just drive letters.
DWORD APIENTRY SHWNetDisconnectDialog1 (LPDISCDLGSTRUCT lpConnDlgStruct) { TCHAR szLocalName[3];
if (lpConnDlgStruct && lpConnDlgStruct->lpLocalName && lstrlen(lpConnDlgStruct->lpLocalName) > 2) { // Kludge allert, don't pass c:\ to API, instead only pass C:
szLocalName[0] = lpConnDlgStruct->lpLocalName[0]; szLocalName[1] = TEXT(':'); szLocalName[2] = 0; lpConnDlgStruct->lpLocalName = szLocalName; }
return WNetDisconnectDialog1 (lpConnDlgStruct); }
DWORD APIENTRY SHWNetGetConnection (LPCTSTR lpLocalName, LPTSTR lpRemoteName, LPDWORD lpnLength) { TCHAR szLocalName[3];
if (lpLocalName && lstrlen(lpLocalName) > 2) { // Kludge allert, don't pass c:\ to API, instead only pass C:
szLocalName[0] = lpLocalName[0]; szLocalName[1] = TEXT(':'); szLocalName[2] = 0; lpLocalName = szLocalName; }
return WNetGetConnection (lpLocalName, lpRemoteName, lpnLength); }
// exported for netfind.cpp to use
STDAPI SHGetDomainWorkgroupIDList(LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl) { *ppidl = NULL;
IShellFolder *psfDesktop; HRESULT hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy(szName, TEXT("\\\\"));
if (RegGetValueString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName"), TEXT("ComputerName"), szName + 2, sizeof(szName) - 2 * sizeof(TCHAR))) { WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH];
SHTCharToUnicode(szName, wszName, ARRAYSIZE(wszName));
hr = psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName(NULL, NULL, wszName, NULL, ppidl, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ILRemoveLastID(*ppidl); } else hr = E_FAIL;
psfDesktop->Release(); } return hr; }
// SHGetComputerDisplayName - formats and returns the computer name for display.
STDAPI_(void) SHCacheComputerDescription(LPCTSTR pszMachineName, LPCTSTR pszDescription) { if (pszDescription) { DWORD cb = (lstrlen(pszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(*pszDescription); SHSetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGSTR_PATH_COMPUTERDESCCACHE, SkipServerSlashes(pszMachineName), REG_SZ, pszDescription, cb); } }
STDAPI _GetComputerDescription(LPCTSTR pszMachineName, LPTSTR pszDescription, DWORD cchDescription) { SERVER_INFO_101 *psv101 = NULL; HRESULT hr = ResultFromWin32(NetServerGetInfo((LPWSTR)pszMachineName, 101, (BYTE**)&psv101)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (psv101->sv101_comment && psv101->sv101_comment[0]) { lstrcpyn(pszDescription, psv101->sv101_comment, cchDescription); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } NetApiBufferFree(psv101); } return hr; }
HRESULT _GetCachedComputerDescription(LPCTSTR pszMachineName, LPTSTR pszDescription, int cchDescription) { ULONG cb = cchDescription*sizeof(*pszDescription); return ResultFromWin32(SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGSTR_PATH_COMPUTERDESCCACHE, SkipServerSlashes(pszMachineName), NULL, pszDescription, &cb)); }
STDAPI SHGetComputerDisplayNameW(LPCWSTR pszMachineName, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pszDisplay, DWORD cchDisplay) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// map the NULL machine name to the local computer name - so we can cache correctly.
WCHAR szMachineName[CNLEN + 1]; if (!pszMachineName) { DWORD cchMachine = ARRAYSIZE(szMachineName); if (GetComputerName(szMachineName, &cchMachine)) { pszMachineName = szMachineName; dwFlags |= SGCDNF_NOCACHEDENTRY; } }
// we must have a machine name, so we can perform the look up.
if (pszMachineName) { WCHAR szDescription[256];
// can we read the name from teh cache, if not/or the user says they don't want
// the cached name then lets hit the wire and read it.
if (!(dwFlags & SGCDNF_NOCACHEDENTRY)) hr = _GetCachedComputerDescription(pszMachineName, szDescription, ARRAYSIZE(szDescription));
if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = _GetComputerDescription(pszMachineName, szDescription, ARRAYSIZE(szDescription)); if (FAILED(hr)) { *szDescription = _TEXT('\0'); } if (!(dwFlags & SGCDNF_NOCACHEDENTRY)) { SHCacheComputerDescription(pszMachineName, szDescription); // write through to cache
} }
// we have a name, so lets format it, if they request description only / or we failed
// above lets just return raw string. otherwise we build a new machine name based
// on the remote name and the description we fetched.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && *szDescription) { if (dwFlags & SGCDNF_DESCRIPTIONONLY) { lstrcpyn(pszDisplay, szDescription, cchDisplay); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = SHBuildDisplayMachineName(pszMachineName, szDescription, pszDisplay, cchDisplay); } } else if (!(dwFlags & SGCDNF_DESCRIPTIONONLY)) { lstrcpyn(pszDisplay, SkipServerSlashes(pszMachineName), cchDisplay); hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }