// PackThem.cpp - packs up theme files into a theme DLL
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <uxthemep.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include "SimpStr.h"
#include "Scanner.h"
#include "shlwapip.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "TmSchema.h"
#include "signing.h"
#include "localsign.h"
#include "ThemeLdr.h"
#include "TmUtils.h"
#include "StringTable.h"
HRESULT ParseTheme(LPCWSTR pszThemeName);
struct FILEINFO { CWideString wsName; BOOL fIniFile; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define MAX_COLORS 50
#define MAX_SIZES 20
#define TEMP_FILENAME_BASE L"$temp$"
#define kRESFILECHAR L'$'
enum PACKFILETYPE { PACK_INIFILE, PACK_IMAGEFILE, PACK_NTLFILE, PACK_OTHER }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSimpleArray<FILEINFO> FileInfo;
CSimpleArray<CWideString> ColorSchemes; CSimpleArray<CWideString> ColorDisplays; CSimpleArray<CWideString> ColorToolTips;
CSimpleArray<int> MinDepths;
CSimpleArray<CWideString> SizeNames; CSimpleArray<CWideString> SizeDisplays; CSimpleArray<CWideString> SizeToolTips;
typedef struct { CWideString sName; int iFirstIndex; UINT cItems; } sSubstTable; CSimpleArray<sSubstTable> SubstNames; CSimpleArray<CWideString> SubstIds; CSimpleArray<CWideString> SubstValues;
CSimpleArray<CWideString> BaseResFileNames; CSimpleArray<CWideString> ResFileNames; CSimpleArray<CWideString> OrigFileNames;
CSimpleArray<CWideString> PropValuePairs; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int g_iMaxColor; int g_iMaxSize; int g_LineCount = 0; int iTempBitmapNum = 1;
BOOL g_fQuietRun = FALSE; // don't show needless output
BOOL g_fKeepTempFiles = FALSE; FILE *ConsoleFile = NULL;
WCHAR g_szInputDir[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR g_szTempPath[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR g_szBaseIniName[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR g_szCurrentClass[_MAX_PATH+1];
CWideString DocProperties[DOCPROPCNT]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT ReportError(HRESULT hr, LPWSTR pszDefaultMsg) { WCHAR szErrorMsg[2*_MAX_PATH+1]; PARSE_ERROR_INFO Info = {sizeof(Info)}; BOOL fGotMsg = FALSE;
if (THEME_PARSING_ERROR(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(_GetThemeParseErrorInfo(&Info))) { lstrcpy(szErrorMsg, Info.szMsg); fGotMsg = TRUE; } }
if (! fGotMsg) { lstrcpy(szErrorMsg, pszDefaultMsg); }
if (*Info.szFileName) // input file error
{ fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"%s(%d): error - %s\n", Info.szFileName, Info.iLineNum, szErrorMsg); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"%s\n", Info.szSourceLine); } else // general error
{ fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"%s(): error - %s\n", g_szInputDir, szErrorMsg); }
SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MakeResName(LPCWSTR pszName, LPWSTR pszResName, bool bUseClassName = false) { WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szBaseName[_MAX_FNAME], szExt[_MAX_EXT];
//---- isolate base name (no path) ----
_wsplitpath(pszName, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, szExt);
if (szBaseName[0] == kRESFILECHAR) // Don't put $ in resource names
{ wcscpy(szBaseName, szBaseName + 1); }
//---- replace the "." with a '_' ----
//---- if a file section name without .ini, append _INI so that the extracted files has .ini extension
if (*szExt) { wsprintf(pszResName, L"%s%s_%s", bUseClassName ? g_szCurrentClass : L"", szBaseName, szExt+1); } else { wsprintf(pszResName, L"%s%s_INI", bUseClassName ? g_szCurrentClass : L"", szBaseName); }
//---- all uppercase ----
CharUpperBuff(pszResName, lstrlen(pszResName));
//---- replace any spaces with underscores ----
WCHAR *q = pszResName; while (*q) { if (*q == ' ') *q = '_'; q++; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT BuildThemeDll(LPCWSTR pszRcName, LPCWSTR pszResName, LPCWSTR pszDllName) { if (! g_fQuietRun) fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"compiling resources\n");
HRESULT hr = SyncCmdLineRun(L"rc.exe", pszRcName); if (FAILED(hr)) return ReportError(hr, L"Error during resource compiliation");
//---- run LINK to create the DLL ----
WCHAR params[2*_MAX_PATH+1];
if (! g_fQuietRun) fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"linking theme dll\n");
wsprintf(params, L"/out:%s /machine:ix86 /dll /noentry %s", pszDllName, pszResName); hr = SyncCmdLineRun(L"link.exe", params); if (FAILED(hr)) return ReportError(hr, L"Error during DLL linking");
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void OutputDashLine(FILE *outfile) { fwprintf(outfile, L"//----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void ValueLine(FILE *outfile, LPCWSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pszValue) { fwprintf(outfile, L" VALUE \"%s\", \"%s\\0\"\n", pszName, pszValue); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT OutputVersionInfo(FILE *outfile, LPCWSTR pszFileName, LPCWSTR pszBaseName) { fwprintf(outfile, L"1 PACKTHEM_VERSION\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L"BEGIN\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" %d\n", PACKTHEM_VERSION); fwprintf(outfile, L"END\n"); OutputDashLine(outfile);
WCHAR *Company = L"Microsoft"; WCHAR *Copyright = L"Copyright � 2000"; WCHAR szDescription[2*_MAX_PATH+1]; wsprintf(szDescription, L"%s Theme for Windows", pszBaseName);
fwprintf(outfile, L"1 VERSIONINFO\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" FILEVERSION 1,0,0,1\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" PRODUCTVERSION 1,0,0,1\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" FILEFLAGS 0x0L\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" FILEOS 0x40004L\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" FILETYPE 0x1L\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" FILESUBTYPE 0x0L\n");
fwprintf(outfile, L"BEGIN\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" BLOCK \"StringFileInfo\"\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" BEGIN\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" BLOCK \"040904b0\"\n");
