// History: 1-Mar-95 BillMo Created.
// ...
// 01-Dec-96 MikeHill Converted to new NT5 implementation.
#include "shellprv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <linkdata.hxx>
#include "shelllnk.h"
// NTRAID95363-2000-03-19: These four inlines are copied from private\net\svcdlls\trksvcs\common\trklib.hxx
// They should be moved to linkdata.hxx
inline CDomainRelativeObjId::operator == (const CDomainRelativeObjId &Other) const { return(_volume == Other._volume && _object == Other._object); }
inline CDomainRelativeObjId::operator != (const CDomainRelativeObjId &Other) const { return !(*this == Other); }
inline CVolumeId:: operator == (const CVolumeId & Other) const { return(0 == memcmp(&_volume, &Other._volume, sizeof(_volume))); }
inline CVolumeId:: operator != (const CVolumeId & Other) const { return ! (Other == *this); }
// Function: RPC free/alloc routines
// Synopsis: CTracker uses MIDL-generated code to call an RPC server,
// and MIDL-generated code assumes that the following routines
// be provided.
void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void __RPC_FAR *pv) { LocalFree(pv); }
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t s) { return (void __RPC_FAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, s); }
// Method: IUnknown methods
// Synopsis: IUnknown methods for the ISLTracker interface.
STDMETHODIMP CTracker::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { return _psl->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTracker::AddRef() { return _psl->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTracker::Release() { return _psl->Release(); }
// Method: ISLTracker custom methods
// Synopsis: This interface is private and is only used for testing.
// This provides test programs the ability to specify the
// TrackerRestrictions (from the TrkMendRestrictions enum)
// and the ability to get the internal IDs.
HRESULT CTracker::Resolve(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwResolveFlags, DWORD dwTracker) { return _psl->_Resolve(hwnd, dwResolveFlags, dwTracker); }
HRESULT CTracker::GetIDs(CDomainRelativeObjId *pdroidBirth, CDomainRelativeObjId *pdroidLast, CMachineId *pmcid) { if (!_fLoaded) return E_UNEXPECTED;
*pdroidBirth = _droidBirth; *pdroidLast = _droidLast; *pmcid = _mcidLast;
return S_OK; }
// Synopsis: Initializes the data members used for RPC. This should be
// called either by InitNew or Load.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: [HRESULT]
HRESULT CTracker::InitRPC() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!_fCritsecInitialized) { InitializeCriticalSection(&_cs); _fCritsecInitialized = TRUE; }
if (NULL == _pRpcAsyncState) { _pRpcAsyncState = reinterpret_cast<PRPC_ASYNC_STATE>(new BYTE[ sizeof(RPC_ASYNC_STATE) ]); if (NULL == _pRpcAsyncState) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto Exit; } }
if (NULL == _hEvent) { _hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Auto-reset, not initially signaled
if (NULL == _hEvent) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; } }
return hr; }
// Synopsis: Initializes the CTracker object. This method may be called
// repeatedly, i.e. it may be called to clear/reinit the object.
// This method need not be called before calling the Load method.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: [HRESULT]
HRESULT CTracker::InitNew() { HRESULT hr = InitRPC(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _mcidLast = CMachineId(); _droidLast = CDomainRelativeObjId(); _droidBirth = CDomainRelativeObjId();
_fDirty = FALSE; _fLoaded = FALSE; _fMendInProgress = FALSE; _fUserCancelled = FALSE; } return hr; } // CTracker::InitNew()
// Synopsis: Get tracking state from the given file handle. Note that this
// is expected to fail if the referrent file isn't on an
// NTFS5 volume.
// Arguments: [hFile]
// The file to track
// [ptszFile]
// The name of the file
// Returns: [HRESULT]
HRESULT CTracker::InitFromHandle(const HANDLE hFile, const TCHAR* ptszFile) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
CDomainRelativeObjId droidLast; CDomainRelativeObjId droidBirth; CMachineId mcidLast;
// Initialize the RPC members
HRESULT hr = InitRPC(); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// -----------------------------------
// Get the Object ID Buffer (64 bytes)
// -----------------------------------
// Use the file handle to get the file's Object ID. Tell the filesystem to give us the
// existing object ID if the file already has one, or to create a new one otherwise.
memset(&fobOID, 0, sizeof(fobOID));
if (!DeviceIoControl(hFile, FSCTL_CREATE_OR_GET_OBJECT_ID, NULL, 0, // No input buffer
&fobOID, sizeof(fobOID), // Output buffer
&cbReturned, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
// ----------------------
// Load the Droids & MCID
// ----------------------
status = droidLast.InitFromFile(hFile, fobOID); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RtlNtStatusToDosError(status)); goto Exit; }
droidBirth.InitFromFOB(fobOID); droidBirth.GetVolumeId().Normalize();
if (FAILED(mcidLast.InitFromPath(ptszFile, hFile))) mcidLast = CMachineId();
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if (_mcidLast != mcidLast || _droidLast != droidLast || _droidBirth != droidBirth ) { _mcidLast = mcidLast; _droidLast = droidLast; _droidBirth = droidBirth; _fDirty = TRUE; }
_fLoaded = TRUE; // Cleared in InitNew
_fLoadedAtLeastOnce = TRUE; // Not cleared in InitNew
hr = S_OK;
Exit: return hr; }
// Synopsis: Load the tracker from the memory buffer. The InitNew
// method need not be called before calling this method.
// Arguments: [pb] -- buffer to load from
// [cb] -- size of pb buffer
// Returns: [HRESULT]
HRESULT CTracker::Load(BYTE *pb, ULONG cb) { DWORD dwLength;
// Initialize RPC if it hasn't been already.
HRESULT hr = InitRPC(); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// Check the length
dwLength = *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pb); if (dwLength < GetSize()) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } pb += sizeof(dwLength);
// Check the version number
if (CTRACKER_VERSION != *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pb)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH); goto Exit; }
pb += sizeof(DWORD); // Skip past the version
// Get the machine ID & droids
_mcidLast = *reinterpret_cast<CMachineId*>(pb); pb += sizeof(_mcidLast);
_droidLast = *reinterpret_cast<CDomainRelativeObjId*>(pb); pb += sizeof(_droidLast);
_droidBirth = *reinterpret_cast<CDomainRelativeObjId*>(pb); pb += sizeof(_droidBirth);
_fLoaded = TRUE; // Cleared in InitNew
_fLoadedAtLeastOnce = TRUE; // Not cleared in InitNew
hr = S_OK;
Exit: return hr; }
// Member: CTracker::Save
// Synopsis: Save tracker to the given buffer.
// Arguments: [pb] -- buffer for tracker.
// [cbSize] -- size of buffer in pb
// Returns: None
VOID CTracker::Save(BYTE *pb, ULONG cbSize) { // Save the length
*reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pb) = GetSize(); pb += sizeof(DWORD);
// Save a version number
*reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pb) = CTRACKER_VERSION; pb += sizeof(DWORD);
// Save the machine & DROIDs
*reinterpret_cast<CMachineId*>(pb) = _mcidLast; pb += sizeof(_mcidLast);
*reinterpret_cast<CDomainRelativeObjId*>(pb) = _droidLast; pb += sizeof(_droidLast);
*reinterpret_cast<CDomainRelativeObjId*>(pb) = _droidBirth; pb += sizeof(_droidBirth);
_fDirty = FALSE;
} // CTracker::Save()
// Synopsis: Search for the object referred to by the tracker.
// Arguments: [dwTickCountDeadline] -- absolute tick count for deadline
// [pfdIn] -- may not be NULL
// [pfdOut] -- may not be NULL
// will contain updated data on success
// [uShlinkFlags] -- SLR_ flags
// [TrackerRestrictions] -- TrkMendRestrictions enumeration
// Returns: [HRESULT]
// S_OK
// found (pfdOut contains new info)
// CTracker::InitNew hasn't bee called.
// Restrictions (set in registry) are set such that
// this operation isn't to be performed.
HRESULT CTracker::Search(const DWORD dwTickCountDeadline, const WIN32_FIND_DATA *pfdIn, WIN32_FIND_DATA *pfdOut, UINT uShlinkFlags, DWORD TrackerRestrictions) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR ptszError = NULL; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fadNew; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdNew = *pfdIn; DWORD cbFileName; BOOL fPotentialFileFound = FALSE; BOOL fLocked = FALSE; DWORD dwCurrentTickCount = 0;
RPC_TCHAR *ptszStringBinding = NULL; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle; RPC_STATUS rpcstatus;
CDomainRelativeObjId droidBirth, droidLast, droidCurrent; CMachineId mcidCurrent;
// Initialize the output
memset(pfdOut, 0, sizeof(*pfdOut));
// Abort if restrictions don't allow this operation
// Ensure that we've been loaded first
else if (!_fLoaded) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Exit; }
// Capture the current tick count
dwCurrentTickCount = GetTickCount();
if ((long) dwTickCountDeadline <= (long) dwCurrentTickCount) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); goto Exit; }
// Create an RPC binding
rpcstatus = RpcStringBindingCompose(NULL, TEXT("ncalrpc"), NULL, TRKWKS_LRPC_ENDPOINT_NAME, NULL, &ptszStringBinding);
if (RPC_S_OK == rpcstatus) rpcstatus = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(ptszStringBinding, &BindingHandle);
if (RPC_S_OK != rpcstatus) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstatus); goto Exit; }
// Initialize an RPC Async handle
// Take the lock
EnterCriticalSection(&_cs); fLocked = TRUE;
// Verify that we were initialized properly
if (NULL == _hEvent || NULL == _pRpcAsyncState) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto Exit; } rpcstatus = RpcAsyncInitializeHandle(_pRpcAsyncState, RPC_ASYNC_VERSION_1_0); if (RPC_S_OK != rpcstatus) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstatus); goto Exit; }
_pRpcAsyncState->NotificationType = RpcNotificationTypeEvent; _pRpcAsyncState->u.hEvent = _hEvent; _pRpcAsyncState->UserInfo = NULL;
// Call the tracking service to find the file
__try { SYSTEMTIME stNow; FILETIME ftDeadline; DWORD dwDeltaMillisecToDeadline;
// NOTE: The following four assignments used to be above the
// __try. But that appears to trigger a compiler problem, where
// some of the assignments do not make it to the .obj in an optimized
// build (bug 265255).
droidLast = _droidLast; droidBirth = _droidBirth; mcidCurrent = _mcidLast;
cbFileName = sizeof(fdNew.cFileName);
// Convert the tick-count deadline into a UTC filetime.
dwDeltaMillisecToDeadline = (DWORD)((long)dwTickCountDeadline - (long)dwCurrentTickCount); GetSystemTime(&stNow); SystemTimeToFileTime(&stNow, &ftDeadline); *reinterpret_cast<LONGLONG*>(&ftDeadline) += (dwDeltaMillisecToDeadline * 10*1000);
// Start the async RPC call to the tracking service
_fMendInProgress = TRUE; LnkMendLink(_pRpcAsyncState, BindingHandle, ftDeadline, TrackerRestrictions, const_cast<CDomainRelativeObjId*>(&droidBirth), const_cast<CDomainRelativeObjId*>(&droidLast), const_cast<CMachineId*>(&_mcidLast), &droidCurrent, &mcidCurrent, &cbFileName, fdNew.cFileName);
// Wait for the call to return. Release the lock first, though, so that
// the UI thread can come in and cancel.
LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs); fLocked = FALSE; DWORD dwWaitReturn = WaitForSingleObject(_hEvent, dwDeltaMillisecToDeadline);
// Now take the lock back and see what happenned.