fwprintf(outfile, L" BEGIN\n"); ValueLine(outfile, L"Comments", L""); ValueLine(outfile, L"CompanyName", Company); ValueLine(outfile, L"FileDescription", szDescription); ValueLine(outfile, L"FileVersion", L"1, 0, 0, 1"); ValueLine(outfile, L"InternalName", pszFileName); ValueLine(outfile, L"LegalCopyright", Copyright); ValueLine(outfile, L"LegalTrademarks", L""); ValueLine(outfile, L"OriginalFilename", pszFileName); ValueLine(outfile, L"PrivateBuild", L""); ValueLine(outfile, L"ProductName", szDescription); ValueLine(outfile, L"ProductVersion", L"1, 0, 0, 1"); ValueLine(outfile, L"SpecialBuild", L"");
fwprintf(outfile, L" END\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" END\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" BLOCK \"VarFileInfo\"\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" BEGIN\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" VALUE \"Translation\", 0x409, 1200\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" END\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L"END\n");
OutputDashLine(outfile); return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT RemoveTempFiles(LPCWSTR szRcName, LPCWSTR szResName) { DeleteFile(szRcName); DeleteFile(szResName);
//---- find & delete all temp files in temp directory ----
HANDLE hFile = NULL; BOOL bFile = TRUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; WCHAR szPattern[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szTempName[_MAX_PATH+1];
wsprintf(szPattern, L"%s\\%s*.*", g_szTempPath, TEMP_FILENAME_BASE);
for( hFile = FindFirstFile( szPattern, &wfd ); hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && bFile; bFile = FindNextFile( hFile, &wfd ) ) { wsprintf(szTempName, L"%s\\%s", g_szTempPath, wfd.cFileName); DeleteFile(szTempName); }
if (hFile) { FindClose( hFile ); }
// Remove files generated by the substitution tables
for (int i = 0; i < SubstNames.GetSize(); i++) { wsprintf(szTempName, L"%s\\$%s.ini", g_szTempPath, SubstNames[i].sName); DeleteFile(szTempName); }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int GetSubstTableIndex(LPCWSTR pszTableName) { // Search for an existing subst table
for (int i = 0; i < SubstNames.GetSize(); i++) { if (0 == AsciiStrCmpI(SubstNames[i].sName, pszTableName)) return i; } return -1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetSubstValue(LPCWSTR pszIniFileName, LPCWSTR pszName, LPWSTR pszResult) { UINT cTablesCount = SubstNames.GetSize();
if (pszIniFileName && pszIniFileName[0] == kRESFILECHAR) { pszIniFileName++; }
for (UINT i = 0; i < cTablesCount; i++) { if (0 == AsciiStrCmpI(SubstNames[i].sName, pszIniFileName)) { for (UINT j = SubstNames[i].iFirstIndex; j < SubstNames[i].iFirstIndex + SubstNames[i].cItems; j++) { if (0 == AsciiStrCmpI(SubstIds[j], pszName)) { lstrcpy(pszResult, SubstValues[j]); return S_OK; } } } }
return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unknown sizename
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPWSTR FindSymbolToken(LPWSTR pSrc, int nLen) { LPWSTR p = wcschr(pSrc, INI_MACRO_SYMBOL);
// Skip single #s
while (p != NULL && (p - pSrc < nLen - 1) && *(p + 1) != INI_MACRO_SYMBOL) { p = wcschr(p + 1, INI_MACRO_SYMBOL); } return p; }
LPWSTR ReallocTextBuffer(LPWSTR pSrc, UINT *pnLen) { *pnLen *= 2; // Double the size each time
LPWSTR pszNew = (LPWSTR) LocalReAlloc(pSrc, *pnLen * sizeof(WCHAR), 0); if (!pszNew) { LocalFree(pSrc); return NULL; } return pszNew; }
LPWSTR SubstituteSymbols(LPWSTR szTableName, LPWSTR pszText) { UINT nLen = wcslen(pszText); UINT nNewLen = nLen * 2; // Reserve some additional space
UINT iSymbol; UINT nBlockSize; LPWSTR pszNew = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(0, nNewLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); LPWSTR pSrc = FindSymbolToken(pszText, nLen); LPWSTR pOldSrc = pszText; LPWSTR pDest = pszNew; WCHAR szSymbol[MAX_INPUT_LINE+1]; HRESULT hr;
if (!pszNew) return NULL;
while (pSrc != NULL) { nBlockSize = UINT(pSrc - pOldSrc); // Check for enough space after substitution
if (pDest + nBlockSize >= pszNew + nNewLen && NULL == (pszNew = ReallocTextBuffer(pszNew, &nNewLen))) { return NULL; }
// Copy from the last # to the new one
wcsncpy(pDest, pOldSrc, nBlockSize); pDest += nBlockSize; pSrc += 2; // Skip the ##
// Copy the symbol name
iSymbol = 0; while (IsCharAlphaNumericW(*pSrc) || (*pSrc == '_') || (*pSrc == '-')) { szSymbol[iSymbol++] = *pSrc++; } szSymbol[iSymbol] = 0;
// Get the symbol value
hr = GetSubstValue(szTableName, szSymbol, szSymbol); if (FAILED(hr)) { // There's a problem, abort and return the buffer untouched
WCHAR szErrorText[MAX_INPUT_LINE + 1]; wsprintf(szErrorText, L"Substitution symbol not found: %s", szSymbol);
ReportError(hr, szErrorText); return NULL; }
// Make sure we have enough room for one symbol
if (pDest + MAX_INPUT_LINE + 1 >= pszNew + nNewLen && NULL == (pszNew = ReallocTextBuffer(pszNew, &nNewLen))) { return NULL; }
// Copy the symbol value to the new text
iSymbol = 0; while (szSymbol[iSymbol] != 0) { *pDest++ = szSymbol[iSymbol++]; }
// Advance to the next iteration
pOldSrc = pSrc; pSrc = FindSymbolToken(pSrc, nLen - UINT(pSrc - pszText)); }
if (pDest == pszNew) { // We did nothing, return NULL
LocalFree(pszNew); return NULL; }
// Copy the remainder text (after the last #)
if (pDest + wcslen(pOldSrc) >= pszNew + nNewLen && NULL == (pszNew = ReallocTextBuffer(pszNew, &nNewLen))) { return NULL; } wcscpy(pDest, pOldSrc);
return pszNew; }
HRESULT OutputResourceLine(LPCWSTR pszFilename, FILE *outfile, PACKFILETYPE ePackFileType) { HRESULT hr;
//---- did we already process this filename? ----
UINT cNames = FileInfo.GetSize(); for (UINT c=0; c < cNames; c++) { if (lstrcmpi(FileInfo[c].wsName, pszFilename)==0) return S_OK; }
WCHAR szTempName[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szResName[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szBaseName[_MAX_FNAME], szExt[_MAX_EXT]; WCHAR *filetype; LPWSTR pszText; BOOL fWasAnsi; BOOL fFileChecked = FALSE; WCHAR szOrigName[_MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szOrigName, pszFilename);
_wsplitpath(pszFilename, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, szExt);
if (ePackFileType == PACK_INIFILE) { //---- translate to UNICODE, if needed ----