EnterCriticalSection(&_cs); fLocked = TRUE; _fMendInProgress = FALSE;
if ((WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwWaitReturn) || _fUserCancelled) { // We timed out waiting for a response. Cancel the call.
// If the call should complete between the time
// we exited the WaitForSingleObject and the cancel call below,
// then the cancel will be ignored by RPC.
rpcstatus = RpcAsyncCancelCall(_pRpcAsyncState, TRUE); // fAbort
if (_fUserCancelled) { _fUserCancelled = FALSE; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED); __leave; } else if (RPC_S_OK != rpcstatus) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstatus); __leave; } } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwWaitReturn) { // There was an error of some kind.
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); __leave; }
// Now we find out how the LnkMendLink call completed. If we get
// RPC_S_OK, then it completed normally, and the result is
// in hr.
rpcstatus = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(_pRpcAsyncState, &hr); if (RPC_S_OK != rpcstatus) { // The call either failed or was cancelled (the reason for the
// cancel would be that the UI thread called CTracker::CancelSearch,
// or because we timed out above and called RpcAsyncCancelCall).
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcstatus); __leave; }
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _fMendInProgress = FALSE; _fUserCancelled = FALSE; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RpcExceptionCode()); }
// free the binding
if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND) == hr) { fPotentialFileFound = TRUE; hr = S_OK; }
if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// See if this is in the recycle bin
if (IsFileInBitBucket(fdNew.cFileName)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
// Now that we know what the new filename is, let's get all
// the FindData info.
if (!GetFileAttributesEx(fdNew.cFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fadNew)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
// Ensure that the file we found has the same "directory-ness"
// as the last known link source (either they're both a directory
// or they're both a file). Also ensure that the file we found
// isn't itself a link client (a shell shortcut).
if (((fadNew.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ^ (pfdIn->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) || PathIsLnk(fdNew.cFileName) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); goto Exit; }
// Copy the file attributes into the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure.
fdNew.dwFileAttributes = fadNew.dwFileAttributes; fdNew.ftCreationTime = fadNew.ftCreationTime; fdNew.ftLastAccessTime = fadNew.ftLastAccessTime; fdNew.ftLastWriteTime = fadNew.ftLastWriteTime; fdNew.nFileSizeLow = fadNew.nFileSizeLow;
// Return the new finddata to the caller.
*pfdOut = fdNew;
// Update our local state
if (_droidLast != droidCurrent || _droidBirth != droidBirth || _mcidLast != mcidCurrent ) { _droidLast = droidCurrent; _droidBirth = droidBirth; _mcidLast = mcidCurrent;
_fDirty = TRUE; }
if (fLocked) LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs);
if (ptszStringBinding) RpcStringFree(&ptszStringBinding);
if (FAILED(hr)) DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("CTracker::Search failed (hr=0x%08X)"), hr); else if (fPotentialFileFound) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND);
} // CTracker::Search()
// Synopsis: This method is called on a thread signal another thread
// which is in CTracker::Search to abort the LnkMendLink
// call.
// Returns: [HRESULT]
STDMETHODIMP CTracker::CancelSearch() { EnterCriticalSection(&_cs); // If a search is in progress, cancel it.
if (_fMendInProgress && NULL != _pRpcAsyncState) { _fUserCancelled = TRUE; SetEvent(_hEvent); // SetEvent so as to unblock the Tracker Worker thread.
return S_OK; }
// Look at a path and determine the computer name of the host machine.
// In the future, we should remove this code, and add the capbility to query
// handles for their computer name.
// GetServerComputer name uses ScanForComputerName and ConvertDfsPath
// as helper functions.
// The name can only be obtained for NetBios paths - if the path is IP or DNS
// an error is returned. (If the NetBios name has a "." in it, it will
// cause an error because it will be misinterpreted as a DNS path. This case
// becomes less and less likely as the NT5 UI doesn't allow such computer names.)