hr = AllocateTextFile(pszFilename, &pszText, &fWasAnsi); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (szBaseName[0] == kRESFILECHAR) { wcscpy(szBaseName, szBaseName + 1); }
// If this an INI file with a subst table, process the substitution
for (int i = 0; i < SubstNames.GetSize(); i++) { if (0 == AsciiStrCmpI(SubstNames[i].sName, szBaseName)) { SetLastError(0); LPWSTR pszNewText = SubstituteSymbols(szBaseName, pszText); if (pszNewText != NULL) { LPWSTR pszTemp = pszText;
pszText = pszNewText; LocalFree(pszTemp); } hr = GetLastError(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HRESULT hr = TextToFile(pszFilename, pszText); // Local hr, ignore failure later
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fWasAnsi = FALSE; // We don't need another temp file
} } break; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fWasAnsi) // write out as temp file
{ DWORD len = lstrlen(g_szTempPath); if ((len) && (g_szTempPath[len-1] == '\\')) wsprintf(szTempName, L"%s%s%d%s", g_szTempPath, TEMP_FILENAME_BASE, iTempBitmapNum++, L".uni"); else wsprintf(szTempName, L"%s\\%s%d%s", g_szTempPath, TEMP_FILENAME_BASE, iTempBitmapNum++, L".uni");
hr = TextToFile(szTempName, pszText); pszFilename = szTempName; // use this name in .rc file
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
fFileChecked = TRUE; } if (! fFileChecked) { //---- ensure the file is accessible ----
if (_waccess(pszFilename, 0) != 0) { fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Error - cannot access file: %s\n", pszFilename);
return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // cannot access (open) file
} }
bool bUseClassName = false;
if (ePackFileType == PACK_IMAGEFILE) { filetype = L"BITMAP"; bUseClassName = true; } else if (ePackFileType == PACK_NTLFILE) { filetype = L"NTL"; } else if (AsciiStrCmpI(szExt, L".ini")==0) { filetype = L"TEXTFILE"; } else if (AsciiStrCmpI(szExt, L".wav")==0) { filetype = L"WAVE"; bUseClassName = true; } else { filetype = L"CUSTOM"; bUseClassName = true; } MakeResName(szOrigName, szResName, bUseClassName); //---- replace all single backslashes with double ones ----
WCHAR DblName[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR *d = DblName; LPCWSTR p = pszFilename; while (*p) { if (*p == '\\') *d++ = '\\';
*d++ = *p++; } *d = 0;
//---- output the line to the .rc file ----
fwprintf(outfile, L"%-30s \t %s DISCARDABLE \"%s\"\n", szResName, filetype, DblName);
FILEINFO fileinfo; fileinfo.wsName = pszFilename; fileinfo.fIniFile = (ePackFileType == PACK_INIFILE);
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClearCombos() { for (int s=0; s < MAX_SIZES; s++) { for (int c=0; c < MAX_COLORS; c++) { Combos[s][c] = -1; // -1 means no file supports this combo
} }
g_iMaxColor = -1; g_iMaxSize = -1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT OutputCombos(FILE *outfile) { if ((g_iMaxColor < 0) || (g_iMaxSize < 0)) // no combos found
return ReportError(E_FAIL, L"No size/color combinations found");
fwprintf(outfile, L"COMBO COMBODATA\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L"BEGIN\n"); fwprintf(outfile, L" %d, %d // cColors, cSizes\n", g_iMaxColor+1, g_iMaxSize+1);
for (int s=0; s <= g_iMaxSize; s++) { for (int c=0; c <= g_iMaxColor; c++) { fwprintf(outfile, L" %d, ", Combos[s][c]); }
fwprintf(outfile, L" // size=%d row\n", s); }
fwprintf(outfile, L"END\n"); OutputDashLine(outfile);
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetFileIndex(LPCWSTR pszName, int *piIndex) { int cCount = ResFileNames.GetSize();
for (int i=0; i < cCount; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(ResFileNames[i], pszName)==0) { *piIndex = i; return S_OK; } }
return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unknown filename
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetColorIndex(LPCWSTR pszName, int *piIndex) { int cCount = ColorSchemes.GetSize();
for (int i=0; i < cCount; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(ColorSchemes[i], pszName)==0) { *piIndex = i; return S_OK; } }
return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unknown colorname
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetSizeIndex(LPCWSTR pszName, int *piIndex) { int cCount = SizeNames.GetSize();
for (int i=0; i < cCount; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(SizeNames[i], pszName)==0) { *piIndex = i; return S_OK; } }
return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unknown sizename
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT ApplyCombos(LPCWSTR pszResFileName, LPCWSTR pszColors, LPCWSTR pszSizes) { //---- get index of pszResFileName ----
int iFileNum; HRESULT hr = GetFileIndex(pszResFileName, &iFileNum); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; //---- parse colors in pszColors ----
CScanner scan(pszColors); WCHAR szName[_MAX_PATH+1]; int iColors[MAX_COLORS]; int cColors = 0;
while (1) { if (! scan.GetId(szName)) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // bad color list
//---- get index of szName ----
int index; HRESULT hr = GetColorIndex(szName, &index); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (cColors == MAX_COLORS) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // too many colors specified
iColors[cColors++] = index;
if (scan.EndOfLine()) break;
if (! scan.GetChar(L',')) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // names must be comma separated
//---- parse sizes in pszSizes ----
scan.AttachLine(pszSizes); int iSizes[MAX_SIZES]; int cSizes = 0;
while (1) { if (! scan.GetId(szName)) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // bad color list
//---- get index of szName ----
int index; HRESULT hr = GetSizeIndex(szName, &index); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (cSizes == MAX_SIZES) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // too many sizes specified
iSizes[cSizes++] = index;
if (scan.EndOfLine()) break;
if (! scan.GetChar(L',')) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // names must be comma separated
//---- now form all combos of specified colors & sizes ----
for (int c=0; c < cColors; c++) // for each color
{ int color = iColors[c];
for (int s=0; s < cSizes; s++) // for each size
{ int size = iSizes[s];
Combos[size][color] = (SHORT)iFileNum;
//---- update our max's ----
if (size > g_iMaxSize) g_iMaxSize = size;
if (color > g_iMaxColor) g_iMaxColor = color; } }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WriteProperty(CSimpleArray<CWideString> &csa, LPCWSTR pszSection, LPCWSTR pszPropName, LPCWSTR pszValue) { WCHAR buff[MAX_PATH*2];
wsprintf(buff, L"%s@[%s]%s=%s", g_szBaseIniName, pszSection, pszPropName, pszValue);
csa.Add(CWideString(buff)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL FnCallBack(enum THEMECALLBACK tcbType, LPCWSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pszName2, LPCWSTR pszName3, int iIndex, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int nDefaultDepth = 15;
switch (tcbType) { case TCB_FILENAME: WCHAR szFullName[_MAX_PATH+1];
hr = AddPathIfNeeded(pszName, g_szInputDir, szFullName, ARRAYSIZE(szFullName)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); return FALSE; }
if ((iIndex == TMT_IMAGEFILE) || (iIndex == TMT_GLYPHIMAGEFILE) || (iIndex == TMT_STOCKIMAGEFILE)) hr = OutputResourceLine(szFullName, (FILE *)lParam, PACK_IMAGEFILE); else if ((iIndex >= TMT_IMAGEFILE1) && (iIndex <= TMT_IMAGEFILE5)) hr = OutputResourceLine(szFullName, (FILE *)lParam, PACK_IMAGEFILE); #if 0 // not yet implemented
else if (iIndex == TMT_NTLFILE) hr = OutputResourceLine(szFullName, (FILE *)lParam, PACK_NTLFILE); #endif
else hr = MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unexpected type
if (FAILED(hr)) { SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); return FALSE; } break;
case TCB_FONT: WriteProperty(PropValuePairs, pszName2, pszName3, pszName); break;
case TCB_MIRRORIMAGE: { LPCWSTR p; if (lParam) p = L"1"; else p = L"0"; WriteProperty(PropValuePairs, pszName2, pszName3, p); } break;
case TCB_LOCALIZABLE_RECT: { WCHAR szBuff[100]; RECT *prc = (RECT *)lParam;
wsprintf(szBuff, L"%d, %d, %d, %d", prc->left, prc->top, prc->right, prc->bottom);
WriteProperty(PropValuePairs, pszName2, pszName3, szBuff); } break;
case TCB_COLORSCHEME: ColorSchemes.Add(CWideString(pszName)); ColorDisplays.Add(CWideString(pszName2)); ColorToolTips.Add(CWideString(pszName3)); break;
case TCB_SIZENAME: SizeNames.Add(CWideString(pszName)); SizeDisplays.Add(CWideString(pszName2)); SizeToolTips.Add(CWideString(pszName3)); break;
case TCB_SUBSTTABLE: { int iTableIndex = GetSubstTableIndex(pszName);
if (iTableIndex == -1) // Not found, add one
{ sSubstTable s; s.sName = pszName; s.iFirstIndex = -1; s.cItems = 0;
SubstNames.Add(s); iTableIndex = SubstNames.GetSize() - 1; } if (0 == AsciiStrCmpI(pszName2, SUBST_TABLE_INCLUDE)) { int iSecondTableIndex = GetSubstTableIndex(pszName3);
if (iSecondTableIndex == -1) { SET_LAST_ERROR(MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)); return FALSE; } else { // Copy the symbols in the new table
for (UINT iSymbol = SubstNames[iSecondTableIndex].iFirstIndex; iSymbol < SubstNames[iSecondTableIndex].iFirstIndex + SubstNames[iSecondTableIndex].cItems; iSymbol++) { if (SubstNames[iTableIndex].iFirstIndex == -1) { SubstNames[iTableIndex].iFirstIndex = SubstValues.GetSize(); } SubstNames[iTableIndex].cItems++; SubstIds.Add(CWideString(SubstIds[iSymbol])); SubstValues.Add(CWideString(SubstValues[iSymbol])); } } } else if (pszName2 != NULL && pszName3 != NULL) { // If the table was pre-created, update it
if (SubstNames[iTableIndex].iFirstIndex == -1) { SubstNames[iTableIndex].iFirstIndex = SubstValues.GetSize(); } SubstNames[iTableIndex].cItems++; SubstIds.Add(CWideString(pszName2)); SubstValues.Add(CWideString(pszName3)); } break; }
case TCB_NEEDSUBST: GetSubstValue(pszName, pszName2, (LPWSTR) pszName3); break;
case TCB_CDFILENAME: WCHAR szResName[_MAX_PATH+1]; MakeResName(pszName, szResName);
ResFileNames.Add(CWideString(szResName)); MinDepths.Add(nDefaultDepth); BaseResFileNames.Add(CWideString(pszName)); OrigFileNames.Add(CWideString(pszName2)); break;
case TCB_CDFILECOMBO: MakeResName(pszName, szResName);
hr = ApplyCombos(szResName, pszName2, pszName3); if (FAILED(hr)) { SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); return FALSE; } break; case TCB_DOCPROPERTY: if ((iIndex < 0) || (iIndex >= ARRAYSIZE(DocProperties))) return FALSE; DocProperties[iIndex] = pszName; break;
case TCB_MINCOLORDEPTH: MakeResName(pszName, szResName);
int iRes; if (SUCCEEDED(GetFileIndex(szResName, &iRes))) { MinDepths[iRes] = iIndex; } break; }
SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT OpenOutFile(FILE *&outfile, LPCWSTR pszRcName, LPCWSTR pszBaseName) { if (! outfile) // first time thru
{ //---- open out file ----
outfile = _wfopen(pszRcName, L"wt"); if (! outfile) { fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Error - cannot open file: %s\n", pszRcName);
return MakeError32(E_FAIL); }
OutputDashLine(outfile); fwprintf(outfile, L"// %s.rc - used to build the %s theme DLL\n", pszBaseName, pszBaseName); OutputDashLine(outfile); }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT ProcessContainerFile(LPCWSTR pszDir, LPCWSTR pszInputName, FILE *&outfile) { HRESULT hr; //---- output .ini filename as a resource ----
WCHAR fullname[_MAX_PATH+1]; wsprintf(fullname, L"%s\\%s", pszDir, pszInputName);
if (! g_fQuietRun) fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"processing container file: %s\n", fullname);
hr = OutputResourceLine(fullname, outfile, PACK_INIFILE); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Error reading themes.ini file"); goto exit; }
OutputDashLine(outfile); int oldcnt = g_LineCount;
//---- scan the themes.ini files for color, size, & file sections; write 'em to the .rc file ----
WCHAR szErrMsg[4096];
hr = _ParseThemeIniFile(fullname, flags, FnCallBack, (LPARAM)outfile); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Error parsing themes.ini file"); goto exit; }
if (g_LineCount > oldcnt) OutputDashLine(outfile);
exit: return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT ProcessClassDataFile(LPCWSTR pszFileName, FILE *&outfile, LPCWSTR pszResFileName, LPCWSTR pszInputDir) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR szFullName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szTempName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pBS = NULL;