// For DFS paths, the leaf server's name is returned, as long as it wasn't
// joined to its parent with an IP or DNS path name.
const UNICODE_STRING NtUncPathNamePrefix = { 16, 18, L"\\??\\UNC\\"}; #define cchNtUncPathNamePrefix 8
const UNICODE_STRING NtDrivePathNamePrefix = { 8, 10, L"\\??\\" }; #define cchNtDrivePathNamePrefix 4
const WCHAR RedirectorMappingPrefix[] = { L"\\Device\\LanmanRedirector\\;" }; const WCHAR LocalVolumeMappingPrefix[] = { L"\\Device\\Volume" }; const WCHAR CDRomMappingPrefix[] = { L"\\Device\\CDRom" }; const WCHAR FloppyMappingPrefix[] = { L"\\Device\\Floppy" }; const WCHAR DfsMappingPrefix[] = { L"\\Device\\WinDfs\\" };
// ScanForComputerName:
// Scan the path in ServerFileName (which is a UNICODE_STRING with
// a full NT path name), searching for the computer name. If it's
// found, point to it with UnicodeComputerName.Buffer, and set
// *AvailableLength to show how much readable memory is after that
// point.
HRESULT ScanForComputerName(HANDLE hFile, const UNICODE_STRING &ServerFileName, UNICODE_STRING *UnicodeComputerName, ULONG *AvailableLength, WCHAR *DosDeviceMapping, ULONG cchDosDeviceMapping, PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION FileNameInfo, ULONG cbFileNameInfo, BOOL *CheckForDfs) {
// Is this a UNC path?
if (RtlPrefixString((PSTRING)&NtUncPathNamePrefix, (PSTRING)&ServerFileName, TRUE)) { // Make sure there's some more to this path than just the prefix
if (ServerFileName.Length <= NtUncPathNamePrefix.Length) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
// It appears to be a valid UNC path. Point to the beginning of the computer
// name, and calculate how much room is left in ServerFileName after that.
UnicodeComputerName->Buffer = &ServerFileName.Buffer[ NtUncPathNamePrefix.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) ]; *AvailableLength = ServerFileName.Length - NtUncPathNamePrefix.Length; } else if (RtlPrefixString((PSTRING)&NtDrivePathNamePrefix, (PSTRING)&ServerFileName, TRUE) && ServerFileName.Buffer[ cchNtDrivePathNamePrefix + 1 ] == L':') { // Get the correct, upper-cased, drive letter into DosDevice.
WCHAR DosDevice[3] = { L"A:" };
DosDevice[0] = ServerFileName.Buffer[ cchNtDrivePathNamePrefix ]; if (L'a' <= DosDevice[0] && DosDevice[0] <= L'z') DosDevice[0] = L'A' + (DosDevice[0] - L'a');
// Map the drive letter to its symbolic link under \??. E.g., say D: & R:
// are DFS/rdr drives, you would then see something like:
// D: => \Device\WinDfs\G
// R: => \Device\LanmanRedirector\;R:0\scratch\scratch
if (!QueryDosDevice(DosDevice, DosDeviceMapping, cchDosDeviceMapping)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
// Now that we have the DosDeviceMapping, we can check ... Is this a rdr drive?
if (// Does it begin with "\Device\LanmanRedirector\;" ?
0 == wcsncmp(DosDeviceMapping, RedirectorMappingPrefix, lstrlenW(RedirectorMappingPrefix)) && // Are the next letters the correct drive letter, a colon, and a whack?
(DosDevice[0] == DosDeviceMapping[ sizeof(RedirectorMappingPrefix)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ] && L':' == DosDeviceMapping[ sizeof(RedirectorMappingPrefix)/sizeof(WCHAR) ] && (UnicodeComputerName->Buffer = StrChrW(&DosDeviceMapping[ sizeof(RedirectorMappingPrefix)/sizeof(WCHAR) + 1 ], L'\\')) )) { // We have a valid rdr drive. Point to the beginning of the computer
// name, and calculate how much room is availble in DosDeviceMapping after that.
UnicodeComputerName->Buffer += 1; *AvailableLength = sizeof(DosDeviceMapping) - sizeof(DosDeviceMapping[0]) * (ULONG)(UnicodeComputerName->Buffer - DosDeviceMapping);
// We know now that it's not a DFS path
*CheckForDfs = FALSE; } else if (0 == wcsncmp(DosDeviceMapping, DfsMappingPrefix, lstrlenW(DfsMappingPrefix))) {
// Get the full UNC name of this DFS path. Later, we'll call the DFS
// driver to find out what the actual server name is.
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; NTSTATUS NtStatus = NtQueryInformationFile(hFile, &IoStatusBlock, FileNameInfo, cbFileNameInfo, FileNameInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
UnicodeComputerName->Buffer = FileNameInfo->FileName + 1; *AvailableLength = FileNameInfo->FileNameLength; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
} // else if (RtlPrefixString((PSTRING)&NtDrivePathNamePrefix, (PSTRING)&ServerFileName, TRUE) ...
else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; } Exit: return hr; }
// Try to convert the path name pointed to by UnicodeComputerName.Buffer
// into a DFS path name. The caller provides DfsServerPathName as a buffer
// for the converted name. If it's a DFS path, then update UnicodeComputerName.Buffer
// to point to the conversion, otherwise leave it unchanged.
HRESULT ConvertDfsPath(HANDLE hFile, UNICODE_STRING *UnicodeComputerName, ULONG *AvailableLength, WCHAR *DfsServerPathName, ULONG cbDfsServerPathName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hDFS = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; UNICODE_STRING DfsDriverName; NTSTATUS NtStatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
WCHAR *DfsPathName = UnicodeComputerName->Buffer - 1; // Back up to the whack
ULONG DfsPathNameLength = *AvailableLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
// Open the DFS driver
RtlInitUnicodeString(&DfsDriverName, L"\\Dfs"); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &DfsDriverName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
// Query DFS's cache for the server name. The name is guaranteed to
// remain in the cache as long as the file is open.
if (L'\\' != DfsPathName[0]) { NtClose(hDFS); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
NtStatus = NtFsControlFile( hDFS, NULL, // Event,
NULL, // ApcRoutine,
NULL, // ApcContext,
&IoStatusBlock, FSCTL_DFS_GET_SERVER_NAME, DfsPathName, DfsPathNameLength, DfsServerPathName, cbDfsServerPathName); NtClose(hDFS);
// STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND means that it's not a DFS path
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
if (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND != NtStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; } } else if (L'\0' != DfsServerPathName[0]) {
// The previous DFS call returns the server-specific path to the file in UNC form.
// Point UnicodeComputerName to just past the two whacks.
*AvailableLength = lstrlenW(DfsServerPathName) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (3*sizeof(WCHAR) > *AvailableLength || L'\\' != DfsServerPathName[0] || L'\\' != DfsServerPathName[1]) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
UnicodeComputerName->Buffer = DfsServerPathName + 2; *AvailableLength -= 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); }
Exit: return hr; }
// Take pwszFile, which is a path to a remote machine, and get the
// server machine's computer name.
HRESULT GetRemoteServerComputerName(LPCWSTR pwszFile, HANDLE hFile, WCHAR *pwszComputer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cbComputer = 0; ULONG AvailableLength = 0; PWCHAR PathCharacter = NULL; BOOL CheckForDfs = TRUE; NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
WCHAR FileNameInfoBuffer[MAX_PATH+sizeof(FILE_NAME_INFORMATION)]; PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION FileNameInfo = (PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION)FileNameInfoBuffer; WCHAR DfsServerPathName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; WCHAR DosDeviceMapping[ MAX_PATH + 1 ];
UNICODE_STRING UnicodeComputerName; UNICODE_STRING ServerFileName;
// Canonicalize the file name into the NT object directory namespace.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeComputerName, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ServerFileName, NULL); if (!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(pwszFile, &ServerFileName, NULL, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
// Point UnicodeComputerName.Buffer at the beginning of the computer name.