hr = hr_lstrcpy(g_szCurrentClass, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(g_szCurrentClass)); // make avail to everybody
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pBS = wcschr(g_szCurrentClass, L'\\');
if (pBS) { *pBS = L'_'; *(pBS + 1) = L'\0'; } } if (pBS == NULL) // If there's no '\', don't use the class name
{ g_szCurrentClass[0] = 0; }
hr = hr_lstrcpy(g_szInputDir, pszInputDir, ARRAYSIZE(g_szInputDir)); // make avail to everybody
if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = AddPathIfNeeded(pszFileName, pszInputDir, szFullName, ARRAYSIZE(szFullName)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- extract base ini name ----
WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szExt[_MAX_EXT]; _wsplitpath(szFullName, szDrive, szDir, g_szBaseIniName, szExt); if (! g_fQuietRun) fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"processing classdata file: %s\n", pszFileName);
//---- Create a temporary INI file with the substituted values
UINT cTablesCount = SubstNames.GetSize(); for (UINT i = 0; i < cTablesCount; i++) { if (0 == AsciiStrCmpI(SubstNames[i].sName, pszResFileName)) { // Section used in the string table
wcscpy(g_szBaseIniName, SubstNames[i].sName); // Create the temp file
DWORD len = lstrlen(g_szTempPath); if ((len) && (g_szTempPath[len-1] == '\\')) wsprintf(szTempName, L"%s$%s%s", g_szTempPath, pszResFileName, szExt); else wsprintf(szTempName, L"%s\\$%s%s", g_szTempPath, pszResFileName, szExt); if (lstrcmpi(szFullName, szTempName)) { CopyFile(szFullName, szTempName, FALSE); SetFileAttributes(szTempName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); wcscpy(szFullName, szTempName); } break; } }
//---- output .ini filename as a resource ----
hr = OutputResourceLine(szFullName, outfile, PACK_INIFILE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
OutputDashLine(outfile); int oldcnt; oldcnt = g_LineCount;
//---- scan the classdata .ini file for valid filenames & fonts; write 'em to the .rc file ----
hr = _ParseThemeIniFile(szFullName, flags, FnCallBack, (LPARAM)outfile); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Error parsing classdata .ini file"); goto exit; }
if (g_LineCount > oldcnt) OutputDashLine(outfile);
hr = S_OK;
exit: return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT ProcessClassDataFiles(FILE *&outfile, LPCWSTR pszInputDir) { int cNames = OrigFileNames.GetSize();
for (int i=0; i < cNames; i++) { HRESULT hr = ProcessClassDataFile(OrigFileNames[i], outfile, BaseResFileNames[i], pszInputDir); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT OutputStringTable(FILE *outfile, CWideString *ppszStrings, UINT cStrings, int iBaseNum, LPCWSTR pszTitle, BOOL fLocalizable=TRUE, BOOL fMinDepths=FALSE) { if (! cStrings) return S_OK;
if (fLocalizable) { fwprintf(outfile, L"STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE // %s\n", pszTitle); } else // custom resource type
{ fwprintf(outfile, L"1 %s DISCARDABLE\n", pszTitle); }
fwprintf(outfile, L"BEGIN\n");
for (UINT c=0; c < cStrings; c++) { LPCWSTR p = ppszStrings[c]; if (! p) p = L"";
if (fLocalizable) fwprintf(outfile, L" %d \t\"%s\"\n", iBaseNum, p); else { if (fMinDepths) { fwprintf(outfile, L" %d,\n", MinDepths[c]); } else { fwprintf(outfile, L" L\"%s\\0\",\n", p); }
if (c == cStrings-1) // last entry
{ if (fMinDepths) { fwprintf(outfile, L" 0\n"); } else { fwprintf(outfile, L" L\"\\0\",\n"); } } }
iBaseNum++; }
fwprintf(outfile, L"END\n"); OutputDashLine(outfile);
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT OutputAllStringTables(FILE *outfile) { //---- output all non-localizable strings ----
if (ColorSchemes.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &ColorSchemes[0], ColorSchemes.GetSize(), 0, L"COLORNAMES", FALSE); }
if (SizeNames.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &SizeNames[0], SizeNames.GetSize(), 0, L"SIZENAMES", FALSE); }
if (ResFileNames.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &ResFileNames[0], ResFileNames.GetSize(), 0, L"FILERESNAMES", FALSE); }
if (MinDepths.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &ResFileNames[0], ResFileNames.GetSize(), 0, L"MINDEPTH", FALSE, TRUE); }
if (OrigFileNames.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &OrigFileNames[0], OrigFileNames.GetSize(), 0, L"ORIGFILENAMES", FALSE); }
//---- output all localizable strings ----
if (ColorDisplays.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &ColorDisplays[0], ColorDisplays.GetSize(), RES_BASENUM_COLORDISPLAYS, L"Color Display Names"); }
if (ColorToolTips.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &ColorToolTips[0], ColorToolTips.GetSize(), RES_BASENUM_COLORTOOLTIPS, L"Color ToolTips"); }
if (SizeDisplays.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &SizeDisplays[0], SizeDisplays.GetSize(), RES_BASENUM_SIZEDISPLAYS, L"Size Display Names"); }
if (SizeToolTips.GetSize()) { OutputStringTable(outfile, &SizeToolTips[0], SizeToolTips.GetSize(), RES_BASENUM_SIZETOOLTIPS, L"Size ToolTips"); }
OutputStringTable(outfile, &DocProperties[0], ARRAYSIZE(DocProperties), RES_BASENUM_DOCPROPERTIES, L"Doc PropValuePairs");
OutputStringTable(outfile, &PropValuePairs[0], PropValuePairs.GetSize(), RES_BASENUM_PROPVALUEPAIRS, L"PropValuePairs");
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL WriteBitmapHeader(CSimpleFile &cfOut, BYTE *pBytes, DWORD dwBytes) { BOOL fOK = FALSE; BYTE pbHdr1[] = {0x42, 0x4d}; BYTE pbHdr2[] = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}; int iFileLen;
//---- add bitmap hdr at front ----
HRESULT hr = cfOut.Write(pbHdr1, sizeof(pbHdr1)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Cannot write to output file"); goto exit; }
//---- add length of data ----
iFileLen = dwBytes + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); hr = cfOut.Write(&iFileLen, sizeof(int)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Cannot write to output file"); goto exit; }