hr = ScanForComputerName(hFile, ServerFileName, &UnicodeComputerName, &AvailableLength, DosDeviceMapping, ARRAYSIZE(DosDeviceMapping), FileNameInfo, sizeof(FileNameInfoBuffer), &CheckForDfs); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// If there was no error but we don't have a computer name, then the file is on
// the local computer.
if (NULL == UnicodeComputerName.Buffer) { DWORD cchName = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; hr = S_OK;
if (!GetComputerNameW(pwszComputer, &cchName)) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
goto Exit; }
// If we couldn't determine above whether or not this is a DFS path, let the
// DFS driver decide now.
if (CheckForDfs && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { // On return, UnicodeComputerName.Buffer points to the leaf machine's
// UNC name if it's a DFS path. If it's not a DFS path,
// .Buffer is left unchanged.
hr = ConvertDfsPath(hFile, &UnicodeComputerName, &AvailableLength, DfsServerPathName, sizeof(DfsServerPathName)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; }
// If we get here, then the computer name\share is pointed to by UnicodeComputerName.Buffer.
// But the Length is currently zero, so we search for the whack that separates
// the computer name from the share, and set the Length to include just the computer name.
PathCharacter = UnicodeComputerName.Buffer;
while(((ULONG) ((PCHAR)PathCharacter - (PCHAR)UnicodeComputerName.Buffer) < AvailableLength) && *PathCharacter != L'\\') { // If we found a '.', we fail because this is probably a DNS or IP name.
if (L'.' == *PathCharacter) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
PathCharacter++; }
// Set the computer name length
UnicodeComputerName.Length = UnicodeComputerName.MaximumLength = (USHORT) ((PCHAR)PathCharacter - (PCHAR)UnicodeComputerName.Buffer);
// Fail if the computer name exceeded the length of the input ServerFileName,
// or if the length exceeds that allowed.
if (UnicodeComputerName.Length >= AvailableLength || UnicodeComputerName.Length > MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH*sizeof(WCHAR)) { goto Exit; }
// Copy the computer name into the caller's buffer, as long as there's enough
// room for the name & a terminating '\0'.
if (UnicodeComputerName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR) > (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto Exit; }
RtlCopyMemory(pwszComputer, UnicodeComputerName.Buffer, UnicodeComputerName.Length); pwszComputer[ UnicodeComputerName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) ] = L'\0';
hr = S_OK;
RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, ServerFileName.Buffer); return hr; }
// Give a file's path & handle, determine the computer name of the server
// on which that file resides (which could just be this machine).
HRESULT GetServerComputerName(LPCWSTR pwszFile, HANDLE hFile, WCHAR *pwszComputer) { // pwszFile may be a local path name. Convert it into an absolute name.
HRESULT hr; WCHAR wszAbsoluteName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ], *pwszFilePart; if (GetFullPathName(pwszFile, ARRAYSIZE(wszAbsoluteName), wszAbsoluteName, &pwszFilePart)) { if (pwszFilePart) *pwszFilePart = 0; // Check to see if this points to a local or remote drive. Terminate
// the path at the beginning of the file name, so that the path ends in
// a whack. This allows GetDriveType to determine the type without being
// give a root path.
UINT DriveType = GetDriveType(wszAbsoluteName);
if (DRIVE_REMOTE == DriveType) { // We have a remote drive (could be a UNC path or a redirected drive).
hr = GetRemoteServerComputerName(wszAbsoluteName, hFile, pwszComputer); } else if (DRIVE_UNKNOWN == DriveType || DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR == DriveType) { // We have an unsupported type
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); } else { // We have a path to the local machine.
DWORD cchName = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if (!GetComputerNameW(pwszComputer, &cchName)) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); else hr = S_OK; } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
return hr; }