hr = cfOut.Write(pbHdr2, sizeof(pbHdr2)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Cannot write to output file"); goto exit; }
//---- offset to bits (who's idea was *this* field?) ----
int iOffset, iColorTableSize; DWORD dwSize;
iOffset = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); dwSize = *(DWORD *)pBytes; iOffset += dwSize; iColorTableSize = 0;
switch (dwSize) { case sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER): BITMAPCOREHEADER *hdr1; hdr1 = (BITMAPCOREHEADER *)pBytes; if (hdr1->bcBitCount == 1) iColorTableSize = 2*sizeof(RGBTRIPLE); else if (hdr1->bcBitCount == 4) iColorTableSize = 16*sizeof(RGBTRIPLE); else if (hdr1->bcBitCount == 8) iColorTableSize = 256*sizeof(RGBTRIPLE); break;
case sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER): case sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER): case sizeof(BITMAPV5HEADER): BITMAPINFOHEADER *hdr2; hdr2 = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)pBytes; if (hdr2->biClrUsed) iColorTableSize = hdr2->biClrUsed*sizeof(RGBQUAD); else { if (hdr2->biBitCount == 1) iColorTableSize = 2*sizeof(RGBQUAD); else if (hdr2->biBitCount == 4) iColorTableSize = 16*sizeof(RGBQUAD); else if (hdr2->biBitCount == 8) iColorTableSize = 256*sizeof(RGBQUAD); } break; }
iOffset += iColorTableSize; hr = cfOut.Write(&iOffset, sizeof(int)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Cannot write to output file"); goto exit; }
exit: return fOK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK ResEnumerator(HMODULE hModule, LPCWSTR pszType, LPWSTR pszResName, LONG_PTR lParam) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fAnsi = (BOOL)lParam; BOOL fText = FALSE; RESOURCE BYTE *pBytes = NULL; CSimpleFile cfOut; DWORD dwBytes;
if (pszType != RT_BITMAP) fText = TRUE;
hr = GetPtrToResource(hModule, pszType, pszResName, (void **)&pBytes, &dwBytes); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"error reading file resources"); goto exit; }
//---- convert name to filename ----
WCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH+1]; lstrcpy(szFileName, pszResName); WCHAR *q; q = wcsrchr(szFileName, '_'); if (q) *q = '.'; if (! fText) fAnsi = FALSE; // don't translate if binary data
hr = cfOut.Create(szFileName, fAnsi); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Cannot create output file"); goto exit; }
if (! fText) { if (! WriteBitmapHeader(cfOut, pBytes, dwBytes)) goto exit; }
hr = cfOut.Write(pBytes, dwBytes); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Cannot write to output file"); goto exit; } exit: return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WriteBitmap(LPWSTR pszFileName, BITMAPINFOHEADER* pbmi, DWORD* pdwData) { DWORD dwLen = pbmi->biWidth * pbmi->biHeight;
CSimpleFile cfOut; cfOut.Create(pszFileName, FALSE);
BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfh = {0}; bmfh.bfType = 'MB'; bmfh.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (dwLen * sizeof(DWORD)); bmfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); cfOut.Write(&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); cfOut.Write(pbmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); cfOut.Write(pdwData, dwLen * sizeof(DWORD)); }
HRESULT ColorShift(LPWSTR pszFileName, int cchFileName) { HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (hdc) { HBITMAP hbm = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(0, pszFileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_LOADFROMFILE); if (hbm) { BITMAP bm; GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
DWORD dwLen = bm.bmWidth * bm.bmHeight; DWORD* pPixelQuads = new DWORD[dwLen]; if (pPixelQuads) { BITMAPINFO bi = {0}; bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = bm.bmWidth; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = bm.bmHeight; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
if (GetDIBits(hdc, hbm, 0, bm.bmHeight, pPixelQuads, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) { pszFileName[lstrlen(pszFileName) - 4] = 0;
WCHAR szFileNameR[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szFileNameR, L"%sR.bmp", pszFileName); WCHAR szFileNameG[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szFileNameG, L"%sG.bmp", pszFileName); WCHAR szFileNameB[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szFileNameB, L"%sB.bmp", pszFileName); WriteBitmap(szFileNameB, &bi.bmiHeader, pPixelQuads);
DWORD *pdw = pPixelQuads; for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwLen; i++) { COLORREF crTemp = *pdw; if (crTemp != RGB(255, 0, 255)) { crTemp = (crTemp & 0xff000000) | RGB(GetGValue(crTemp), GetBValue(crTemp), GetRValue(crTemp)); } *pdw = crTemp; pdw++; }
WriteBitmap(szFileNameR, &bi.bmiHeader, pPixelQuads);
pdw = pPixelQuads; for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwLen; i++) { COLORREF crTemp = *pdw; if (crTemp != RGB(255, 0, 255)) { crTemp = (crTemp & 0xff000000) | RGB(GetGValue(crTemp), GetBValue(crTemp), GetRValue(crTemp)); } *pdw = crTemp; pdw++; }
WriteBitmap(szFileNameG, &bi.bmiHeader, pPixelQuads); }
delete[] pPixelQuads; } DeleteObject(hbm); } ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT UnpackTheme(LPCWSTR pszFileName, BOOL fAnsi) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//---- load the file as a resource only DLL ----
RESOURCE HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibraryEx(pszFileName, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if (hInst) { //---- enum all bitmaps & write as files ----
if (! EnumResourceNames(hInst, RT_BITMAP, ResEnumerator, LPARAM(fAnsi))) hr = GetLastError();
//---- enum all .ini files & write as files ----
if (! EnumResourceNames(hInst, L"TEXTFILE", ResEnumerator, LPARAM(fAnsi))) hr = GetLastError();
//---- close the file ----
if (hInst) FreeLibrary(hInst); }
return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT PackTheme(LPCWSTR pszInputDir, LPWSTR pszOutputName, DWORD cchSize) { //---- is it a valid dir ----
DWORD dwMask = GetFileAttributes(pszInputDir); if ((dwMask == 0xffffffff) || (! (dwMask & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) { fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"\nError - not a valid directory name: %s\n", pszInputDir); return MakeError32(E_FAIL); }
//---- build: szDllName ----
WCHAR szDllName[_MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL fOutputDir = FALSE;
if (! *pszOutputName) // not specified - build from pszInputDir
{ WCHAR szFullDir[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR *pszBaseName;
DWORD val = GetFullPathName(pszInputDir, ARRAYSIZE(szFullDir), szFullDir, &pszBaseName); if (! val) return MakeErrorLast();
//---- make output dir same as input dir ----
wsprintf(szDllName, L"%s\\%s%s", pszInputDir, pszBaseName, THEMEDLL_EXT); } else // get full name of output file
{ DWORD val = GetFullPathName(pszOutputName, ARRAYSIZE(szDllName), szDllName, NULL); if (! val) return MakeErrorLast();
fOutputDir = TRUE; // don't remove temp files
// Give the caller the path so the file can be signed.
lstrcpyn(pszOutputName, szDllName, cchSize);
//--- delete the old target in case we have errors ----
//---- build: g_szTempPath, szDllRoot, szRcName, and szResName ----
WCHAR szDllRoot[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szResName[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szRcName[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szBaseName[_MAX_FNAME], szExt[_MAX_EXT];
_wsplitpath(szDllName, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, szExt);
_wmakepath(szDllRoot, L"", L"", szBaseName, szExt); _wmakepath(szRcName, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, L".rc"); _wmakepath(szResName, szDrive, szDir, szBaseName, L".res");
if (fOutputDir) _wmakepath(g_szTempPath, szDrive, szDir, L"", L""); else lstrcpy(g_szTempPath, L".");
FILE *outfile = NULL; OpenOutFile(outfile, szRcName, szBaseName);
//---- process the main container file ----
HRESULT hr = ProcessContainerFile(pszInputDir, CONTAINER_NAME, outfile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- process all classdata files that were defined in container file ----
hr = ProcessClassDataFiles(outfile, pszInputDir); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- output all string tables ----
hr = OutputAllStringTables(outfile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = OutputCombos(outfile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = OutputVersionInfo(outfile, szDllRoot, szBaseName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
fclose(outfile); outfile = NULL;
hr = BuildThemeDll(szRcName, szResName, szDllName);
exit: if (outfile) fclose(outfile);
if (ConsoleFile != stdout) fclose(ConsoleFile);
if (! g_fKeepTempFiles) RemoveTempFiles(szRcName, szResName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (! g_fQuietRun) fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Created %s\n", szDllName); return S_OK; }
if (! g_fQuietRun) fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Error occured - theme DLL not created\n"); return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PrintUsage() { fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"\nUsage: \n\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" packthem [-o <output name> ] [-k] [-q] <dirname>\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -m specifies the (full path) name of the image file you want to color shift\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -o specifies the (full path) name of the output file\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -k specifies that temp. files should be kept (not deleted)\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -d do not sign the file when building it\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -q quite mode (don't print header and progress msgs)\n\n");
fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" packthem -u [-a] <packed filename> \n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -u unpacks the packed file into its separate files in current dir\n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -a writes .ini files as ANSI (defaults to UNICODE)\n\n");
fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" packthem -p [-q] <packed filename> \n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -p Parses the localized packed file and reports errors\n\n");
fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" packthem [-c] [-q] <packed filename> \n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -c check the signature of the already created file\n\n");
fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" packthem [-s] [-q] <packed filename> \n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -s sign the already created file\n\n");
fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" packthem [-g] [-q] <packed filename> \n"); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L" -g generate public and private keys\n\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum eOperation { opPack = 1, opUnPack, opSign, opCheckSignature, opGenerateKeys, opParse, opColorShift }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern "C" WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE previnst, LPTSTR pszCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { //---- initialize globals from themeldr.lib ----
//---- initialize our globals ----
HRESULT hr = S_OK; int nWeek = -1;
UtilsStartUp(); LogStartUp();
WCHAR szOutputName[_MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; int retval = 1; // error, until prove otherwise
BOOL fAnsi = FALSE; BOOL fSkipSigning = FALSE; eOperation Operation = opPack;
LPCWSTR p = pszCmdLine; szOutputName[0] = 0; // Much faster than ={0};
//---- default to console until something else is specified ----
if (! ConsoleFile) { ConsoleFile = stdout; }
while ((*p == '-') || (*p == '/')) { p++; WCHAR sw = *p;
if (isupper(sw)) sw = (WCHAR)tolower(sw);
if (sw == 'e') { ConsoleFile = _wfopen(L"packthem.err", L"wt"); g_fQuietRun = TRUE; p++; } else if (sw == 'o') { WCHAR *q = szOutputName; p++; // skip over switch
while (iswspace(*p)) p++; while ((*p) && (! iswspace(*p))) *q++ = *p++;
*q = 0; // terminate the output name
} else if (sw == 'k') { g_fKeepTempFiles = TRUE; p++; } else if (sw == 'q') { g_fQuietRun = TRUE; p++; } else if (sw == 'm') { Operation = opColorShift;
WCHAR *q = szOutputName; p++; // skip over switch
while (iswspace(*p)) p++; while ((*p) && (! iswspace(*p))) *q++ = *p++;
*q = 0; // terminate the output name
} else if (sw == 'u') { Operation = opUnPack; p++; } else if (sw == 'd') { fSkipSigning = TRUE; p++; } else if (sw == 'c') { Operation = opCheckSignature; p++; } else if (sw == 'g') { Operation = opGenerateKeys; p++; } else if (sw == 's') { Operation = opSign; p++; } else if (sw == 'a') { fAnsi = TRUE; p++; } else if (sw == 'w') { fAnsi = TRUE; p++;
szWeek[0] = p[0]; szWeek[1] = p[1]; szWeek[2] = 0; if (StrToInt64ExInternalW(szWeek, 0, &(uli.QuadPart)) && (uli.QuadPart > 0)) { nWeek = (int)uli.LowPart; }
while ((L' ' != p[0]) && (0 != p[0])) { p++; } } else if (sw == 'p') { Operation = opParse; p++; } else if (sw == '?') { PrintUsage(); retval = 0; goto exit; } else { fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Error - unrecognized switch: %s\n", p); goto exit; }
while (iswspace(*p)) p++; }
LPCWSTR pszInputDir; pszInputDir = p;
if (! g_fQuietRun) { fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Microsoft (R) Theme Packager (Version %d)\n", PACKTHEM_VERSION); fwprintf(ConsoleFile, L"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2000. All rights reserved.\n"); }
//---- any cmdline arg specified? ----
if (Operation != opColorShift) { if ((! pszInputDir) || (! *pszInputDir)) { PrintUsage(); goto exit; } }
switch (Operation) { case opPack: hr = PackTheme(pszInputDir, szOutputName, ARRAYSIZE(szOutputName)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !fSkipSigning) { hr = SignTheme(szOutputName, nWeek); if (!g_fQuietRun) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Creating the signature succeeded\n"); } else { wprintf(L"The signature failed to be created. hr=%#08lx\n", hr); } } } break; case opUnPack: hr = UnpackTheme(pszInputDir, fAnsi); break; case opSign: // We don't sign it again if the signature is already valid.
if (FAILED(CheckThemeFileSignature(pszInputDir))) { // Needs signing.
hr = SignTheme(pszInputDir, nWeek); if (!g_fQuietRun) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Creating the signature succeeded\n"); } else { wprintf(L"The signature failed to be created. hr=%#08lx\n", hr); } } } else { if (!g_fQuietRun) { wprintf(L"The file was already signed and the signature is still valid."); } } break; case opCheckSignature: hr = CheckThemeFileSignature(pszInputDir); if (!g_fQuietRun) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wprintf(L"The signature is valid\n"); } else { wprintf(L"The signature is not valid. hr=%#08lx\n", hr); } } break; case opGenerateKeys: hr = GenerateKeys(pszInputDir); break; case opParse: hr = ParseTheme(pszInputDir); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportError(hr, L"Error during parsing"); goto exit; } else { wprintf(L"No errors parsing theme file\n"); } break; case opColorShift: hr = ColorShift(szOutputName, ARRAYSIZE(szOutputName)); break;
default: if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } break; };
retval = 0; // all OK
exit: UtilsShutDown(); LogShutDown();
return retval; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT LoadClassDataIni(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR pszColorName, LPCWSTR pszSizeName, LPWSTR pszFoundIniName, DWORD dwMaxIniNameChars, LPWSTR *ppIniData) { COLORSIZECOMBOS *combos; HRESULT hr = FindComboData(hInst, &combos); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
int iSizeIndex = 0; int iColorIndex = 0;
if ((pszColorName) && (* pszColorName)) { hr = GetColorSchemeIndex(hInst, pszColorName, &iColorIndex); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
if ((pszSizeName) && (* pszSizeName)) { hr = GetSizeIndex(hInst, pszSizeName, &iSizeIndex); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
int filenum = COMBOENTRY(combos, iColorIndex, iSizeIndex); if (filenum == -1) return MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
//---- locate resname for classdata file "filenum" ----
hr = GetResString(hInst, L"FILERESNAMES", filenum, pszFoundIniName, dwMaxIniNameChars); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = AllocateTextResource(hInst, pszFoundIniName, ppIniData); }
return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse the theme to detect localization errors
HRESULT ParseTheme(LPCWSTR pszThemeName) { // Dummy callback class needed by the parser
class CParserCallBack: public IParserCallBack { HRESULT AddIndex(LPCWSTR pszAppName, LPCWSTR pszClassName, int iPartNum, int iStateNum, int iIndex, int iLen) { return S_OK; }; HRESULT AddData(SHORT sTypeNum, PRIMVAL ePrimVal, const void *pData, DWORD dwLen) { return S_OK; }; int GetNextDataIndex() { return 0; }; };
CParserCallBack *pParserCallBack = NULL; CThemeParser *pParser = NULL;
HRESULT hr; HINSTANCE hInst = NULL; WCHAR *pDataIni = NULL; WCHAR szClassDataName[_MAX_PATH+1];
//---- load the Color Scheme from "themes.ini" ----
hr = LoadThemeLibrary(pszThemeName, &hInst); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; pParser = new CThemeParser(FALSE); if (! pParser) { hr = MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto exit; }
pParserCallBack = new CParserCallBack; if (!pParserCallBack) { hr = MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto exit; }
for (DWORD c = 0; ; c++) { if (FAILED(_EnumThemeColors(hInst, pszThemeName, NULL, c, &tniColors, FALSE))) break;
for (DWORD s = 0 ; ; s++) { if (FAILED(_EnumThemeSizes(hInst, pszThemeName, tniColors.szName, s, &tniSizes, FALSE))) break;
//---- load the classdata file resource into memory ----
hr = LoadClassDataIni(hInst, tniColors.szName, tniSizes.szName, szClassDataName, ARRAYSIZE(szClassDataName), &pDataIni); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- parse & build binary theme ----
hr = pParser->ParseThemeBuffer(pDataIni, szClassDataName, NULL, hInst, pParserCallBack, FnCallBack, NULL, PTF_CLASSDATA_PARSE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
if (pDataIni) { delete [] pDataIni; pDataIni = NULL; } } }
if (hInst) FreeLibrary(hInst); if (pDataIni) delete [] pDataIni;
if (pParser) delete pParser;
if (pParserCallBack) delete pParserCallBack;
return hr; }